No18 sauna

By paul r

Published on Oct 12, 2018



Paul was a regular in the sauna, all the staff and most of the regulars knew him and would say hello.

There were a couple of guys Paul looked out for each visit, John, he walked with a limp but fucked like a robot.

Generally Paul would walk into the dark room, John tended to stand near the doorway stroking his dick.

He would come up behind Paul and feel his arse, slipping a finger between his cheeks and registering the lube already there.

He would push Paul over to the bench and bend him over, with one hard fast shove he would enter Paul's ass eliciting a sharp cry of pain from the sudden intrusion, then he would ride him hard. Paul though to himself, i wish just once he would take it slowly to start with but he does fuck well.

John would pull out and wander off, Paul usually hung about the dark room to see if there were any more takers.

If not he generally went for a lie down in one of the cabins Paul would lie facedown in one of the cabins having a rest and sometimes John would wander in.

He would climb on Paul's back and without further ado he would push his hard 8 inches straight up Paul's ass.

Each and every time Paul would quietly cry out as the hard member invaded his tight ass, no matter how often, that first penetration always hurt a bit. After a few seconds John got into his rythm and off he went, he rode Paul like a stallion, fast and hard then soft and slow.

long strokes rubbing Paul's prostate and making him whimper with the sensation. Followed by fast short strokes punchimng into the tight hole Paul always came after a few moments of this and John would continue pumping until he fille the condom with his cum.

On this particular afternoon, John had fucked Paul twice already.

Paul had gone upstairs to find an empty cabin.

He was laying resting when Jon came in, You still here he asked, Paul replied I was waiting to see if you would come back again.

John Laughed and pulled Paul's leg till he swung round and bent over the bench.

Quickly, as was his wont john entered Paul and began to ride him, the door started to open and a large guy looked in, John pushed the door shut in his face and never missed a stroke.

The man stood outside listening to Paul moaning and occasionally crying out as john rode him.

John finished, stripped his condom and left, saying catch you later.

Paul was standing there stretching his back when the stranger walked straight in and shut the door.

Paul said Hi but the guy simply bent him over and slapped his ass a few times.

Paul cried out more in shock then pain as the stranger spanked him.

Shut up or you will regret it, said the guy.

From under the towel wrapped round his waist he produced a leather strap.

He proceeded to give Paul a sound and thorough beating.

Paul was stifling his cries and wishing it would end when without warning the guy shoved his hard cock straight in to Pauls ass.

Even though he had been fucked three times he was still a bit tight and this guy was bigger than John or any one who had fucked Paul.

Paul cried out loudly in pain as the large cock forced its way into him.

Thats right bitch, hurts doesnt it, well you better get used to it cos im gonna fuck you till your legs give out then im gonna fuck more.

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