Nobody Wins a Prank War

By Z

Published on Jan 22, 2017


Nobody Wins a Prank War By: Z Author's Note: Thank you for reading, please donate to nifty if able.

Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. It also features some scenes that are explicitly fantasy and should not be attempted. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Category: Gay College


I really thought it was over. I actually assumed that taking it to the level I did would end the prank war between Gabe and I once and for all. I knew different now, though, I didn't know much else. I couldn't see really much of anything. I have extremely limited movement. My arms are pulled behind my back and my wrists are cuffed together a bit too tightly for my tastes. My movements were further restricted by something I couldn't really explain. My head was separate from my body and trapped. Any attempt to move my neck was restricted. From the discomfort on my face I assumed I had tape over my eyes and wrapped around my head over my mouth. Which was stuffed with a big piece of cloth that tasted like sweat.

So here I was, trapped on my knees, naked from what I could tell, in the dark. I was cuffed and gagged and after what I guessed was a half hour of struggling I was pretty sure I wasn't getting out of this myself. I was also pretty sure I was in this position because of my bitch ass roommate Gabe and the prank war we had going...

After tying up Gabe and shoving a butt plug up his ass, you'd be surprised how little our relationship changed. We still played around, went out drinking, worked out together and were as close as we ever had been. I kept waiting for retribution. I knew Gabe. It would be highly unlikely for him not to try something to get even.

Two weeks passed and not a single prank, not even a lame one just to fuck around. It was amazing, and to be honest, rather nice as I was very busy those couple weeks with work and shit.

Then Kiera showed up at our door. Gabe had gone out earlier that morning to run errands so I had the place to myself. I cleaned up a bit and was actually starting to get horny when she showed up so I figured this would be good. But looking at the expression on her face pretty much sealed the deal that this was going to be a conversation I wasn't going to enjoy.

"You selfish prick!" she screamed at me and started smacking me in the face and hitting me in the side of the head.

"Ahhh fuck! What babe! WHAT?" I said trying to get a word in between her calling me a selfish asshole while trying to block all of her random slap attacks.

"You know damn well what you fucking mother fucking asshole!!" Kiera screamed right back while still hitting me.

"No I don't know shit what the fuck!" I shouted back.

She stopped. Turned around and made a b-line for her car. She popped the trunk and stomped over to it. She threw open the trunk lid and started chucking signs on the lawn in front of our apartment.

I looked down to examine them. She kept pulling them out like clowns from a car. On closer inspection, they were all pictures of me. I was naked, in bed and I wasn't alone. Much worse, every photo was time stamped with a date.

Someone had taken the time to make up signs (they were about the size of the ones you'd use if you put your house up for sale.

"Someone planted these all over my fucking yard this morning you dumb shit!" Kiera yelled at me. She may have been a little dumb. But she knew how long we were together, and she certainly knew that most if not all of the dates on these signs over lapped.

The pictures were pretty embarrassing too. It was usually me passed out with some chick, but my naked ass was the main focus of the picture, and I was displayed prominently across all of them, twelve signs in total.

Kiera predictably broke up with me. I couldn't blame her. Fuck, no one could blame her. Yes, I fucked a ton of chicks behind her back. She wasn't the one for me anyway. But payback is a bitch, and Gabe deserved fucking payback.

Two nights later, I heard Gabe coming into our place from working late. I was waiting in his bed and his girl Misty was deepthroating my big cock. I looked down at her as I took photo after photo of the slut gagging on my thick piece of meat. She must not have heard Gabe come in, but she definitely heard his bedroom door swing open.

The look on his face matched with my arrogant smirk was all the revenge I needed. Gabe broke up with Misty that night. One for one, I figured we were even again.

But if that were true. I wouldn't have ended up in this current predicament. So I can only assume it wasn't over.

That next week it seemed like we'd buried the hatchet. We went on a total girl conquest fuck fest. It started when I'd brought some girl home and started fucking her right on the table. Gabe walked in and the first thing he saw was my ass gyrating and piston fucking this broad while she moaned away. I actually had to shove my jock in her mouth to keep her quiet, which actually got her really excited.

She took one look at Gabe and said she wouldn't mind sucking him off. So before long we were taking turns using her every which way.

The next night we went out together and brought two girls home that we used interchangeably between each other. I couldn't help but feel closer to him after the shit we had put each other through. Three more nights of high sexcapades ran. We had pool sex, bathroom sex, car sex with just about every willing girl we found. But we always did it together.

The last thing I remember is me and him partying and him letting me walk off with two sluts to bang while he just had the one. Usually he'd go for the two, so I thought that was a little odd. We took some pills, starting fooling around on the bed and the next thing I know I'm like this.

Which brings us back to where I am: gagged, handcuffed, naked and stuck in darkness. I struggle pointlessly for a bit more, moan into my gag. I can't seem to form any recognizable words and who knows how far the sound travels. Suddenly, I hear a few loud knocks on whatever is covering my head.

"Knock! Knock, Bitch!" I hear Gabe yell from the other side.

I start moaning and cussing him out almost immediately. Which I'm sure made him smirk. Where the fuck was I going to go and what te fuck was I going to do. He had me trapped.

The bucket that obstructed my sight was quickly lifted off off my head. Light flooded my eyes and was blinding me and I let a soft whimper escape through my gag.

"Awwww, too bright for the poor little bitch," Gabe sneered, "does she want to go back in her home?"

"Mfffh Muuuu!" I yelled through the gag trying to sound out a clear 'fuck you' to him. I'm sure he understood, he just really didn't care.

Once my eyes had a chance to adjust to the afternoon light. I got my first glance at my surroundings. I was at home in the living room. Everything seemed normal accept I was now positioned in halfway in between our prime fuck couch and our big ass flatscreen TV that Misty had bought Gabe for his birthday.

I say positioned because I felt more like furniture. Gabe had somehow sealed my body inside of a barrel. Wherever the fuck he found time to get a barrel. is a mystery to me, but here I was trapped inside of one. The top to the barrel was smooth and flat, with just my head sticking out of the middle. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a shiny padlock keeping the two halves of the top lid together, and keeping me trapped on my knees facing forward.

Gabe looked as happy as could be. In fact he was just wearing a sleeveless tee and some tight boxer briefs. A huge bulge in the front told me he was really enjoying the view of me helpless.

"Now Tyler, where were we the last time we really had a go at each other?" Gabe asked to himself more than to me, "oh THAT'S right, you fucked me with a butt plug you fucking sick freak."

Gabe leaned over and slapped the sides of my face, still wearing his typical smirk when he knew he had beaten me.

"To be honest, Tyler, I didn't think you had that in you," Gabe said, "I thought you'd just break and ask me to stop. But now I see you liked where this is going. So I decided to take some steps of my own and had those chicks roofie you last night."

I cursed and spit into my gag a bunch more, but it didn't really matter. With my hands cuffed tightly behind my back, there was no way I could get enough leverage to force myself out of the barrel.

"You're trapped dude, quite effectively. I borrowed the cuffs from my little brother. You have to have a key. Not like those pussy safety ones you used on Tanya a couple nights ago. You ain't going anywhere until you accept your place as inferior to me."

I gave him a confused look, but I started to get a clue as he slowly rubbed his growing bulge.

"That's right, Tyler, you are going to suck my big thick cock. And you are going to suck it sooner than later," Gabe said confidently.

I shook my head and muffled the word, "no" in my gag.

"Oh yes you are, you are going to suck it down, and relish my delicious precum as an appetizer before I feed you a big gulping helping of ball juice right down your throat."

Next Gabe took a stopwatch out of his pocket and dangled it in front of my face.

"For every minute you fail to beg to suck my cock. You will be punished. And trust me, you will eventually give in so if you want you can make this a lot easier on yourself and just skip to begging to taste my dick that we both know you want anyways." Tyler explained.

'Fuck that!' I thought to myself. There was no way I was going to flat out beg this motherfucker to suck his dick. No fucking way.

"Annnnd....go!" Gabe yelled as he over-dramatically used his finger to start the buzzer.

I sat there stonefaced as Gabe reached down to start taking off the tape gag. He ripped a piece off the back of my neck and started unwrapping me like a birthday present. Layer after layer went around my head. The entire time Gabe was smiling to himself while the clock ran down. Soon, the last piece blocking my mouth from being open was torn off, and I spit out what I was sure was Gabe's disgusting jock on the barrel top in front of me.

Sure enough, it was his rank jock.

"You like the taste bro, I made sure to wipe my dick off on the pouch when I took a piss, just for you." Gabe said.

"You fucking son of a bitch Gabe!" I roared when given the opportunity to speak, " You are fucking dead when I get out of this!"

"Awww. so.." Gabe was interrupted by the stop watch beeping,, "oops, one minute is up. Time for the punishment to begin." Gabe jumped up and picked up a plastic bucket from behind the couch. He reached in and retrieved a simple, everyday clothespin.

He waved it in front of my face as if to taunt me. I have to admit I didn't get it at first, but once he attached it to my left ear I started to realize where this was going.

"Start again," Gabe said while hitting the button.

"Come on, Gabe, cut this shit out! You made your point. I'm sorry! Now let me out of this thing," I said trying to reason with him and talk him down."

"Hmmmm....." Gabe said while thinking it over. In fact he waited until the stop watch dinged again before replying, "Nope. Sorry. Time for another punishment."

The next clothespin went on my right ear. Pain was still radiating from the one on my left. And when I looked up to plead for mercy again, there was Gabe snapping pics away.

"You're starting to look real cute, Tyler. Real fucking cute," Gabe sneered as he hit the stop watch again.

I tried reasoning with him. I tried bartering with him. Gabe was stubborn and he would not listen. He just wore the clock down each time and smiled as he added more and more clothespins to my face while taking pictures along the way to "document my transformation."

I had clothespins on my ears, on my cheeks, down my jawline, on my eyebrows, everywhere I could think of. I tried to resist. The pain was starting to get to me. A constant ache from all over my face.

The timer chimed again and I felt my eyes well up with tears.

"Dude, you look so pathetic," Gabe laughed, " So what's it going to be?"

I mustered up my strength, looked at him defiantly and started to say fuck you. Gabe was ready. He used a clothespin over the tip of my tongue and about fell back on the floor laughing as I moaned and whined from te pain.

I tried using my tongue to break free, but it was no use. Gabe had gotten it on there good and now all I could do was whine like a little bitch.

Gabe stood up and started to slowly take off his briefs. His huge thick cock sprang forward as he strutted over to me while taking his shirt off to reveal his built body.

"You want those pins off bitch?" Gabe teased while wagging his dick a few inches away from my face.

I nodded desperately.

"Ok," Gabe smirked while he started beating my face with his cock to knock some of the pins off. As each one got removed, intense pain radiated out from the spot that it was attached. Soon most of them accept the ones on my ears and tongue remained. Gabe carefully took the one off my tongue and I yelled out.

"Ahhhh fuck dude I'm sorry! I'm so sorry. What thte fuck do you want?" I screamed while pulling on the cuffs on my wrists in anger.

"Then you know what you have to do bitch! Other wise the clothespins go back on in thirty second intervals. And I will get more and more creative with where they go. Especially if I have to shave your head!" Gabe threatened.

I was beaten. I knew it. He was right. I should have probably just begged before.

I sighed, then I looked up at him and the words came out as he happily recorded them on his phone as a trophy.

"Gabe, your dick is amazing, and it would mean so much to me if you would do me the honor of sucking it and feeding me with your cum," I said.

Gabe smiled, put down his phone and started slowly jerking his cock as he strutted towards me, "Oh Tyler, that was one spectacular example of what begging should look like. If Misty begged like that you can bet your ass she would still be around. But first things first, let me see you open that pretty little mouth and we'll get the rest of those clothespins off when you've proven you'll be a good boy and suck your superior."

I slowly opened my mouth as wide as I could while looking up at him. Right now, he looked so powerful. Typically Gabe and I were about equals physically but right now he seemed like an all-powerful giant that I would have to obey or be destroyed. He brought his big dick closer to my mouth, and soon, the head which already had some precum dripping from the tip, was passing across my lips and heading straight to the back of my mouth.

"Oooooh fuck ya Tyler," Gabe sighed in victory while slowly removing the clothespins from my ears. The pain was infinitely more intense than the ones on my face, but my cries were muffled thanks to the thick piece of meat that was stuffed in my mouth. Actually, I'm sure Gabe enjoyed my tongue dancing on his cock from the pain he was inflicting on my ears.

Once the clothespins were removed, he instructed me to get to work. I was definitely no pro at sucking dick, but the concept was fairly easy to understand. I knew what I liked when chicks gave me head, and I knew what signs to look for when I did something that Gabe enjoyed. I worked his cock and slide my tongue up and down on it Soon he was sitting on top of the barrel full on face fucking me. I did my best to accommodate the man's rather large dick but soon it was in the back of my throat and I was simply just a mere human flesh light to him.

Gabe rode me for another twenty minutes before his pace started really quickening.

"Getting close cocksucker, you know that's what you are right? A full on cocksucker. No changing that now bitch, now get ready to swallow daddy's cum!" Gabe announced triumphantly as he started to tense up and let out a low groan.

"oooooohhhh fuuuuuccck!" Gabe said as I felt his cock tense up and pulse as bursts of cum flooded my throat. Gabe left me there with my throat impaled on his cock while he slowly came down from the sexual high. Soon he withdrew, got up, put his briefs on and put the bucket over my head again.

"I'm going to shower then I'll let you down. I'll expect you to be sucking my dick for the entire rest of the NFL season and NBA Season as well. That's your punishment for thinking you could ever get me to surrender." Gabe said.

To be continued?

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