Nolans Little Brother

By Tyler Robertson

Published on Mar 15, 2018


I awoke well before Luke the following morning. He was in the same position he'd passed out in; on his back on top of the covers. The bulge in his orange boxer briefs was far more visible in the morning sun, which highlighted the contours of his dick and balls beneath the fabric. I rolled out of bed and pulled on some gym shorts before making my way downstairs.

I was the first one awake in the house; surveying the carnage as I put in a pot of coffee. There were lots of scattered beer cans and cups, but no serious damage. All in all, things could've been worse.

As the coffee began to brew, I heard some stirring from one of the downstairs bedrooms, and Nolan emerged.

"Morning dude."

"Morning," he replied, rubbing his eyes groggily.

Wearing only a pair of tight fitting gray boxer briefs, he stretched his arms behind his head, showing off his defined triceps and exposing a forest of dark armpit hair.

"How you feeling, bachelor?" I asked.

"Little headache, but not too bad overall. You?"

"Could be worse, I guess."

I poured us each a cup of coffee, and we stepped onto the back porch to drink them as the rest of the house slept.

"Damn, that was a fun night," I remarked.

"Yeah, pretty wild. Was great having everyone in the same place. Luke seemed to fit right in."

"Yeah he held his own. Might be hurting today though."

"Nah, I bet he'll be fine. He's young, and besides, he probably puked everything out last night. Thanks for taking care of him by the way."

"Oh yeah, no problem. Nothing major, just helped him clean up and stumble up the stairs."

We stared out at the ocean as we sipped coffee.

"You know what the craziest part of the night was?" Nolan asked after a while.


"Nah man," he said with a big smile. "Finding out my little bro is hung like a horse!"

I laughed heartily.

"You didn't know?"

"Nah dude. Let's just say, he's done a lot of `growing up' since the last I saw him down there."

We both chuckled.

"Good to see at least your little weenie hasn't grown any," he teased.

He'd always liked to rib me for having the smaller dick.

"Please, Nolan, don't hate on average-sized. Not everyone can pack heat like you and your little bro," I laughed along.

"Yeah, true. But good for Luke. I think the little man's still a virgin, but he'll make some chick very happy someday," he paused. "Or dude I guess."

"What, you think he's gay?"

I was glad I'd thrown on the gym shorts, because they concealed the slight stirring that might've been noticeable in my boxers.

"No, it's just, you know, I like to keep an open mind now."

"That's a good thing."

"Plus, I never thought you were gay until you told me."

We smiled at each other.

As we bantered on the porch, the house slowly came to life. Guys woke up, more coffee was made and eventually someone put on some eggs for breakfast. Much of the crew was nursing some severity of hangover.

Luke was the last one to stir.

"He lives!" called out Nolan as Luke descended the stairs.

"Yeah, yeah. Good morning guys," he mumbled groggily.

Luke was shirtless, sporting a pair of royal blue gym shorts. His small, light red nipples contrasted with the whiteness of his smooth chest. I'd never been a fan of labels, but Luke looked the definition of a twink. He grabbed some breakfast and plopped down at the table.

"How ya feelin', little man?" Nolan asked, with an affectionate tousle of Luke's hair.

"Not too bad. Must've puked out all the bad stuff last night."

"Good. We've got a big day today!"

The plan was to head to the nearby town to spend some time at the public beach, before a private booze cruise in the afternoon and a dinner reservation in the evening.

As Luke ate, coolers were packed full of beers and snacks for the day, and those that weren't already dressed began to put on their beach attire.

I eventually went upstairs to get changed, and Luke entered the room as I looked through my luggage. He was obviously comfortable enough not to knock, which made me glad.

After he came in, I nonchalantly dropped my boxers, stepping across the room to where I'd hung my swim shorts the night before. The room was small, so my nude body was within a foot or so of Luke. We casually made small talk.

It was already a hot day, and it had been a while since I'd gotten off, so my balls stretched heavy and low beneath my cut dick. I grabbed the swim trunks and slowly slid them on.

As I did, Luke pulled down his gym shorts, revealing he was commando underneath. This surprised me given that he slept in his boxer briefs, but I wasn't complaining. I enjoyed the view of Luke's shaved package, noting the slight left bend in his uncircumcised dick, and the fullness of his shaved balls.

He slid on a different pair of boardshorts from his bag, this time light green, and pulled a white tank top over his torso. I opened the door for us, and we headed downstairs and loaded up the cars.

It was a Saturday afternoon, and the public beach was packed with people. Part of me regretted leaving the serenity of our private beach behind, but we soon found a spot, and were able to socialize a bit more than we'd have been able to otherwise.

There was a mix of swimming, volleyball, and Spikeball on the beach. While none of us had brought a Spikeball net, a few of the guys, including our host Kyle, were courageous enough to challenge some attractive young women to a game. Needless to say, the guys were handily defeated.

I played one game of volleyball, but mostly just relaxed in the sun. Some of the guys tried talking to girls, with minimal success. Luke tagged along with some of the other guys who were in swimming.

After a while, it was time to round up the guys and head over to the pier where our charter where would be departing. Nolan wasn't a sailor, but we'd found a cheap sailing charter online while planning the trip and decided to book.

The crew of the boat was made up of two middle aged guys, both very chill, who had no problem with us bringing our cooler of booze and being generally rambunctious. There wasn't a ton to do apart from drink, so we became increasingly buzzed as the cruise went on.

As was not unusual for this crew when they drank, the topic turned to girls.

"Dude that Spikeball girl was a dime, don't you think?" Kyle asked no one in particular.

"Which one, short blonde in the red?"

"Yeah. Beautiful tits, tight ass, athletic. Would've brought her back home and slipped it in. You can really get some leverage on short chicks."

"Nah dude, she had a boyfriend. That big gorilla looking motherfucker that was out swimming. Bet he tears that pussy up. He's twice the size of her!"

"That dude's a bitch, she could use a real man."

The caveman talk continued, and Luke and I separated from the group, chatting casually over a beer. Neither of us had even seen the Spikeball girls, so we didn't have much to contribute even if we wanted to. Besides, conversation flowed so easily between just the two of us.

As Luke and I got lost in conversation, it wasn't much longer before the cruise wound down and it was time to head in.

We paid and thanked the crew, and once back on shore, made our way in the direction of the sports bar where we had our dinner reservation. It wasn't quite time to eat yet, but we went to the bar anyways to get the out of the sun and order a couple pitchers of beer.

I immediately headed towards the restroom to take a leak, and Luke happened to be right behind me. We chatted casually as he stepped up to the adjacent urinal and flopped his cock out of his board shorts. Despite having already seen it once today, I couldn't help but sneak a peek while he pissed.

A thick stream sprayed from his dick, and as he flushed he gave himself three big tugs to drain the excess. I wasn't quite sure whether he glanced over at me or not, though I thought he might've. Finishing just after him, I gave my dick a few shakes of my own, and followed him back out into the bar.

Happy hour blurred into dinner, as alcohol condensed the timeline of events. We ate, and before long, it was nighttime and we found ourselves at a packed, touristy dive bar. Luke, the only one of the group under 21, was thankfully able to sneak in with a fake ID. The drinks continued flowing, and several of the guys made futile attempts to pick up girls.

Nolan, who'd been fed drinks consistently throughout the afternoon and evening, was about as drunk as I'd ever seen him. He stumbled over to me and threw his arm around my shoulder.

"Dude, I just want to tell you. I fuckin' love you man. Thanks for being here."

He had a tendency to pour his heart out when he drank to excess.

"Of course dude, wouldn't miss it for anything."

"And hey, I just want you to know I'm so fucking happy for you and so happy you came out to me."

"Hey thanks man, that means a lot."

"And just because you get with dudes now doesn't mean you can't still tell me about your little escapades," he said with a big smile, arm still around me.

"Fair enough, dude," I said with a laugh.

Since high school we'd always swapped war stories of hookups, one night stands, and girlfriends. I'd had my share of female action to talk about in the past, and I even remember him calling me to tell me about the first time he boned his now fiancée.

"So tell me, Mr. West Coast, you gotten any recently?"

"Oh, nothing too crazy. Little here and there," I demurred.

"Seriously, you can tell me dude, I'm asking. You know you would if it were a chick."

He had a good point, and the interest he was suddenly taking in my sex life was a bit of a turn on.

"Yeah I've got a bud I mess around with every now and then. Kind of a friends with benefits type of thing. College student in town."

"Damn, look at you, robbing the cradle."

I laughed.

"So how'd that come about?"

"Ah well, we met on Grindr. Chatted for a bit and then swapped dick pics. Eventually decided to meet up."

"Nice dude. You guys bone?"

I reddened, but held nothing back.

"Yeah. Third or fourth time we met up, his roommate was out of town so we went to his place. I gave it to him doggy."

This left Nolan silent. I'd surprised even myself by how much I shared.

"Nice. Well good for you dude. Glad you're getting yours. And don't forget to wrap that little willie of yours."

I smiled.

"I was going to tell you the same, but maybe that's no longer necessary?"

"Yeah man, you're right. Jen's been on the pill forever, but she finally started letting me raw dog and blow it in her. No feeling better."

"Yeah I can imagine dude."

"She's a fucking tiger. Three years in and we still do it almost every night."

"That's awesome."

"But we decided we're going to take about a two-week break before the wedding. No sex, no jerking off, nothing. This thing's gonna be like a firehose by the time wedding night rolls around," he motioned towards his dick.

"Ha, well good luck with that. Two weeks is a long time, but I believe in you."

Telling Nolan about my sex life and hearing about his turned me on a lot, and I had to concentrate not to pitch a tent in my shorts.

We were interrupted by Kyle, who was passing out shots from the bar. None of us, especially Nolan, was in need of a shot, but no one was willing to say no. We all cheers'd and threw them back.

Not long after the shots, it was clear that the group needed to head home. Ubers were ordered, guys were wrangled up, and we all shuttled back to the house.

The crew stumbled into the house rather drunkenly, despite the fact that it was still on the early side.

"Alright ladies, who's up for a night swim?" Nolan asked the group.

He was surprisingly coherent given how drunk he was. It was still pretty hot, so a swim sounded refreshing, and no one goes against the bachelor. Nods of agreement came from the crew.

"Good to be back at our private beach!" Nolan announced, dropping his shirt and shorts in the middle of the living room. He wasn't wearing underwear.

There were laughs and whistles from the group. Everyone knew Nolan and his exhibitionism, which was always amplified by a few beers. He strolled naked towards the door.

"Anyone else in?"

Virtually everyone was, so the crew gravitated towards the water. The more modest of the bunch kept their shorts on until reaching the water, while others, including myself and Luke, stripped in the house and walked out nude. I was generally comfortable with my body, and drunk enough not to care anyways.

To my surprise, everyone in attendance skinny dipped that evening-- which is a testament to the style of friends Nolan has. I stole lots of glances in the dim moonlight, and marveled at the variety of shapes and sizes that were present. While I'd been in my fair share of locker rooms, it'd been a while since I'd been in such close quarters with this many naked dudes.

Nolan and Luke appeared to be the only uncut men of the bunch, and they each also had the biggest dicks. Nolan's had a thick, smooth appearance that I'd marveled at many times before. His dark pubes were bushy-- I suppose now that he was engaged there was less of a need to trim. Luke was shaved with a thick snout of foreskin on the end that differentiated him slightly from his brother. Kyle had the smallest dick-- a short but fat stub that pointed straight out from his body.

We swam and laughed and generally enjoyed being naked and drunk. Nolan and Luke each got teased for their horse cocks, Kyle was teased for his small dick, and others were traded for various other perceived imperfections.

The drunken horseplay escalated, culminating in Nolan and Luke challenging the field to a chicken fight. They didn't even wait for anyone to accept before big bro hoisted little bro onto his shoulders in thigh deep ocean. This was actually quite the feat given both of their levels of sobriety.

"Who wants some?" taunted Nolan, dick swaying in the breeze.

Kyle turned to me.

"We can kick their ass dude, you in?"

"You got it."

Kyle was quite a bit smaller than me (though not as small as Luke), so the layout of our team was obvious. He stood about 5'9" with shaggy brown hair, and a rather scrawny build. His chest was furry, and he had a thick happy trail that led to a trimmed bush above his package. He probably weighed 170lbs.

I turned my back to him and crouched. He lifted one leg and straddled my neck, and I easily stood up from my squat to hoist him onto my shoulders.

Immediately, I felt his bare balls pressed against the back of my neck. They were soft and wet with a faint coarseness. He wrapped his feet behind me, and I put each of my hands on his scrawny but hairy thighs.

As I walked with him on my shoulders, I'd periodically feel the poke of his penis against the hair on the back of my head. I'd chicken fought before, but never in a way quite so intimate. I held my fighter tightly as I waddled us towards Nolan and Luke.

Nolan stumbled before we even reached him, but was able to recover his balance. Our packages were hung just slightly above the water line. As we approached, my mind wandered as I thought about what it would've felt like to have Luke's dick pressed against my neck instead of Kyle's.

I snapped out of my daydream as Luke and Kyle engaged with each other, and I braced myself to support my mount. They sparred for a short bit, but before long I felt Kyle falling forward. Unable to control the momentum, Kyle and I fell on top of Luke and Nolan, falling rather dangerously into a heap of naked man in the shallow ocean water. The victor wasn't clear, but all parties stood back up out of the water unscathed and laughing. Despite the laughter, the fall and the obvious danger was enough to keep us from trying another round, even with our drunkenness. All four participants shook hands cordially.

Shortly after our chicken fighting adventure, the crowd in the water started thinning out. Nolan and Luke were two of the last to get out of the water, and I followed them as they strolled nude back to the house. Despite their height difference, the two had similar butts-- tight, skinny, and not particularly muscular.

Nolan dried off nude on the patio, and offered me the use of his towel next. I gladly accepted and dried myself, and sneaking a quick sniff as I dried my face.

"Alright dudes, I've gotta call it. Night fellas," Nolan announced to the group as he re-entered the house.

He didn't bother getting redressed as he entered his bedroom. Luke followed suit, and announced his intention to retire shortly thereafter.

I was still drinking and not particularly tired, so I decided to stay up a bit later with the rest of the guys. We all got at least partially re-dressed, and had a round of beers on the couch.

About an hour later, as I started nodding off in my seat, I finally decided it was time for me to call it a night as well. I hobbled up the stairs and allowed the light of the hallway to enter the bedroom.

Atop the sheets of our shared bed was Luke, again asleep on his back. This time, however, he'd apparently found undies unnecessary. He was sleeping naked, soft dick flopped to his left.

I shook my head, and marveled at the events of the weekend.

Stripping nude, I climbed into bed next to Luke.

Next: Chapter 3

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