Noah's Starship

By Emri S.

Published on Oct 18, 2017


Thanks for your patience, concern, and emails...

+{Noah's Starship}+

-+-[Ch. 22]-+-

~By Emri~


A little over two years ago my world changed forever. I found a reason to hope again, found my Noah. Now I was ready to cement it with the ring he deserved, the ring that would make him mine to protect until the day I died.

I'd enrolled in my last English course. I was sick of English, of Los Angeles, of the endless homesickness that overtook me and the endless nights chasing boys I didn't respect and could never love. I had my fun here, my lost pathway. I was ready to finish my degree and go home to the life my parents would design. I'd work in the business my father had set up with his connections.

I would be married off to the girl my mother had chosen. She would be older, unattractive, but have good morals and high intelligence. We would live with my parents until we had children of our own and could afford a home for them. We would raise our children and my parents would come to live with us once they were older and we were established.

I would retire when we were financially set and we'd live the rest of our lives in a quiet, unspoken mist of dissatisfaction. I didn't need a psychic to tell me how the rest of my life would go, it was well laid out before I was even born. I was resigned and ready to go home to face it.

And then I met Noah. He had me from the moment I saw him. He was younger, small but beautiful, graceful yet clumsy, quiet and intelligent, but with a heavy layer of naivety and innocence. His emerald eyes flashed at me and I felt a twist in my heart like someone had reached in and squeezed it. I knew instantly he was special. I instantly felt a need for him.

Everything changed with Noah. The birds chirped a little song, the sun was brighter, even the flowers seemed to blossom as he passed them. My heart warmed when he was near. He planted a seed of hope previously unimaginable to my cold and broken spirit. He was like a living prince straight out of a fairytale; a golden boy ready to rescue me from predestined misery. I couldn't hold back my smile when I saw him. I didn't want to.

Noah showed me that it was possible to create our own happiness, together. There was hope for a different future, a dream attainable, a life of love possible.

I thought about this, every cute little thing he does to make my body feel things it had never known, as I drove along towards our July 4th celebration. It was just before America's birthday that I met him and tonight I would cement it as an important date for us. It was our independence, together as one. We would be free to create a life of our own.

I had the ring hidden in a little velvet box in the trunk. I had cleared every hurdle put in front of us. I had his father's blessing, my parents knew about us, I had a lawyer working on the immigration paperwork, and I had posted the marriage bond in a savings account that Noah's father would guard should anything ever happen to me. Everything was set; we would live out our fairytale together. I just needed to do it formally, a proposal he would remember and tell our children about rather than saying "Well... we just kind of decided to do it." He deserved something special.

I looked over at him napping in the passenger seat as I inched along in traffic. There was something so perfect about him that left me breathless whenever I saw him. He was so beautiful, yet so undeniably male. I loved seeing him dressed like the all-american jock boy. He'd have a tight tank top, workout shorts, a backwards hat, and running shoes. He'd try to kick the soccer ball around with me at the park sometimes. He wasn't very good, but he knew I liked it. It wouldn't last long though before I'd take him off to a hidden grove of trees and makeout with him. That was more his sport.

He was my boy, lean and handsome. It wasn't like when I saw a beautiful woman. Noah was sharper, toned in different places. You could put him in a dress with makeup, long haired wig and all (though he'd never had interest in that), but he'd still be my boy; the one my body craved. He was always my boy.

He had started to blossom in the past two years from the young, soft teen I'd met that fateful summer into a man I could respect as my partner, see as my better half. He still looked so young, but on the precipice of growing into a man. He'd likely always be smaller, leaner. It ran in his family. His father, though full grown and strong, was narrow and youthful. The pictures I'd seen of his mother, whose face Noah shared, showed a thin, graceful woman, though her eyes held none of the warmth Noah's exuded.

I came from bulkier, stronger people. The men of my family had a proud tradition of military service. We are warriors, protectors, dominant men bred to be leaders. I hadn't been Noah's size since early puberty, and even then I had more muscles and a wider frame.

He was opening up to me more and learning to stand up to me as well. He was better at telling me his needs and wants. We had gone through some awful arguments, but I was learning his limits, his desires. I hated fighting with Noah. He didn't fight like the men in my culture. He always tried to be agreeable to whatever I wanted, even if it caused him displeasure.

He'd go along quietly with whatever I planned until he could no longer stand it. When he'd reached his limit though, he'd explode in tears until I felt like the world's biggest asshole. I was learning to read his signs earlier and put more thought into the plans I made for our life. He deserved that consideration. He deserved to be happy.

It made my stomach twist and my heart hurt to see him upset, but it helped us learn each other, forge something that met both our needs. It helped me be more sensitive to his feelings as well.

He was growing in maturity though and learning to share his feelings with me. He was also growing physically and had added an inch or two to his height which was getting closer to mine. He still had trouble remembering to eat enough though, and I often had to step in to ensure he was getting the nutrition he needed. But things were getting better. He was growing into a man who could be my partner and raise our children.

We'd gone to a pool party earlier that day with some new clients earlier and he was worn out from the sun and swimming. Now we were heading to a friend's house in the hills where all of my friends would be to watch the fireworks. Noah's dad would surprise him. I'd let him in on the proposal plans. I knew he would want to be there.

I'd rehearsed again and again what I would say; pictured his handsome face cycling through ecstatic emotions as he realized the perfect moment I had planned. He'd already agreed to marry me, that wasn't in doubt. But I wanted him to have the ring, the proposal, the perfect moment with all eyes on him. I wanted him to never forget that I'd go to any measure to make his dreams come true.

At the pool party we'd just left, the clients had invited us to stay for dinner. Noah wanted to stay since the house had a beautiful view of the city to see the fireworks, but I already had plans and things set. I had to wait until Noah went inside to get us a snack and tell the guys of my proposal plans. They'd offered a bottle of champagne, but he was too young to drink and I'd need to navigate us through a chaotic celebratory city to get us home safely. They wished me well and I may have used their good mood to setup a meeting the next week to discuss some properties I'd found for them.

"Baby love," I said and leaned over the center console of my Lexus to kiss my sleeping prince. He moaned and buried his face in my hoodie that he'd been using for a pillow. He wasn't ready to be up yet.

"Noah, we are arrive," I said and put my hand on his hair. He yawned and looked up at me with teary eyes full of sleep. I leaned over to kiss his yawn.

"You want to take a nap inside, my love? Aziz has guest rooms. You can rest before the sun goes down," I offered. I pet his hair as he slowly awakened. We can never go more than a few miles in the car without him yawning and getting sleepy. His father once said that he would drive him around when he was a baby to help him sleep. It still worked on him.

"I'm ok," Noah stretched his arms out towards the dashboard and yawned loudly. His shirt pushed up exposing the budding ab muscles he'd been working on for the last few months. I reached down and scratched his tummy, my baby bear. He doubled over with a laugh and pushed my hand away. He's always so ticklish, the sign of a boy who was never desensitized by rough and tumble brothers.

"Stopppp," I imitated his whining and leaned in to kiss his neck. He still smelled of chlorine just a little. We had showered before leaving the party, but we got distracted by each other's nudity so used our five minutes for things other than cleaning.

Noah laughed and leaned into my chest. I kissed him as I turned off the engine. We had to park just down the block from the party house since we were later to arrive. It was a steep, narrow roadway and my car was sandwiched between a boulder and a tree with the wheels turned away from the curb.

I told him to start up the hill towards the house and I would get our bag from the trunk. We'd packed a few bottles of wine for the party and Noah had made a batch of the cookies everyone loved. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and started away from me. I got the bag from the trunk and then dug around to get the ring box. I'd have to hide it until it was time. I locked the car and noticed Noah lazily making his way up to the house. He paused by the gate and waited for me as he stretched and wiped his eyes.

I knew he would wait for me. He always went so quiet around my friends. He felt comfortable with them, but he always seemed to fade back in social situations. He needed me to put my hand on his back or hold his hand and lead him in. I caught up to him and put my hand in the center of his back to push him forward. I leaned in and kissed his neck before we got to the door.

The party was already going inside. The house didn't have any immediate neighbors so the music was thumping loudly. We hadn't been here before, but it belonged to a friend of Karim. It was a new construction, cement house painted a dark green to blend into the thick woods that fell down the steep hill towards the endless cement of the city. I'd value it just over two million. If it was west of the 5 freeway they could probably get over three for it. It was the kind of house I would buy for Noah someday when we really made it.

"The boys are here!" Karim called when he saw us come in. The door opened to a small landing with two stairways, one leading up five steps to a large open living room with glass walls that looked out over the city. The other stairs likely led down to the bedrooms. I went up to greet everyone and pulled him along with me.

I hugged Karim, but it felt like a formality. He was rushing past me to greet Noah. He had a soft spot for my boy that was a little unnerving. I knew if circumstances were different, he'd have chased Noah himself. Still, he had always been a mentor to me and never seemed to behave inappropriately towards Noah so I let it go. I hugged his partner Mike and then Aram and everyone else before I was allowed to set down the things we'd brought.

"Your house is breathtaking," I said to Aziz in Arabic. Per our custom, he began to point out its flaws and lamented the hefty tax bill (his way of bragging about the cost). His family had wealthy oil holdings throughout the middle east so it wasn't as if he had made it on his own. For them, there was peace of mind in helping him buy this place in Los Angeles, far away from prying eyes that would gossip about their son and his choice in acquaintances.

He was safe here and their reputation was safe back home where everyone only knew that their son was a successful businessman in Los Angeles. Appearances can be life. I understood that. It had taken so long for me to even hold Noah's hand or show much of any affection for him in public. I knew what it felt like to have to hide. I'd lived with that heavy weight for far too long and it took a very special boy to bring me out of the darkness.

There was a huge spread of food on the table and I got a plate to fill it. I put a few things Noah would like; cucumbers, grilled chicken, healthy stuff. I avoided the things that would get me a disapproving look from him. I'd worked so hard on my body and he worked hard to keep us eating right. We made our way towards the group. The couches were taken, so I sat down in a large chair and pulled him in with me to share our plate. We used to get odd looks from people when I insisted on sharing a plate, but my friends had gotten used to us being overly attached.

Throughout dinner I couldn't concentrate on the conversation. Though everything was set and I had no doubt he'd say yes, I still felt the butterflies rippling through my head. I needed to make this perfect for him, a proposal he'd never forget. I kept an arm around him as we shared our plate. I kept rubbing my nose behind his left ear, earning me confused looks from him.

My mind wandered over the boys I'd been with before him. I couldn't even picture most of their faces. It was a parade of whatever was available and whoever would worship me best. I couldn't remember most of their names or even how we'd met. I never pictured myself settling down with one before there was him.

With Noah it wasn't the bland repetition I thought monogamy would be. His body always brought out the beast in me. I was addicted to him and always craved his smooth, sweet skin; his full, soft lips; his little moans and whines for me. He never got enough of me and was always ready to go, ready for more. He never ran out of ways to keep it exciting; keep me chasing him.

Just this week I'd come home to find something I'd fantasized about with him. He'd texted me that he was going to take a nap when I'd said I was on my way home from a meeting. So I wasn't surprised to find the house quiet when I got home.

I'd crept upstairs to slide into bed beside him. It had been a long day and my clients had been more demanding than usual. I took off my suit as I headed up the stairs, but I didn't leave clothes on the railing since I knew it upset him.

I'd opened the door quietly to not wake him, but what I saw when I poked my head in stopped me. He was there in bed alright, but he was kneeling on all fours with his ass in the air. He had on a pair of my black dress socks and one of my ties around his head as a blindfold. The blue silk tie was tied behind his head with the ends laying down across his back. He'd heard me come in but he didn't say a word. He just wiggled that creamy white ass in the air and put his hands back there to spread his cheeks.

"Holy fuck," I'd whispered as I slid off my dress shirt. I quickly shucked the rest of my suit and scrambled onto the bed behind him where his delicate rosebud winked at me as it awaited my touch.

"Uh huh," Noah whimpered, knowing what I was about to do.

"Fuck that's beautiful," I praised him as I sat on the bed and rubbed my thumb over his little hole. It twitched at my touch, eagerly awaiting me. I was rock hard by the time I drove my tongue into his pink hole. His body bucked and shivered as he whimpered into the pillow. He was always so responsive to my touch.

"Yeah? You like that? You want me inside you?" I asked as I raised off him.

Noah mumbled something into the pillow that sounded like a yes mixed with expletives. I gave his ass a gentle smack and watched the milky, bubbled cheeks quickly turn to crimson. My boy is delicate. He turned his head back towards me as if forgetting he was blindfolded. His lips formed a simple o.

"Ow," he said softly and rubbed his cheek against the pillow. It didn't hurt him. He was soft, but liked my gentle rough play. He did much worse to me when I was fucking him. He'd bury his lips on my shoulder and bite little nips while sucking at my skin when the sensations of me inside him were too much. He'd leave small purple marks on my dark skin, but it actually felt good and meant that I was doing my job of satisfying him.

"You were ready for me to come home," I observed and rubbed his ass, kneading the cheeks in my palms. I was ready to dive in there and suck at his hole, make him thrash around and chew on the bedspread while his cock would fill out and begin to leak precum.

"Yes sir," he'd said in that voice that begs to be filled with my seed. "I need it."

"You needed me inside you?" I'd asked as I kneaded his cheeks and rubbed my thumbs over his hole. It sent little shivers through him as he whined into the pillow. It was always that way with him. He made me feel like the strongest man on earth; like a lion, a hero, a primal key to his survival. He needed me like I needed him.

  • And then he snapped me back to the present +

"Navee? What's up?" Noah asked and brought me back from my wandering memories that had produced a sizeable lump in my lap. I was glad we were sitting. I shifted in the chair to cover the full cock in my boxers that snaked down against my thigh.

"Just thinking how lucky I am to be here with you, my beautiful Noah," I said and took the last bite of rice from our shared plate. He looked as though he wasn't buying it. I'd hoped that saying something sweet would cover it. He couldn't find out about the proposal beforehand.

I showed him a smile, but he knew something was up. I got my head together and started to joke around with Aram. Noah seemed to accept that he was mistaken and went back to talking with Mike about some recipe he wanted to try. I put a hand on his back and massaged him as we carried on our respective conversations with others.

Noah's dad showed up when the sun was beginning to set. Aziz let him in. He'd brought a few bags of chips even though I'd told him not to worry about it. There was already more food than a crowd twice as large could have finished. Noah jumped up excitedly when he saw his father and ran to hug him. They hadn't spent as much time together lately. I was selfish with his calendar.

"Mr. Kinney! I'm glad you could make it." I nodded respectfully and went to shake his hand.

He pulled me in for a hug and whispered in my ear, "Did he figure it out yet?"

I shook my head and thought of the ring safely tucked away in the bag I'd brought in. Noah stayed under his father's arm and they went to catch up as Mr. Kinney got a plate of food.

We finished up dinner and the guys wanted to go out to look a the fireworks. I told Noah I would throw away our plate so I could head into the dining area and get the ring out of the bag. I slid it into my pocket and we headed out to the back patio that looked out over the city.

There was a stairway on the side that lead down the hill to a lower backyard with a small pool and a long patio table with outdoor chairs. We made our way down as the last bit of sunlight disappeared. The city spread out below us like a dark circuitboard with tiny little explosions along the streets.

Fireworks are illegal in the city of Los Angeles, but the use of them is too widespread to be enforced. Aziz turned on some music in the outdoor speakers and we all lined up the chairs to watch the city come to life. We ran out of chairs so instead Noah walked a few steps to the steel grate fence and leaned against it to take in the lights. I got up and went to stand behind him and slide my arms around his waist.

A cool breeze blew in from the city and his body shivered when I pressed my chest against his back. I kept my pocket to the side so he wouldn't feel the ring. It was a slim box so it didn't stick out much. I rubbed my hands up over his chest and held him while he watched the explosions of color and light excitedly.

"Do they do this in Iran?" he asked. He always asked me that as if I'd come from a distant planet. It felt strange because he wanted to know about it, but would likely never go there.

"I don't think anywhere in the world does it quite like LA," I laughed. We stared over the sea of endless explosions, the little warzones celebrating their independence.

And then the official fireworks started. Noah wanted to know where each show was coming from. I pointed them out for him. Ahead of us was Long Beach, to the left was Orange County, and to the right was Los Angeles. It was beautiful and the moment was just right.

I'm always surprised how little Noah knows of his own state outside of his valley. His world is very small though and he doesn't deal with real estate as I do. He isn't excited to learn about other areas. He likes his little box.

I like his little box too. Noah's world is very small, happy. He is very smart and capable, but his father kept him sheltered so he faces the world with an undamaged optimism that I hope to protect. No matter how bad my day is he always makes it ok. When we lay down at night and I feel his smooth cheek against my heartbeat, his soft blonde hair under my chin; when I wrap my arm around him as he snuggles into my side and my hand cups his bottom with a finger resting between his cheeks; I know that my world is complete.

I kiss his hair and tell him I love him. He yawns then nibbles on my nipple. He mumbles a sleepy profession of love back at me and then, soothed by my hold on him, he quickly falls asleep. I can't imagine sharing that with anyone else for the rest of my life.

I snapped out of my daydream and moved a hand to my pocket to feel the ring box. I started to slide it out. Noah noticed my movement just as I had the box out of my pocket. I quickly shoved it down the front of my pants. I pretended to be adjusting myself. He eyed my bulge hungrily and licked his lips.

"Look at that one," I distracted him and pointed to an exploding flower in the sky. He turned back around to look and rubbed up against me. His ass rubbed over the box in my bulge and he reached back to feel it.

"What?" he said with surprise and groped my bulge as everyone else stared out over the fireworks. "Hey! What is that?"

"You should see," I said. I gave in to where this was heading. It wasn't how I wanted to do this, and I certainly didn't want him rubbing my cock with his father mere steps away. He put his hand on it and looked at me with confusion. I don't normally shove things down my pants.

His lips turned up in a little smile. The first Independence day we celebrated together I'd given him a necklace with my name on it. I'd put my name on him as my love and now, two years later, I'd give him my name again; this time as my partner, my love, my better half.

He still held the naive innocence I fell in love with the first day we'd met.

"Come over here," I said and backed away from him. I turned him to the side and I knelt down in front of him. Everyone else knew where this was going so they turned their attention to us and took out their phones to record it. Noah looked between me and his father for some kind of clue as he bit his lip. He was so confused and he hates being at the center of attention. I turned from the group and slid the box out of my pants.

"Noah Kinney," I started as the boom of fireworks sparkled around us. I held up the box and opened it so he could see the gold band with a stripe of diamonds. He immediately gasped and put his hands over his mouth to catch his breath.

"No way! No! Way!" he shrieked excitedly.

"You are my love, my life, my heart. You show me things I never think are possible. You make me the happiest man on earth and I want to spend rest of my life doing the same for you. I promise to protect you, put your happiness above mine, and always be the better man you inspire from me. You will marry me?" I asked nervously.

"Yeh... yeah... uh huh! Oh My God!" Noah nodded his head and started to cry. I took his hand and slipped the ring on his finger. It fit perfectly and looked so beautiful on him. My prince looked good in gold. I saw flashes of pictures taken and I stood to pull him in for a kiss. He held me tightly and kissed me back as he tried to hide in my arms. Our friends made little sounds of appreciation.

I was happy to have them all there and his father to witness it. I felt a little loss that my parents weren't there. I knew my mother had spent years planning a marriage and partner for me. I swallowed that thought. Nothing mattered right now except my boy and his happiness.

I didn't let go of him the rest of the evening. I couldn't. I kept my arm around him, looked at how good the ring fit on his hand. I was glad I'd gone with that choice, Mike's choice, rather than the larger, more showy one I'd picked.

"I am so happy for you two. I know you were made for each other," his father said as he came to hug us. He admired the ring and I again swore that I would do everything to give his son the beautiful life he deserved.

A little piece of my heart hurt at that. He could see it, accept his son for who he was. I knew my parents would take decades to get there-

assuming they were even trying. They'd never be mean to Noah. I was the one who corrupted and defiled him. I wondered how long we would go through this unspoken ignorance of my engagement to Noah. Was my mother still trying to keep the girl she had chosen for when I was "ready?"

"Navee," Noah said and kissed my cheek. I realized I'd been lost in thought. The fireworks were over and everyone was heading back into the house. I slid my hand down his back and took his hand, interlacing my fingers with his smaller ones. I felt the cool metal of his ring and a smile cracked my lips.

"You ready, baby?" I asked. He nodded and we made our way back towards the house to begin the typically long Persian goodbye. Noah, as he usually did, stood quietly holding my hand as I fended off the protests of others in our attempt to excuse ourselves. He tossed in a convincing yawn and turned his head into my chest. I rubbed his hair and that sealed the deal. We were off.

The city continued to explode around us with color as we made our way home. All along the way, we passed people setting off fireworks in the streets, parking lots, and alleys. We inched through traffic and made our way back to the valley.

"It's so beautiful," Noah said. I thought he was talking about the fireworks, but looked over to see him admiring his engagement ring in the dim light of the city.

"I know you would like this one when I see it in store... it practically has your name on it!" I reached over and put my hand on his back. He gave me a smile and I pulled him over against my side.

"It's perfect. This is so perfect," he said. He looked up at me as I drove along and then I felt his hand settle on my bulge. I spread my legs and he rubbed my pants.

"What are you looking for, my love? There's no more jewelry in there," I said as he gripped my growing bulge.

"Are you sure? It feels like there's a lot going on down here," Noah said with feigned innocence.

"You don't believe! Check me!" I urged and slid forward in the driver's seat. He put his lips on my right nipple and kissed it through my shirt as his fingers began to work on my zipper.

"I'll check you, but there's a lot of real estate to cover down here," Noah said as he kissed his way down my stomach and slid a hand into my pants.

"Baby!" I yelped as his hand gripped my cock. It sent a jolt through me. I put my hand on his wrist to stop him. "We shall save this for home, my love." I laughed.

"Please?" he said softly as we stopped at a red light. I looked over at him and he had those pouty lips with wide green eyes that always hypnotized me. It wasn't something he did consciously. He honestly needed me and the protective side of me needed to give him what he wanted. I couldn't say no.

"Oh, Noah," I sighed. I let go of his wrist and he leaned over and pushed down my pants. My cock flopped out and he dove down on it. I was already hard, but it went to full rigidity as it hit the familiar home of his soft lips and warm, wet tongue.

I put a hand on his soft, blonde hair in between shifting the gears as he started to bounce on my cock. I rubbed his hair and gasped as he worked the tip against his throat.

"Uhhhh fuck! Baby... so good." I hissed and scanned around us for police. The windows are heavily tinted and there were many other distractions around to cover us. The light changed and I raced towards our house. I needed to get him home and take care of our needs.

I got stuck at the long light near our house as his soft lips slid down my shaft in a tightly stretched ring. His warm, wet tongue bathed it as the red light taunted me. The tip glided across the smooth roof of his mouth and into his throat. I gasped and wrapped my fingers in his hair. His throat squeezed down on the head of my cock and he started to gag on it. A pedestrian began to cross in front of us, further enraging my frustration with the red light.

My lips were fixed in a hard O as he bobbed on my cock and I stared helplessly down the street at our townhouse complex. I tried to focus on the man crossing in front of us, but we made eye contact and he hurried awkwardly when he saw my expression.

"Fuck, baby Noah my love. Is almost to home, you will wait yes," I begged as he bobbed on my cock in search of his prize. I didn't want to finish here. I didn't want to waste one of the most momentous days of our lives together on a blow job. He deserved better.

He didn't let up though and I tried to distract myself by checking out the gauges on the car. We had enough gas and the temperature looked good. I pressed the buttons on the steering wheel to cycle through the information screen and then...

"Ahhh!" I felt it getting too close and I pushed Noah off my cock. I didn't want to waste it here. I wanted it inside him like he loved.

"Please, baby. I so close to cum. I want save this for home with you," I gently put a hand under his chin and guided him off it. He sat up, leaving a trail of spit from my throbbing cock. I swiped my thumb across his lips and fed him back his spit as I held his cheek. He looked at me with defeat.

"Oh... Ok," Noah said with disappointment, but offered a faked smile. The light changed to green and I took off like a rocket towards our complex. Noah sucked my thumb into his mouth and that seemed to satisfy him. He liked having any part of me inside him. We both needed it. Feeling each other's touch does something to us physically. We were made to be together.

I let him work on my thumb as I got to the gate. I fumbled with the button to open it and steered into the driveway with one hand. It opened slowly and a neighbor was pulling up in front of us to exit. It was the young couple who lived at the back. They gave a friendly wave as we saw each other under the streetlamp. I took my thumb from Noah's lips and returned their greeting with a spit-shined hand.

I let them pull out first and then raced in and down to our garage. I was punching the opener button as soon as I got in the gate so when I rounded the last corner it was nearly up. I pulled in and closed it behind us. I turned off the car and Noah looked at me with a mix of fear and need. He knew what I had built up and now, unencumbered by the drive, I could get to it.

"You couldn't wait, could you?" I asked and unfastened my seatbelt.

"No sir," he said with wide green eyes. "I couldn't."

I lunged towards him as I ripped off my shirt. I reached past his body and pushed the button to recline his seat as my lips dove for the sensitive spot on his neck that makes him whine and jerk around.

"Uh huh," he gasped as I nibbled on his sensitive skin. The power recliner on his seat slowly eased him back. It wasn't quite the dramatic effect of my old car where I could just pull the lever and he'd instantly fall to the backseat.

"You need me, baby? You need your man inside the little rosebud?" I asked as I kissed up to his cheek. I'd vaulted over the center console and knelt on either side of the passenger seat. It would have been a tight position, but Noah is a narrow guy and this sedan was built for larger Americans.

"Yes sir," he whined as I pushed up his shirt and kissed my way down to his pointed pink nipples. I bit and sucked on each one, cupping them with my hands as though he had something there to squeeze. His pec muscles are toned, but not quite pronounced. Noah doesn't do much lifting, but he has a tight little body that I can't resist.

"So beautiful," I mouthed around his nipple. I pushed his shirt up and over his head, securing it behind his neck. I kissed my way down his flat tummy and kissed his little belly button as he squirmed and whimpered under my touch.

"Fuck me," he begged and reached under me to slide down his shorts. I rubbed my hands down his back and pulled his shorts and briefs down over his thighs. His cock popped out, hard and leaking precum as it bounced against his stomach. I kissed down and licked at the little spit of his juice. I kissed the tip of his cock and swiped my tongue across it causing his body to shiver and twist.

"Uhhhh fuck," he squealed and gasped for air. I knew our supplies for sex were upstairs in our room, but then I caught sight of the travel day bag he'd brought with us. It was tossed in the back seat and I remembered the little sample pouches of wet we kept in there in case we ever found ourselves with an opportunity outside. I raised up and reached into the backseat as Noah took the chance to slide his shorts off over his tennis shoes.

"Yes!" I yelled when I found one of the small pouches. It was a brand he'd never used, but I'd tried it once with a guy whose name I didn't remember. I remember liking it enough to get through fucking him.

Noah nodded with interest when he saw me bring it back into the front seat. He raised his knees up against his chest and spread his legs for me. His hard cock fell down against the leather seat and he slid forward to raise his ass up for me. I took a moment to appreciate the view in the dim light of the garage. I'd left the car radio on with a playlist from my connected phone. It started to play the song he had always said was ours; Years & Years' Shine. It had come out the summer we met, the summer I found my lifemate.

"Oh," he said and smiled up at me. It was another perfect moment in our perfect day. I knew he'd remember it for the rest of our lives. I tore open the plastic pouch and squeezed some lube onto my fingers. I reached down between his thighs and spread it over his hole, poking two fingers inside him. He squirmed on them, squinting his eyes with a sudden look of hurt.

"Sorry, baby" I said and realized I was being a little too urgent with him. My cock was throbbing just looking at him. Noah leaned forward and I lowered my lips to his. I kissed him and then leaned up, banging my head against the roof. A cramped car isn't quite the exotic place it sounds. I cursed and reached behind me to hit the button that opened the sunroof. Noah laughed at me.

"You think is funny, eh?" I glared down at him but then laughed. He nodded and reached two hands up to squeeze my pecs.

"So strong," he admired as he squeezed them. I flexed for him, made them dance in his hands to show off the hard work I put in to be his warrior. His eyes sparkled up at me hungrily.

"You need your man inside that tight pussy?" I asked as I slid two fingers back inside him. He gasped and made a little whining sound as I pushed into him. I felt his legs between mine as he kicked off his shoes and let his shorts fall to one ankle. He kicked them off gently and relaxed, ready for my touch.

"Yes sir, please fuck me," he moaned as his smile parted into that o-shape he got when he was lost in lust. His eyelids fluttered as his body relaxed for me.

"That's it, baby. Open up, let me give you what you need," I encouraged. "My sweet love needs his dose of Persian cream."

"Uh huh," he whined and tossed his head back against the seat.

"That's my boy," I praised when I slid in all the way down to the base of my thick, muscled fingers. I made them dance inside him, stretching his hole and rubbing over that spot that made his cock bounce and leak precum.

"Fuuuuuck," he hissed as I swirled them around inside him. I know every inch of my boy's canal. I know where to rub, where to stroke, where to pound. I know what makes his toes curl and his eyelids fight to stay open. I know my love and I give him what he needs.

I leaned down and slid my tongue past his lips, wrestled around in his mouth until his arms wrapped around me. He held onto me tightly while I stuffed him from both ends. His legs crossed behind my back and his fingers dug into my shoulders.

He always marks my body when we make love. He can never control his passion. It's one of the things I love best about him, the raw emotion and abandon with which he gives himself to me. He bites and sucks, claws and squeezes my muscles when he loses himself in my embrace. I don't mind it at all. I'm his protector, the one with whom he can let go.

I opened his hole and then started to ram him with my fingers while I kissed down to his neck and sucked on the sensitive spots. His body thumped happily against the car seat and he held onto me for dear life. He made the little sounds that let me know he was mine, he was pleased.

"Baby," I whispered when I broke our kiss. His hole was pulsing, but readily accepted my fingers. "Are you ready for me? You feel open enough and I need inside you."

"Fuck me, Nah-vee. Please, I need you," he whimpered.

"I need you too, baby," I said and kissed him again. "You are my world."

I raised up off of him and slid out my fingers. He looked up at me as though I'd caused him great loss by pulling out of him. He bit his lip and stared up at me with those beautiful green eyes filled with need. My heart melted. I grabbed the little packet of lube and squeezed the last of it down the length of my cock. I fisted it a few times and felt myself already near the edge. Looking down, I could see his cock was full and leaking out over his stomach. He wouldn't take long. I know my boy.

"That's it, princess. Let me in. Let me give you what you need," I growled when I put the tip of my cock to his hole and felt it relax for me.

"Yes sir," Noah whined. He looked up at me, eyes filled with trust. He laid back against the seat and took a deep breath then looked away.

I slid in with a gasp, his hole always felt like magic. But then I stopped. I put my hand to his cheek and he turned his face back up to look at me as if he thought something was wrong.

"What is it?" he asked as our eyes locked.

"You just... Something different," I mumbled and stared over him.

"What? Something in my teeth?" Noah asked. I shook my head no.

And then it hit me. We were official now. We'd made a promise to everyone that we would be together in marriage soon.

"You're mine now. That's it..." I trailed off and let a smile slide over my lips. Noah returned it, looking up at me. He laughed with relief and I did the same.

"It just occur to me. I mean I always know you are mine, but now is more... real... we will make this legal..." I fumbled through my words with a dopey grin. "We are promised to each other and no one can separate us. Just you and me, my Noah. For all the days of our lives, you and me." I couldn't stop smiling. I pressed into him and my cock slid in a few inches. His smile turned to a loud moan of ecstasy..

"Uhhhhh... That's good?" Noah asked, unsure of what my smile meant.

"That is all I ever want, my love. Is good for you too?" I asked him. I didn't give him a fair shot to answer though, I slid in deeper to his velvety hole and was rewarded by another deep moan.

"Yeahhhh, sir. Uh huh," Noah gasped. He put his hands up against my chest, held onto my pecs as his cock thumped against his tummy and oozed with precum.

"Good," I said and leaned back down to wrestle with his lips. I slid into him and felt his pulsing hole close in around my cock. It massaged it in the perfect places as I started to grind in and out of him. He was made for me and I'd never felt anything as perfect as when I was inside him.

I started to pound him gently, only giving him what I knew he could take. I always had to make it seem more forceful to him. Noah expected a conqueror, a fierce Persian stud who took what he wanted. I couldn't do that to him, he wasn't built for that. Noah's a delicate, growing boy with a small frame. But I had to make it seem like I wasn't being too gentle. He always begs me to fuck him harder, be rougher with him like he thought I'd done with boys before him. But nothing about Noah was like the boys before; nothing with him was like anything I'd ever done.

"You like that? You want me to pound that pussy?" I asked when I broke our kiss.

"Yes! Fuck! Please!" Noah whined and reached a hand up to touch mine. Our fingers interlaced and my other hand went down to rub his chest as I slid in and out of his canal. My sweat started to drip down on him as I sped up on his hole. He felt so good and my cock rubbed against his prostate making him flail helplessly as his cock slapped against his stomach.

"Fuck, my princess feel so good on my cock. I love that pussy," I praised as I pounded him and rubbed a hand up his chest to feed him a finger to slurp on. His lips pursed, sucked my finger in and hummed a happy noise as his eyes fought to stay open with all the sensations pulsing through him.

"Humm Huh... Uhhh," Noah gasped around my finger as I slid my cock in deeper. He opened for me. I took my finger back and leaned back to kiss his reddened cheeks as he fought to breathe. We steamed up the small space of my car and my nuts started to stick to the leather seats as I drilled my boy. I kissed down his cheek and back to his neck as I inhaled his sweet, clean scent. He always smells so fresh and perfect. I twisted his nipples as I drilled him into the passenger seat. He turned his head to the side and lipped at the leather headrest as his body thrashed around. I could see his volcano was near boiling and I needed it soon.

"Baby, so beautiful," I praised as I looked down at his perfect pink body nearing the edge of explosion.

I reached down between us and gripped his cock. It rewarded me with a little drop of precum that I smeared over the head. That made his stomach give several involuntary jerks while he whined in ecstasy. I knew I wasn't going to last long buried deep in his pleasure spot, but I always make sure my boy comes first.

There's something so satisfying about making him shoot just from fucking him. If I do it just right, he never even touches his cock. When he throws his head back and his green eyes flutter as that twisted groan escapes his lips, it makes me proud. My cock is thick enough and I know where to focus in there to drive him over the edge.

"Navee, I..." Noah started and then he lifted up off the seat and crashed back down as his cock shot out thick ropes of boy juice between our chests. I watched as one shot landed on his chin and another hit his lips. He parted them and swiped at his cum with his tongue as he cried out.

"Fuck! Fuck! Navid! Uhhh," Noah forced his eyes open and he stared up at me, helpless and needy. His hole squeezed my cock every time his cock shot out another glob. His face screwed up, and his hole started to milk my cock without me sliding in and out. It pushed me over the edge and I leaned down to kiss him as I felt my cock jump and spurt inside his warm, wet hole.

"Mmm," we cried out to each other's lips as I kissed him and my body twisted and jerked over him. I slid my arms around his back and pulled him against me as I filled his hole with the Persian cream he needed.

"Love you," I groaned. Our lips parted and I kissed up his jaw as my body thrashed and released the contents of my nuts deep inside him. I pushed into him until I heard a faint cry of pain and then I stopped. My cock quivered and gave up the last of my soldiers deep inside his conquered field. I put my nose against his and our eyes locked while he squirmed on me.

"Fuck that was good," Noah laughed as we breathed into each other.

I nodded agreement and laid down against him until he reminded me that I was too heavy for him to support. I kept my cock inside him and awkwardly turned us around so my sweaty ass was against the seat. Noah, impaled on my cock, settled into my chest and slid down a little. I kissed his hair as he rubbed his soft cheek against my furry chest. We laid there in the hot car resting for a few minutes.

When my cock went down and started to slide out of him, I grabbed my shirt and used it to clean us. We got out of the car and I followed him into the house and up the stairs. We washed each other in the shower and then settled in for the night.

"Baby?" I asked as he was falling asleep against my chest.

"Yuh?" Noah mumbled sleepily.

"You ready to be Noah Naseri? Take my name?" I asked him.

"Mmmm," he thought for a moment. "Or Navid Kinney. That sounds good for your business."

"I take your name? What my parents will think?" I asked in amazement.

"Probably about the same as they think about you marrying a boy," Noah laughed. He raised up from my chest and looked at me with a giggle.

I attacked him with a barrage of tickles. We wrestled around until I pinned him on his back against the pillow. He looked up at me with that excitement he gets when I play rough with him. His smile faded and his big green eyes looked so innocent under me.

"Ok..." he whispered and his lips curled back into a smile.

"You will take my name!" I demanded.

"I've been Noah Naseri since the day I met you," he admitted. My heart gave a little leap and I leaned down to kiss him. I slid my arms around him and rolled over onto my back with him on my chest. I held him tightly as we drifted off to sleep.

+++ Noah +++

I peeked into the bedroom and saw a thick pile of Persian muscle lying on his stomach sprawled over our bed. The room was lit dimly by the stray beams of afternoon sun that peeked through the sides of the heavy curtains. It was just enough to appreciate my handsome fiancee. He was naked except for the stretchy, grey boxer briefs that clung to his bubbled ass. His dark, powerful back rose and fell with his breathing. A rumble of light snoring told me he was out for the count.

He'd been out all day with work; driving the stressful freeways of Southern California in a grey suit that hugged the impressive frame he'd been working on in the gym. He was so tired when he got home that he only had enough energy to kiss me, strip off his suit, and collapse onto our bed. The overhead fan turned just enough to give a gentle breeze to his overheated frame.

I went to his side and laid down on the bed. I put my hand on his shoulder and rubbed it down his back. He had a few sprouts of hair popping up back there. He'd told me all Persian men eventually turn into wolves. On him it somehow looked sexy.

"What wrongs?" Navid yawned as he awakened suddenly at my touch. Even in his sleep, he was always on guard. His eyes popped open and his body tensed as though there were an emergency of some kind. And yes, he considered me being horny as an emergency.

"Nothing," I assured him and watched his healthy frame settle back down. "Just well... I'm supposed to chat with your dad on the video thingy and um..." I trailed off and raised my hand to show him the beautiful ring he'd given me.

"Yes?" he asked as though not picking up on the problem.

"Should I... well... take it off? What if he sees it and gets upset? You know I talk with my hands and it's um... it's a pretty noticeable thing on my finger." I was torn.

"They know I give this to you. I show them picture when I buy it for you. They see this before you even know about it," Navid assured.

"Oh... but..." I didn't know what to say.

"Noah, my love, my precious heart. I do not go through this, to tell the world that you are my love... to tell my parents I will be your husband. I do not go through all of this so you will have to hide. I know you are proper and respectful boy, but is not something you do to hurt them. Trust me this. My father, if he see it on your finger and becomes upset, he will talk to me about it. Do you not remember that I am the evil wayward man who leads the innocent and pure Noah to the dark side?" Navid laughed to show me he wasn't scared, but I knew it pained him to disappoint his parents. It would pain anyone.

"You're not evil. You could never be evil," I assured him. He took my hand with the ring on it and brought it to his lips. He kissed my fingers one by one.

"I know this, my baby. I only want that you are not concerned. Trust in me. He will never be angry with you. You know how my parents care for you. Be yourself. Be the handsome one who makes my life worth living, and let them know you more so they can love you as I do," Navid assured.

"I love you too," I smiled and leaned in to kiss him.

"Before you go though," Navid started and slid a hand down my back and into my briefs. "You awaken me and now must pay the price." He rubbed my ass and slid a finger down to my hole.

"Navi!" I yelped and tried to wiggle out of his hold. "I have to go, your dad will be waiting for me."

"I just wake up. I must say good morning to your little flower," Navid insisted as he rubbed a finger around my ring and began to work inside me.

"Uhhhh," I gasped helplessly and lightly hit my fist against his chest. My body shivered as he hit the right spot. "No... I go... must," I mumbled as his lips kissed up my neck. I lost myself in his touch.

"As you wish, my love," Navid said and suddenly let me go. I laid there against the comforter for a minute, trying to remember where I was rushing off to.

"Noah," Navid said a few seconds later. I looked over at him and blinked happily. "My father waits," he reminded me. He kissed my forehead and nudged me away.

"Oh!" I scrambled out of the bed and straightened my clothes. I bounded down the stairs and found my laptop. His father would be waiting for me. I logged in and sure enough there was a notification of a pending call.

"Noah, dear boy. How are you?" he said when I accepted it. I instinctively moved my hands out of the camera shot. Something inside me just wasn't ready for it. We ambled through our normal greetings and caught up on news and events. He always seemed so interested in the monotonous minutiae of my daily life. He deeply loved American culture and I always kept him up to date on whatever new drink was available at Starbucks or whatever small snippet of national news I had caught when Navid was watching it. I didn't understand the draw, but to him it was important.

I lost myself in our normal, happy routine of talking. Before I knew it, I was using my hands and moving them around in front of the camera. That's when he noticed the ring. His eyes gave a moment of interest, just enough to remind me of the sparkly element on my finger.

He didn't react though until I did. I coughed and slowly put my hand down Our eyes met awkwardly, and then his lips pressed together in thought. I couldn't read his face. He was as stoney as his son sometimes.

"The new ring is from Navid?" he asked though his look told me he already knew.

"Oh, um this? Uh yeah I guess," I fumbled for words awkwardly.

"It is very nice," he said and I nodded. It killed the conversation and I froze, trying to not look panicked. My intentions led to more panic and I'm bad at hiding my feelings. It all showed up on my face.

"So this... this is something you want?" he asked as my heart pounded in my ears. I felt my face flush with embarrassment. I knew he wasn't asking if I wanted the ring. Who wouldn't want a ring? I knew he was asking about the marriage... if I wanted it. I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Yes, sir... it's the best thing I've ever gotten. It's perfect. I love it," I said as though talking about the ring.

"And this... is something you think you will want forever? Maybe you will want to buy one of your own for a wife someday? A ring is very final, no?" he asked.

"It's something I'll never take off as long as he wants me to have it. It's more than I ever dreamed I could have. I love it," I affirmed. My words were bold, but I kept looking down, averting his intense gaze. His eyes studied me, burned through me down to my soul.

"You are still so young, Noah. You could change your mind someday when you grow into a man. It is difficult for a child to make a choice intended to last a lifetime. Maybe this is too soon," he said slowly with measured breath.

"I don't think so, sir. I can't imagine ever going a second of my life without it. It hurts me to even think about taking it off. It's a part of me I'd be lost without," I admitted with complete honesty.

He studied me for another minute. Every heartbeat lasted an eternity as I waited for him to break, to yell at me, to curse me or tell me how I'd ruined his son. This silent ignorance had festered between us for so long. I wasn't free to say anything about it, even hint at it. It was Navid's hill to die on, to come out to his parents, to tell the world about us. It wasn't my right, but now it was out in front of us. My mind raced through a million reactions. I'd rehearsed this moment in my head for so long. It was here, we were here. I'd laid my honesty out in front of him and now it was his move.

But then I raised my eyes and saw he wasn't angry at all. The puzzle pieces slid together in my head and I saw that my nightmare wasn't even a possibility to him. He was nodding and looked almost... happy.

He said, "Ok then. I'm happy you love it so much, Noah. It is a beautiful ring."

Something about his words, I felt like he was actually giving his blessing for it like saying -Ok I just want to know that you are for sure about this.- Navid is his boy, his rough and tumble army boy, sports jock, alpha guy that he raised to be a provider, a father, a good man. And it almost had this layer of like he was saying "Please don't hurt him." It's as if he knows how much his son loves me and he was just more than being ok with us being together and getting married. It was him saying he wanted to make sure I knew what I was getting into. He wanted us to be happy.

A million emotions gushed out of me and I clapped my hand over my mouth to stop myself from saying something stupid. I just nodded and sniffled it all back.

"And your studies are going well?" he asked. I nodded, got myself together, and nodded again.

"Yes sir, always. Navid helps me so much. I don't think I could get through it all without him, I need him," I said. And that was it. We went back to shooting the shit about life and coffee and politics and some new friend he made at work. His father accepted me. He wanted me to stick around. I would be one of them...

-- My Stories:

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