Noah and Jordan

By Ethan Y

Published on Sep 3, 2014


The following story is a work of fiction and does not represent any living person. The story contains sex between two consenting adult men. If you are a minor, or it is illegal in your area to read the following story, please leave now. The author retains all rights to the story. Please do not reproduce without prior consent.

--- Hello,

I am truly sorry for the extremely long delay. As always, if you have any comments or feedback please feel free to contact me at Also, thanks to everyone who sent feedback and helped edit this story (Lisa!).



------------- Chapter 19 -------------

*** JORDAN ***

One by one they all fall, each lie, like a domino, knocking over the next. What's left, in the pile of discarded broken blocks, is the trail of my deception. And all it took was one simple phrase, a rather ordinary introduction, to set it all in motion.

"I know who she is. It is such a pleasure to finally meet your girlfriend! Hello Samantha, my name is Aiden," he says extending his hand out.

And the first block falls.

It all comes back to me instantly, that moment of sheer idiocy. When Aiden asked me for a picture I thought I was being clever sending one of Jenn. I thought, how would he ever know? He was safely living far, far away. How wrong I was. Jenn looks at me with a puzzled and confused expression on her face. I should say something, but what?

"Umm, I'm sorry I think you're mistaking me for someone else. My name is Jennifer," she says.

Aiden's facial expression changes rather quickly. From a smile he goes rather red. "Oh, I'm so sorry. My mistake. You look a lot like the girl in the picture Jordan sent me. I feel rather stupid now. Let me try this again. Hi Jennifer, my name is Aiden, Jordan's not-so-smart friend," he says again sticking his hand out.

"Nice to meet you. Call me Jenn."

"So ... who's Samantha?" John asks me.

Shit, John! This can't be good. "She's um ..." Fuck. What do I say? He knows I'm not seeing anyone. But Aiden thinks otherwise. I'm totally screwed.

"She's Jordan's girlfriend," Aiden chips in.

John scoffs. "Jordan doesn't have a girlfriend; he hasn't been seeing anyone, not since he broke up with her," he says while pointing towards Jenn. "Or, that's what he so adamantly told me yesterday."

I don't know what to say. I don't know how to get out of this. I'm screwed.

"That doesn't make any sense. Is that true Jordan?" Aiden asks me.

Everyone just stares at me. No matter what I say I will either expose my lies to Aiden or John. Fuck.

"Not exactly," I say.

And there goes the second domino block.

"Of course it isn't," John says with an annoyed laugh.

"You know I really could use a drink," Noah says. "Anyone else want one? Aiden, why don't you help me get drinks for everyone."

Noah trying to save me. But it doesn't look like it's going to work. No one moves. Everyone just stares at me.

"You know what, that sounds like a good idea," Aiden says. He walks off with Noah, who grabs Jenn as well.

"Do I even want to know?" John asks when they are gone.

"It's complicated, John," I say.

"Complicated, right. Actually it's not. Not that I care at all anymore, but either you are or you aren't seeing someone. Which is it?"

"I am," I say.

"So you've been lying to me this whole time."

"I didn't mean to John ... it's just ..."

"You know, I don't even care if you are seeing someone. It makes no difference to me. I just asked because I thought you were upset ever since your breakup. I was looking out for you, you know like good friends do. But all you do is lie and push everyone away. What was the big deal if you told me you were seeing someone? You thought I'd try to steal her away or embarrass you if I met her?"

"You know that's not it," I interject.

"Then what? I don't understand you. You've changed man. You're not the same guy anymore. Everything about you this year is different. Ever since you started hanging out with Noah you've become someone else ... someone, quite frankly, I can't stand to be around anymore. I've given you so many chances but nothing changes. You're just not worth the trouble anymore. I'm going to take off. Enjoy your night. You coming, Eli?" John asks as he starts to leave.

"Uh, yeah. Bye Jordan," Eli says.

"Bye Eli."


*** NOAH ***

This can't be good. I have a very, very bad feeling about this. Jordan has dug himself in way too deep this time. I could tell the situation was going downhill and fast. I didn't know what to do or how to help him. The first thing that came to my mind was separating the group. Jordan clearly told Aiden and John two different stories, so I figured breaking them up would help. But what seemed like a good idea at first is now backfiring. Now Aiden is asking us questions. Crap.

"What can I get you to drink?" I ask Aiden.

"So is Jordan seeing someone?" he asks us.

"Yes," I say.

"So then why did he tell his friend he wasn't?"

"They have a long history," I say to Aiden, "and I think only Jordan can really answer that question."

"Hmm ... it's just strange that his girlfriend is never around."

"Yeah ..." I say. I don't know what else to day. "So, to drink?"

"So you're the girl Jordan used to date?" he asks Jenn.

"Yes," she says.

"And he broke it off with you to be with your best friend ..."

"Uh, right ..." Jenn says hesitantly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry ..."

"That's okay," she says.

"So I guess you two are on good terms again? I know Jordan was worried about that," Aiden says.

"We are," she says.

"So how come Samantha didn't join us tonight?"

"Uh ... she was busy I believe," she says.

I can tell Jenn is nervous and that is saying a lot. She never gets nervous. She can talk her way through anything. But it is kind of hard when you don't know the backstory.

"Oh, that's too bad. So now I'm curious why I mixed you and Samantha up. Do you two at least look alike?"

"Sort of ... so you never said what you wanted to drink?" she says trying to change the topic.

"Now I'm really curious. Do you have any pictures you can show me?"

"Um, no. I left my phone at home ..." she says looking at me with a `WTF' expression.

Clearly that's a lie.

"Oh, that's too bad. So how do you two know each other? Through Jordan?" Aiden asks.

I really wish he would stop asking questions.

"No," Jenn says. "Noah and I are friends. We're in the same program. He introduced me to Jordan actually."

"Oh ..." Aiden's expression changes. He's clearly thinking something. Did we say too much or contradict something Jordan said? "Anyway, I just have to run to the washroom. Be right back."

The moment he is gone Jenn looks at me. "What the hell is going on! Who the hell is Samantha?"

I tell her the short version of the story, about how Jordan told Aiden he was dating me, but pretty much said my name was Samantha.

"Oh, so then why did he think I was Samantha?"

"I don't know, I'm curious about that myself," I say. "What picture was he talking about?"

"Man, you are one good boyfriend. If I were you I wouldn't be putting up with all of this."

"I know. I don't like it but ... I understand. He didn't have anyone to talk to and Aiden is his best friend. And I understand not wanting to come out ... I've been in the same boat. That all said ... I just ... it isn't great."

"It looks like John and Eli are leaving," Jenn says.

"Doesn't look like that went over well."

*** JORDAN ***

I want to stop John and Eli but I don't know how. Once they leave Jenn and Noah walk over.

"Where's Aiden?" I ask them.

"Washroom," Noah replies. "How did it go?"

"Not well. I fucked everything up."

"I'm sorry, Jordan," Noah says.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, you've been so supportive," I say. "I screwed everything up. I'm the idiot."

"I'm sure it will all work out eventually," Noah says to me.

"I want to believe you man, but I don't know ... I think this might be the end of my friendship with those two."

"That's too bad. What are you going to tell Aiden?" Jenn asks.

"The truth. I can't lie anymore. My head will explode if I don't clear all of this up. I can't talk to him tonight, not here. The next time I'm alone with him I'll clear everything up. I just need to get through tonight."

A short while later Aiden joins us. He asks the same questions about how things went with John and I give him the same answers I gave the other two. I spend another hour with the group and then ask to take my leave. I can't concentrate; my head is swirling. I barely say anything. Noah says he'll come with me, but I tell him to stay and enjoy himself. I kind of feel like walking home alone tonight.

I grab my coat and head out into the frosty winter air. After being inside the overheated, stuffy bar, it actually feels nice to be outside. How did I get into this mess? How did I let this all go so far? I just thought it was one stupid simple lie. I never realized it would balloon into this epic, colossal, fuck-up. I ruined everything with John. I know I haven't been that close with him these past few months but still, to end things this way just sucks.

As I make my way home I hear a voice call out my name. I turn around to see Aiden come into view. Where the hell did he come from? This night just won't end!

"Jordan, wait up," Aiden calls out.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"Jordan, what's going on?" he asks me with a serious face, but one that also shows concern.

"What do you mean?"

"I know something is up. I logged onto my Facebook account to look at our conversation history. Look," he says taking out his phone, "you sent me a picture of Jenn and said it was Samantha. I thought perhaps you made a mistake, you know, give you the benefit of the doubt. But then I also looked through the list of Jenn's friends. She clearly doesn't have good privacy settings. There is no one by the name of Samantha on there. Her best friend seems to be Noah and not Samantha. This girl doesn't seem to exist. You've been super cryptic about this girl. I've asked your friends about her and everyone seems to be confused or say very little. Jenn, her supposed best friend, had only one word answers. And then back there at the bar with John ... I'm really starting to worry about you."

And the final domino tips over; the outline of my deception complete.

"Why don't we talk when we get to my place." This is going to be a long conversation.

Where am I supposed to start? Where do I even begin? I've been mentally preparing myself for this night for a while now. There he is, my best friend since childhood, sitting across from me, waiting to hear the truth. I feel both excited and scared. I'm not telling him because I have to or because I got caught. I'm telling him because I want to, because it is the right thing to do. Because it is who I am. But sometimes the people you trust the most, the people you least expect to say something, are the ones that hurt you the most. I just have to roll the dice and take my chances.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I ask Aiden.

"No, I'm alright."

"Okay." Now the hard part. Surprisingly, I'm not as nervous as I thought I would be. "So, about Samantha, I didn't mean to lie to you, but I didn't tell you the entire truth about my relationship ... I left out some important details ... and you're right ... she doesn't actually exist. But the thing is, I am actually in a relationship ... that part is true ..."

"Okay ..." he says looking completely confused. "I don't understand what that means."

"I'm not dating a girl named Samantha ... I'm dating someone else ..." I pause for a few seconds. This is it. Aiden just looks at me silently. " ... I'm dating Noah." I stop to let that settle in.

"As in your roommate?"

"Yeah ... well, he's more than my roommate actually ... he's my ah ... he's my boyfriend."

Aiden's facial expression changes along with his posture. He sits up straight. He looks surprised, a bit taken aback. He struggles to find his next words. "You're pulling my leg aren't you?"

"Nope," I say. "It's true."

"Wow. I can honestly say I did not see that coming. So you're gay?"

"Yeah, I am. I'm gay." I'm surprised at how easily those words come out of my mouth. "Is that okay?"

His eyes go even wider and he breaks out into a smile. "Of course that is okay! Dude, what's wrong with you? I'm just surprised man, I didn't have the slightest idea. I remember you dating girls, and you don't act ... well, you know what I mean. But of course that's okay. I'll support you no matter what. Whatever makes you happy."

"Thanks man, that means a lot."

"So how did it happen ... one day were you like, hey, he's kind of hot?"

"No," I laugh. "It was gradual. It all really started when I met Noah." I explain to him how I dated Jenn, and it was Noah I dumped her for, hence Noah being the best friend and not Samantha. As I continue with my narrative a lot more starts to make sense to him. I can tell he is finally connecting the dots in his head.

"Your cryptic messages make so much more sense now. Why didn't you just tell me all of this before? You would have saved yourself a lot of trouble," Aiden says.

"I know. In hindsight this all could have been much easier ... it's just that I was freaking out. This was not easy at all. It really caught me off-guard. And then I didn't know how you would react. That's why we had dinner in the gay village the other night."

"Wait, was that you testing me?" he asks with a smile.


"I thought you knew me better than that!"

"I know, I know. I was stupid ..."

"So that's why you were bringing up all those gay actors!"

"Yeah, was trying to see how you would respond."

"Ah, that dinner makes so much more sense now. So how do you feel now that you've told me?"

"Good. Really good actually. It feels like a rock has been lifted off my chest," I say.

"So, by the way you talked about this relationship before, it sounded like it is really serious. I'm quite sure you said you thought she ... or sorry, he, is the one. Is that still the case? Do you see yourself with Noah long-term?"

"It is. We're living together, which is crazy! The more time I spend with him the more ... I know it's crazy because we've only dated for three months and that's not that much time ... but the more time we spend together the more I see a future with him."

"That is crazy. I never thought I would hear you say you want to settle down with someone. So then what's next for you two?"

"I don't know. All of this is new for me. I think coming out to more people is the next big step. I was hesitant about that before, but in the last few days and weeks I've really started to change my mind. I don't want to hide who I am and what I have with Noah anymore," I say. "I want people to know how much he means to me."

"And how does Noah feel about that?"

"That's the problem. I don't think he is ready. His parents are really religious and I know he is afraid that they will have a very negative reaction."

"That's too bad," Aiden says.

"It is ... but then I don't know, I think there is more. The other night we celebrated our three-month anniversary and I took him to a gay club. When we were outside I kissed him — sorry if that's too much information ..."

"No, no, it's fine. I just didn't think I would ever hear you say that sentence. But continue ..."

"So after we, you know, he pulled away. It felt like he was ashamed of being seen with me, or others knowing we're more than just friends. Honestly I think I am just reading too much into it. But part of me wonders if he will ever be ready to come out. And if he never is ready, then what does that mean for us?"

"I think if you just give him time and support he will make it."

"I hope so."

It feels nice to finally have someone to talk to. I should have told Aiden a long time ago! We talk for quite a while until Noah returns home.

"Hey," he says. "How are you guys?"

"Good," I reply. "I told Aiden."

"Oh, and what do you think?" he asks Aiden.

"I think Jordan is a lucky guy to have someone like you," he says. "But I must say Noah, I am sorry for you though."

"Why?" he asks.

"Because you're stuck with this guy. He's not much to look at, and well, you probably know this by now, kind of crazy too. Well, mostly crazy. He's not that smart, not that nice. Overall he's a pretty terrible person. I'm sorry to say you got a damaged model, and there are no refunds."

He laughs. "I guess I'll have to make do with what I have then."

" And don't worry Noah, your secret is safe with me," Aiden says to him.

"Thank you," Noah says.

"Alright I have work tomorrow so should get going. I'll let you two lovebirds catch up," Aiden says.

"Thanks for listening," I say.

"No problem. Noah, if this guy gives you any trouble let me know, I'll kick his ass ... keep him in line for you."

"Will do, thank you, Aiden."

"Night guys!" And with that he takes off.

"How do you feel?" Noah asks me.

"Really good. It felt liberating when I told him."

"I'm really happy for you."

I walk towards him and wrap my arms around his waist.

Looking into his eyes I say, "thank you."

"For what?"

"Tonight. Everything. For you being you. You tried to help me as I was sinking. You stood by me even though I lied to you, to everyone. You didn't get angry. I am lucky to have you in my life."

"I know you'd do the same for me."

*** NOAH ***

I know something isn't right the moment I wake up. Jordan never wakes up before me. Never. It always takes me a good ten minutes to get him out of bed. And the second odd thing I notice is that I can smell food. Cooked food. Is he cooking? It is now mid-February, and we've been living together for a little over a month and Jordan has never cooked breakfast before. It's always either cereal or a bagel. Once he tried to treat me to breakfast in bed. That was last month, the morning after he came out to Aiden. But his plan was foiled. I was up an hour before him.

I curiously get out of bed and make my way over to the kitchen.

"Mornin'," I say.

"Crap, you're up!" he says turning around. "I mean, good morning!"

"What are you doing?"

"I was going to surprise you with breakfast in bed ... but I guess I kind of missed that boat for a second time."

"Oh. If it helps I can pretend to go back to sleep?"

"Nah, you've never been good at faking it."

"Ha, buddy, you have no idea the things I fake in bed," I say with a smile.

It takes him a second to realize what I just said. "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing," I say with a wink.

"Just go wash up, I'm almost done here."

When I get back to the kitchen the table is set. He's made eggs, or something I assume is eggs. Then there is his attempt at what I think are supposed to be pancakes. It's not fancy, but when you're not expecting anything, even a little bit is a lot.

"So what's the occasion?" I ask even though I already know the answer.

"Nothing really. You've made breakfast for me numerous times, so I thought I would return the favour."

"Oh, well, thank you."

The food isn't bad, but it's not good either. The pancakes aren't really cooked properly. Most are burned. The eggs are well ... I don't know what type of egg he was trying to make. I assume it was a fried egg, that turned into an omelette by mistake, or something like that. At least they're cooked.

"So, how was it?" he asks me.

"Good," I say.

"Told you you were bad at faking it," he says with a smile. "Well, perhaps you will like this a little better. Happy Valentine's Day." He hands me a box.

"I thought we agreed not to celebrate and no gifts," I say, trying to sound annoyed, even though I'm not.

"I know. As for the no gifts thing, well this really isn't a gift. It didn't cost much at all."

"But still," I persist, "you really shouldn't have. I thought you hated these holidays?"

"I do. I know we said we wouldn't do anything and that Hallmark holidays are stupid, but I wanted to. I know it's dumb to think there should be one day for me to express my love to you. Every day should be special. But this is our first together, so I wanted it to be extra special."

"So if every day is meant to be special, does this mean you're making me breakfast everyday?" I joke.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. And really Noah, do you want me to make breakfast every day?" he asks while pointing at the leftovers on the table.

"Good point, maybe not."

"Open it."

I rip off the wrapping paper and open the box. Inside are two black and white wallet-sized photos of the two of us together. It shows me standing straight looking at the camera with Jordan leaning onto my shoulder, with the top of his head resting against the side of mine.

"I remember taking this, the day after you moved in ..." I say.

"Turn them around."

`Forever yours,' is the message on the back.

"That's very sweet of you," I say.

"This way wherever we go we will always have a reminder of each other. I know there are a bunch of photos on our phones, but I thought this is more personal. And it really isn't much of a gift, it cost like two dollars. I think the box and wrapping paper cost more than printing them. So I didn't really break the no-gift rule."

"This is beyond perfect. Thank you so much, Jordan."

"You're welcome. Now go get ready, you're going to be late for school. Last day before reading week! Honestly I've been counting down to this day. And don't worry, I'll clean up."

"Crap! You're right. And wow, today must truly be special if you're going to clean up."

"Ha ha ha, very funny. I clean up all the time."

I just give him a "sure" type of look.

"Ok," he says, "maybe just sometimes."

"Thank you!"

I had a feeling Jordan would pull a stunt like this so I prepared myself. I got something for him as well, just in case. When I go back into the kitchen I hand him a wrapped box.

"I was going to give this to you tonight, but since you jumped the gun ..."

"And you were getting angry with me for breaking the no-gift rule when you broke the rule too!" he says.

"I know, but I knew you were going to get something, so I got a back-up gift just in case. And look, it came in handy! Plus, it also didn't cost much either. Less than your gift actually."

"Thank you, Noah." He opens the box to find a small piece of paper inside. "Interesting, really interesting. A bit surprising actually. I definitely will use this. Thank you."

"Alright, I really have to run now. See you later," I say.

"Make sure you're home right after school tonight."

"Why?" I ask.

"I like to be mysterious."

"Alright, be like that. I'll see you tonight. Bye!"

*** JORDAN ***

I want tonight to be special. Really special. Tonight I want to take our relationship to a new level.

Ever since I came out to Aiden last month I've had this surge of confidence in me. Telling Aiden about my sexuality was perhaps one of the best decisions I've ever made. Well, perhaps second best after choosing to date Noah. These past few weeks have made my life so much simpler. I haven't had that same level of stress as before. I don't have to watch what I say or be careful about using the right gender identifier. Best of all, I can be me around my best friend again; I don't have to hide. Plus, the other benefit is I have someone to talk to about Noah, someone who can give me advice. I honestly think telling Aiden has actually made us better friends.

Unfortunately I can't say the same for John. He hasn't called me once since that night in the bar. I called him one time. We talked for a few minutes and that was about it. The conversation didn't really go anywhere. We haven't hung out together since that night and that was about a month ago. I know I am to blame here. I was a terrible friend. I lied to him and pushed him away. I don't blame him. I hope he will come around eventually.

As for my relationship with Noah, well, on the whole it has been going smoothly. We've had our little flare-ups here and there, mainly due to my messiness (I swear I am getting better), but it hasn't been anything serious. Knocking on wood it will stay that way. I've gotten to know Noah on a whole new level living with him, and I am surprised to say this, but I even love him more now than I did before. I didn't know that was possible. He's the one. I have no doubt in my mind about that.

But of course there is one small problem; Noah still doesn't seem to be comfortable with me in public. We do go out together, but we act more like friends than a couple. We never hold hands. Kissing is off limits too. The other day we went to a party. We went as `friends' as opposed to a couple. I'm not saying we need to tell everyone we're a couple and flaunt it everywhere we go, but, I think it is time we told some of our other friends. Also, if we go further out of town there is no reason to hide who we are, but that doesn't seem to be ok with Noah either. I understand I have to give him his space, but I don't want to wait forever. You're only young and in love once. Valentine's Day is the day of love. At least for tonight I'm hoping we can push the envelope, even if only just by a bit.

"Isn't that kind of weird?" Noah asks me.

"Why is it weird?" I respond.

"Because it's Valentine's Day ..."

"Yeah, and that's the whole point ..." I know where this conversation is going and I'm not thrilled.

"Couples have romantic dinners on Valentine's," he says.

"And what exactly are we?" I ask a bit annoyed.

"You know what I mean, Jordan. Of course we are a couple. I love you, you know that. But two guys going to a fancy restaurant on Valentine's Day, people won't think they are there as friends."

"Why does it matter what other people think?"

"It doesn't, but say if someone recognizes us ..."

"It's a big city, Noah."

"I know that, but ..."

"Look Noah, I understand you're not ready to come out, I get that. But we can't just live in these four walls the rest of our lives; we have to make the most of what we have. It is one dinner. Most people won't even care and pay any attention to us. And the few that do, what does it matter? It's highly unlikely we will ever see any of them again!"

"I wish I had the same courage as you do."

"You do have courage Noah, you just have to find it within yourself. It is not just going to magically show up one day."

"It's not like I don't want to spend a night out with you, I do. But maybe we don't have to go to a fancy, high-scale restaurant. Maybe we can go somewhere else, something better than fast-food, but something that isn't so flashy."

"Will that make you feel more comfortable?" I ask him.

"It will."

"Then that's fine with me. Look, I want you to feel comfortable with whatever you do, but you do have to push the limits once in a while." I'm not really fine with it but I don't feel like arguing. If we go to the fancy place I know Noah will just keep looking over his shoulder the entire night, and that's not what I want.

"I know I do, and I promise I will make this up to you."

"I know you will, and I am counting on that. In fact, I expect you to make it up to me tonight."

His face changes suddenly. "What's happening tonight?"

"Bring your dancing shoes buddy, we're going clubbing."

He's about to say something but clearly changes his mine. "Sounds like a plan."

It wasn't the dinner I was hoping to have, but nonetheless, I still had a good time. Noah was upbeat and positive and made me laugh. He seemed comfortable being around me and really that is all I wanted. A few times he played footsies with me as well, which isn't a huge thing, but it was still nice to have physical contact, even if no one else noticed. I'm glad we didn't go somewhere Noah would feel uncomfortable where he would keep thinking about what others were thinking. I can tell he is a bit hesitant about the gay club, but he hasn't said anything. This is our second time visiting a gay club in the city. It is pretty busy tonight, which is not surprising.

Once we are inside and have had our first drink I ask Noah to join me on the dance floor. Much to my surprise he says yes. I don't have to ask a second time. Last time it took me a while to convince him. As we move onto the floor I grab hold of his hand and weave us through the thick crowd. I find a spot in the middle and turn around to face Noah. I start to dance and he starts as well. He isn't the best dancer in the world, but he sure is trying. And he seems comfortable. Last time he definitely did not seem comfortable. He looks at me and smiles.

"I'm surprised you said yes so easily," I yell into his ear. The music is really loud.

"Just feel like dancing tonight," he yells back.

He grabs hold of my waist and moves his body right up against mine. If that didn't surprise me, then well, what he does next sure does. He moves into me and kisses me. Right on the lips. A full-on kiss in the middle of the dance floor. And it is a long and passionate one too. When he breaks it off he moves back and just flashes me the biggest grin ever. I want to ask him what that was about but I decide to just live in the moment and smile back at him.

The rest of the night is much of the same. We spend most of it on the dance floor, hot and sweaty, our bodies pressed together, touching and feeling each other up. We make out and dance like two horny teenagers ready to fuck right there on the dance floor. I honestly have no idea what has gotten into Noah tonight, but whatever it is I am absolutely loving it. By about two in the morning, as the crowd starts to thin, we decide to head on home. Besides, I honestly don't think my dick can stay in my pants any longer without causing permanent damage. I want Noah so bad it physically hurts.

I'm holding Noah's hand as we exit the building and I expect him to let it go, but he doesn't. Instead, as we move away from the building he holds on, and moves closer to me, practically leaning on my shoulder.

"I had fun tonight," Noah says.

"So did I."

He then stops and kisses me right in the middle of the street as people pass us by. Unlike last time he doesn't move away after a few seconds, but lets his lips linger near mine. Finally, it seems like we are starting to move towards the next stage in our relationship.

*** NOAH ***

"I didn't think you had a side like this in you?" Jordan says semi-surprised.

"There's lots you don't know about me," I say with a grin.

Jordan is sitting there with his gift in his hands; a piece of paper with a one-time offer.

"I learn something new every day. And I so want to use this coupon right now."

"Alright, then sit right here, and relax." I don't know what's gotten into me, but I'm feeling a bit adventurous tonight, a bit kinky if you will. I put some music on and dim the lights. "One lap dance coming up."

Tonight is all about me pleasuring him. I know I haven't made this process of coming out all that easy for Jordan, and yet he hasn't complained. He's given me so much space and time. Tonight he compromised on where we went for dinner just to make me feel comfortable. I know he's looking for more intimacy in public and to a degree I am too. I need to just let loose sometimes. Tonight I tried my best. I danced like an idiot, held him close, and didn't hide my affection for him once we were outside. And you know what, I had a fantastic time. And it's all because of him. Now it's my turn to return the favour.

After starting some music, I stand in front of him and start to move my hips, side to side. Slowly I start to unbutton my shirt. I let it hang loosely over my shoulders, as I rub my hands over my chest. I move my hand down my torso and into the top of my pants. As I do this I move my crotch closer to Jordan's face. He just sits there and smiles, and licks his lips. I'm probably making a fool of myself, but honestly, who cares. I move behind Jordan and start to massage his shoulders. I rub my hands along his torso, brushing past his sensitive nipples. I use the opportunity to kiss the side of his neck, and bite his ear lobe. I turn back around and toss off my shirt. I move closer to his body, sitting down on one of his legs. I grind myself into him, as I move my body down towards his foot. Once back up, I turn around and sit ever so gently on his lap. Slowly, I move my body down further, grinding into him and his hard dick. When I get up I find the edges of his shirt and yank it off.

I again start to move my body with the music, allowing my hands to feel up my skin. It's when I start to unbuckle my belt that Jordan really perks up. After tossing my belt onto the floor, I move my hips, side to side, letting my jeans slowly fall off of me. Once on the floor I kick them to the side. Now, only in my boxers, I move again close to Jordan, bringing my clearly hard dick closer to his face. As I grind down on his leg, I find his buckle as well. When I get up I pull Jordan up with me. I place my hands in his waistband and yank down his pants. I let my hands feel up his leg, all the way to his dick as I get back up. Once standing, I turn back around and press my body into Jordan's. His hands wrap around me and he brings me in closer to him. I can tell he is starting to get very eager.

"Fuck, Noah ..."

I turn around to face him and plant my lips on his. I kiss him for a long time. When I break off I move my lips down his body. I make my way down his heaving chest taking in his beautiful skin. I spend the next few minutes worshipping Jordan's upper body, inch by inch by inch, until I reach my ultimate prize. I yank down Jordan's underwear to reveal his beautiful dick, standing tall, oozing with pre-cum. I've sucked his cock countless times now, but I never seem to get enough. Each time I am hungry to devour him, all of him inside of me. I take my tongue and move around the head, savouring the salty treat, and then take it all in. I move my tongue up the shaft, as my hands play with his balls. He starts to thrust more into me, trying to get me to take more in. In due time, most of his cock is in my mouth. That salty taste fills my mouth, and I relish it. His dick is my drug, my sweet, sweet drug. After devouring his cock for a few good minutes I move to his balls, playing with them in my mouth, biting on them ever so lightly. My hands move to his dick. I stroke his cock with the back of my hand softly, just enough to make him want more. Eventually it is too much for him. He grabs me by the arms and lifts me up.

"My turn," he says with what can only be described as a lustful, evil grin.

As we move into the bedroom I lose my underwear. Jordan makes me lie down flat on my back. It's now his turn to return the favour to me. He too goes over my body, teasing it with his tongue and hands. He spends ample time on my dick, licking it from side to side, and playing with my balls. His cock-sucking skills have greatly improved. He brings me close to the edge several times but moves off just in time. The night is still young. Then he flips me around onto my stomach and starts to finger my waiting hole. It doesn't take him long to get his fingers deep inside of me. I'm much looser now than before. And we've had more than enough practice. Then he does something that completely catches me off guard; he brings his lips to my butt. He takes out his tongue and moves it around my hole. Holy crap, he's rimming me! We've never done this before and Jordan has never shown any interest in it. But oh my God, does it feel good! All I can do is moan out his name, encouraging him to go on. In between my indecipherable sounds I beg Jordan to fuck me. I need him inside of me so much. He doesn't wait to be asked twice.

He turns me around and lifts my legs up in the air. He wants to see my face as he enters me. This truly is my favourite position, looking into his eyes as he completes me. After he's lubed up and has put on a condom, he leans in, his face just inches from mine. Looking into my eyes he whispers: "Slow or hard?"

I don't have to think twice about this one. "Hard. Really, really hard."

He leans back. A smile spreads across his face. Clearly that was the right answer. And he delivers. Oh how he delivers. Tonight, I am in heaven.

— End of Chapter 19.

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