Nolgren Md

By Simon8 Mohr

Published on Sep 24, 2018


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James Robert Nolgren MD: Nolgren MD, Attending-1

The two men stayed together in Oxford until Lawrence had finished his fellowship. "Any chance we might plan to return to the states, James?"

Lawrence had done some research in job openings in Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington. He had rejected Los Angeles for the traffic, and thought San Diego had similar trouble, but great weather.

Neither of them had a hard-on for New York or anywhere on the right coast except Miami or Fort Lauderdale, both rejected since neither thought the combination of hurricanes and heat and humidity a plus.

Neither liked earthquakes, California didn't make the cut. The Midwest excepting Austin, Texas was scratched from the list as less than progressive, but Denver or Aspen close by was a possibility due to its proximity to skiing then cancelled Aspen as the commute to Denver was dicey.

Phoenix had a heat problem. The idea of living in Chicago, cold and windy, made them shiver.

James and Lawrence couldn't know it then, but a little lady and her grandson in Portland, Oregon were hoping their lives would change. The lady didn't know where Lawrence was and didn't know James. She was born and raised in Oregon. Grace had lost her own parents, grown up as a free spirit in Portland and worked as a pharmacy technician most of her life while raising two children.

One daughter was born, then a son. The two fathers didn't know each other and as it turned out, Grace hadn't a clue who either father might have been. Grace's children were her life. When her daughter died in the hospital from hypertension and seizures during labor, part of Grace died, but she forced herself to continue.

She had a grandson to raise. She and her son parented the grandson for some years. The child never met his mother formally. He wished he had never met his uncle.

Denny related to his granny as the maternal, stable influence in his life. He loved school and books and was terrible at baseball and football, being skinny, weighing in at the 40th percentile or so. He wasn't chosen on baseball teams from the crowd of kids for obvious reasons. That might have been his greatest hurt and biggest comfort all at the same time. Not being wanted reinforced his world view about himself...he wasn't wanted by his uncle, his mother and father, made his granny tired and by all that was good, he'd show them. He'd be good at something someday. He was a good kid, he thought. That had to count for something someday.

The decision made by James and Lawrence to move to Portland was facilitated by calling the dean of the school of medicine at the Oregon Health Sciences University who confirmed that a teaching slot was indeed available for James in the field of gynecologic oncology and for Lawrence within a year in the anesthesia department, teaching and practicing dental anesthesia.

They also couldn't know that the dean was practically salivating over the prospect of Oxford degrees inhabiting his hallowed halls. The dean wasn't a snob, quite the reverse. He was smart, however, and realized the positive effect of a strange gown and cap at commencement exercises and the publicity that a smallish school could generate from the mere association with old universities in England.

Life awaited the men in Portland. Their belongings were shipped first, and they flew from London to Seattle, bought a small, brand-new SUV and drove to Portland, where a leased Craftsman house near NW 26th Avenue was available right in the heart of happening, just out of downtown Portland, great transportation close by, restaurants, delis, coffee houses, entertainment and hillside walking exercise opportunities, not to mention bicycling and skateboarding activities. They both purchased bicycles and explored the northwest neighborhoods in good weather whenever they could.

Both kept in great shape, trim, and in their king-sized bed delighted each other naked at night. They took turns, but James had turned all alpha since Oxford and in general led out in the bedroom choosing to top Lawrence most nights except those where Lawrence chose to go all dental on him, practicing his injection techniques.

James dived right in to his oncology teaching practice while Lawrence set up housekeeping and explored the neighborhoods. The home had a lovely English garden in the back that seemed jumbled. It wasn't. It had been meticulously planned.

Wonderful large lilacs, hollyhock, Sweet William (Dianthus), marigolds, peonies, delphiniums, lilies, foxglove, crocus, chrysanthemums and other flowering plants filled the space. A meandering path around the house led to this space and a small graveled area with a round metal picnic table with a round overhead awning with table-round redwood bench seating. A solar garden light illumined the first dark hours of the evening there.

The kitchen was large with a central island which had a double stainless sink, a four-burner gas stove, an indoor grille and a lot of counter space topped with a polished granite slab. Storage for pots and pans were in pull-out drawers in the side of the island. A full-sized refrigerator with matching full freezer beside it were just to the side of a dish sink, itself beneath a large window overlooking the side of the house. To the left of the dish sink were two overhead microwave ovens and to the left of those, two large ovens, stacked atop each other. Drawers for cutlery and cupboards for dishes were just below counters close by the microwave ovens. A large walk-in pantry on one side held dry goods.

Walls painted a muted white with a tinge of yellow in the living room with carved oak chair-rails featured a stunning dark-red brocade patterned paper below the chair rails. The ceiling was pure white. A large ceiling fan rotated with variable speed in the middle of the room. Comfortable couches and a couple of soft light tan loungers completed the seating there. Green and red Cordyline plants were potted at the ends of the sofas and a pile of professional magazines and books sat on each coffee table. At night, a myriad of small white ceiling lights in a hanging network cast a glow in the room from the ceiling, resembling nothing so much as a scene from 'The Arabian Nights', as James would say, 'The Arabian Knights'.

The master bedroom held as its centerpiece a king-sized bed in a cave of doubled yellow silk gauze over a polished young bamboo frame which made a rounded cupped tent over the bed which lifted easily to make the bed. Inside the 'tent' were a variety of lights both soft and some bright for better reading. A mirror suspended from the bamboo gave them visual stimulation when on their backs looking up. The bed was fitted with a heating pad under the bottom sheet, high thread-count Egyptian cotton sheets, an expensive comforter and, and each other at night.

There was no need to mow the back lawn. None existed.

The lawn in front was small, on a slope up to the house from the sidewalk which was, itself, separated from the lawn by a brick wall in front. The lawn began inside that wall, just below the top of the wall, and continued on up the steep hill to the house.

Standing on that wall, surveying all he leased and Portland in general one day, Lawrence noticed a boy, close to eight years old, slowly walking up the sidewalk headed north. He had seen the same boy yesterday and several days before that.

"Hi there."

"Hi. My granny says I can't talk to strangers."

"If you brought your granny over to properly introduce us, you wouldn't be a stranger."

"OK. Do you live here now?"

"Yep. Bring your granny next time you walk by."


On Wednesday, the boy was seen with a little old lady coming down the block. Lawrence came off the porch chair and met them at the sidewalk.

"Will you come in?"

"Lawrence Favre? Are you Lawrence Favre?" The granny's mouth, grim, pinched, spat out the words. "You don't remember me, do you?"

"No, ma'am, I, uh...," Lawrence's face underwent transformation to a place between pale and white. "You're Betty's mom, uh, Grace? Is that you?"

"Where the hell have you been all these years?"

"What are you talking about, Grace?"

"You left her with a child. Now you're going to sit here and tell me you didn't know."

"I would have known if she had told me. I didn't hear from you about him either, come to that."

"Dirk and I have raised him since Betty died. She didn't survive the delivery."

"On the birth certificate the father's name is Lawrence Favre. I'll have Denny bring it over tomorrow along with his stuff. Hope you like frogs and aquariums. I'm too old for frogs. Dirk will bring those nasty frogs over, ugh. She stiffened with distate."

"Denny, this is your father. He didn't know you were here and that's why you never met him."

The conversation that followed between Denny and Lawrence wasn't easy. "Denny, I'm really glad I found you and at the same time, I'm very surprised. There are some things you'll want to know."

"One is that I loved your mom and we made a baby, I guess. There's no question that you're my son. You look like me and I'm gorgeous."

Denny cocked an eyebrow and looked skeptical at his dad.

"She never told me that you were on the way. I don't know why. I'm glad your granny and your uncle took good care of you. I would have if I had known..."

"The second thing have two dads."

The astonished expression on Denny's 8-year-old face said that further explanation was required.

"I am not married. I'm a dentist and when I was in school learning how to be a dentist I met someone who is very important to me...

"Is he your boy-friend?"

"How did you..."

"Come on, I'm eight. I'm not six anymore."

Faced with that fait accompli, the rest was a little easier.

"Your other dad's name is James Nolgren and he's a doctor."

"What kind?"

"He takes care of women who have cancer of the uterus and ovaries and....stuff."

"Like the cervix and vagina? Tubes too?"

The kid didn't lack for brains. That heartened Lawrence for about one minute. Then the other shoe fell. He'd have to introduce James to Denny. How the hell was that supposed to work?

James was at work finishing going over plans with the senior fellow in Medical Oncology at OHSU to complete a treatment plan for one of his surgical patients when his phone buzzed. He looked at the screen which said, "HELP! Get home."

"Excuse me, I have a personal emergency."

James ran down the hall, ran down the exit stairs barely avoiding a collision with two nurses discussing something in the stairwell, ran out the front door, hailed a taxi and offered the driver a fifty-buck tip if he hurried.

The taxi flew up I-405 northbound, then exited and traveled down to Northrup, turning west. Several near-accidents later, he rushed up the steps to the house, opened the door, and saw two persons in the living room.

Lawrence sat in a chair on one side of the room, a grim look on his face, actually a scared look, and on the other side a small boy of about 8 years of age sat straight up, calm, looking at James like he might a bear at the zoo, studying this new specimen of adult, glad he was on the other side of the thick glass barrier.

"James, this is Denny. Denny..."

"Yeah, and you're my other dad. This dad got my mom pregnant and she didn't tell Lawrence and my granny and uncle raised me and now I'm going...I'm going...his voice trailed live here, I think..."

Denny squirmed a little. "I have an aquarium and some frogs too."

James wasn't prepared for the child or the speech, but Lawrence and life had taught him to extemporize when the need arose.

"Very glad to meet you, Denny. You, the aquarium, and any miscellaneous frogs are welcome in this house."

James stood up, went over to Denny, put his hand out and shook Denny's hand carefully, noting his sandy hair, his face a copy of Lawrence, green eyes missing nothing... feeling how small Denny's hand was and wondering if the child was thinking his hand was big. He was determined to not rush through this. "You know, Denny, I always wanted a son and didn't even know it because I thought I couldn't ever have one. Now that I've met you, I'm really happy you're here. Any chance I could give you a hug?"

Denny threw himself into James' arms and gave him a quick strong hug. "Have you given Lawrence a hug yet?" Denny skipped over to Lawrence, who standing by that time with a tear on his cheek, bent over and hugged his son.

James looked at Lawrence, still not meeting his eyes, and wondered what he must be thinking and feeling. Shell-shocked, maybe?

"Lawrence, did you know about Denny before today?"

"No, of course not. She and I were together for a short time a years before you and I met. She never told me she...her mom told me yesterday when she and Denny came over that Denny's mom passed in childbirth."

"Yeah, my mom never knew me. She died having me. I must have done something wrong..."

"No, you didn't do anything wrong," James said. "Some moms die trying to have their kids. They miss out on knowing the nicest kids sometimes."

"I'm not sure she would have liked me."

"I'm not either. Can you tell us what kind of child you are? Are you a likable guy?"

Denny's eyes started to water a little. "I'm not always good but I try to be cheerful for granny and I don't pull girl's hair or hit people and I'm good in school and get good grades. My uncle Dirk says I need to get more 'exercises', but granny says I'll have more muscles later on."

"Sounds like you're a pretty normal guy. Lawrence and I would like you to try living here with us. How would you feel about that?"

"I'd like to try. Can I see my room? I have to go to the bathroom and I'm hungry."

"Sure, the bathroom is up the stairs, first door on the right. When you're done, yell. We'll show you your room."

James never forgot the look of well, gratitude, on Lawrence's face as Denny ran up the stairs nor the fierce embrace. "Thank you, James."

"Lawrence, hey. You're my best friend and my lover. He's a part of you. What's not to like?"

A yell from upstairs startled them at first, then they were off to introduce Denny to the house. A sandwich and slices of apple were constructed and cut in the kitchen for a snack They were promptly inhaled by a hungry kid.

"Pizza ok for supper, Denny?" Lawrence asked.

"Sure, dad." Lawrence and James glanced toward each other, not quite meeting the other's eyes. It wouldn't have made a difference since their eyeballs were glazed over, flooded with tears.

Tears of a very different kind, rage, came the next day when Denny's uncle Dirk arrived to find two dads eager to help carry in Denny's aquarium and his bed and clothing.

"Don't tell me Denny's going to live with a couple of homos? I don't think so. Come on Denny, we're leaving this place right now. Damn faggots anyway."

Denny shrank back. Lawrence told him to go up to his room quickly and lock the door from the inside.

James looked at Dirk, took a scalpel from his pocket and began to caress it lovingly still in its package while putting on what Denny already called his 'crazy face'.

"Lawrence and I are real sensitive to hate speech and are prepared to defend ourselves and Lawrence's son in court. We have the resources to hire a really good attorney. Do you, Dirk? You need to leave. If you don't, we'll have the cops decide what to do and you can think about this in jail."

"Don't come back here. Someday if Denny wants to see you, he'll find you. Before age 18, Lawrence, his biological father on Denny's birth certificate, gets to decide who he sees."

"Lawrence, do you want Dirk on our property?"


"I guess that settles it. Off ya go, bud. I'm not threatening you with this scalpel. I should tell you what it does when irritated, though. I carry one around at work. It has a mind of its own. It's real sharp. I used this one to cut a cancer out a woman yesterday."

"It can take your ovaries off, or small balls in your case, before you can say 'Jack Robinson'. Very painful, what?"

"What a pity I don't have sutures here to stop the bleeding afterward. Hemorrhage itself isn't painful, but those big arteries and veins in the penis can bleed fast enough to kill a guy."

He sounded like he was discussing a recipe for three-bean salad and with his crazy face on, he almost scared Lawrence too.

"Nice meeting you."

A second story window, the lower sash raised just far enough to allow a small boy with good hearing to hear what he wanted to, slid closed noiselessly and the small boy grinned and shivered a little, alone in his room until a knock on the door summoned him to unlock it. He threw himself into Lawrence's arms, then James' arms. "Thanks dads."

Denny's uncle had lost his little daily perv on Denny's cock and ass and wasn't happy about that. Dirk would have been unhappy, indeed, to hear that his nephew was being 'corrupted' by his new dads in the sense that they didn't believe anything was gained by false modesty in the house.

They had roamed the house nude before Denny got there, had a talk with him about it after his uncle left, and didn't change their long habit.

Denny's eyeballs were singed a little at first, seeing things he'd seen before now on a much larger scale, things he'd seen in the mirror. His dads didn't wear clothes at home much and as far as he could tell didn't wear pajamas to bed either. He wandered into their room the next morning to find Lawrence in the shower. He stood at the door long enough for his dad to notice he was there, and Lawrence opened the shower door.

"Have you had your bath yet today? Jump in if you want to."

Denny's clothes were already off and he gingerly stepped into the flow of warm water and his dad rubbed his hair with shampoo and then told him to rinse. Denny took the soap and washed himself, his eyes not far away from his dad's equipment, glancing quickly from time to time trying not to be seen to notice, however. Lawrence smiled to himself, remembering his own childhood curiosities and thinking the kid was pretty well-endowed for his age, a lot like himself at that age.

"Gee, dad, your thingy is pretty big. Can I..."

"No, Denny. That's something that can't happen before you are 18. We'd both be in big trouble before then. You can look, but not touch now. That goes for any adult, any kid, and you. Nobody touches your cock, your balls or your bottom before you are 18. Do you understand me? If anybody tries, yell, shout and run and tell me. What are you going to do, tell me!"

"Yell, shout, run and tell you, dad. I'm not stupid."

The first time Denny saw James' morning erection in the shower, high, thick and tall, Denny asked him why it was like that.

"That's how guys make babies and have fun. When a penis looks like this, it easily goes inside the women and sperm comes out and sometimes makes a baby. When you are older, your cock will get hard sometimes too and some hair will grow around down there like an adult and then you will see some liquid come out sometimes during the night, sometimes after a really good dream. That's ok and normal at that age.

A lot of guys make their sperm come out for fun a lot earlier than 18 by themselves and that's OK, but the baby thing needs to wait until after you have a good partnership going."

"Do you and dad..."

"Yep. That's 'family' talk by the way. Some things we talk about in the family but don't discuss with neighbors or friends. That's called 'family' talk. It's nobody else's business.

"Am I going to have a little baby brother or sister?"

"The way the biology works is that if two people want to make a baby, one of them has to be a woman. Lawrence and I are men, so if we want another child we'll have to adopt one. That's family talk too."


"Your cock is bigger than Lawrence's, I think."

Astonished at this casual conversation, James' wasn't sure how to respond.

"Everybody is a little different. Every man's cock is bigger when it's hard. Your dad's ears are bigger than mine, a little bit anyway."

James chuckled and rinsed.

"Why do you and Lawrence sleep together and not in your own beds?"

"Because we like to snuggle and we're good friends."

"Will I ever have a good friend?"

"Probably. It might be a girl or a boy, whichever you choose."

"Eww, I want my friend to be a boy."

"Now you do. That might change someday. Remember that."

"Do we have corn flakes in the kitchen, dad? I'm hungry for corn flakes. I think my frogs like those too."

After Denny dried off and left the bathroom, James got to thinking about himself as a child growing up and getting to be thirteen or so and how he had perfected his own 'art' of jacking off...he applied some liquid soap to his hard cock and revisited his teen years, coming like a fire hydrant on the shower wall, imagining Lawrence walking in to the gym shower in high school at age 18, catching James in the act.

Then he imagined Lawrence in his twenties, disrobing and begging an eighteen-year-old James to fuck him in his fantastic, small, bubble ass. He didn't see Lawrence at the sink brushing his teeth until after he emerged from the shower. "Fuck, if I'd known you were in here, I would have fucked your ass for breakfast."

"Hmm...I've got too much 'looking forward to tonight' energy for this day" said Lawrence. "In the meanwhile, I need you to kneel down here on the rug and suck the scruples out of me, if you would so condescend, sir".

Then it was Lawrence's turn to come like a fire hydrant, panting with pleasure.

Denny's granny stopped by the next week with an apple pie about dinner time and gave Denny a hug.

She straightened up, sniffed and said how quiet her house was without a little boy.

James asked her if she'd had dinner yet. She said she had not.

"Sit down and eat with us. We're having Lawrence's roast chicken with Hollandaise sauce, finely shredded raw yellow beet salad with mayonnaise, lemon and shredded fresh pineapple, and corn on the cob with a dab of mayonnaise covered with shredded Cotija cheese. He always makes too much. He's brought up a particularly nice Rhone red wine. Please join us. We'd all love to eat with you. I think Denny misses you."

"Don't mind if I do. Thank you." She was their guest at supper every Tuesday night for the next 10 years. She and Denny found plenty to talk about and she gradually became comfortable with Lawrence and James together, teasing them about the handsome checkout guys down at the supermarket 'they should check out'.

"It's like a lending library down there on Friday nights," Grace said with a roll of her eyes. "The things that don't go on these days."

Next: Chapter 6: Attending 2

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