Noahs New Job

By samuel coher

Published on Jun 21, 2017


Adjustment and Toes

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The next couple of days we were doing what all new couples that move in together do, adjusting to the other person. If you have not lived with anyone, you will find out the others quirks real quick and that is the real test of any relationship.

The next morning, I decided to get up early and hop in the shower. I strip down to nothing and hop in. Not really paying attention, I did not hear the door creak open. I was washing my face when I felt a presence standing on the other side of the curtain.

I poked my head out and saw the most beautiful sight. There he was standing in his new American eagle pink briefs and they were completely tented from his morning hard-on. He was rubbing the sleep from his eyes and noticed that I was looking him up and down.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked him.

He just nodded his head and yawned.

"Do you want to join me?" I asked and pulled back the curtain exposing myself to him. My cock was already at half-mast from the sight in front of me.

He started to walk in the shower and I just stopped him. "I can see that you are still not fully awake so let me help you," I said and bent down. I slipped my fingers into the waistband of his briefs and pulled them down and over his hard member. He stepped out of the briefs and kicked them onto the pile of clothes that was on the floor. He got into the shower and closed the curtain.

He noticed that I was halfway soaped up and took the soap from the dish. He took this time to look me over once more and he continued to soap me up. He spent some extra time with my butt and cock and even started to go on his knees to make sure he got every inch down there. I smiled but I was not really thinking about having fun in the shower at the moment, we had other things to do this morning.

I looked down and smiled at him. He looked up as if asking for permission to go ahead with his own thought. I just lifted him up from his position on the shower floor and took the soap from his hand. My mind was enjoying the sensual aspect of this moment and was not caring if either of us actual came. I started soaping him up and was cleaning him really good. Soon both of us were completely covered in suds from head to toe.

I put the soap down and then just pulled him into a hug and rubbed our bodies together. His arms wrapped around me and mine wrapped around him. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment and I could see more than I wanted. He still had some hurt from yesterday but it was replaced with a more dominant look of love and lust. He leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back as our bodies back one once more. I could feel his body curves matching my like two puzzle pieces finding each other.

We roamed each other's body like that for a couple of minutes when I felt him moan into my mouth. I felt another liquid substances between our bodies besides the soap. That is what I wanted was to treat him to sensual orgasm not just physical one. He started to lose his balance from the orgasm he just felt and I held him up. While he was leaning on me for balance and strength, I walked us under the shower head to wash the soap and cum off our bodies.

I few minutes under the flowing water and he got his strength back. He took a stand and looked at me with the biggest grin across his face. I knew he was happy in this moment. I let him out of my embrace and we finished getting cleaned up.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped him up within. I dried him off and he did the same to me. "Did you enjoy that?" I said to him.

"Yeah, I have never experienced anything like that," he told me as he picked up all our clothes. We walked back to our room and I watched him toss the clothes into the hamper. I smiled and watched him for another minute. He went to his dresser and pulled out some clothes. He turned around and noticed me watching him. "Are you ok?"

His question snapped me out of my daze, "Yeah, just thinking it has been awhile since I lived with someone. Just getting use to someone here with me in the mornings," I told him.

"Yeah, I know the feeling. I think it will be a good thing once we get used to each other. I am really grateful for you and all your help," he said and looked down at the ground.

I walked over to him and lifted his head up to meet mine. "I am glad we found each other and yes it will take some getting used to but I think we will make it." I kissed his forehead and he rested his head on mine.

After that moment, we both got dressed and I heard the loudest grumble coming from his stomach. "I take it you're hungry or you swallowed a monster last night."

He turned beat red. "I am hungry," he said and walked out of the room towards the kitchen. I followed him in suite.

"Are you ready to finish your cooking lesson," I asked him.

"Yes, teacher," he said jokingly. "If I pass do I get something special in return?"

"Yeah, not a burnt breakfast," I laughed. "We will see on how well you do."

He gave me a fake laugh and punched me in the arm. "I am ready to learn."

"Ok, first let's just get everything ready to cook. That is called, Mise en Place. This morning we will be making an omelet. So what would you like in your omelet?"

He went into the refrigerator and pulled out a carton of eggs, some ham, some onions and peppers. He placed all the ingredients on the counter and waited for me to tell him what the next step was.

"Good choices, we need to dice the ham, peppers and cut the onions. Let me show you," I told him and walked up behind him. I grabbed the bundle of green onions and placed the knife in his hand. My hand guided his hand with the first few slices then let go so he could finish the cuts. He tossed the stems and grabbed the ham. I stacked a few together and showed him the same way to dice the ham into little cubes so it was easier to cook. Last was the peppers, this time I showed him by cutting the tops and bottoms then cutting the pepper on one side. Then how to remove the seeds in once clean cut.

After I removed the seeds, I showed him how to cut the peppers into strips and then dice the like the ham but not as big. "I like how you teach me, I am understanding it," he told me with a kiss.

"I am glad to hear that cause next time you will be doing the prep work by yourself for making an omelet. I will also teach you how to cook it. Come over here," I said to him.

We walked over to the stove top and I put some butter on the pan to make sure it does not stick. I explained to him to crack three eggs in to the pan and to scramble them but not too much. He did it ok, then add the other ingredients. "Now for the hard part, do you see how the egg on top is still a little runny," I said to him.

"Yeah, that means it is not cooked all the way through," he said back.

"Correct, so we lift the pan off the stove and use our wrist to swivel the pan to have the egg fill in the cracks where there is no egg," I showed him the technique. "See how now most of the egg is now cooked."

He nodded and waited for me to explain the next step. "Well for you, all you need to do is flip the egg over on itself and finish cooking. So chefs flip the egg in the air and hopeful it works or you will have a bigger mess to clean up afterwards. I have not mastered the technique," I said and took the spatula to flip the egg upon itself.

The egg flip beautiful upon itself. "Then you let it cook a few more moments and your omelet is ready," I said as he grabbed plate for me to put it on. I cooked the next one and we both sat down at the table.

"Bon appetite," he said and dug into the omelet. "Wow, this is delicious."

"I am glad you like it," I said back to him as I took my first bite. It was good and I knew the secret ingredient that I did not tell him about yet but that will be another lesson in itself.

We finished our breakfast and he grabbed the plates. He started washing the plates and put them on dry rack. I went behind him and kissed his neck and whispered in his ear, "You did great for your first cooking lesson. What would like to do today?" I asked him.

"I would like us to talk more and then maybe go to park," he told me.

"How about we go to the park and talk there," I suggested back.

"Sounds good to me," he said as he put the last dish in the rack. We quickly got our shoes on and took off towards the park. Luckily I leave within walking distance to a fairly decent size park. It had some closed off area for some dogs to run around and a couple of paths that you could walk through. A couple of kid playgrounds off to the right of the entrance of the park.

We walked in and I smiled at this. "So what rules or stuff do we need to talk about?" Caleb asked me.

"To be honest, I do not have any off top of my head," I told him. "Just be respectful of the other person and do you best to help clean up the place. Besides that I think the rest is common sense."

"That's it," he questioned.

"Yeah, unless you want to add anything. This is our relationship and we can make up the rules as we go. That is the beauty of living with the ones we love, you get to explore with them. You find out more about someone this way, their likes and dislikes, fears and fantasies, also what they wanted become," I said and looked over at him.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I only wish..." he trailed off thinking of the words he wanted to say.

"I know," is all that I said back to him.

We both knew what the other was thinking at the moment. It was not the ideal situation but sometimes life throws you head first into and you either sink to the bottom or you start swimming towards land. I gave him a hug.

"I guess the next thing is what do you want to about you?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" he asked back with a curious look on his face.

"Well, since you're still not out yet, is it ok for public display of affection towards you? I want you to be conformable as possible when we are out," I told him.

"To be honest, I like holding your hands with you in public and this as well," he paused and kissed me. "Being around you makes me feel safe."

"Then you will be coming out soon," I asked him.

"I am not ready to come out fully but I do not care if people see us in public," he told me with some fear in his voice.

"That is find by me, you come out when you want to. No rush and I will not force you," I told him and gave him a huge hug. I kissed him again. "Anything else you want to discuss or just leave a little mystery for us to discover each other later down the road?"

"I think a little mystery can go a long way. Cannot be giving up all my secrets right away not," he said all coy and mysterious like.

"Fair and I game to discover you and your quirks along the way," I told him back.

"Where do we go from here?" he asked.

"Simple, forward," I told him and grabbed his hand.

The rest of the day went pretty quickly. We got back home and we organized some of the apartment to make him feel at home. Then it happened, our first thing. I would not call it a fight but it was more of stepping on one's toes. No literally he stepped on my toes.

We were putting more stuff away and he did not notice me behind him. I like to walk around barefooted at my place and he still had on his shoes. He took one step backwards and the heel of his shoe landed on my toes.

"Ouch," I somewhat yelled but tried to holding it in. He quickly turned around then his other foot got my other foot. I was hoping around alternating feet when I just landed on the bed to get off both feet. He came rushing over to my side to see if I was ok.

"I am so sorry," he kept repeating over and over.

I looked over at him after the pain had subsided. "I am fine, that just hurt," I told him. I was not mad just in pain.

"Anything I can do?" he asked with a puppy dog face.

"Yeah, take off your shoes when you're inside the house and..." I said as I watching remove his shoes. "Get you hotness in bed with me."

He jumped on me and we wrestle a little bit in our bed. Then we stopped as he pinned me and we looked deep in each other's eyes. He leaned in a kissed me. I kissed him back and pulled him down on top of me. We cuddle till he fell asleep on me.

I slid out from underneath him and went to the window. I opened it up and looked up into the night sky. Thousands of stars across vast blue/blacken sky, I just smiled at the thought that ran through my head and a sigh escaped my mouth. I turned around and saw my own star that fell from the sky in my bed. I went back to bed with him and cuddled with him before I fell asleep.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of Noah. Let me know what you think by email at or my blog site,

Next: Chapter 10

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