Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Sep 22, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #1'{}( MM bd humil slow )[1!39]

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PART 1 - Swallow the Bait

He was nervous. This evening he had a date. Should he meet the stranger he got in touch with after he published a personal ad over the internet?

Jesper was 19 and couldn't deny he was gay anymore. It scared him. He didn't want to be different. He didn't want to stand out from the crowd. He knew it was a bit sheepish. At the same time, he wanted to be approved, be liked by others. Like a virgin, he was longing for closeness. It was something missing in his relations with fellow students and friends he had grown up with in his suburban and affluent neighborhood.

He had come to realize he was gay because every time he was playing with his cock and closed his eyes it wasn't beautiful girls coming to his mind, but guys. And he wasn't fantasizing about sex with other youngsters at college, but strong and dominant men. This interest in older men terrified him. It reminded him of his feeling of being inferior, not equal to others.

At night, he would stay under the covers, removing his underwear and have fantasies about some tall guy sneaking into his student room, wrestle him down and told him to obey or face serious consequences. He would passively let the big man roughly tear his pants down and trough him on his bed. Then he was told to spread his legs like a girl. When he did, the guy would say, "Oh, yeah, faggot. We are going to have some fun tonight!"

The fantasies would change, but it always ended with him being fucked by a strong alpha man. And every time he was frenetically wanking his hard and leaking teenage cock. Nothing made him as hot as thoughts of being manhandled and used by real men. The fantasies would flow until his cock would squirt several streams of boy cum over his chest.

Eventually, he overcome his shyness and started to lock for men in the real world, but not for sex but a man he could get to know and built a relationship with. He first and foremost wanted to meet someone he could trust.

It wasn't easy. Everything seemed to be about sex and just for a moment. A temporary realize of satisfaction. One explanation for this conduct of others toward him could easily be explained. Jesper was a very god looking nineteen-year-old young man: Blond, blue eyes, big lips, perfect skin, hairless chest, flat stomach and just the right amount of muscle on legs and arms. The only deviation from a photo model was his length; he was shorter than average. And his dick wasn't anything to brag about.

He created much more sexual desire and lust than he could imagine, among both girls and gays. But with his quiet and reserved personality he had erected a mental wall between himself and everybody else. Many concluded that the cute boy was snooty and regarded himself better than others. But it was nothing of the kind. It was quite the opposite. He was shy, timid and full of self-doubt, or even self-contempt.

The obvious way for a shy boy to search for contact was the internet. He put out messages with only words, no pictures, and he asked for a serious relationship. No one answered. He tried several times on different sites, but without result. Desperation was building up inside him. Was he really so boring and worthless?

Under stress, he changed tactic even if he had sworn to himself never to publish any photo of his face or body. He used his membership account on Qruiser, the Nordic Gay Online Community, to put out pictures of himself. He used a close up of his face and one of him in full-figure (with clothes on). He changed the message to be more about meeting someone some Friday or Saturday evening out in the town over a beer or glass of wine.

What a difference! Now the answers come pouring in. The big majority of the answering guys commented his photos and would be delighted to have a beer with him. Many clearly, direct or indirect, wrote about an evening ending with sex.

To sort things up, Jesper deleted all answers with any hint of sex and one night stands. He then tried to find mail written by smart and serious men. He was ashamed when he realized that he also had their physical features in mind when he did the list of interesting guys.

While he read all messages with all suggestions and praises of him for his good looks, he couldn't leave his cock alone. He got horny. Every evening when he read the new messages in his mailbox he soon enough stepped out of his trousers and removed his t-shirt and sat naked in front of the computer. His hand went up and down the rock hard cock. Masturbation, while reading all the guys email, gave him a new level of pleasure. Never before had his orgasm felt so good. Like bullets shot out of a gun, his semen went high and far.

But he also got scared of his reaction. He wanted company and friends, not only sex and hedonistic pleasure. Why did he feel like this? Why did he get so hot? He tried to control himself, but as soon he started to read new emails. He ended up with his hand around his cock. Soon he got a wonderful release with a big amount of cum firing straight up in the air and splashing down on his chest or to the floor in his small student room.

Finally, he had a list. It was short. On a piece of paper, he had written down some names of men in different ages, from 25 to 55. They had written something that interested him, and they looked like real men in the pictures they sent.

Should he really contact them? Jesper was unsure. Think if they were boring or if they were something entirely different than what they wrote in the emails. It could be awkward. Think if they know someone who knows him. It would be embarrassing. Think if anyone of them were a rapist. It could be dangerous.

Eventually, he swallows the shame and sent a separate email to a handful of the men to continue the dialog and see what would happen. When they started to exchange emails, the twink finds four of them especially exciting. It took ever more time, and he began to open up about his thoughts and interests. This exchange was thrilling. Two of the men were intense, funny and fast in their dialog and Jesper soon writes to them about things he never had told a soul. It was about his feeling and what he was missing.

After a couple of week's dialog via email, Jesper was persuaded by first one of the men and then another to meet face to face in real life. Suddenly it wasn't just a thought. It could soon become a reality. Jesper began to get cold feet. He wasn't at all sure he wanted to do this, even if it was the best possibility he ever had to change his boring life. He canceled off the meetings but after several weeks one of the men convinced him to follow through with a meeting face to face.

On the days before the date with one of the men, Jesper was still filled with doubt and uneasiness. When the day arose his excitement overruled his fears. The meeting place was a restaurant and bar in the city center. Not too crowded but not empty.

Jesper spotted the guy he, up to now, only know from email conversations. He headed towards the table in the back where he sat. They shook hands. Robert looked to be at least the 40 years old he had said he was. Not in the best shape, but full of confidence. In younger years, he had obviously been a handsome guy. Jesper had assumed that the man would be in average length and size. But Robert was taller and more powerful than Jesper had imagined. He had short hair, and it was ash-blonde, as was his short beard. His eyes were clear blue and piercing.

He smiled amused at twink's stare. Jesper's heart began to beat faster. The greeting was short. After ordering two beers, they cut right through the small talk Jesper was prepared to start. Robert didn't speak particularly loud, so there was no real danger of other guests to overhearing their conversation. He put out his view of something they had discussed on the email and asked Jesper if he had changed his mind or still believed in what he had written earlier.

Jesper liked him instantly, no beating around the bush. Even so, Jesper got surprised when Robert started to talk about what he believed was what Jesper needed. And in very blunt words.

"All this talk about feelings and worrying about what other people thinks about you is totally rubbish. You know deep down what you want. What you desperately need. Don't hold it back."

"What . . . ? I . . . I don't know what you are talking about..." Jesper was blushing.

"Yes, you do. You're not stupid. Don't act stupid."

"No, but . . ." Jesper didn't know what to say. He was deeply uncomfortable with the way the conversation went. Why did the man suddenly attack him? But at the same time, he knows that the man pushed on all the buttons he had such difficulty to handle himself.

"But, what?" Robert pressed on. "What do you want? I know you are an intelligent kid. We have discussed many things on the internet. Now it's time to talk about you and what you want. I want to be your friend and know your thoughts, your wishes. You do have wishes, don't you?"

Jesper was paralyzed and locked down on the table. He had all his life suppressed his inner thoughts. He didn't want to be gay, but he had never in his life felt so hot and horny as he was now. The man pushed him in a way no one ever had before. It wasn't right. He had to protect his integrity. But all Jesper was able to say, as he continued to look down at the table: "Please, Robert, please don't . . . I don't want talk about that. Not here."

Robert smiled to himself. He knew he had the twink by the balls. Jesper wanted this but couldn't admit it to himself. Exactly as Robert and his friends had calculated as they analyzed the emails the twink sent to Robert and one of the other men in the ring.

They were eleven men who had found each other in different ways. They shared one specific interest: to hunt and capture their prey: a young, cute, insecure and innocent gay twink to seduce and control.

The hunting ground was, of course, the Internet chat rooms and the different community's where younger men exposed themselves. By acting as a group, they could coordinate several different characters, age requirements and looks in their conversations with the twink they decided to hunt and hopefully catch. The men in the ring were of very different backgrounds, from CEO to blue color. The members ages were from 25 to 74 and both gay men to men with wife and children who occasionally wanted to pound a sweet boy pussy.

Most of them were North European white men, but there were also one Latino, one black man and one with roots in the Middle East. This multicultural profile was useful. Boys from immigrant homes were interesting because they usually lacked knowledge about the society and tried to fit in. White boys were also in not small numbers interested in and curious about dark skinned men.

It started as a funny game but eventually the group evolved an ever more skillful modus operandi. Their discussion on how to best trap a specific beautiful and in best cases virgin twink made the men hot and horny. After several more and more successful attempt, they obtained a flat in the city center where the action could take place. The twink who entered the flat thought it was the home of the man they started to trust and followed home.

The group was constantly looking for new twinks. They suggested candidates, and they collectively decided which twink to hunt. When they become united about who was the boy to hunt they separately and with different tactics, try to establish contact. Because they got mounting experience, usually someone got the twink to bite on their hooks.

When Jesper published the pictures of himself, he was soon spotted by someone in the ring. It wasn't much discussion when all eleven had a lock at the twink's photos. He was an excellent prey. And when the computer nerd in the group could link the sexy twink's face to his previous serious babble that indicated inexperience and insecurity they all agreed to put him on the top of the list.

They minutely plan their next moves together: how to arrange the different answers from different senders, in what mood, with direct talk about sex or indirect or not at all. They tried to find out everything possible about him. They tried as best as they could to do a psychological profile of the twink they wanted to snatch.

This preparation phase of hunting was a big part of the game. It was a highly stimulating and exciting task to get ever closer to the prey without his knowledge. With every new fact about the twink they collected, their thrilling feeling of control over him grows. It also gave the men a sense of power when they separately, now and then, got physically close to the twink. They could walk near him on the street outside his student home. Wait with him at the bus stop and ask for direction. They could take a table beside his at a caf‚. Someone used the place nearest him at the university library where he studied. Always without him noticing anything special.

To follow him around was also an important way to get to know him better. Where he lived, what he did in his spear time and with whom he spent his time. They tried to talk to people around him without creating any suspicion.

They discussed the best way to establish contact that could evolve to more intimate relation. They talked about how their prey would react to different attempts to make a pass at him. The first step was to get him to voluntary participate in sexual intercourse with someone in their group. It was crucial that the twink wanted a relationship to go on. Then they could push him into more and more sexual degrading action even if he at first would think it went a bit far. The more the twink invests in the relationship, the faster and deeper their manipulation could entrap him in a submissive role he couldn't get himself out of easily.

If they didn't strictly uphold this rule of voluntary submission, they could be prosecuted and convicted of rape, assault, and kidnapping. The twink had to have the possibility to leave in every situation, at every moment. He had to say yes to every act they wanted to use him. Even if he afterward would regret it, he had to know that it wouldn't be any point in going to the police.

The men, in which toils the twink had got caught, had to seduce him to accept ever more advanced sexual acts. In this game, everybody in the group deliberated. All of them were informed about every detail in the development, and all could suggest how to go on or how to get a particular twink to overcome his misgivings and hesitations.

The first goal for this predator's gang was, of course, to get the opportunity to fuck the twink they hunted. Up to now seven of the members manage to fuck one of their pray at different occasion before he redrew from their lair. Usually, two or three members manage to fuck a pray during some weeks before it ended. But the ultimate goal was to capture a twink they could use as they wanted. They wanted a twink who submitted to their desire.

But now they first had to get this new and fresh prey's attention. They all wrote separate answers to his advisement where they presented themselves as the different men they were and in line with what they thought the twink wanted to read.

Jesper didn't bite at the hook's in the emails he got from nine of the guys. But after one week Robert got an email from the twink. Roberts bait was serious talk, and it worked. This email was the first direct contact with the twink. The first leg to close the trap had been successful.

Some days later the twink also sends an email to Marcelo, the Latino hunk in the ring. All eleven men were very excited. Now they had two parallel ways to get closer to their prey.

During Robert's and Marcelo's separate email conversations with Jesper, the men were arguing and tested different ideas on how to answer the latest email from him. They wanted him to reveal as much as possible about himself and his desires. The more they knew, the better they could plan how to create trust and make tempting offers and opportunity. To entrap a boy like this, they had to play him well.

And it went well. The intensity of their discussion and planning escalated rapidly when the meeting between the twink and Robert was set.

It wasn't surprising that Jesper had chosen Robert before Marcelo. Robert appeal as a grown up man in his 40s was on a psychological level, which were safer than the more sexual appeal the twink apparently felt for Marcelo, in his late 20's.

Robert was grateful to have been invited to be a member of this predator's ring. The ring leader was a friend from his youth. Robert didn't take it serious at first. It was more about talk and dreams than reality. But at the same time he needed something to happen in his life. He knew his time was over as a prince on gay parties and in gay bars. His professional career in economics hadn't been what he had hoped. He was in his 40s and single in a decent apartment in the city. But things didn't come easy as before. To hunt sex object in a group was a new way to find guys to fuck. The group was as therapy; it feed him new fighting spirit in life.

When it come to the new prey, the gang concluded that Robert could push hard and direct. Jesper was desperate and would do almost everything not to fail to meet finally a man he thought was what he wished for and had yearned for so long. They had concluded the twink was in desperate need to belong. He would do things he didn't know he wanted to do if Robert presses the right buttons in the twink's mind.

But he should only be pushed, not forced, to take the first step. If It went as the gang hoped it would be the first step of many on a path to submission, humiliation, and a new life.

Next: part 2 - First taste of cock

Dear readers,

I enjoy reading stories about authoritarian sexual encounters more than seeing porn videos because written stories move one's imagination so much more. I have for a long time wanted to contribute my fantasies as a tribute to all the incredible stories Nifty publish. But as you obviously can see, English isn't my first language. I don't use it daily. It is a challenge but also fun to try. I hope the story is readable.

Next: Chapter 2

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