Nobody Wins a Prank War

By Z

Published on Nov 18, 2016


Nobody Wins a Prank War By: Z

Author's Note: Thank you for reading, please donate to nifty if able.

Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. It also features some scenes that are explicitly fantasy and should not be attempted. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Category: Gay Male Authoritarian

Gabe and I were buds. Both in our early twenties, we both perceived ourselves as had "been through some shit" together in the year and a half we had lived off campus from the university we both attended. We met our freshman year. Both of our roommates sucked. They were pussy-ass loner nerds who would never leave the dorm save to get food or go collect money from their equally loser parents.

We bonded over going to the gym, pushing each other harder and harder and reaping the rewards of enhanced definition of our already well-defined bodies. We viewed each other as leaders, the heads of the alplha pack.

So it was only natural that there was some spirted competition between the two of us. We both seemed to enjoy it, busting each other's balls every once in a while.

Now that we had lived togther for awhile and settled into a routine, I suppose we got restless. We were bored, constantly hyper active and looking for a way to get a rise out of the other. That's when the pranks started...

Gabe fired the first shot. While I was out with my girl at her parents' lakehouse Gabe must have stayed the entire weekend fucking some bitch three ways from sunday. I came home to 8 used condoms on my bed. I'm a little paranoid about the cleanliness of my room. So that little present set me the fuck off.

WHAT THE FUCK GABE!?" I shouted directly into his face while my own pulsed with red hot fury. Had I known where this was going I probably wouldn't have freaked out so bad about the condoms.

I couldn't let him win. I couldn't be the bigger man or turn the other cheek. I had to get even. I had to get revenge.

I knew Gabe would expect reprisal, so I faked him out with the cheesy saran wrap over the toilet bowl. It actually almost worked! But the observant fuck realized what I had done, snorted a bit and just said, "Fucking kiddie move, Tyler."

A few minutes later the confident fuck strutted back to this room to get ready to work out. I waited, smirking. Soon enough, I heard the loud pissed off near shriek, "TYLEEEERRRRR! You motherfucking assfucking fuckbag!!"

I put bengay all over his jockstrap pouch. Sure it was just as cheesy as the saran wrap on the toilet but I couldn't argue with the results. The poor bastard spent the next hour moaning in discomfort as I smirked. Fuck, I dare say, I might even have gotten a little hard listening to the little bitch whine.

The next day I woke up to 35 picture messages on my phone. Gabe had snuck in my room at night and teabagged me. Not only that, he captured the rare moment with pictures from just about every angle the fucker could get.

I ran into his room to give the fuck a beat down, but he was already gone. Pretty soon random people started messaging me the pics. It was pretty evident Gabe was sending them out to be funny. So a week later after Gabe had passed out after one too many tequila shots, I did the same to him and not only returned themessages to all the phone numbers he sent it to me from, but I also posted it to my entire rugby team. The guys made shirts of the picture and all wore them to a house party we threw.

The pranks kept escalating. He dropped my passed out ass naked in a park. I hired a gay prostitute to meet him and his girlfriend out on a date. He spiked my pre-workout drink with ex lax, I almost shit myself right in front of my entire rugby team. I did not want to see that sprawled on a t-shirt.

Then one day. I got tired of it. The constant back and forth. The fact that almsot the entire adult world had a picture of me with balls on my face. The fact that I kept hearing about a rumor that I was a cross dresser. It got irritating.

I got home from a pretty intense workout and passed out on our sectional. Gabe must have come home at some point after. I was out, and I definitely am not a light sleeper.

I remember smelling something a bit off. Lucky me, I had the time to awaken with Gabe's hairy italian ass pressed right on my face. Soon, he was ripping the loudest fart right in my face and up my nose.

I freaked out. I threw Gabe off me and jumped on him and started pounding my fist wherever I could land blows.

"Gabe you sick fuck! I've fucking had it!" I yelled at him while he giggled and laughed away.

"I'm sorry Tyler ha ha!" he laughed, " I just couldn't help it. You looked so peaceful ha ha!"

"This has got to fucking stop Gabe! You have to fucking stop! WHEN IS IT GOING TO BE ENOUGH YOU STUBBORN FUCK!" I yelled in his face.

"Never give up, never surrender dude" he laughed.

"Buzz Lightyear didnt joing space command for you to fart in my face you fucking jackass!" I yelled and stormed out of the apartment.

I had had it. I was ready to move out. I wanted to pick up my stuff, move it out and punch Gabe in his god damn face.

I headed over to my girl Kiera's place. She was a sweet dumb sorority chick who loved sucking on my cock. After she gave me some proper head and calmed me down a bit, she offered a different proposal.

"Why don't you just fucking take that bitch down, Tyler?" she said from between my legs.

The idea was intrigueing. We had been dueling at the same level for a bit now. Maybe if I took it to a new extreme, one that he wouldn't have the balls to follow through on, he'd back off.

I called his girlfriend Misty. He must have done something to piss her off because she was MORE than down to help out. She really had an easy part, but it was completely necessary. That next weekend, my plan would be put into motion.

We were both lounging on the sectional like beached whales watching espn. Gabe, for the moment, seemed satisfied that he was ahead in prank war. I'm sure he completely suspected I was plotting my revenge. But he didn't know where I was going to go. Fuck, Misty didn't even know what I was going to do.

She walked in our apartment without much annoucnement. It looked like she was hungover as fuck. Her hair was all messy, she was hiding behind giant ass glasses and she was in the clothes she had on last night.

"Oh hey baby," she said sloppily while stumbling over to Gabe and surrounding him in her gangly arms to lean down and give him a kiss.

"Hey tits," he yawned, "what you doing here?"

She was clearly bothered by that little remark, but through some eye contact encouragement from me she shouldered on without drawing attention to herself.

"Well, I'm hungover as shit and got a fruit smoothy, figured I'd pick you up one too," she said.

"Awww baby, you're so stupid," he sighed, "thank you."

Gabe grabbed the cup, chugged a good third of it down and did exactly what I expected him to do.

"Well Mist," he said, "me and Tyler are busy watching the game so thanks for the drink but get out."

She gave me that "Get him" look one more time, fake smiled at him and slinked out our front door. I wasn't the biggest fan of Misty but Gabe was straight up a prick to her.

He polished off that smoothy in no time. Didn't even notice if it tasted strange. I was beginning to wonder if the pills would work but soon enough he was out like a light, snoring away blissfully.

I carried the big lug back to his room. Gabe was a stacked dude. He stood at 6'1'' 180 lbs of solid muscle, thick dark head of hair with some scruff on his face and dark brown eyes. He wasn't too bad looking even in my opinion. I walked him down the hall and into his room.

It was a mess. Dirty clothes were strewn everywhere. Food wrappers were on the floor and beer cans and liqour bottles covered his desk.

I dropped Gabe on the bed with a big thud and quickliy set my plan into motion. I figured I had about an hour before he'd come to, but I wanted to make sure everything was perfect.

Having some experience with the boyscouts when I was younger, I was easily able to take a bunch of rope and tie Gabe to the bed in just his boxer briefs. I tied each of his wrists to the top two corners of his big kingsize bed. Then I lifted his legs and tied them to each corner of the head board. He looked like a slut in heat begging to be fucked. I took a few pictures and kept going.

I looked around his room to find the most disgusting piece of dirty clothes I could. I didn't have to look far. One of his formerly white unwashed jocks was laying on the floor right by his closet. I sighed and grinned to myself while I strolled over to pick it up.

"Oh Gabey," I chuckled, "you really do this to yourself sometimes..."

I pried open his mouth and stuffed the disgusting piece of fabric in his mouth. Then I grabbed a brand new roll of duct tape and started rapping layer after layer over his mouth and around his head. Once I was done. I couldn't help but bust out laughing. He looked ridiculous, and he wasn't going anywhere. I sat down and waited.

He started coming around a little bit over an hour later. His eyes were fluttering. His fingers started twitching and his body started swaying back and forth. I glanced down at his sizeable bulge, he was hard already.

"What a gay fuck, " I thought to myself.

Soft murmers started emanating from behind the gag. I barely made out a slight groan. Admittedly, I was starting to get impatient with my little captive.

"Wakey, wakey!" I said in a baby voice while playfully slapping the sides of his face.

He came around slightly quicker after that. Muttering something or other behind the jock gag. It was pretty amusing to watch. For a second I considered this might just suffice as payback to leave him like this for awhile to think about all the shit he put me through. But I was too excited to see this thing through.

"Mmmff...mpphhhMPPHHHG MPFFF!" Gabe screamed through his gag as he started to realize he was all tied up.

Watching him flex and strain in those ropes actually excitedly me a little bit. Gabe was pulling as hard as he could on those ropes, but couldn't seem to get free. I couldn't decide if it turned me on or just made me want to laugh.

Gabe locked eyes with me and gave me a death stare. He started muttering more obscenities into his gag. I shook my head, smiled and decided to let him in on what was about to go down.

"Struggle all you want bitch," I sneered, "you ain't going anywhere."

"Muuuurrmmmmpphh!" he roared from behind the gag.

"You just sit tight little buddy," I said, "I got some nice plans for you. We were living together and everything was going sooo great until you had to start this stupid prank war. Well I'm about to finish it."

He sat there silentlhy. Absorbing what I was telling him. His mind must have been racing. His body was glistening with sweat. Poor little fella must have tired himself out a bit.

"So here's what's going to happen bitch," I said, taking a seat on the bed next to him holding an ominous bag.

"You looking good stud. The gym time has really paid off. And I gotta admit you look good all tied up like this. So let's get started," I finished, opening the bag and starting to take items out.

The first was lube. He recognized it immediately. We were both pretty hung so we were accustomed to lube. His eyes opened wide and I gave him a big grin. The next thing I got out was scissors. He looked quite puzzled. The last item I removed was a big, black butt plug.

The last one he didn't recognize at first, but he started to put it together when I started to use the scissors to cut a hole in his briefs. He screamed through his gag and pushed and kicked to the best of his ability.

I immediately stopped what I was doing and through my full weight on top of him to get him to sit still and focus on me.

"Look bitch, you've put me through some annoying shit. Now you're going to take your medicine. Unfortunately for you it's a suppository," I said laughing.

He thrashed some more so I head to keep holding him down. I was afraid me might break the bed. Luckily that gag I taped on him held very tight. He couldn't dislodge the sweaty old jock and it kept him relatively quiet.

"MMMPPPHHHHH MMFFF MRMMMMFF!" he screamed behind the gag.

"Hope that tastes good buddy, you're going to be chewing on that while this thing goes up your tight little ass," I said waving the big butt plug in his angry face.

As he stared back at me, I quickly ripped a hole in his briefs open in one strong tug.

I worked quickly, making sure to lube up my fingers in front of his face slowly while he watched.

"I'm not an asshole dude. I'm going to use lube. Don't want to ruin you for Misty ha ha," I mocked him.

Once my hands were nicely lubed up, I reached down and began to slide my finger between his hairy butt cheeks. His hole was indeed tight. My finger snaked through and into his hole. I was quite an expert at fingering girls. I figured the execution was similar. I moved my finger in and out and massaged my new little tied up bitch's hole.

He yelled and cursed at me through my his gag, but I kept going. I added a second finger, then a third. Soon all four were working his hold and opening it up for his present. What I couldn't get over was the how hard his cock was. I could practically see the thing throbbing through his briefs! Not before long I figured he was ready.

"Well you little slut," I said, "looks like you're enjoying this quite a bit. I'm going to grab some pics of this real quick so we can remember this fondly."

I grabbed my phone and took a few pics from different views of tied up Gabe. He looked pretty hysterical. Revenge was sweeet.

"Let's take this up a notch Gabe, I think you're ready for the main event," I said while lubing up the butt plug a few inches away from his terrified face.

Once I got it all lubed up, I slowly lowered the butt plug into position while Gabe watched. I pressed it gently against his hole and waited. He pleaded at me with his eyes, but the way I looked back at him said it was definitely going up his hole.

I applied more pressure and started to drive the plug deeper into his ass. It took awhile, but working it back and forth I managed to get it in deeper and deeper.

Gabe emanated gruff moans from behind the gag. I could tell he was feeling it.

"You feeling sorry yet bitch? feeling sorry for farting in my face?" I yelled, while fucking him with the butt plug.

Like a good boy, he was obediently nodding his head in agreement that I had won, but I wasn't finished. His straining cock tenting his briefs were just the inspiration I needed to keep this show going. I snapped a bunch of pics of Gabe, hard as a rock with a butt plug stuffed up his ass and went a step further.

I reached down and grabbed ahold of the butt plug, locked eyes with Gabe so he knew who was doing this to him. Then I started working it in back and forth. I could tell his cock was responding based upon the stain of precum on his briefs.

I slowly picked up the pace, working it in faster and faster until Gabe's eyes were rolled in the back of his head like my girlfriend after our nightly fuck fest.

Gabe wasn't begging for release anymore. He was into this. He wanted that butt plug deep in his ass so it would make him cum. He was no longer moaning to be free. He was moaning like a slut in need of getting filled.

I kept building him up, over and over again until he was a mindless sex crazed zombie in need to cum. All the while taking pictures along the way to document it.

Finally, I jammed the butt plug in deep and slowly pulled it out. The sensation sent Gabe over the edge and he started shooting into his briefs. It must have been a big load by the amount of times he was moaning and shaking before subsiding back into his ropes.

Without saying much more, I picked up my stuff, threw it back in the bag and started for the door.

"Misty will be by to untie you at some point Gabey, hope you learned your lesson," I said before closing the door and leaving him all tied up to think about how much I had won.

To be continued?

Thanks for reading. If you have any comments please let me know. I'd like to continue on the story. Also if you want check out my tumblr at

Next: Chapter 2

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