No Way Out

By moc.loa@320274legnAteewS

Published on Apr 4, 2001


'No Way Out' Chapter 3

Disclaimer: Do I really have to write one of these again? No one ever reads them anyway. I could write, like, anything here and it wouldn't matter cuz no one's gonna waste their time reading it. But I have to waste my time writing it so I might as well put it properly. I do not know NSYNC. I am not implying anything about their sexuality. As far as I know, they're all straight. And if you're homophobic or too young to be here, please leave.

AUTHOR'S NOTE - Please read! When I was writing this chapter, I realized that it is a bit more disturbing than I anticipated. But since it is essential to the story line, I will post it anyway. So I ask you guys to handle it maturely. I do not necessarily believe that the actions undertaken by a certain character in this story are in any way the 'right thing' to do. So...proceed with caution. And if any Justin fans, after reading this chapter, feel like hunting me down with a pitchfork and beating the living daylights out of me, I ask them to postpone doing that at least until after chapter four. I would greatly appreciate that. ::grin:: J ---------------------------------

It was exactly 2:46 am as Justin made his way down the hallway towards JC's room. The long corridor was only dimly lit and car headlights and the electric glow of neon signs shining in from the window painted an ever-changing design onto the walls and ceiling.

They had come back from the club only 20 minutes ago. Justin, staying true to his oath to turn back into his own self, had gone to the club with his bandmates, earning a few odd looks but no weird questions.

He had had only one beer. Enough alcohol to bring down his inhibitions just so far that he could talk more easily, but not far enough to risk the danger of saying something stupid.

It was strangely quiet as he neared the door to JC's room. The only noise Justin could hear was the beating of his heard and the dim noises from outside, carrying through the open window. All of it, the alcohol, the eerie light, and the quiet were making Justin even more exited and nervous than he was already.

"This is it, the moment of truth." Justin whispered to himself and knocked on the door. He stood there for a few minutes, a shivering figure in the darkness. Finally he heard noises and the door opened.

"Justin? What are you doing here?" JC asked, he was out or breath and his face was flushed. Curious, Justin peeked past his friend. All he could see was the rumpled bed. But...someone was on that bed.

With a sudden determination Justin pushed JC aside and entered the room. The person on the bed was Joey. He was wearing only boxers, and his face was as red as JC's. Even though both men were trying to act nonchalant, it was clear what had been going on.

"JC...Joey...are you...were you...?" Justin felt the world spin around him as he tried to ask a million questions at once. This was not possible. He looked at JC with an expression that could only be described as pure pain and agony.

JC recoiled as his eyes met Justin's and saw hurt in them. The hazel orbs were glistening with the tears that were threatening to spill.

"Just, I don't know what to say." JC whispered. There was nothing else to be said. He had betrayed his friend in the worst way possible. But Justin didn't reply. He was frozen halfway between the door and the bed, staring at nothing at all.

Then, in slow motion, he turned around to face JC.

"I came to your room tonight because I wanted to tell you something. I wanted to tell you that I love you. But I see that someone else has already taken the place I was hoping to fill." His voice was low and husky, barely audible above the thick silence in the room. And then he turned, brushed past the shocked JC, and left the room.

It was not much later. Five minutes maybe. Justin was sitting in the rental car, racing over the highway. He was going way too fast and he knew it, yet he had no intention of slowing down. The radio was on full blast but Justin didn't hear the music. The rain was pouring down and obstructing his view out the windshield, but he didn't notice.

** How could he? Why, why, why? Why did I wait this long to tell him? And why Joey? They are the most impossible couple ever. They are complete opposites. JC belongs with me. We are perfect for each other. This can't be. He can't be with someone else. He just can't. He's mine. I love him. How could he not have known? I want him, want to be with him. I need to be with him. He's mine. **

Justin felt lonely and somehow numb, detached. He didn't know where he was going, but when the bridge slowly materialized out of the rain and fog, he realized that that had been his destination all along.

He was on the bridge now, swerving onto the lane to his very right. On the side of the bridge, there was a cast-iron fence. It was not very high, barely an obstacle at all. He pushed down the gas pedal with all his might, driving straight over the side of the bridge.

** I love you JC. I love you, I love you, I love you. **

The car floated for a while, then the dark water swallowed it. Soon the surface was calm again. Up on the bridge, people were gathering, talking loudly. The faint sound of a siren could be heard in the distance. More and more people stopped their cars and got out to look at the broken fence and the black water below. As the first glimmer of the sunrise became visible on the horizon, the ambulance, followed by a police car, finally reached the bridge. The excitement on the bridge grew with each passing minute. Questions were asked and plans were made to rescue that poor soul in the car.

And the water under the bridge was calm.

--------------------------------------------- Uh...a cliffhanger. And a very evil one at that. I promise I'll try to get the next chapter out very soon. I can't stand to see Justin's suffer like that either, so rest assured that they will somehow get his cute behind out of that cold water. ::grinn:: As always, feedback is appreciated. Take care, j

Next: Chapter 4

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