Noah's Starship

By Emri S.

Published on Feb 12, 2017


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+{Noah's Starship}+

-+-[Ch. 18]-+-

~By Emri~

++ Noah & Navid head to Texas ++

"I hate this. I need to be home and deep inside you, kissing every little inch of the beautiful boy who holds my heart." Navid texted me as we were seated around a large table at a fancy restaurant high above the valley. It was a dinner for some group of investors Navid had helped with a new office building. They were impressed with him enough to invite us to their celebration.

I laughed as I read it under the table, and earned an interested look from one of the guys across the table. Navid didn't like him. He said the guy couldn't take his eyes off of me. I hadn't really noticed it and I felt uneasy at how jealous it made Navid. The guy was maybe 40 and had dark, spiky hair atop an overly tanned face that looked like he was probably hot in his younger days.

Before dinner, he had asked me a few questions while Navid was shaking hands. It was the standard stuff you get when someone doesn't know what to talk about. "You're in school? What are you studying? How long have you two been together? What is it like to date someone so different from Our' culture?" I didn't like the way he said our' as though Navid had landed from another planet. I answered politely though. Navid's business pays for a nice life and I do my part as the quiet, supportive boyfriend.

"I don't like him," Navid had said when he got me away. "He is disrespecting... He looks at you with bad intention when he knows you are taken boy."

"I think he's just being nice. Maybe he sees I am out of place here and wants me to feel welcome. Why would you be jealous of him anyways?" I whispered back to him as he nodded a fake smile to one of the clients. I didn't understand the jealousy over this guy. The guy was older, and nowhere near Navid's league.

"He is handsome man; successful and very rich. He could easily take care of you and give you more than I could..." Navid trailed off as though he wanted to say more. I knew what more he wanted to say.

"You think you're just a paycheck to me? The only success that matters to me is your happiness and peace. You know I'd share my old bedroom in my dad's apartment and still just as happily be your boy. The lump in your shorts that I couldn't take my eyes off of the first day we met... that wasn't your wallet," I reminded him and put my hand to his chest. His hands came up and cupped the hand that touched his heart. He nodded and then leaned down to kiss me.

The last two months had been crazy. His work was taking off and his workouts had been replaced with business lunches that weren't always healthy. He was making so many deals that Karim had offered him a bigger cut, but the workload was crushing our time together and his prayers. We'd barely had time for dinner and sex when he came home. Most nights he was too exhausted even for sex, but he still got it up, powered through. He knew we needed it.

Exhaustion was taking its toll on his body. He had a bad cold the last week that made his eyes puffier and his nose raw. His muscles were still there but softer, his abs receding from chiseled to a soft plump with the loss of his strict workouts. He still held my heart and starred in all of my fantasies. He would always be my superman. I'd never seen him self conscious or lacking in confidence, but one joke from Aram about eating an extra cookie at our last dinner sent Navid into a quiet storm. I noticed him suck-in when I laid my head on his lap while we watched TV the night before.

I tried everything to build him up, let him know he was still the handsomest, hottest man I'd ever met. I made sure our home was perfectly clean and quiet with the strict protein and vegetable dinners that he liked. I tried my best to be his relaxing force that made him forget about his long days of crazy work. But now, with the thought that he could be jealous over a middle-aged white guy staring me down at a party, I was able to see how bad he felt.

"You are so innocent, so simple. You don't see how men look at you; my perfect, blond, California boy with the best bubble bottom and beautiful seaglass eyes. I must protect you. I know how they are." Navid was really in a spiral.

"Do you think any guy here is even remotely as handsome as you? Do you think any of them could carry me off to bed and have me begging for it? I don't even think about other guys like that, especially not guys my dad's age... yuck," I whispered back fiercely.

"Noah... I love you so much. I do not deserve such perfect prince," Navid laughed and kissed my cheek.

"Princess," I corrected with a laugh. I reminded him of the term I'd spent so long getting out of his system. Now that it was almost gone, I kind of missed it.

"Of course, my beautiful love." Navid kissed me again and I caught the older guy wagging his eyebrows at me as he watched us with interest. He probably wanted to be in the middle.

The dinner went on for another 45 minutes as everyone stood and talked about the progress they were making on their other projects. Navid said it was technically a business meeting so they had to discuss things and they gave him a check during it. He pretended to be surprised and grateful. I noticed he adjusted his tight button-up shirt when he sat back down.

It hurt me to realize that my strong, stone pillar of masculine perfection could be subject to the same insecurities I held. He was such a confident steamroller that I sometimes forgot just how human he really was.


"You look so fucking hot in your suit. I always feel so grateful to be yours," I noted as we walked back to the car. I saw him puff up at my compliment and he opened the passenger door for me with a little smile. I meant it too. He looked so grown up and powerful.

"I love you, Noah," he glowed as he kissed me and held the door while I slid in.

We made it back to our side of the valley with my head against his shoulder while he covered my hand with his as I held onto the stick shift. I was falling asleep, lulled by his soft, off-key singing along to a Persian ballad playing on the car stereo.

I woke up as the garage door was closing behind us. Navid had his lips on my forehead while his fingers rubbed through my hair and his palm massaged my head.

"Your hair is growing so long on top, baby," Navid noted as I stirred in his arms. I kept it shaved down on the sides, but it was just enough on top for him to play with when we fucked.

"I'll get it cut on Monday," I yawned. He gripped my hair and pulled it back so my face arched up to look at him. His lips spread into a smile and he shook his head.

"No, I like this is a little long. Is nice to hold onto. You're still a boy, no need to conform just yet. It's just long enough to braid up here. It would look nice with flowers, my pretty princess," he joked.

We headed inside. He checked that everything was locked up and alarmed while I went upstairs. I stripped down to my briefs and put my clothes in the hamper, a habit he had never learned. I flopped down on the bed and waited for him to finish his nightly security guard rounds. We both knew that if he didn't check everything out downstairs then he'd wake up in the middle of the night and think about it before rubbing his eyes and going down to check it out.

"You enjoy yourself tonight?" Navid asked when he came up. He'd loosened his tie and I knew his blazer would be waiting for me on the back of a chair the next morning.

"Sure... I guess... I always like being there when you are making things happen. Everyone respects you. They all looked at you like they wish they were you; young, hot, successful," I said. Navid finished unbuttoning his shirt and tossed it towards the hamper. He struggled out of his pants and then launched himself towards me on the bed.

Navid landed on the bed in his black boxerbriefs and black socks. He growled and rolled over on top of me. He straddled me and paused to reach down and take off his socks. Those got flung somewhere else for me to find the next morning. When he lifted his arm my nose filled with the scent of his sweat from a day's work. He hadn't had time to shower before he took me out for the dinner.

"I am hot?" he growled as he leaned down and nibbled just behind my earlobe where he knew I was ticklish. I tasted his skin as he explored me. I licked the salt of his sweat from his gleaming chest. I squirmed in his arms and pushed against his pecs as my body writhed with giggles.

"Uh huh," I said as I pushed him away. I punched playfully against his chest. He pretended I was stronger than him and he lifted up and rolled over onto his back with a feigned "ouch."

"My baby so strong," he whimpered with fake pain, but then started laughing.

"You like that? You wanna see me breed that ass?" I growled in the lowest voice I could muster.

Navid exploded in laughter, but I quickly pounced on top of him and straddled his lap. I grabbed his hands and our fingers interlaced while he pretended to wrestle with me. He let me pin his arms back against the pillows above his head. I leaned down until our lips met so I could claim my prize. Our lips dropped the charade and he quickly put me back into submission as his expert tongue explored my mouth.

His hands pushed mine away as his arms came up to slide around me and pull me down into his dark, furry chest. He rubbed my back with one hand while the other slid down and beneath the waistband of my briefs. His right hand cupped my ass and a finger rubbed between. I pushed my ass up until his finger slid down to find my hole. Our lips parted and I looked at him expectantly. He knew what I needed.

"You are ready for me, my love?" He asked as I bit my lip and nodded.

"You don't want to beat me up more? Your humble Persian prince?" Navid whispered.

"No, sir," I admitted. I lowered my chin to his and rubbed against his close-trimmed beard.

"I know how to calm my boy's violent side," Navid assured and kissed me again. He lifted me off his chest and set me down on my tummy against the bedspread. He rolled over on top of my back and kissed my neck. He kissed his way down between my shoulder blades and continued down until his lips found the waistband of my briefs. He took it between his teeth and pulled them down my thighs.

"Fuck... That pussy... so perfect, so tight." His hands cupped my cheeks. He kneaded them as his lips kissed back up my thighs. Erik and I had been doing this squat challenge we found online. It was paying off. Navid never walked by me without squeezing my cheeks or appreciating my progress.

"It's yours... It's always yours," I assured as though there had ever been a question.

"You're mine, little hole?" Navid rubbed his nose against my right ass cheek and whispered softly as though talking to a pet. He pushed my briefs down my thighs and slid them off of me. I bounced my ass up a few times excitedly like it was answering affirmatively.

He gave my ass a light smack and then dove in between my cheeks with his tongue out. I felt the warm, wet muscle hit my hole and drive inside me with one, forceful motion.

"Fuck yes," I whined as my body began to shiver in delight. He was so good at that, like he wrote the owner's manual for it. He knew every little spot to make me melt into the covers and chew on the edge of the decorative pillow.

"Uhhh, uhhh, uhhh," I moaned each time he hit the perfect place. I grabbed fistfuls of the covers as my thighs spread on either side of his shoulders. I arched my back and put my ass in the air to give him better access to the canvas he painted so beautifully with his tongue. His hands gripped my cheeks and he kneaded them as his thumbs spread them wider. His thumbs pulled gently at my hole as his tongue lovingly opened it. He wanted me comfortable for his thick, hard cock.

"Fuhhh," I mumbled against the pillow as my face turned to look back at him. Our eyes me, he was looking up from my hole as his tongue pushed in deeper and the scratchy, trimmed beard of his chin scraped my soft skin. My tummy tightened each time a shockwave of delight spread through me.

He slid a hand up the center of my back to push me down and rub me soothingly as the pillow muffled my whines. His dark, wide eyes looked over me to gauge my face for the please he produced. He winked his left eye at me and I knew his lips were spread into a smile at the way he could make my body contort and writhe at his touch. He owned my hole with his loving touch. I couldn't imagine anyone else taking this much pride in pleasing it.

"Fuck that feels so good. I... fuck..." I was whining in ecstasy like a caged man tasting his first bite of freedom. I lost control of myself and committed fully to whatever he wanted to do with me. I could never make myself feel this good. His tongue worked in hard circles as it lit up my runway.

Pleased with his work, he slid his tongue out of me and worked in two fingers to my spit-lubed hole. It brought a whole other set of feelings that had me fighting to keep my eyes open. He pushed inside me and slowly pried me open with his rough fingers and expert touch.

"You want I seed you, baby?" Navid asked in a deep, commanding tone as his fingers explored me. He knew the answer, knew what I needed.

"Yes sir," I sniffled as I rested my face against my arm and looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"You are my needy little princess? You need your protector to claim what is his?" Navid asked.

"Please fuck me. I need you... so bad," I whispered. My eyes locked in on his. He could see the need in mine and it brought back his confidence. This was somewhere he knew he excelled.

"I know you need me, Noah," Navid slid his finger deep inside me and leaned down to kiss the small of my back. "And I need you too, my baby. You are the one who makes it all ok. Every time I see you happy, I know my life is complete."

"Uh huh," I gasped as his fingers hit my prostate and rubbed it until my cock leaked. I should have said something as equally sweet and perfect, but I was too lost in feeling that I was on the edge of either a giant sneeze or an intense orgasm. There's a fine line between the two.

Navid just laughed at my helpless state. As my cock started to leak, he reached his other hand around down there and gripped my shaft. He pulled in a slow, rhythmic stroking as my precum leaked out over his wrist. His lips found the back of my neck as he moved to hover over me from behind.

He nibbled and sucked on the back of my neck as he finger-fucked my hole and milked my cock. I was whining, gasping, and begging for his cock inside me. He was undeterred though in his mission to open me fully. Above any level of desire, Navid is a responsible lover. He knew how my hole needed to be to accommodate his size. He knew to ignore my begging for his cock until I was ready.

"Your heart is bigger than your hole," he'd said one time. He was confusing the old saying; "Eyes bigger than your stomach," which means you eat more than you can handle. I guess it worked though. He wasn't wrong.

When he collected enough of my precum, he let go of my cock and slid his fingers out of my hole. I turned expectantly to see what he had planned. He rubbed my juice between my cheeks and pushed it down inside my hole.

"A boy's juice belongs inside him," he noted. He finished filling me with it and then knelt up on the bed beside me. I turned towards him and reached for his cock. It dangled in front of him, hard and ready, too heavy to stand up. I tugged at his cock and looked up to see him nodding approvingly. I licked my lips. I missed its taste.

"Please," I said and bit my lip as I tugged on it. He was busy with pushing his fingers back inside my hole, but he paused to look at me as I begged.

"You want the cock, Noah?" Navid asked as though he was unsure of my need for my favorite thing in the world.

"Yes sir, please, I need it," I whined. I blinked up at him with wide eyes, hoping for pity.

"You need the cock, my baby? You want this daddy cock deep inside you? Your body calls for it, whines and begs for my touch?" He asked calmly in that deep bass that came from the back of his throat and sent shivers through me.

I'm taking a class on world languages and the professor recently gave a lecture on pharyngeal sounds in middle eastern dialects of Arabic. They are produced at the very back of the throat and English doesn't use them. Persian doesn't use them either, but Arabic does. Navid's mother was mixed Arabian-Persian and he spoke both languages fluently.

Somehow those deep, guttural tones had seeped into his English, especially when he was tired or amorous. It wasn't a sound I could produce and it colored many of his words. It sent chills through me as my body felt the ancient, primal needs the tones awakened. It sounds ridiculous; it feels supernatural.

"I need it. I don't know why, but I do," I admitted with pure sincerity. Navid considered me for a second as his fingers rhythmically probed my hole. He reached down with his free hand and took my cheek in his palm. He rubbed his thumb over my lips as though judging their quality.

"Ok. I take care of my boy, yes?" Navid asked as he pushed his thumb through my lips. I sucked on it as he scooted closer to me. He took back his hand and gripped his cock. He placed the tip to my lips and pushed through to my throat until I gagged and sputtered on him. He stretched my lips and throat as he began to gently fuck my face. His hand rubbed up to my hair where he gripped the long, blonde locks between his fingers.

"Fuck, Noah. So good you have become," Navid noted as he pulled my head back to look up at him. My hair was tangled in his fingers as his thick snake probed my throat. I stared up at him with wide, blue eyes that began to water as I sucked in air through my nose and tried to get it down my throat past his intruding monster.

"Is good?" Navid asked to check that I was keeping up all right.

"Mmm hmmm," I assured with my mouth full. He needed to know I was ok. He needed me to know that even as he piston-fucked my face and rammed his fingers up my hole to stretch it for him that behind all of that was a man who loved me deeply and wanted me to enjoy this. He needed to know I was safe, happy, and loving this.

"Oh Noah, I can not last like this. I need for seed you so soon," Navid advised. It had been a long day and we had been edging for most of it. We'd been to busy to make it to the bedroom, so i knew he wouldn't last long once he got inside me.

My cock was rock hard and flopping around as he shoved his fingers into me and stuffed me from both ends. I was twisted in an uncomfortable position, but the waves of pleasure that pulsed through me drowned out any strain to my muscles. I was focused on pleasing my man and allowing him to use me like he needed. He slowed his assault on my throat but I still felt his heavy nuts slap against my chin. I wanted to suck on his balls, but those would have to wait until next time. We both had urgent needs.

"I can fuck you now. Is ready," Navid said as he suddenly went still in my mouth. I knew he was on the edge and any sudden movement could reward my throat with his creamy, Persian seed. I wanted him to bury it in my hole though.

Navid slid his fingers from my hole while his cock sat lodged inside my throat. He went for the lube and squeezed a healthy amount in my hole. I felt it fill me, he was always generous with it. It tingled a little inside me and I squirmed, careful to hold my mouth still.

"Easy, baby," Navid cooed as he slowly slid his cock from me. He laid down next to me and decided I needed some kissing time with him. It wouldn't settle his cock down, but it would pull him back from the edge.

He pulled me over onto his chest and my lips found his while his arms slid around my back. I inhaled the musk of his cologne and sweat. He always smelled so good to me. He held me against his chest as his tongue slid past my lips. I sucked on it as he rubbed me approvingly.

His lips wrestled mine as my cock rubbed against his hairy stomach. The tip pushed against his belly button and I humped lightly against him as we kissed.

"Settle, baby. Go slow," he admonished. He gave a light swat to my ass. My thighs were rubbing against his shaft, and probably exciting it too much. I pulled my knees up to straddle him so his cock could rest for a moment. He nodded approval and put his lips back on mine. We made out for a few minutes until I got the green light that he was ready to try again. The lube was leaking out of my hole a little, but not much since it was pointing north.

"I let you slide down it, ok? Be slow though," Navid said and pushed me back up. He reached down and gripped his cock, bringing the tip to my hole. I felt it push against the ring and I slowly raised up from his chest. I sat up, squatting over his lap as he brought me down to sit on his cock.

"Huhhhhh," I whined softly as I felt the tip poke inside me. I could never be totally ready for it, it seemed to grow each time he fucked me. He steadied me on his cock and then put his hands on my ass to slowly guide me down.

"Watch me," he warned and I forced my eyes open as I stared down at him. He could tell, just from the shape of my eyes or how they watered when it was too much or just right for me.

"Please Noah, eyes on me," he said. He knew how easily he could hurt me and it was always at the front of his mind.

"Yes sir-r-r," I nodded and bit my lip as I winced from the pressure. He let my ring adjust as he slowly slid me down on him. He kept his hands firmly gripping my ass as he lowered me down with measure progress. His eyes were struggling too, he was on the edge again and slowing down for that too.

"So beautiful, my boy. So innocent and trusting of your man. You know I will never hurt you, don't you, Noah?" Navid asked with a sudden gasp. He was ready to bury his seed, but patiently held his cock inside me.

"I know, Navii. I need you," I whimpered. I was halfway down his shaft when we had to take a break. He pulled me down against his chest and held still while kissing me and rubbing my hair. He bit and sucked on my lips, my cheek, my ear.

"Just a little more, Noah. I can go farther," Navid whispered against my ear as he pushed inside me a little more. I was pretty slicked up inside so he easily pushed in another inch before stopping again.

When he was finally in as far as he could go, he held me against his chest and then rolled us over. He didn't like me being on top. He said it felt lazy for him. He needed to "do the job," as he put it.

"Uhhh," I moaned as he started to slide in and out of me. He put a hand on the mattress beside my neck as he started to do push-ups over me. He pushed his cock deep inside me and slid it out in a slow, started rhythm. His other hand came down to caress my cheek and rub his thumb against my lips as I whined from delight.

He stuffed me with his cock as he praised me and pet my cheek. He started to work up his rhythm and I noticed him looking away from me periodically as he bit his lips and closed his eyes. Assured that I was safe, he stared away from me like there was something more interesting on the wall. He did this sometimes, saying it helped him to last longer if he could be distracted.

"Fuck, Noah. Is too good," Navid laughed as he rammed me quickly a few times and then froze with his cock lodged deep inside my hole.

"It's ok," I said and reached up to cup his cheek. He rubbed his beard against my thumb and then bared his teeth. He bit at my thumb playfully as his lips spread into a wide smile. He laughed and then gripped my thumb between his teeth and growled like a dog as he shook his head back and forth.

We wrestled around for a minute as I adjusted to his cock. We kissed each other's sensitive parts and then he paused with his nose against mine so we could take in each other's eyes.

"I can fuck now," he assured, ready to do his job inside me. I nodded and he slowly started to slide out of me as he watched me for reaction. I gasped as a wave of happy buzzed out from inside me. Reassured, he started to slide back inside me.

"Uhhhh yes, that is... yes... sir," I mumbled as he started to speed up. He leaned down and put his lips to mine as he started to hump against me, driving his tool deep inside. The heat we created, the pulsing sensations as he began to take out his primal urges on my hole, it felt like my skin came alive.

"I... love... you... Noah... You.. make... me... better... man," Navid growled, punctuating each word with a slam to my hole.

"Feels so... uh... love you too, Navi... fuck," I whined and buried my face against his shoulder. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and held onto him while he pile-drived my hole with his full load. My legs were bent up and wrapped around his waist as his ass rose and fell while his cock drilled me.

"So fucking perfect, my baby," Navid arched his neck up as my teeth bit softly into the flesh of his shoulder. I've always been a chewer and with the intense shot of feelings he produced inside me, my mouth needed his skin. He never minded the little purple marks I left so long as they were below the neckline. He slid a hand up to cup my hair and then gripped it with his fingers.

I mumbled nonsense against his salty skin as I licked and sucked on his right shoulder. I tried to slow myself by classifying the smell of his sweat and committing it to memory. It was deeply masculine with a hint of exotic spice. His diet, his cologne, his hygeine products were pure Americana, but something of his native land always hung in his smell, his taste. It was part of his DNA, and I hoped he'd never lose it. His lips found my earlobe and sucked it in as his cock rammed its way in and out of me.

"Baby princess pussy so perfect like was make just to for my cock," Navid whispered. His English skills were waning in the heat of the moment. I was barely listening to his words though. That deep, sultry voice filled with lustful desire for me had my cock ready to fire off as it rubbed against his stomach.

"Fuck your boy. Seed me, Navi. Please," I whimpered against his shoulder. I was always in that half decided moment between wanting his seed and wanting this to go on forever. We may someday get to where we can have those super-long tantric fuck sessions with twelve different positions and a lemonade break, but we're usually just too needy for each other.

"You have earn this, my love. You take care for me so good," Navid assured. He gave a quick kiss to my cheek and then started to slam in and out of me with force. He drove deeper inside me to parts I hadn't yet felt.

I felt sensations shoot through me as I held on to him tightly. If I didn't bite my nails, I would have clawed him as I tried desperately to hold onto him. My body was filled with fireworks that rippled along my skin from my cock up to my neck. My head felt light as he kept pounding against my hole with his thick brown snake. His nuts slapped against my ass, sticking momentarily from our collected sweat.

I whined like a police car in heat; my gasps muffled only by his shoulder. I felt my balls pull up and then my cock, rubbing against his stomach, began to pulse.

"Uhhhhhh fuck I'm gonna," I whined and then my cock started to explode. I fired off rounds as he praised me and kept pistoning in and out of my hole to drive my engine to the limit.

"Yes, baby. Cum for me... Shoot, Noah... I make my boy finish first... always first, my Noah," Navid praised between slams of his cock.

"Uhhh fuckfuckfuck," I screamed as my body jerked and convulsed in his tight embrace. I felt my white, hot seed shoot up between our chests and mix with his sweat.

"You hole clamps to my cock when you cum," Navid observed as he kissed my forehead and rubbed my hair. "So perfect."

"Yes, fuck... yes sir... own that hole... Fuck! It's yours," I cried as my nuts emptied out over my chest. I got a shot of my cum against my lips and I instinctively licked at it. Navid laughed as he watched me cringe. It wasn't his cum. I could never taste like him.

"Fuck baby, that pussy is so tight when you cum. I am so close," Navid said and suddenly stopped. I melted into his arms as my cock finished its last send-off. I was spent and exhausted.

"Why did you stop?" I asked between gasps for air. My body was done for the night and I was quickly fading after that.

"Because so I can do this," Navid said. He held me tight against his chest and lifted me up. He raised off the bed, steadying me in his arms with his cock buried inside me. He walked us over towards the bathroom as I held on for dear life. He stopped when my back hit the wall. He put one hand behind my head to protect it and easily held me by the ass with his other. I loved that he could do that. I always felt so protected in his arms.

"Oh," I mouthed as he pressed me against the cold wall and began to fuck me with force. His eyes locked on mine as he started ramming into me again. I held on to him as my body rose and fell on his cock. He drilled me, banging me against the wall as he held me firmly and his hand rubbed the back of my hair.

"I... fuck... you... good," Navid gasped as his cock rammed inside me.

"So good," I agreed and rest my chin on his shoulder. I buried my face against his neck as he shoved into me with full force. He knocked me back against the wall as I gasped and clung to him. I felt so connected to him, tasted his power.

"I hurt you," Navid said, misinterpreting my cries as he smashed me against the wall. His arms were taking the brunt of it and I was safe in his cage of muscles. He pulled back though and pushed me against him, resting my weight against his chest.

He turned and walked us back over to the bed, but then twisted me on his cock to set me down on the bed on all fours. He was half-lodged inside my hole as he stood behind me and leaned down over my back and slid his arms around my chest. He twisted my nipples as he started to pound me from behind.

I turned back to look up at him and he kissed me with a smile as he kept hammering away at my hole.

"I so close, Noah," Navid warned. He kissed down my neck as he pounded my ass.

"Seed me, daddy," I whimpered. He felt so good inside me.

"Yes, baby. Ok... I seed you now," Navid whined as his cock tensed up and started to fire off inside me He shoved it in all the way as his body gave several quick jerks and I felt his cum fly up inside me. Navid pistoned in and out of me as his cock pulsed and filled me with cream.

"Fuck that pussy so good!" Navid howled as he filled me like a twinkie. I felt his teeth bite down on either side of the back of my neck. He pulled me up like a kitten as he buried his seed in my hole. His body shook and twisted as his hands pulled at my nipples. He shoved all the way inside me as he finished coating me with his juice.

"My Noah so good," Navid whispered as his body collapsed on top of mine. He recovered his breath as his lips caressed my neck, his nose rubbing up into my hair.

"You are my everything," Navid said as he pressed into me.

"I love you too," I said before he carried me off to the shower.


"Dallas! Tonight!" Navid said excitedly when I set his breakfast in front of him.

"But I have class today," I protested. He'd just gotten off the phone with Karim. They had talked in Persian, but Navid was yelling and laughing excitedly.

"Is ok! We take late flight and tomorrow is Friday so you have no class. Karim finds big investor who wants warehouse properties in LA. He and I will put together proposal today and fly to him for meeting! So good! He has lots to spend here!" Navid's lips spread into a wide smile.

"But I was going to hang out with Erik tomorrow... you said I could. And Halloween is next week. We're supposed to get costumes! I have too much to do here and homework!" I protested.

"Baby, you go where I go!I can not leave you here. Who will watch you?" Navid shook his head.

"Watch me? Am I a puppy or a criminal?" I asked with a flash of anger.

"Noah. I don't mean this. I mean... I need you. I cannot function with you so far away and... we need the sex and... You sleep in my arms, Noah. How we sleep apart?" Navid looked concerned.

"I know... I just... I had plans. I've never been to Dallas," I lowered my eyes.

"They sell costumes there! I am sure of it! We will find them there! And you can do homework on the computer in hotel room. Mike will be there too while Karim and I are at meetings. We will take you out at night to reward hard work. Ok?" Navid urged.

"I don't even know where Dallas is... You promise that you'll let me get the costume I want?" I asked.

"If it is appropriate for my boy to wear then yes. I can not let you walk around naked with an eye patch... outside of our bedroom," Navid joked and pulled me down to sit on his lap.

I packed what we would need before he took me to class so everything was stuffed in the trunk when they all picked me up from class. They seriously ALL picked me up from class. I walked out to find three men in the hallway of the English building sitting around one of the high tables waiting for me. Karim and Navid were working on a laptop while Mike played on his phone

"I should send Mike here. He already has a degree, but at least I'd know where he was all day. It's cheaper than daycare," Karim joked when he spotted me. I didn't ask how they were doing. They seemed much better the last time we saw them. Mike laughed and fake punched Karim on the arm.

Navid's clothes made him look like a Latino guy. He had on a tight white tank undershirt with a white t-shirt over it that showed the outline of the undershirt and his handsome frame. He had on a gold chain and dark jeans with his black hair slicked back. Whenever he wore it around LA people would talk to him in Spanish. Navid would just nod and laugh like he understood. He thought it was funny.

"Noah works SO hard. He is on list of top students for his high scores. He is very smart boy," Navid beamed. He pulled me against his side and took my backpack. He was proud of me.

We spent three hours on an airplane and touched down in a very hot and humid Dallas. It turns out that Dallas is in Texas, but they didn't have any big cattle roaming near the airport. It was actually a big city, but much newer and more spaced out than LA. Karim had rented us a big SUV to impress the client. We got stuck in a little traffic, but the hotel wasn't too far away.

We pulled up to a valet at a hotel that was a shiny glass tower. We checked into a set of rooms on a high floor with a view of a lit-up skyline. Unlike the chaos of downtown LA, Dallas seemed to have theme lighting to its buildings and there was one with a big ball on top of it like a queen's scepter. Our rooms were joined by a door that both Navid and Karim opened. Their room was larger while ours looked more like a place parents stashed their kids.

We ordered dinner in the room so the guys could finish up their presentation. They worked at the table setup in Karim's room and we ate around the table in our room.

"So what has been going on? We haven't seen each other in a while," Mike noted when the men left us to go back to their work.

"Just school and home," I lamented. "He's so busy and stressed. I just try to be his comfort."

"I know... Karim says Navid has more than doubled his business. He hasn't even yelled at me for not working and spending his money. It's stressing him out too. They need more help. I tried helping him out with some of the old accounts I used to manage, but they need to hire a third," Mike said as he picked at the piece of cake he had ordered.

"I feel bad. I try so hard to make our home a peaceful place, but I haven't seen my friends in awhile. He likes to pick me up from school right when my class is out so he can rush off to another meeting while I go home. It sucks. I feel like we're some old couple," I sighed.

"I'm sorry, Noah. That's not fair to you. I drive so I get to go out and do what I want most days. I'm even helping out at the art space where I used to work part time. Karim doesn't know about it though. An ex-boyfriend runs it and Karim gets jealous," Mike said.

"What? For real? I can't even imagine what Navid would do if I did that... I'd need an ex-boyfriend first," I laughed.

"Do you wish you could get some experience with someone else?" Mike asked thoughtfully.

"I don't even know what that would be like. I'm so addicted to him... He's my world. He won't ever talk about his past guys. When I ask, he says it is not proper to discuss," I shrugged.

"Really? Karim told me about all of his guys. He still brings up some guy named Alex he met in college who was apparently an angel and could do no wrong. They were on the wrestling team together and ended up taking their work home. The guy's parents found out about Karim, forced him to never speak to him again, and sent him to the Navy. " Mike cringed. "The more time goes by, the more perfect and handsome Alex becomes."

"Maybe it's good Navid doesn't discuss it with me," I nodded.

"I'm sure he will as time goes on. He just doesn't know what you can handle and he said none of it mattered once he had you. He seems to think you need pretty heavy protection. I guess it's a good thing right now, you're young and he doesn't want anything to happen to you. But some day that's going to get old. Even Karim has warned him, but he doesn't like advice when it comes to you. He loves you so much though," Mike said.


The next morning Karim and Navid left us after breakfast. Mike had booked us spa treatments in the hotel and Navid had left me cash for whatever I needed. Actually he left it with Mike since he thinks I'm incapable of understanding paper with value.

"I'll be back as soon as we finish and we'll go somewhere nice for dinner with the client. Please be good and listen to Mike," Navid ordered with a kiss to my forehead as he adjusted his tie and grabbed his blazer. He looked so handsome in his suit.

"I'll try not to piss on the furniture or chew on any cords," I laughed to imply he was treating me like a pet.

"I'm just nervous. I want this to go happy so we can put more money away for our home," Navid responded. He kissed me again and then left when Karim knocked.

Mike and I spent the morning at the spa. A gay guy in his late 20's wearing a dark black smock showed us through the services. Mike ordered their whole skincare regime, haircut, massage, the works. We realized when we went through their menu that there wasn't much I could benefit from. I got my hair cleaned up, but Navid didn't want me touching the top. I didn't think he would approve a massage either. I did go for the pedicure and they had small yoga classes so I signed up for that.

Mike went off for his massage while I did the yoga. It was me and three older ladies with a younger female instructor. It was an easy class, but it felt good to stretch out and they had a beautiful view of the skyline. It looked so much prettier in the day. They all seemed to know each other, so I was on a mat at the back and enjoying my quiet workout.

Next up was my pedicure. It was in the main salon and a pair of vietnamese ladies were doing them. They didn't talk to me except to give me a pair of headphones with disposable ear coverings. It was a system that had a selection of music stations. I listened to pop and thumbed through a magazine while the lady worked on my feet. There wasn't much to do, but it felt nice and soothing. She trimmed up my toenails and painted on a simple clear polish.

"You look so relaxed, Noah." Mike noted when he found me afterwards. We went back to the stylist who directed us to his chairs.

"Sounds pretty restrictive, are you sure you don't want to try something radical? I can do colors too! I think this blonde flop on top could use some blue tips," the stylist said when Mike and I sat down in the salon chairs.

"No way, his boyfriend would hunt you down. Noah's a very whipped boy," Mike laughed.

"I thought you guys were from California? Sounds more like Saudi Arabia to me," The stylist laughed.

"Well, Iran actually," Mike laughed. "Navid likes his boy very innocent though; pure, simple, earthy California quiet nerd-boy. Can you do that look?"

"Sure, clean, boring, beautiful," The stylist said with disappointment as he ran his fingers through my hair. For some odd reason I suddenly really wanted to do the blue.

"How long does the blue last?" I asked.

"Noah! Don't even think about it! Karim would kill me. They'd assume I forced you!" Mike gasped.

"I could make it as temporary as you want! I have some styling gel that would color it if you just want to freak him out for a few hours!" The stylist bit his lip excitedly.

"No! Noah! Please! I take it all back. You're a wild and crazy kid! Karim promised I could trade in for a new BMW when we get home if this goes well. Please don't take away my dreams!" Mike begged.

"These guys sound intense, pictures please!" The stylist chimed. Mike took out his phone and we both went over to him to look. He showed a few pictures of Karim and then a lot of Navid. I was a little surprised by how many he had of Navid and even a few shirtless ones he had snapped from Navid's online posts. The stylist decided he liked Navid best and the two of them made some pretty lewd comments about him. I shifted uncomfortably.

"Damn, ok. Whatever pretty Persian boy wants," the stylist whistled. He gave me a simple trim and left the length on top once Mike explained that Navid liked something to hold on to when we were in bed. He added this treatment to it that made it really soft and a little wavy. He styled it so that I looked like I was in a boy band. Mike got a simple trim-up, styling his hair to look younger.

We shared a giant salad for lunch. We spent the afternoon in the rooms waiting for the guys to come back. Mike lounged while watching a movie. I did my homework.

Navid and Karim came back excited and ready to celebrate. The client had wanted to put a contract in for almost everything they showed him. He even brought his investor friends who were interested in getting into the Southern California market. Karim said they were all going to meet up with us for dinner and we were going to hit up a club afterwards.

"Noah, you look so beautiful. I like the hair!" Navid said as he kissed my forehead.

"A dance club? Like a bar? Like music and dancing?" I yelled excitedly when Navid told me.

"Yes, but... no alcohol and... you do not leave my side!" Navid looked at me with apprehension. He could see the excitement in my eyes and it drained the air out of him.

"I won't! Of course! What should I wear?" I jumped.

"Oh Noah... You don't know this world. Are you sure you don't rather prefer just go to dinner? I can make excuse and we come home and spend time together," Navid offered.

"No, we have to go! I've been trying to move that property near Chinatown for almost a year! These are the first nibbles we've had on it. I didn't even offer him the reduced price. We have to play nice with these Texas guys. They like to do business with friends," Karim ordered. Navid took a deep breath, caught between business and family.

"I think Noah is too young to get in and I don't want him lonely in the hotel room tonight," Navid argued.

"Gray is friends with the owners and we'll have a private area," Karim said and then continued in Persian. It wasn't meant for my ears.

When we were alone, Navid tried to talk me out of going again. He was making ridiculous arguments. He said I liked to fall asleep early and this would go past my bedtime.

"I'm not five... Are you worried some cowboy is going to sweep me up on his horse and take me back to his ranch?" I laughed.

"No... well... no..." Navid said without a trace of humor.

"Then what are you worried about? I'll be with you the whole night. What could go wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, but what if you like this? You do not know this gay world like this. The dancing, drinking, drugs, sex. It is not for good boy like my Noah. I worry you will see this and want to do this when we go home. Los Angeles is very more wild than here," Navid counseled.

"I'm going to be 21 some day. I'm going to want to do things... With you! Always with you," I assured. I put my hand against his heart and felt it racing. I hated worrying him. I knew he wanted me to decline the club and beg him to just do dinner and then come back to the hotel. I knew he would reward me with hours of playtime and tell me what a good boy I was. But I had been called a boy enough times that day.

"Noah... you are so innocent. You don't know how this life can suck you inside," Navid brought me into his arms. I buried my face against his chest, but then raised my eyes to look at his.

"I'm not saying all the time and stuff. I just... We have to be open to things. You are so stressed out and all we do is have dinner and sex every night. I know you work so hard and I appreciate it. I really do. I love you so much, but we have to have some fun sometimes... and you'll be there to make sure we have it responsibly. I do need you there to protect me, just not from... life. We have to do stuff every now and then... please?" I batted my eyelashes and tried to look pleasing.

"Ok... we do this... together. We will be ok together," Navid said and put his hand to my hair. He quickly laced his fingers through it and rubbed a clump between his fingers.

"Fuck that is... wow. What happens to your hair? Is baby soft," Navid exclaimed and I felt his bulge thicken up against my thigh. I told him about our morning at the spa and the stylist.

"Oh you can do blue tips, Noah." He laughed. "Why you make me sound like monster?"

"I didn't! Mike did! He begged me not to!" I laughed.

"I admit that I prefer you are natural. You are so beautiful as you are, Noah. But if you want a little fun that will fade quickly, is ok. You are not my puppy," Navid insisted.

"I said that! He didn't believe me," I added.

"Well. I suppose maybe I can be too controlative for you," Navid made up his own word. "I don't want people think I keep you in chains."


Dinner was boring. The guys were all middle-aged white guys and they all had wives and children except for Gray. Gray was close to Karim's age, in decent shape, and had spikey graying hair. He sat between Navid and Karim with Mike on Karim's right and me on Navid's left. The other guys sat across from us and they had a lot of questions about Karim's business and how things worked in California. They were testing their knowledge but Karim and Navid ably handled whatever was thrown at them. It seemed to be going well.

After the dinner, they had drinks at the bar while Mike and I walked around the little village area with shops and restaurants. This must have been their time to bond and make friends. Mike and Karim joined us an hour later with Gray in between them. The older, white guy had eyes for both of our men. He seemed to glow at their flattering attention.

We took a fancy car service to head to the club. It was a large SUV. Gray sat in between Karim and Navid while Mike and I sat in the back row, both a little jealous. Gray didn't seem to prefer either of his Persian "suitors." He alternated his flirtations between the two. They had all had a few drinks and Navid was pretty happy.

If Gray thought that getting Navid tipsy would loosen him up to flirtations, he was mistaken. Navid kept turning in his seat to look at me behind him. He rubbed my leg and made a reaching motion like he wanted to hold me,

The club was nestled into a strip of other clubs and all down the block there were gay couples holding hands and groups of them walking between the thumping beats. We got dropped off in front of building that looked like a large, brick warehouse. It had neon signs and a line of people waiting outside.

Karim and Gray headed towards the bouncer with Mike trailing close. Navid paused to wait for me and took my hand as I stepped down. He held my hand and we followed the others. Gray said something to the doorman and he waved them inside. He gave me a shake of the head, but Gray said something to him and he just waved us through. A man who looked similar to Gray met us inside and the two exchanged a hug and cheek kisses. I couldn't tell what they were saying because the music was thumping and the place was packed. He led us off to a small side area. The older man extended a hand towards me, but Navid held me firmly.

The man held up a small, pink, plastic wristband that said "Sober Life" on it and pointed towards my chest. Navid nodded in understanding that it would keep me from ordering a drink. Navid took it and snapped it to my wrist. He kissed my hand while the other guys started to walk off.

Gray motioned for Navid to catch up with them, he pulled me along until the crowd got thick and then he pushed me in front of him and crossed his arms in front of my chest. He guided me to follow the pack as we made our way to a private area in full view of the crowd. We sat around a c-shaped couch with a low table. A waiter came over and the guys got drinks. Gray ordered special non-alcoholic cocktails for me and Mike (I'm underage and Mike is in recovery if you're new to the story).

The guys got through their round of drinks while talking and laughing. Navid held a protective arm across my chest while I looked out at the dance floor. The floor was packed and the guys weren't half bad. There were a few guys close to my age, but it was a really mixed crowd with all age groups, cultures, shapes, and sizes.

I caught a few eyes looking back at me, but I quickly looked away. I didn't want Navid to have any excuse to ban us from going to clubs in the future. The more Navid drank, the more he ignored the other men and tried to get with me. He kept nuzzling his nose into my hair and rubbing my tummy. I knew he wanted to get me in the mood so that I'd demand he take me back to the hotel.

I looked over at Mike and Karim. Mike and Gray were talking about something with great interest while Karim leaned back behind them with an arm around Mike. The three of them were getting along nicely and Mike had a mischievous look in his eye.

"Can we dance? Please? I love this song." I begged as Navid cringed. He nodded reluctantly though and stood up. He said something to the other guys and they waved us off. He led me to a corner of the dance floor and we found an opening to join the crowd. Navid kept his arms around me and hugged me against him like it was a slow dance, but it wasn't.

It took him a few minutes, but once he saw that none of the other guys were going to grope me or carry me off, he loosened up. He is actually a pretty good dancer when he wants to be. Our eyes were locked on each other and we got lost in the middle of the crowd just dancing and rubbing each other. We made it through three songs (maybe four, they blend together) before someone bothered us. Navid had just finished kissing me when we were interrupted.

"You two are SO hot together. I'd pay to watch," A guy called from my left. We turned to see two white guys annoyingly close to us. They were cute enough, but I was there to dance with my guy. Navid put his arm up to our side to show them he wanted some space.

"Persian, right? I dated one in college. Fucking hung like a donkey," the other guy said to Navid.

"Yes, Persian," Navid said uncomfortably as though he was deciding between being flattered and offended. He decided to be flattered and his lips turned to a smile.

"You need a much sturdier bottom for that kind of cargo," The first man observed as he appraised me.

"Noah is very capable!" Navid laughed. The alcohol had loosened his tongue. The music was so loud that everyone had to yell to be heard.

"I'm sure you are too," the guy said and put a hand on Navid's shoulder.

"No touch! Noah get very jealous to share me. He can be so violent," Navid joked, but he pushed the guy's hand away firmly.

"Easy, killer. No one needs to get hurt here," the guy laughed.

"I can't control him when he get upset. Is good to not piss him off," Navid laughed with feigned fear. He was a happy drunk.

"That accent is so fucking hot," the other guy said. They were fully into Navid's spell. He seemed unaware, but was happy to have made new friends. They followed us back to our table area where Karim was rubbing on both Mike and Gray.

They had ordered another round of drinks so Navid had a fresh one waiting for him. He sat by Gray and pulled me onto his lap so the two new friends could sit.

"So why do you put up with such an abusive lover?" One of the guys said with fake pity. The look in his eyes said he'd say anything to keep Navid going.

"I am trapped. He is most beautiful, sun-kissed, California boy. What is better way to say I have success in Los Angeles than to have him by my side?" Navid said thoughtfully and kissed my neck.

"California? Really? That's so cool! I've been out there for business. It's so amazing. I would love to get out of this shitty state," the other guy said. I noted his southern twang.

"Texas seems nice so far. It's our first time here," I said.

"It's so conservative. Once you get out of Dallas or Austin it's pretty gross," the first guy noted.

"I've only ever lived in LA. We went to Utah once with friends for skiing." I noticed they weren't listening to me anymore. They were watching Navid as he got lost in kissing and rubbing various parts of me.

"I must do this to keep him calm," Navid said when he noted their stares.

"I can give you a hand if you need it," one of the guys offered.

"Oh no, he is much too dangerous. I would show you the bites he leaves on me, but we would be kicked out of here if I get that naked," Navid laughed.

"You poor thing," the second guy lamented.

"You make me sound awful," I turned towards Navid and twisted his right nipple.

"Ouch!" Navid jumped playfully but held me against him. "You see? I must get him home to give him his treatment. If I do not seed him every day, he gets worse.

The two guys protested. I'm not sure what they wanted from us, other than to watch.

Navid ignored them. He was too intrigued with petting my hair and kissing my neck. I felt chills through me as he held me in his lap. I turned to kiss him and the world around us disappeared.

"Can we go now, Noah? I don't wish for more alcohol and I need be with you," Navid whispered as he nibbled on my ear.

"I think we better before they insist on joining us," I whispered back with a laugh.

Navid made excuses and we got up to say goodbye. Karim was caught up with his two men and Mike seemed happy to share for the night. Navid ordered us a ride from his phone app and we headed back to the hotel.

He was pretty bombed and insisted on telling the driver how wonderful I was. Luckily, the driver was a cool, older Hispanic guy who found him amusing and handed me a bag so Navid wouldn't throw up in his car if the need struck. He got us safely there and I made sure to give him five stars and a good tip. I got Navid up the elevator and into our room. We brushed our teeth and he sang to me in the shower.

He professed his love again and again as we got into bed. I gave him some headache pills and a bottle of water before we passed out together.


The trip was a total success and he remembered his promise to take me costume shopping before we went to the airport. He got a superhero costume with a cape and tights. It would look so hot on him. He wanted me to get this costume that looked like a lego brick. I pointed out that we couldn't take it on the plane. Then he decided he wanted me to be a cookie monster. We settled on an astronaut costume.

We made it home late on Sunday and he checked over my homework before turning in for the night. He was so proud of his trip and their success. He said they were going to hire Aram on a trial basis to help out with the work and give Aram experience for after he graduated.

"We will have more trips like this, Noah. Is hard because you go to school for the week, but I cannot leave you. You know how painful it is for us to be apart," Navid said.

"I know... I can't sleep without you either," I admitted.

"Is ok. It show that we are made for each other. Is rare to find your perfect fit. To leave you is something I do not negotiate on. Karim knows this and can travel more. He understands." Navid nodded.

"Do you think they had a threesome with that guy?" I asked as we got ready for bed.

"Noah! That is not for you to ask," Navid laughed nervously.

"I'm pretty sure they did. I'm glad you didn't want us to do that," I said.

"Never! Why will I want that for my boy? But for them is their business. For us is different. We don't want that," Navid insisted. He really didn't want to talk about this.

"I don't ever want that," I noted.

"Let's go to bed, Noah. We speak of this no more," he affirmed.

We curled up together and quickly fell asleep. We had a long week ahead of work and struggle. I fell asleep against his heartbeat as he rubbed my hair and kissed it. He'd insisted on buying the stuff the stylist used on my hair. He'd found a new obsession. Life was good.


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