Noahs New Job

By samuel coher

Published on Feb 20, 2018


Judging my cooking

All T's and C's apply.

As I mention in the last chapter, Caleb had an interesting way of judging my last three dishes. I will just show you what his judging method was for the last three dishes. The next day we went shopping for all the ingredients for the dishes. He did not tell me then what the judging was, so I just had to wait till I made my first dish tonight.

Tonight, was the Shrimp Risotto, he was sitting at the just waiting for me to finish. He was wearing my favorite gym shorts and a tee shirt. I smiled, he looked like a little kid waiting for dinner. The risotto was absorbing the liquid and I was grilling the shrimp. The smell was intoxicating and it filled the apartment.

As I was checking the food, I heard a "MMMM" come from the table area. "It smells delicious," Caleb said to me.

"Taste even better," I said back to him. A few minutes later and I had it all plated for us to enjoy. I walked over to the table and placed his down first. I took my seat and we both dug in. It was good but was not my best work. It did not taste horrible but it was missing something. I think Caleb noticed it too. He was eating it but it lacked the enthusiasm some of my other dishes had.

We finished and I waited for him to critique my work. He stood up and without saying a word he start to strip. He took off his tee shirt and he had a tank top on underneath. He also removed his tank top so he was have naked. He paused with his thumbs in the waistband of his gym shorts. He thought for a moment, then removed his thumbs from his gym shorts.

He walked over to me and said, "Do you understand?"

I nodded and thought what I could have changed to make it better. "Guess it was not naked worthy. I will try hard tomorrow night to get the rest of you naked," I said to him.

I got up and grabbed the plates. I brought them to the sink and started to think about what made these special in the first place. Mind thought while cleaning up, I felt his arms wrap around my midsection. He brought me out of my thoughts and that was missing. It was not about cooking part but it is about the feeling that goes into the food you make. That is what was missing from this dish.

I turned around in his arms and looked into his eyes. He smiled and I leaned in to kiss him. "Thanks for reminding me about the other half of cooking," I said to him.

He just smiled and kissed me back. We finished cleaning up and retreated to the bedroom. We just laid in bed and watched Netflix. I fell asleep before him this time. About halfway through the night, I awoke with his head on my chest. I knew, I was rusty so I went back to my old ways. I slipped out of bed and went into the kitchen.

I started cooking up a storm. Made tons of breakfast items. Soon the apartment was filled with a mixture of smells. About five in the morning, I hear feet rustling about in our bedroom. Then a few seconds later I see Caleb's head peeking around the corner.

"Good morning, sexy," I said to him.

He rubbed his eyes while saying, "Have you been cooking all night?"

I nodded my head as I plated some more bacon. He sat at the table slowly waking up. I place tons of food in front of him. I pulled out one last thing from the oven, some chocolate chip muffins. I sat down with him and started eating. Just as we finished, the sun started peeking through the curtains of the window.

"These were better than your Risotto last night," he said with a smile.

"Oh really," I said back to him. I grabbed one of the muffins and playful just shoved it into his mouth to shut him up. He fought back and grabbed some eggs from a plate and shoved it into my face. That started a food fight. What was going to be leftovers ended up all over the kitchen and table, not to mention all smothered across our bodies.

"I give, I give," I said to him since he was straddling my body and had some hash browns in his hand.

He just let the hash browns fall from his hands as he leaned in to kiss me. I wrapped my hands around his body and squished our food covered bodies together. We kissed for a minute. I lifted him off his feet and walked us to the bathroom. I took a step into the shower. His hand reached down and turned the water on. It started to heat up and wash the food off our bodies. I pushed our bodies against the wall and let the water run over us. I passionately kissed him.

A moan escaped his mouth as my lips moved down to his neck. I started dry humping him since we still had on our clothes. I felt his hard cock pinned between us and stretching the cloth it was trapped in. Mine was pushing just as hard between his cloth covered cheeks. All the passion from the food fight, me cooking all night and the lust that I was feeling for Caleb right now, was going to make me burst. My humping slowed down as my lust filled passion subsided.

He grabbed my face and looked into my eyes. I looked back and he passionately kissed me. That is when I felt him pulsate between our bodies. He was cumming. I felt his body tense up and my cock felt his cheeks clench around my member. A moment passed and he went limp in my arms. His head resting on my shoulder as I was still pinning him against the wall.

Then I felt my own cock pulsate inside my soaked shorts. My knees started to get a little weak in the knees, I sat both of us down on the bathtub floor. We caught our breaths and smiled at each other. Then a fit of laughter came over us. I stood up and peeled my clothing off my body as he did the same. We washed up and dried off just as quick.

I walked back to the kitchen in just my towel and noticed the huge mess. I knew it needs to be cleaned up but just had a wave of tiredness wash over me. Caleb must have noticed because he grabbed my hand and led to the bedroom.

"You rest and I will clean up the mess," he told me while tucking me in.

"I love you," I said to him as he exited the doorway.

"I love you too," he yelled to me.

I fell instantly asleep. The only thing I remember was a kiss on the forehead because Caleb left for work. A few hours later after the kiss, I awoke from my slumbers and found a note. It read: Left for work. Thanks for a great morning. Cannot wait to taste tonight's meal. Love Caleb

That made me smile and that fact that the kitchen was spotless. He does clean up quite well, I thought to myself. I smiled once more and figured I would get tonight's dinner ready. Was going to do the Gotcha Pork one tonight. I got it all ready for him and just waited till about six to finish the cooking of the dish. I had it plated and everything at seven as he walked through the door. He looked beat but I knew he would enjoy this.

I had the lights off and just a couple of candles lit for romance. He kissed me and quickly changed into the same outfit as yesterday. His cute little judging outfit. We sat down and he took a couple of bites then he started to destress by telling me about his day. We finished and I awaited my judgment.

Caleb got up from his seat and walked over to me. On his way over to me, he always was removing his tee shirt. He tossed it at me and removed his tank top underneath as well. When he was right in front of me he slowly pulled down his gym shorts and stood then in just his sexy boxer briefs.

I notice a small bugle but nothing fully hard underneath. "I take it was good but nothing to get complete excited about," I said to him and groped his bugle.

He smiled because the message was read loud and clear. "You getting close but still needs a little work," he said and turned around. I smacked his ass as he walked away. I picked up his clothes and placed the dish in the sink. I followed him into the bedroom and he was passed out. I tucked him in and tossed the clothes into the hamper. I went back to the kitchen and cleaned up tonight's meal.

Once done with the clean-up, I grabbed one of my old notebooks. I flipped through the pages and stop on tomorrow's recipe. It was one I have not cooked in years. Then there was a note inside the margins. It was a note from myself to myself. I smiled at what I wrote and made me think about the reason I wanted to cook in the first place. It was noted not to forget my passions. It was just what I need to reignite something deep inside of me.

I knew tomorrow's dish will be perfect and get Caleb to stand at attention with the first bite. I place the book back on the shelf. I went to the bedroom to get a good night's rest. I joined Caleb in bed and snuggled up to him. I kissed him and fell asleep.

I woke up and got ready for work. Caleb had the day off. I left him a note saying to get ready for the ultimate food tonight. I got a text from him. It was more of a bunch of Emoji. I got his message loud and clear. My mind was not really focused on work, it was going over the recipe tonight. My shift was over and I raced home to Caleb and dinner.

He was already in his judging outfit. "Looks like you're ready," I said to him as I walked into the kitchen. Not wasting any time, I started making beef bourguignon. Had it all simmering and ready within an hour. The best part was before I left, I put the beef in a secret sauce to marinate all day. It tasted phenomenal. I am sure this will be the one dish to win.

I plated everything and was serving it to him. I waited for him to take the first bite. He took it and his eyes widen. He did not even wait to swollen for the next bite. He started to scoop the food into his mouth like he could not get enough of it. He put the bowl down and I notice it was completely gone. He got up and I noticed something right off the bat. He did not waste any time stripping down to his boxer briefs. I smiled because they were tented up. I knew my secret marinate worked on him. He paused and looked down. I got on my knees and pulled his underwear off. He stepped out of them and I was just inches from my fifth star.

It was glistening from pre-cum droplets. I licked the tip and it tasted just as delicious and scrumptious as the beef bourguignon on the table. I engulfed his cock down to his stomach. He shuddered from the pleasure my tongue was working on his member. He pulled me off his cock for a quick moment and placed some of the sauce on his cock. I smiled at the food play he was bringing into the mix.

I licked it from hilt to tip and cleaned his member up. He did this one more time and I went back to work. Within minutes he was moaning out loud. I knew he was close and I reached up for some more sauce. He noticed my hand and hand me the spoon. I opened my mouth to insert the spoon and mix that with the cum that was on its way.

As soon as the warm spoon touch his cock, he sent a shiver up his spine and he let loose. I quickly sucked the sauce off the spoon and let his cum mix with it. It had a salty-sweet taste mixture. Once he stopped shooting into my mouth and little on my face. I got up and just smiled. I swallowed the mixture and it was tasty. He was spent. He clasped in the chair and had some shallow breathing.

I kissed his lips and some of the mixtures transferred on to his lips. He licked it up and a smile came across his face.

"I take we have a winner," I said to him.

"Yeah, hopefully when he judges taste he won't have the same reaction as I did," he said with a laugh.

"That is what I want them to have. That will push them over the edge and I will show them an emotion that was locked away deep inside of them," I said back to him. I took my seat and finished my bowl of food. He sat there with me naked and regaining his strength. I finished and cleaned up the bowls. All he did was put his boxer briefs back on. He tossed the rest of his clothes in the hamper.

I smiled as I stripped down to my undies. I got into bed and he joins me. We cuddled, and my thoughts were drifting towards tomorrow. He kissed me and said to me, "You're going to be great tomorrow. Just cook for me."

"Thanks for believing in me. It means so much," I told him. I kissed him good night and fell asleep.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Let me know what you think by shooting me an email at or going to my blog site,

Next: Chapter 14

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