Noah and Jordan

By Ethan Y

Published on Mar 27, 2009


The following story is a work of fiction - and does not represent any living person. The story will contain sex between two adult consenting men. If you are a minor, or it is illegal in your area to read the following story, please leave now. The author retains all rights to the story. Please do not reproduce without prior consent.

Thanks everyone for all of the comments and feedback. I really do appreciate it. I can't make any promises in terms of how frequently or how fast I update between chapters. But I will try my best not to linger too long. Please excuse any spelling or grammatical errors (I am only human). If you have any questions, concerns of feedback - you can always reach me at Ethan.

Now on to Chapter 5

*** NOAH ***

The time just flew by while I was with Jordan. I was shocked when I saw the alarm clock on his desk reading 11 p.m. Here I was thinking I would just spend a few minutes at his place - drop off the food and leave. But instead I end up there for a couple of hours. I really hope I don't come across as some creepy stalker. Or even worse - he probably thinks I don't have a life or any friends for that matter. I really should ease up on spending time with him. But I have to admit it was nice to spend the evening outside of the apartment. It's nice not eating dinner alone on a Saturday night.

It's also good because we did technically get some work done. We did start to talk about the book and float around some ideas. But I think I might have ruined it for him. It really irritates me when people ruin the ending of a book - and now I am one of those people. He really didn't have any clue Clarissa Dalloway could be gay. Well to be honest neither did I when I read it. But his reaction was odd. It was almost like I said she transformed into a monster, or Godzilla or something like that. I don't know ... maybe he's homophobic. Hm, I guess I will see how he feels about it when we talk later.

And of course then there was the other matter. I had a name to put to the guy I saw at he beach. Sebastian. Interesting name, it just rolls off the tongue. Sebastian.

I am walking back to my apartment right now. There a number of people out seeing how it's not too late. For some odd reason I suddenly realize I need to get milk. Might as well drop by the local convenience store on my way home - but it closes at 11:30 I think and I have no idea what time it is now. I grab my phone from my pocket to look at the time when I notice I have about a dozen missed calls.

"Who the hell was trying to contact me?" I think to myself.

The next line I say out loud. "Shit. Jenn."

I was supposed to meet her tonight! Shit how did I forget? Because I missed the movie on Friday (to take Jordan to the hospital) we had rescheduled for tonight. I told her I would be at the theatre by 9 and I forgot. I had left my phone on silent when I went to read at the beach and forgot to put the volume back up. Shit she is going to be pissed. I wonder if I should call her. I think I should. I dial her number and it rings for a bit. I am about to turn it off when she answers.

"Where the hell have you been!" I can actually hear the foam bubbling at the corner of her mouth.

"I am sooooo sorry Jenn."

"Sorry? I waited for like an hour outside the theatre for you. I called you like a billion times! Where were you? And it better be good - like saving a drowning person or something."

"Uh, no, no drowning person ..." I clinch my eyes shut getting read for it, " ... I kind of forgot."

Hunh, that's weird. I don't hear any screaming. Perhaps I've gone deaf with fear. After a few seconds I can hear hissing as she slowly exhales through her clenched teeth. She sounds as if she is seething.

"So what you were just at home ignoring your phone the whole time?" It wasn't really a question but more of an accusation.

"I went to the beach in the morning and put my phone on silent and forgot to put the volume back up. And then at night I went to ... uh," I didn't want to tell her where I'd been. That part sort of slipped out.

"You went to ... " I can tell by the edge in her voice she means business. There is no skating around this topic.

"I went to see Jordan." I say it in one quick breadth - spewing it out.

"What did he break his other foot?"


"So then, what did your boyfriend need this time?" Ouch, she really does mean business today. Not that I blame her - I would be pretty pissed too.

"Jenn he's just a guy in my class and I called him to see if he wanted me to drop by food."

"And what he just said - sure why not - come on down and bring me food? There's a word for people like that - leech."

"Jenn its not like that at all. I offered, I felt bad for him. I know it's hard to be on crutches - I broke a bone in my foot a few years back and it takes time, and he is all on his own and I felt bad for him."

"He's a grown man - I'm sure he can fend for himself - or his friends could help him out. This doesn't even sound like the Noah I know. What happened to the shy, anti-social guy I knew? Heck it took you days to really start talking to me."

"Yeah I know I'm kind of surprising myself here too."

"Regardless though you should have called me!"

"Yes I know I should have - I'm really sorry for not calling you. I just forgot."

"You forget me but not to check up on your charity work."

"He's not charity work - he's just a classmate."

"I'm just surprised how much time your spending with this guy. Who does all of this for a classmate? Is he at least a friend?"

Was he? I don't know. I guess you could call him that but I wasn't really sure at this point in time. And did it really matter? No it didn't. I helped him because it was the right thing to do. I wasn't looking to make a friend - though it is nice to have a guy friend. Don't get me wrong - I love Jenn and I love talking to her - but in the end she's a girl and I can only relate to her in so many ways. I've never had a really good close guy friend who I could relate to. So it was kind of nice getting to know Jordan - and I guess a part of me did hope we would become friends.

"Well yeah I guess so - but look that doesn't matter," I say. "All that matters is that you're not mad at me and you forgive me?"

"Who said that - I'm still really pissed. And as for forgiveness ... as if."

While she talks a smile comes across my face. I knew Jenn was just saying that - she really wasn't pissed at me.

"Okay you can act all you want but I know you love me."

"So wait a minute. Your story doesn't add up."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, you said you went to drop off food for him - it's now past 11? Where have you been since?"

"Oh I ended up staying and having dinner with him." I don't know why but I blush when I say this. I guess it's because I can sense Jenn's reaction on the other side.

"Ah ... a date."

"Haha you're so funny. It was just dinner, food, whatever."

"What did you have?" I could hear her mocking me with her voice.

"I made pasta and ... "

She cuts me off " ... you cooked pasta for him, how sweet. You've never made dinner for me!"

"I didn't cook it for him - I made it and then offered him some too."

I guess she could sense I was starting to get a little annoyed with her so she eases up on the joke.

"Alright, alright, don't get yourself all worked up. It's good your hanging out with other people - you do need to make some new friends. But listen closely Mr. If you ever ditch me again - and I don't care who it's for - then you will see what happens."

"Okay Jenn - I promise I won't ditch you again."

"Twice in a week too! Mark my words."

"I hear you."

I keep talking to Jenn until I reach the convenience store. Once inside I grab some milk and head to the counter.

"That'll be $2." The guy from behind the counter says.

I reach into my pocket to grab my wallet and panic for a second. Shit it's not there. I quickly try to think where I had left it. Had someone stolen in? That wasn't possible - no one was around me. Think, where was the last place you left it. I had it when I went to Jordan's and ... shit, I left it at Jordan's place. I smile at the cashier and slowly walk to the door.

"Sorry," I say before slipping out.

I can tell he isn't very amused.

*** JORDAN ***

When I wake up in the morning I have this weird feeling of not knowing what's going on. The book is lying on top of me - open, face down. I must have dozed off sometime in the night while reading. Everything from last night seems blurry - did I have dinner with Noah or did I dream that up? It looks like these pain killers might be starting to mess with my head.

I prop myself up into bed. One thing's for sure, I did in fact hurt my foot - at least that part was not a figment of my imagination. I look around and I can see the empty food container sitting on my desk from last night. So he was over. It was really nice of him to bring me dinner. I don't know what I would have done last night in terms of getting food. And then having his company was a nice change.

I'm not sure how late I was up until last night. After Noah left I started reading the book again. I don't even remember where I left off. I am about to pick up the book when my phone rings.

"Hey John, what's up?" I say.

"Nothing much - how's your foot?"

"It's good, feels much better. I feel much better." I don't know why but I did actually feel really good today.

"Well you sure sound like it. Anyways I just wanted to let you know me and Eli are coming over in like 5 minutes."

"Sure see you then."

Unlike before I was actually looking forward to seeing the two of them. It felt like it had been a really long time since we had hung out. I barely have any time to clean up - within minutes I hear a knock on the door.

I hop up and hop my way to the door. I've given up on the crutches - at least while I'm in my room. Swinging open the door, I smile and say "Hey guys, come on in."

"Hey, you really do look like you're in a good mood today." John says.

"You know what I don't know why but I feel really good."

"Well I'm glad to see you're doing well" Eli says. "We thought you weren't doing so well - with the breakup and the foot injury."

"Honestly Kate is so in the past now - I'm actually kind of happy. I feel free somehow. And the foot thing, well sometimes little accidents can lead to good things." I knew both John and Eli had no idea what I was talking about. A part of me didn't either. I just felt like saying the last line, so I did.

"Well bro, I'm glad to hear it." John says.

"So, what did the two of you do last night?" I ask.

Both John and Eli tell me about all the bars and clubs they went to last night. It seems like they really did paint the town red.

"Oh and we met these really hot girls." Eli puts a lot of extra emphasis on the word 'really.'

"Yeah and there were three of them actually ... they had a hot friend. We're meeting the two girls later on tonight. We told them about you and they said they would bring their friend along. The other girl seemed really intrigued. Okay fine we may have had to lie a little ... "

"A lot," Eli cuts in.

"Okay a lot," John continues, "but honestly you have to see these girls - they're fuckin' hot. You're going to cream yourself just by looking at them. So bro, you in for tonight?"

I sat there for a few seconds thinking about it. I usually would have said yes - jumped right back into the game - but something in me was saying no.

"Sorry guys - I'm flattered - but I think I'm going to pass."

"Who they hell are you and what have you done with Jordan?" Eli asks.

"I'm still the same guy - you guys know me. I just ... I don't think I am ready to get back into it just yet. It hasn't even been a week since I broke up with Kate. And it actually has little to do with that. I want some time to just focus on myself."

"Look that's fine and all bro - but I don't think any of these girls is looking to walk down the aisle with you. They're just college girls looking for some fun, you know to get laid. And besides it will help you loosen up - have some fun," John adds.

I didn't even believe myself when I told them no again. I didn't even sound like myself. In the past I would never have given up on an opportunity like this.

"Guys, really I just need some time for myself." I say.

Both John and Eli look at each other with a bit of dismay.

"Alright bro," John says. "Whatever makes you happy - and you do look happy so I'll leave it at that."

"Thanks man." I say.

"But if you change your mind .... " Eli says.

"Then I know who to call." I say.

"Whatever, right now, I am starving - let's go and grab some food." Eli says.

I was actually hungry too - and getting out of this tiny farce of a room would be nice. I get changed quickly while the two wait outside. Usually I would just go to the washroom - but that was so not happening today. I let them back in and grab my cellphone.

"Now where is my wallet ... " I say looking around the room.

"It's right here," Eli says picking up a wallet.

I look at him with a confused face. "That's not mine."

"Ah, it's in your room. If it isn't yours then whose is it?" Eli says. He opens up the wallet and looks at the driver's licence. "Whose Noah?"

Shit he must have forgotten it last night. "He's a classmate." I say.

"So now your stealing wallets?" John asks in a fake disappointed tone.

"No, he must have left it here last night." As soon as the words leave my mouth I wish I can take them back. Shit! I think to myself. I said way too much.

John looks at me a bit puzzled. "Um, last night? I thought you were taking medicine and going to sleep?"

Ah crap. "I was going to but then uh, one of my classmates came by to, uh ..." I look around the room and see the book, "drop off a book I needed for class." Right that sounds plausible.

"So if he just came to drop off a book how did he manage to leave his wallet here?" Eli asks.

What were these two detectives now? Holy crap I felt like I was getting the third degree from the two of them. "He ended up staying for a while. We're working on an English project together so we just ended up talking about that for a bit."

John is awfully quiet. He usually says something. Perhaps he's angry because I specifically told him not to come over last night. He's just standing there looking at me.

"Whatever Eli, let it be. Let's go guys." John says.

We end up driving to a local pizza place. An eerie silence hangs over us the whole time. John is still kind of quiet and I'm not really sure why. He can't be that angry with me for telling him not to come over - there must be something else. The only sound in the car is Eli, who like always babbles on about something to do with something. Once inside we sit down at a booth and order.

"Yo guys I just have to make a phone call. Be back in 5." Eli gets up and heads toward the door pulling out his phone.

Once he's outside John turns to me with a serious, yet quizzical look on his face. "Why did you lie back in your dorm room?" He asks.

I am completely caught off guard. What was he talking about? "Uh, what did I lie about?" I ask.

"Oh come on don't act dumb. We went to the bookstore together and got our books. I remember you having trouble finding that same book. It took us an extra 20 minutes and I was late for class."

He was right - we did get our books together. "Yeah he borrowed it from me and was just returning it."

I can tell John really didn't buy what I was saying. Damn him for being so smart. He just sits there, hands folded on the table, leaning forward and glaring at me. I can feel his eyes pierce through me. It's like he's looking right into me - past the facade I was trying to present to him.

"Common, you know I'm not that dumb. What the heck is going on? Last night you 're pretty forceful in telling Eli and me not to come over - only to spend an evening with this unknown guy? Look - I don't care who you spend your time with - but then you lie on top of it? It's like you're trying to hide something."

"John I'm not trying to hide anything. Fine - I'll be honest with you."

I go through the whole story of how I actually fell and hurt my foot - how Noah helped me to the hospital and then how he came over with dinner.

"I don't understand. I told you I would bring you food and you say no - and then this guy - who is just your English partner, as you put it, calls and you say yes? What - are you trying to avoid me or something?"

"No - it's not like that John - I just ... I knew if you would come over you would ask me how I was - and about Kate - and I didn't want any of that."

"How many times have I asked you about Kate today?"

"You haven't."

"Right - I haven't - because I can see you're happy and so I left it at that. What has my presence here been such a bother?"

"I never said that."

"No, but you implied it. You would rather spend time with a stranger than with people who consider themselves your friends."

"I never said that." I say.

"You didn't have to say it - your actions say everything."

Eli walks back into the restaurant and takes a seat. I can tell he can feel the hostility in the air.

"What's going on guys?" He says looking from me to John.

"Nothing" John says.

The food arrives shortly after and we pretty much eat in silence - well except for Eli who babbles on about something or another. But John and I are mostly quiet. After we're done Eli drops me back to my dorm.

"Remember," Eli says, "if you change your mind you know who to call."

With that the two drive off.

*** NOAH ***

It's just the third week of school yet it already seems like I'm being buried in a mountain of tests, exams and assignments. I already have two essays I need to start working on - and heck, in 3 more weeks mid-terms would start. Sometimes I don't even know where the time goes.

But that's just life as usual. The one thing I am really happy about this week is so far I am on time for all of my classes. I know it's a shock to me as well. I don't know why but for the last few nights I have been sleeping really well. No dreams, no waking up in the middle of the night, just a full nights rest. And because of it this whole week I felt really fresh ... I sound like I am talking about lettuce ... fresh.

Half of the week has already gone by. It's Wednesday today and right now I'm off to go meet Jenn for my history class. After that I would be off to English. I already met Noah on Monday to get my wallet from him. I had sent him a text message on Sunday asking to meet up with me. It wasn't anything grand. I just saw him, asked about his foot, grabbed my wallet - and then I was off.

After class, like usual, Jenn and I go to grab something to eat. After we're done she walks me to my English class. Usually she wouldn't ever walk me to class - seeing how she would then have only a few minutes to sprint across campus to get to her next class. But for some odd reason she seems really eager to go with me today.

"Your sure in an upbeat mood today" She says.

"Yeah I guess I am."

"What's changed?"

"I don't know - nothing really. Perhaps the weather - or just getting back into a routine - or not having you mad at me any more from the weekend. I don't know - so many reasons to just be happy, wouldn't you say?"

"Yeah assignments and 20 page essays - woohoo."

"Okay there kill joy - sometimes you need to just live in the moment - be happy." I reply.

"It's way to early in the morning to be doing drugs Noah."

I look at her with half-a-smile. I don't need to say the line "You're so funny." I know she knows that's what I'm thinking.

"So," I ask her, "why are you walking this way? The business building is on the other side of campus."

"Oh no real reason - just thought I would walk you to class today - that's all."

I knew there was more to it then that but I didn't press her on it. She was the one who would be sprinting across campus and not me. So if she wanted to walk with me then well who am I to stop her.

When we get to the classroom she stands there for a few minutes.

"So ... " she starts to say but trails off.

"Sooooo, what ... "

"Nothing .... "

"So here I am - at my English class. I got here safe and sound. You can go now."

"Oh I know - but I still have time to make it to class - don't worry about it."

Okay she is being really weird even for her. "Is there something you need to say to me or ask?" I was really starting to get confused from her behaviour - this really wasn't typical Jenn.

"No, not really." She says while looking around.

And then it hits me. I knew why she walked me to class and why she was waiting here.

"You're really sad - you do know that right?"

"Shut up" she takes her binder and hits me on the arm playfully.

"If you just wanted to meet him then I would have gladly introduced you."

"Meet who? I have no idea what you're talking about Noah. I'm just walking you to class."

"Right - you really think I'm that dumb?"

"Do you really want me to answer that question?"

Just then I see Jordan come around the corner on his crutches. I knew I didn't need to point him out - it was quite obvious.

Jenn leans in closer to me after she sees who I am looking at. "Is that him?" she whispers.

There really is no need to whisper seeing how he's quite far down and probably can't hear us. But for some reason I lean in as well and whisper. "Yes - that's him."

"Oh thank god! I was really starting to think he didn't exist. You know, that he was a figment of your imagination."

I give her a look that is meant to showcase how I think she is really the crazy one. I grab her arm lightly indicating for her to turn around and leave. "Ok, you saw him. Yes he does exist - I'm not crazy - now did you want to run off."

"You didn't tell me he was so hot. Damn." She says.

I tug at her arm again.

"Maybe you should introduce me?" She says.

"Later," I say giving her a stern look. I wanted to avoid this situation as much as possible.

"Alright, alright I'll go." She starts to walk away but stops suddenly and turns around. By this time Jordan has made his way close to where I am standing beside the door. She says rather loudly, "and don't forget tonight we're going to the movies. You better not stand me up again."

I nod back to her as she turns around and walks away. I then turn to the side and notice Jordan has managed finally to hop his way to the door. I give him a nod and both of us walk in through the door.

*** JORDAN ***

Noah holds the door open as I walk into the room. It still takes me a fair bit of time to hop my way to the back and up the few stairs in the lecture hall. Noah though patiently waits behind me as I make the slow journey to my seat.

"So - how is your foot doing?" Noah asks.

"Good, good. I am starting to get use to these crutches now which is good. The first few days were tricky to say the least."

"Yeah I know - I broke a bone in my foot when I was in high school and had them for a few weeks. I know they take time getting used to."

"Oh, how did you break your foot? Some sports injury?"

He sort of laughs when I say this. "Sports and me don't go very well together. You would think I would hurt myself playing sports, seeing how I'm a hazard not only to myself but everyone around me. I am not athletic in any sense of the word. No I fell down the stairs actually."

"Oh - so were you one of those nerdy kids in school?"

"Yep - all the way. I was the kid who got picked last in gym for any team. You know once I was playing volleyball and the ball was coming right to me. I saw it - and I was like okay - I'm going to get it. I got ready - put my heads up to volley the ball when it came to me - and of course everyone is watching me. And I don't know why but I blanked out or something because I didn't hit it - instead it smacked me right in the head. No one said anything for a few seconds. I think everyone was just in disbelief that I didn't hit it - it was coming right to me. So yeah as you can imagine - sports and I don't go very well."

I can't help but laugh at him. I know it's mean but it is kind of funny.

"Oh it happens all the time on the court ... " I say.

"You don't need to humour me - you can laugh all you want. I don't harbour any ill will towards my old peers for not picking me. Heck if I was them I probably wouldn't have picked me either."

"Well if you ever need lessons on volleyball I'd be more than willing to help out. You can drop by anytime man."

At first I thought I would feel weird saying this - but you know what - for some odd reason I didn't.

"You could teach a rabbit to play volleyball better than me. Trust me I've given up on sports."

"I'm sure I could teach you how to play." I say.

"This isn't a comment on your skills - but rather mine - but I honestly think I'm a lost cause."

"You know that sounds like a challenge - and I have to tell you I'm quite competitive and love challenges."

"You know even with both of my legs - and you with only one and on crutches - I still think you would beat me."

"Alright man." I guess I'm feeling a bit more confident today and decide to ask Noah who the girl in the hall was. "So, if you don't mind me asking, who was the girl outside of class?"

"Oh - her. That's just Je ... "

Of course it is right then that the professor has to start class. Noah stops talking and motions with his hands he will tell me later.

Throughout the class I can barely concentrate at what the prof is saying. Instead I keep thinking about the girl in the hallway. I'm curious to know who she was. Whoever she was the two of them were definitely close. Usually people don't stand as close to each other as they were. And she did say they're going on a date today to go to the movies. She's probably his girlfriend. Though he did say he broke up with his girlfriend a while back and hasn't dated since. But then whose to say he didn't find someone new. I can't imagine I would be the first person he would tell about his love life.

I keep thinking of the ball hitting him in the face. It actually is really funny. On some level, I was kind of hoping he would take my offer on helping him play volleyball. I could use the company. Things with John were not so great. I hadn't talked to him ever since lunch on Sunday. I did try to call him on Monday but his phone was off. I don't think he is angry at me but I guess he is just venting off some steam. It's not like I said I didn't want his company. But he was right about how I acted. If I was him even I would think I didn't want his company. It's just John and Eli are great friends but everything is the same with them. Drinking - clubbing - partying - girls and that was about it. It's great being in college and doing all of that but then there's no substance in the end. And with Noah the last few days it's been really nice. He's a guy with a brain and he uses it. We actually have intelligent conversations and he makes me laugh too. I find with John and Eli its all superficial fun - most of which I wash away by drinking anyways. I don't know. Perhaps I am just being over dramatic because of all of these pain medicines. But something in me does want a change.

Finally after 2 hours the prof decides to let ours souls rest in peace. Noah starts to put away his thinks. I want to ask him about the girl again but I decide against it. He seems to have forgotten because he also doesn't mention who she is. Instead he starts about our English presentation.

"So only four weeks to go buddy." Noah says.

"Yeah I know."

"Yeah and I was thinking about how we might want to present our book." By this time we've reached the door. "Which way are you going?" He asks.

"Oh I'm done for the day - I just have to go by the gym to talk to my volleyball coach about my foot."

"Oh that's on my way - I'll walk with you."


"Here let me take those." He tries to grab the binder and book from my hand.

"It's okay - I got it."

"You barely have the crutches let alone your books. It will make your life much easier."

"Thanks." Honestly he was pampering me way to much. I almost felt like we were in high school and he was offering to carry my books between classes - you know how guys always end up carrying their girlfriends books.

"So anyways my idea ... "

As we walk - or he walks - I hop - he tells me about his power point presentation idea. It's a pretty good one. Instead of using a lot of words - he proposes using pictures on the screen to illustrate concepts and themes. This way we aren't forcing the class to read everything.

"I think that's a pretty good idea." I start saying.

"Hey Jordan." As we were coming close to the gym I notice Sebastian - the captain of our team in the hallway.

"Hey Sebastian, how are you?"

"Not bad man. I heard about your foot and I was hoping it wasn't as bad as the other guys said but this doesn't look good. We have our first game next week."

"I know and I really want to be there but it looks like I am going to have to sit out." While talking I notice Sebastian's eyes have started to focus on Noah. Noah, oddly enough, is looking down at the floor. "Oh, uh, sorry guys - Sebastian this is my friend Noah - and Noah this is our team captain Sebastian."

"Hi Noah, nice to meet you," Sebastian says extending his hand to Noah.

"Hi, nice to meet you too." Noah says rather softly.

"Sebastian is the best player on the team. You should really see him in actions. Oh - yeah - he's actually the guy you were talking about the other day you saw at the beach."

As I say this I can tell I have embarrassed Noah. His cheeks flush pink a bit and he looks away from both of us. Sebastian on the other hand is beaming. He isn't cocky. He is one of the most down-to-earth guys I know.

"Well I'm not the only great player on the team. Trust me Noah - this guy is really modest about how good he is - but really you should see this guy on the court. Anyways I was here to talk to the coach about next weeks game now that your out. I'll see you around later."

"Wait up, I'm just coming in right after you." I say. "Alright - thanks for all of your help with my books. We'll continue planning on Friday about the presentation?"

"Sure, take care." Noah says.

"It was nice meeting you," Sebastian says putting his hand out again for Noah to shake.

"Same. Bye guys."

I nod at Noah and walk into the coach's office behind Sebastian.

And that's a wrap for now. If you have any questions or comments - drop me a line at Ethan.

Next: Chapter 6

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