Noahs New Job

By samuel coher

Published on Mar 27, 2017


The next morning

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I stripped down to my boxers that I had on and laid down on the couch after stripping Caleb down to his boxer briefs and let him sleep in my bed. I must have crashed out because the next thing I knew someone was tapping my shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes and I saw Caleb's underwear covered bugle just inches away from my face. I blinked again and turned my head to look up at this sexy boy. I noticed that his underwear is being stretched to the limits and then a somewhat flat stomach with some definition of a six pack going on. Then his slim figure then I saw his sleeping face and his Topaz sparkling eyes.

I sat up on the couch and wiped the sleep from my eyes. I patted the seat next to me and looked back up at Caleb. Caleb was not looking at my face anymore but a little lower. I just felt some coldness down below and my eyes looked down as well following Caleb's gaze. Somehow my morning wood had freed itself from my boxers because it was sticking straight out of the slit in my boxers. Without a word said Caleb sat next to me and started reaching his hand towards my wood.

Even though I knew it would feel great for him to take care of my morning problem that is not how I wanted this morning to start out. We just ended a great date and I did not want him to think that was why he spent the night. I quickly tucked my morning wood back into my boxers and took hold of his hand. I lifted his hand to my lips and kissed the back of his hand, then looked into his eyes once more.

His face had a confused look on it. That is when I thought I should explain, "Good morning, sexy," was the first words to come out of my mouth and followed with "did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I did," he said back to me with some confusing.

"I had a great time last night and I did not want to ruin it by adding sex into the mix just yet. I think we might have something special between us," I said and trailed off to see what he thought about this.

"When we kissed, I felt sparks and that has never happened to me on any of my other dates and boyfriends," Caleb answered me back realizing where I was coming from. "I thought since I spent the night that we did something last night and I passed out on you. I could not really remember anything after I fell asleep in your truck. I felt like I owed you a good morning wake up."

"No, you do not owe me anything. You fell asleep in the truck and I brought you back here since I did not know where you lived and just stripped you down to your undies so you would be more comfortable to sleep. After that I came out here and passed out on the couch," I told him. "Then I woke up to the most beautiful sight I have seen in a long time."

"Oh ok, so then do we have any plans for this morning. I did not know if you planned for this to be an overnight date. I can cook us some breakfast," he offered to me and started to get up from his seat.

"You cook?" I said a little shocked not realizing that we have not really talked about stuff other than work.

"Yeah, stud. Go get ready and I will have breakfast ready once you're done," he told me and disappeared into the kitchen. I got up from the living room and headed into the bathroom. I hopped into the shower and quickly washed up. I got out, dried off and walked into my bedroom. Since it was the weekend, I figured to put on some comfy clothes. I grabbed a red tank top and was searching for my favorite pair of gym shorts. They were white and almost see through if you get my drift. I could not find them so I pulled on some boxer briefs and a pair of black gym shorts. I started to smell something cooking in the kitchen.

I let me nose lead the way and I turned the corner and noticed someone really sexy. There Caleb was wearing my see thru white gym shorts. I noticed the light from the window in my kitchen glow straight through them. He still had his boxer briefs on underneath them but he looked so dam hot in them.

He noticed me standing there looking at him and said, "Hope you do not mind, I thought it would be ok to borrow these since they were just lying on the floor and I did not want to be just cooking in my underwear."

His voice snapped me out of my daze and I responded to him, "No problem. I get that." I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I hugged so tight and I could feel the warmth coming off his body. He melted into the hug and my hands just found their way underneath the waistband of my gym shorts.

If you were looking at this image as just silhouettes, you would see my body behind his and my hands slowly going down his back side. My hands caress his nicely round butt cheeks, his head would arc up and rest on my shoulder and it would looked like we would be almost just one person.

He moaned from my touch as I squeezed his bubble butt through the fabric. You could hear the sizzling of the food in the skillet, I looked over and noticed he was making a veggie omelet. "That looks delicious," I whispered to him.

"It is all yours if you want," he replied to me and plated the Veggie omelet. I removed my hands from his back side and grabbed both plates. I walked over to the table and placed the plates down and walked back to the fridge. I grabbed some Orange juice and pour both of us some glasses. We both sat down and started eating our food.

It was yummy, this kid knew how to cook. It made me smile and want him just that much more. It made me wonder what other talents he might have. I would have to ask and show off some of my skills next time.

"Where would you like to go today?" I asked while taking a bite of food.

"I did not know, can we go to where you were going to take me last night?" he asked me between sips of juice.

"Not really, that one is more of a night time activity," I told him.

"Aw," he said with a puppy dog face.

"Yeah, I know. It would have been a great night for it but the sky will not be clear for another couple of days to do that," I told him while my mind was thinking of something else we can do before he wanted to go home. "Do you have anything planned for today before I make any suggestions?" ?

He shyly looked away then responded without looking at me, "Actually, I was hoping I would get to spend more time with you today. I cleared my schedule today to be with you."

"So I found you out," I said in my best Sherlock Holmes impression.

He looked away again, "I was hoping to get to know you better and we might just be able to go to a park and just talk."

"That sounds like a plan. You go get ready and now it is my turn to impress you by making us a picnic lunch for our date at the park," I told him. We finished our breakfast and he put our dishes in the sink. He went into the bathroom and I started making lunch. I finished packing our lunch and sat down on my couch. Luckily, he was still in the shower and the couch had a great view down the hallway to where the bedroom and the bathroom was.

I heard the door creak open. "Is it ok if I just wear these gym shorts today?" he yelled from the bathroom. I looked down the hallway and saw half his body out of the doorway dripping wet. His hair was draped over his eyes, my member enjoyed the sight and was starting to tent my underwear and gym shorts up.

"Sure, we can discuss my fee for borrowing them later," I told him with a smile.

"Ok, we will talk about that later," he replied back and the door shut.

I smiled at the thought that this might be not my favorite pair of gym shorts on his sexy body but they might be lucky too. A few moments passed and he came out and walked back into the bedroom. He emerged from the bedroom with his shirt that he had on yesterday and my gym shorts on. I just took in that sight.

"Are we ready to go?" he asked.

"Yep," I said back and got off the couch. I grabbed the picnic basket and we both headed towards the truck. We hopped in the truck and took off to the park.

It was a gorgeous day out. The sun was shining, birds chirping and everyone seem to have the same idea as us. We got to the park and both our eyes started wondering around to look at the eye candy and to find a spot to have our little picnic.

"Found a spot," Caleb said and quickly started heading that direction. I followed him and we reached the empty spot. It was underneath a tree so there was some shade and sun. It seemed like the perfect spot. I put down a picnic cloth on the ground for us to sit on. I sat by the tree and used it as a back rest. He sat in the sun.

"Let's play a game to figure each other out," he suggested.

I was game and my curiosity got the better of me. "Ok, what are the stakes and what is the game?" I asked him. ?"The game is we got back and forth guessing something about the other. If we get it right you will get a reward, if you get it wrong then a punishment. Of course nothing too risky since we are in public but we can also save it for later," he said with a devilish grin.

"I like this side of you," I said with my own grin coming to light on my face. "Since it was your idea, you can go first."

"Ok, hmmm...," he paused and looked at me from head to toe. "I can guess that you stick up for your friends."

"That is correct..." I replied. "Do I get to pick the reward or do you tell me what the reward is."

"Rewards will be for those who get it right so the person gets to pick it. Punishment is given by the other person," he paused to think of his reward. "I want you to kiss me on the lips right here."

I lean forward and planted a kiss on his lips. We kissed for a brief second then I lean back onto the tree. "Ok my turn. Hmm..." I paused and looked him up and down. "I think that you are a free spirit and just go where ever the wind might take you."

"You are correct..." he told me.

"Hmm..." I thought about my reward. "Can I take a pic of you?"

"That seems like a good reward," he stood up. The sun was in the right spot and you could see the silhouette of his legs and his underwear that was on underneath those shorts. I took my camera out and took a few pictures because he posed for me a little bit. I also noticed his bugle was growing a little bit in the process.

"My turn," he said to me. "You secretly love to go to the theater but you do not because you do not have anyone to go with."

"How did you know that one," I asked back.

"I noticed some theater Blu-ray's and soundtracks in your room early. With that reaction, I take it that I am correct," he said back to me.

"Yes," I told him.

He smiled than told me, "My reward would be for you to take your shirt off until I tell you to put it back on."

I pulled the tank top over my head. "So it will be like that huh," I said jokingly to him.

"Yep," he said with a smile. His eyes scanned me up and down. "How do you get your abs to look defined but not too bulky?"

"If you really want to know, we can go to the gym together but for now it is my turn," I said with a smile. "My assumption is that you are not out to your family yet."

"You are correct, I have not told them anything yet. I do not know how they will react to this. I am their only son," he told me with a couple of tears rolling down his cheek.

I hit a soft spot so I got up from where I laid and wrapped my arms around him. "Sorry for bringing that questions up," I whispered into his ear. "Do you want to continue with this game because it can get pretty deep if we keep digging?"

He just looked at me and tried to smile from behind those tears. I got my answer. "Ok, then I shall stop for now. Are you hungry yet since we been here for two hours?"

"It has been that long," he said to me.

"Yep, come on let's eat," I told him and started unpacking the picnic basket. I pulled out a Pesto pasta salad with tomatoes, some BLT's and some two bottles of water.

"That looks delicious. I cannot wait to dig in," he said as I handed him a plate. He took two scoops of the pasta and half of the BLT sandwich. I took one of the sandwiches and some pasta as well. It was quiet under our tree as we sat and ate. I was looking around at all the people playing and having a good time. I was enjoying the view when I felt something solid landed on my chest.

I looked down and there was Caleb now laying on me. He took his shirt off and his bare back was now on my chest. It felt so right to be like this. He was still eating and I whispered in his ear, "Are you comfortable?"

He just nodded his head and took a bite of the pasta salad. I put my plate down and draped my arms over his shoulders. I kissed the top of his head and just melted into this moment. I rested my chin on top of his head. Have you ever had one of those moments were the world slows down to a crawl and in you know it was meant to be there. Yeah that was happening for me and I hope it was happening for him as well.

The moment passed and we stayed like that for half an hour, when his phone rang. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the phone. He looked at it then answered.

"Hello," he answered.

"Yes, mom, I am fine. Sorry, I spent the night at a friend's house. Yes, I will be home tonight. I got work tomorrow morning. Goodbye Mom. Love you," he said to her.

"Take it that was your Mom," I said as he slowly got off my chest.

"Yeah, she worries a little too much," he said with some sadness in his voice.

"I felt bad telling her that I was at a friend's house when I was with someone I really like and hope it becomes something more," he said and looked down at the grass.

I lifted his chin and smiled at him. "Do not worry about that, if you are not ready to come out we can deal with that. I like you too and hope it becomes something more as well," I told him.

That put a smile on his face and I went in for the kiss. I tilted my head and our lips connected again. This time I felt a bigger spark and I knew he felt it as well. I broke the kiss and stared into his eyes. He looked back and I could see everything.

I looked at the time and it was almost five and we needed to get him home. "I guess we should head home then," I said to him.

"Yeah but I need to pick up my clothes from your place first," he told me.

"Yep, let's get going then," I said and started packing everything up.

We packed it all up and hopped back into the truck. What I was not expecting happened next.

"I just realized that I did not give you a reward for guessing about me still being in the closet," he said with a grin.

"Yeah, but I do not need a reward for that one," I told him but it was already too late.

I looked over and he was already slowly pulling my gym shorts off his body. His American eagle boxer briefs were slowly coming into view. His bugle was being push down as the waistband slide over it. Soon my gyms shorts were below his bugle and it was starting to grow.

I would take glances over and then I felt his hand reach into my pocket. He pulled out my phone and start videotaping what he was doing. I would still a glance from time to time and notice different stages of what he was doing. First time he was just rubbing his bugle, a few minutes later the gym shorts and his underwear were down on the floor. Next glance over, my gym shorts were pulled all the way up and his cock was tenting them. I saw his cock through them and that drove me wild.

All along I heard him talking and moaning in the seat next to me. Then I heard the words that he was cumming. I was not able to look since I had to be paying attention to the road. Then I felt his hand reach back into my pocket and put my phone back in there. When his hand pulled out of my pocket, his hand felt my fully hard member.

I looked over at him and he had that glow you get after a really great orgasm. "I wish you could have helped me out but I am sure the reward will be worth the wait tonight," he said with a big smile. "There is a video and some pictures just for you."

I was dumbstruck and did not know what to really say to that. "I am sure it will be as hot as I imagined it. Next time I will join in and pull over so we can have some fun together," I told him as we got back to my place.

We quickly went upstairs and I was tempted to pull my phone out and watch what happened but I told myself it will be better if I wait. He changed and came back out of my room within a few seconds.

"Do you need a lift back home?" I offered to him.

"Yeah but can you dropped me off a few blocks away from my home. Sorry but I just do not want any questions from my parents," he told me.

"I get that, just tell me where and I will drop you off there," I said and kissed him before we got back in the truck.

"Can I ask for one more favor before I we head off?" he asked.

"Sure, name it," I said back to him.

"Can I get a picture of you in those see thru gym shorts without anything on underneath?" he asked me.

"That is a reasonable request plus I bet I owe you some change after the video you left me," I told him. I went into the room and changed into the gym shorts. My cock was not only hard but the gym shorts were soaked with his cum. That made me completely hard instantly. I walked out with my cock standing at full attention. He had a smile on his face because he knew why I was so hard.

I stood in the window and the light gave off the perfect picture of my cock and legs through the gym shorts. I let him shoot a couple of photos and then I pulled the waistband of my gym shorts over and underneath my balls. I let him see my cock and I could not help myself any more. I start jerking off right in front of him.

He got down on his knees and started teasing me by just licking the tip. That sent me over the edge and I shoot cum all over his face. He licked the last couple of drops that came out then stood up. He kissed me as I picked him up and walked us to the bathroom.

I put him down and we both cleaned up the mess that we just made. I went back into my room and changed back into the other gym shorts. We hopped back into the car and made it to the drop off point. I kissed him as he got out. He waved goodbye and I took off.

I got home and sent him a single text before I went about my nightly routine. It just read "Sweet dreams, beautiful. Had a great time today and next time we will sleep together."

He sent me a text back, "I did too. Cannot wait for that night."

Hope you guys enjoy the next chapter of Noah. Let me know what you think, hit me up at or my blog site,

Next: Chapter 7

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