No Way Out

By moc.loa@320274legnAteewS

Published on Aug 29, 2001


`No Way Out' Chapter 11

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. None of this ever happened and I am not implying anything about the sexuality or personal beliefs of anyone mentioned. If you are underage, please leave. And if you have something against the homosexual content of this story, get your ignorant self outa here.

No, I did not die. If you wanna find out why it did take me so long, read my excuses at the end of this chapter.

Oh, and have fun reading. I hope it's worth the wait. --------------------------------------------

Previously on `No Way Out'

Justin was still standing in the doorway, lost in a rush of emotions, when Jake's eyelids fluttered, then opened. It took him a few seconds to take in his surroundings and to realize that he was still in his office. That Justin was in his room. Standing there in the dim light, he was breathtaking. He still radiated that air of strength and weakness at once that had fascinated Jake from the first moment on. Like some sort of a dark angel, he seemed fragile, yet so strong.

They were trapped in that moment and for a while neither of them could move or speak. And then Justin knew why he had come to see Jake. Not because he wanted to talk, but because he needed him. It was as simple as that. And he wasn't going to keep it to himself this time. No way. So he closed the distance between them, cupped Jake's face with his hand, and kissed him.

Chapter 11

Jake was surprised at first, but he did not pull back. Instead, he got up and moved closer to Justin, holding on to him in a tight embrace. Innocent in the beginning, the kiss become more and more heated and passionate until Justin opened his eyes and took a step back.

The dreamy atmosphere had disappeared and left sobering reality behind. Justin felt like he had been thrown into the wrong movie. Here he was, kissing another guy! Thinking about it, even accepting that thought, was one thing. But actually doing it was quite another. With a sigh, he moved back and sat down on the edge of the desk.

"How can something feel so wrong and so right at the same time?" He asked in a whisper.

"This was your first kiss, wasn't it?" It was meant to be a question, but sounded more like a statement. Jake already knew the answer. He had gone through this himself just a few years ago, and he still remembered what it felt like.

"It feels right because it is. But you and just about every other person on this planet have been raised to believe that two guys should not be kissing. And some of that sticks with you, no matter what. But you've got to go with what feels right for you. You can't let someone else's ignorant opinion hold you back." Justin nodded.

"I know. I really do like you and I don't want to hold those feelings back."

"I like you too. But right now, I'm still your therapist and you're still my patient. Starting a relationship with you could get me fired."

"Can we forget about your job for a little while?" Justin whispered, pulling Jake closer.

"I don't know if that would be such a good idea." Jake protested half-heartedly.

"I think it's a great idea." Justin whispered, his lips just inches away from Jake's.

"If you say so..." Jake's voice trailed off as their lips met. Instantly the rest of the world eclipsed into nothingness and nothing mattered anymore.

Once he got used to the new sensation of another guy's lips on his own, Justin couldn't get enough of this feeling. He somehow felt complete, as though this was what he'd been missing all along. So surrendered himself to Jake's gentle touch.

Jake's hands were wandering downwards over Justin's chest and stomach until they reached the waistband of his pants. He quickly undid the zipper and pulled down the jeans along with the boxers.

When Justin realized what was going to happen, a quick wave of panic flashed over him. But his body was responding to Jake's experienced hands and he had never felt pleasure like this before. The panic faded away and he closed his eyes, savoring the moment.

Jake got on his knees and took Justin's erect tool in his mouth. He sucked on it, letting his tongue play with the sensitive tip. He could hear Justin's breath becoming faster and faster until he stifled a scream as he came. Eagerly Jake swallowed some of the white liquid, trying to take it all.

"How was that?" Jake asked as he sat down next to Justin on the edge of the desk. "That was incredible." Justin smiled. "Can we do that again sometime?"

"Yes. Right after you leave this hospital. I'm sorry," Jake added as he saw the disappointment on Justin's face. "but I can't do this. As soon as you're out of here I'm yours. But until then, hands off." Justin nodded with a sigh.

"So when can I leave?"

I'm really sorry this took so long. I do have a few excuses though. At first I couldn't decide how far I should let them go in this chapter. When I finally did decide, I was on vacation at my grandma's house. And I just can't write sex scenes with my grandma sitting next to me solving crossword puzzles. And after I finished the chapter I couldn't get online for a week because I was staying at a hotel that had a digital phone line. So there. I promise I'll try to get the next one out a little faster.

Take care j

Next: Chapter 12

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