Noah and Jordan

By Ethan Y

Published on Apr 18, 2009


The following story is a work of fiction - and does not represent any living person. The story will in the future contain sex between two adult consenting men. If you are a minor, or it is illegal in your area to read the following story, please leave now. The author retains all rights to the story. Please do not reproduce without prior consent.

Alright - thanks for all the feedback. Sorry for the delay in posting. I will try to have chapter 7 out faster. If I've made any spelling or grammar mistakes - please do excuse them. If you have anything to say about the story or where it's going - any feedback, comments, questions, concerns - I always love hearing from you guys - all comments are welcomed ... I can be reached at

Thanks for reading and enjoy.


Now enough of me and on to --- Chapter 6

*** NOAH ***

I feel like the energizer bunny on speed. I keep going and going ... and going. Not stopping and not looking back. I'm out of breadth, but that doesn't matter. I'm sprinting across campus. I need to get away. After I said bye to Jordan and Sebastian I quickly made a getaway. My heart's thumping so loud I can feel it throughout my body. I'm such an idiot! Why the hell was I acting like such a school girl in front of Sebastian? What the hell came over me? There's just something about him, the way he spoke to me, interacted with me, and the way he looked at me .... ah man. And it didn't help at all when Jordan told him I had been asking about him! Damn that was embarrassing. I just wanted to crawl into a dark corner and never come out. Then to top it off Sebastian had this grin plastered across his face. He looked so pleased with himself. It gave me goose bumps.

As I am tormenting myself internally, I start to walk off campus and towards the movie theatres. I want to be there early to meet Jenn. I have no plan on standing her up for a third time in a matter of one week. She was easy on me the second time but I know that won't be the case if it happens a third time. With all the extra speed I've gathered it doesn't take me long to get there. I'm actually here pretty early.

The theatre isn't really busy given it's a Wednesday night. Jenn should have arrived by now but I have a feeling she's going to be late. When she finally does arrive it's just in the nick of time. I know she's trying to get back at me and make me wait like she waited for me on the weekend. Much to my dismay - and I'm sure to her evil delight - she chooses a chick flick. I want to argue with her, I even have an argument prepared, but I decide to let it go.

In terms of the movie, well, the next two hours are like a slow dull death. You long for death but it never comes - always just a bit further then the tip of your finger. Every time it seems like the movie is about to end, and your soul will finally be free ... it doesn't. Instead it turns, going down another pointless direction. Oh no! Now the dumb girl can't find her stupid shoes to match her dress, what ever will she do? Talk about a dilemma. You would think a romantic comedy would have at least some funny scenes in it. Nope, not this one. Well at least in all of this there is one highlight ... a small silver lining. I can tell Jenn is as miserable as I am.

"So did you enjoy the movie?" She asks when we're out of the theatre.

"Yeah, best movie ever." I reply was as much sarcasm I can muster.

"I know wasn't it? Oscar worthy no?"

"Spare me - I know even you hated it." I say shooting her a look.

"Holy crap I didn't think it would ever end! Both the guy and the girl were so annoying. I was actually hoping they wouldn't get together in the end." She says.

"If I was that guy I would have dumped that girl in the first five minutes of the movie. She was such high maintenance - just like you."

"Haha you're so funny. Trust me I'm not high maintenance. You should see some of the other girls I know and what they make their boyfriends do for them. Even I want to slap them sometimes. Some of them can be really something. Then they try to withhold sex so the guys will do what they want. Trust me, I remember all the drama between you and Stacey. I was so happy when you broke up with her."

I do remember all the drama with Stacey. When we were together at first it was a lot of fun, we would go out and just enjoy each others company. That only really lasted for a few weeks. After she wouldn't want to go out - or she would always want to go when I didn't. And she became so picky about where we would go. Nothing was good enough any more. And if I was busy - like writing an exam- then I was avoiding her on purpose. I was really relieved when we broke it off. Several times Jenn tried to give me a reality check but I was too dumb to listen. Being with Stacey was safe. I knew her and I had gotten used to being with her. I guess I always had this illusion in my head that things would go back to the way they were originally. But even when I realized that was just a delusion - I still hung on because being alone would mean perhaps I would have to deal with emotions I wasn't ready to think about.

"Well what are you going to do? Us guys just have to put up with your kind." I say.

"I know that's the leverage we hold over you guys. You're stuck with us. Unless you just ditch us all together and jump the boat - hook up with a guy instead. Much less drama that way." She says.

I know she didn't directly say that to me. She was just rambling on as usual, but it felt really weird when she did. I'm not even sure why but when she said it I thought of Jordan. But I quickly get the image out of my head and look at Jenn. "Why don't I push you off a boat?"

"You're so funny ... and sadly you're even funnier than that damn movie! Does the director even know what romantic comedy means. It should at least be partly funny!"

"Well it serves you right for trying to get back at me. You just wasted two hours of your life too." Seeing how annoyed she is with herself it almost feels like I won after all in the end.

"True but at least I got to see some hot shirtless men in the movie. You wanna know who else is really hot?"

"Who?" I say back to her without much enthusiasm.


The way she says his name I know it's too annoy me. I only respond by saying, "uh-huh." But deep down inside I am hoping she'll drop the subject.

"Why didn't you tell me he was hot before when I asked?" She says slapping me on the arm.

"I don't check out guys." That was the easiest answer. I didn't tell her he was good looking because I didn't want to talk to her about him.

"So when are you going to introduce me to him?"

"You're crazy if you think that's going to happen."

"What - why not? He's single - so am I. And clearly you like hanging out with him so he has to be half-decent. What's the problem?"

"I'm not a match maker - and besides he just got out of a serious relationship. I don't think he's ready to jump back in just yet."

I had no idea if that was true - but it was all I had. I didn't want Jenn hooking up with Jordan for a number of reasons. It would be weird if they hooked up because then I would be the odd one out. And besides he was an outside friend - someone not in the circle of people I always met with and I wanted to keep it like that. And if it didn't work out between the two - or he declined to go out with her - then it would make everything awkward. It was in everyone's best interest to drop it. But knowing Jenn I knew she wouldn't. She would get herself at least introduced one way or another. I knew that much for sure.

Monday morning. A new day and a new week. I would love to say I woke up fresh and ready to face the world - but I didn't. I'm running late - again. Those restless nice where I just lay in bed have returned with full force. All night long I stare at my ceiling thinking about the last few weeks and how this year has been so different. I should be happy. School is going well - things with Jenn are great - and I've made some new friends. But there is something troubling me. Anyways I can think about that now - I have to get to class.

I start sprinting down the hallway almost tripping along the way. This prof I have is a hard ass. He stops and points out your late to everyone while they all stare at you. It's happened twice already (even thought this is only the fourth week of classes) and I didn't want it to happen again. I have about 2 minutes to get to class. I just have to round this corner and then ... shit! I stop dead in my tracks. I quickly look around and go back behind the corner. He didn't see me. I'm sure of it. Right, he didn't. He was looking down, how could he have? Even though my class is only a few metres away I decide to go around the corridor. It will take me a few minutes and I will be late for sure but its worth it. I really don't want to run into Sebastian. I know I'm being dumb. He probably doesn't even remember me from last week. But I just don't want to see him and make a fool of myself for the second time in a row.

By the time I enter into the classroom I'm about five minutes late. As expected the prof stops.

"So nice of you to join us. Please go ahead, I'll wait while you take your seat." What fun.

I mouth the word "sorry" as I take a seat.

What a great way to start a new week.

Home sweet home. There's no place like it. No chance of running into anyone here.

After grabbing a bite to eat I change into some comfy clothes and climb into bed with a book. Tonight I just want to relax and read.

Of course that doesn't last long. I'm really at an interesting point when the phone starts to ring. Great timing! It's probably just Jenn. She has a talent for calling at the worst time possible. I'll talk to her later.

But it keeps ringing. Whoever it is really wants to reach me it seems. I should at least check who it is. I grab my phone and look at the caller display: Jordan. This is the first time he's ever called me. Perhaps it's important. I'm about to flip open my phone when it stops ringing.

I open it anyway and call him back.

"Hey man!" He says with a lot of enthusiasm.

"Hey sorry, I was away from the phone. You called?" I try not to sound too curious - even though I really am.

"Yeah I did. But it's not a bad time for you is it? You're not busy are you?"

Nope, nothing. I have no real life. I'm reading a book! Of course I don't say that. I don't want to sound like a pathetic looser. "No, nothing I can't do later. What's up?"

"Ah, I wanted to ask you something."

If I was curious before - well now I'm on pins and needles. He says the last line with a bit of hesitation in his voice. It sounds big and important. Even though I wouldn't say we were best friends or anything we definitely had become friends in the last two weeks since we met. In English class on the previous Friday, the entire time we just sat and talked the whole way through. The prof actually told us to shut up or get out mid-way through the class. Even though it was pretty embarrassing at the same time it was amazing. I was never the person who would be talking in class with their friends. I was always the nerd listening intently and passing judgement on those who talked. But that day I felt ... I felt ... alive. It was different - I was different. I was doing things I hadn't done before. I don't think I have ever laughed so much during an English class. My stomach was in pain because I was trying so hard not to laugh out loud. And even though I was telling Jordan to stop, he wouldn't. He kept going on and on, sending me over the edge each and every time. I had no idea he could be so funny. At first he was more reserved and I could tell he had some anger and unresolved issues with his ex-girlfriend. But in the last two weeks he seems to have taken on a new grasp of life. He seems like a completely different person - a person I am increasingly enjoying spending time with.

"Yeah, ask away ... "

*** JORDAN ***

I need to stop staring at my phone. All day long I've contemplated calling him. Usually I would just call John but with everything that happened last weekend I still wasn't really on speaking terms with him. I had tried to get in touch with him a few times but to be honest I wasn't really trying much. We had met a few times since but there wasn't the same understanding between us. In terms of Eli - well, we were never really good friends to begin with. He is more like John's shadow. They come as a package. And truth be told I actually want to call Noah. I know it might seem odd because I've only known him for two weeks - but I do tend to make friends quickly. And with Noah its just been a really weird friendship so far. As a classmate he's done more for me than most of my friends have. He helped me with my foot, brought me food and overall he's just been a really good listener. I was really starting to feel like I could trust him.

Even he seems like he is opening up to me. At first he was really shy and reserved but that's changed in this last week. It's almost odd to think we would be friends. I'm the loud, social guy who is always smiling. Noah is shy, quiet and just hurries along the hallway. I barely ever see that guy smile. But I did on Friday. Not only did I make him smile but I made him laugh - and did he laugh! That guy was peeling over on the floor. It was nice to think that I could actually do something nice for him once. I know I should have stopped when the prof told us to shut up but I just couldn't help myself. I don't think I have ever laughed that much in an English class before. It was just so easy for me to be myself around him and not someone else. With John and Eli I sometimes feel like I put on a facade or I'm just jumping on to the bandwagon. But with Noah I feel more like myself. And I like teasing him.

Okay - enough. I'm going to call him. I pick up the phone and dial his number. It rings .... and rings ... and rings. I keep thinking he's going to pick it up so I wait, but I'm sure he isn't by his phone. Oh well I guess it was a dumb plan anyways. He was probably going to say no so all the better.

And then the phone rings.

"Hey man!" I say that with way too much enthusiasm.

"Hey sorry, I was away from the phone. You called?"

"Yeah I did. But it's not a bad time for you is it? You're not busy are you?" I was really hoping it wasn't a bad time.

"No, nothing I can't do later. What's up?"

I hesitate for a moment, my voice is not as strong as I thought it was when I first called. Suddenly all of that energy I had seems to be disappearing. "Ah, I wanted to ask you something."

"Yeah, ask away ... " he says.

"Um, I was wondering if you're free tomorrow night and if you wanted to ... " I take a deep breadth. I don't know why I'm so nervous. This isn't like me at all. " ... If you wanted to, uh, come to our first volleyball game?"

Okay. Done. That wasn't so bad was it? Since I wouldn't be playing in the game - thanks to my foot - I would be sitting and watching with the crowd. I could sit with the team but I thought that would be depressing because I would just be sitting on the bench the whole time. I didn't even have to go but I definitely wanted to go and cheer them on. I thought it would just be a lot easier for me if one of my friends came along with me. Most of my other friends were my teammates who would be playing.

I continue rambling, " ... it's okay if you're busy and can't make it, I understand, it's just since I won't be playing I'll be watching from the stands and I thought perhaps you would want to join me and watch with me but you don't have to if you're busy, which you probably are, and you know what, I'm sure you're busy anyways. It's fine you don't really need to come, I should be fine on my own ... "

"Jordan," he says in a soft, calm voice, cutting me off. "I didn't say no. I actually would love to come and cheer on our school team. You know show some school spirit. In fact, I was actually planning of going to the game in the first place. So we might as well go together. I thought I told you I am a fan of the school team."

"Really? What's our team called?"

"Uh ... oooh, the, um, the ... um .... the Lions?"

"The Hawks."

"Lion, hawk, who can really tell the difference?"

I let out a short laugh and smile. Here's a guy I don't know too well and yet he understands me. He could tell I was hesitant and nervous to ask him and he changed the topic and made it about him. He tried to make the situation less awkward for me - which if it were John would have made it even more awkward. And I know I could have made it easy on him - and not pointed out the fact that I knew he was lying. But as I said - I do like teasing him.

"Thanks man." I say.

"Why are you saying thanks? I'm not coming for you. I'm there to support the team. It's all about the team."

"Alright so I'll see you at the game."

"Sure." He sounds rather unsure of himself

"You have no idea when it is do you?"


"But I thought you said you were planning on going?" I just couldn't give this opportunity up.

"Dude shut up and just tell me the day"

"Fine, fine. Tomorrow at 7 in the main Gym."

"Okay - I'll see you then." He says.

"You do know where the main Gym is right?"

"I'm not that helpless."

"I'm not too sure about that."

"See you tomorrow."


Perhaps the game wouldn't be so bad after all.

I would love to say the gym was packed with supporters but like most nights it's half empty. Volleyball just doesn't have the same number of loyal fans as others sports at the university does. It's a shame too because our team has really improved a lot since last year.

Most of the guys are sitting at the bench getting warmed up. The coach is giving them his last ditch effort to whip the team into shape. He's probably telling them to remember to work as a team, fill the holes and call for help when you need it. Before every game it's the same speech. If only my stupid foot was better! I have an appointment next week to see the doctor. He should tell me then how many more days or weeks I would have to wear this thing. Even though it has been two weeks I'm still having a lot of trouble with these crutches. I also am starting to run low on cash because I've taken time off from my part-time job.

As I'm looking around the gym I notice Noah enter. I wave him over to where I am. He really is a klutz. He's almost fallen twice already. Perhaps he is right and any type of hand-eye or foot and eye co-ordination isn't his thing. And down he goes. Ouch that looks like it hurt. Even from this distance as he tries to fumble his way through the crowd I can see he is sporting a new t-shirt with the volleyball team's logo on it.

"Hey - you okay?"

"Yeah it's nothing. They make these bleachers so narrow it's hard to really balance on them."

"Someone's all dressed up for the occasion." I just had to tease him.

"Me? What this old thing," he says pointing to his shirt, "I've had this for years now."

"Right and that's why you forgot to take off the tag?"

"Shit, I thought I took that off ... " He starts to look for a tag on his shirt. Of course there isn't one. I just wanted to see his reaction. It confirms my initial hunch - he has just gotten it. I start to laugh.

"What?" He says. "There's no tag is there."


"Damn you."

"So when did you really get the shirt?"

"Fine, I got it today. You really couldn't just let it be could you?"


He looks so funny the way he is blushing. It was nice of him to really show he wanted to be here. Of course I knew he wasn't a big fan - but the way he went about trying to get involved was nice. I guess he really did sense I was being self-conscious yesterday when I asked him to come. And I really did appreciate how he was making this about the team and not me. At the same time I could make this easier on him and not pick on his shirt - but where's the fun in that? I know if I had asked John to come he would have never been as supportive. He doesn't really consider volleyball a spectator sport unless it's beach volleyball with girls in bikinis.

Soon enough the game gets underway. At first my team is doing pretty well though the other team starts to build an early lead. Not to sound conceited or anything - my team just isn't doing as good without me. It kind of makes me feel good and bad at the same time. Bad that they're losing but good to know that I am a vital member on the team. Their main weakness seems to be communication. Several times the ball has fallen in open holes because someone thinks someone else is going to get it. Since I'm out of the game there is a sub playing in for me. He usually doesn't get much court time. So far he's missed the ball several times thinking someone else was going to get it. I can tell there is a bit of frustration in the air.

"Are you enjoying the game?" I ask turning to Noah.

"Yeah it's a lot of fun to watch. Though it would be nice if we were winning."

"I know. They're just not communicating with each other like they should."

"Yeah the other team keeps aiming for the holes and it seems to be working. Especially around that guy," he's pointing to the sub.

"Yeah he doesn't usually play much. That would be me playing really, if it wasn't for my foot."

"Well then I'm sure you guys would have been winning."

"You're giving me a lot more credit then I deserve."

"Perhaps, but take it and run with it. Or, um, in your case - hop with it."

I give him a mock smile to indicate to him how he's so not funny. I must say I'm glad I asked him to come.

By half time we've already lost two sets. We still have a few more to go so I'm not throwing in the towel just yet - but I must admit it's not looking to good right now.

A few of my teammates come up to me to ask how I am doing. Most of them have gone back down to the bench when Sebastian walks up to us.

"Enjoying the game sitting on your lazy ass?" He says coming up to me.

"Haha, you know I would be out there if I could."

"Noah I tell you any excuse to take a break - this guy will take it."

"Well it looks like you sure could use me out there tonight." I say back to him.

"Yeah man, we're getting our assess handed to us. Noah, trust me, we're usually not this bad."

"I never said you were. You guys are playing really well." Noah says.

"Nah, you don't need to be modest," Sebastian says back. "So are you at least enjoying the game?"

"Yeah I am. It's a lot of fun to come and watch." Noah replies.

"Well you should come by more often then, we would love to see you."

"Thanks." Noah barely whispers the word. Wow he really is a shy and reserved guy.

Sebastian stays around for a while talking about the game and strategies to win. The whole time Noah is awfully quiet. I'm not sure if he is just bored, confused or just really that shy.

"Alright man, I gotta get back. A few of us guys are going to get together after the game. You should come. Oh and Noah you're welcome to come along as well." Sebastian says.

"Yeah just call me after the game and let me know where you're all going." I say.

"Sure. Oh and yeah Noah you should be more careful when walking on the bleachers. You don't want to fall like that again. Bye."

Noah looks like a dear caught in headlights. He's just frozen there staring as Sebastian goes back down to join the team. If he was blushing before - now he had flushed several shades of red.

"Sebastian's a great guy," I say.

"Yeah he seems nice." Noah says.

Well I would love to say we won - but we didn't. Our first game and our first loss. I really tried to convince Noah to come out with us after the game but he was insistent on going home. Something about school work and how it was already late and a school night.

"Okay - I'll see you in class tomorrow. And oh - how about we meet on Thursday for lunch. We can finalize our topic for our presentation and then on Friday let the prof know." I say to him as he gets ready to leave the gym.

"Sure, sounds good."

"Okay see you tomorrow."

*** NOAH ***

"Hey Jenn. Yeah I'm in the library right now. Um, 8th floor at the back. Yeah I'm saving a table for us. No it's not busy - it's actually dead. No one's around and it's quiet. Ok. No I don't mind waiting five minutes. Take your time. Ok. See you in a bit. Bye."

I shut my phone and place it on the table. I usually don't use my phone in the library but I honestly feel like I am the only one here. It is dead - not a soul in site. Jenn and I thought about just getting some work done today during our lunch hour. I had English class with Jordan in 2 hours.

Speaking of Jordan, last night I went to his first volleyball game. I was actually kind of surprised he invited me to come - but I'm really glad he did. It was a lot of fun to watch and to just hang out with him. But of course I have to make an ass of myself one way or another. I can't believe I fell in the bleachers. I was trying so hard to be careful too. I swear they make those things for you to fall on purpose. And then - my luck - of course I forgot Sebastian would be there. And of course - he had to see me fall! Damn! And then he says it before he leaves with a smirk on his face.

I was also really surprised Sebastian invited me to their volleyball get together. Even though Jordan kept asking me to come I really didn't want to be the odd one out. And besides Jordan would be with his friends and I didn't know anyone so it would be weird. I also still wasn't ready to face Sebastian just yet. There was something about him that just made me start acting like an idiot. And knowing me I would have done something or said something really stupid in front of everyone. Honestly I have the worst luck.


I almost jump out of my seat. I know that voice. This time I have no where to run - I'm trapped. I slowly turn my head around. Perhaps I am crazy and just hearing voices in my head.

No - I'm not crazy. He's right before me beaming with confidence. Standing there erect and tall before me, wearing dark faded jeans, a snug t-shirt which shows off his defined muscles, his bag flung over his left shoulder, sunglasses perched on his slick hair, and a smile that showcases teeth that seem too white to be real. Honestly he looks like he just walked straight out of a magazine.

"Hi ... Sebastian."

Where the hell did he come from? I had picked a spot with no one around me. This side of the library is always empty - always. It's the perfect spot to be alone and get some work done. And now here I was alone with him. I wonder how many times I will make an ass of myself this time.

"Do you mind if I sit down?"

YES, YES, YES!! I think internally.

"No of course not."

How could anyone say no to that soft, deep voice coupled with his eyes staring right into you. No! Don't sit beside me! Damn it. I try to nudge my seat back but it's no use. The legs barely move on the carpet. Stupid cheap chairs and cheap carpet.

"So did you enjoy the game last night?"

"Yeah, yeah .... ah, it was great. Sorry you lost though."

"Nah it happens. We just need more practice. So how come you didn't come with Jordan for some drinks after?"

His voice is so seductive. Shit - get your head together man!

"I ... I had to, uh, work for school." Wow now I can't even put together a simple sentence!

"Oh that's a shame. We were all hoping to see you." He says.

I've realised looking right at him doesn't work. I lower my head down and place my hand on the book in front of me on the table.

"Oh, well the team doesn't really know me ... so I didn't want to intrude ... "

I barely get the last word out. Okay, my heart is going to stop. Maybe it already has. It's really hot in here all of a sudden. I'm sweating more than I ever have. My breadth quickens. My chest is heaving. The world seems to stop as he puts his hand on top of mine and his leg brushes against my knee. He leans in closer to me and just inches from my ear he whispers, "I was hoping you would have come ... "

Oh crap.

Well that's the end of this chapter. Until next time folks! Comments, questions or feedback ... Ethan.

Next: Chapter 7

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