Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Oct 10, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #12' {} ( MM bd humil slow ) [12!39]

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 12 - Ready for gang bang

During the week, Jesper was studying for his upcoming exams. He put the events of last Saturday out of his mind. While the small thong around his genitalia prevented him from any sexual activity, it also was a reminder of his pledge to not touch himself.

The exam on Friday went well. Jesper felt confident about his results. When he arrived at the apartment on Saturday afternoon, he used the key Marcelo had given him to let himself in. This time, he went inside without hesitation. It would be like last week, he thought. He was actually becoming horny at the thought of exposing his body in front of desperately horny men lusting for him. He began to feel somewhat cocky and thought that he would show those old guys what a hunk he was and that they should be glad he let them touch him.

Only the bow tie lay on the chair in the hallway. The shirt he used last week was nowhere to be seen. He undressed and put his clothes in the closet, also this time he took off the thong. As he tied the bow tie, Marcelo entered. "Good bitch. I love seeing you so enthusiastic. This party will be fun!"

"I. . ." Marcelo stepped forward and kissed the twink before he could say anything. He let his hands travel over the naked skin. When he reached the crotch, he found a growing cock, but also he felt some hair around it.

"Hmm. You haven't shaved."

"Oh, I forgot. I have had so much to think about. Does it matter? They want me anyway." Jesper smiled.

His attitude made Marcelo furious. He gripped the twink's upper arm hard and led him straight to the bathroom where he handed him a razor to shave his crotch smooth.

"You shouldn't disobey my command."

"Okay, okay."

Marcelo slapped him with an open hand over his cheek there he was sitting on the toilet seat. It was the first time he had used violence toward their prey. It felt good, very good.

"What. . . are you doing!?" Jesper was stunned. No one had ever hit him that way.

Marcelo slapped him again, with his other hand. "You fucking bitch!"

"You can't . . ."

Marcelo answered with a third slap that was so hard Jesper almost fell off the toilet seat.

"And what are you two doing?" Anders stood in the doorway to the bathroom.

"The fucking bitch can't follow the simplest order, like shaving his crotch. And he isn't sorry!"

Anders understood this was a serious situation that hadn't been predicted. Their prey was becoming assertive due to all the praise they had given him. They did that because they didn't want to scare him away -- not to make him overconfident.

So Anders took a firm hold on the twink's neck and lifted him up from the toilet seat, and looked him straight in the eyes.

"Don't be disrespectful, you worthless whore! It will only bring bad things to you."

"But. . ." Marcelo slapped him again.

"This isn't a kindergarten game. We are serious men and we will not tolerate any obedience from a little shit like you! Admit it bitch, You are a faggot, aren't you?"

"Answer the man," Marcelo said angrily.

"Yeeessss. . ."

"And you want to be fucked by real men, don't you?"

When the twink didn't answer immediately, Marcelo slapped the fag's face again. It hurt. Tears were building up in the twink's eyes. Anders' grip around his neck was tight and painful.

"Yes, yes!"

"Faggots are like females, they are soft and weak, and they want to be fucked by strong men. They want to be conquered and taken by big dicks, don't they?" With anger, Anders gazed into the twink's eyes.

"Yes, yes."

"As a fag you have to submit to real mens' needs and desires. And when a faggot tries to defy such a man it's because he wants to test the man's strength and whether he has the will to put his bitch in place. Isn't that so? Do you want to challenge me to a fight!?"


"This silly outburst of disobedience from you, what does it mean then?"

"Eeeeh. . . I want to be fucked . . .?" Jesper wanted out of this situation and said what he thought he ought to say.

"Do you!?"


"Then you have to behave like an obedient faggot bitch!!" Anders gave the twink a violent shake before he released his grip around his neck. The twink fell back to the toilet seat.

"Stand up and lift the toilet seat lid." Anders wanted to show the twink who was the boss.

"Put your hand into the toilet water and then lick your fingers."

"N. . ." Anders gave him a slap with his hand so hard the faggot fell over against the wall and sat down on the floor.

"Who is in charge here?!!!"

"You are."

"Then do as I told you. Now!"

From his position on the floor, Jesper moved to the toilet and put his hand down into the water. He then moved it up and put it in his mouth. Then he looked up at Anders and behind him Marcelo with tears in his eyes. They were both in a mood he never saw before. He can't challenge them so he licked his hand.

"Do you understand? You are nothing without me and my friends. We decide and you obey."

With tears rolling down his face Jesper said, "Yes, I understand."

"Good. Take a shower."

While the twink was in the shower, Anders told Marcelo he had changed his mind about how many of the men who could fuck the twink this evening. "Send the gang members a text message: 'everyone can fuck the prey tonight.' He needs a lesson."

Their most heated discussion this far had been about how much their prey should take during his first gang bang. Anders wanted to limit the numbers of fuckers to three in the ass and two in the mouth. He didn't want to lose this one. Other members were angry and impatient and wanted a shot at that ass now. They had waited so long, and their level of desire was incredibly high. It could create a split in the gang. Now with the twink showing defiance, Anders changed his mind and decided the little bitch boy would take whatever he got. It would teach him a lesson. And it would save the gang from the risk of a rift.

When Jesper entered the kitchen, they got ready for the party and talked about practical things. It was as if this would be an ordinary party.

When the doorbell rang Marcelo said, "Go and meet the guest."

Jesper looked at Marcelo and asked with his eyes "Like this?" referring to his nakedness. Marcelo only pointed to the door with his head.

When Jesper opened the door, it was a man he remembered from last week, Peter. He was the most invasive of the guests. He came in, grabbed the twink's prick and fixed his mouth on the twink's and French kissed him. Meanwhile, his other hand wandered over the naked body, down to the ass cheeks. One of his fingers once again, like last Saturday, probed the rosebud.

When he had enough, he broke away and took off his jacket and handed it to the twink. "Where's Anders?"

"In the kitchen."

With a hard slap on the butt, he went away.

Jesper was subdued after his very first reprimand and punishment.

The men arrived in a steady stream, and they all fondled and grabbed the twink shamelessly. When all of them had arrived, Anders said, "Everyone, dinner's ready. Please sit down."

It was Jesper's task to serve the guests with water, wine, and act as a waiter. It wasn't easy work. When he poured wine into the glasses on the table the man nearest him grabbed his dick and balls. Others fondled his bottom or pinched his nipples. They did it in good spirits, laughing at each other's jokes. They didn't know what had happened just before they arrived.

"Yes, he has shaved today. You can't even feel the stubble", Robert says as he moved his hand over Jesper's crotch. They looked at each other. "You have come a long way since you gave me your first blowjob, remember?" Robert said. Jesper nodded.

When everybody was eating Jesper stood in the doorway to the kitchen. Anders took a plate and put some food on it, "Here, bitch, you should eat. Take this and sit down on the floor over there in the corner."

Jesper took the plate and reached for a fork.

"What are you doing?" asked Anders.

"I need a fork. . ."

"No. Eat with your fingers", Anders answered. "We want some entertainment while we eat."

Jesper sat down, naked on the floor. He started to eat. It was as if he was something less than a human being, but he didn't dare object after what happened earlier. He knew the men were watching him. It was humiliating to eat with his fingers, he thought without thinking of his nakedness.

"Doesn't he need some sauce with that?" someone asked.

"Yes. Bitch, go to Peter and get some", Anders said.

Peter fetched the bowl with white sauce as Jesper stood beside him. But instead of giving it to the twink he used a spoon to smear the sauce over the twink's hairless chest and stomach. Everybody laughed.

"Come here, let me clean it, you filthy cunt," an old man at the table said. Jesper looked at Marcelo, but he looked over at Anders. And Anders said with a smile, "Give Olof what he wants."

Jesper went over to the man. He didn't realize it, but this was the old man who saw him naked in the park with Marcelo some time ago. He gestured with his hand wanting Jesper to bend forward toward him where he sat at the table. The man then grabbed his shoulders, pulling him closer. He began to lick the kid's pecs and chest.

"He tastes good, you know. Young. Fresh. Delicious." The men laughed even more.

"Don't eat him up, Olof. Leave something for us", someone said. More laughter.

Before Olof released the twink, he groped the fag's cock and balls for some moments. Then Martin shouted, "Bitch, come here!" When he reached the man, Martin took some jelly from a bowl with his hand and smeared it on the twink's hard dick. Everybody smiled.

"Who wants to be the lucky one to clean him up?" someone asked.

"I'll do it myself," Martin said as he first moved his sticky fingers to the twink's mouth. Jesper opened it. Martin put them inside, as if that was the most natural thing in the world. Jesper sucked and licked them clean. Then Martin grabbed the twink under his ass, lifted him up and started to lick and suck the twink's hard dick, still sitting in his chair.

Everybody looked on. Jesper put an arm around Martin's shoulder to balance himself. It was the first time Martin put a man's dick in his mouth, but he regarded it more as a clit, an unusually hard female clit.

Jesper was intoxicated by all the intense attention he was getting. The men liked him, and the twink wasn't as uneasy as last time. And perhaps Anders lecture had given him some insight on what his role actually was.

"Enough of that! You spoil the bitch", Olof said. "He should work for us, not the other way around."

"Yes, you're right," Anders interrupted, "It's time for the evening's entertainment to work for his food." Anders pointed to a spot beside the table. Jesper walked to it. He still felt anger from Anders in his glance.

"It's time for you to show us what we got. Play with yourself."

It was obvious what Anders wanted. It was humiliating, but Jesper did as they asked without a second of hesitation. He grabbed his cock and started to masturbate.

"Put your fingers into your mouth and make them wet." Anders wanted apparently to direct the show.

"Now, pinch your nipples with the fingers." A naked adult man was performing sexual tricks to please the audience.

"Wet your fingers again, but then I want you to stick one of them in your pussy and fuck yourself."

The twink tried to do it. He bent his body and that made it even more interesting for the men to look on, just as planned. The twink got red in his face. Within minutes the twink felt he was close.

"Okay, you can stop." It was important that the twink didn't cum this early.

"Linus! Here is a cane. I want you to give him ten strokes on his ass." Linus stood up walked past Anders and got the stick. As he did, he asked, "What has this faggot done to deserve this punishment?"

Linus talked to Anders as he turned Jesper's body around facing him away from the table by gripping his upper arms.

"You won't believe this but the faggot was cocky when he arrived, and we had to tell him what he actually is."

"What a naughty boy!" Linus joked even if everybody else was serious. Jesper had lost all his self-confidence and was sorry for his earlier actions.

"Okay, bent over." Linus let the top off the stick travel over the twink's back. Now Jesper got scared. They were going to whip him with a cane!

"But I'm. . ." As soon as he opened his mouth the first stroke hit him over his ass checks. It was more surprising than painful.


"Ten strokes under silence," Anders said. "We don't want to hear a peep from the faggot. Start over, Linus."

"Okay," he said as easy as before, and immediately a stroke hit the twink's ass. Jesper tried to keep his mouth shut. It hurts more this time.

Linus then struck him three times in quick succession. Jesper was breathing fast and had difficulty keeping quiet.

He was hit again and again with different intervals between the strikes. The last stroke was harder and Jesper jumped forward. He had tears in his eyes. His ass was burning.

"Okay. Stand up and turn around." Anders wanted to look at the twink's little dick. It was hard! He smiled. Their prey kept getting better and better.

"Now everybody around the table wants to inspect you and feel the warmth in those cheeks. Come here! Stand with your hands on your head and legs wide apart."

Jesper knew they treated him this way because he tried to assert himself earlier. It was a bad mistake. This wasn't a bunch of college boys. They were adults, much more experienced than him. He felt bad about what he'd done. It was disrespectful and stupid. He couldn't get what he wanted by being cocky. He wanted to be taken care of by strong and dominating men. He knew he had to show them respect, and he worshiped some off them, like Marcelo.

The man beside Anders started to feel him up. They all grouped him shamelessly, one after another. Hands moved over his tight stomach, pinched his nipples, caressed his biceps and inside his thighs, gripped his balls, played with his dick head, fingered his pussy. Most of all they softly slapped his sore ass cheeks.

When he finished going around the circle to every gang member Anders took hold of the hard dick and balls, still sitting but moved his chair a bit back from the table.

"You like this, don't you?"

"Eeeh. . ."

"Don't lie. You produce pre-cum like a horny boy cunt! Look!" The man moved the dick in his hand toward him as if it was a thing, not an essential part of a human being. He put a finger of his other hand on the dick head. Then he lifted it up. A clear string of pre-cum followed the finger.

Jesper's position was humiliating, his crotch in a forward position as Anders held the cock.

"What does this tells us, pussy boy?"

"I. . ."

When Jesper didn't answer Anders pulled his dick even more forward and said, "You like it! Tell us the truth! Don't be shy. We know you and what you are."

"I like it."

"Yes, you are a useless faggot and a bitch. Did you like all those hands on your body?"


"You like all the excitement you create when you stand naked and play with yourself in front of eleven men?"


"What a perverted loser you are!" Everybody laughed.

"It's time for the main act of the evening. I want you to lie down on your back here on the sofa. Move your legs up and apart, hold them down beside your chest, as Marcelo taught you."

As Jesper walked to the sofa, he wondered how Anders knew about what he and Marcelo had done. But everything was happening so fast now that the thought just disappeared. Peter followed him to the couch, and as Jesper lay down, Peter put a blindfold around his head and tied it tight.

"We will use your body, but we don't want to see your eyes. And you should concentrate on your pussy, not what happens around you," Anders explained.

Despite the fact that he was exposed and vulnerable, laying on his back and spreading his legs wide, he didn't want it to stop. It felt different from when only he and Marcelo were fucking. Now he was on display. They wanted his body but didn't care about him. He was treated as the worthless failure he always had thought he was. This was his task in life, to give pleasure to real men.

To get the attention he so desperately needed he had to make sacrifices, and it was now obvious that he had to completely surrender to their perverted demands for his body. He knew he had to suffer physically and mentally to give them the pleasure they wanted and demanded. And it was only through this sacrifice he could achieve his own satisfaction. The whole scene turned him on. He didn't know why, but he couldn't deny how his mind and body were reacting.

Jesper heard men removing their clothes. Someone sat down on the sofa beside him and took hold of the blinded twink's hand. The man moved it to his crotch and made Jesper wank his hard dick. At the same time, he felt someone greasing up his ass. Then a cock penetrated his sphincter. It was small, and he felt a beer belly against his upturned legs. This must be Lars, the computer guy.

"Can somebody take his legs and move them back?" The man currently fucking him wanted better access. Jesper felt two strong hands on his ankles. They moved his legs back toward his head, and it made his ass also move up. Lars pushed further into the boy hole.

Someone climbed over the twink and moved his dick to the bitch's lips and tapped them. He opened his mouth and the cock sank into his throat. Jesper's free hand was moved to a cock at his other side.

He was working on four dicks simultaneously now. He didn't know which cock was whose, with some exceptions. No one touched the twink's cock. But it was hard anyway.

Jesper wasn't forced or threatened by a gun into this submission, and he wasn't even physically restrained. It was this submission within his mind that gave the predators' gang their true pleasure and satisfaction this evening. The teenager voluntarily let them have him. It required some persuasion, sure, but the twink knew he could stand up and leave at any moment. He didn't. It was a big victory for the gang.

His choice to stay was repeatedly challenged by their brutal use of his body and their endless lust. But he was longing for big dicks in his ass, and he started to enjoy the blowjobs that gave him the opportunity to worship hard dicks with his tongue, lips and throat. He wanted more control but if the choice was between getting nothing or surrender, it was easy to decide what he wanted.

Jesper knew that Lars had emptied his load into his cavity when he groaned and withdrew. Someone else sanks his cock into his pussy. He has no idea who it was. The new dick is bigger and created some pain, but Jesper was pinned down and can't move. And he can't speak. Or see. From the feel of the cock and the sound of the moans he knew that the man fucking his mouth at that moment was Marcelo. He shot his semen into the twink's mouth, and he swallowed every drop. Marcelo rubbed his swollen head over the faggot's lips coating them with cum while he smirked at what a pathetic fag this bitch had become and how silly he was when he earlier had tried to deny it.

The big cock in his ass pounded hard and shook both the twink and the sofa. The man's deep moans intensified as he increased his speed and then with powerful blasts of thick cum filled the willing pussy. This forcefulness makes Jesper feel like a woman. He understood why they called him a girl. He's on the receiving end of sexual actions, the one who takes it.

As the men changed places, Jesper knew that he loved to be among wild, dangerous men whose abundant testosterone ran through their virile bodies. Part of him was yelling that he shouldn't let this happen, but the rest of him was in a zone of submission to the pleasure he was experiencing.

The eleven men used his body again and again for their perverted desires. This isn't the first time they had reached this level of dominating sex with a teenage boy. But this time they hoped their prey won't be terrified of the gang's demands and leave their company.

Robert moved into him with a slow but steady force. Jesper can hear that the men not fucking him are talking but not what they say. He is fucked. There's nothing more to say about it because he has no role or participation in what's happening. Placed this way he's nothing more than two holes and two hands for them to use.

He felt just like an appliance, an object, not a person. He was isolated and disconnected from what's happening around him. This feeling is a totally different from anything he felt so far. He's not sure he likes it but the zone of submission is overwhelming.

They fucked the twink for what felt like hours until the last man with a loud groan shot his hot, thick, load deep inside the twink, impregnating him and marking him as a used whore.

The men talked and joked as they cleaned themselves and got dressed after they were done. But Jesper wasn't part of it. He stayed on his back blindfolded and felt empty and alone without any human contact. Several minutes passed and no one talked to him. Eventually, he needed to put his legs down for comfort. He sat up as you normally do in a sofa. He sats there and doesn't know what to do. He is naked and blindfolded. He can't just leave. Or can he?

Next: part 13 - An uncommon masquerade ball

Next: Chapter 13

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