Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Oct 24, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #19' {} ( MM bd humil slow ) [19!39]

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 19 - Traveling in a car trunk

When Anders and Jesper arrived at the apartment, all the other ring members were already there. Anders put an arm around Jesper's shoulder and announced the news they all was waiting for.

"He is ours, from now on. Our property!" Jesper blushed. He was both scared and excited.

Everybody applauded and cheered. Now the game really could start. They wanted to break through new boundaries of his integrity. It was time to tighten their grip. Anders did as they had planned and immediately introduced one condition that would symbolize their ownership of the twink.

"Strip," Anders said as soon as the exultant crowd got silent.

"Ooooh! Where is the thong!?" someone cried out when Jesper had removed all his clothes and they all could see it wasn't in its place.

"I removed it as a reward when our puppy obediently let everybody fuck his pussy at the club earlier tonight," Anders explained. To the guys delight, his cock started to harden. Anders took hold of it and wanked it a couple of times until it was rock hard.

"As I said, our boy has agreed to be our property from now on. I think it's proper to mark this occasion with a new rule." Anders held something up and show it the crowd. They all smiled. Anders gives it to Jesper. He had no idea what it was.

"Okay, it's a chastity device in steel. It's put around a guy's cock and balls and will keep him from getting an erection. Once it is locked on it's pretty much impossible to get it off without the key."

Jesper's eyes widened as he heard that.

"This goes to your balls, and your cock goes inside this small tube. Your cock will stay flaccid and looked up. You can't remove it without this key. And we will control the key and will decide when you can get hard," Anders explains.

"But why?"

"Up to now you had the power to remove the thong. It was up to your wish if you wanted to follow our suggestion not to wank during weekdays. From now on we will control your cock. Not you. We will not allow you to cum unless we want you to. We claim our ownership of that cock," he answers as if it was the most self-evident thing in the world.

Jesper was once more confused. Part of him wanted to run, but part of him wanted the attention so badly. They saw the prey was surrendering.

"Okay, give me that stool," Anders said to the gang and someone walked over with it.

"Sit down and spread your legs." Anders looked at Peter. As they planned earlier, a plastic bag with pieces of ice was prepared. Anders put the bag on Jesper's crotch. He jumped, but Anders assured him it was alright.

"We have to get that horny little clit down."

Anders took the chastity device and clamped it around Jesper's cock and balls and locked it. The metal felt cold and heavy on Jesper's cock. He felt trapped.

"This will remind you who owns you. It tells you who is in charge of your body, okay?"

"I guess so," Jesper said as he locked down to the strange device.

"Don't guess. You have to choose. Either we own you and you keep the device on, or you decides to leave. We will release you and you are a free man to walk away. But then you will never come back."

"No! No. I. . . I am your property. You own my body."

"Right," Anders said as a matter of fact as if the answer was trivial and self-evident. Something every good looking teenager would do.

"From now on you have to behave. Do as you're told without hesitation or argument. If you do, we will take the device off. Okay?"

"Okay," Jesper answered with defeat in his voice.

Anders didn't tell him the gang from now on would demand much more of him before they were prepared to allow such a big reward.

The gang was delighted with the progress. It was the first serious bondage the twink was confronted with, and he accepted it almost without any sign of objection.

The following week Jesper was at the University as usual. He meets Steve several times but just to take a coffee or lunch. He was almost disappointed Steve didn't demand sex in the library restroom.

In the apartment, Jesper continues to be naked, except for the chastity device. The big difference was that Anders was staying with him in the apartment, not Marcelo. Jesper didn't say anything about it, and Anders never asked.

On Friday evening, several of the ring members arrive. They all check him out and comments on how nice the new device looks. They smack his butt, run hands over his shoulders and arms and grab his pecs. It has become something natural for the twink to have craving hands all over his body.

The men have with them pizza boxes. They began eating and drinking beers. Like some kind of game, they decided that Jesper isn't allowed to eat by himself. He is ordered to hold his hands behind his back. The men feed him pizza slices. They talks and laughs as it was the most natural thing in the world to have a cute teenager sitting naked, with a chastity device around his dick, among several older men.

In between their talk about sports or films someone of them asks Jesper if he wants a bite. He is hungry and nods yes even if it's a bit humiliating. Ahmed put a pizza slice forward with the soft part against Jesper's mouth. It's too big and slack. By instinct, Jesper moves his hands toward the food. Ahmed pulls the slice away.

"No, no, no! Don't touch the food. Put your hands behind your back. We want to feed you." Ahmed said.

"Shouldn't we tie his hand? Don't we have any handcuffs around?" Peter asked.

"No. Perhaps we ought to buy a couple. But I think our puppy will comply, don't you?" Marcelo said as he looked at Jesper. They hadn't spoken to each other since Jesper understood Marcelo hadn't been honest about their relationship.

"Yes." Looking down to the table he put his hand on his back.

Ahmed moves the slice forward again. Jesper just opens his mouth. Ahmed pushes it in, but it's too big. When Jesper bite, some of it falls to his naked chest and down on the floor. Ahmed pushes the slice into the boy's mouth again. Jesper bites. More falls away, and some of it smears in his face. The men find it funny and laugh as the boy tries to eat.

"You missed some of the food," Peter said and looked at the floor. "Eat it up. No hands!" The men smile and look on as Jesper moves from his chair down to the floor and put his head on the floor to catch the pizza scraps with his teeth's. It is humiliating to stand on all four and eat food from the floor. But strangely Jesper felt it makes him horny.

As he bent his head down to the floor a finger entering his pussy. A jolt of energy goes through his body. Nobody has penetrated him since the chastity device was looked on him last weekend. He moves his ass back to take more of the finger inside.

The men applaud him. "Good puppy!" Robert takes hold of the twink as he sit up and use a napkin to clean his face.

"Okay, I've eaten and now I want to fuck him," Ahmed said.

"Go ahead. It's what he's here for. Take him to the living room", Anders is unusually cold in his voice. Peter took a hard grip around the twink's neck and moved him from the kitchen table.

"This is going to be great," Ahmed said enthusiastically. "I have waited for it the whole week."

When they reach the sofa Peter said, "Sit down on your knees on the sofa, with your head against to the wall and ass sticking out." Jesper does as he is told. He is hoping these activities eventually will end with him being allowed to jerk off. He is hot. His cock wants to rise.

"More ass! More of your ass out, cunt!" Jesper understood they want easy access and moves his body to put out his ass in a perverted way.

"That's right!" Jesper hears a zipper opening and soon a dick slides up his ass in one stroke. Ahmed's dick isn't that big. He pushes in and out, but surprisingly soon he moan and empties his load in the twink.

"Damn, what a hot pussy this is. I couldn't hold it back." As Ahmed moves away, Anders steps forward.

"Stay right there! You look very sexy this way. And we aren't ready jet. It's my turn." Anders pushes in his significant bigger tool. Jesper moans. The big dick feels so good. He wants to jerk off, but can't. Anders gives his ass a hard drilling. As soon he is finished, Peter moves in.

He fucks the exposed ass even harder. He slaps the boy's cheeks until they are red. It was the second time he experiences spanking. He didn't particularly like it, but it created a new level of awareness of his body.

Last of them, Marcelo fucks the twink. He talked to his ear, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I wanted to share you with my friends from the beginning. I'm not in the business of becoming trapped in the idea of being a couple. But I love you, in my way. I want you to be happy and I think you are happier now than when I find you in your loneliness." Then he raised his voice so everybody could hear, "And this cunt is the best in town."

They laughed, even Jesper smiled. He knows he should have known that a character as Marcelo wouldn't be satisfied with one lover.

When they were done, they sat down on the sofa as they told Jesper to serve coffee. Naked, he walked around and poured coffee into their cups. The men continued to caress the naked twink on his thighs, stomach and pecs. They didn't touch his crotch. Jesper started to be impatient. Didn't they want to see him shoot his wad? He would do anything for the prospect of cumming. But he didn't dare to say anything.

When they all had left except Anders, Jesper asked if he could take the device off.

"No, not tonight."

"But when?"

"Why the hurry?"

"I want to wank my dick. Haven't done it in ages."

"But don't we have an agreement about who own your dick?" Anders looked with anger at the boy as he was rebelling.

"But. . ."

"Who owns your dick!!"

"You do."

"Say it."

"You own my dick."

"And we have decided that it's not the right time for it to shoot. If you don't like that, you can leave this apartment and never come back!"

Jesper got afraid by those words. He was so deep in the transformation to a docile whore that he wasn't contemplating this choice, exactly as the gang had predicted.

"We want to take care of you. We have plans for you. And they require that you don't waste your precious liquid." Anders changed approach when the boy didn't escalate the conflict. He hugged the twink and kissed him.

"What plans?"

"You see on the summer break. It's just some weeks away."

The twink didn't fight his right to jerk off. And he became accustomed to being fucked in the apartment by some men several evenings every week. His reward was to be an important instrument at their convenience. He had to learn to find contentment with his limited role and total lack of influence in the gang. He felt tenderness despite their tough-guy attitudes. In every touch of their hard, muscular bodies he feels their immense strength and power and it made him hot.

Every time a hard cock with a firm jab enters his pussy he squeezes tightly around the dick. He moans loudly as it is thrust deeper into him. The pleasure of a wet hole massaging the throbbing cock is what the men want. They claim what is rightfully theirs, and Jesper want to oblige and receive their praises and fondness. He offers them his body willingly and they love him for it.

Then the summer break begins. Jesper was as usually completely naked in the apartment. Marcelo arrived and kissed the twink passionately, but their relation is different. He was one of the gang and Jesper didn't have any special feelings for him. To his own surprise, Jesper wasn't angry or disappointed, but distant. Marcelo inspected the boy and his hairless crotch. Then he drops a pair of old gym shorts and sneakers on the floor in front of Jesper.

"Put those on. We have a trip to do."

Jesper pulls them on. "Let's go." When they approach the front door, Jesper realized that he was going out on the street almost naked. Briefly Jesper considered refusing to follow Marcelo out but, not only does he know that it would be futile, he also feels a shiver of exhibitionistic delight at the prospect of being spotted.

Jesper follows him out in the stairwell and then out on the back street and to the parked car. They don't meet anyone on the way out.

Marcelo opened the trunk.

"Get in."

"I. . ." Jesper stopped talking the instant he saw the anger flare in Marcelo's eyes. Jesper obediently climbs into the trunk and lay down on the rug in it.

"Now, give me the shorts and sneakers back."

Jesper peels them off and hands them to him even if he didn't want to. He was now completely naked in a car's trunk. The darkness was total when Marcelo closed the lid and Jesper got a sense of rising anxiety. The journey is surprisingly long. They most have left the town and were driving out to the countryside. Eventually the car stopped. It seemed a long time until Marcelo opened the trunk.

Jesper blinked at the new light when the trunk was opened. Then he can focus he see several guys looking down on him. They enjoy the twink's situation and his nakedness.

"Follow me," Anders tells him. Jesper passes the men he now recognize and moves naked after Anders. It isn't easy to walk barefooted on the gravel. Some of the men slap his buttocks.

The house is some kind of small farm transformed into a private club. Jesper was guided to a barn. On the inside it was rebuilt to a big room with a big bar, with wooden floor, wooden walls and wooden ceiling. Anders points to a cage in one corner. The bars were far between but in rough iron.

Jesper looked wondering at Anders.

"Get in. This will be your home this weekend." The eleven men watched the twink as he goes down on his knees and crawl inside. Jesper knows that Anders wouldn't be pleased if he didn't obey. And for some reason this about obeying was on top off his mind, not the fact that they demanded him to move inside a cage.

"I will not shut and lock the door to the cage. I know you will obey and crawl inside when your service isn't required of anyone. I'm I right?"


"Good. . . Gentlemen! Let's take a beer. Welcome!"

The men talked and discussed with each other without paying any interest in Jesper. He sat naked and uncomfortable in the cage. The men wanted to drink some alcohol before the game started. To leave him alone was also a way to show Jesper how boring it was when he wasn't in the center of attention and being used.

When the men had two or three beers or drinks in their stomach, Anders went to the cage and pointed to the boy to crawl out and to stand up. When he did, Anders put a hand on his shoulders and moved him to another corner of the bar. There Marcelo lifted up heavy leather handcuffs.

"It's not to tie you down, but to lift you up," Marcelo said in a calm way. He straps the handcuffs to the twink's wrists, and then one other set of leather restraints around his ankles. Between them are an iron bar that spread his ankles wide apart. From the ceiling, Anders lowers a hook. Quickly the bar and the handcuffs are attached to the hook and Jesper hoisted up in the air, with his arms and legs pointing to the ceiling.

All the men applauded the arrangement of their new prey. He was bound, naked, helpless and totally accessible. They stepped forward and started to caress the naked body. Never had the boy was more exposed. Men fingered his balls, his pussy, his thighs, his arms, his pecs.

Then they left him to take new drinks and sits down talking and watching the boy hang there. Marcelo moved back to the boy, took hold of his ball sac and started to squeeze it. Jesper moaned. No one had touched his private parts in weeks. Every touch created an electric shockwave in the boy's brain.

"Does it feel good?" Marcelo asked.

"Yeeeeessss. Please, release my cock, please. . ."

"Not quite yet." Marcelo smiles and let go of the boy balls. He now knew the boy wouldn't take harm by the rough treatment. He needed to cum even if it meant to be gang banged. Marcelo moved to the other men to take a beer. They chattered and laughed.

Jesper grows increasingly uncomfortable tied this way. He was completely helpless and couldn't get free. He closed his eyes and was longing for cocks to penetrate him.

Suddenly he is brought back to reality. The fat guy, Lars, grabbed his balls in a hard and rough way. He started to swing the free hanging boy, dragging him along by his balls.

"It's like a merry-go-round at an amusement park, isn't it," the guy laugh. The pain makes Jesper beg him to stop. The fat guy let lose the balls but instead he starts to strike the boy's bottom to make him swing. He circles the body and striking him as he goes.

"Why should you have all the fun, Lars?" Linus asked as he moved to him. Linus and Lars pushed the boy to swing between each other, touching him everywhere while they had the chance. It increased his awareness of how helpless he was. He was a toy, a piece of meat. An object. More of the men came forward and took part in the game of tossing the body around. They speak with each other but not to the twink. Rather about him, as if he wasn't there.

"This position is interesting. I have never fucked a pussy in this way. Have you?"

"Yes. Anders had a boy here at the farm some time ago. But he wasn't at all as good looking as this one."

Jesper saw it was Ahmed. He stepped up and greases the boy's hole. He slips a couple of fingers in to spread the grease.

"The pussy is ready for you," Ahmed said to Lars. He stepped close and pushed his cock into the boy's pussy. Jesper almost didn't feel his small dick. Ahmed moved to the boy's head, takes his cock out and slaps it in the boy's face.

"Do you want it, boy?"


"Speak up."

"Yes, I want to suck your cock."

"Then open big and hold it wide open as Marcelo taught you." Jesper now knows that Marcelo had told them everything about their experience together. But then his dark dick entered his mouth, Jesper had to concentrate on relaxing his throat.

Ahmed held the boy's upside down head and told Lars to move out of the boy for a moment. Then Ahmed moves the hanging body forward and back on his cock as it penetrated the boy's throat. He stands still as he fucks the boy's face by moving him back and forth. His dick is rock hard. It enters smoothly. His precum oozed onto Jesper's tongue.

Lars was eager to get into the warm cavity again. He takes hold of the boy and stops the swinging. He moves in and Jesper feels the fat belly against his butt. Two cocks fuck him in earnest. Jesper feels his cock hardening, but being denied space by the chastity device. Two loads are soon poured into the boy's holes.

Anders moves in behind the boy's upturned ass. He pulls the boy toward him and his cock is buried in the pussy. His cock disappears. The boy swaying in the air as Anders fucks him partly thrusting his hips and partly pulling the body against him. He does it for a while and then pulls out and passes the boy body to Robert. He slides the boy forward and then pulls him back hard against him as he pounds into the ass.

He fucks hard and then swings the body to the next man. They take turns fucking the boy up the ass. They stay still in a circle and swing the twink around. Some of the men go at it with a vengeance fucking the pussy really hard and then shoots their loads inside. Other takes it easy, use his hole for a moment and then pass it along. This way they can enter him again and again.

Marcelo caressed the exposed body and asked him, "Isn't it great to be owned? You are in the center of our universe. We take care of you." Then he passes the swinging body to the next man. It was Ahmed. He penetrates the ass muscle with a moan.

"Yeah, as our puppy you have no trouble. And you just have to give this pussy up whenever someone wants it." Ahmed fucks him until he shoots his semen inside the twink. With a smack on the twink's bottom, he redraws his dick.

Marcelo moved to the boy's face and kissed him as others untied him and carried him outside to the grass. The men gathered around the twink laying on the grass.

"Now we all want to baptize you in our holy yellow water. You should be proud. You will now be initiated to our gang. Your new name is puppy. We shall all take care of you and train you to your new role in life."

Anders started to piss on his chest. It splatted around as it hit his young skin. Other followed along. They pissed all over him. When Peter pointed his jet at his head he said, "Open your mouth!"

Jesper obeyed. Several men directed their piss to his head and mouth. When finished, Jesper opened his eyes. It was a peculiar view to see many older men stare down on him as they had emptied their bladder onto his naked body.

Suddenly Anders straddle over his head and pointed his dick at the twink's face. "Open your mouth!" When he did Anders started to piss again. "Swallow it!" When he did, the men cheered him on. "Yeah! That's right! This puppy is a pro."

Anders put his dick, still pissing, inside the mouth and Jesper closed his lips around it. Anders continued to piss and Jesper swallowed.

"Yeah. I like this. Good boy." When Anders was done, he redrew and stood up. The men smiled and moved back to the bar section.

Jesper was soaked in piss. Robert came back and told him to rise to standing position. As soon as he did Robert turned on a hose he directed at the naked body. The water was cold, ice cold. "Turn around. We have to remove all the piss."

Robert handed him a big towel. "You do well. Everybody is pleased with you. It's great entertainment for us all to use you this way. You really are a whore, aren't you?" Robert said it as a joke as he ruffled the twink's blond hair and smiled. Jesper smiled back.

"Yes I'm a whore for big dicks," Jesper responded. Robert made him feel safe. He was more caring than the others.

Robert was a childhood friend with Anders, but his career had stalled. He was a finance officer for a company in economic trouble. In his youth, he was an attractive player at gay parties, but now in his 40's he wasn't as confident as before, even if he was good at hiding those feelings. When Anders invited him to the ring, he jumped at the idea. After Marcelo, he was the most successful of the members in catching Jesper.

Robert led the naked twink back into the barn. They passed the men at the bar to the cage. Robert hugged their new puppy then told him, "Get in! It's your home for the night. This way you are accessible to everybody when we need you."

"Can't I sleep with you? Please." Jesper didn't want to be left alone in this cage.

"No. You need to be here. You will not be alone. Guys will come here and visit you. Just try to sleep when you can."

Next: part 20 - Double dicked

Next: Chapter 20

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