Noah the Embarrassed Nudist

By J Forrester

Published on Sep 15, 2022


Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction for entertainment only. The author does not condone anything herein; practice sex safely and legally. Any resemblances to real people, places and events (past, present or future) is unintentional.

Noah, the Embarrassed Nudist Chapter Four: Wrestling for Control


Noah had spent most of the last six days with his Daniel and his dad.

Bruce McNelis was a surgeon who has spent over a year practicing and teaching on the American continent. He came home every few months and Noah and Daniel had visited him at the start of the summer holidays but it was strange – Noah had never really thought about how it felt to have an absentee father. Noah wasn't criticising though.

  1. Daniel was twenty-two now and adult enough to look after the house and Noah.

  2. Bruce was a single parent raising two sons alone for more than a dozen years since his wife had been convicted of murder.

  3. Noah knew that an expensive four-bedroom home in a salubrious area and an expensive private school cost a lot of money and their dad worked hard to support them on his own.

Noah was excited to see his dad but not in the sexually aroused sense of the word. Noah was naked, as usual, as he walked into the kitchen for breakfast. Daniel, Jamie and his dad were already there. They looked up to see the sixteen-year-old baby of the family – hairless, getting taller but still growing and also totally nude.

Noah's dad never really got used to seeing his teenage son naked. Objectively, he was a beautiful young man... boy, really. It was easier to think of him as a young man because he was so striking and attractive. Bruce didn't want to sexualise thoughts about a boy which was difficult because there had been a taboo tryst or two.

So much had already happened with Noah. He had caught Noah naked and hard a few times and went even farther a few months ago when he had spanked Noah in an explicitly sexual act of foreplay. Masturbating his own son and then getting a blowjob from him was simultaneously the hottest and most disgraceful think the man had ever done.

Then there was Noah's confession about having wild sexual adventures. Bruce wasn't sure they were entirely safe but he trusted his son and deep down did not think admonishment would make a difference. Besides, Noah had said Daniel knew about them and Dan, though he was a mischievous soul, was a fiercely protective big brother.

As a father, Bruce feared he was only making excuses but he didn't know what else to do.

On top of all that, Noah had admitted to knowing about Bruce's sexual relationship with Jamie. Daniel knew about it too and it seemed the whole family were openly sexual with other men. For one thing, Bruce knew that both Daniel and Noah had also had sex with Jamie.

"Morning everyone," Noah said before starting to make himself breakfast.

Noah sauntered around the kitchen – his bare feet patting on the floor and long bare legs leading up to two perfect mounds. Noah had grown taller, stretching his height and expanding his mass so his proportions remained the same. Noah's genitals were entirely hairless – Bruce, Daniel and Jamie could see testicles dangling between Noah's legs as he bent down for the orange juice in the bottom of the fridge door.

Noah had a total lack of modesty and was literally shameless; that was what Bruce thought was rather sweet about his son's nudity, it was entirely sexless. Noah was obviously having sex and enjoying his sexuality but the casual nudity, the nudism, wasn't about sex.

The same could not be said for Bruce's gutter thoughts because he was tempted by the precious hole that Noah presented when he bent over. What would it feel like to push his cock between Noah's cheeks, filling Noah's ass with the same cock that had made him? Bruce was looking without looking which was how he caught Jamie who was clearly having naughty thoughts too.

Bruce cast a glace and Daniel and wondered what big brother was thinking about because he had looked as well. What the fuck was happening in this family?

"Morning," echoed Daniel and Jamie in reply.

"Did you sleep well?" Bruce responded.

"Yea," Noah said succinctly.

"Do you have plans for today, Noah?" Daniel asked.

Noah glared at Dan who already knew that Noah planned to perform at an EMARP today but it wasn't something he wanted to discuss openly.

"Maybe. I've still not seen Samir and Toby since they got back from their holidays," Noah admitted truthfully without really answering the question.

It misled Jamie and his dad into thinking Noah was meeting his friends instead of participating in a graphic sexual role-playing event.

"You and Toby used to be joined at the hip," Bruce observed.

"Toby and I aren't as close as we used to be," Noah said but he wasn't in the mood to talk about that either. "We're still friends but things are just more complicated."

"That sucks," his dad said; he could tell Noah didn't want to talk and didn't push it.

"What are you guys doing today?" Noah asked.

"Jamie and I were going to go to the gym," Daniel responded – helping Noah to avoid talking about Toby. "Do you want to come, dad?"

"I might," Bruce said vaguely.

A few hours later and Noah had clothes on – a t-shirt, shorts and underpants, ankle socks and trainers. He bid farewell to the family and set off for the Refined Arts Workshop (the RAW) where he participated in Explicit Mass Attendance Roleplaying (EMARP). Dan knew about them and Noah had mentioned the content of them to his dad without discussing exactly what they were or where they took place. Only Daniel knew Noah was headed to one today.

Noah rarely knew much about the scenario of the EMARP in advance so each one was always exciting, new and surprising. Noah would just go with the flow and ad lib.

When Noah arrived at the RAW, a former Primary school converted into a film studio, he was none the wiser as to when was going to happen. The interior could be remodelled and dressed to create different sets but the configuration facing Noah when he walked in hid the scenario behind closed doors. It had been weeks since his last EMARP so it could be anything now.

Noah was met by Mason – Mr Godetia – the organiser of the events. When Noah first started, he didn't know the role-playing events were recorded. To discover they were filmed, edited and sold had shocked him but he enjoyed the scenarios too much to give it up. Noah was a sixteen-year-old schoolboy who made a profit from exposing himself to a willing audience and he enjoyed exposing himself very much.

"Hello, Noah," Mason said agreeably.

Mason was cleanly shaven today, taking years off him and making him look like a different man.

"Hi Mason," Noah replied.

"I have a special outfit for you today," the man promised.

"I don't doubt it," Noah responded.

He walked with Mr Godetia – offices on one side and the entrance to what once was the assembly hall on the other. The hall was now a massive arena and many of the walls on the ground floor were at least partially movable to create different arrangements of rooms and corridors. Noah had seen the RAW presented as an art gallery, a hospital/ clinic, a school and the exterior was dressed to look like a busy town centre street.

Noah was led down a corridor towards the rooms where he usually changed. Inside, Noah's eyes immediately fell on a small package. He turned back to look at Mr Godetia who just smiled and left the teenager to get changed.

The package was a skin-tight wrestling singlet; it was black with red piping around the legs and straps. It was also perforated with tiny holes like mesh. Noah stripped naked, leaving off his underwear because he knew he'd be made to take them off (in front of the audience, probably) if he didn't.

Noah slipped his legs into the singlet and pulled it up, the crotch covered his groin but the perforations showed the smooth bare skin of his thighs; his legs, from mid-thigh down remained fully uncovered and exposed. The perforations around the groin offered a glimpse of his small, flaccid dick and hairless pubis.

Noah pulled the straps over his shoulders – they were narrow and called attention to his smooth underarms. The scoop of the singlet exposed Noah's entire hair-free chest and abdomen, barely covering the area where his pubic hair should be. Thus, his baldness was emphasised by the presence of clothing.

Craning his neck to look at the rear; Noah's back was similarly exposed – a single strap ran down his spine, exposing each flank. The mesh-like fabric emphasised his cute arse and the sheer fabric hugged his buttocks, pulling into the crack, the creamy skin that was tanned by summer sun showed through the perforations.

Noah didn't find any footwear so he opened the changing room door to ask if he could put his own trainers back on. Mason was right outside and smiled broadly when he saw the costume.

"That's perfect," he said.

"You want me to go barefoot?" Noah asked.

"Some men like that kind of thing," Mason answered.

He led Noah towards the main staging area and opened the door. The set had been arranged like an American High School gym hall; along one side were four rows of spectating stands that were full of people. Everyone one in the audience had paid to join the spectating of whatever deranged scenario Mason had dreamed up. The centre of the hall had crashmats where Noah was clearly expected to wrestle.

Noah was still standing in the threshold when he felt a pinch on the bum. Noah turned to see Markus – an eighteen-year-old (perhaps nineteen now) who Noah had met a few times now. He was handsome, muscular and dark-skinned young man with gorgeous, deep brown eyes.

"Nice to see you again, Noah," Markus said.

Markus was dressed in a sheer singlet too but his had no holes in it like Noah's did. Markus's singlet was black with blue piping but it covered most of his chest and back; his muscular thighs and bulging biceps were handsomely accentuated by the short cut of the legs and the sleevelessness of the top. Although Noah could not see Markus's chest of pubic region, from past experience Noah expected they were trimmed but not bald.

The contrast could not be starker. Although both outfits were revealing, Noah's was positively exploitative and where Markus was big and muscular, Noah was positively weedy.

"Hello, Markus," Noah replied.

Noah had last seen Markus at the start of the summer holidays – at his last EMARP. At that particular role-play, Noah had been shaved, his pubes had been removed while a faux film crew recorded it for a news channel and then cream was applied that would retard hair growth for months. Noh was still hairless below the waist today and expected to remain that way for couple of months yet.

"Will we get started?" Markus said unceremoniously.

The older boy smiled at Noah, a smile that reached the eyes and enamoured Noah greatly. Noah watched Markus strut towards the audience – the swagger was exaggerated and made him look arrogant. Even if Noah wasn't a wet noodle of a boy compared to the twunkiness of Markus, he suspected he would have gotten his ass kicked at wrestling.

Noah knew nothing about wrestling beyond flirtatiously tickling Matty. He doubted there would be much tickling going on today. While Noah followed Markus, he noticed Markus was bare foot too – his skin was brown but the soles of his feet were almost pink and they made Noah think of a black kitten. Markus was really sweet and gentle despite the role he was called to play.

"Today it the final match between these rivals. In the red singlet we have Noah. In the blue singlet we have Markus," spoke Dale.

Noah hadn't even spotted the twenty-seven-year-old but when their eyes met, Dale broke character by giving Noah a little wave. It was camp and cute and Noah returned the greeting. Markus stood with his feet planted shoulder width apart and knees bent, his thighs straining as he held a partial squat. Noah stood on the mat too, facing Markus and tried to emulate the posture. The crowd were on Noah's right – nearly a hundred people spectating what was sure to be a humiliating defeat.

"Ok boys, are you ready?" Dale asked.

Noah was not ready.

"Yes," said Markus.

"May the best man win?" Noah said meekly.

"I bet your ass, I can beat you," Markus declared proudly.

"Three... two..." Dale counted down.

Apparently "are you ready?" was rhetorical because Noah hadn't actually said he was.

"" Dale blew a whistle.

Markus crabbed towards Noah and Noah inched closer to the bigger lad; Markus grabbed Noah's upper arms and pulled him off balance. Noah felt himself hit the mat, which softened the fall. Noah looked up at Markus and could see the shape of his balls inside the tightly packed outfit – Markus's dick was outlined too and it was very nice.

Noah got back up and there followed ten or fifteen minutes of wrestling; Noah got the upper hand a few times but he wasn't sure if Markus had let him out of pity or if he had just been lucky. The only reason the session went on so long was so the boys could work up a sweat.

Noah could sense when the erotic armistice was over and it was about to get overtly sexual. Markus's grips became closer and more intimate; Noah found his face in Markus's armpit and Markus humped Noah's ass during one manoeuvre that took Noah onto the crashmat again. The audience loved it.

Noah had landed on top of Markus, feeling the older boy's semi-hard cock pressing against his ass. Then Noah was flipped over and Markus took him from behind. Markus also reached between Noah's legs and started groping his cock and balls.

Noah's penis had chubbed up a little during the opening segment but now the meaty appendage was fattening more and becoming clearly visible though the mesh-like perforations of his outfit. Noah struggled to get free of Markus's hold and when he tried to move, Markus grabbed the left strap and tugged it hard enough to snap it.

The audience hooted with delight as the strap fell from Noah's shoulder, fully revealing the smooth collar and his nipple. Moreover, the weight of the strap was enough to pull the waistband of the crotch and ass just enough to expose some of Noah's peachy ass cheek and the inguinal line at his left hip.

"My suit is torn," Noah complained to the unsympathetic referee.

"You can concede if you want, Noah. Or do you want to continue?" Dale asked indifferently.

Noah soldiered on, even managing a pull-on Markus's singlet that snapped against his skin with a satisfying clap. Noah paid for that when he next collapsed to the floor and Markus basically sat on his face. Noah found big, round cheeks wrapped in sweaty fabric being rubbed in his face.

The crowd went wild as they watched Noah simulate eating ass.

Noah's chub had subsided, his penis settling into a soft, fleshy lump inside the tight mesh of his singlet. The outfit showed off everything – from turgidness to flaccidness and Noah wasn't sure which was more mortifying.

Noah finally ended the ass-facing when he reached up between Markus's legs and tweaked his genitals. Markus pulled away but Noah knew the next denouncement would be payback for the ball-grab. Markus was quick about it, pushing and then pulling Noah, gripping his shoulders and then snatching the remaining strap of Noah's singlet and ripping it with a brutal pull.

The strap fell and Noah's chest and back were left totally exposed. Markus didn't stop there – with a malicious pull of the strap to the floor, the whole singlet was tugged down and Noah's ass and penis popped out. There were gasps from the spectators and a few embarrassed giggles.

"Whoops. Everyone can see your hairless little willy," Markus goaded.

"Well, this match has taken an unexpected turn," Dale declared. "Noah, you can't continue the match with your singlet like that. Take it off and we can continue."

"T-take it off?" Noah pleaded.

"It's around your ankles, Noah. You could trip and hurt yourself or Markus," Dale insisted.

"Can't I just pull it up?" Noah asked – looking at the singlet around his thighs, the straps trailing on the floor.

"It's ruined, Noah. Be sensible," Dale said as if wrestling naked were sensible. "It's against the rules to participate in a torn outfit."

"Hurry up and get it off," shouted an impatient spectator.

Noah acted embarrassed as unashamedly pushed the singlet around his ankles and stepped out of it – now bare foot and bare naked for the spectators. Noah was quickly back to trying to wrestle Markus – they were both hot and sweaty and slippery now, adding to the erotica of the scenario. It made no sense for a boys wrestling match to continue with one boy naked due to wardrobe malfunction but this was porn logic.

Noah fell onto his back on the crashmat and Markus pinned him to the floor. Not content with this, Markus held Noah's arms straight, wrists gripped in tight hands. The result was the exposure of Noah's smooth pits. Still pinned down, Markus moved up Noah's body until he could grind his dick in Noah's face. Noah started to get hard and once he was, Markus slid his ass down Noah's silky body until it connected with the turgid pole. Noah's cock was already pumping precum, which left a snotty trail on the ass of Markus's singlet.

"That's against the rules and disgusting," Markus protested with a smirk.

"What's the problem here?" Dale asked innocently.

Markus got to his feet, towering over Noah who lay flat on his back with pits and dick exposed to everyone.

"That's the problem," Markus complained with an accusatory point.

Everyone was looking at the naked teenager with the mighty hard-on which was now drizzling juice onto his silky abdomen.

"Noah, you know better than this," Dale chastised. "Sexual arousal during a match is very unprofessional."

"You should make him stand up and apologise to everyone," Markus suggested. "Everyone came here for a nice, innocent wrestling match and they have to look at that?"

"Markus is right, Noah. Stand up and apologise for getting an erection," Dale refereed.

Noah got up and faced the spectators – nearly a hundred men filled the audience. They had all come for exactly this but the pretence of the scenario was fun. Noah was hairless and hard, stiffy pointing towards them as he waited for whatever was to come next.

"I'm really sorry for getting a hard-on, everyone," Noah said meekly.

His cock betrayed it with an excited jump and a bead of precum oozing out.

"He's loving it," Markus laughed at Noah's exposure. "He's fucking loving it! That's disgusting, Noah. Why don't you jerk off if you love being seen so much?"

Noah looked at Markus and Dale who both smiled and nodded. Noah supposed a solo session was tame compared to some of the other thing's he'd done in EMARP. Noah also knew this was but an extension of the warm-up act. Noah reached for his dick, his fingers setting his balls swinging from left to right, then pulled on his cock so the foreskin evenly spready precum over the head.

"Oh my god, I didn't think he'd actually do it," Markus said.

Noah blushed at the sniggers from the audience.

"Noah, you can't masturbate during a competition. If I told you to rim Markus, would you do that too?" Dale asked outrageously.

Noah looked around the crowd at all the smiling faces and felt delight at the spectacle he was making of himself. Imagining this was a real high school wrestling competition was exciting, though at this point it was more like an athletics competition supervised by Jim Jordan; Noah was very much about to be sexually exploited.

Noah continued to jerk himself off as he looked at all the faces watching him. Precum squeaked and squelched as his hand stroked and some dripped onto the floor in a slimy little puddle between his bare feet. Noah looked around the spectators as he pleasured himself and then Noah spotted a familiar face.


From the reaction of Dale, Markus and the audience – or rather the lack of reaction – Noah hadn't said the word aloud but seeing his dad in the crowd was a stunning development. He had prepared his dad for this by talking about some of his adventures but surely his dad would never have expected this?

Noah tried to imagine how he was going to explain participating in a live sexual role-playing even when he was still only sixteen years old.

"Who's going to deal with this?" Markus interrupted Noah's thoughts.

Bruce had watched his youngest son - a teenage boy – get stripped and then aroused and now he was masturbating. Bruce had attended multiple EMARP events before but never seen Noah. He had no idea that this was where his adventures had taken place. Noah wasn't stupid – he knew these were sexually explicit and surely he knew they were filmed?

Bruce felt the same agonising conflict inside him between arousal and shame. He felt this way not only because he was watching but because he was not interrupting. In fairness, if Bruce had stood up and said "he's my son," the crowd would probably have loved it. Afterall, incest is popular in sexual scenarios.

"Deal with what?" Dale asked of the eighteen-year-old.

"This!" Markus complained loudly.

Markus turned and pointed to his ass where there was a streak of Noah's precum right down the crack where Markus's ass had touched Noah's slimy dick. Noah knew where this was going.

"Noah, you should clean that up," Dale approved.

Dale was the referee so who was Noah do dispute his ruling? Noah felt trepidation at continuing his role now that he knew his dad was watching but he didn't know how to abort now and besides... did Noah want to stop? He did not!

Noah got on his knees and pushed his face into Markus's butt. The material was slightly damp and musky but it was his own precum that Noah lapped up with his tongue.

"I think there's a new mess for you to deal with," said a helpful audience member.

Markus turned around and presented Noah with a big cock; around the head, precum had stained the black material – sifting through the sheer fabric.

"Push your face in there," another spectator leered.

What would his dad think, watching Noah do this? Noah leaned in and pursed his lips, sucking the precum from the smooth, black fabric. As the material became wetter, the head of Markus's cock showed through the material. The shape of the mushroom head and the long thick rod of the shaft excited the audience.

Noah began to work his mouth up and down the shaft, licking and sicking the material and tasting dick through the fabric. Markus's singlet was clean of precum but it was now wet with saliva.

"I think there's one more bit to clean up," Dale said.

The referee pointed to the floor (the crashmat) where Noah had left a messy little pool of precum during his masturbatory apology. Noah was still on his knees worshiping Markus so he shuffled on his knees to the puddle and put his back to the audience.

When Noah bent over to eat his own filth from the floor, his ass was presented to the audience. His balls dangled between silky thighs, a paired addendum to the sweet globes of boyish buttocks. Noah's ass was small, round and peachy with his hairless hole presented as the biggest tease the attendees had so far. There were murmurs of delight and multiple solicitations for intercourse. Noah wondered what his dad was thinking.

"Oh, my fucking god," Bruce whispered.

Bruce could not believe he was watching his own son bend over – presenting the most beautiful hole he'd ever seen too. Noah's dad watched the smooth boy shamelessly exploit the interest in his tight hole and Bruce himself could not believe the thoughts he was having about it. Bruce very much wanted to put his cock in it – just like every man watching the display.

"You are fucking filthy, Noah!" Markus sneered in character.

Bruce watched Markus stand at Noah's head and reach over him to put a finger in Noah's ass. Noah moaned as he was finger-fucked but he stopped moaning when his mouth found Markus's musky, meaty penis again. It was still wrapped in fabric but not for long.

"Do you like that, Noah?" Markus asked.

Noah muffled a reply and Markus chuckled at him, pulling the boy's face from his groin.

"What was that. Do you like the taste of my balls, Noah?" Markus asked as he continued to probe Noah's hole with his finger.

"Y-yes," Noah replied, his little toes curling with pleasure.

"Do you admit defeat, Noah? Do you concede?" Dale asked after a few minutes of finger-fucking.

"Y-yes," Noah answered the referee.

Noah was too turned on to talk without stuttering. Noah's prostate had been prodded for several minutes and it was starting to have a delirious effect. Markus pulled his finger out and stepped back, removing his groin from Noah's face. Noah looked up and watched Markus pull the straps of his singlet off his shoulders and then worked the wrestling outfit down; first revealing his muscular chest and then exposing his cock. The nineteen-year-old was sporting an erection that was at least seven and a half inches long.

Markus patted Noah's cheeks with his cock and then pushed it unceremoniously into his mouth – to the delight of the audience. Markus shoved the big cock deep into Noah's mouth, almost making him gag. While Markus grunted with pleasure, Noah sighed with satisfaction.

Noah found his ears grabbed by Markus, who thrust his magnificent cock in and out of Noah's mouth. Noah coughed and guzzled on the veiny meat pole, the taste of dick filling his mouth and nose as all his senses contributed to the experience.

The sound of the audience helped too – gasping and lusting. Some imaging being the one to fill Noah's mouth and others imaging themselves getting face-fucked by the mighty Markus.

"I believe you bet Noah's ass that you'd win?" Dale reminded Markus.

Noah was slobbering on Markus's dick but he knew what was being proposed. His dad had watched him get naked, show his hole, get fingered, give a blowjob and soon he would watch his youngest son get fucked in the butt.

Markus looked at Dale and chuckled at the referee.

"Are you sure that move is allowed in this competition?" Markus teased.

"Any objections?" Dale asked the crowd.

No-one wanted to pass up the opportunity to see Noah getting fucked – not even Noah's dad.

Markus pulled his cock from the hole in Noah's face. While Noah got his breath back and swallowed precum and saliva, the older lad unwrapped protection. Markus rolled the condom on and Noah knew the audience would have preferred the scene progressed bareback but he was glad that they didn't try to press him into that.

"Stand up and bend over," Markus said.

Those words could have sounded harsh, demanding or intimidatory but Markus's sweet voice made it sound sultry. Noah stood up and bent over, putting his hands on his knees while Markus lined himself up. Noah was stood in profile to the audience – exposing everything about his boyish physique. Noah's skinny body and lovely legs, his big dick and little butt; it was his ass that got most attention as Markus started to push his cock inside it.

Noah pushed back while Markus applied gentle pressure on Noah's sphincter. The head of seven-and-a-half-inch dick popped in, almost invited by Noah's enthusiastic hole. As the shaft pressed deeper, Noah dared to look around again. His eyes found his dad's and while Markus fucked his ass, Noah kept looking at him.

Bruce could not help but get hard while watching his son get fucked by the handsome black lad. Markus's dick disappeared inside Noah like a magic trick and the reappeared like a rabbit out of a hat. Noah meanwhile was still hard and took to masturbating himself.

To watch his own son jerk off while having anal sex was a wild experience. Should he be allowing his youngest boy to do this? As he watched it, Bruce thought about how he had spanked Noah a few months ago, allowed Noah to suck his cock, allowed Noah to cum on him.

Noah had made clear he made his own choices when it came to sexual exploration. Bruce might not have expected this as one of the ways of doing that but it was damn hot.

"I'm going to cum," Markus warned.

"Yea, cum inside me," Noah moaned.

Markus soon filled the condom with jizz and then pulled out. Noah straightened up and felt his back relax. There was a sound from around the audience that drew Noah attention and just as his eyes found his dad's again, he understood why the crowd had reacted.

Gasps, chuckles, looks of pleasure and disgust; the mass of attendees watched as Markus held the condom over Noah's head, let the moment build and then dumped the contents of his condom over Noah's head.

Noah's hair was still short so while some of the spunk clogged the blonde fuzz, more of it cascaded down the nape of his neck, over his ears and onto his shoulders or down his forehead and over his nose.

Noah loved cum messing his skin and he turned to the crowd to finish himself off and let everyone get a good look at the contamination. Noah felt his orgasm get closer and Markus encouraged him with a hand on his ass and a finger circling his hole. The digit never pushed inside but even the sensation of a finger up and down his moist crack and testing the ring with delicate pushes was enough to excite Noah.

Noah watched his dad's eyes at the moment he came to orgasm.. Noah arched his back and pulled his cock close to his abdomen so that when he came, the spunk shot over his washboard tummy. His dad's eyes were hungry and filled with disbelief. It was going to be an awkward conversation later.

But they had had awkward conversations before.

"I think we have a winner!" Markus declared with an arm in the air and his hand balled into a triumphant fist.

There was a cheer – for Markus's victory and for Noah's masturbatory finale.

"Well, I think that competition went very well," Dale declared. "And we all know who came out on top."

There was a chatter of chuckling at the word play but Noah's part was complete. He didn't even bother collecting the singlet, he left it on the floor as he walked back towards the changing rooms. Markus accompanied him.

"Did you enjoy that?" Markus asked with a companionable arm around Noah's shoulders.

"Yes. You were great," Noah complimented.

"Thanks. You too. You have a really nice ass, Noah," Markus said.

"Do you always top?" Noah enquired.

Noah also wanted to ask if he ever went bareback but decided it was an unnecessary question.

"Not always, but often," Markus confessed.

Markus opened the door at the far end of the hall and they stepped into the corridor beyond.

"What makes you do this stuff, Noah?" Markus asked; "I'm paying for university but I get the feeling it's more than that for you. The scenarios Mr Godetia dreams up for you are something new."

"I love embarrassment and exhibition... and having sex with hot boys," Noah admitted. "It's a perk that roleplaying like this is a job but it's not a career."

"No, I love having sex too but I wouldn't do this stuff for free," Markus agreed.

The money issue was not something that was discussed. Everyone who knew Noah participated in EMARP avoided the question of how much a teenage boy was paid to prostitute himself on film.

"I want a career someday but I'm not ready to give this up," Noah confessed. "I love the imagination of these scenarios too much."

Given Noah's real-life adventures it was hard to tell if art was imitating life or life was imitating art.

"You're really cool, Noah. I hope to see you again," Markus said.

"You too," Noah agreed.

Seeing each other again was also the first thing on Mason's mind. Noah and Markus made a perfectly handsome top/ bottom couple. Mr Godetia knocked on the door after Noah had cleaned himself using wet wipes. He was half dressed when the man came in to check on him.

"Did you enjoy that one?" Mason asked.

"I did, thank you," Noah replied.

"I'm pleased to hear that. You'll be back then?" he asked.

Other actors had told Noah that they participated in multiple shows or scenarios every month, perhaps every week. For them, sex was a way to pay for university. Noah had a less regular schedule but seemed to draw a crowd whenever he was booked. Mr Godetia was happy to have an attraction like Noah who increased interest in new scenarios.

"Oh yes. I just don't know when," Noah replied; "I'm back to school a week on Monday and I might be busy..."

"Washing your hair?" Mason joked.

Noah laughed, feeling the part gungy, part crusty remains of Markus's cum on his head.

"I'm often asked when we'll see you again," Mason offered. "You're a popular boy."

"I'll let you know," Noah assured Mr Godetia. "It'll be after the summer holidays now."

When Noah thought about his career so far, it only amounted to seven appearances. His sporadic attendance clearly kept attendees keen (like intermittent reinforcement) but Noah hardly noticed that months passed between his Explicit Mass Attendance Role Playing because the time in between was fill with adventures that were almost as crazy.

"Ah yes your return to school," Mason commented. "I understand you are going to have a very revealing new term," Mason said.

Mason had never openly admitted to knowing anything about Noah's private life but Mr Cooke had made clear he knew all about Noah's EMARP events and now that he was becoming involved in Noah's real life, it upped the challenge for Mason to find new scenarios.

"Yes..." Noah agreed vaguely. "How much do you know about that?"

"I know I couldn't have planned it better myself," Mason said with a laugh. "Stay in touch, Noah. I hope you enjoy school," Mason added sincerely.

Noah left the building and left the grounds of the RAW. He didn't look back but he had butterflies at the inevitable outcome of his walk. A car was parked across the street, five minutes' walk from where Noah had just participated in the role-playing event.

Of course, his dad hadn't parked right outside – neither of them wanted other attendees or actors or Mr Godetia to know they were linked. Noah was not in the habit of getting into cars with men after having sex in front of an audience. His dad was an exception.

Noah checked he was unobserved by the aforementioned – for his protection and his dads – before getting into the car. Bruce started driving but said nothing. Neither of them had said anything for several minutes and it was Noah who broke first.

"Are you mad at me?" Noah asked.

They had stopped at traffic lights so it was safe for his dad to look at him, which he did with surprise.

"Mad at you? No... I'm not mad at you, Noah," his dad insisted.

"But?" Noah prompted.

"But... I don't know..." the man admitted.

"I told you I had been having adventures..." Noah started to say.

"Yes, but I didn't think any of them were at a fucking sex show," Bruce said hotly. "You're sixteen, Noah. Shouldn't you be eighteen for this sort of thing?"

His voice was full of concern, not condemnation. Bruce had enjoyed the show but worried Noah was being exploited and even if it was Noah's choice to participate, that didn't mean he wasn't being exploited. Noah responded very pragmatically.

"Well... that's probably not my problem," Noah said flatly.

Bruce thought about that and almost smiled at Noah's matter-of-factness. He was right – any legal transgressions belonged to the organisers.

"How do you even know about EMARP? How long have you been going to sex shows," Noah asked, repeating his dad's terminology.

"A few years. I heard about them from a friend but is that really important?" Bruce asked. "Does Dan know? You told me your brother knows about your adventures but does he know that men pay to see you like that?"

"Dan has been here for me and supported me in everything I've wanted to do," Noah replied.

He realised too late the implicit criticism – that Bruce had not been there for him.

"I didn't mean that you've not been here," Noah added; "You're there for me in a different way. But I wanted to do this and I love it. I'm not stupid, I've not been forced. I chose it."

"What kind of parent would let their son carry on doing this kind of thing?" Bruce asked Noah seriously.

Bruce had continued driving towards home and he was glad they weren't sitting facing each other. The conversation was so strange and explicit that it would have been awkward to look at his son as they talked about his sexual roleplaying.

"I don't know. I do know that if I was eighteen it wouldn't be your business and even if it was, you couldn't stop me," Noah said gently.

"But you're not eighteen," Bruce retorted. "But I still can't stop you unless I tie you up and..."

"Now you're talking," Noah flirted with a giggle.

Bruce fell silent, his attempt to be responsible and authoritative was demolished.

"Tell me it's ok to just let you carry on," Bruce said seriously. "Tell me that I'm not a bad parent... a bad person... for letting a sixteen-year-old boy do this kind of thing?"

"You're my dad and I love you. And you're not a bad anything," Noah replied.

They were nearly home but Bruce had to ask his son one last thing.

"Should I have stopped it? Today, I mean," Bruce asked his son.

"I'm glad you didn't. And I'm glad you know now," Noah answered but didn't really address the question. "Did you have a favourite part?"

Bruce felt uncomfortable admitting that he had enjoyed seeing his naked teenage son getting fucked and yet Noah was so cool and casual about it. When Noah had sucked Bruce's cock a few months ago (and Bruce still couldn't believe he'd allowed that to happen), it had changed their relationship. Bruce would never accept his son's participation in sexual roleplaying if he didn't know that Noah was so content and chilled about it. He wanted Noah to be happy and he was.

"I'm not ready to talk about it, Noah," Bruce decided to say.

"Can we talk about it before you go back to America?" Noah asked.

"We'll see," Bruce responded.

When Noah got home, he went upstairs to shower. He knew his dad needed time alone to think about what had happened. After showering, Noah put on a pair of shorts and went downstairs. He could hear his dad and Daniel talking but not what they were talking about. There were no raised voices or hushed angry tones and Noah hoped that his dad did not blame Dan for knowing about the EMARP and not doing more to stop them. After all, his dad had all but conceded he would allow Noah to continue – just as Dan supported Noah's participation.

Noah didn't want to interrupt the conversation – better to let the adults talk and then pick up the pieces later. Dressed in just shorts, Noah put on his trainers and left via the back door. It was late afternoon but still very bright and warm.

Noah looked stunning; topless with his bare chest as smooth as his legs. He opened the garden gate into the woods behind the house and started running. Under the canopy of trees, it was humid and Noah was soon sweating. Beads of moisture fell down his back and trickled down his naked legs; his hairless underarms perspired too, which Noah wiped away with his bare hands.

He followed a track that more or less followed the outer edge of the woods which touched three separate local areas; Dukesbridge, Dukesbank and Dukeshead. Noah was unused to having company on his runs which he often performed naked but early in the morning; thus, when Noah saw someone on the path ahead, he was surprised and glad he had not taken his shorts off yet.

Noah was surprised again when he saw it was Scott – the window cleaning boy with whom Noah had shared a few intimate encounters.

"Hi Scott. Long-time no see," Noah said breathlessly while jogging to a halt.

"Noah? Hi..." Scott replied with obvious shock.

Noah got the impression that Scott had been expecting someone and whoever that person was, it hadn't been him.

"You seem surprised to see me," Noah noted.

"I'm never surprised to see you," Scott said – his tone loaded with emphasis.

Scott had seen every inch of Noah many times.

"I'm shocked you're so overdressed," Scott added.

Noah laughed and with his ego suitably stroked, he forgot his suspicions that Scott had been expecting someone.

"Do you think I should take these off?" Noah asked, tugging at the waistband of his shorts.

"I'd be disappointed if you didn't," Scott flirted back.

Noah pushed his shorts down slowly and then stepped out of them, leaving them in the dry dirt. His penis was soft but moist from the heat and his balls were loose and warm. Noah maintained eye contact with Scott as he started to stroke himself. Despite cumming a huge load after having sex a few hours ago, Noah easily gained a leaking erection within a few minutes.

Wanking in the woods, compared to some of his adventures to date, was quite bland. However, it was nice that his adventures had peaks and troughs. Noah liked to think that if anyone else came along, it would spice the scene up nicely. Or it would be mortifying for him – either way a big win for him.

"Were you waiting for someone?" Noah decided to ask.

"You?" Scott answered.

He moved closer and Noah stopped jerking long enough to grab the front of Scott's t-shirt and pull him nearer. They kissed hotly and messily but it was nice; passion without any pretext of romance. While they continued to kiss, Noah pulled the bottom of Scott's t-shirt up and slipped his hand onto the hot skin of his friend's chest and abdomen.

They hadn't fooled around for a while but their encounters had always been sparing and irregular. Noah could feel downy hair on Scott's body, not much but more than Noah's normally was (which, in fairness, was not saying much). Scott pulled his lips off Noah's and turned his head to kiss the side of Noah's face; he tasted salty skin and kissed from the spot below Noah's ear, down his neck, towards the roundness of Noah's shoulder and the ridge of Noah's collarbone.

Noah worked his fingers into the waistband of Scott's shorts and pulled it down until he could fondle Scott's cock. Scott's dick was hard and when Noah started to stroke it, the boy giggled. The sensation was sweet and lovely against Noah's neck. Scott felt his boyhood throb in Noah's hand and eventually he moaned loudly.

"Do you like that?" Noah asked.

"Oh yea," Scott admitted; "But how about I deal with you?"

"Mouth or hand?" asked Noah.

Scott chuckled and stepped back just a little so he could look Noah up and down again. Noah was long and hairless and naked, his cock big and wet; fully exposed in the woods, Noah looked magnificent. Scott tucked his own erection back into his shorts and dropped to his knees.

"Does this answer your question?" Scott asked.

Scott's mouth opened and stretched his lips over Noah's penis. Noah was so used to pleasuring other boys, which gave him pleasure, that it was a pleasant change of pace to be the recipient. Perhaps he was being unfair – after all, Noah had had his fair share of sexual encounters in which he had been stroked or sucked or fucked. However, it still felt good to have another boy sink to his knees instead of scuffing his own.

Scott enjoyed the plentiful precum which was thick and gluey. His mouth was already swimming with preseminal fuck juice and Scott knew that when Noah came, it would overflow from his mouth. Scott grabbed Noah's ass and squeezed it but then put his hands on Noah's hips. Noah patted Scott's head while the teen sucked him. Scott pulled back and looked up at Noah.

Holding Noah's cock, Scott put out his tongue and licked it provocatively like a lollypop. Precum was all over Scott's tongue and lips, lining his mouth with boy seed.

"Turn around," Scott said.

Intrigued, Noah turned and then he felt Scott's lips kissing the spot where his ass cheeks met. Scott parted Noah's cheeks and licked all the way down the crack; his tongue passed over the sphincter that a few hours ago had been fucked and Noah felt a wave of pleasure at getting rimmed. Scott started paying more attention to the centre of the crack, kissing the hole and then prodding the ring with his tongue. Noah's parted cheeks were hot and soft in Scott's hands and he liked the feel of the petite mounds almost as much as he liked gorging the asshole in between them.

"Oh my fucking god, Scott!" Noah cried; too late realising it had been quite a loud exclamation.

"You like that?" Scott asked, with the taste of ass and cock in his mouth.

"Keep going," Noah begged.

Noah gripped his dick and yanked it feverishly while Scott pushed his face between Noah's arse cheeks. Noah felt his hand get sticky and wet from his own emissions. It wouldn't take long for Noah to cum. Noah felt Scott's tongue get lower and then he was aware of Scott's head between his thighs. Scott moved on from kissing ass to gobbling Noah's hairless balls.

Noah was delighted by Scott's efforts. Scott was literally between Noah's legs and sucking his saggy scrotum. The sensations were enough to make Noah weak at the knees and he was on the very edge of ejaculating.

"I'm gonna cum in a few seconds," Noah declared.

"Hold on for a second then," Scott warned.

Scott stroked his cheeks against Noah's silky thighs as he withdrew his face while Noah felt a little scratchy from adolescent stubble on Scott's face. Still on his knees, Scott turned Noah around and held the proffered cock with a tight grip, taking it into his mouth again.

Scott sucked like a Hendry Hoover and less than a minute later, Noah was gushing cum into Scott's mouth. Scott ate it, drank it and savoured the taste of Noah's ball juice; the generous deposit washed over Scott's tongue and down his throat but the residue remained in and around his mouth.

Noah pulled his cock free once he was sure he was done cumming and he laughed tiredly.

"That was amazing, Scott," Noah complimented; "Have you been practicing... Did you patch things up with Kyo maybe?"

Noah was trying to guess who Scott had been expecting to see when Noah had turned up instead. Or was Noah being paranoid and Scott had just been exploring on a lazy afternoon?

"We're not a thing, Noah," Scott said wearily. "I haven't even seen him for a couple of months."

Neither had Noah and he realised that Kyo had quietly, and perhaps permanently, exited his life again.

"Right... well... it was still amazing!" Noah enthused.

"Thanks," Scott said as he stood up.

Scott's knees were dusty and gripped with dried mud which he brushed away (mostly).

"Do you want me to return the favour?" Noah asked gleefully.

"I appreciate the offer but I need to get going," Scott replied – looking along the path in the direction Noah had come from.

"Oh, ok," Noah responded.

He felt a little disappointed. Noah was such an enthusiastic cock sucker that he felt cheated of the opportunity.

"Sorry," Scott said ruefully.

"That's ok," Noah replied happily, his mood already changed.

"Are you going home like that?" Scott asked.

"Would that make you happy?" Noah asked.

Scott nodded and Noah grinned but then picked up his shorts and continued on his way without putting them on. Noah went on to forget the mystery of why Scott was in the woods in the first place and who he might have been waiting for. Noah didn't see Ryan, his new neighbour, emerge from behind bushes where he had watched the entire thing.

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My stories so far:

Complete series: School Exhibitionism, The Symposium, The Embarrassment of Riches, Do As You're Told and A Series of Embarrassing Events.

Ongoing (interconnected) short stories: Anthology.

Short stories: Aiden's Accidental Autoerotic Assignment, Jogging Joe's Jaunty Journey and Peter's Past Posing Pictures

Next: Chapter 7

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