Nolans Little Brother

By Tyler Robertson

Published on Jun 11, 2018


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After sleeping soundly through the night, I awoke on my stomach the next morning, morning wood pressed firmly to my belly. My mouth was dry and I had the slight headache of a hangover.

Rolling over, I glanced beside me. Luke slept on his back, covered with a sheet from the waist down, but naked underneath. His hands were tucked behind his head; the morning light revealing thick tufts of dark armpit hair that contrasted with his hairless belly and chest.

It was Sunday, and the bachelor weekend was coming to a close. Everyone was headed home that day, and I had a particularly long journey in front of me, starting with a three and a half hour drive to the airport, and then a five hour flight to SFO.

As my boner subsided, I stumbled out of bed, grabbing a towel and heading toward the bathroom to clean up. Though it was nearly 9am, all was still quiet in the house as I started the shower.

The warm water enveloped my body as I stepped beneath the shower head. I daydreamed of the weekend's events, remembering snippets of sex-themed conversations and replaying numerous mental images of nude bodies. Most prominent in my mind was my first glance at Luke's package, his impressive wiener swaying between his legs as we naked lapped around the house.

My dick was half hard by the time I reached between my legs to soap up; I desperately needed some alone time once I was back home. Surely the other guys felt similarly, as it'd been several days since any of us had had the privacy to jerk off. Keeping myself from lingering, I soaped up quickly and rinsed before turning off the faucet. Once dry, I headed back to the room to dress.

Luke was awake as I hung up my towel.

"Morning Luke."

"Morning," he said, sitting up, but keeping his waist covered.

I wondered if he had some morning wood of his own to conceal.

"How'd you sleep?" he asked with a yawn.

"I was passed out. You?"


I turned towards him as I pulled on my underwear, giving him a full view of my body.

"What time's your flight today man?" he asked casually as I tucked my dick into my boxer briefs.

"Uh, 4:30. But it's out of Charlotte so I've got a bit of a drive."

"Oh really. Hm. Well if you're headed that way maybe I could catch a ride with you?"

"You headed back to your house?"

"Yeah. Nolan's not going home, and I was gonna bum a ride off of Kyle, but if you don't mind a little detour I'd just as soon ride with you."

"Yeah sure, no problem. I'd enjoy the company."

Luke and Nolan's house was probably 15 minutes out of the way for me, which I didn't mind.

"Perfect," he said as he got up, revealing his naked body. "I'm gonna hop in the shower."

His dick was soft, but still impressive and as beautiful as ever in the bright light of he room. He wrapped a towel around his waist as he walked off to the bathroom, but not before I caught a glimpse of his toned white butt.

With Luke gone, I finished dressing and made my way downstairs. As I helped Nolan prepare breakfast, the house began to rise. Guys awoke and ate, and shortly thereafter, began departing.

Many of the guys had carpooled, so there were series of bro hugs all around as the first group made their exit. The wedding was only three weeks away, so we'd all see each other again soon.

After cleaning up breakfast and packing, it was time too for Luke and me to hit the road. Nolan and I hugged and he thanked me again for making the trip. Luke hugged his big brother before following me to my rental and loading up the trunk.

It was a beautiful day for a drive, and we cruised with the windows down much of the way. Conversation flowed easily between Luke and me, just as it had the past three days.

About an hour into the drive, Luke lowered the stereo.

"Everything alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah. It's just...", he trailed off. "Can I, uh, can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

He seemed nervous.

"What's it like, you know, uh, being, well, gay?"

"Being gay?"

"Well yeah. How's that been?"

"Uh, well, it's actually been, great, if I'm honest," I stammered, having nothing more insightful to say. "I'm lucky to have a family and friends that are supportive."

"Has it changed things, you know, with your buddies?"

"I mean, nah, not really. Your brother was my best bud before and he's still my best bud. It's the same."

"That's awesome."

"Yeah it is. He's a special dude. Even put up with me talking about guys to him this weekend," I chuckled.


"And you saw what it was like this weekend with the guys," I continued. "No one really cares. I'm still just one of the bros."

"Did those guys all know you're gay?"

"Most of them. Not all of them. But regardless."

"I see."

"Why do you ask?" I probed.

"Yeah, it's just. Well yeah, I like dudes. But I like girls too. I don't know. So I was just, curious."

"I get it dude."

He looked at me nervously.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, I am," he stammered, throat catching. "It's just, you're uh, the first person I've talked to about this."

I felt a pit of emotion in my stomach.

"I know what it's like, I've been there. It's not easy."

"Yeah. I mean honestly, seeing you this weekend made me feel so much better. Like I could tell people and it could be... normal."

Another pit in my stomach.

"Well thanks, man, it's really good to hear that. I can honestly say I haven't regretted coming out for a single day yet."

There was a pause for a while as he seemed to mull this over.

"So tell me then, if you don't mind me asking, how did everything get started for you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like guy wise. How'd you figure it out?"

"Well. That's a good question. I guess I'd always known I was interested. Like in the locker room and stuff. Or when I watched porn."


"But I ignored it mostly. Didn't even let myself jerk off to the thought of dudes for a long time. Much less tell anyone or do anything."

"Yeah I hear that."

"But eventually it was kinda hard to ignore. I was crushing on dudes in high school and started beating off to gay porn and stuff. But I didn't actually do anything until college."

"Right. What was that like?"

"It was, well, fun. Interesting," I paused to collect my thoughts. "Grindr wasn't a thing at that time, at least not that I knew of, so I looked around on Craigslist. Lots of creepers, but some normal dudes too."


There was a long pause.

"But yeah, it's been good. I'm happy."

"Well good for you, I'm happy for you."

I thought for a bit, but wasn't sure what else to say. Not wanting to probe, I let the conversation die down. Eventually we began chatting about something else. We listened to music as the miles on the highway rolled past.

Much later in the ride, as we were nearing Luke's house, he brought it up again.

"So tell me about meeting dudes on Craigslist."

I laughed, and then thought for a second.

"Oh man. It was the Wild West."


"Yeah. Honestly I was just looking for someone I could mess around with. Just to see what it felt like. I was still deep in the closet."

"So who was the dude?"

"Like, my first?"


Thinking about telling Luke about my first time was a turn on, but I didn't know how much I should share.

"Well I chatted with a bunch of guys. Email and then text usually. Swapped some dick pics. I was horny."

"Understandable," he laughed.

"But I eventually found a dude. He was older, but our conversation flowed easily. He was just so, normal."

"How much older?"

"Quite a bit."

"Tell me."

I thought about lying, but didn't feel right about it.

"He was 43. Married. With kids. I don't feel great about it looking back."

"When was this?"

"Freshman year. I was 18."


I looked over at him, and now I was the nervous one. I'd never told anyone this story, even my gay friends.

"Well, go on," he prompted.

"We just really connected. Texted casually for a long time. Exchanged pictures. Talked dirty to each other. He wasn't out obviously and was looking for someone similarly discreet. And he of course loved that I was closeted. And young."

"Damn, I'm sure he did."

"So eventually he asks if I want to meet up. And I'm nervous as hell. But I'm super attracted to him. And horny. So I tell him yes. And he didn't want to meet me in public of course, so he got us a hotel room."

More blood flowed to my dick as I told the story.

"I see."

Luke was listening intently.

"But yeah, so it's a Friday night. His wife's outta town or something. I show up at the hotel. Borrowed a buddy's car. Decent place. He was pretty well off. My heart is beating a million miles an hour. And I knock on the room door and he's waiting for me. He was nervous too, which made me relax."

"And then?"

"Well we just chatted for a while. He said things could go at my pace. He'd brought beer so we each had one to ease our nerves. We just talked about normal stuff like we were buddies. About our lives, what he did for work, sports, all of that. I honestly started to forget what we were there for."

Luke smiled.

"So he's been sitting on the side of the bed and I'm in a chair, and finally he asks if I want to sit next to him. And so I do. And my heart starts beating again. And our thighs touch. It seems like such a small thing but it was a huge turn on for me. Finally he put his hand on my leg. Which basically gave me a boner right then and there. And then we kissed."

Luke was enthralled.

"So we start making out and I'm instantly hard. He puts his hand on my dick. Through my jeans. And then I decide to do the same to him, and he's rock fucking hard too. I feel like I'm going to come in my pants I'm so turned on."

Telling the story was giving me a boner, so I adjusted myself into my waistband as casually as I could.

"That's amazing," Luke commented. "Go on."

"So we're lying there making out, and eventually he reaches for my shirt and says, 'Is this alright?'. And I of course say yes. So he pulls off my shirt, and then pulls off his own. We made out shirtless. He was in great shape, and had a really hairy chest. I was fit too, but not nearly as muscular. And of course not hairy at all. Eventually he reaches under my boxers and touches my dick for the first time. It felt... unreal. And he undoes my belt and pulls down my jeans and underwear. Until finally I'm completely naked on the bed. And he's still got his pants on. He asks if he can suck my dick."

"Fuck," Luke adjusted himself subtly.

"Yeah. And I can't even speak. I just nod. And he goes down on me. And I swear within 15 seconds I'm spraying jizz into this guy's mouth. And he swallows the entire load."

Luke sat there in silence.

"That's a wild first time."

"Ha, yeah, I guess it was." I smiled.

"So then what?"

"So I just lay there on the bed for a while. Naked. Kind of in shock. Eventually, I get up to piss. He asks 'You wanna shower man?'. So I turn the water on. And I see him stripping down behind me. He says 'Cool if I join?'. And I nod. And he strips down to his tighty whities. I still hadn't seen him naked. He's half hard. And he pulls down the undies. He was a seriously hairy dude. Thick forest of chest, belly, and pubic hair. And he's got the biggest set of balls you'll ever see in your life."


"I swear these things were tennis balls. Fucking bull balls. Hanging halfway down to his knees. His dick was fat, average sized. But those nuts were unreal. So we soap up and shower, and being a teenager my dick starts to get hard again. We start making out. And once we both realize I'm ready to go again, he says, 'Fuck me.' And I look at him confused, and say, 'Really?' And he nods. And I literally can't say no."


"Yeah. I mean, I knew he was a bottom. We'd talked about that before. But I didn't expect that our first time."


"But yeah, we get outta the shower and I fucked him."

"You fucked him?"

"Yeah, it was pretty fucking unbelievable dude. I'm sorry I got kinda carried away on the details."

"Dude don't apologize, that's an amazing story," he said, adjusting himself again. "I hope I'm that lucky."

I looked between his legs and saw a bulge in his jeans.

"Yeah I've never told anyone that story before."

"It's pretty incredible. I guess we've both shared some stuff today."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," I laughed.

"Damn dude. Good for you. Un. Real."

"But hey, you're off to college in the fall yourself. Should be the perfect time to try some new things," I said, shifting the focus away from myself.

"Yeah, I guess. Still just a big step."

"Fair enough, I get that. Was for me too. But worth it."

"Seriously man, I enjoyed hearing that so much. If anything, now I'm inspired more to go test the waters," he said with a smile.

We were arriving at his house.

"Listen Luke," I said, taking a more serious tone. "You're a great guy. I'm proud of you man. If you need anyone to talk to, ever, about anything, I'm a text or a call away."


I got out of the car to help him with his stuff.

"Alright Luke. Great seeing you this weekend. See you in a few weeks."

"Yeah. Looking forward to that."

We hugged, and I returned to my car. No one was home at his house as he lugged his bags inside. As I pulled away, I wondered if he'd immediately go in and jerk off. An image of him flashed into my head; stripping down and tugging on his uncut dick until he blew his load all over himself. A horn honked, snapping me out of my daydream and returning my focus to the road.

As I drove the remaining distance to the airport, I again replayed the events of the weekend. First, noticing how much Luke had grown up. Seeing him naked with his big floppy cock during our naked lap. Him seeing me naked. Then him coming out to me. Feeling slightly guilty for telling him about my first time.

My dick stiffened as I ran through all of these thoughts.

Eventually, my mind was forced back to the present as I arrived at the airport. Returning my rental car, I made my way through security.

As I waited by my gate, my phone buzzed. I looked down. A text from Luke.

"Hey man. Safe travels back home. Really appreciate the chat in the car. Keep in touch and look forward to seeing you soon."

I smiled, and fired off a reply.

"Glad to hear it. Let me know if you ever need to talk. See you soon."

He replied immediately.

"By the way, messing around with anybody in SF?"


I thought about whether I should answer, and saw no reason not to.

"Yeah. Got a friend with benefits, nothing serious."


"You're 18 now man... the world is your oyster."


I sat in the waiting area, slightly horny, wondering what to say. Eventually, I fired off a response.

"Just remember to use protection. Magnums in your case ;)"

He started typing immediately.

"Haha. What, you checking me out this weekend?"

"No, but that thing's hard to miss! Putting us all to shame out there."

"Haha. But hey, you're not doing too bad yourself."

"You flatter me."

"By the way, you never told me the end of the story. Your first time."

"Haven't I told you enough? :)"

"I know there's more to it."

"What's in it for me? :)" I texted provocatively.

My phone buzzed again, this time, a picture message. Luke's smooth belly and a bulge in his boxer briefs.

Damn. That was a hot photo. Things had gotten serious.

It was time for me to board, but I was half hard and couldn't even think about putting my phone away. I began to recount the rest of my story.

"He helped me along the whole way. Slid the condom on me and lubed himself up. I mount him from behind."

I sent off that part.

"Fucking hot dude."

I was too horny to stop there.

"I don't last long. I'm jerking him off as we fuck. And before long I start to nut. And he loses it too. He shoots out the most massive load I've ever seen."

Another picture message. This time, a dick pic. Luke from the waist down. Hard. I was floored. Trapped in the busy gate area, I was only able to give it a quick glance, but I had an instant boner. My dick throbbed in my jeans.

The last call announcement for my flight rang out over the loudspeaker. I dashed off one final text as I approached the gate.


"Let's keep that one between you and me."

"Of course. Boarding now, gotta go."


I boarded the flight with my boner tucked into my waistband, and as soon as the captain turned off the fasten seatbelts sign, I bee-lined to the bathroom.

Pulling out my phone, I took a closer look at the picture Luke had sent me. His cock was truly a thing of beauty. Easily 7", its foreskin was only partially retracted despite being fully erect. It curved slightly downward, with veins tracing its length, and the faintest bit of pre-cum was visible on the tip. Bare feet were visible at the bottom of the frame, boxers strewn beside them. His right hand gripped the base of his shaft.

Unbuttoning my pants, I prepared to unload, wondering what my best friend Nolan would think about me beating my meat to his little brother's dick pic. With only 5 or 6 strokes, I began to shoot, coating the sink and mirror of the tiny stall with my jizz.

Cleaning up as beat I could, I zipped up and returned to my seat. With surprising ease, I nodded off, and slept the rest of the trip home.

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