Noahs New Job

By samuel coher

Published on Jun 7, 2018


First, Second, Third

I woke up the morning of the competition with a clear head. The only thing in there was the memory of why I wanted to cook. The note I wrote to myself was the only picture that I could image. While I was lost in my head, a hand touched mine. My mind came back to reality and everything came back into focus. Standing in front of me was Caleb with his out of this world smile.

"Are you ok," he asked me while loading up the car.

"Yeah, just thinking about everything," I told him.

"You're going to great. Just remember why you're cooking and have fun. I'll be cheering you on," he said to me and gave me a peck on the lips.

We hopped in the car and took off to the competition. We got there and walked up to the check-in desk. I gave them my name and they asked me what I was making. I told them Beef Bourguignon. They wrote it down and handed me a number. The number is the kitchen that I would be working at. It was number eight. I smiled. I was glad I was not the first or last person. I took a deep breath and walked back to the car.

Caleb helped me unload my stuff and I just waited till it started. More people trickled in and soon all the kitchens were occupied. There was about fifteen people enter into this competition. I talked to a few of the other chefs and these guys been cooking professional for a while and when I told them that I was out of the scene they kind of underestimated me. They all looked down on me because I was not at their levels.

I started doubting myself. Started going into my head. Caleb noticed since he was on the other side of the kitchen area. Since he could not be next to me, he yelled, "Remember who you're doing this for!!!"

That snapped me out of downward spiral and I looked at my recipe. I picked it up and there was something written on the back. It was my own note from my book. I do not remember attaching the note. I looked up and within the crowd all I saw was his face. He was yelling but his words did not reach my ears. I smiled at him and he put the I love you hand signal into the air. I raised my hand in the air with the same signal.

Just then they announced the start of the competition. We would have 90 minutes to cook the dish. Then once we are done with our dishes, we would bring it up to the judges. The judges then would taste the dish, write their notes and come up with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in three categories. Best presentation, tasting, and overall.

I got going and the only thing I was thinking was my note and the recipe. It was bouncing back and forth between both of them. Then I hear that 30 minutes had passed. I closed my eyes and focus on the smell of my food. I ignored the cheering crowds, the other chefs and clanking in their kitchens. I finally smelled my food. I waited with my eyes shut till I knew it was time. I reached down and picked up my sauce that was boiling. I heard the sizzling of my beef in the pan. I pick up the pan as well. Then together I tilted the pans and listened to both of them fall into the soup pot in-between them.

As soon as the last piece of beef left the pan and final plop of sauce enter the soup pot, I placed the ones in my hand back on the burners. I grabbed the lid within seconds and placed it on top of the pot. I started cleaning up my station while it boiled away. It was making the dish just based on timing. The time it took me to clean everything, would be the time to place my finally spice into the pot to finish it off.

Out of the corner of my eye, I finally noticed that both chefs next to me have already plated and walked to the judge's station. I also noticed that they left their stations a mess. I smiled at the thought that I could do it all while it was cooking. Then another announcement stating that one hour had passed and five contestant have already presented. That did not phase me because I just walked over to the pot, opened the lid and tossed in the spice.

I looked up and noticed the crowd thinning out yet Caleb was just standing there watching me. I smiled at him and he blew a kiss back. I grabbed it and tossed it in into the pot. I waited a few more moments and grabbed two plates. I plated the food and walked it up to the judge's booth. I presented the plates to the judges. I watched the judges, eat my food. No reaction, just stone faces. There wrote some stuff and the second judge took a second bite. At least I got that, usually if someone takes a second bite that means they like the dish.

I smiled and awaited for the judges to be done. A few moments passed and they told me I could take my dish away. I grabbed the plates and walked back to my station. Minus one pot and the plates, my stations was cleaned up. I looked around and noticed that the other chefs were busy cleaning up. Caleb came up and grabbed spoon. He lifted the lid and took a bite.

He had the same reaction he did the other night when I made it just for him. He had the look of lust on his face. He quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me out to the parking lot. He reached into my pocket and pulled out the keys to the car. He opened the back door and pushed me in. I fell on my back and he made quick work of my pants. He lifted the half apron that I was wearing and noticed I was wearing a green pair of 2xist briefs. I wiggled to get in the car and he was already licking my growing bugle.

He finally got into the backseat and closed the door. Our bodies were inches away from each other, I reached down and yanked off his gym shorts he was wearing. He was completely tenting his American eagle green flag boxer briefs that he had on. He ripped the apron off so he had better access to my member. They stretched the fabric away from my body and two fingers slipped under them. He interested them and I arched my back pushing our bodies together.

I moaned out his name and told him to go for it. Then I felt his hand disappear and I tilted my head. He pulled his cock out the fly of underwear and slowly pushed it into me. I moaned once more as I felt him push deep into me. I pulled him down and passionately kissed him lips. It took him a minute to be fully in me and for me to adjust. He slowly pulled out of me.

"I love you," he said as he thrusted back into me. "I do not know what that spice is but it makes me so horny every time."

"Oh, fuck Caleb," I said back to him as he filled me up. "I love you too. Thanks for believing in me."

He picked up his speed and then his cock popped out of me. He thrusted back in as I begged for more. I reached down and freed my member and started matching speeds to his fucking me. His pace started to slow down and I know he was getting close. He grunted and moaned a few times then pushed all the way in. I felt his cock pulsate deep inside me. He shot six times in me then clasped on top of me. He was breathing heavy and I just kissed the side of his neck.

I reached down and tucked his cock back into his underwear as well as mine. He opened the door and did a quick look around. He stepped out and quickly pulled up his gym shorts. I looked up and saw his bugle disappear underneath those short. I smiled as I rearranged myself and got ready for the results of the competition.

We both walked back to my station with big smiles on our faces. Just as we got back to the station the announcement of for the winners was about to announced. We all walked over to the judge's booth and awaited.

"For best presentation, third place goes to station eight, second goes to station five and first place goes to station nine," they said. We all clapped and went to get our awards. A small little ribbon for me. I smiled and just awaiting for the next category.

Caleb was rubbing my shoulders and whispering in my ear sweet nothings to keep me calm.

"For taste, third place goes to station seven, second place goes to station two and first place goes to station eight," they said to us. I smiled and proudly walked up there to get my little trophy.

Caleb had a huge smile across his face. I walked back and planted a big kiss on his lips. I did not care if everyone saw it. A few seconds later was overall.

"For overall, third place goes to station nine, second place goes to statin eight, and first place goes to station one," they announced.

I walked up and accepted my award which was a 100 gift card to Sur La Table. First place was 500 dollar gift card to William Sonoma. Third place overall got 50 to Sur La Table. I was happy since it was my first cooking competition in a long time and placing in second overall was not a bad start.

Caleb seemed more excited not only was he the one that pushed me to do this but he saw something in me that I lost sight. Also now we get to chow down on all the food that was cook. I brought my soup pot to the long table as did everyone else. We party the rest of the afternoon and that was when I knew what I had. I knew my next step in my life.

Next: Chapter 15

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