Noah and Jordan

By Ethan Y

Published on Mar 11, 2009


The following story is a work of fiction - and does not represent any living person. The story will contain sex between two adult consenting men. If you are a minor, or it is illegal in your area to read the following story, please leave now. The author retains all rights to the story. Please do not reproduce without prior consent.

Again thanks for all of the feedback. Much appreciated. I always love hearing from you guys and what you think. Drop me a line at

Now on to Chapter 4.

*** NOAH ****

Wow it's been a long day. I throw the keys on the table and kick the door shut behind me. I glance at the clock - midnight. Isn't it weird how sometimes when you wake up you think, okay today's Friday, I'm going to get the following done, and I have the following planned ... and you end up doing none of it. Instead life takes you on a completely different path and you do something completely different. But then again that's the fun of living - you never know what to expect. And today was just one of those days. Here I thought I was going to the movies with Jenn and instead I spend the majority of the day with Jordan at a hospital.

Oh man, I'm beat. I grab some clothes, change, brush my teeth and then crash into my bed. Oh precious sleep. Even though I haven't really done anything physical today - I am mentally beat. Hospitals just drain the life out of you, unfortunately sometimes quite literally. Well at least I can say one good thing has come from tonight - I know I'm not stuck working with some dumb jerk. He's actually a pretty cool guy. Even though he comes across with the whole jock look he is far from it.

I'm sleepy. I wonder if Jenn ended up going to the movies without me .... oh shit, Jenn. I forgot to call her. I grab my phone and dial her number. The phone barely rings once and she answers. It looks like someone is eager to talk to me.

"Now you call me?" She says.

"Well hello to you too. Jenn - I just got home like 5 minutes ago." I try to defend myself - even though I know it's really pointless.

"Well, while you were out all night gallivanting around town - I was at home bored out of my mind!"

I guess she didn't go to the movies. "I wasn't really gallivanting - I was at the hospital - one of the most depressing and boringest places on Earth." Is boringest even a word - whatever it's midnight, I'm tired - I can make up words if I want.

"Fine, fine, fine. I'll give you that. How's your new friend doing anyway?" She adds extra emphasis on the word new. She's not the jealous type or anything - she's just bugging me. She knows I don't make friends easily. I wouldn't say I'm shy - but I'm not really a loud person either. I have to get to know someone very well before I can start to open up to them. I'm the kind of guy who has a few - and when I say few I mean few - really good friends. Well really it's just Jenn. Other people are more acquaintances I see here and there - you know, people to talk to on MSN.

I reply: "Hey there ... let's not get jealous - I haven't forgotten you .... yet. Not that there is much to remember about you anyways - except your loud and nagging voice."

"Oh your so funny. Excuse me while I laugh."

"I know. Thank you. Anyways, he's doing okay. He sprained his ankle, so he has to wear a brace and use crutches for a few weeks. Probably not that long - I think he has an appointment in two or three to check it out again."

"So you stayed with him the whole night?"

"Yeah, just kept him company. You know how hospitals are they take forever. And besides he seemed really down so I didn't want to just leave him there all on his own. And besides I have to work with this guy for the next few weeks so might as well get off on a GOOD foot. Get it - good foot."

"Yeah I got it ... and that's really lame."

"Whatever, it's midnight ... I can make lame jokes."

"Then you can laugh at them yourself too."

There's little love lost between me and Jenn. Most of the time we make fun of each other. Both of us are quite sarcastic - or at least we think we are.

"Anyways, why was he so down?" She asks.

"The other day his girlfriend broke up with him. He found out she was cheating on him and so he got really angry. He went to the gym and decided to take all of his anger out on the treadmill but it got the best of him. He fell and hit his foot on the way down. I was actually there, I helped him out."

"Seems like your becoming someone's knight-in-shining-armour ... or however that phrase goes."

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Some of us have a heart - not like you cold blooded people."

"Well that means he's single ... is he hot ... are you gonna introduce me?" Her voice perks up a bit.

I hadn't really thought about how he looked. Yeah I guess you could say he was good looking. Not ugly for sure. Definitely a much better face to look at than zit-face. He had this whole jock look going for him. His eyes were very noticeable though - a nice deep blue. Probably contacts. And he seems pretty fit - which would make sense if he swims and plays volleyball. Yeah I guess you could say he is good looking.

"Earth to Noah ... "

"Yeah?" I didn't even realize I had just trailed off into my own little world for a few moments. "Um, I don't know ... he's not your type." I don't know why I said that. I really didn't even know what type he is. He's smart ... funny ... a nice guy ... which I guess would be Jenn's or any girls type.

"Well whatever, I'll be the judge of that. Clearly you're not a good judge of character - look at the people you've chosen as friends!"

"You do make a valid point - you are a freak. Okay - as much as I would love to continue this mind blowing, inspirational and life changing conversation - I'm exhausted and I'm going to bed. So good night."

"Alright - I'll let you be - but I still want to go the movies this weekend."

"Make a plan and let me know - I'll be there."

"Fine - and as punishment for ditching me ... we're going to see a girly movie!"

"Sure, good night." I honestly have no strength to argue with her. But girly movie - yeah right.

"Alright, good night."

*** JORDAN ***

Ah, morning. Ouch. Crap. My foot. Well there goes those two seconds of bliss in the morning. I wake up to the sun shining and a nice cool breeze. It's one of those days when you just stretch out and fall right back to sleep. Of course when I moved my foot I realize I have a brace on it and it still hurts like hell.

"Ay ya ... " I sigh briefly - frozen in the moment. Not wanting to do anything or move. I just want to lay here in the sunlight.

Well that only lasts for a minute. I'm not one who can sit idle for too long. I wonder what time it is. I can't seem to find my clock - it's probably buried under the mountain of clothes in the corner.

"Where the hell is my cell phone ... ah here it is."

I grab my phone and turn it on. 3 pm! Damn I really slept in today. Before I put it down it starts to flash. I have a bunch of missed calls - texts and voice messages. Figures, my phones been off for the last 3 days.

"Let's see here ... John .... John .... Eli .... a few more John ... one from a guy on the volleyball team and, uh."

I don't know why Kate was still trying to call me. I guess she feels bad or whatever on how things ended. Well that isn't really my fault, is it? She decided to end everything that way. And besides what good will it do talking to her now - I don't want the whole "Let's me friends" speech.

She even left me a voice message: "Hey Jordan, it's Kate. Look I'm really sorry for how things went the other night. If you have a moment give me a call. Bye."

A bunch of the text messages are from John, wondering where I am, wanting to meet up or what I am up to. The same goes for Eli.

It's weird as I went down the list of missed calls - I almost wanted to see one name there - Noah. Not that I know him or anything but he's been really easy to talk to. I should call him and thank him properly - he did stay with me throughout the entire evening. I start to go through my contact list and see his name. I stare at my phone. My finger hesitates over the button. After a few minutes I slide my phone back down and put it on the table. He'll probably think I'm a stalker or something. Besides I'm sure he's finally glad to just get rid of me.

It takes a bit of time to adjust to the crutches. It's hard to get off my bed and go grab ice for my foot or do anything else. I'm sure I will get used to it - but for now it's really annoying. For the most part - I spend the day in bed reading. I have to go through my English novels eventually so I might as well read them now. I start on Mrs. Dalloway - the book I will be presenting with Noah.

I start to really get into the book when the phone rings. I pick it up and glance at the screen - oh, it's only John.

"Hey man, what's up?" I ask.

"Where the hell have you been! I've been trying to call you, text you for days now."

"Oh yeah I, uh, had my phone off and forgot to turn it on."

"Dude you have the worst memory ever. Anyways - do you want to go out tonight?" He asks.

"Ah man, not really. I think I'll stay in tonight."

"What! Jordan, staying in on a Saturday night? What's gotten into you? You never stay home on a Saturday night. Whatever, get dressed - I'll be there in a bit to pick you up. A night on the town is what you need."

"Look - I can't go out because ... " I didn't want to tell him about the foot - it would only lead to a thousand more questions - but I figured I had to. "I sprained my ankle and have a brace on it."

"What? When did that happen? Why didn't you call me?"

"It happened the other day while ... " I wasn't going to tell him I fell off a treadmill. " .... uh, playing volleyball." That sounds plausible. "Yeah, I jumped up to block and when I came down I guess I landed on it the wrong way. Nothing to worry about - it will be fine in like two to three weeks."

"Oh. Well then I'll grab Eli and will come over to your place."

"No!" Crap, that came out a bit louder than expected. That was the last thing I wanted. "I, uh, am going to go to bed soon. It's been really hurting so I'm taking some pills and will go to bed."

"Well, if your going to take some pills - you should eat something before right? Have you even eaten anything? Look, I'll grab some dinner and then after that take your pills and go to bed and I'll head off."

Damn this guy was not letting up. "Look John, I already eat. Trust me, I'm fine. Go out with Eli - have a good night - and I'll see you on Monday back at school. Okay? I'm really sleepy and just want to go to bed now." I add in a yawn at the end for extra emphasis.

"Are you sure man?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"Okay - I won't press you then. Good night - and I will see you TOMORROW."

"Okay fine - I'll see you tomorrow. Bye."

Oh man. I like John and Eli - I do. But sometimes they can be a bit much. I just want to be alone right now. But the moment I put my phone down it rings again.

"Man now what does he want ... " I say to myself.

I grab the phone ready to slide it open and yell at it - but I pause when I see the display ... Noah.

"Hello ... "

"Hi Jordan, it's me Noah"

As if I didn't know.

*** NOAH ***

It's one of those days when you feel great to be alive. Last night - after I don't know how long - I actually got a full night's rest. I slept the entire night without waking up once. When I woke up in the morning I actually felt really well rested. I have this energy in me this morning that I haven't felt in a while. I think a lot of it has to do with the weather. The sun is out - there isn't a cloud in the sky and the weather is spring like.

For most of the morning I run some errands around town and in the house. Around noon time I grab some books and head out. I usually just go to a local park - sit under a tree and read for a while - but because of the good weather I imagine it will be busy. So instead, I hop on to the bus and head out of the core of the city. This park is really beautiful. It's actually down a very steep and rocky hill - and at the bottom is the lake. Down to the east is a beach lined with sand. I can see children running around and building sand castles. The city if out in full force. I can see they are taking full advantage of the weather. October is right around the corner - and sometimes it snow as early as then.

I decide to head the other way though towards the rocks. Most people don't come over here because it's not too safe. I slowly walk down the small hill, careful not to fall and split upon my skull. I find a boulder right beside the water and sit down. I take off my shoes and place them beside me. I slowly dip my feet into the cool water. The wind is also stronger down here - with the breeze brushing through my hair. I grab my book and start to read. Behind me the natural world plays a soft soundtrack. The water hitting rocks and gulls calling out.

I have one major problem - when I start reading I get lost in the book. Right now I'm reading Mrs. Dalloway - the book for my presentation. I don't even realize how the time goes by. The sun starts$ to set far off in the distance. It's pink and orangish reflection is waving in the water - as it slowly starts to submerges beneath it.

The noise coming from the beach has also started to die down. I glance over. Only a few children are left. I notice a volleyball game has gotten underway with what looks like a bunch of college guys. I don't know why but I just sit there watching their game. My eyes keep drifting to this one guy. He's really tall, say 6'2. He's pretty well built, with defined muscles on his arms and legs. I can tell because he is wearing a sleeveless shirt and a backwards baseball cap. Well he is from the same university as I go to. I can tell because of his cap. He is so energetic and into the game. I wonder if Jordan plays like him.

For the most part it's a friendly game but things start to change quickly. They enter into a very long rally - the ball has gone back and forth at least, I think, 8 times. I can see the passion rising in the guys - especially the tall one. Now this point means something because so much effort has gone into it. The other team finally seems to get a break. The ball is set and a guy jumps up and seems like he will slam it - but he doesn't. Instead he tips it over the net. The other team with the tall guy is caught off guard. He is standing at the front you could tell he had planned to move back as he too thought the other guy would slam it. But instead I see his feet flinch and he dives to the floor. Just metres from the ground his arm fly underneath and bump it up. I don't even realize it but my heart starts to beat faster while watching. My eyes are glued to him as he gracefully gets up. The ball is still in play and his team has little time to celebrate their lucky break. The ball soon comes back over and is set again to this guy. I can see the determination in his eyes as he jumps up. His arm comes up - his biceps flex - and it comes slamming down on the ball. It zips pass the other team and lands with a thud in the sand making a deep crater. As he comes down his eyes relax and a smile crosses his face. His hands are in a fist and he pumps them up into the air. His team gathers around him, cheering, slapping him on the shoulder - giving each other high fives. Wow that was one rally. I can see his face. The happiness - I can tell his ego has gone up just a notch in the past few minutes. I don't know why my eyes are transfixed on him. He looks over my way - even though I'm far off I feel really self conscious look away. I glance at my watch - shit it's late. I grab my stuff and head back towards the bus.

On my way home I start to realize how hungry I am. Back at my apartment I start to throw stuff together and make pasta. While chopping some mushrooms I start to think back to the volleyball game. In this train of thought I remember Jordan. I wonder how he's doing with his crutches. They take some time getting used to. I hope he was able to get his meds, ice and good. But he lives in a dorm - so it's probably not that easy.

"Maybe I should call him and check ... " I say out loud to myself. "No, I'm not his mom and he's not a baby I dont need to."

I go back to cutting the vegetables and throwing them into the pot. After a while it's ready. I put some in and am about to eat when I feel guilty. I wonder if Jordan was able to eat anything. I don't know why I feel guilty. He's a grown guy and I'm sure he can manage. But still - I should just at least check.

I grab my phone and dial his number.

"Hello" he says.

"Hi Jordan, it's me Noah."

"Hey how are you?"

"I'm fine - but the real question is how are you?"

"Oh I'm fine. My foot feels much better now actually. Thanks again so much for helping me out last night. I really do appreciate it," he says.

"As I said, it's no big deal. So how are you getting along with those crutches?"

"Ah, getting by. It's been hard getting out of bed and grabbing stuff I need, but I will get used to it."

"Oh, well yeah I guess that's the bad part about living in a dorm. You don't really have a kitchen. Have you eaten anything for dinner yet?" I ask.

"No I haven't yet. I was thinking I would go out and grab something in a bit."

"Are you sure you want to be going out with your foot in a brace? It will be a bit hard carrying anything back with the crutches."

"Well I have to eat something, right?"

"True you do. I just made pasta - did you want me to bring some over to you?" I feel really weird asking him this. I never know sometimes how friendly to be with someone. And not crossing the threshold and becoming annoying in a stalker like way.

"I couldn't ask you to do that," he says.

"You didn't, I offered."

"I really don't want to put you out of your way."

"Trust me, it's fine. Besides I made too much."

"You don't have to," he says.

"But I want to - so I'll be at your place in a bit. I know the building but which dorm are you?"

He lets me know where to come and I start to pack some food up. I grab the bag and head out the door. It's about a 10 minute or so walk back to residence from my place. As I walk up to the building - someone is leaving so I don't need to be buzzed in. I make my way to the second floor and find his room. I lift my hand up and knock. I can hear a bit of sound coming from the other side. Clearly he is still getting used to the crutches.

"Give me a minute ... " he shouts.

"Take your time." I yell back.

After a bit longer the door finally swings open. He's hoping on the spot - clearly he decided to ditch the crutches.

"Hey come on in." He says.

"Thanks." And I go in through the door.

*** JORDAN ***

I didn't want to make it seem to Noah I wanted him to come over. Not that I didn't want him to - I did - but I didn't want him to know that I did. I don't know why I was feeling so self conscious around him. He was just another guy from school - no big deal. But still - he has been so helpful to me and now he is offering to bring me food. By the end of this I am going to be indebted to him forever.

I start to glance around my small little room and realize it's a mess. Usually when John or Eli come over I don't really care - but this is the first time he will see my "home" and it should be a bit cleaner. I try put some stuff away but it's not much use. It's really hard to manoeuver with this brace on my foot. I give up and sit back down on my bed.

A few moments later I hear a knock on the door. I try to get up and grab my crutches - but like the idiot that I am - I have put them against the other wall. I hop towards them but realize I very well just could hop to the door. I yell out to him to give me a moment and make my way to the door - one hop at a time.

"Hey come on in," I say as I open the door.


As he enters in I close the door behind him and hop my way back to the bed.

"Take a seat - ah - on the bed I guess." The chair is sort of occupied with clothes.

"Thanks. Here's the food. It still should be warm so you might want to eat it now. You can give me back the container in English class."

With that he gets up and starts to make his way to the door.

"You're not going to have any yourself?"

"Nah I will go back home and eat. You go ahead."

"You made it and haven't even eaten yourself yet? Dude I can't eat this if you have eaten. I insist you have some with me. And besides I do hate eating alone" He gives me this sort of sheepish smile. Not a complete one but half a smile. I can see he is someone who knows how to turn on the charm and get his way.

"Alright, I'll stay."

He goes to the kitchen and grabs some plates and utensils.

"So how has your day been so far?" He asks me.

"Ah nothing special. Just been in bed. Oh I started reading Mrs. Dalloway."

"Oh so did I. How are you liking it so far?" He asks.

"I like it. Clarissa is an interesting character. I wonder how her party will end up."

"Yeah she is interesting. And so is Septimus." He adds.

"There is a whole topic we can present about on him - his mental illness and the war."

"True. And then there is the whole sexuality question about Clarissa as well."

My hand stops midway from my mouth and the plate. I look up at him. "What do you mean?"

He stops eating and looks up at me. "Oh have you not gotten to that part yet?"

"No I haven't." I say.

He looks at me and I can clearly see he is thinking "oops" in his head.

"Oh sorry I don't want to ruin anything - I won't say anymore."

But now he has my curiosity peaked. "I'm curious now - what do you mean her sexuality."

"Well the whole marriage to Richard out of convenience - or perhaps if she is really, you know, gay." He says.

I look up at him when he says the last line. He says it quite casually looking down at his plate. "Oh, I didn't see that coming."

"Have you ever heard of 'The Hours' by Michael Cunningham?"

"Yeah isn't it a movie with ... uh."

"Nicole Kidman. She won an Oscar for it."

"Right, I never saw it but I remember hearing about it." I say.

"His book is based on Mrs. Dalloway. I won't say anything more, but that's something to look out for."

"Yeah definitely." After a bit of a pause I say, "so, how was your day?"

"Went down to the lake and just read for most of the day. I actually saw this really intense volleyball game going on and it reminded me of you."

"Why is that?"

"You know because you play and there was this one guy who was really into it. Really tall, fit guy. He was really good too. I wondered if you played with as much passion as him. He goes to our school too."

"Oh I know who you're talking about. The guys from the team did say they were going to go on the weekend. Yeah and I did even get a message from one of them in the morning. You're probably talking about Sebastian. Yeah he is really good. One of the best on our team. He plays with a lot of passion and he is really, really good."

"Im sure you're just as good."

"As if - you saw him play - he is the best asset on our team."

The rest of the night goes by the same with random chatter. He ends up staying for a good few hours and doesn't head out until past 11. When he leaves I curl back up into bed and grab the book. What he said really intrigued me. Could it be that Clarissa was a lesbian? Well there was only one way to find out ...

Alright - sorry for the delay - but this chapter is a bit longer which should be a plus. I know not much is happening right now - but I hope all of this helps build the foundation. I want to keep this as "real" as possible and not rush anything. Thanks for reading! Oh and please don't mind any spelling or other errors. Ethan.

Next: Chapter 5

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