Noah Series

By moc.liamg@yaghsiemosdnah

Published on Apr 15, 2020


This is the first part of a longer story. More will cum, though I can't promise when. I'm a professional procrastinator, but I'm also a horny masturbator. And quarantined, so it'll likely be soon. Feel free to email me if you have anything you'd like to say, I love feedback and hearing what people want to happen! This is my first ever story, so I hope you all enjoy ;)


I remember the only thing I wanted was to wear my favourite pair of swimming briefs at practice. They were a really comfy pair that, now that I look back, really hugged my ass and lifted up my package so it looked larger than it already was. But I liked them best because they were this beautiful silky white pair with turquoise blue designs on them.

But I digress.

I had been feeling a bit anxious that day, almost like I was being confined by some invisible force and I just had to get out, get some relief from the feeling, and I wasn't sure why. I was walking with my best friend and housemate, Jeff. We weren't really saying much, I think he had picked up on my awkwardness today. We had just finished class and were on our way to swim practice.

He glanced at me every so often, and seemed a bit worried about me but wasn't saying anything. I felt bad but I didn't know what was wrong anyway.

Finally he said "hey is everything okay?".

"Yeah" i responded, "just tired I guess" knowing full well that was a lie, but not sure how to respond any other way.

"Okay..." he said, not seeming to believe me.

Jeff and I were very similar, he was almost as tall as my 6ft 3in, and was a bit more skinny. We both had light brown hair that was short and styled similar. We also had chiselled jawlines with sharper cheek bones than most people our age. He had a longer torso, and was more defined than I was, but I had broader shoulders, longer legs and fairly big arms. My lats were also basically wings, I had been swimming since I was 6. Jeff only started swimming once he met me and we became best friends in 4th grade. He had blue eyes and I had green, and both of our skin tones were light tan colour. We spent all of our time together; living together, having most of our classes together, and swimming together on the team. Most people thought we were brothers, and honestly I kinda liked it that way.

We entered the locker room quietly and walked to our lockers which were next to each other and started getting undressed.

Logan, a teammate of ours, was on the left side of me, the opposite side of Jeff and was being his usual self. For a guy of only 5ft 6in stature, he sure was a loud and obnoxious person. He was pretty stocky, blonde, and seemed like he could pack on muscle more than most people. Bright blue eyes definitely pulled together his look and made him quite confident in himself. This was very evident in his demeanour. He had a lot of friends, though I think most people wanted to be him, rather than friends with him.

We were all 18/19 and in our last year of high school, and Logan was very happy to brag to everyone that he had lost his virginity to some 19 yr old girl who was here visiting her younger brother. He was the first of our team to lose his virginity, let alone do anything with anyone, at least as far as I knew.

We go to a private boys school that is semi religious, and quite strict with no cell phones allowed. We all lived in separate rooms and only two guys to an apartment and we weren't really given access to internet or tv, outside of school work. We didn't have a lot of working knowledge with sex or pop culture.

Our school is highly coveted though and one strange thing about it is we actually go to school for an extra year because it was part of a special program that streamlines kids to Ivy League schools. Honestly it is a pretty cool place, and although there are a few kind of rebels like Logan, most of us follow the rules pretty sincerely. We were setting ourselves up for the best future possible, and we were mature enough to know not to screw it up.

Getting back to Logan now, he was now talking about how good it felt to stick his dick in something so tight and warm. To me it kinda felt like that wouldn't be very nice, but then again, at that point I hadn't done anything with anyone, including myself. So how was I supposed to know.

Logan was undressed down to his underwear at this point. Actually I think Jeff and I were two of the most dressed people at this point. Everyone else was either naked, underwear or in their swimming briefs. But everyone was listening intently to Logan.

"Okay but listen guys, there's this amazing feeling of having your dick wrapped tight" he said. "I don't even know how to describe it, it's like..." he said trailing off, as his underwear started to jut out. He kinda rocked his hips forwards a couple times, and a few guys kinda chuckled. "... unf, but it felt so good. And she obviously loved it" he continued, obviously daydreaming.

"Don't you mean he?" Thomas called out from the corner loudly, which ended in an eruption of laughter.

Logan was unfazed though, and took off his underwear while continuing to stare into nothing. His dick was sticking straight out, and honestly was bigger than what I expected from someone so short. It was thick but not super long - longer than I would have guessed though. He seemed so unashamed of sporting a hard dick in front of the team. Although I don't blame him with a dick like that. I could feel some unease from inside my gut, and my dick moved a little.

"I can't believe that thing wouldn't end up hurting someone if you stuck it inside them" Rhys commented quietly who was on the other side of Logan, his brown eyes staring directly at it through his jet black hair.

Rhys was a skinny guy who was quiet and quite shy. He was a really fast swimmer though, and was always really nice to me. He seemed to idolize Logan though, he was always in his vicinity. They were also housemates though, and Logan seemed to take care of Rhys.

He must not have meant to say it out loud though because he went a bit red and looked sharply away. Logan snapped out of it and chuckled but then admitted "yeah, she said it hurt quite a bit, but apparently that's normal."

"Normal?" Rhys asked shyly.

"Yeah, like apparently it takes awhile to get used to" Logan explained kindly, "but once they're used to it..." and then chuckled while grabbing his dick and thrusting into his hand a couple times really hard and fast. This made a bunch of guys laugh including me.

Everyone dispersed leaving just Logan, Rhys, Jeff and I in the locker room. Logan tried to stuff his hard dick into his swimming briefs while I took my underwear off. It was kinda funny, seeing him try and leave it sticking straight out first, before putting it sideways. But then the tip stuck out and all we could do was laugh "having a hard time with that hey? Haha" Jeff jested.

I chuckled softly while rooting through my locker trying to find my favourite briefs. I wanted to wear them, because they always make me feel a bit better and I was having a weird day. I also wanted to take my mind off of the hard cock next to me.

"Having a hard time?" Logan asked, mocking Jeff for his pun.

Logan then laughed enthusiastically and took his dick out again and shook it around. "Yeah, I have been hard almost constantly since having sex. It's all I can do to not masturbate nonstop." He started fondling his balls, rolling them in his hand.

I felt a bit nervous, as I still hadn't ever masturbated before and I wasn't sure even how to. I certainly didn't want to profess my lack of knowledge to the guys. I'd be mocked forever!

"I wish I could right now even!" He stated boldly. I looked at him in shock a bit but also nervousness. He then started to run his hand over the length of his cock. Rhys was naked at this point holding his towel in front of himself while blatantly staring at Logan playing with himself.

I could feel my dick moving and growing, I tried to ignore the scene to my right. It didn't go much longer anyway, because Logan then shook his dick, it looking quite wet at the end and said "well, maybe later" and chuckled as he somehow was able to stuff it into his briefs.

Rhys grabbed his swim briefs and tried to hastily put them in while holding the towel with his chin. Logan was watching Rhys at this point and I was glancing over too. Rhys was having trouble doing so and ended up dropping the towel, exposing a very hard, very thick but shorter uncut dick. He rushed to pull up his briefs and blushed as he noticed us staring at him.

Logan chuckled and said "don't worry man, it's not the first time I've seen you with a hard on. We do live together." And then grabbed his towel and strolled to the showers.

Rhys, looking flushed, hurriedly grabbed his towel and rushed after Logan, leaving Jeff and me to ourselves.

`Okay but seriously where are my favourite briefs' I thought while starting to root through my locker. I felt a bit exposed being naked for so long and frustrated that I could feel my dick was becoming a bit hard. I know now that I have what's called a grower, it's not super big when soft but when hard is much larger. And I didn't want to have everyone comment on how big my dick was too.

"Ugh Im always hard, and I masturbate all the time." Jeff said from behind me a moment later, bringing me out of my focus.

I had been slightly turned towards Logan during his performance, and didn't really look to my right, but now turned my full attention to Jeff. He had his swimming briefs on but I could tell he was semi hard, as there was a very impressive bulge showing.

My dick outright throbbed, growing significantly as I looked at his big bulge and I felt a big wave of unease this time. I hadn't known before that he masturbated, he must have done it in his room only. I sighed loudly feeling a bit frustrated and sat down on the edge of the bench, my balls and dick flopping heavily off the edge. It was hard enough that it was sticking up a bit, perfectly hiding between my thighs, hopefully hiding it from Jeff's view. I think Jeff was still worried about me, because he spoke up quite sternly "okay, there's something up, what's wrong Noah?".

I glanced at his face and then sighed again, and looked down at the ground. "I don't know what's up, I just feel really weird today."

"Weird how?" He responded, sitting down next to me sounding worried.

"I don't know!" I exclaimed, fairly rudely.

He stayed quiet, but adjusted his body awkwardly. After some length of time I glanced over and I noticed he looked sullen and was staring at the floor. I also noticed his bulge had subsided and looked more regular. I looked back down at mine, it hadn't really gone down.

"I'm sorry, I just feel really anxious right now. I feel super irritable and tensed up man." I admitted, before hurriedly continuing on" And right now I'm not sure why but I was getting hard from Logan talking about having sex with that girl, and ugh all I want right now is to wear my favourite white and blue briefs to feel even a little bit better, and I can't find them!"

Jeff was quiet and I was worried I had said something weird, but then he kinda chuckled nervously and I looked up and he was looking at my crotch. I guess the hiding spot didn't work very well. He quickly averted his glance and looked up to my face with a hesitant smile.

"Well, I think I can maybe help you out here. First, I think you're just horny" he said with a deep chuckle afterwards. "You just need to jerk off, and I feel like the tension and unease will go away. Though I can't promise you'll stop being hard, I wasn't joking with what I said earlier" he said laughing again. "I masturbate all the time and I swear my cock never goes down."

"Oh" I said while chuckling nervously, "that's probably a good idea, I'll just do that." Although knowing all to well that I had no idea how to, but not wanting to admit it.

He chuckled and then pointed at his briefs and I could see his bulge was back. "See? Even talking about it makes this thing stand to attention." He then pulled his dick out of his briefs, right next to me and my jaw opened slightly. It was huge, thicker than Logan's, and longer. It was uncut and attached to some very big balls. I had seen it soft but hard was a while different level. My dick twitched, and I struggled to conceal my growing boner.

He started pulling back his foreskin a couple times, revealing a dark pink/red head. My dick moved again, more this time, and I could feel it growing towards full hardness. Jeff started laughing again when he saw my dick starting to up. "See, just what I thought. You just need to jerk off more man!"

"Oh, uh.." I started to say and chuckled nervously. "Yeah maybe later..." I muttered as I covered my dick with my arms.

Stay down, damn you' I thought to myself. STAY DOWN!!' But it didn't seem to deviate from its plan of lengthening out.

Jeff stood up then, his big dick pointing out and down a bit, and started looking through his locker. "As for your briefs," he started, while pulling stuff out of his locker, the tip of his dick looking very wet. There was even a drop of something looking like it was falling towards the floor.

"I actually borrowed them yesterday when I came in for a swim." He said as he pulled them out of the back. "I forgot to bring all of mine when I washed them the day before and I was too lazy to go back and get them. I know your code, and so I borrowed them, I hope you don't mind. And I'm sorry, I know you wanted to wear them, but I haven't had time to wash them yet."

My chest kinda fluttered and I felt a bit uneasy again at the thought of him and his big bulge fitting into my favourite briefs. I felt myself get to full mast and start throbbing.

I was surprised I wasn't upset - I was honestly fine with it. "No, it's not a big deal at all, I don't mind at all, thank you" I replied.

I stood up to take them forgetting to cover myself and my dick pointed out and up. "Jesus, Noah your dick is huge!" Jeff states loudly. I blushed and responded "yeah it's not too bad. Yours is pretty huge too man"

He blushed and muttered "nothing compared to you though" as he put his hard dick back in his briefs rearranged his bulge a bit.

I quickly put on the briefs he handed to me, stuffing my hard dick into them as best I could. The inside felt a bit more solid and almost scratchier then usual. I pulled them away from my body to look inside but I couldn't see anything different about them, so I ignored it. They made me feel better by just being on, it didn't matter if they physically felt a bit off.

I look up at Jeff and with a shocked and almost nervous expression he said "wait are you sure you wanna wear them? I said I didn't wash them!" He shifted uneasily.

"Well it's not like they were washed when you wore them" I said while chuckling. "And anyway, I don't really mind, you're basically my brother; we are pretty close." I stated as I wrapped my arm around his shoulders for a second.

Jeff looked sheepish but then jerked his head up and looked around"Woah, everyone's already gone man, we're gonna be late, we gotta go!"

"Oh shit you're right, c'mon." I said as I quickly threw my stuff into the locker, grabbed my towel and booked it alongside Jeff to the showers.


I pulled myself towards the end of the pool, swimming as hard as I could. All thoughts of the locker room discussion were gone, and it was just me and the water. My hands cupped the water and pushed it away from where I was headed, feeling it wash down my chest, past my favourite white and blue swimming briefs, between my legs, and past me me as my feet kicked me mercilessly forward. The water was cold against my skin but I was pushing myself so hard I barely even noticed it.

Finally, the cool smooth touch of the wall was against my hand and I threw my head back out of the water, taking in some much needed deep breaths. I ripped off my goggles to see better. My chest was heaving, my mouth open wide trying to renew my oxygen level in my lungs and calm my body down. The corners of my mouth were turned up in a smile that I knew I couldn't stop even if I tried. Swimming made me happier than anything else I'd ever done, and I think I even smiled underwater while doing it. Coach Ryan was standing in front of me grinning widely, wearing only his bright red swimming briefs.

I noticed to my left that Rhys had already reached the end and was getting his breath back as well. Jeff was raising his head out of the water next to me now as well, he must have arrived just after me. Everyone else was still coming to the end, I could see that Jeremy and Logan were fighting for the next spot though. They were neck and neck, both reaching as far as they could before swiftly pulling themselves forward, their feet kicking endlessly.

Logan pulled forward last second, touching the wall before Jeremy could. He erupted out of the water, grinning confidently. Jeremy followed suit, though his grin wasn't quite so large.

"Great job man" Logan said as he hi fives Jeremy. "Maybe next time you'll even beat me." He said with a wink, and more sarcasm than genuineness.

"Oh just you wait, I'm just letting you think you have me beat, so when I'm feeling my best I can totally wipe you out. Hell, I may even give Rhys a run for his money!" He said as he gave a daring smile at Rhys who ducked his head and chuckled nervously.

He was such a shy kid, but I didn't understand it. He was faster than all of us half the time, and probably was going to go on to the olympics. Yet he still doesn't seem confident enough to stand up for himself.

We used to be quite close actually, he has been swimming for as long as I have, and when we were younger we would hang out outside of swimming. But then Logan and Jeff joined the team, and we kinda parted ways. I felt kinda bad that he didn't build up confidence (though I wasn't mad he hadn't built up confidence like Logan.) I wasn't sure how to help him though, I didn't even know how to deal with my own confidence issues.

"You know, the only reason you beat me was because you were wearing those briefs, Noah. When I wore them yesterday, I swear I was a whole 2 seconds faster." Jeff remarked towards me. I laughed in response and playfully punched his arm.

"Well maybe you'll have to let me borrow your favourite pair next time and we'll see." I pulled myself out of the water effortlessly, water dripping everywhere. My briefs were no longer scratchy, I presumed that whatever it was was washed away by the pools.

"Heh, I guess that's only fair." He remarked with a wink.

"Good job everyone!" Our coach Ryan started up. "Rhys, yet again an amazing finish. Jeff and Noah, nice job to you both as well, try and predict your strokes better, you know that being off takes valuable time off, and both of you can manage that." We nodded in understanding while he continued. "Logan, you're smirking but we all know you can do better. Focus on your turns, they were sloppy. And Jeremy, good job! You've been improving quite well! Just watch your jump, it was a bit slow on the draw. I reckon you'd have been Logan otherwise." Coach added with a smirk. "Okay, everyone go shower up! I'll meet you in there." He finished. Coach Ryan usually swam with us for a bit, often being in the water and helping us with our form, and so also often joined us in the showers afterwards.

We all walked into the shower room, laughing and horsing around. We all stripped off our briefs, and entered the shower room. It's a medium sized room with shower heads along all the walls and a few in the middle. It was pretty cozy when all 10 of us plus the coach was in their showering, but by this point we were all pretty used to it.

Logan and Thomas were chatting next to each other, Rhys standing beside Logan's other side. I was next to an empty spot with Rhys next to it and Jeff was on my other side.

I was enjoying the hot water cascading down my naked body. I ran my hands across my fit chest and abs, enjoying the smoothness. I'm glad that in swimming we have to keep everything hairless, because I would probably keep it that way anyway.

"I can't believe how fast your were today, Rhys." Jeff remarked to Rhys. "You'll have to let us know your secret" he said chuckling away.

Rhys went to open his mouth but Logan's voice boomed from behind him before he had a chance. "I caught him jerking off outside my room last night when I was having sex with Jenny, so I bet that had something to do with it" slapping him on the back at the end of it. Rhys looked mortified, and everyone nervously laughed around him.

Jeff, ever the hero piped up to take the attention off of Rhys "damn, well if that's all I need to swim better, I suppose I have a lot of homework to do!"

"Good, make sure to get on that homework then Jeff." Remarked the coach as he walked in, already naked. All of us looked at him stunned, hoping he hadn't heard what the `homework' was. He walked over to the empty stall next to me and Rhys, brushing my shoulder because of the close quarters and started soaping his body up.

Coach Ryan was only probably mid 30's and was super fit and handsome. He has dirty blonde/light brown hair, and icy blue eyes. I think he taught tennis as well, so he had a huge ass and huge legs, but because of swimming was completely hairless and was also quite lean.

"Oh uh.." Jeff started, unsure what to say. "Sure, coach." He stammered our nervously, as a few guys, including me, chuckled at him. The coach raised his eyebrow, but didn't say anything more.

That didn't stop Logan though.

"I don't think you can suggest that kinda homework coach. His homework is only so he can beat Noah. And he thinks to do that, he needs to masturbate." Logan said snarkily with a chuckle. A few of the guys snickered but it was also eerily quiet and still besides them. Everyone waited, tense for the coach's reaction. Being from a school like ours, masturbation wasn't really a topic that went over well.

Coach just continued soaping himself up, rubbing both his hands over his big ass, his back turned to everyone. He turned around, moving his hands to his dick, soaping a big set of balls before running the soap up and down his big uncut dick. He looked up and everyone was kinda looking at him awkwardly.

"Oh, well yeah. I know. It probably would help" he said while shrugging, continuing to wash his dick, it looking a bit longer than before, but he seemed nonchalant and moved on to soaping his legs.

Jeff laughed softly "you really think it'd help coach?" I realized I was pretty interested in the answer too. My dick felt a bit chubbier, and a bit more unease. I still didn't know how to masturbate, and thought it was weird that coach was saying it would help.

"Yeah of course, Jeff" coach started, turning his body to me and Jeff. His dick brushed against my leg and I stared directly down at it, feeling my dick growing. "Masturbating actually helps. If you feel really tensed up and anxious, you won't focus as much which takes you out of the competition and doesn't allow you to be your best."

Everyone had stopped to stare at coach, shocked at his candor and liberal attitude towards jerking off. No one really said anything so he chuckled a bit nervously "what, you guys look like I told you I'm an ax murderer. It's fine to jerk off. I don't know what they tell you at this school, but it's definitely normal to explore your sexuality with yourself." He said informatively. Everyone looked stunned and were glancing at each other shyly.

There were a few people who were getting kinda hard, most on our wall including myself and Coach Ryan. Logan was rock solid and was soaping his dick up enthusiastically. Thomas had turned away from Logan so I couldn't tell what he was doing. Everyone else seemed to feel awkward and stared at the floor soaping themselves hurriedly, including Rhys, though it looked like he was semi hard. I looked down at my dick, growing quite fast. Coach Ryan laughed while looking in my direction "just like it's normal to get a boner when talking about this kinda stuff." He said with a nod in my direction while also returning to his semi to soap it up some more. With coach ryan looking, I started soaping up my dick, feeling it get harder. I pulled my foreskin back and started soaping it up more, focusing on the base first. I moved slowly to the tip, moving my hand in small circles around the circumference of it, until I reached the tip and WOAH! There was a really great feeling, almost too much that it hurt. I stopped and shook a little.

I blushed hard and quickly glanced at coach who chuckled softly, letting go of his hard dick and returning to soap up his body. I glanced over at Jeff who had turned his dick to me and was watching me intently, soaping up his ass and balls. His dick was semi hard and he didn't notice my glance and just kept staring coach Ryan. I quickly got back to soaping my body, ignoring my dick, and willed it to go down.

"Okay guys, enough exploring in here. Go figure it out at home later. Now hurry up and get dressed, we gotta talk about regionals" coach said. I wondered if it was to save me from embarrassment because he was looking at my while he said it.

Logan shook his dick a few times and then started rinsing himself off. Rhys quickly followed. Coach Ryan looked like he was just enjoying the hot water while looking in my direction a fair bit, before rinsing off and leaving the room too. I continued rinsing off, feeling frustrated and embarrassed. Finally it was just Jeff and I in the shower.

"I think I'm done rinsing off now, you going to come with, Noah?" Jeff asked softly. I shook my head and didn't say anything. I just stayed under the shower, feeling comfort under the water. "Are you alright Noah? Or just thinking about earlier? I did say that masturbating more would help and coach seems to think so too." I looked up, with some sort of mortified, scared look on my face before turning my face away from him quickly.

There was a large part of me that wanted to but I had started working myself up so much that I wasn't even sure how to do it, and too anxious to even try. And I couldn't dare say anything to anyone, it seemed like they were all experts. And on top of that, it was normal to do it, so maybe I'm the weird one. Ugh.

"Why does this topic frustrate you so much Noah? Seriously man, I'm not trying to be weird, I just wanna help." He said kindly but there was a hint of anger inside there. Likely frustration from my lack of communication. I started feeling worse, making Jeff upset now too.

He grabbed my shoulder softly and turned my body to face him and started to say"Noah, I-""- I don't know how, okay??" I spit out, exasperated. I continued to look down but I heard his sharp inhalation of surprise.

I continued to look down, embarrassed with my admission. I shouldn't have told him. I don't think he'd tell anyone but I feel stupid now, and he'll look down on me. Ugh. Maybe I can just leave before he-

"I could show how you if you want?" Jeff said slowly, interrupting my thoughts.

My head raised slowly, the surprise apparent, I was sure, on all parts of my face. I stared at him my mouth moving a bit, trying to figure out what to say. Wasn't it weird that he asked to show me? Though we're best friends and I don't think he meant it weird. He really cares for me and I know that this has been bugging him, me being so upset and tense. I certainly would like to learn how to deal with it - especially if it means I will swim faster! But I also don't want things to be weird between us. He looked also pretty worried about what he said. I think at this point, things would be weird either way.

He was about to speak but my mouth turned into a half smile and he stopped.

"Okay" I said.

"... okay?" He replied, unsure that I had actually said okay.

"Okay." I smiled bigger, happy my friend wasn't judging me. "But maybe later when we get home, I think Coach Ryan is gonna kick us off the team if we're late for the the regionals talk."

"Deal! And damn, you're right. Let's go!" He said, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the showers.

`I can't wait until later' both boys thought to themselves.


I felt like I was overheating in my room. Ugh as much as I love the nice weather we get, it becomes annoying when we're in our apartments. We don't have any air conditioning in our rooms, because this place is a lot older than it looks. The grounds and dorm/apartments here are kept in perfect condition, honestly appearing quite hogwarts in its style. I decided to strip down to just some sweat shorts without any underwear. My ball sweat was already making my underwear uncomfortable anyway. My chest was a bit shiny, reflecting the light from the light due to the sweat layer on it.

I was finishing up some research on the ecological effects of DDT on public agriculture when I heard Jeff knock on my door. "Hey mate, I was thinking of making some popcorn and watching a movie if you wanted to join?" He asked through the door.

"You can come in if you want." He opened it as I continued on "that sounds nice, I'm just gotta finish these last set of notes on our DDT project before I can though. I actually found a great paper on it!" He was listening intently and lit up at the mention about the paper I found. He hated research.

"Oh sweet! That's awesome man, well no rush. I'm just gonna go change, I'm dripping right now." He said, pulling his wet tshirt away from his chest. He was wearing long track pants and a workout shirt and they were still pretty visibly wet. "Ew yeah, aha, I had to do the same. Couldn't even handle my underwear, I swear it hasn't been this hot in awhile!"

His one eyebrow lifted for a moment and then he chuckled and said "they're record breaking apparently." I nodded as he went on "well alright, I'll get the corn popped and the movie on while you finish up."

He left as I said thanks, and I finished noting down some details, reduction of egg shell thickness in birds, possible carcinogen for humans-

"What movie do you wanna watch?" Jeff called out from the main room. "Obviously they only have a few here for us to watch, but they don't all sound bad. I know it's a kids movie, but prince of Egypt is a pretty good movie? There's Jesus Christ super star... some movie called spirited away, um.." He trailed off. "I don't really mind, any of those are fine with me." I replied loudly from my room, writing more of my notes. "Okay there's also the healer, singing in the rain, forest gump and I guess there's a few others... How about I just put on something?" He asked, seemingly over my opinion. "Yeah haha that's fine with me." I responded.

I finished up and tidied up my stuff. I closed the journal I had borrowed and put my notes away. I then went to go put on a shirt but I stopped myself before I grabbed it. It's so hot in here I honestly couldn't be bothered.

I readjusted my balls absentmindedly and looked around my room in case I could see anything worth bringing. I could hear Jeff putting the DVD in and the popcorn popping. I looked beside my bed and saw the small fan tucked away and thought that this would be perfect for right now. I couldn't believe we hadn't thought of it.

I grabbed it and started heading out of the room, "hey I actually found a fan in my room, this thing will save us to- woah man! What are you doing?" I exclaimed as I saw Jeff's bare ass pointing towards me as he stood in front of the microwave. He didn't even turn his head before responding "that's awesome about the fan! But even with it, it's so hot in here, and we shower naked next to each other all the time anyway." He turned his head towards me. "I really hope you don't mind because I'm not putting anything on." He gave me a half smirk and laughed heartily before turning back to the microwave as it beeped it was done.

"Uh, hmm sure, I mean, yeah I guess I don't mind." I stammered out, not really sure what to say. I started walking over to the small couch we had in front of our small tv. Luckily once we were 16, we were given a tv in our rooms for limited use.

Jeff was behind me walking to the couch when he called out "you don't have to wear those shorts either you know. It's not like I haven't seen your massive dick basically everyday anyway." I laughed sheepishly in response, as I plugged the fan in next to the tv to face us.

"Yeah I guess so. Maybe later, I'm actually fine right now though." That was a total lie but I didn't want to take off my shorts too, I felt a bit nervous that I would get hard. Although he did say he would help show me how to jerk off... but I don't want to bring it up, maybe he just said it out of pity.

"Fine aha you're the one who has to deal with it. Here, have some popcorn" he said as he handed the bowl to me. I took it and sat down next to him. Our bodies were completely pressed against each other, my right arm, side, and lower leg sliding against his body with all the sweat. "Is your fan even working?" Jeff asked Mx looking disdainfully at the fan. I laughed mournfully "ugh I don't know. It looks on but I can barely feel it. It's so old man." I sighed. I was hoping that the fan would help so I would be fine with leaving on my shorts.

"Oh well, let's start the movie." I said.

"Sure, though hand me some popcorn first!" He said as he snatched some from the bowl resting on top of my shorts. I laughed and he pushed play.

We sat there for a bit, not really talking for the first part of the movie. I kept sighing and readjusting, sweat beading on every part of my body, my shorts becoming very wet.

Jeff seemed to be handling the heat better than me, he was leaning back but had his torso pressed against me, not that there was much choice in the matter. His right leg bent and open, while his left leg was stretched straight out, pressed against mine. Because of this position, he dick was laying down, his foreskin covering his entire head of his penis and hanging down a bit more. His balls were also hanging very low.

It looked big for being so soft, which I could tell it was because he adjusted it a couple times and it flopped heavily but easily around. I couldn't help but glance at it several times, though I couldn't tell if it was curiosity or jealousy that he was naked.

Jeff took the bowl of popcorn from me, and rested it next to his dick, hiding most of it from my view. I for some reason was sad but tried to not let him see that. He didn't say anything nor did I, but I wondered if it was because I kept glancing at his dick. I felt a bit ashamed and decided to not look again. I reached over for some more popcorn and - "WOAH hey ahaha that isn't popcorn Noah." Jeff responded as I grabbed his dick.

I jumped up, mortified that I had accidentally grabbed his dick. I was speechless for a second but then was able to ramble out "I'm so sorry, I thought you were using the bowl to cover yourself because you didn't want me looking, which I was doing because I am so freaking hot in these and so when I reached for more popcorn I didn't look and oh my gosh I'm so sorry man. I really didn't mean to." His face was only entertained throughout all of it, and the moment I stopped talking he just started laughing.

My face went red and I knew I was blushing. "Dude, it's fine. And if you're hot just take them off, I already told you, you could. And it's fine if you look, I do. Everyone does, it's normal I think. But definitely look when you grab popcorn too, because the next time you grab my dick, I know you meant it" he said and continued laughing afterwards.

I laughed a bit nervous at first but then laughed harder as I realized how funny it all was. "Alright, well as long as you're okay with it." I said as I pushed down my shorts, my cock and balls bouncing slightly. "Oh yeah, I'm more than fine with it, I honestly love being naked. So if you do too, then I can be more often and not just when you're not home." He admitted.

"Honestly, I've never really done it, but I can tell you already I feel better in this heat. Maybe I'll have to join you sometimes then." I said, surprising myself.

I sat back down next to him, now feeling the entire right side of my naked body pressed against his left side. I sat the opposite way to him, my left leg bent and right leg outstretched, and my dick flopped over onto my left leg. It gets quite long when it's so hot, almost as long when it's hard but in a soft state, so it almost touched his hip with it. His dick had flopped to its side as well, aimed towards my dick. Jeff looked down and laughed "haha they're almost touching." And then lifted his hips up and tilted so the head of his dick touched mine.

My body tensed and my breath stopped. My dick immediately throbbed and I could feel it getting hard. I then laughed to try and make it seem like it didn't faze me so much. Grabbed his dick and shook it slowly so it batted mine a bit, and laughed more while doing it.

My dick started to lift from my leg and was still angled towards him but wasn't resting on my leg anymore.

"Oh ho, someone has decided to wake up, now hasn't he?" He said and smirked towards my dick. I noticed his had filled out too, the foreskin was hugging his dick tighter now. I laughed a bit, and breathily said "looks like the two of them decided to wake up actually."

"Heh you're right. I haven't had time to jerk off today, so I guess I'm not surprised...." he just continued to stare at my dick rising, and his batting of my dick with his turned into gently rubbing it against mine. "When was the last time you jerked off?" He asked, paying attention to only the dicks.

I made a face and replied "dude. You know I told you I haven't ever before. Don't be a dick." He looked up shocked and giggled a bit (which was hilarious for a big guy to do) "oh right, haha I'm sorry, I never meant any insult. I just forgot. No wonder your dick is throbbing so much." He commented nonchalantly.

He rested his hand on my leg against my dick while still holding his dick and started rubbing the heads against each other. It felt really nice actually, I was surprised that I even forgot that I should tell him to stop. But I was hard and curious at this point, and wanted to just learn how to jerk off and get it over with.

"Did you forget the other part about earlier?" I asked coyly, not wanting to make a big deal of it.

He smirked in response, and his eyes gleamed. "No, I certainly did not. I still wanna show you how to jerk off." He continued to rub the heads together a few seconds more than shifted back to sitting next to me, his dick fully hard and standing up and with a slight bend away from him. His foreskin extended past his glans, gathered up at the tip.

"Grab right here, just under your glans. Not too tight but also firm enough, like with a bike almost. Wrap your thumb around too." He said as he grasped his dick with his right hand. I looked down at my dick that was standing up fully hard with a slight curve towards my face. My foreskin extended a bit past the glans but wasn't near as long as Jeff's. I grabbed my dick where I thought I should, and wrapped my thumb around. I shifted it a bit, and even though it felt a bit uncomfortable it seemed to be the same distance from the top as him.

"No no, see how big your head is and how it's shaped, I imagine you have to grab a bit lower. Here like this" he said as he took his hand off of his dick and reached over, took my hand off, and wrapped his around my dick. I gasped silently and stared at his hand. Oddly enough it seemed like the perfect spot. "See? It fits quite nicely there, now you try it" he said while removing his hand and placing it back on his.

I took a deep breath and then reached down with my hand and put it exactly where his was. He was right, it felt like it really fit there. I stared happily at my dick and then waited but it didn't seem like it was doing anything special. Jeff was just staring at me with a playful look in his eye. "Did you think that was all it was, Noah?" He said before laughing.

"... No." I responded defensively, but then broke out giggling a bit as well.

While laughing Jeff continued on "that's alright. Here comes the fun part." He said as he adjusted his hand around his dick. "Pull your foreskin down, and make it slide over the head. Kinda start off slowly, because it kinda makes it feel better later. Like this" and then slowly pulled his foreskin down. He didn't bring it too far down, just playing with the long length of his foreskin for a bit. He then brought it back up and it rolled back up before he started back again.

It was mesmerizing and I didn't want to stop watching but I also wanted to feel how it felt, so I started. I wasn't sure exactly how far to pull it so I didn't pull too much, I wanted to leave foreskin still at the end, but it was much shorter than his so it wasn't working very well.

"I don't know, it doesn't seem to be feeling very good" I said to Jeff, with a look of confusion in my eye.

"Hmm try it on me" he said as he grabbed my right hand and brought it to my dick. "Grab here" he told me as he placed it underneath the glans. I was super nervous, but I wanted to get this right.

His skin was so warm and so smooth. His dick felt different than mine, but also very similar. The downward curve felt backwards to me, but it was all still exhilarating.

I then continued what I was doing on myself but on him. He chuckled a bit "well, that doesn't feel very great." My face fell and I let go and he quickly grabbed my hand and said "no no, don't stop, it's fine. Here-" he grabbed my hand and put it back on his dick and put his hand over mine. "Grab a little firmer, and move your hands smoothly, don't jerk it so much. I know it's called jerking off haha but it's a little different. Now - oh, yup, that feels good, but pull back a little further and - mm, okay yes. There we go." He said as he moaned a little.

"It should feel like this" he said as he reached over and grabbed my cock. He started moving my foreskin up and down, and it felt amazing. I gasped and he continued, moving it a bit further this time. I continued moving his up and down, pulling a bit further now too. I wanted to make sure I was doing it right so copied his every move.

He was constantly moaning so I felt like it was going alright. His hand rhythm picked up on my dick and it felt great so I quickened mine as well and his hips started gyrating. I started to thrust my hips as well, and found myself moaning along with him.

"Here, let go for a second" he said as he reached with his other hand to grab my balls. He rolled them, and then gently pulled on them while continuing to jerk me off and I moaned even louder. "How's that feeling?" He asked and I grunted a "good" in response, but I was too focused on his hands to pay attention to him. My dick was throbbing, I could feel it bouncing while he stroked it. There were so many feelings and thoughts in my head but I couldn't focus on any of them because I just continued to stare at my dick and enjoy the sensations. He squeezed and pulled my balls away a bit harder and It felt so nice and I moaned even louder.

He chuckled to himself, "yeah, it sounds like it's feeling good. Now I'm sure you have the hang of it. Go ahead and jerk yourself off now" he said.

He let go of my dick and I hurriedly grabbed it with my hand. I started stroking and it didn't feel as good as it didn't when he was stroking it but it certainly wasn't bad. I readjusted a bit and pulled a bit harder and - mmm there we go. It feels so good, almost as good as when Jeff was doing it.

I looked over at Jeff's dick and I could see him jerking harder too. His balls were bouncing heavily below his dick. I looked up at him and found him staring at my dick, before looking at me and giving me a big grin.

All of the sudden this immense feeling came over me, and I let go of my dick, "oh no" I let out, worriedly. "What's wrong??" Jeff said, letting go and grabbing my shoulder.

"I-I.. I don't know! There was just intense feeling and it felt so weird I had to stop." I said breathily. I hadn't realized how exhausted jerking off had made me feel.

I looked at Jeff because he hadn't said anything and his face was a mix of not sure what to say, and holding back laughter. Finally the laughter won, and he started booming with laughter next to me. "What!!? Don't laugh at me!" I exclaimed, a bit peeved at his reaction.

"No, no I- I'm sorry hahahahaha, It's just... that's what's supposed to happen. Here, you'll see haha let me show you." He said as he grabbed my dick.

He started jerking me off fast, and I could feel the feeling come back right away. "OH MY GOD ITS HAPPENING A- MMMMM..." I exclaimed loudly, before getting Jeffs other hand slammed against my mouth to quiet me.

The feelings overtook me and I thrusted instinctively into his and and felt this overwhelming sensation. It felt so good and then - `WHAT.' I thought to myself as something hot hit my face next to Jeff's hand. Another one hit my chest and then several hit my stomach. I had stopped moving so much and my eyes were completely wide, I had no idea what was happening right now. I looked at Jeff and he looked shocked too, which made me immediately feel embarrassed.

"Wow, you shot really far man! You even got your face and my hand! Good job." He said proudly. He grabbed my shorts on the ground and wiped off the white substance on his hand before wiping it off of my face. And he handed it to me "here, you can clean it off with this" he said while beaming largely at me.

I cleaned it off and saw his dick was really hard and throbbing and he put his hand on it to jerk it off. "Can I do that for you now?" I asked, surprised at my braveness.

He looked at me a bit shocked, and then smiled even bigger "sure, that sounds great!" And then took his hand off.

I reached over, and grabbed it, feeling it throbbing in my hand. "I'm pretty close" he said, "so it won't take much" and then laughed gently.

I nodded and started jerking him off, staring at his cock intently. The foreskin rolling back and forth was again, mesmerizing. I pulled back a little further than normal and exposed the head and it was this gorgeous red colour. It was very wet, and I took that as a good sign. I then started jerking him off faster and decided to grab his balls a bit. I felt them bounce in my hand for a second before tugging on them gently, which sent Jeff's body into overdrive. He moaned so loudly, so I tugged them a little harder and jerked him off faster.

"I-I-I'm about to finish!!!" He exclaimed quietly but forcefully. I could feel his balls pull back so I let go and let them rest in my hand. His dick got even harder somehow and really hot. I could feel it moving but I kept going like he did. Then all the sudden this white stuff shot out, hitting him in his open mouth, which obviously shocked him, his eyes opening up wide. He continued to shoot hitting his neck and then the entirety of his torso. He shot more than me, it looked like he was completely drenched.

"Huh, it doesn't taste that bad actually!" He said as he licked his lips. "Here try!" And scooped some up and as I went to say no he stuck two fingers in, covered in the white stuff. I was shocked but after a split second, went with it. Jeff put his two fingers in my mouth and rubbed it on my tongue, twirling his fingers around. I closed my mouth around them, and stared trustingly at him.

He slowly pulled his fingers out and then looked at his fingers, seeming a bit surprised at what happened. I swirled the liquid around in my mouth, feeling the saltiness on my tongue. It wasn't bad, like he said. I kinda even liked it, in a weird way. I swallowed it and looked at Jeff, not sure what to say. He stared back at me, also quiet.

Suddenly I could hear the movie again; I looked and it was the credits. I hadn't realized that much time had passed. I looked back to Jeff "thank you so much for showing me how to do that, Jeff. That felt... so amazing. I wish we could go back a couple years and have started back then." He laughed and nodded in agreement. "When did you start?" I asked him, curious.

"Honestly? Not that long ago... I didn't know how to either. Maybe only a week or two?" He responded, thinking about it. "I just wanted to sound like I knew it really well because I though everybody else already was."

"Really?? Wow... it was so nice, I see why everyone does it. I kinda wanna go again." I said, feeling pretty dirty, and turned on.

Jeff grunted and shook his dick around. He still hadn't cleaned up the stuff he shot out on himself. "You were right by the way, that stuff really didn't taste bad at all.. I almost liked it." I reached over and scooped some up and put it on my tongue again. "Mmm" I said. He laughed and did the same, tasting it. "I wonder if yours tastes the same?" He said quietly, likely to himself. "Well, we can find out?" I said, surprising myself again. I grabbed my dick and started jerking it again. I was still hard, there was no change in state.

"Wait" I said, "how did you find out how to jerk off?" I asked Jeff. He immediately looked a bit nervous, and stammered out "well, I - uh, well..."

"You can tell me Jeff, it's not like I care how you learnt. I'm just curious!" I said, encouraging him to share.

"I was shown, by somebody. Kinda like I showed you, though we didn't touch each other like you and I did." He said, sheepishly.

"Oh really? Who showed you?" I asked, now even more curious.

"Well... I'm not sure I should say..." he said, looking away, and a bit nervously.

"Why? It's not like I'll say anything," I promised him.

"Haha well honestly, I think I want to take you to him. He said he had other stuff to show me, but I haven't gone back yet. We could go together, I'm sure he'd be fine with it." He said, sounding more excited.

I thought that there was certainly intrigue, but I wasn't sure about doing it in front of someone else. Jeff was one thing but someone else... I don't know. But at this moment, I felt so hard and wanted to find out what else there was.

"He also said that this felt good, but the other stuff feels even better." Jeff said knowingly, seeming to read my mind. I smirked in response.

"Okay," I said, while fondling his balls "let's go now" I said with a wink.

~ Handsomeishgay

Next: Chapter 2: Noah 2

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