Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Oct 19, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #16' {} ( MM bd humil slow ) [16!39]

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 16 - Marked as piss pig

"I pick you up at four, then. See you tomorrow, bitch!" Marcelo said playfully on the phone.

Jesper was looking forward to being with his idol and lover. They hadn't seen each other as often as he wanted the last weeks.

He became a bit disappointed then Marcelo wasn't alone in the car. The personal trainer and security guard, Martin, and data nerd, Lars, were with him. Jesper jumped into the backseat beside Martin and the car drove off. They greeted each other.

But as soon as they were on the highway, Martin said, "Okay, strip!"

Jesper's heart started racing. He wanted to do it, obey and get everyone's attention by showing his body off. But still it made him nervous. To be naked in a car made him vulnerable and exposed. Every fiber in his body seemed to be vibrating as he pulled off his jacket, t-shirt, shoes, and trousers. Martin put the clothes in a plastic bag.

"Give me everything," Martin said and pointed to the thong. It also went into the bag. Martin tossed it into the boot area.

Jesper was nude with a hardening dick. He didn't know what to expect. He shivered as he looked out the windows and wondered if people in lorries and buses could see he was naked.

Martin's hand started to caress the naked skin.

"Soft like a girl," Martin joked. He was stunned over how excited he as a heterosexual man could by the sight of a naked, well-built and defenseless teenage boy. His skin was as silky smooth as a young woman's, but he had less off subcutaneous fat and more muscles under the skin with made it tauter. His pecs were small and hard but well defined by muscles underneath and as inviting as a woman's. The tits were flat but the knob as red and suckable as a woman's. And Martin loved to caress, squeeze and smack the boy's buttocks. The round and firm globes made him as hot as the breasts on a beautiful female.

"I want to see your pussy." Jesper turned his ass up sidewise. At the same time, Martin took hold of the waist and pulled the naked body toward him. It made the twink put his knees up on the seat and head down.

Martin lowered his face to the bum. First he kissed each cheek, and then he spread them apart and gazed at the little pink hole. Sticking his tongue out it touched the rosebud. Jesper moaned. It was wonderful to be used in this way, even if people in other cars could be watching. He relaxed and let the alpha man use him.

"How does he taste?" Lars asked.

Martin didn't answer as he licked and sucked the ass until it was sopping wet with saliva. His tongue went into the little hole as far as it could. The sphincter was relaxing and opening up quite a bit.

"I have to fuck him. Now," Martin said.

"We're soon there," Marcelo told him. They left the highway and turned into a small road leading into a forest. When they reach a lake, the car stopped.

Martin dragged Jesper with him out of the car. "Put your hands on the car and spread your legs." Martin opened his trousers, put them down on his ankles and then his hard cock was soon targeting the wet hole. He sank to the hilt in one move. Jesper was pleased. He wanted a cock inside his pussy. Martin wasn't good looking, but he was a strong and well-trained man with big muscles on his arms and legs. He knew how to fuck.

"Yeah. Take it. I love this cunt. It's always hot, willing and accessible." Martin was soon shooting his wad deep inside the twink.

When Martin redrew his cock, Lars was eager to put his in. He wasn't as powerful, and his big belly was pushing Jesper forward. He had to bend down and but his butt out to give the fat man better access. Even Lars was quick to release his spunk.

Marcelo stepped forward and kissed Jesper. "You like this. Being naked and fucked outdoors is what you want, don't you?" Without waiting for the answer, he moved Jesper away from the car to a grassy spot close to the water. He made the naked twink lie down on his back on a blanket. Without being told, Jesper lifted and spread his legs.

"My little whore! Do you want my dick?"

"Yes, please."

"Are you a whore for cock?" Marcelo asked as he stepped out of his pants.

". . . yeees."

"Tell me." Marcelo kneeled down behind the twink. His dick was hard and ready.

"I'm your whore. . ."

Marcelo penetrated the twink. They both sighed. They both feels the sphincter spasms and contracts around the cock.

"Again. What are you?"

"I'm a whore."

Marcelo pushes further inside. This was something they both have been longing for.


"I'm a whore."

"Yes, you are." After a slow beginning, he starts to trust forcefully and fucked the twink harder than ever before. Marcelo pauses momentarily, watching Jesper shiver with delight. He grips the ankles and leans forward, applying pressure to Jesper's legs to open him up even more.

"Don't stifle your moans! They are music to real men's ears. We don't care whether you like being fucked but we love to hear that you can't help but take pleasure in being used." Marcelo speeds up.

Jesper relax and allow his lover to revel in the moment of deep breeding of his hole. The cock pulses and throbs as it blasts the twink's insides. Jesper wants it never to end. He loves to experience Marcelo's delight. When he eventually redraws his dick Jesper know he will feel empty until the next time. He knew he shouldn't touch his dick. It wasn't his decision to make.

When all three of them had dumped their semen inside Jesper, they passed beer around and sat down, the men on a fallen tree trunk and their pussy boy in the grass. Jesper felt the wind against his unprotected body. The men talked and treated it as natural to have a naked guy around. When they wanted more beers, they told Jesper to go to the car and fetch them. He complied. They talked about nothing particular.

"I have to take a leak," Martin said suddenly. He moved behind Jesper. Suddenly Jesper felt some warm liquid hit his back. With a wince, he tried to move away.

"What the hell!" Jesper started to stand up and turn around. He saw Martin pissing and pointed the yellow jet of piss toward him.

"Sit down, whore! Don't move!" Lars shouted the order as he gripped the twink's arm and hindered him from moving away. Martin stopped pissing.

"What's happening? What is he doing?" Jesper said in disbelief as he looked at Marcelo

"Relax. You will enjoy it." Marcelo smiled, more to Jesper's reaction then to make him feel safe.


"Because we want to."

Martin started pissing again. The twink let it happen. Piss ran down his backside.

"Good boy. It's hot! It marks who is in charge here. And who is obeying."

The stream of piss moves from his back to his shoulder. It splashes up to his face, and he turns it away as it starts to run down over his stomach.

"No. Don't hide. Be proud and take it like a gift from us," Lars said as he stood up and began to piss on Jesper's calf and moved his jet of piss up to his thigh.

"He's right. We want you to take it." Martin said as Lars began to spray Jesper's crouch. Martin aimed his piss to his stomach and up to his pecs. The piss splatter back out.

"You belong to us. We make our mark on you." Martin said as he finished by shaking the last drops of piss out of his cock.

"Lie down," Marcelo said as he kneeled down beside Jesper.

"Lift you head up and lick my dick." Jesper got a little nervous, but he moves his lips to make contact with the tip of Marcelo's cock.

"Good boy. Now, put your tongue out." Jesper did.

Then Marcelo sighs as a rush of strong piss fires out of his slit and right into the mouth. By reflex, Jesper moves his head back to avoid the stream of piss.

"No, no, no. Take it. Open your lips."

Jesper did as he was told. Marcelo pointed his dick at the mouth and turned loose of a strong stream of piss again. When piss floods the mouth it was a lesson in dominance, authority, and superiority. Jesper was denied any pleasure he might receive from the satisfaction of stimulating and working on the men's bodies to the point of making them cum. Instead, Jesper becomes a toilet. Thin jets of piss run from the corners of Jesper's lips. He gargles and struggle to breath. Then Marcelo stops and pulls away. Jesper by reflex spit the piss out.

"Don't!" Martin said with anger in his voice. "You will drink our piss as orange juice," he continued. "What we give you, you swallow, okay?"

Jesper looked down to the grass. It was a new low for him. His dignity was ones again attacked and smashed. He was almost crying.

Marcelo put a hand on his forehead and pushes his head back. "You should take it as a gift from my friends and me. We want to be close to you, to let you feel the warmth of our bodies. It's an intimate thing to give our body fluid away to you. It marks our relation. It marks you as ours."

"Look at me!" Looking the twink in his eyes Marcelo asked, "Do you want me to stop?" It was a test how deep he was emotionally bound to the hunk, how well he accepted the new submission.

"Eeeh. . . nooo. . . please continue. . . if you want to."

"Good answer! I want you to swallow my piss as you swallow my cum. Shall we start?" Jesper nodded. He was still stunned by what was happening. But he let it happen.

"Tip your head back. Good. Keep that mouth open, tongue out and then swallow my gift." Marcelo was now standing with one leg on either side of the twink and pointed his dick at his face. The piss was splashing against the back of his mouth. When it was full Jesper starts to swallow, the stream was increased. Jesper swallow as fast as he could.

"That's right, don't waste any," Martin said as Jesper tried to gulp every drop down the best he could.

"Good boy. I saved it up all afternoon for you." Marcelo smiled as his cock began to harden as he pissed on the boy. Moving the beam upward, he hit Jesper's eyes and then wet the twink's hair. It was as if he pissed forever, and it was a firm stream.

"See, you like it. I know you would like it. Look at your dick. It gives you away. He wants this. You are a piss pig, aren't you?" Marcelo was astonished. This boy was really into humiliation.

Jesper looked down and found his dick had become hard during this degrading act. He was ashamed. Why did he like this? He didn't understand how they could know him better than he knew himself. And they seemed to have the power to bend his will. Their control over him was both frightening and exciting for the twink. Jesper loved the confidence he can see in their eyes, feel their touch, and hear their voices. They are men. They must instinctively know how to play his body and mind. He must do something they could interpret as surrender in his eyes and his body languish.

When Jesper had cleaned his eyes from piss, he looked up at the three men. They continued to talk and drink beer. But soon Lars stood up in front of Jesper. He was grinning as he pissed on the chest and crotch while the twink just sat there and took it. His piss stream slowed down and finished, and he put his cock away.

"You are a nasty pig and needed to be marked by piss from head to toe. You belong to us now."

Martin got carried away by his new power. He bent forward and put three fingers on Jesper's lips and when he opened them moved the fingers into his mouth.

"Oh fuck, yes. Take what I give you." This move triggers and stimulated the submission in Jesper like nothing before, probably as a result off the new experience as a piss pig. The fingers reinforce that he is a whore for their amusement and enjoyment and that he have no choices, no freedoms or say over his body. It's a powerful affirming when a man inspects how submissive a mouth hole is. Jesper sucks the fingers respectfully like a whimpering whore. The admiration and humility that Jesper communicated through the fingers is a different sensation than the pleasures they experience through their cocks. Jesper didn't know why he complied, but it was the right thing to do. He wanted to please them.

"I'm hungry," Martin said. "There is a drive-thru restaurant on our way back to town."

"Yeah, let's go. Jesper, wash yourself in the lake."

The three men looks on as the naked twink hunkered down in the water and washed his body clean from all the piss.

When he walks to them, Marcelo puts a blanket around his shoulders. All four then walked to the car. As they started the trip back to town, Jesper asked if he could get dressed.

"No. We love to watch your naked body," Lars said as he moved his hand over and removed the blanket from the twink.

When they pulled off the highway, toward a McDonald's, Jesper ones more asked, "Please, let me put some clothes on."

Lars slapped him across his cheek. "Quiet, cunt!"

The sudden violence stunned Jesper. And Marcelo didn't defend him, just looked back from his driving seat with displeasure in his eyes.

As they drove around to the drive-thru, the three men discussed what they wanted to eat. They didn't ask Jesper, and he didn't dare to speak. They placed their order at the first stop. It was then Jesper became nervous. His cock swelled a bit at the thought of being so exposed.

Jesper had heard the male voice on the speaker and wondered what his response was going to be when he saw a naked man in the backseat. Jesper realized he was going to be on display when they paid and then received their order. As the car pulled up to the window to pay, Jesper looked down and shut his eyes. But he could hear the guy at the window repeat the amount and then gasp.

Marcelo seemed not to have noticed their reactions but made a big drama of finding his wallet, searching the console between the seats, all the while leaving Jesper on display in the backseat. Jesper heard the guy telling his workmates to look inside the car. Jesper's cock swelled a bit more as he was overwhelmed by the situation. He couldn't believe he was aroused by being humiliated in this way.

Jesper glanced left and saw two men and one woman in the windows of the building. They were located somewhat higher than the car windows that give them a good view into the car. Obviously they had been told what was happening and had gathered round to see the naked boy. Jesper's cock twitched, and he felt the heat rising in his body as he blushed seemingly all over his body.

"He's hard! What a sick whore!" Lars was delighted over Jesper's predicament. "Why don't you start jerking off? Give them a show." It wasn't a question.

Despite the deeply humiliating action, Jesper took his dick in hand and stroked it a couple of times.


More people were standing in the window. When they received the bag, Jesper could hear laughter as they drove off. Jesper was relieved the scene was over. He went back to stroking his cock. He felt precum as it leaked out. He wondered what kind of freak he was. How could he be turned on by this?

"Stop jerking, bitch. Not time for you yet." Lars said as he looked in the bag. The smells from the bag of French fries made Jesper realize how hungry he was. They pulled into a car park nearby and turned off the engine. The three men pulled out the food of the bag and after much rustling began eating in silence. Jesper's stomach rumbled and his mouth filled with saliva.

"You will get yours, but you will have to work for it," Lars said with a smile. When they all were finished eating, they gave the trash to Jesper.

"Put the garbage in the can," Lars pointed to a can on the other side of the car park.

"Please, can't . . ."

"No! Go as you were born," Lars interrupted his plea. Jesper looked at Marcelo in the front seat. With his head, he just pointed to the garbage can, telling the twink he wasn't going to save him.

He gulped, shivered, opened the door and stepped out. He was naked, even barefoot.

Jesper's dick stayed hard as he assumed he was now being observed by dozens of people. He imagines all kind of people standing aghast with fingers pointing at him as he walked over the car park.

He reached the trash can, dropped the bag and ran back to the car. His heart was pounding as he got in and closed the door.

"Well done! You're an obedient bitch." Lars said as he reached over and squeezed the rigid dick as Jesper jumped into the back seat.

"And you like to show your naked body off, don't you? He is rock hard," Lars laughed as he held onto the cock.

"Here. Take this trash," Martin moved his hand to Jesper from the front seat and gave him some used napkins. Jesper took them and put them on the floor of the car.

"No, no, no. You know where to put the garbage," Lars said as he loosened his grip around the cock. The twink's little dick was rock hard. The guys smiled.

Jesper was ashamed. He knows the guys know he became hot by the thought of going out on the parking lot naked. Without a word, he took the napkins up and stepped out of the car.

"Don't run. Walk slowly," Martin ordered. All three of them stepped out and looked on as the naked boy moved over the car park.

"He's so damn hot!" Lars said.

"Yeah. When bodies like this are exposed, and vulnerable they became sexier than ever," Martin concluded. "But what I need now is to empty my bladder. Here and now," Martin said as he looked at Marcelo.

"Why not? He should learn to take the piss from us when we need a release. But he isn't trained, so I don't dare to let him do it inside. Let him swallow it here by the car," Marcelo said.

"Yeah." Martin moved his hand to zip up his pants as Jesper walked back to the car.

"Kneel down and put your lips around my cock."

"Here!?" Jesper thought he wanted a blowjob.

"Right now, yes." When Jesper moved his mouth to the dick, he saw it wasn't hard. He took it in and started to suck even if he knew people could be seeing him naked on his knees on a public parking lot.

"No. I need to piss. Open your lips and put the tongue out." Before Jesper reacted, hot streams of piss flooded his mouth. As he struggled against the volume hitting the back of his throat, Martin lunged forward. His belly yanked against Jesper's head. The piss just went straight down the throat and while it was hot and gushing, Jesper managed to take it.

When Martin was done pissing, he told Jesper to suck him hard as a treat for being a good piss drinker. The cock-sucking session made him horny.

As Jesper moves his head up and down on the hard cock, he saw how the people in the car park were moving closer to get a better look. Martin saw the panic in Jesper's eyes.

"Okay, jump into the car." Marcelo didn't want to involve unknown people with their bitch.

Jesper was relieved to get out of the public eye. But in the back seat Lars once again began to possessive groping his naked body.

"But what about me? I also need his service," Lars sounded disappointed.

"Look to your right. People know we have a sexy naked boy here, and they are curious. You can't take him outside. Not here." Marcelo commanded.

"Okay, but let me use him here in the car then. . ." Lars negotiated.

"Alright," Marcelo said. Lars immediately began to open his belt and zipper.

Jesper's heart sank. He didn't want to serve this guy. He hadn't the command as the other men in the ring, he wasn't an Alpha man, not good looking or interesting in any way.

Lars looked commanding at Jesper when he had exposed his dick. Jesper asked, "Must I?"

"Of course. There aren't any toilets around, other than you." Lars put a hand on Jesper's neck and pushed his head down. When Jesper's mouth and nose rested on his crotch, he removed his hand. Jesper fished the flaccid dickhead up with his tongue, put it in his mouth and closed his lips around it. The piss started to flow immediately.

"Oh, yeah," Lars sighed. And he leaned forward pushing more of his dick in the mouth. Jesper was gagging with the stream hitting the back of his throat. The force was so strong that some of the piss leaked out and ran down Jesper's chin and onto Lars' thighs.

"Ah, ah, ah! Don't! Swallow it." Lars held his pissing for Jesper to accommodate. But very quickly he started to piss into the mouth again. The shock of being pissed on was subsiding. Jesper knew they treated him like shit, they put him down, degraded him from a person to a toilet. But somewhere in his soul it was exciting. He was marked as worthless but got attention and he pleased his men. It created some kind of pride in him. He did what they wanted and they loved him for it. He saw his task to do it as well he could.

"Good. It's important that you swallow every drop. We can't soil the car. Understand?" Lars ran his hands over the boy's neck and shoulder as he drank the piss while the car was driving in the city traffic.

Once Lars finished, he kept thrusting. It transformed from piss drinking right into a blowjob. Lars put his hand back on the head, forcing Jesper's mouth further down onto his cock. Pretty soon, Lars was giving Jesper his second load this afternoon.

"Nice. Lick the last drops of my penis." When Jesper had finished, he sat up.

"He is doing well for a beginner, but he have to train more, much more." Lars gave his judgment but no one listened.

In the town, they stopped at traffic lights, and people around could see into the car. But only big trucks and busses had the ankle to see Jesper was naked even below his waste. He felt exposed but know better than to ask for his clothes.

After an interesting afternoon, Marcelo's two friends was dropped off. Marcelo drove home. When he had parked a block away from the apartment, he asked Jesper "Do you need something on?"

"Yes, please!"

"You sure you want to? I have never seen someone getting so hot by being naked in public." Marcelo laughs.


Marcelo nodded and Jesper reach for the plastic bag in the boot area and pulled his clothes out.

Part 17 - To make a living

Next: Chapter 17

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