Noahs New Job

By samuel coher

Published on Feb 8, 2018


Cooking competition

All the T's and C's apply.

I finished cooking dinner as Caleb finished setting the table. It was a simple dish, corn flake encrusted salmon with pepper and garlic flaked string beans. I plated the food and brought it to the table. He smiled and kissed me as I placed the plate down in front of him.

We took a few bites as I waited patiently for him to tell me what he did. I looked at him and his eyes were smiling, his whole demeanor was beaming with positivity. It melted me a little bit but I still feared what he did. My mind was running wild with different ideas of what he did for me. The last time someone did something for me it turned out horrible but I am willing to try again.

He finished a bit of the salmon and was about to speak. His mouth opened up and he said, "Thanks for dinner it, it is delicious."

"You're welcome, sweetie," I said with a pause.

"Oh, you're waiting for me to tell you what I did," he said with a big grin. He got up from the table and walked into the bedroom for a quick moment.

It was dying inside, the anticipation was killing me. Only a moment passed but it felt much longer. He come back with a piece of paper. He handed me the piece of paper. I looked it over and did not know what to say. He must have really believed in me based off my cooking and what I told him. What he handed me was a flyer for a cooking competition. Local but still it was something.

I was dumbfounded and taken a little back. I must have been in deep thought because I did not even notice Caleb come behind me and draped his arms over my shoulder. Then I heard his voice whisper into my ear, "I believe you can do this. Hope you not mad at me for entering you into this."

He kissed my neck and that is what brought me back from my internal maze. I bent my neck back to look up at him. My expression was blank and unreadable at the moment. His beaming demeanor was starting to fade after I looked at him. He started to get sad because he thought I was mad at what he had done.

Then a smile started creeping onto my face. He did not notice because he let his head hang down. I reached up and place both my hands on his face. He looked up and noticed the smile that was now on my face. His beaming glow started coming back. I push up out of my sit and our lips connected. I twisted my body from a seated position to a standing position so our bodies were only connected by our lips.

I pulled away and he was now looking goofy from the long kiss. "You believe in me that much, huh?" I said as I rested my forehead onto his.

He just nodded his head. I lifted his chin and our lips met once more. This time he broke the kiss, "Does this mean that you're not mad at me for doing this?" he asked a little timid.

"No, not mad at all but I do have one request," I said back to him.

"Yeah, name it, anything," he said all giddy and happy.

"You're going to be my guinea pig and let me know which recipes I will use to cook," I told him.

"Sure," he told me. Then a devilish grin came across my face. "What is with the grin?"

"Also, I can serve the dish any way I can think possible," I told him.

A worried look come across his face before he spoke. "Sure," he said with some wariness in his voice.

That is when I remembered something. I grabbed his hand and rushed quickly to our closet. I bent over and rummaged through a box. I tossed at him some aprons and chef hats then found what I was looking for. I grabbed his hand and we quickly walked back to the kitchen. I cleaned some space and placed my item on table.

"These are your knives," he paused as I unfolded them. "I was wondering where these were. It was one thing missing from the kitchen here. Not like I would ever use they but still I noticed them not here."

"Yeah, I put them away thinking I would never need them again," I said to him while pulling one out. A little dull, I noticed right off the bat. Luckily my dad taught me how to sharpen a knife without a machine. I figured it was time. I rolled them up and took them into the bathroom.

I went back to the box in the closet and grabbed three things. I clean micro cloth, a whetstone and table. I wanted to have a little fun while teaching. Once back in bathroom, I started running water in the tub. I looked over my shoulder and there was Caleb peeking in at what I was doing. I place the table in the tub as it was filling up. I looked over my shoulder and noticed Caleb was still looking in.

"Come in," I said to him.

"What are you doing?" he asked

"Going to show you how to sharpen knives, strip," I said to him.

He was just standing there so I just started stripping him. I got him down to his briefs that were a little tented up. He snapped from his daze and noticed he was almost butt naked. He pushed my hand away from his waistband then I noticed he came back. I paused and waited for him.

His hands did the same thing to me and soon both of us were in nothing but our undies. I turned the water off and peeled my undies off. He did the same and waited for me. I placed the Whetstone and the knives on the table then stepped into bathtub. I sat down with my back against the edge of the tub. My hand invited Caleb in. Soon he was sitting in front of me. He nuzzled his back upon my chest.

I knew he felt my member pushing into his hole. I ignored it for now and if he likes this it will be more sensual then sexually. I leaned forward and rested my head on the right side of his. "Let me know when you are ready," I whispered into his ear.

He nodded his head. I took a quick look down and notice he was getting harder by the moment. I did not know how long he would last but again it was not about that. "Let me be your hands," I whispered to him.

"I am ready," he finally spoke to me.

"Ok," I said and picked up his left hand. I guided his left hand to pick up the Whetstone. "Pick which knife you would like to sharpen."

He grabbed the chef knife since it was in the center. My hands were on the outside of his. I position his left hand with the stone flat in his hand. Then I whispered in his ear, "You start at the tip and in a J motion you guide the knife along the stone."

He nodded and waited for my hand to guide his. I felt my tip slow pushing against his hole once more. I knew I wanted to have fun but first I need to show him this. "The goal was not to move the water, the more the water moves, the less the knife will be sharpen," I told him.

He smiled and the sensual situation was turning him on. I looked down and he was completely hard. He was also leaking precum. I smile and started. His right hand was now mine to control. I showed his hand the J motion and the first couple of times. On the fifth time, I let go of both hands. My eyes watched him and his motions. My right hand then cupped some water and put it on the stone between strokes.

"Am I doing well?" Caleb asked me.

"Yes, now flip the knife over and do the other side," he said to him.

He did it another ten times. He was about to do it one more time when I grabbed his hand. He looked back at me and had a curious look. "It is sharp enough, use the white cloth to rub it down to get rid of any shards off the blade. Do not want any to get in someone's food," I told him.

He rubbed the knife on the cloth. Some shards rubbed off onto the cloth then he placed the knife back in the cloth for which it came. He grabbed the next knife and paused for a moment. He felt my head nod on his shoulder. A soft moan came out of his mouth because with my nod, I turned my head and nibble on his earlobe.

I did not need to touch anything on his body. The sensual teaching of someone will always stimulate a pleasure most people get when creating or learning something new. It also helps pleasure someone when they get complimented. I know this because of the response I got from his member. It twitched in the water. My cock was also twitching on his bum. I was not worried about me. This was for him.

I did not know how long he would last but I could do this all night. I whispered sweet nothing in his ear as he was sharpening my knives. It turned me on just watching him. Then I felt his butt squeeze my cock between them. He was getting close. I knew I would have to be quick to grab the knife in his hand just incase he gets weak from the elongated pleasure we were creating. It has been about an hour in the tub.

"Are you close?" I asked him.

He just nodded, and another moan escaped his mouth. My hands started to massage his shoulders and his back. He put down the knife and the stone back on the table. He melted in the massage and I knew he was done. I peeked over, and he was already cumming. I saw the last few shots come out of his hard cock. The tip was just above the water surface, so his cock was shooting towards his stomach.

It would arch up then land on his stomach. "That is hot," I whispered into his ear once more. He stopped shooting and just rested on me. My hands did not stop massaging his shoulder and I would get his upper back too. Most of the knives were done. I picked up one of the finished ones and inspected it. It was sharp to the touch.

"You did great on both accounts," I told him and kissed his neck. "Thanks for believing in me. That is the greatest gift."

He finally came back from his pleasurable bless and talked, "It is the least I can do for all that you done for me. Just taking me in after what my family did to me and comforting me from all this crap. I believe in you because you have a gift and you should not let one thing discourage you from using it."

"Wow, I think we both are lucky to have found each other," I told him. I picked up the table and placed it out side of the bathtub. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a big bear hug. "I love you."

"I love you," he responded to me.

We stayed like that for a few moments. He turned around and kissed me. He got out after that and took the table out of the room. I followed suite and picked up both our clothes. I tossed them all into the laundry hamper. I walked into the bedroom and there was Caleb. He was face down on the bed buck naked. I knew he was tried and so was I.

I packed up my knives and just put them in the kitchen. I put the table and stone away then laid down next to him. I cuddle with him till I have fallen asleep.

The next couple of weeks was a long one. Each night I was testing out new recipes for Caleb and for the competition. Each time I would have Caleb dressed in the style of the dish I was making. I made Sushi to Mexican food and everything in-between. Then it was a week away and I asked Caleb, "Which dishes were your top three?"

He gave me his top three over the last three weeks. First one was, Gotcha pork that I learn to make from an Anime. Second was Shrimp risotto and third was Beef Bourguignon. I smiled because those were ones I never made that many times before. "Ok, so let's see what I can do to make these better and on Friday you will let me know which one you would like for me to make for the competition." I told him.

"Fine, I will judge them in special way," he told me with a smile on his face.

Hope you guys enjoy. Sorry for it taking so long for me to get this chapter out. Hopefully, this will be the start of more regularly chapters in the future. Would love to hear from you guys, hit me up at or on my blog site,

Next: Chapter 13

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