Noah Series

By moc.liamg@yaghsiemosdnah

Published on Apr 22, 2020


Hey everyone! Like usual, this is part of a longer story :) so if you haven't ready any of the other part, check it out! I'll try to add more parts, but I can't promise anything. Like I always paraphrase, I am a professional procrastinator, but also a prolific and horny masturbator, so it shouldn't be too long 😉 let me know by email if you guys enjoy!! Feedback is always appreciated :)

Ps don't forget to donate! These people are saving our solo sex lives by keeping this going, so help em out!

We were walking out of the apartment building, headed to the pool. We had just thrown on some sweatpants shorts without underwear on, it was still so hot. The secret person we were going to meet was going to the pool and knew we were on our way, though I don't know if he knew why, because he didn't let me be there during the conversation.

"Why won't you just tell me who we're meeting, I'm going to find out the moment we get there anyway!" I pleaded again to Jeff. He smirked and just kept leading the way.

"That takes away all my fun though!" He said playfully, turning and slapping my butt before laughing and carrying on. I laughed along with him, ignoring my frustration about not knowing who we were going to see.

It was pretty late, probably 10 pm and we were the only people out on the campus. It probably didn't help that anyone under 18 had a building curfew of 9:30.

I could feel my anticipation and excitement rise as we got closer to the pool, but I noticed that my nervousness also rose with it. I could still feel the internal debate going about whether or not I wanted to continue down this sexual adventure with another person, or if it felt too strange and awkward to do it with someone I didn't know as well as Jeff.

Jeff had slowed down and was walking next to me, and was being just as quiet as me. His steps were faster than usual, but he also seemed a bit jumpy, looking back once or twice whenever there was a faraway sound. He must have been as nervous as I was.

"You sure you want to do this?" I asked Jeff sheepishly. I was a bit ashamed of my nervousness but I hated feeling awkward and tried to avoid it at all costs.

Jeff looked up with shocked eyes. "Oh, uh yeah I think so. Why? Are you not wanting to?" He asked worriedly, stopping where he was, causing me to stop and take a step back.

"No I do! ... well I think I do. I don't really know. It's a bit nerve wracking. I don't mind what we just did but I'm a bit nervous about whoever we're meeting. I do want to learn more! But I don't want it to be super awkward or anything" I admitted bashfully.

"Oh..." he said quietly while looking down. He then looked up at me with confidence and said "honestly it might be a bit awkward at first, but I'll be there to help, and I know that once you start getting into it, there won't be any issue. Think about what just happened with you and I!" He remarked with a smirk. "It might have been awkward to start, but we both got really into it, didn't we?" He said encouragingly. "Are you still okay to go?" He asked obviously hoping I'd say yes.

I couldn't help but smile with desire and lust over what just happened and the thought of doing it again. My dick throbbed in my shorts and I was made very aware of its presence all of the sudden; his speech had turned me on. "Yes, I'm okay to still go. Let's do it." I said before turning with him and continuing on, both of our paces quicker than even before.

We all but jogged to the pool, our strides matching each other, urging us on. My dick was a little bit hard and showing itself through my sweatpants, flopping back and forth as we went. I then thought about Jeff's dick, and it's huge uncut presence and wondered what it was doing. I glanced over as we turned around a corner. His dick was harder than mine and I could see it flopping back and forth causing a moving tent while he walked. I chuckled quietly enough that he didn't hear. He must be really looking forward to this.

We rounded the corner before the entrance and entered using our keys. The team all had keys, though we were told to only use them during normal ish hours to swim. It wasn't too much past curfew for there to be an issue. And anyways, Jeff and I were really solid students.

We entered the locker room, and the lights were all on, but to be honest I think they were always left on. It was eerily quiet, we couldn't hear anything apart from the air conditioning - though it was useless air-conditioning, the inside didn't feel any colder than outside.

We walked to our lockers and sat down. "He should be here.." Jeff mused, not knowing what to say. We sat in silence for a minute then he said "oh, duh, maybe he's in the pool. Do you wanna throw on your briefs and go for a swim?" He asked.

I felt exhausted but at the same time, full of energy at the thought of what I was going to be shown later. On top of that it was so hot out, going in the chilled pool would feel so refreshing. I nodded and replied "sure" before standing up and opening my locker.

"Can I see if your briefs make me go any faster?" Jeff asked a bit hesitantly. I smirked and shrugged "sure, as long as I get to wear yours!" He laughed and reached in to grab his favourite pair before passing them to me. "The only thing is that they were a bit stiff or something earlier, and I'm not sure why, so I'm sorry if they are again" I told him apologetically.

"Oh..." he said quietly and took them from my hand. He took off his sweat shorts and I followed his lead. Both of us seemed to be kinda hard, and we both glanced at each other and giggled a bit. Then he put my white and blue briefs on and I put on his green and silver ones. They were a bit smaller than mine and really tight, especially since my dick was somewhat hard. The parts that surrounded my bulge weren't touching my body, and were being pulled out, causing holes in either side. This made me even harder, causing the two voids to increase in size. I glanced at Jeff and saw his ass really filled out my briefs, and his bulge was just as impressive. I caught myself thinking that I didn't mind switching briefs at all.

We then grabbed our towels and headed out into the pool. We stopped to shower briefly before entering the pool room, still with no sign of anyone else.

"Wow, you make those things look too small for you, Noah" Jeff stated out loud, whilst staring at my bulge. It still hadn't gone down.

"You certainly don't have any issues filling out mine either mister" I said, impressed at his bulge too.

We both smirked at each other, both obviously getting harder. We showered a moment more and then turned off the showers and headed towards the pool.

It was empty when we arrived, all the lanes gone except for one on the end. "Should we set up the other lane?" Jeff asked, sounded exhausted at the thought.

"Nah we can just share the one I'm sure. Unless whoever we're meeting wants to swim too." I said, also not relishing the thought of dealing with the lines.

"I wonder where he is..." Jeff pondered. "Oh well, let's just do some laps while we wait." He said after a second.

"Alright, let's do it" agreeing with him.

We dive in and start at the edge. He goes first, and I follow close behind. I somehow still haven't softened, so there are deep voids on either side of my bulge. I continue to swim, and notice they are pulling water in and causing drag. I look up and see Jeff had pulled much further ahead. He had already turned at the end I was still only 2/3 of the way.

I struggle to get to the end, feeling it weigh me down. For some reason the water going over my dick and balls seems to make me even harder, causing the waistband to pull away from me, causing even more drag.

Suddenly as I approach Jeff the waistband flops back and the drag pushes them down, a good halfway to my knees, and my inertia and kicking ends up sending them off. I turn and try and catch them in front of Jeff who slowed down, seeing through his goggles my situation. The briefs slip through my fingers and fall to the bottom, so I break the surface and take some deep breaths.

Jeff surfaces as well, laughing historically, seemingly unable to catch his breath. This of course makes me embarrassed and my face goes read. "Shut up!" I tell him, unimpressed. He just keeps laughing.

I stick my head under water trying to see them, but the pool is quite deep and I got some water in my goggles from the whole thing, so I couldn't see very well. I come back up, and Jeff says "if you wanted to swim naked, you should have just said something!" As he peels off my briefs off of himself and tosses them to the side. I widen my eyes at first and then shrug and chuckle. "I guess we can do that too. Here, help me at least grab yours though, I can't see them!" I told him.

Jeff nodded and stuck his head under the water. As I took a breath in preparation to head down, Jeff's body porpoised bit and I could see his feet break the surface as he dove down. I looked under the water and could see the briefs clearly and he was headed right towards them.

"Thank you!" I said as he broke the surface and tossed them to the side next to the other briefs. "No worries haha, it was worth the show" he said while grinning.

"What do you say to a game of tag?" He said devilishly. I laughed and said "sure. But you're it!!" As I booked it away from him. It was very freeing, feeling my hard dick streaming through the water below my body. I had my goggles on and they were clear now so I took a look back at Jeff and it was so intriguing seeing his hard dick in the water following him.

I slowed down while looking at it and he didn't realize until too late that he had almost caught up. I tried to speed away but he already had inertia and tagged me. I blushed and counted to five before chasing after him.

"You're never gonna catch me with that thing weighing you down!" He called after me, laughing away.

"Well you'll be slow enough with that thing causing you so much drag, so I don't think it'll be an issue either!" I called out after him, laughing along with him.

"Neither of you are gonna win any competitions with those things." A voice boomed out. Both Jeff and I stopped very suddenly and turned toward the voice.

Coach ryan stood in some white thin short shorts, shirtless but with his shirt tucked into his waistband in the back. He was glistening but his shorts didn't look wet. He must have been working out in our small private gym upstairs. His blond hair was tousled as he ran his hand through it, but still looked stylish. His blue eyes bore into us vibrantly from the other side of the pool.

I was surprised he was here because he's not really part of the school, he's contracted in just for the swimming team. He used to be part of an Olympic team for diving, but trained for a few different parts of the swimming competitions.

"Here, come over here you two." He ordered. "What are you both doing here?" He asked, suspiciously. We both swam towards him, looking at each other, not sure what to say. As I got closer I could see that he was not wearing any underwear because his shorts were more wet than I thought and I could see a darkened part of his white shorts, showing his dickprint clearly through them.

"Uhh..." I started, not sure what to say. "We were both so hot in our room, and decided we should just came to practice some. Then when we were swimming, Noah's briefs fell off and so I took mine off to make him feel less embarrassed." Jeff finished, telling mostly the truth, and saving the day again.

"Oh, okay." The coach said thoughtfully, he sure what to say in response. "Well you shouldn't really be here this late, I already told someone else to go home not too long ago." He said. My eyes widened, wondering if that's why Jeff's person wasn't here. "I just finished my workout, so why don't we go shower and then you guys go home." He ordered.

We both hesitated and looked and each other, but it was obvious he already saw our boners so we both shrugged and climbed out. I was careful to not smack my boner on the rough wall, and stood up right next to the coach.

"Huh." Coach commented, while glancing between the two of us standing in front of him completely naked with boners. Mine was pointing upwards, Jeff's was pointing down a bit. I looked down at the coach and saw that the dickprint I saw earlier was actually tented a bit and the short shorts were a lot shorter up close. The tip of his dick was almost at the end of them and one of his balls had snuck out of one of the legs. They looked like running shorts, being very open and having the cut up the sides.

"Oh I'll grab our briefs" I said, blushing and turning a bit to grab them as they were behind me. I reached down, facing away from Jeff and the coach and then stood up with them in hand. Both of them were staring down at my ass and both looked a little red in the face when I turned back around. They looked at each other and said nothing but started walking towards the showers. I followed, glancing at Coach Ryan's short shorts. His shorts could not cover up his large tennis ass either so the bottom bit was hanging out.

We walked into the showers, and hung up our towels. I glanced at the coach now, as he hung up his towel and turned. His dick had lifted up the short shorts and was hanging completely out. His huge balls hung to one side, rolling back and forth heavily as he took off his flip flops.

I hung up my briefs and passed Jeff his, heading first to the showers. I grabbed one in the middle against the wall. Jeff followed, taking the one next to me on my right. A few seconds later, Coach followed behind completely nude and took the shower to my left. I glanced over and down at Jeff and then at the coach. I noticed they both were completely hard, though not surprising since I still hadn't gone down.

Coach ryan was huge, almost as big as me, but way more thick. I guess he wasn't as hard last time I saw it, because this thing looked like my arm. It was surprising seeing as the soft dick I saw wasn't near this size. Though I suppose it's the same as mine.

"Sorry, I usually jerk off in the shower after working out, because I always get super horny. I hope you don't mind, it should go away on its own maybe. I'll just take care of it later" he said after catching Jeff and I staring at it.

"I don't mind at all" Jeff stated matter-of-factly.

"Me neither" I said shyly. I couldn't stop staring at it, it was just so big. I feel my mind wander and I wonder how he jerks off. Without realizing it, I am touching myself while staring at Coach's cock, which isn't going down at all.

I hesitate and take my hand off of my dick and get really red. I look down but glance at both the coach and Jeff to see if they had noticed me jerking off. Jeff was pulling his foreskin back and forth, not too fast but steadily, changing between staring at my dick and at coach's.

I look at coach and see he has started fondling his balls. The water was cascading down his back and his left side as he faced us. His thick dick was pointed straight out, also with a bit of a curve up. He was uncut but I noticed half of the head was showing, the foreskin pulled back quite taut. He was also taking turns at looking at both my dick and Jeff's.

"Why'd you stop?" Coach asked me. "It's obvious you have something you need to take care of, same as Jeff and I. I don't mind you jerking off, so long as you don't mind me jerking off too." I wasn't sure what to say. I just somewhat nodded and grabbed my dick again, and started moving the foreskin back and forth along my big cock head.

"Great" he said with a chuckle. "I don't think I could have waited until I got back anyway, my balls feel so full." He said while cupping them, lifting them higher and letting them drop heavily, bouncing. He then grabbed his balls and pulled down a bit, making his check throb before he grabbed it near the head and started pulling the foreskin back and forth.

I felt excited that I was finding out how coach jerked off, and found it validating that it was similar to how Jeff showed me. He really focused on his balls though, constantly fondling them, and pulling them away from himself. Every time he tugged on them, his dick would throb a little bit. I thought back to when Jeff and I were doing that to each other, and I remembered how amazing it felt.

I kept staring at his dick, I had forgotten to look at Jeff's. I turned and could see him doing the balls thing. He was tugging on them and jerking off at the same time. I wanted to do it again too.

While staring at Jeff's dick, I grabbed my balls and tugged them - ow! I winced and realized that must have been too hard. I tried again pulling gently but firmly while continuing jerking off and - wow... that feels so good. It causes this weird wave sensation, and I loved it.

Coach then took his hand that was fondling his balls, and moved it to his nipple. It looked like he was pinching it, and rubbing his finger around it.

Before I even realize what I'm doing, my hand reaches up from my balls and starts to do the same. Wow, it feels so good too, my nipple immediately turns he'd and I can play with it even more, turning it softly in my hand. It's sending shivers down my sides, and I use my other hand to fondly my balls now instead while I play with my nipple.

I turn to coach and without thinking, say "wow, I had no idea playing with your nipples feels so good, coach." He grins at me and says "yeah I love having my nipples played with. It's one of my favourites ways to jerk off. Have you really never done it before?" He asked me inquisitively.

I blush and look down at his cock and admit quietly "not really, no."

"He only learnt how to jerk off tonight, Coach. I helped him out earlier, because he wasn't sure how. We don't really know much about it, because I just learnt too." He says and I turn and see him playing with nipples too. "I agree, this feels so amazing! I never thought that this would feel so good." Jeff said behind me with a small moan as he squeezed his whole pec. I kinda tensed up at him admitting everything that happened to coach, but I also was in such a state that it didn't seem to bother me too much. I was still super hard and could really only focus on that much right now.

"Really?? Wow, with those big of cocks, I'm surprised you haven't learnt any of this on your own!" He said genuinely with surprise. "But I suppose this school doesn't really culture that kind of learning at all, does it." He commented snidely.

Jeff and I both stayed quiet but nodded and then continued to watch Coach while playing with ourselves. We were both enthralled by this new technique and continued to play with it.

"Wait, so you guys don't know any other techniques?" Coach asked curiously, while glancing between our dicks.

"No" Jeff and I both said at the same time. "But we want to learn more" Jeff added enthusiastically. Then looked down, and muttered quietly "we were supposed to learn some more from someone tonight..."

Coach grinned and let out a low chuckle "I'm not surprised, when I first learned how to jerk off, I swear I did it 3 times a day minimum, and I was constantly trying to figure out new ways. Well, I know a few, so I suppose I could show you one or two." He added, while picking up his pace with jerking off.

I realized now that maybe it was a bit weird that coach was jerking off with us, but at the same time, he wasn't really a part of the school, and he also was naked around us all the time in the showers, so it didn't really seem to awkward. I was kind of enjoying it. I chuckled internally; in any case, he was educating me!

"Have you guys ever done anything with anyone else?" Coach inquired with an eyebrow raised as he looked at both of us.

"... Not really." I said hesitantly.

"Well, kinda." Jeff said, shocking me, and I whipped my head to look at him. I expected Jeff to tell me if he had ever done that, and I was a little hurt. "We both did" he continued, confusing me further. I was unsure what he meant, I certainly hadn't done anything with anyone before.

"When I showed Noah how to jerk off," he said, reminding me, which made me sigh with relief. "We actually jerked each other off for a bit and played with each other's balls. But all we did was this" he said as he let go of his dick and reached over and started pulling my foreskin back and forth my hands were still on my nipples and balls and I didn't expect him to do that, and I felt a sudden explosion of feeling and quickly let go of everything and coach chuckled.

"Looks like Noah likes that a lot. Be careful, it looks like he's about to cum!" Coach cautioned Jeff, adding another chuckle.

"Oh!" Jeff exclaimed and laughed as he let go, not a moment too soon. I willed my breathing to return to normal - all of those things happening at the same time; balls nipples and dick were too much, and very overwhelming. "Sorry" Jeff said with a smirk, going back to fondling his balls.

"Hmm..." coach said thoughtfully while watching us both touch ourselves.

"Well I can show you a few different things, but im sure Noah can vouch that it feels so much better when someone else does it to you" he chuckled and continued "so feel free to practice on each other, it's normal for people who are just coming into their sexual awakening." He then walked around me to be in between us both, and grabbed his dick with both hands, barely able to wrap his own fingers around his cock.

"Since we're all larger than most people in the cock area, we get to do this. Not only does it feel super good and firm, but it also has a bit of a cocky -pun intended- demeanour, showing off that you are so big. I really like doing this when I'm around someone, it's super hot. You guys try it!" He said as he used his two hands to pump his huge cock in front of us. My mouth opened, watching how big it was and him trying to jerk it.

"How big is that thing??" Jeff said, impressed as well. He had both hands wrapped around his cock, rocking himself back and forth into his hands.

Coach chuckled "well, it's about 7.5 inches long, but I'm incredibly girthy. It's over 6.5 inches around, and people say it feels great when it's inside them." Coach added with a wink.

"I wonder how long mine is.." Jeff said absentmindedly while staring at the coach's.

The coach then walked towards Jeff, and held his dick partially with only one hand. He then slowly moved forward, and Jeff moved his hands away. Coach positioned his dick next to Jeff's, grabbing both of them and leaned forward until Jeff's tip poked his body. "Looks like it's almost the same size as mine! Maybe a bit longer. Not quite as thick though" he said with another wink to Jeff.

He then turned and started walking towards me. I moved one hand but left one there. I then positioned mine next to his and he slid his along mine, until mine touched his body. I then grabbed them both, and coach let go. "Looks like you have almost a full inch on me, Noah. Both you and Jeff are thick but not quite as thick as me."

He started to back up, but I pulled his dick back gently and held it against mine. I then started jerking them together, mine on top of his because of our height difference. I still had to crouch a bit but I didn't mine, it felt quite nice.

Coach reached down and I didn't want to stop, but he grabbed my balls and started fondling them. I then looked at his huge balls and realized I wanted to play with his too, so I reached down and started fondling them. They were so heavy, and I lifted them a couple times while slowly jerking our foreskin back and forth.

Jeff moved over to our side to what we were doing. "Woah" he said while staring at our dicks, mesmerized. He was jerking with one hand, and pulling on his balls with the other. He then let go of his cock and grabbed coach's other hand and brought it to his cock. Coach was shocked, but that didn't stop him from starting to jerk Jeff off.

"You guys sure like to help each other out don't you?" Coach asked us, not taking his eyes off our cocks.

"I mean, I guess so. It certainly feels nice to do it together" I explained to him, continuing to jerk our cocks off together. I let go of his balls and tried to wrap my hands around both of our thick dicks to try and jerk us both off together better but it wasn't very easy.

"Yeah, I certainly agree. You're really good at that coach" Jeff said with a moan.

Coach chuckled and said "well I've had a lot of practice, Jeff." He moved his hand that was holding onto my balls to hold on to Jeff's balls. Jeff instantly moaned louder, and I saw him thrusting more into coach's hands.

I let go of coach's dick and walked around Jeff until I was halfway behind him. I leaned over to see what coach was doing and started pinching Jeff's nipple with one hand. My other hand was wrapped around my cock, which was very close to Jeff's big ass that was pressed against my side/front.

"MMMMM OOHHH that feels so good." Jeff's moans were so loud now. Coach looked at me and spoke up loudly. "Okay Noah, I need you to come take over for me. Pinch his nipple with one hand, and continue jerking him off with the other. Go slowly though, don't let him cum yet." He said with a wink and then added "Jeff, try not to cum, okay?"

"Mmmm yes, okay sir, oh god mmm" Jeff said, seeming to focus only on what was happening to him, right here and now.

"Okay, Noah, keep him going.... mhmm, just like that. You can switch nipples too if you like." He said while looking over Jeffs shoulder. He was directly behind Jeff, and I couldn't see what his hands were doing. Jeff seemed to go more wild though.

Coach bent down and so I decided to too, and I then coach sent his hand under and through to grab onto Jeff's balls. He was giving them a good pull, I could feel how tight they were as I continued to slide Jeff's foreskin up and down, slowly but with a firm grip.

Jeff's cock and balls were right in front of my face and I could see his cock head was super wet, and it looked like there was a large drop that was about to drop. I let go and used my finger to smear the drop around the head of his dick. He started writhing and I could tell that felt great. Huh, my instincts aren't too bad at this.

It caused more liquid to come out, and there was an even bigger droplet. I took my finger and took some, and this time put it in my mouth. It had a nicer taste than the other stuff that came out, it was a bit sweeter. I looked up and Jeff was staring at me, eyes wide, but with the biggest grin. I looked down and there was yet another drop so I used my finger to smear it around and looked up at Jeff, and he looked like he was in euphoria. He moaned even louder and started thrusting his hand into my hand.

I pinched his nipple hard and started stroking him further, pulling the foreskin back more.

Coach Ryan had let go of Jeff's balls, and I could see one hand come around and wrap around the base of Jeff's dick, pulling towards him. "He feels so hard, I don't think he's going to last long. Okay get ready Noah!" He said as he moved his hand to Jeff's balls and slowly rolled them around.

I felt his cock get even harder and throb in my hand and his moans were even louder. I knew what was coming, so I started pinching his nipple harder and stroking him harder.

All the sudden Coach grabbed Jeff's balls and pulled fairly hard and Jeff moaned even louder and then something happened and Jeff almost screamed, his cock throbbing in my hand like crazy. I looked up and saw his eyes opened up wide and I could tell he was about to finish, his whole body was incredibly tense. He closed his eyes and started moaning more.

I was about to look at what Coach Jeff had done to set him off so much, but then Jeff moaned again really loud and a huge shot of liquid came out of his cock and hit me square in the face, covering my nose and mouth. My eyes shut and mouth opened instinctively but I opened my eyes again because I wanted to see what was happening.

I continued jerking him off and he continued to moan so loudly, and kept shooting out liquid. It was hitting me with force, and was so hot, covering my cheek and mostly landing in my mouth. I could feel it dripping off of my face and some even landed on my hard cock that was throbbing below me. I wanted to swallow but also wanted to catch more in my mouth, so I kept it open.

It felt like so many shots hit me, I lost count. His moans didn't even stop, they just felt more drawn out now, with sighs in between. Coach popped up and looked over Jeff's shoulder and his eyes went wide with shock when he saw me. Jeff still hadn't opened his eyes.

"Holy shit, you took his load like a champ, Noah." Coach remarked, very impressed.

Jeff opened his eyes and his jaw dropped. "Oh my god, that all came out of me, Noah?" He chuckled then asked "how does it taste?"

I was licking my lips, and enjoying the taste honestly. It was salty but really nice too. I looked at his dick, and could see there was a huge droplet hanging off. I pulled back his foreskin and for some reason I had the instinct to lick it up. I leaned forward and put the tip in my mouth. I moved my tongue around, licking up the liquid all around.

"Ooohhh that feels so good, but it's so sensitive you gotta stop!!!" Jeff pleaded to me.

Coach laughed as I backed off, licking my lips. "After you cum, you tend to get a bit too sensitive to keep going" he explained.

"You gotta give Jeff a break. But it seems you have figured out another thing that feels good." He said as he stepped around Jeff, his cock was hard and the tip was wet. I looked at it and didn't think twice before reaching forward and grabbing his dick and leaning forward, putting the tip in my mouth, causing coach to let out a surprised gasp.

I again licked around the tip, and coach let out a deep moan. I licked the slit and found a big drop of the liquid and it tasted good. Not as good as Jeff's but it was still really tasty.

Coach put his hands behind my head and said "you're doing great. Now try opening your mouth, and watch your teeth. You can wrap your lips over your teeth actually to stop it. Now lean your head back a bit and relax." I did as he said and he started pulling my head towards his body. His huge thick dick was so hard to fit inside my mouth, my mouth felt like it was opened to full capacity, and I still couldn't get past its widest in the middle.

"Wow man, that looks like fun." Jeff commented from beside me. Somehow his dick still hadn't gone down.

"Relax Noah, don't worry. You can do this." Coach told me, encouragingly. I backed off for a moment and took a deep breath.

I closed my eyes and opened my mouth and tried again, and relaxed as best as I could. I let coach move my head, pushing it further along his cock. I suddenly felt his shaved pubes against my nose and opened my eyes. I was so close to the end, so I pushed my head a little further.

"Uuunnnnn" coach let out a deep grunt, and grabbed my head a bit firmer and pushed his cock even further into my mouth.

"Wow" Jeff whispered to himself, getting onto his knees next to me.

"Fuck that feels good" coach said. I could feel my discomfort growing and I tried to back my head off but coach's hands were holding firm. But then a moment later he let off and I backed off gasping for air. I thought I felt a bit scared but it also turned me on more, I could feel my cock bouncing on its own.

"Alright, your turn Jeff" coach said kinda sternly. I looked up and watched as he reached forward and grabbed Jeff's head. "Remember to keep your lips over your teeth and open up wide.... yeah like that." He said as he rubbed the tip of his dick along Jeff's lips. "Now tilt your head back." He ordered Jeff.

He then proceeded to grab a fistful of Jeff's hair and push his cock in forcefully. Jeff made gagging noises and coach backed off. But only for a second before shoving his cock in again. I looked down and saw Jeff's cock throbbing. He must have been enjoying it too.

Coach continued to thrust into Jeff's face, and Jeff reached up and grabbed my face and pushed it towards coach's balls. I wasn't sure what to do, so I licked them. They were smooth and I kinda enjoyed it. I then took one in my mouth and rolled it over my tongue. Coach seemed to like it because he took one hand off of Jeff and put it behind my head, pushing my head against his balls.

He then turned my head took Jeff's head off of his dick. We were both looking at each other, with only coach's dick in between us. He pushed our heads forward slowly until our lips were on either side of his cock, and I knew to start licking it. He then pushed our heads a little harder and started thrusting his dick between us.

It must have felt good because he was moaning and grunting really loudly.

"Unnnnf that feels amazing guys. You know how to make a guy feel special." He said as he gave a few more thrusts. "But I think Noah deserves some attention from us both. What do you say, Jeff?" He said with a naughty tone.

I looked up, and my dick bounced causing coach to laugh.

"Why don't we go to the locker room where we can get a bit more comfy." Coach suggested. We both agreed with him and got up. Coach grabbed us by our dicks and walked us to the locker room, stopping and telling us to grab our towels on the way.

We got to the locker room and immediately coach started ordering us. "Okay Jeff, lay the towels there near the end... yes, right there, perfect." He said as he walked to the end of the bench and laid down a towel on the ground next to it.

"Noah, you lie down here, I want you to lie with your head hanging off of the edge. Put your legs off the side, and rest them on the ground. Jeff, go sit near his cock and start helping him out." He commanded, looking very proud and hard, his cock throbbing up and down.

I laid down on the bench like he asked and felt my cock flop against my stomach, and I could feel something really warm and I looked down and saw a big pool of liquid near the head.

Coach grabbed my head and brought it back quickly and kneeled down in front of my face. He then stuck his cock near my mouth and said "open" bossily. He then stuck his cock in, and immediately tried to shove it completely down my throat. It was much easier to get all of him in this way. I could feel his huge heavy balls fall onto my face as he got closer to getting it all the way in.

I could smell his balls and feel them move on my face as he thrust finally all the way in. Suddenly I feel my cock being lifted up, and then it felt warm and wet and I knew Jeff had taken my dick in his mouth. Wow. That feels so good. So so good. I wanted to watch him do it, but I also had Coach's big dick balls deep in my mouth and I wanted to make sure that felt good.

Coach leaned forward put his hands on my shoulders. "You ready Noah?" He asked, while taking one hand and pinching my nipple.

"Mmg-hmmvv" I moaned out somehow past his huge cock in my mouth.

"Good. Open up wide then" he instructed. "Jeff, make sure to pull on his balls."

Coach pulled out his dick and then pushed forward with his hips, pushing his dick into my mouth again. He then picked up his pace, thrusting it into my mouth over and over again. "Jeff, come on, you can reach the end of the that." He said matter of factly, and I felt his hand leave my body and then Jeff's head go right to the bottom of my cock, his nose pressed into my pubes. I could hear and feel him gagging but it didn't move for a couple seconds more. "That's more like it" coach told him, before Jeff's head finally came off.

I could then feel Jeff going up and doing my cock, his other hands pulling my balls. Coach's balls were slapping my face as he thrust even faster into my mouth. He was grunting loudly with each thrust.

There were so many feelings going on around me, as well as emotions inside of me. I was really enjoying having Coach thrust his huge cock repeatable into my mouth, his moans made me feel like I was pleasuring him so good that it turned me on more. And being turned on more made me enjoy having my cock sucked for the first time so much, I couldn't decide what to focus my attention on.

I was moaning and wrapped my hands and forearms around coaches big thighs and grabbed his huge ass, and pulled him towards me. His glutes were flexing and felt amazing, and his cock thrusted even harder into my throat. His moans became so loud, which made my moans louder.

I could feel the vibrations of my moans in my throat and noticed that when I did it, coach seemed to moan in response so I did my it more and more and louder and louder. I could feel myself get closer to the feeling of finishing and my hips were now thrusting up to meet Jeff's mouth. Coach started thrusting faster and faster causing me to gag more until he firmly grabbed both my nipples and twisted and yelled out "NOW JEFF".

I could feel my body tense up as I was about to finish. During my buildup, I suddenly heard coach grunt "UUGGNNNN" and I felt coaches cock jam hard into my throat and stay there. It was throbbing and I could feel a hot liquid shooting down my throat. I was moaning so hard and felt Jeff's mouth leave my cock for a second before coming back and going up and down even faster. He had one hand grabbing my balls, pulling them hard. I suddenly felt my buildup overflowing and it was at that moment that Jeff stuck his spit covered finger into my ass and wiggle around, stroking something. Whatever he stroked send my body into a full separate overdrive, and my entire body convulsed and vibrated as I moaned through Coaches still very hard dick. My cock was so hard and I thrust upwards hard and fast, and could feel the finishing feeling come over all parts of me. I could feel the liquid shooting out, and I could also feel Jeff sucking hard on the tip of my dick, sucking it back and swallowing it.

I couldn't move for a full two to three minutes besides some spasms in various parts of my body. Coach laid on top of my, cock halfway still in my mouth. Jeff has also kept his finger in my ass and my cock in his mouth, softly holding it there without touching it with his tongue too much. I could feel how sensitive it was so I was thankful for that.

When I could finally move my hands, I took them off of Coaches ass and thighs and he pulled out of my mouth. Jeff lifted his head off and pulled out his finger.

No one said anything, I just laid there staring at the light fixtures above, trying to wrap my head around what just happened. I could hear coach leaning against the lockers, catching his breath. Jeff was stroking the inside of my thigh softly and l looked at him to find him beaming with happiness at me.

"How do you feel?" He asked gleefully.

"I...." I started, not really knowing what to say. I sat up and took a deep breath.

"I feel so good, that was just... incredible. I didn't know I could feel things like that." I said, completely dumbfounded.

"Heh, well that's just the beginning." Coach said in a deep and seductive voice.

Jeff and I both looked up at him with excitement "what else is there?" Jeff asked incredulously.

"Well, how about we go shower, and you two go home and practice that for a couple days. As some homework." He added with a wink. "After that, I'll walk you two through something else. But I think my hands on teaching method will end here, at least for now."

Both of our faces dropped at this and I said "but why coach?"

"Because I can see what you two have for each other. And I think that you two need to explore that together. But I'll be here to help, and I want to make sure you do it right. So practice what we learned today, explore each other, and then in a little bit I can go over your final exam." He said with yet another wink. He sure liked winking at us. "Here, get up."

I stood up and kinda teetered, almost falling, but Jeff caught me and held onto me tight. "You alright Noah?" He asked, worriedly.

"I'm alright" I said with a chuckle, "just a bit lightheaded!"

Coach laughed and took a step towards us and embraced both of us. We both leaned into his hug and I could feel our limp dicks bumping against each other between all three of us.

"You two are amazing. Alright, now let's go shower!" Coach said, leaning back and letting go. Jeff and I both grinned and he turned away from us, grabbed our dicks and we followed him, our arms around each other.


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