Noah and Jordan

By Ethan Y

Published on Jul 24, 2015


The following story is a work of fiction and does not represent any living person. The story contains sex between two consenting adult men. If you are a minor, or it is illegal in your area to read the following story, please leave now. The author retains all rights to the story. Please do not reproduce without prior consent.

--- Comments and feedback always welcome at Also, thanks to everyone who sent feedback and to Lisa for editing this story.



------------- Chapter 28 -------------

*** NOAH ***

I could stare into his eyes for eternity. That soft blue colour ... That warmth and depth ... There is just something about the way he looks at me. The way he makes me feel inside. Only he can do that. Only he can make me feel so at peace ... Wanted, valued and loved. By his side ... This is where I belong. This is where I'm meant to be.

This time, I'm not letting go.

We stand close. My hands resting on his back, his arms wrapped around my waist. In this moment nothing else matters.

"I choose you," Jordan says.

That's all I need to hear. I pull him in closer, and once again find his luscious lips. Once more I feel complete. The past is gone, the mistakes are erased. We can finally put the dark days behind us. We are one and all is right in the world again. When we break it off, Jordan keeps hold of me. He leans his forehead against mine as we both try to steady ourselves. We're both still in a state of disbelief.

"I waited for this day for so long," I say.

"So did I ..."

I place my hand on his chin, lifting his head up so I can look directly at him. "This is a promise from me to you. From this day on, I choose you over everyone else, including my family. You are the only person that matters. I will never hide who I am, or ask you to hide who you are. We will get through any problem that comes our way together. As long as we stick with each other, there isn't anything we can't do. I will always love you. That is my promise to you."

And there is that smile that can melt a heart.

"And you'll let me leave my socks on the floor?"

My lips curl. "Let's not be crazy now."

"I never stopped loving you, Noah. I never stopped caring. And I never will. I wanted this day to come for so long, the day when you'd find your way back to me. I know I can't replace your family," he says opening his hand. He is still holding the torn up picture. "But I promise, every single day I will try to make you happy. We'll create our own family. You, me, crazy Jenn. It'll be perfect."

"I like the sound of that." I take his hand and tilt it downwards, letting the picture pieces fall to the ground. "You're all I need."

"And you're all I need."

He pulls me into his body, wrapping his arms tightly around me. We stand there silently, and in that moment the world is perfect.

*** JORDAN ***

I can feel his heartbeat vibrating against my chest. His body is pressed tightly against mine, and yet, I want him even closer. I've longed to feel his skin, to touch him, caress him, love him. Having him back in my arms I feel simply euphoric. My world is finally whole.

A small voice in my head keeps telling me to be careful. He's hurt me before, he could do it again. But I ignore that voice. Instead I listen to my heart. I trust Noah. I trust him with my life. The biggest hurdle we always faced was him coming out to his parents. Now he has. He's finally seen the light, finally realized what life is like when you're true to yourself. He won't leave me again.

He tells me about how he came out and the reaction his parents had. Hearing him describe his descent into depression, his dark days, makes me feel awful inside. Even though I wasn't there, to a degree, I feel like I failed him. It hurts me knowing he was in so much pain, yet he never reached out to me. Even when his parents rejected him, he kept it to himself. He is a strong man, but a stubborn man. The things he did just to keep his family happy, the sacrifices he made ... His parents don't know how lucky they are to have him as a son.

"Why didn't you tell me any of this the first night you got here?" I ask him.

"I was going to, but then I thought you had moved on. Then you talked to me about being friends ... and I thought I had lost my chance. I wasn't going to say anything at all. I was going to leave today."

"What made you change your mind?"

"Your mom."

"My mom? What did she say?" I ask surprised.

"She knocked some much-needed sense into me. She pretty much convinced me that you're my soul-mate, and that we belong together. You're really luck to have her in your life."

My mom did that? Wow. I truly am lucky to have her. "I am ... I'm glad someone finally got through to you. You know it's weird that both of our moms found out we're gay by looking at that picture. What are the odds of that?"

"Yeah ... yet, the response I got was quite different than the one you did."

I can see his spirits sink. That gives me an idea. "Hold on a sec, I'm going to go grab something."

I run upstairs into my room. They have to be here somewhere. Where did I put them? Why am I always so messy!? No. No. Not here. Damn it. Wait. Aha, here they are. I grab my wallet and phone. When I am back on the deck, I flip open my wallet and take out my copy of the picture.

"You kept yours," Noah says surprised.

"Of course I did. I couldn't let it go. But I think it's time I did. Here, I want you to have it."

"But what about you?" he says.

"I'll print another one. But I also think it's time we create a new memory." I go and stand behind him. I throw my left arm over his shoulder, resting my hand on his chest. I lean my head against his. I extend my right hand out and snap a selfie. "Now we have an even better picture."

"It's perfect," he says smiling.

*** NOAH ***

My desire for Jordan has never been stronger. It takes a great amount of self-control for me not to rip off his clothes. But I have to stop myself. This isn't the time. We can't resume our relationship until everything is out in the open. I have to be honest with Jordan from the get go. No secrets, no lies. That means I have to tell him about this past summer. But first, the elephant in the room.

"Before we go any further ... I think we need to talk."

"Okay," he says looking concerned.

"First things first ... you're not single."

His eyes go wide. "Shit! I totally forgot about Brody! Oh man! I'll break it off with him right away."

"I'm sorry for putting you in this position."

"Truth be told, I never did feel that same spark with him that I felt with you. He's a nice guy, but he's not meant for me. Dating him actually made me realize you're the only man I want."

The last line makes me feel good inside. I'm the only man he wants. "Let him down easy, okay?"

"Unless, and I am just throwing this out there, but ... thoughts on a threesome?" He can't keep a straight face when he says that.

"Seeing how we just got back together, literally two minutes ago, I'm not sure I'd be joking about a threesome."

"Who said I'm joking?"

Two can play at that game. "Alright then, I'm game. But only on one condition, you take two at the same time. You in? Or should I say, are we in you?"

He just smiles. "I see you're still just as crazy."

"Yup, crazy enough to love you and look past your many lapses in judgement."

"It's the lapses you love."

"Sure, you keep telling yourself that."

"But being serious again, I'll break it off."

"Thanks, Jordan. I know this isn't easy ... and I actually wanted to talk to you about the relationships we had while we were apart."


"I don't want any secrets between us. I want you to know everything." This is not going to be easy. "When I was trying to date girls, I made out with one. She gave me a really bad blowjob." I don't look at him when I say the next part; I am too ashamed. "And then when I started to get depressed, one night I got extremely drunk, and I slept with a girl." Now I look directly at him. "But it didn't mean anything. I don't even remember most of it. I felt terrible afterwards and extremely guilty. I felt like I betrayed you. I had myself checked after, and I am okay. I know we weren't together then, but I feel like you have the right to know. I'm really sorry."

His face is expressionless. He doesn't say anything, he just nods his head. I've hurt him, I can tell. After a few seconds he speaks. "Thanks for telling me. You shouldn't feel guilty. We weren't together."

"Are you angry?"

He stands there, mouth open. I wait anxiously for words to come out. "To be honest, I can't say I'm happy ... But I'm not angry. It's behind us now. I'm glad you told me though, I appreciate that."

"Well, at least you won't have to worry now that I'll ditch you for a girl," I say trying to lighten the mood. "I'm definitely not into that."

He smiles. "I could have saved you the trouble and told you that before."

"Hey, you never know, it could have worked ..." I say in protest.

"Buddy," he says putting his hand on my shoulder, "I've heard the way you moan, and seen the way you curl your toes when I'm inside of you. Trust me, I'm not worried."

He knows me too well. I actually blush! "Okay then."

"So I guess you're wondering about Brody and me?"

YES. YES. YES! In a way, I'm hoping he slept with Brody. Then we'd be even. But then, it's also bad. I don't like the thought of him being in another man's arms. "Yeah I am ..."

"We had oral sex once. He wanted to do more, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It didn't feel right. It felt like I was cheating on you. I knew then that you really are the only man I want to be in bed with."

Damn it! Not only did he not sleep with him, he didn't do it because of me. Ugh, now I feel even worse. But at the same time, I am so glad he didn't have sex with Brody. This is what you call a bittersweet feeling.

"I'm really sorry, Jordan ... you were the better person —"

"It's okay," he says cutting me off. "It wasn't a competition. All of that is behind us. None of it matters anymore. We have to let all of that go if we're going to make it. What happened before, the fights, the disagreements ... that's all in the past. As of today, as of this moment, we clear the slate. We start fresh. The only thing that matters now is that we are together, that's it."

"That makes sense." I am so lucky to have him.

"Now, just to be clear, you're not going to tell me, like 8 months from now, that girl got pregnant, right?"

I shudder. "Oh God no. I was drunk, but I wasn't stupid. I used protection ... and ... besides ... I didn't really finish ... if you know what I mean ..."

He smiles. "I'm just pulling your leg."

"I know. And just for the record, you curl your toes too."

*** JORDAN ***

I'm not thrilled with what Noah told me. I don't like the thought of him being intimate with another person. I thought that was something special just between us. But as I said, none of that matters now. It's water under the bridge. We've had so many obstacles in our way that slowed us down. This time I'm not going to let that happen. I'm going to move everything to the side and keep marching on. Life has given me a second chance and I intend to run with it.

But first, I have to break up with Brody. This isn't going to be fun. Already I feel awful. Breaking up is the worst thing ever. What do you say? How do you end things amicably? How do you not come across as a giant jackass? I wish there was an easier way. I know I could just text Brody, but that seems wrong, and impersonal. It's also the coward's way out. No. I can't be that kind of guy. I could call him, but again that doesn't seem fair to him. I should tell him in person. It will be even more awkward, but it's the right thing to do. But before I get the chance to text him to meet up, Brody calls me.

"Should I answer it?" I ask Noah.

"I guess so."

"What do I say?" I ask him.

"You can make plans to meet."

"Okay, I'll do that."

"I'll give you some space." Noah walks back into the house to give me some privacy. I'm glad; I would rather not talk to my current boyfriend while my former-turned-current boyfriend listens.

All right, here goes.

"Hey, Brody."

"Hey, Jordan."

"How are you?" I ask.

"I'm alright. You?"

"I'm doing okay. I was just actually going to message you. I wanted to see if you're free to meet later today."

"Yeah, I should be after work. We can meet at the bar at 5 o'clock," he says.

"Sounds good." This is going okay. "I'll see you then."

"So, did your friend catch his bus okay?"

Dammit. Why did he have to ask me that? "Um, no he didn't ... he's still here."

"Oh, when does he head out? I thought he was leaving today."

"Um ..." I don't know what to say. I don't want to outright lie. "No ... he's decided to stay a few more days ..."

"Oh," is all Brody says. "Is that why why you wanted to meet tonight?"

He knows. "Yeah ... it is ..."

He lets out a small laugh. "I guess I was right after all."

"I'm so sorry, Brody. I didn't want to tell you like this. I didn't know this would happen ... seeing Noah again —"

He cuts me off. "It's fine, dude, you don't have to explain."

"But I feel awful. You really are a great guy —"

"Honestly, I'd rather you not."

"Okay. I won't. I really am sorry though."

"I get it. It wasn't meant to be, and that's the way it is. You two seem to have a strong connection. I hope it works out this time."

"Thank you, Brody. I wish you all the best."

"Thanks. Bye, Jordan."

"Bye, Brody."

Well, that wasn't all too bad. He was really nice about it. He really is a good guy. But I still feel awful.

"How did it go?" Noah asks me when I enter the living room. "Did you make plans to meet?"

"Um, no ... we didn't ..."

"Why? What happened?"

"He asked about you ... and I didn't want to lie to him ... and he figured it out."

"Oh. What did he say?"

"He didn't say much. He wished us well ... he was actually really nice about it."

"That was really big of him," Noah says.

"Yeah, it was. I feel terrible inside. Breaking up sucks. But I'm glad it's done."

"That feeling will pass, don't worry."

"I know it will. It's just you can't help but feel crappy."

"Brody seems like a great guy, I'm sure he will land on his feet," Noah says.

"I'm sure he will. The good thing is now I can focus all my attention on you."

"I like the sound of that," he says. "I guess the question now is where do we go from here?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean ... do we just pick up where we left off, or do we go back to the beginning?"

"Neither. We do what feels right."

"I know that ... but like, I'm supposed to leave today ... my bus is in an hour ... and school doesn't start for a few weeks ... and when it does ... do we live together again ... or do we start from the beginning, or do we —"

I place my hand on his shoulder. "Slow down, dude. You're overthinking things."

"I know I am ... I just ... I don't want to ruin this again. I don't want to screw this up a second time."

"You won't. Look, we do what feels natural. I agree, we shouldn't rush things. We should take our time and rebuild our relationship. We shouldn't assume we are the same couple, otherwise we'll create unrealistic expectations. But, if the past few days are an indicator of anything, it's that we are still the same people. We still love each other ... perhaps even more now than we did before. That's what really matters. We can figure out where we live, and what we do later. As for right now ... you should stay here with me."

"Jordan, you know I would love to ... but is that too fast? Will your mom even be okay with it?"

"My mom clearly likes you, so you don't have to worry about that. And it's not too fast. We have so much time to make up for, so much to catch up on. I want you to be here with me. You can even stay until school starts."

"You know I want to stay with you, but I'm not sure I can stay that long. All my stuff is back there. And my flight is from where Jenn lives —"

"When do you fly out?"

"End of next week," he says.

"Okay, so we have some time. We can figure it all out later. For now, stay here. If you have to go back, I'll drive you to Jenn's place. But we can deal with all of that in a few days. For now I want you to just relax and enjoy your time with me."

"When did you become so mature and wise?" he asks with a smile.

"I always was!"

"Says the guy who wrote gossip notes in class. Thanks for making this easier. I don't know why I'm just so nervous."

"Everything will be fine, Noah."

"I know. Though, Jenn is probably going to kill me."

"She'll understand. Besides, I can handle her." Or so I hope!

He smiles. "If you say so."

"Besides, if you do leave, then I can't do this ..." I place my hand on his crotch. All I've wanted to do is rip off every shred of clothing and pounce on him. Humans can be so animalistic at times. And the inner animal, caged inside my bones, is itching to get out. Rubbing his crotch and feeling his dick come alive, a dick I've longed to wrap in my fingers again, have in my mouth again, in my ass again ... shit I'm getting hard ... is torturous. I've missed his body and the scent of his skin. He licks his lips, as he arches his back. I figure he hasn't had an orgasm in a while, and this is driving him crazy. But just as quickly as it started, it abruptly ends. I move my hand back. He looks at me confused. "Trust me, buddy, I want to as well. But, I am a romantic at heart. We'll do this right."

*** NOAH ***

I don't know why I was worried. Being with Jordan is easy. I never have to think about what to say, or act a certain way. I can just be me. For some odd reason I forgot about that. We so easily slide back into our old roles, into our old ways. We really haven't changed all that much. He tries to make me breakfast, but like usual, I have to step in and save the day. Though, I must say, he isn't as bad as before. There is A LOT of sexual innuendo. We both are really horny, but I agree with Jordan; it's been a long time and I want this to be special. I'll have him soon enough.

"So, my bus just left ..." I say to Jordan as we sit and eat.

"Oh, that means you missed it."

"That's right, Captain Obvious."

"So, what are you going to do now? Where are you going to stay?" he asks, trying to be serious.

"There is a bed at this house I'm staying at. This really grumpy man usually sleeps there, but I'm sure he won't mind sharing."

"Hmm, I don't know. I hear he is really grumpy."

"I'm sure I can turn his frown upside down," I say as I run my hand up his leg. We are sitting side-by-side.

"I don't know ..."

"Oh," I say reaching his crotch. "I hear I can be quite persuasive."

"I'm sure you can," he says placing his hand on top of mine. "You really are a tease."

"It's why you love me!"

After we wash the dishes, I suggest we call Jenn and let her know I'm not coming. I expect she will text me any second now to see if I left or not. I'm actually surprised she hasn't messaged a dozen times already. Clearly she just doesn't care about me anymore (yes, I know I'm being a bit melodramatic).

"Alright, come sit beside me," Jordan says to me.

He opens up FaceTime and calls her. When it starts to ring Jordan leans in and begins to kiss me. Now, when I say kiss me I don't mean lightly on the lips. No, I mean kiss me like he is a drunken sailor. He is all over me! Clearly he is putting on a show for her. From the corner of my eye I can see Jenn's face pop up. Almost instantly she starts to smile.

"Oh, get a room you two!"

"Oh, hello, Jenn. I didn't see you there," Jordan says turning to her.

"Yeah, I bet you didn't. You seemed a little busy."

"Well, I was, and you did rudely interrupt."

"Did I? Oh, where are my manners, excuse me. Please carry on making out like two horny teenagers."

"I don't like your tone," Jordan says to her. "Good bye, young lady."

"Don't you dare hang up on me, Jordan Clive ... Herbert ... Paddington ... Smith ... Toshiba ... uh ..."

"Yeah ... none of those are my middle name. One is a bear and one an electronics maker!"

"I don't know," she says throwing her hands up. "Whatever, it doesn't matter. EXCEPT THAT YOU'RE FINALLY BACK TOGETHER!!!!"

There is the Jenn I know.

"It's true!"

"Finally!" Jenn says. "It took you two long enough! You guys were killing me!"

"Imagine how I felt!" Jordan says.

"I just knew you guys would get back together. I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you, Jenn."

"You have no idea, Jordan, I tried to convince this guy SOOO many times to talk to you - but he is so stubborn! But looks like I finally got through to him."

"Actually no, you didn't. Jordan's mom convinced me to tell him. So you get no credit," I say.

"Oh, whatever. I am the cheerleader of Team NoJo. I am the glue that holds your relationship together."

"Yeah ... if that's true we're totally screwed," I say.

"Agreed. Let's just call it quits now while we're ahead," Jordan adds.

"It was nice knowing you, Jordan," I say shaking his hand.

"Likewise, Noah. Unless ..."


"Unless, we just ship Jenn off to Australia."

"You know what, I like the way you think! Aiden could use a friend," I say.

"You two wouldn't last a second without me," she says. "And speaking of Aiden, have you shared the good news with him yet?"

"Not yet. You are the first to know," he says.

"Aw. See, I am special!"

"Right, special," I say putting a lot of emphasis on the second word.

"So, Jenn, I have a bone to pick with you," Jordan says.

"What? Why? What did I do?" she asks surprised.

"You knew this guy came out to his family, but you never told me."

"I couldn't! He told me not to! And besides, you and I had a no-talking-about-Noah deal."

"And when do you listen to him ... or me for that matter?"

"Well, never, but this time I kind of had to," she says in her defence.

"Well, I'll only forgive you on one condition," Jordan says to her.

"And what's that?"

"I'm keeping Noah here with me for the week, and you can't get angry."

She's about to say something, but stops. "It's a deal. But can I still be angry with Noah?"

"Absolutely. It's only fair. He is ditching you after all. What a terrible friend! You should be furious."

"I know, right?" she says.

"What? You're the one who wants me to ditch her!" I say slapping him on the shoulder.

"So we're all in agreement. We all hate Noah," he says.

"Agreed!" Jenn yells.

"See, I told you I could handle her," Jordan says to me.

"Yeah, by throwing me under the bus," I respond.

"I'll let you know, Jordan, I can still kick your butt," she says.

"Oh, I don't doubt that one bit," he responds laughing.

We're finally one big crazy happy family again. And NoJo ... I kind of like that.

*** JORDAN ***

Hand in hand we walk down the street. Some people look our way. Most don't even notice. No one says a word. It may seem simple, it may seem teenage-like, but it's something I've wanted to do for so long now. Noah doesn't flinch. He doesn't try to hide. He doesn't say anything. He smiles. He smiles from ear to ear. He loves this too, I can tell. There is just something so liberating, so refreshing to be who you are in front of the entire world. To show the world that the person walking beside you isn't just some random guy, some random friend. No, he is the one. He is my love. My better half. And for the first time in our relationship, everyone knows.

While we are out Aiden texts me back. I sent him the picture I took with Noah earlier in the day. I didn't send any message with it, just the picture. I didn't expect to hear from him for a few hours, because it's really early there still. But he responds. His text simply reads: "Now that is what I call perfection. Congrats! Super happy for you guys!"

"Thanks!" I respond back to him.

"Now don't screw this up!"

"I won't. Way to have faith in me. What are you even doing up so early? Isn't it like 3 a.m.?"

"It's 4. Stupid loud neighbour woke me up."

"Oh, that sucks."

"It does. All right, I'm going back to bed. I'll call you later for all the details."

"Absolutely. Have a good night."

"You too. I'm sure yours will be great."

Awkward! "Way to be cool, man."

"Always. Night!"

I really do owe Aiden. If he hadn't called and persuaded Noah to call me, I'm not sure we would be here today. I'll have to send him something nice to say thanks.

After spending hours on our feet walking around, Noah and I head to a nice restaurant to grab dinner. It's our first date as a couple again, and I want it to be unforgettable. The waiter shows us to a booth. I expect Noah to sit across from me, but instead he sits beside me. I like the way this is going.

"Look at you," I say to him.

"If straight couples can sit side-by-side, then why can't we? I was stupid before for wasting so much time. I should have been sitting by your side from day one. I'm not repeating that mistake again."

"I'm really liking this new Noah."

"You haven't seen anything yet. Wait until tonight."

But I can't. I want to now, now, now! Why is life so cruel? "I can't wait."

"You know, I think this is the first time we are out in the general public as a real couple."

"As opposed to a fake couple?" I ask.

"Oh, you know what I mean."

"I know. I guess it is. Doesn't it feel awesome?"

"It feels amazing. You should have convinced me to do this before!"

"I tried! You wouldn't listen."

"Really? That doesn't sound like me at all. I'm always so compromising," he says.

"Uh-huh, keep telling yourself that," I say hitting him with my elbow.

"Stop it, you," Noah says.

"Or what? What are you going to do," I say doing it again.

"Oh, I'll show you what I can do when I have you on your knees begging for more —"

"Hey guys ..." We both look up and see the waiter standing there. Yeah, he heard us. Oh well! "I'll be your waiter tonight. Can I start you off with anything to drink?"

"Well, that was interesting," I say when the waiter leaves.

"I'm sure he was hoping we'd invite him to join us," Noah says boldly.

"Now look who's joking about a threesome!"

"He's kind of cute. Imagine him in the middle, me at one end, you the other ..."

"Go for it. Should I call him back so you can ask?"

"You don't have the balls," he says.

"Really? Challenge accepted. Excuse me," I say waving to the waiter when I see him again.

"You're not serious," he says to me.

"Oh yeah? Watch me." The waiter starts to come our way. "Last chance to change your mind."

"You're bluffing."

"You willing to take that risk?" I ask. "Alright, your funeral."

"Can I help you?" the waiter says when he gets to our table.

"Yeah, my boyfriend wants to ask you something," I say.

"Um ..." Noah says.

"Go ahead, honey, ask him."

"I will ... um ... where is the restroom?"

"Oh. Yeah. It's um ... right down over there."

"Thank you," Noah says.

"Now who doesn't have any balls?" I say to him.

"Well played, sir, well played. But I assure you they're there." He takes my hand and places it on his semi-hard dick. Good thing the tablecloth is shielding us from view! Noah really is different tonight. I like it!

"Yeah, you should really go use the washroom now, otherwise you'll look even weirder."

When we're done eating the waiter brings us our bill. On the bottom, in big letters, he writes: `Have Fun Tonight Guys!' Beside it is a big smiley face. Oh, we will. We will.

After dinner we head home. It's been a long day and all I want to do now is spend some private time with Noah. But there is just one small problem, my mom is home. It's going to be a bit difficult to be intimate in my bedroom when I know she is just one door down. We could always wait until tomorrow when she is not home, but honestly I don't think I can. We're just going to have to be really creative.

"Hey, Mom," I say. Noah and I walk into the kitchen together holding hands. We also have a gift for her.

"Hello, Ms. Young," Noah says.

She looks up. When she sees the two of us together she smiles. "Hey."

"These are for you," I say passing her a bouquet of flowers. I thought I would get her something nice.

"What are these for?" she asks.

"For being amazing. Noah told me about your talk. Thank you."

"Oh, it was nothing. I was just being a meddling mother."

"Well, we're glad you meddled."

"These are beautiful," she says looking at the flowers. "Who picked them?"


"Good choice. I'm really glad you decided to stay, Noah."

"I'm glad I did too," he says.

"Make yourself at home. If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask. If you want me to make you something to eat, or you need something else, whatever it is. Don't feel shy. This is your home too."

"Thank you."

We sit and talk with my mom for a while. She really is an amazing woman. She welcomes Noah with open arms. She goes out of her way to make him feel like he is part of our family. I know she does this for me, but I also think she does it because she likes him. The two seem to really get along. They talk and laugh easily. Seeing them interact this way is so relieving. I was praying the two would like each other. I couldn't imagine what it would be like if they didn't get along. They are the two most important people in my life.

"Alright, I'm sure you two don't want to spend your night talking to an old lady. Besides, I have some errands to run. I am going to go grab some stuff from the supermarket, and then drop by a friend's place for a bit. Do either of you need anything?"

"No," I say.

"I'm okay, thank you," Noah adds.

"Okay, I'll be back in about two hours," she says.

"Sounds good," I say. Noah heads upstairs to change. I walk my mom to the door. "Thank you for everything."

"It was nothing," she says.

"You changed his mind and convinced him to stay. And now you've welcomed him into your home without any hesitation. I wouldn't say that was nothing."

"I did what any mom would do."

"You did way more." I give her a big hug. I don't know how else to show her just how much I appreciate what she did. "You really are amazing. I love you, Mom."

"I love you too, honey."

*** NOAH ***

I'm nervous and excited. I know where this night is heading. I'm actually glad his mom isn't here, otherwise that would be so awkward. I do tend to moan loudly. And even if I wanted to refrain, I'm not sure I could have stopped myself from pouncing on Jordan. The sexual tension between us is at a boiling point. I've slept with Jordan several times, yet this time it feels different. We've been apart for so long that in some ways it feels new, it feels like unchartered territory. But it's territory I'm eager to jump back into. Sleeping with Jordan isn't about sex. Well, it is ... but it is more than that. It is about intimacy. It is about connecting with him on a level that is special just between just us. As much as I love it when he enters me, kisses me ... I love it even more when he holds me at night, when we lay in bed wrapped in each other's arms. I've never felt more at peace, more at ease. To me, lying in his arms, is nirvana.

"Hey ..." Jordan says walking into the guest room.

"Hey. Your mom's gone?"

"Yep, went to grab some groceries and house stuff. What are you doing here? Grab your stuff, and bring it into my room."

"Is that okay with your mom ... if we sleep in the same room?"

"My mom isn't naive, she won't care."

"Are you sure? This is her house, I don't want to offend her."

"Do you know what my mom just asked me before she left?" he asks smiling.

"No, what?"

"She asked me if I wanted her to pick up some protection for us."

I blush. "She did not ask you that."

He shrugs. "You'll never know. I'm pretty sure you're not going to ask her."

"True. All right, if you're sure," I say picking up my bag. "So, what did you tell her anyway?"

"I told her to get some extra-large condoms," he says.

"Ha! You wish, buddy, you wish."

"Whatever, I'm bigger than you."

"Yeah, by like a sliver, so don't be too proud," I say throwing my bag into his room.

"Bigger is bigger," he says. "Okay, I'm going to go take a quick shower."

"Sure. Take your time."

"Don't you need to take one as well?" he asks.

"Yeah. I'll take one when you're done."

"We don't have that much time ... so here's a radical idea ... you could join me. We'd save some water, help the planet ..."

I smile. "I'm all for saving the planet."

"You okay?" he asks.

"Yeah, why?"

"I don't know ... you just seem a bit hesitant there. Before you'd jump at the chance of taking a shower together. We've done this before ... I figured you'd want to again ..."

"Of course I do. I just didn't want to make that assumption and rush you and put you in an uncomfortable spot ..."

He takes my hands into his. "You're not rushing me. As I said, there is no need to overthink this. We do what feels right. We do what we always did. Promise me, no more hesitations. Just be yourself."


"Okay, now let's get to it. We don't have all night you know."

"Lead the way!"

We walk into the washroom. I start to unbutton my shirt when Jordan stops me. "I'll take care of that."

"By all means."

He stares at me with this evil grin as his hands work down my shirt. He doesn't take his eyes off of me. He's good at this. I would have missed a button by now. When he is done he peels off my shirt and throws it onto the floor. He then unbuckles my belt and loosens my pants. Those fall off easily. I kick them off to the side. He then places his thumbs into the waistband of my boxers. He yanks them off as he lowers himself. His face is right in front of my dick. It's already hard, and staring right back at him. His mouth is so close, I can feel his breath on my skin. He leans forward and opens his mouth, as if he is about to suck on my cock. But instead he stands up. What a tease.

"Just as handsome as I remember," he says.

"Just as good of a liar," I respond.

"I try."

My turn. I decide to take the more intimate approach. I feel up his body, rubbing my hands along his skin until I find the bottom of his shirt. I pull it up and yank it off his head. It too goes onto the floor. I place my hands on his shoulder, as broad as before, and trace an outline with my finger, down his pecs, to his navel and then to his shorts. But instead of pulling them down, I reach inside to feel his dick straining to get free.

"Feels smaller than before," I say.

"Uh-huh," is all he says in return.

"Only one way to find out."

I bring my hand back out and pull down his shorts. Underneath is a nice pair of designer underwear. Someone has gotten fancier. Packaged nicely inside is his rock hard dick. I can see a wet spot at the front. He is clearly eager and ready. I brush my hand against it, back and forth a few times. I then reach behind and grab his ass and squeeze his globes. I bring my head close to his dick, kissing it softly until I reach the head. I then pull down his underwear, releasing its prisoner. His dick slaps against his skin when it comes free. I find the base, and with just the tip of my tongue, lick it from the bottom to the top. Salty. Just the way I like it. That's all he is going to get for now.

"You're so evil," he says.

"I learn from the best."

"Shall we?" he says pointing towards the tub.


When the water warms up we step inside the tub, and draw the shower curtain across. The warm water feels so nice and relaxing against my skin. But there is no time to think about that. Within seconds his lips are on mine. He kisses me passionately, as he wraps his arms around me. There is so much desire within us, but he sets a slow tempo, and I let him. His kissing isn't rushed or forceful. It is soft, playful, and sensual. His hands roam my back at a leisurely pace, caressing my skin lightly. This goes on for minutes. Time just washes away.

When we break it off, I grab a bar of soap. I work it over his body, rubbing it into each corner, over every ridge of his skin. On his arms, back, and legs. I spend extra time on his torso, going over his pecs and abs, feeling them thoroughly. When I am done, he reciprocates, but he focuses on a different area: my ass. He spreads opens my cheeks, letting the water fall against my crack. He lathers the area up, and washes it thoroughly. At one point in time I also feel a finger, pressing to gain access. Slowly my defences fail, and he enters me. It burns. I haven't had a finger in there for a long time. He knows it's been a while and is slow at opening me back up. He is patient, it's what I've always loved about him.

When the soap is all washed away, I stand with my back against his chest, and with his arms wrapped around me. He holds onto me tightly. Neither of us moves, or says a word. We just stand there as midst fills the washroom. It is perfect.

*** JORDAN ***

Tonight is not about sex. It's more than just passion, lust, and desire. More than just a reunion of two lovers. It's about celebrating us. Celebrating our triumph over ignorance and hate, over indecision and heartache. It's about showing Noah that he means more to me than words can describe. I want him to feel more loved than he ever has before. I want him to have no regrets for choosing me over everyone else. Tonight is simply about us.

My every move is about pleasuring him. Tasting his skin, sucking on his hard dick, fingering his hole, all of it is meant to push him over the edge. I move my way across his body with ease. I am, after all, returning to a familiar place. There is no hesitation on my part, no doubt in my mind. He is the one. He moans as I push his buttons. His dick leaks streams of precum as it stands ready to be touched. There is no doubt he is enjoying this. And so am I. He too is just as sensual with me, exploring my body with as much vigour and desire. There is this fire in him, this desire in his eyes. I can't get enough. I know what his ultimate desire is, and it is mine too. It's what I've wanted to do ever since this morning.

After we dry off we move into the bedroom. I lay him down on his back, and push his legs up against his chest. I position my dick against his hole and lean forward. I find his hands above his head and lock my fingers into his. I want to see him as I fuck him. I want to see that smile on his face. As I enter his tight hole, my lips find his. There is no better feeling in the world than fucking and kissing Noah at the same time. As I pick up momentum, I can see his back arch. His fingers dig into my skin. He breathes heavily, as he throws his head back. I continue to fill my every desire, his every dream. I push into him. I push into familiar territory. I push into the man I love beyond words. With each stroke we reconnect. With each stroke we erase the time we spent apart.

Finally we are one again. Our reunion is complete.

I could stare at him for hours. His soft red lips Those dimples when he laughs ... There is just something about the way he smiles at me. The way he makes me feel inside. Only he can do that. Only he can make me feel this alive. This happy, free, and loved. Lying next to him in bed ... This is where I belong. This is where I am meant to be.

This time, I'm not letting go.

— — — — — —

End of Chapter 28.

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