Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Oct 21, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #17' {} ( MM bd humil slow ) [17!39]

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 17 - To make a living

"Do you want to move in here with me?"

The question surprised Jesper. He had dreamt about moving in with Marcelo, but never felt it was a possibility.

"Are you serious?!"

"Yes, of course."

Jesper rushed to Marcelo and hugged him.

The twink was rewarded for his willingness to submit. It was a reward that also made it easier to take stronger and more complete control over him and his body. By moving Jesper into the predator's apartment, they could make him accept new demands. He had to deliver his body in exchange for their company and for the privilege to live under their roof. That's the role of the game.

"You are mine. I decide everything. What you are allowed to do and who can use you." Marcelo spooks to him with a low voice as he kissed the twink. "Do you understand? You have to obey if you want to move in. Okey?"

"Yes, yes, yes, Marcelo. I want to move in with you!"

"Will you do everything I ask of you?"


"Good boy," Marcelo said. "Then you can move in with me. And be my bitch."

Marcelo was talking down to him by using disdainful epithets. It was a way to tell the truth and at the same time be playful and intimate. And it was working. Jesper felt something utterly liberating in the shameless way Marcelo dealt with him. He took the impudent words and deeds as a sign of unusual honesty and friendship. It made him feel safer.

"When can I move in?" Jesper asked enthusiastically.

"How about tomorrow?"

They emptied his dorm room at college into a van Marcelo borrowed. It wasn't much. Marcelo asked the twink not to say to anybody exactly where and why he moved. When they came to the apartment house, Marcelo went down to the cellar storage. Jesper looked surprised.

"What? I don't have room for this in the apartment."

"But my clothes?"

"You don't need them in the apartment, remember?" Marcelo smiled. "No, of course, take them up. And your books."

In the apartment, Marcelo pointed at some cardboard boxes in a wardrobe. "Put your stuff in here. Everything that's yours shall be but in here."

Jesper thought it was somewhat odd that he only would have these boxes for his things. But he didn't want to ask about it. He put his clothes in the boxes and then undressed down to his little thong.

Marcelo offered him a beer and they sat down at the kitchen table.

"I'm glad to welcome you. This will be fun. I really like your willingness to be a good boy. To be honest, it turns me on." Marcelo smiled and put his bottle to Jesper's in a toast and then drank from the bottle. Jesper did the same in sheer admiration.

"Or have I got it wrong? Do you want to be a good boy? Do you want to submit to real men?"

"Ehhh. . ."

Jesper was in heaven. He wouldn't be alone anymore. He was falling in love with Marcelo, and now he was going to live with him. It was obvious he wanted to please his man by every fiber of his being. But he also knows it was something strange and awkward in Marcelo's demand and expectations.

Marcelo moved his hand down to his crotch as he looked at the twink. Jesper went immediately down on his knees in front of his man. As he fumbled with the zipper, Marcelo smiled.

"That's it. You do know what to do to be a good boy!"

When he had pulled the cock out, he began lapping. He rolled his tongue around the big head and heard himself moaning. He put his lips on it and started to suck. He moved his head forward and let it sink in.

"Good bitch. You need to make men happy. To follow orders. You like following orders, don't you?"

The twink looked up at Marcelo and saw a friendly smile. He nodded as the cock was filling his mouth and couldn't speak. Deep inside his soul he knows he needed this cock and needed to hear the hunk groan in satisfaction. In a strange way, he did like to follow orders from Marcelo, and he wanted to be good, to be wanted.

Marcelo's hands wrapped around the twink's head and drew it further onto the hard dick. When it reached the back of the throat, he didn't bother to stop. He just pulled harder on the head and forced the twink to swallow all of the cock.

"You know I want you to take it all. That's it. Take it."

All the cock training showed. The twink could take it without too much gagging. The dick slide into the throat and its owner just held it in place with the hands on the twink's head. About the time the twink thought he was going to pass out, Marcelo let go. The head slides back up from the dick, and the twink could breathe again.

"Good bitch. Now keep doing that and you show me how much you want to live with me." To encourage the twink he kept one of his hands on the head but he didn't need to force his movement. The twink's head went up and down of its own. By his other hand, Marcelo drank the beer.

"Gonna give you this load, bitch boy. You've been good, and I'm gonna shoot it straight down your little throat into your stomach. Here. . . it. . . comes. . . AAaaaarrrrgh."

Hands gripped the head hard and held it, so the twink's lips were against the crotch hairs. He could feel the cock pulsing into his throat emptying the load directly into his stomach. As he felt the rod pulsing, the hunk was moaning and grunting and seemed unconcerned that the twink was unable to breathe in that position. He began to get lightheaded but he didn't fight to get free. He wanted to please his partner.

There were so many thoughts in his head, but above all he knew he needed to be close to this hunk. He wanted to make Marcelo happy and in return get his affection and appreciation. Jesper couldn't put words on it, but his expectation was to be treated with greater kindness and care, by doing what was asked of him.

Marcelo smiled as the twink licked his cock clean. What a success the slow but steady transformation of a cute, shy virgin boy to a sex toy for men had been. The predator had to fight hard to restrain their desire to fuck Jesper every minute of every day and night. It was important to let the boy gradually accept new demand and sink ever deeper into submission.

When Jesper put his hand down to his crotch by pure instinct, Marcelo said "No!" The boy was brought back from his thoughts.

"Don't touch yourself." The boy moved his hand away as if it was a strike by electricity.

"I know what you need. You need to serve men. And when you done a good job, I will give you an ice-cream. No, just kidding. You will have orgasms that are something else. Haven't I giving it to you before?" The twink nodded.

"It's when you leave your cock in my care you get the best out of it. Don't you agree?"

"Yes, I know."

"One thing is more important than anything else. Your cock is my property. Up to now you have promised me not to cum until our next gathering. From now on it's no longer you who decides how and when it can be used. Only when I tell you, it can be touched. Do we have an agreement about it, Jesper?" The boy looked up at Marcelo and nodded.

"Confirm it for me. I want to hear you say it."

"My cock is your property. But. . . can I ask: why?"

"Because you are a horny teenager and spoil your sexual drift by wanking too much! You need discipline. I can give it to you if you obey."

"Yes, yes. If you say so. I agree."

"Who owns your dick, Jesper?"

"You do."

"And your balls, whose property are them?"


"Your ass. Who owns it?"


"Good. Don't touch what's mine, without permission."

Marcelo lifted the bottle and finished the beer. Jesper stood up and did the same.

The first days Jesper settled in. He commuted between the apartment downtown and the University. Some days later, as they went to bed, Marcelo penetrates the twink from behind. While fucking him slowly, he talked about an old friend that was in town for an international conference. He was staying in one of the better hotels not far away from the apartment.

"Let this guest speaker fuck you," Marcelo said. "I told him you were good, and he wants to have a go at a blond boy. Just visit him in his hotel room tomorrow at seven."

Jesper rebelled. "Why? I don't want to."

"Think carefully before you tell me what you want. Don't you remember what we have talked about? You are inexperienced and don't know what you want. I will help you. But you have to comply. This is the way our relationship works. It's exciting for me to know I can give you to another man."

"Is it about your power over me?"

"Yeah! That's exactly right. It's my wish. Think of me while you are being used. I'm thinking about you, even if I'm not in the room. You do it for me, for my pleasure."

"Okay. . . I understand. . . I think. . ."


The next morning Marcelo reminds Jesper. "You haven't forgotten your meeting tonight?"

"Eeeh. . . No. . . Sheraton at seven. Room 4014."


Jesper wasn't happy with this. Up to now, he hadn't known what would happen before it did. He just went along. Now he knew a day before what was expected of him. He should by his free will and well aware of the fact that he was supposed to deliver his body to a stranger. And be fucked like a call-boy. He was uncomfortable with the idea the whole day at the University.

The whole thing was a test. The predators had decided to sell their boy to a John at the hotel where Peter worked. They wanted to see if he was submitting to their will even if he easily could avoid it. Even if he disobeyed they were sure they could keep him and train him in a different way, now when he was living in their apartment. Now when he didn't have anywhere else to sleep, he would be easier to control and mold to their liking.

For some reason Jesper ended up at the door to the strangers hotel room, feeling ashamed when he knocked on the door. A middle age man opened. He was old in a teenager's eye but looked to be in good shape. He was tall and was dressed in a nice three piece suit. He smiled and showed the twink in without presenting himself.


As Jesper did, the man folded his arms across his chest and leaned his behind against a desk. With a smile on his face, he watched the striptease.

When only the thong remained, Jesper rose up to a standing position and looked at the man.

"Take it off," the man said.

Jesper did. His cock was flaccid. It was awkward, and Jesper was nervous. It didn't get easier with the man staring at his exposed body.

Then the man stepped forward and took hold of the naked twink by his arms and kissed him. Lips covered Jesper's, and the man's tongue pried the twink's lips open. The tongue went inside and explored the mouth. He broke away as soon as the twink surrendered the hesitation and tension he had when he entered the hotel room.

The man stepped back and looked at the naked twink with a growing erection.

"Very nice."

He started to walk around the twink slowly, his hand trailing over the surfaces of the naked body, appreciatively exploring the ass, back, arms and torso.

"Yes, indeed a fine specimen," he said more to himself then to Jesper.

He put an arm of the twink's buttocks and moved him over to the sofa in the corner of the room.

"Here, put one leg up." The man wants the butt spread apart. Jesper followed the command. He put one foot on the sofa. The stance forced his ass open.

"Stay just like that," the man said in his low voice as he moved to the drawer. Jesper didn't change posture, for whatever reason he was willing to keep his body in this lewd position, no matter how anxious he was about what the man was planning to do.

As the man lubed up his penis sticking out of the fly of his pants, Jesper looked at the man's laptop on the desk beside the sofa. He was stunned when he saw himself masturbating on a video running on the screen. The film was from the earlier gang bangs. The video was now distributed to other men. Jesper felt violated and revealed as a sex object.

The man smiled when he saw the reaction on the twink. "Yes, that's good advertisement for you and your abilities."

Jesper didn't know what to do while the man stepped up behind him. "This is going to be a great fuck, bitch," he said softly but with authority.

Then he pushed hard, and the whole length of his erection shoved its way into the exposed pussy.

"Aaah!" Jesper groans. Not only in pain. It was so good to feel his rectum being invaded by a hard dick. To Jesper's surprise, he wanted to be filled with this cock right now.

The man's arms grasped the twink's waist and held the body firmly in place while he began to thrust his pelvis driving himself in and out with pulsing lunges. The man kept it up, and Jesper adjusted and unconsciously began to move with his fucker. Earlier that day Jesper wasn't eager to be fucked by a stranger under this circumstance, but he certainly wanted it inside him now. It seemed as though all of his body wanted to take in the cock and squeeze it. His sphincter kept on opening and then shutting down around the man's penis. The man moved in powerful thrusts. He did it for a long time.

Suddenly the man pulled out, and Jesper thought he was done, and collapsed gratefully onto the couch to catch his breath and recover from the onslaught. The man wasn't having any of that. He only wanted to change positions.

He roughly turned Jesper over onto his back, and lifted up his legs, exposing the sore anus once again. He put both the twink's calves on his shoulders. Jesper could see a smile on the man's face. He was consumed with the lust he was acting out. Jesper understood then that there wasn't any point to resist at all. He was going to get fucked again, and it was going to be at least as aggressive this time.

The man had never taken off his clothing, any of it. His coat and tie were still on, and his shirt covered his chest. Jesper suddenly wanted to feel that part of him, to have him as naked as he was. The man knelt on the couch then, and his cock dove back inside Jesper, deep.

"You do good. Take my cock. Take it all." The man leaned down and whispered in his ear. He kept pounding the ass for minutes more. Jesper felt the friction of a man's suit pants against his hard dick as the man moved in and out of his ass. He had no way to pull back from the building response. He felt his cock swell even more, and he could sense the liquids getting ready to pour out of his dick. He started to scream again, but not in agony. This time his shouts were released by a primal urge. It was cries of ecstasy, and they weren't held back by any attempt to be polite or circumspect.

"Aaaugh! Oh! Aah! Ow!"

The twink's orgasm drove the man ever further. Now Jesper was sure he couldn't tolerate the assault anymore. He tried to ask him to stop. The man wouldn't let words come out of the twink's mouth, by covering it with his thick lips. The twink didn't think he could endure even a second more of it, but the man kept on going.

At some point, Jesper felt as though he surrendered. He grasped the shoulders of the man and held on to him. The man's tongue became even more insistent and more intrusive. Jesper let it and began to suck on it desperately.

Finally, after taken more than he ever thought possible, the man did come. His whole torso shuddered from the force of his orgasm. He didn't pull away but seemed to push in even further, if that was possible. His entire body pressed against the naked twink. The rough fabric of his suit seemed to make every inch of the twink aware of his nakedness.

When the man composed himself, he pulled his cock out. If Jesper had been feeling empty before, the sudden expulsion of this big dick left a virtual void in his gut.

The man stood up, obviously very pleased with himself. "Yes, that was as good pussy as I had expected. I like blond boys. They usually have warm and accessible body holes made to be used by big dicks. Perhaps I should take you with me to the other side of the Atlantic ocean?"

The man backed away. "Okay, come here and lick me clean." Jesper did. The man then put his cock back in his pants and zipped up. He went to a mirror and rearranged himself to cover up any sign that he was anything but a distinguished professional.

"Get dressed. I have a dinner with some important persons."

When Jesper was dressed, the man gave him an envelope addressed to Marcelo.

"You were worth every penny. Tell Marcelo I said you are a star." Then he gave Jesper a hard slap on his bottom and showed him out of the hotel room.

When Jesper was back in the apartment, he gave the envelope to Marcelo. He opened it, and it was as Jesper had guessed, a wad of bills.

"Did he pay to fuck me?"


"But why? Doesn't that make me a whore?"

"If you want to use that word, yes you are. It's not illegal for the one who sell his body. And I'm not your pimp. This is your money, but I take care of them because you have to pay your part of the rent and food."

"It's my money?"

"Yes, I'm no pimp." Marcelo wanted to make it clear he wasn't doing anything illegal.

"But you keep them?"

"Yes, you have to bring in your part to our household budget. Nothing is for free in the real world. And doing it by having sex isn't that bad, is it?"

"Eeeh. . ."

That night Marcelo didn't fuck Jesper. It felt strange because it was usually what happened in the apartment. Now he was living with Marcelo. It meant Jesper could enjoy Marcelo's company by doing many different things, he thought. The real reason was the predator's timetable, unknown to Jesper.

The next evening, while Marcelo and Jesper were eating dinner, the front door was opened. Soon Anders walked into the kitchen.

"Hallo boys!"

Jesper was surprised over the fact that Anders must have a key to the apartment.

"What's up?" Marcelo asked even if he did know what was coming. According to the predator's scheme, it was Anders turn to fuck their boy.

"I need to have a go at this cunt here. I'm so fucking turned on and haven't any other hole to fuck right now," Anders said as he stepped up behind Jesper sitting at the dinner table. Anders put his hands on the naked twink's shoulders.

Jesper almost chokes at the statement. He put his fork down to the plate and looked up at Anders face behind him. Anders just smiled. From behind he moved a hand first down to grab the naked twink's tit and then up to his neck and cheek. When Jesper had swallowed down his food, Anders' fingers pressed on his lips. Jesper opened his mouth, and three big digits went in.

Jesper looked at Marcelo, but Anders put his other hand on the twink's forehead and moved it backward. Jesper's view moved to the sealing. Anders moved his fingers out of the mouth just to put two of them back in. He moves them around, between the teeth and lips and under the tongue. By this repetitive violation of his mouth, Anders marks his ownership of his body and mind. Anders' use of the mouth as a cunt tells Jesper that nothing he has to say, nothing that comes out of his mouth matters or has any value. The only value Jesper was bringing with him was the pleasure alpha men derived from using his smooth young body.

"Let's move to the living room," Anders said to Marcelo.

"Of course. You have to do what you have to do."

Before Jesper could grasp what the conversation meant, Anders removed his fingers and grabbed his arm and moved to the next room. There Anders opened his zipper and pulled his cock out.

"Suck it." Jesper did.

"Yeah, that's right. You know, Marcelo want to share you with his friends. I think he is a very good friend. Don't you want to make Marcelo proud? Then please me."

When the dick was all slimy Anders pulled it from the mouth.

"Show me the cunt. Stand up and present it to me." Slowly Jesper stood up and turned around. "Spread your cheeks. And put your ass out." Jesper complied.

"Such a nice hole. What is a cunt good for, bitch?"

"To be fucked," Jesper didn't believe he said it. He looked back at Marcelo standing leaned against the wall. He smiled.

"Exactly! It seems you start to accept what you are. This is the right thing to do. You will be happier if you don't fight the truth any longer. You are a cunt and should enjoy it."

As he talked, Anders' cock found its target and moved in quickly.

"Uhgh" Jesper groans. Once more he was used as a whore, but he wanted the dick inside.

"Ahhh. Let me in. That's right." He starts to fuck the full length of his cock slowly in and out. All three of them heard a large sigh escape from the twink's lips. Anders and Marcelo looked at each other and smiled. This bitch is on the program.

Soon he built up speed. He pounds the pussy hard. Then he pulled all the way out. Then he shoved all the way in. He really made use of the cunt for his pleasure.

"Fuck you are a good hole, girl. Such a tight cunt, but you take it without a problem because this is what you are made for, isn't it?"

"Eeeh . . ."

"Isn't it!? Tell us! Do you like this?"

"Yes, yes. Fuck me. It feels so good." Jesper couldn't lie.

Anders stopped. "Then fuck yourself on my cock." Jesper had to start moving his hips back and forward over the cock.

After a while the man slammed into him hard and repeatedly. Jesper had to acknowledge to himself that he liked it. He loved the feeling of a powerful cock in his ass. Before he knew it, the man's body suddenly clenched and he began filling the cunt with his seed.

"Damn, that was good! I really needed that." He pulled out and grabbed a napkin to clean his cock. Then he zipped up.

"Fuck! Look at the time. I've gotta get moving. This is becoming a great cunt. I want it again, soon. Bye."

Jesper just stood there. It felt weird. Someone just arrived, fucked him and left.

"Shouldn't you finish your dinner?" Marcelo said as he went back to the kitchen. Jesper followed. He sat down and began to eat again during silence.

"What are you thinking about?" Marcelo asked. "You wonder why they want to fuck you. No. I think you wonder why you let them fuck you. Why you like it so much when real men fuck you."


"It's because this is your task in life. You fulfill your destiny when you give that body away. Yes, you are a gift to men. You are like a work of art. Such beautiful thing should be displayed and enjoyed to the full."

"But. . . isn't it wrong?"

Marcelo caressed the boy on his neck and shoulders. "Look at your cock! It wants to break out of that thong. It knows what you want and what you need. It's as simple as that. You are a little horny bitch boy loving to serve real men's cock. Nothing is wrong with that, on the contrary. You do men a great favor. You do men happy. It's what you were born to do. Be proud of your body! Show it off whenever you can."

When Jesper was finished with the meal, he put the plate in the dishwasher. Ones again he stayed silence but thoughtful.

"Wasn't it nice to serve Anders?"

"Mmm. . ."

"I'm so glad that you are getting along so well with my buddies."

"Mmm. . ."

"You don't sound convinced. Don't you want this? Doesn't it make you happy?"

"To be with you. I want to be with you." Jesper looked down to the floor.

"Yeah, I know. But then you have to show me some respect. Do as I say. If I take care of you, you have to contribute to our relationship by obeying me. It's how it works. If I want a friend to fuck you, you should obey and put your pussy on display. Understand?"

"Yes, yes. I will."

Part 18 - Adventure at a gay club

Next: Chapter 18

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