Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Sep 23, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #2'{}( MM bd humil slow )[2!39]

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PART 2 - First taste of cock

"What do you want? Speak up, boy!" Robert was firm rather than aggressive. He wants Jesper to lower his guard. The predator ring of eleven men had concluded that it wouldn't happen if Robert didn't push him, on and on again. He had to push with love and understanding, not with impatience or aggressiveness. If Robert did it right, the twink would be pushed to his limit and then surrender rather then pick a fight or flee.

Jesper was confused. At one level, he wanted to tell the man that he didn't have the right to talk to him this way. At one other level, he got hotter for every improper question the man aimed at him. The twink loved the intense attention he got. His brain wanted to protest, but his cock started to rise. This experience was an exceptionally good chance to meet a real man and perhaps evolve a relationship.

And why shouldn't Jesper become excited? Robert was a real man with experience and maturity that could give Jesper some of that safety he lacked. Jesper could learn from him. And now this man directed all his attention to Jesper. It was unbelievable.

"Jesper," the man said as he leaned closer to the twink, "I won't say anything to nobody. It's just between us. What was it you wanted when you asked someone to meet you for a drink? You put some effort into the website message. I'm here as you wanted. I have come to like you during our email exchange. I looked forward to this evening, to meet you. I want to know you. Don't you want to tell me? What do you want. . . Jesper . . . ?"

The twink blushed. He had never told anybody. Never put the words in his mouth, never talked about what he wanted. It was one thing to sit alone at home at night and write on the internet. A completely different thing to say it out loud to a man you start to like.

At last he whispered it. "I want someone to love, to be close to . . . To have sex with . . ."

"Hmm. Why don't you just pick up a girl here in the bar?" Robert was sarcastic and wanted the twink to spell it out.

"Because I'm gay. . . " There, at last, Jesper said it.

Robert smiled. "Ah . . . Is this the reason you wanted to meet me? To have sex?"

The twink blushed again. He wanted to vanish through the floor. This talk was embarrassing, and he didn't know how to get out of his predicament. But suddenly Robert put his big hand on the twink's hand and moved them both down to his thigh and then to the big man's crotch.

When the twink realized where Robert was putting his hand, he tried to pull it back. But Robert was anticipated the reaction. Before the twink knew what has happened, his hand was resting on Roberts most private parts.

Jesper was in shock. He couldn't believe the sensational arouse he felt by this intimacy. Robert smiled, and his cock was growing. Robert was certain the rest of the plan for the evening would work. Jesper didn't know it, but his journey toward submission had just started.

The twink was freaking out. He was feeling up a guy for the first time. Robert moved Jesper's hand around on the crotch of his pants so the twink could feel the whole thing, feel it getting hard.

"Stop . . . stop, what are you doing? Don't make me do this," the twink muttered as his hand went into a fist trying to stop what was happening.

"I don't think you really want to stop, Jesper. I believe you want to feel this. You've been dreaming about my cock for some time now. Don't you want to know what it's like to touch it? Don't you want to feel my cock? How big it is?"

Jesper didn't know what to say. Robert pressed on. "Yeah, look at that face of yours. You're all red and embarrassed because I'm right, aren't I? You want to touch a man's cock, don't you?"

The twink looked at the man and whispered "No, no . . . I can't do this." But at the same time he had opened up his fist, and he was now letting Robert move it around on his pants.

"Yes, you can. It's what you always wanted." Robert eased his grip on the twink's wrist, and Jesper didn't redraw his. Robert put his hands back up on the table, and Jesper continued to feel Roberts cock through the pants.

"See, you can do it. It's what you want, isn't it?" At last Jesper nodded yes.

Robert took this opportunity of truth to push him further. "Go on, unzip my pants," Robert said and moved himself a bit closer to the twink.

"What?" Jesper looked as if he didn't have heard correctly.

"You heard me. Do it. Get you hand in there and feel it properly. Feel what a man's cock feels like" Robert leaned forward on the table minimizing the possibility that anyone would see what was going on. Then he looked straight at the twink's eyes without saying anything.

Jesper looked nervously around the place, making sure no one was staring at them when he started to pull the zipper down.

"You're not wearing underwear," the twink moaned as his fingers went to the cock and around it. Robert begins to talk about something different, but Jesper didn't hear. He was mesmerized by the feeling of a hardening cock of another man.

When the waiter approaches their table Robert was prepared and took hold of the twink's arm when he tried to pull away. Robert wanted Jesper to continue to jerk him off under the table as they ordered their meal. As Robert had thought, it was deeply embarrassing for the twink to do a sexual act in front of an another person. He tried to pull away a second time. Robert stopped him.

"I didn't tell you to stop."

"But . . . he could see . . .", Jesper whined.

"Do you care? Honestly? I mean . . . you do already have your hand in my pants. Your pulling my cock like it's no tomorrow." It shut him up. And the twink reacted exactly in the way Robert hoped for: he surrendered and held the cock in his hand as the waiter took their order. Jesper locked down on the table, and Robert had to order for them both. Jesper sat silent and didn't protest when Robert decided without asking what he wanted to eat.

This interplay was one important humiliating test that would be central in Jesper's life if the predator's ring succeeded in capturing him. Robert could with delight see that the twink didn't turn off sexually by being watch. After the first hesitation, he eagerly held the cock as Robert spooked with the waiter. Neither did the twink lose interest when he was dominated.

"You like that cock, don't you? Since I said that you could feel me up, you haven't let go. Shouldn't you be thankful . . . ?" Robert said it with an easy-going voice, even if he meant it and wanted to see how the twink reacted to this demand of thankfulness and sort of gentle submission.

"Thank you," the twink whispered.

"That's nice, Jesper. A good boy should always express his gratitude when he is allowed into sexual actions. Let your partner know you appreciate it." Robert was eager to plant seeds of submission in the twink's mind, seeds of voluntary submission to other men.

Robert stood up, the twink's hand fall out of the pants. Robert zipped up. "Come on. I need to piss." Jesper got up and followed him, like a good submissive twink. He didn't think about it at all, just followed suit into the restaurant's restroom. Robert went up to the urinals and pulled his cock out. He was still half-hard from the hand job. He sighed as he started to piss and saw Jesper staring without trying to hide his interest as he also used the urinal.

"Can't stop, can you? Now you have seen it and touched it, you want to suck it, don't you?" Robert could see it in his eyes. The twink was scared that someone could discover what they were talking about. But he was also aroused. He didn't know what to do.

Robert wanted him to want to touch, to crave it, but at the same time be humiliated and embarrassed by his feelings. This twink needs love and physical closeness. To get it from Robert he will have to give in to his deeply hidden lust of sex and submission. The predator's gang wanted to put the twink on a journey toward being an obedient fuck toy. They want a boy who not only enjoys being fucked and used by real men but craving it. A boy conditioned to require a cock as a heroin addict requires a fix. They want to reduce him to nothing but an ass cunt that constantly needs filling.

Therefore, they want to make him ashamed of his feelings, confused about what's right and wrong and eventually letting other decide what he should do. They were prepared to give him plenty of attention disguised as love and mix it with tough demands. This seduction would put the twink on his way toward ever greater submission and guarantee great entertainment for the evil men in the gang.

"You gotta say it, though. Gotta ask for what you want, Jesper. How will any man ever know what you want, if you don't ask for it?" The twink blushed again and shook his head no.

"Why not? You want to. I know. I can tell. It's written all over your face. You're horny as hell, aren't you? " The twink didn't answer. He dropped his eyes and started to turn, but Robert grabbed his arm. He spun the twink towards one of the stalls in the restroom, his dick still hanging out of his pants. He threw the top of the seat down and pushed the twink down to sit as he closed the stall door behind him.

"Say it, Jesper. Tell me you want to suck my dick. Do it!"

"Nooo. I can't do it. Not here. I mean, I want to suck you. I really do." The words were suddenly streaming from his lips. "I want to suck your cock, but what if someone comes in here? What if someone finds out? What if . . ."

Robert smacked him across the cheek. Not too hard, but hard enough to make a point. The twink looked surprised and a little shocked, but he shut up. It seemed to have knocked some sense into him.

"You got to stop thinking about all the reasons you can't do something. Earlier tonight you said you couldn't rub my cock, but you did. Besides that, I want to get off. Now. What's all this fuss about? Haven't you sucked cock in a restroom before? Hm?"

Robert did, of course, know that Jesper probably never had sucked any cock anywhere, but he wanted the twink to admit it. By pointing out his lack of experience, Robert could drain the little self a steam the twink had. When he felt worthless, the jump from reluctant shyness to obedient sex toy got much shorter.

"When did you suck cock latest?"

He blushed and looked down to the floor. "Never. . . I have never sucked a cock before."

"But you know you want to. This moment is your opportunity. I want to fulfill your dream. I want to see your lips around my cock."

Robert put his hand on the back of the twink's head and started to pull it forward to his now hard cock. Jesper struggled with the man, trying to twist away, but he didn't fight too much.

"Open up!"

When he didn't, Robert rubbed his cock back and forth across the twink's pretty face, moving the dickhead across his lips.

"Just think, this is what you've always wanted, a man's cock to suck on. Here I am offering it to you, and you are trying to say no. I can't believe how ungrateful you are. Now open up, just put your tongue out and lick it."

The twink looked up. For Robert, it was extremely hot to see a jumpy boy staring up and have your dick ready to penetrating his face. He knew the twink would open up. Jesper was going to give in. He just needed to be pushed. Robert realized that he perhaps in his excitement had been more aggressive than intended. It was important that Jesper didn't get scared of him. Jesper had to confront his internal demons and needed to be pushed to do that. But it was essential that he didn't create a new demon in the shape of Robert, as an evil man.

Robert lets go of the twink's head and slowly started to put his cock away. He had to show Jesper that nothing would happen if he didn't want it to happen. That worked. Immediately!

Jesper put his head forward and opened his mouth. Robert held his cock out, and the twink's tongue came out.

"That's it, Jesper. Taste it. You've waited so long for this. Always wanted to taste a dick, now you have the best chance in your life. Lick it!"

The twink rolled his tongue around the head, and Robert gave a little moan letting the twink know he enjoyed what he was doing. It was, the predators ring had concluded, very important to push him and at the same time give encouragement. If he got approval and receive praise, it would be easier to secure the road to submission.

Jesper was excited and at the same time nervous. His heart was pounding. His cock was hard. For the first time ever, he got the chance to taste and feel a man's cock. He didn't like the surroundings. He wanted to do this in a cozy bed in a private home, but those objections disappeared from his mind when he got contact with the man's big and hard cock. He forgot where he was.

Robert's dick was big. Jesper reached up and grabbed the hot throbbing cock. Then he opened his mouth and slid the cock in and started to suck it cautiously and slowly, moving his mouth back and forth over the hard shaft.

Jesper knew he was doing something right because he could hear the man moan. The cock had a musky masculine smell to it. The taste of his cock immediately made the mouth water, and he noticed that he was starting to make slurping sounds as he sucked on that big dick. The twink was becoming intoxicated by the taste and smell of this man's crouch. His head moved slowly back and forth. His lips and tongue slide along the hard cock.

Robert could just stand still, and the twink was going to town on his meat. "Now, that's nice, Jesper," he complimented. "See, you have always wanted to suck my cock. Tell me you want this."

The twink's head nodded in agreement.

Robert begins moaning louder and louder, saying "Oh fuck yeah, suck that cock! Suck it good."

The twink was taking more of the cock into his mouth and started to enjoy it.

"You're getting me close, kid. I'm going to blow my load in your mouth if you keep this up."

That was a signal to Jesper to increase the frantic pace he was establishing. Robert pulled completely out of his mouth, holding his dick in his hand.

"If you want my load, you need to ask for it. I want to hear you begging for it."

"Please," he whispered. "Please."

"Please what? Tell me what it is you want."

"Please let me suck your cock. Please let me taste your load." It was great to hear this virgin twink finally saying what he really wanted.

"Now, that's nice, cocksucker. Remember to tell a real man what you want. Otherwise, how is he going to know what it is you need? You understand me?" Robert waved his dick around in front of Jesper's face a bit more to tease him.

"Yes. I understand . . . please . . ."

Robert smacked the twink's lips with his cock and the twink immediately opened his mouth. In the same moment, Robert noticed the twink was playing with himself through his pants. Robert smacked the twink's hand.

"Stop playing with yourself, cocksucker. Pay attention to my cock! You can jerk off later thinking about me using your face," Robert told him.

Robert started pumping again, moving in and out with a nice regular speed. "That's it. Take it cocksucker. You're going to get my load soon, and when it comes, you better swallow it."

Robert could feel his balls tightening. It had been at least a week since he dumped a load in a warm hole. The way the twink was sucking, Robert was going to blow soon.

"Fuck, here it comes. Get ready to take it. Going . . . to . . . cummmmm."

Jesper felt cum hit the back of his throat and his tongue with some force.


Jesper was enjoying this immensely. At last he had tasted cock, and he loved it. To get this close to a man's baby maker was wonderful. To receive shots of his sperm inside his mouth, as the man was enjoying it to the full, was indescribable.

Without any prompting, at all he thanked Robert.

"Good! I didn't even need to tell you to thank me, kid. I like that. You learn quickly."

Robert put his cock back in the pants and went out of the stall. "I'm going back out to the table. Do what you need to do, and then you come out and join me."

Jesper was left sitting there with a stupid grin on his face, and the man's load slowly dripping out of his mouth. His first encounter with a man had not been as he had planned. It had been more brutal and impersonal than he ever could imagine. But he was . . . happy. He couldn't understand his feelings. The man was crud and shouldn't treat him this way. But at the same time he felt satisfied as never before.

Robert was back out at the table. He was very pleased. The twink was on the right course. No doubt about it. Just after a minute or two Jesper was back, looking sheepish.

"I have to tell you, cocksucker: That was a damn good blow job you just gave me." Jesper turned red and started looking around again. Robert wasn't talking loud, but he didn't care if someone else could hear or not. Jesper wasn't comfortable to be called a cocksucker, but he knew he couldn't protest. It was true after this evening.

"If that actually were your first time, you could get really good at it," Robert said.

"I never did that before. I . . . I don't wanna talk about it here," the tentativeness was clear in his voice, "can't we do it somewhere else, Robert?"

After the dinner, it was obvious that Jesper wanted the evening with Robert to continue. Even if the man had violated his integrity and forced him to do things he wasn't prepared for, he wanted to be with him. But the gang wanted to increase the twink's sexual lust and longing for it, in clear purpose to do him more receptive and ready to be pushed and manipulated ever further.

Robert excused himself for not clear the evening, but he couldn't know that it was going to be so splendid. Jesper was disappointed. He wondered shyly if they perhaps could meet again the following day. "I'm afraid that will be difficult. Have to do a business trip overseas," Robert answered. Jesper looked down at the floor.

"We have to keep contact, thou. Let's change cell phone numbers." Robert and the gang already know it, of course, but they wanted the twink to have Roberts number. Robert and Jesper hugged each other and went their separate ways.

Jesper had a huge boner as he traveled back to his empty student room. As soon as he was home, he quickly undressed, lay down on his bed and started to beat off. Never in his life had he felt so horny. His dick was harder than ever. Jesper thought of Robert's cock and how wonderful it felt when Robert shot his load in his mouth. Most of all he loved he could make a real man as Robert to feel good. It was the first time he been present when someone else achieved orgasm. Just the thought of Roberts orgasm made him shot his wad. It went high up in the air and hit the wall behind his bed with a splash. The second and third ejaculation landed on his face and stomach.

Robert went directly to the predator's apartment and reported to the other ten men in the ring about his first encounter with their new prey. It became an up bet meeting. Everything had gone as planned, if not better. The twink didn't fight back when he was ordered around.

Most important: He didn't reject shameful invitations to execute sexual tasks. Not even in a shabby rest room where they could be exposed. The twink was desperate and an easy target.

"And the kid is damn good locking - better than the photos he posted," said Robert to finish his statement. "I wanted to fuck him right there and then."

With a lot of beer and whiskey, they planned the next moves all night.

Next: Part 3 - Undressed in a park

This story is inspired by many great writers of erotic stories. For me, it began with pocket books ordered - by fax machine - from the US to me in Scandinavia. I enjoyed works like John Preston's "The Arena" and short stories by Aaron Travis in "The Flesh Fables".

But it got so much easier with sites like Nifty. Don't forget to donate some money to Nifty for their excellent work to keep the site open and updated.

I also want to give credit to those more resent writers who have given me not so few pleasant hours. This part of my story, for example, is inspired by Callibrn here at Nifty and the dialog in "Jake's Tail" and the magnificent settings in "Understanding My Submission".

Next: Chapter 3

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