Noahs New Job

By samuel coher

Published on May 8, 2017


When it rains it pours

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Do you even wonder if there are other forces at work pulling the strings behind the scenes? It is like a sunny day then all of a sudden it just starts raining out of nowhere or the feeling that everything was just a little too perfect. After we got back from the camping weekend, that is how it felt then it came tumbling down. Let me tell you what happened that day.

It was a few days after that weekend and we had a shift together in the morning. Since we were not open I stole a quick kiss on his lips. He smiled and smacked me on my ass.

"Ok, ok, enough horse playing around," Josh told us since he already knew we were an item but I think he and a few other employees knew about us. We could not really hide it at work even through Caleb has not came out of the closest.

"Maybe we should find Josh a boyfriend," I whispered to Caleb.

"I do not know about that. He seems like the guy who would play around and not settle down for just anyone," he whispered back.

"You're right Caleb," Josh yelled across the dining area.

"Dam you and your good hearing," Caleb yelled back at him.

"Are you guys ready to open up the restaurant?" he asked walking towards us.

"Yep," we both answered back.

He unlocked the doors and people started stumbling in. The day started going by quickly and I noticed Caleb standing at the front counter all by himself. I walked up behind him and grabbed his tight bubble butt. He jumped and just smiled. He playfully swatted my hand away. I just smiled and wanted to give him a kiss but I knew that would be going a bit too far.

I respect the rules and the concept of not being out to everyone that does not mean I cannot tease the one I am in love with. I walked away and started to clean some tables. I turned my head in his direction and I noticed he was looking at me as I bent over the table. I wagged my butt at him and he started to blush a little bit. I just laughed and brought the dirty dishes to the back for the dishwasher. I figured that was enough teasing for today since we could not really do anything till this weekend.

He walked back there with a smile on his face and walked up behind me. "Tease." All he said and walked out. I noticed he lifted he shirt and I noticed the waistband of his American eagle briefs he had on today. As the door the closed the kitchen he lifted it up and pulled it down.

I walked out with some food and just smiled at our little tease game. It was something he suggested, it was to see who would crack first while we worked the same shift. We would take turns teasing the other and the first person to tell the other how horny they got would lose. Usually he would submit but this time I was about to concede.

After I delivered the food, I walked up behind him and whispered in his ear, "You win."

He just had a smile that lit up his face and it would not disappear. He whispered back, "What did it?"

I just reached down and snapped the waistband of his American eagle briefs that he had on. He understood that answer and was in heaven. I walked away and soon our shift was ending. He had to go home even though I wanted to just rip his clothes off and have my way with him, it would have to wait for the weekend.

I kissed him as we walked out the back door of the kitchen. His ride pulled up and took off pretty quickly. I hopped into my car and that is when that perfect sunny day turned. As soon as I got on the road, a cloud must have burst opened above me because it started to down pour like crazy. There were no clouds in the sky. I thought nothing of it till later on. I finally get home and got comfy.

A couple hours past and it must have been around 9:30 when it started to happen. My phone went off but I just let it go to voicemail. No message was left but then the screen lit up saying I got a text message.

It was from Caleb. It read: Please come get me, I cannot walk anymore

I quickly grabbed my keys and texted back, Where are you. I did not wait for a reply and jumped out my front door. It was pouring down rain and it was darker than dark. I got down the street from my apartment and I looked to my left. Then my phone lit up. Around the corner, it read.

I saw nothing to the left then turned to look right. I saw a figure down the street and he was on his knees. I quickly ran over to the figure. When I got to the person, I dropped to my knees to hug him. Yes, it was Caleb. He was completely beaten up and soaked. He looked like a drowned cat. I quickly picked him up. I noticed a suitcase beside him.

I tossed him over my shoulder like a firefighter and grabbed the suitcase. I ran as quickly as I could to get him out of the rain. He was breathing and just repeated saying he was sorry. I finally made it back into my apartment and I dropped his suitcase on the floor. My first thought was to get him out of his clothes so he does not catch a cold or anything.

I rushed him into the bathroom and stripped him of his clothes. I noticed a few more bruises on his body and I started to get mad at the thoughts that were flying about my head. I shook my head to clear them and focus at the task at hand. I turned the water on and made it just right so it would not heat him too fast too quick.

I picked him up and that is when he latched onto me. We both went tumbling into the bathtub. He kept mumbling, "Please, please please..."

His sentences were not complete just words. I told him, "I am not going anywhere." Since I was in the bath I strip my clothes off as well and just held him, telling him, "That everything will be alright."

About an hour later his body was back to normal temperature and he was just resting in my arms. I knew we needed to get out of the tub, I gently lifted him out of the tub and walked to the bedroom. We left a trail of water but I figured I could clean it up later. I placed him down on the bed and grabbed a towel. I dried him off then wrapped him up in the blanket.

Those thoughts started coming back when I noticed his eyes were open and focusing in on me. "I love you," he told me.

"I love you too," I said back and kissed him on the lips.

"Can I stay with you?" he asked. I knew something must have happened with his family or something after he said that.

"Sure," I replied back but then I start flashing on the last partner that stayed with me. I shook my head and his eyes closed once more. He was tired and I figured that we could talk a little more once he woke up in the morning.

I walked out for a quick moment to grab our clothes and tossed them in the dryer. I turned on the machine and let it do its work. I made my way back to the bedroom and he was all curled up. I gently curled up next to him and spooned him. I must have fell asleep because I felt the warm sunlight from the outside world caressing my back.

I felt his body entangled within mine. I missed that feeling but I know I needed to find out what happened. I wish I could just let it go and protect him from the world but I know that is not how life works. I started to untangle myself from his body. He work up and was a little startled. I kissed him to help him relaxed.

"All I remember is walking here after what happened with my family," he told me.

"Well, at least you're making full sentences now. Last night, was a little scary but let's go get some food in you. You can shower and get dressed if you like. I have towels and everything you need in there but I think you know that," I told him. I waited for him to leave the room so I knew he was ok to walk on his own. He did fine so I knew nothing was broken to the point that would need us to go to the hospital.

I grabbed a pair of shorts and put them on. I walked into the kitchen and listen for the shower water to start running. I heard it turn on and I took another breathe. I started cooking breakfast and about fifteen minutes later breakfast was ready and he was just getting out of the shower. I plated the table and just took a seat down to wait for him.

A few moment past and I heard some shuffling in the hallway and the bedroom. Soon he walked out in my favorite pair of gym shorts from last time and nothing else. I fought the urge to jump him because I know we had more important things to talk about this time.

"How are you feeling after the shower?" I asked as we dug into the food.

"Good, Thank you," he said as his head was looking down.

"Whatever happens, just remember that I am here for you," I told him.

A couple of tears fell from his face. I got up from my spot and walked behind him. I massaged his shoulders and he buried his face into my stomach. I felt the tears on my abs. I knelt down and lifted his head so our eyes would meet.

"How can you be so kind to someone you just met a few weeks ago?" he asked me.

"That's a loaded question, the short answer is I know what it is like to be in your shoes but was not as lucky to have somewhere to go," I told him. "The long answer we will be save for another time. How about we talk about what happen after you left work yesterday, if you want to."

"Ok," he said and wiped his tears on my gym shorts. "My brother picked me up from the restaurant. He speed off but I figured that he was in a hurry to get me home which is normal for him. We got home and everything was like normal. Then it started to rain, that is when everything started going wrong."

"Ok, just take it by each moment," I said to him and held his hand.

"My brother came into my room to ask me something," he sniffled and a couple more tears came down my cheek. "He asked me if I was gay. I told him no because I was still not ready to come out. Then he told me that he saw us kissing one night. Then he said that he hated homos and that they were disgusting. He said that he was going to tell Mom and Dad and that i would be kicked out of the house."

"Wow, did he tell your parents?" I asked while rubbing his back.

"He was on his way when I jumped him. We fought and that is where most of these bruises came from. We fought for a good five minutes before our parents came and broke us up. They both looked at us and asked me what we were fighting about. I did not answer them but looked down. My brother who hates me was asked the same question. He told them. My mom did not say a word but went into my room. My dad started yelling at me that He will not have a gay son in their house, that he will kill me if I do not leave right now, and some many other things that I just do not want to repeat. I just kept saying I am sorry like I was the one in the wrong. They made me feel like I was the misfit and wrong for loving the person that I love," he paused and thought about that couple of moments.

"What did you mom do?" I asked but was afraid of what the answer might be.

"She came back out of my room and just handed me my suitcase. She packed up all my clothes and some other things. I do not really do not know, I did not look. She shoved the suitcase into my chest and could not even look at me. My parents then started pushing me towards the doorway. I fell once then my brother opened the door with a smile on his face. My dad gave me one push out the door and my brother closed the door. Of course, it was raining and my mind did not know what just happened and was trying to process it all. It happened so fast. My feet started walking towards you place and that is a pretty long walk. A couple of blocks before I got to your apartment I texted you. I was hoping you were home. I walked the next block then I collapsed," he said to me and looked into my eyes.

"Well, I came out to find you and I did. I picked you up and brought you home. I stripped you of your clothes and we both took a bath together. You were mostly mumbling so I did not understand what you were saying at all. Once we finished the bath I carried you into the bedroom and we both fell asleep. I am so sorry you had to go through that and it was even worst that your family treated you that way," I paused to see if he was following on. "Well then I guess we should talk about what is next."

"Huh?" he asked me.

"Where do we go from here?" I told him.

"I do not know," he said to me. I been there and knew what he was going through. I flashed back on a few of my own times. I shook my head from those thoughts for the moment.

"Ok, what would you like to do?" I asked him. I did not want this to be me making his life decisions. I wanted him to think for himself.

"To be honest, I do not know. I was hoping to move in here with you but if you do not want that I guess I will find a place on my own. It is the reason I walked over here. You like the only person beside work that knows about me," he told me and looked down.

I walked to my desk and grabbed a piece of paper. I pushed it into his view and said, "Sign it."

"Huh," he said back to me through teary eyes.

"It is a rental agreement, I need your name on the lease so you can live here like you wanted," I told him.

"Are you sure?" he asked once more.

"Of course, I knew there was something special about you. I mean we have only been dating for a couple of weeks but still I am willing to give it a shot. What says you?" I said to Caleb

"I am still afraid but I am willing to try. I never been out on my own before so maybe we can go slowly with all this," he told me.

"I have lots to teach you my young lover," I told him as he signed the rental agreement.

"Now that is out of the way, next item of business," I said and pointed over to his suitcase.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that. I guess I should go see what is in there," he said while walking over to the suitcase.

I walked behind him and watched him unzip the suitcase. It was stuffed and as soon as he unzipped it clothes started falling out of the suitcase. Quietly he started digging through the suitcase and stacked everything in piles. It looked like he had about two weeks' worth of clothing there and few other items from his room. He pulled out laptop that was stuffed at the bottom, a couple of stuff animals, then pulled out some cash. His mom probably stills cares about him and this was her way of showing it.

He turned to me, "That is all of it."

"Ok, so then let's go shopping. I'm going to shower and you make a list of everything you need. We will go get," I said to him.

"I do not have that much money saved," he said sadly.

"No worries, it is what partners do for each other," I told him.

"Really, I will pay you back as much as I can," he said and he gave me a big hug.

"Ok, you're welcome," I told him and hopped into the shower. I came out and he was dressed and had most of his clothes still in the piles. "We will make room for all this after we get back from shopping."

He just smiled and we hopped in the truck. I wanted to keep his mind on light subjects so he would not think about what happened or at least not for today. "Where do you want to shop for clothes? I notice you like America eagle, Levis and Hollister. Would you like clothes from there or someplace else?"

"Those places are fine, I just do not want to spend too much. Here is the list of things I might need," he said and handed over the list.

The list was really just basic items. You know the usually bathroom items, toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, shampoo, then some art supplies for like paper, pens and pencils. Few clothing items were jotted down, some underwear, sweats, and t-shirts. Last was food items that he likes. I smiled and thought to myself that this was one way to get to know someone real quick.

"Are these items ok?" he asked shyly thinking that I would reject his list.

"These are great items. Are you sure there is not more items that you need?" I asked him.

"That is it for now, I looked into your fridge and noticed you need food. That is why I put that down," he told me.

"Yeah, I did not have much time to go shopping for that. We will do that as well," I said as I pulled into the mall parking lot.

We got out and started walking into the mall. We hit the first store and it was GAP. He picked out some items and we got them. Then I did not know what he was thinking but I was going to enjoy the next store we went into. It was American eagle. I was looking around for some clothes when he told me, "I am going into the changing room."

"Ok," I said not paying attention to what he brought in the room with him.

He texted me that he need my opinion and told me to come into the changing room with him. I walked in and he was fully dress as he opened the door. I gave him that look like what's going on. He was still wearing the clothes that he came in with.

"Undress me, the underwear is the item I need help deciding if they fit me or not," he said.

I smiled at this little game we were playing. I slowly peeled his shirt off his body and I could not see any waistband above his jeans.

"Keep going," he said.

I unbutton his jeans and pulled down the zipper. Then I say the tightest and smallest briefs ever. They were extra small and it did not hide anything on him, his cock was hanging out the fly of this briefs and it looked like they would burst at the seams any minute now. I did not waste any time, I got on my knees and wanted to pleasure him as fast but not too fast. I picked up his hardening member and started to open my mouth to it.

He ran his hands through my hair and it felt great. I took his now fully hard member into my mouth and started bobbing up and down on it. My eyes noticed he had a few other pairs of underwear lying about and he had his own pair of CK's laying on the floor as well. I so wanted to just take my cock out and jerk off while I gave him a blow job but I turned my focus onto his pleasure.

He moaned a little bit which turned me on. I was happy that he was getting pleasure as well. My hands reached around and went under the small briefs. I started to massage his tight bubble butt and inserted a finger into his hole. He moaned and that speed things up a little bit. I felt his cock get even bigger in my mouth and I knew he was not going to last much longer. I took all his cock into my mouth and throat and push my finger as deep as possible in him.

"I'm cumming, Noah," he moaned and I felt him let loose down my throat. Five shots down my throat and I enjoyed it all. His knees buckled and took a sit on the floor. "Does that mean that we need to buy these now?"

I looked at them and they were completely covered with his cum and my salvia. We both busted up laughing and I told him, "Yeah we can get these and I like this one and this one." I held up some other pairs of boxer and briefs, they were sizes that would fit him. I left so he could change once more. He came out a few moments later and we paid for the underwear.

I noticed something that I asked about him once we left the store. "Where did the extra small briefs go?"

He did not say anything but just lifted up his shirt and showed me they were still on him. He was embarrassed so he just wore them out of the store. I smiled at that and asked, "Do you need to go change?"

"Yes," he said and made a bee line to the bathroom. I followed because he completely forget his underwear. I fished through the clothes and found the pair of CK that he had on early. He was in the stall when he realized he did not have anything to change into. I walked into the other stall and stood on the toilet. I looked over and whistled at him. He looked up and smiled. He shook his butt a little bit and asked, "Can I have those?"

"What do I get?" I said back teasing him by dangling them just out of his reach.

He got up on the toilet and kissed me of the divider of the toilets. I lowered the briefs and he grabbed them. He broke the kiss and quickly put them on. He finished getting dressed and we left. I brought the list out and checked off clothes.

"Next items I think we can get at one place," I told him.

"Ok," he replied to me as we hopped in the car.

We drove to Target, and that is where we got everything else. We came home and unloaded everything. "Ok, so let's see where we can put all you stuff," I said and bent over to start clearing out my drawers. I made some room and he was right behind me with his clothes. I moved out of the way so he could put his stuff away. We finished putting his clothes away then the groceries.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

"Yeah," he replied.

"I am going to make you something special for our first night together. Hope you like it," I told him.

"Can I help?" he asked.

"Of course, do you like to cook?" I asked him.

"I'm interested but I was never taught how," he said back to me.

"Ok, then it is settled. I will teach you how to cook," I told him. His face lit up and I could not resist kissing him. So I did.

Hope you guys enjoyed the next chapter of Noah. Let me know what you think by emailing me at or on my blog site,

Next: Chapter 9

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