No Way Out

By moc.loa@320274legnAteewS

Published on Nov 4, 2001


`No Way Out' Chapter 12

Disclaimer: If you've made it this far, you should know this. But I'll go over it again anyway. This story is fiction. That means that none of it is true. If you are underage or an ignorant homophobe, please leave now.

Ladies and Gentlemen

I present the l 12th and last chapter of `No Way Out'. When I mapped out the story, I did not intend for this chapter to be the last one. But then it just kind of happened that way anyway. There just is no other good way to end it.

I will not leave the board, but I will be gone for a while. I am still getting accustomed to my new school and exams are coming up so I will be rather busy for a while. I am planning on writing a new story however. I've been tossing around ideas for a while, but the only thing I've decided on for sure is that the main character will be AJ McLean. If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to e-mail me.

Ok, moving on to the story.

"Dr. Kensington here, how can I help you?"

"You can tell me that you are free for a date tonight."

"Justin! I missed you so much." Jake had just been getting ready to leave his office for the day when his phone rang. He hadn't seen Justin in a while, and now just hearing his voice was driving him crazy.

"I told you I'd need about a week after my discharge to tie up some lose ends. But I am free now. So can I come over tonight?"

"Sure. I was just about to leave. See you at 7?"

"I'll be there."

So at exactly seven o'clock that night, Justin parked his car and took the elevator up to the fourth floor. He couldn't wait to see his boyfriend again. Boyfriend. That word still had an alien ring to it. But these days he was more open to new concepts and he was a whole lot more at peace with himself and the world.


"Are you ready to go?" JC asked, grabbing a bag.

"I think so." Justin took another look around the hospital room he had spent the past weeks in. When he first got here, he had hated this room. He had also hated himself and his life. But he had grown up a lot during his time at the hospital. And he had learned a lot about himself. Then there was that episode last week, where he had surprised Jake in his office. That memory brought a smile to his face, as it always did.

"Why are you smiling like you were just offered a chance at a night with Brad Pitt?" JC asked.

"Aw man, you know he's not my type. You can have him. No, I was remembering something that happened a few days ago." Justin replied, laughing.

"And what would that be?"

"Guess." Thoroughly enjoying himself, Justin put on an evil smirk.

"Can I have a hint?"

"Well..."Justin said, feigning thoughtfulness, "it involved Jake."

"That incredibly hot therapist of yours? What did you do, sleep with him?" It was meant as a joke, but when JC noticed the deep red blush creeping over his friends face, he knew that he had guessed right. Excited, he dropped the bag and hugged Justin.

"I can't believe it. My little Curly is all grown up now. Did you like it?"

"Like it? Love it would be more appropriate. It was so..." Groping for the right word, Justin let the sentence trail off.

"It's indescribable, I know."

"Wow, who would've thought that I would be discussing this kind of thing with you? But I am glad I am. It feels great to be best friends again."

"Definitely." **

Just a few seconds after ringing the doorbell, the door flew open and Justin was face to face with Jake.

"I wouldn't have thought it possible, but you look even hotter now than you did last week." Justin said, a smile playing around his lips

"The same goes for you." For a little while, they just stared at each other. Then Jake pulled his boyfriend in, kicked the door shut, and started kissing him frantically. The desire that had built up in both of them over the time apart exploded between them right there in the hallway.

Later, they settled on the couch with a glass of wine. Justin rested his head in Jake's nap and closed his eyes, savoring the comfortable closeness.

"Did you tell them?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, I did."

"How'd it go?"


"So what's the big secret?" Lance asked as he entered Justin's living room. For once, he was the last to show up, everyone else was already there. JC and Joey were sharing the couch while Justin was sitting cross-legged on the glass table. Chris was lounging on the armchair. Lance got settled on the couch next to Joey.

"The big secret is that some of you still don't know what's been going on with me lately." Justin replied, looking around the room.

"So I decided to call in this meeting and go over the whole thing since you all have a right to know why *NSYNC almost turned into *SYNC. But it's rather...complex, so please let me finish before you say anything, alright?" Nods all around. Justin took a deep breath and started.

"Okay. I realized that I am gay a while ago, but it didn't bother me until I fell in love with Josh. Since I was too scared to tell him, I got really depressed. I finally decided to come clean a few weeks ago because I couldn't stand it anymore."

"But when he came to my hotel room, he found me in bed with Joey." JC took over.

"So I totally lost it and...well, you know the rest." Justin finished.

"Give me a second while I pick my jaw up from the floor." The expression on Chris's face couldn't be described as anything but shocked.

"Was I on vacation for an extended period of time? How did I not know about any of this?" Lance asked. He couldn't decide whether he should be angry for having been left out, or relieved that it was over now.

"Lance, these were individual decisions. I'm not saying that they were very smart decisions, but it wasn't your fault. You were doing all you could." Joey tried to reassure his bandmate.

"Before we move on, I would just like to announce one more thing. I kind of have a boyfriend." Even though the relationship was still very new, Justin felt the need to let his friends in on it. He had learned what keeping secrets could do.

"You what? Justin, what if he sells us out?" There was no denying it, Lance was angry now.

"His name is Jake and I met him at the hospital. He won't leak, Lance. Trust me, once you get to know him you'll see that he's no threat to us. And he helped me get over Josh." There was a hint of pleading in Justin's tone. He needed Lance to be alright with this.

"You know I can't stay mad at you for long. But Justin, please listen. I know that the last thing you need right now is a lecture, but I hope you learned something from this mess. This band is like a relationship. It can only work out if there's a base of trust and understanding. Next time something is bothering you, please don't hold it back?" Justin nodded, fighting to keep back the tears. They met in a hug and Justin lost the battle.

"Group hug!" Joey yelled.

"Leave it to Fatone to ruin the moment." JC mumbled. Laughing amidst the tears, Justin and Lance made room for the rest of the band.

"You know, we're kinda like the Three Musketeers. Except that there are five of us. And we don't have swords. But other than that,"

"Yeah Joey, other than that, we're just like them." **

"So they really want to meet me?" Jake asked.

"Yup." Justin got up to plant a quick kiss on his lover's lips. Jake grabbed his shoulders to hold him in place. They let their tongues explore each other's mouths.

"You where right you know." Justin whispered between kisses.

"With what?"

"When you said that I'm a damn lucky kid. I must be, or I wouldn't have found you."

Sigh. (

That took me way too long, I know. I was going to send it in a few days ago, but my computer ate the chapter and intelligent as I am, I didn't have a back up copy. So I had to rewrite the whole thing. I hope you liked it anyway.

Lemme know what you thought of the story. I'd appreciate the feedback. Take care, J

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