No Time For Love

By AJ Shukla

Published on May 14, 2000



****Hey there everyone! Well this is my new story. I also write the story Josh and Just. Anyway. This is my story about a member of `N Sync falling for a fictional character. I don't really read stories with fictional characters but I decided to write one. Anyways. I hope you all like it. And comments and questions are always welcome at . So on to the story!! Mahalo Aloha.

No Time For Love 1

"Zack! Hurry Up! You're gonna be late!" Daniel yelled as he placed a the sandwich in Zack's lunchbox. Soon the seven year old came hopping down the stairs as he struggled to keep his backpack on.

"This bag is too big for me." Zack complained as he struggled.

"Hey Rugrat it's adjustable. Hold on while I fix it." Daniel replied as he got to his knees to help his younger brother out with the his backpack. Zack placed his hand around the tie that his older brother was wearing.

"You're wearing that tie?" Zack asked.

"Yeah of course I am. I have a big group coming for a meeting today." Daniel replied as he ruffled Zack's hair.

"Okay you're all set. Let's get going or you're going to be late." Daniel said as he scooped his younger brother up in one arm and grabbed his brother's lunchbox and brief case in the other. He placed the boy down outside as he locked the door. Zack ran to the car and opened the passengers door while Daniel opened the driver's door. Daniel started the car and backed out of the driveway. He started to drive down the quiet neighborhood street on the way to his brother's elementary school. He looked over to his brother's lap where an `N Sync lunchbox laid.

"Why do you like them?" Daniel asked as he turned the lunchbox so he could look at the five men once again. His little brother had always been a fan of the boy band as was everyone else in his second grade class. The girls wished that they were their girlfriends. While the guys wished they were as cool as them.

"They're cool." Zack replied. Daniel flashed a small smile toward his brother as he turned at the intersection.

"You like this one huh?" Zack asked as he pointed to the picture of JC. Daniel looked over and shrugged.

"He's cute." Daniel replied as he continued to drive. Zack made a disgusted face and continued to look out the window. You see, Daniel has been out for a while now. Actually a little under a year now. His parents had been supportive and they helped him explain it to Zack. His older sister had always known but didn't want to speak up about it. Luckily, Zack didn't mind and was kind of comfortable asking questions about anything.

"So do you still like that girl Joanna?" Daniel asked as he reached over and rested his hand on his brother's head which didn't make it more than a couple inches above the dashboard.

"No she has cooties. Stacy doesn't." Zack replied.

"Oh really?" Daniel asked holding his laughter.

"Yeah." Zack replied. Daniel turned into the parking lot of the school and drove up to the curve.

"Okay Kiddo. I'll be by when you get out okay? If it's not me Doug will come by okay?" Daniel claimed as he helped Zack taking off his seatbelt.

"Okay." Zack said as he stood on the seat and leaned over to Daniel. He gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Love ya." Daniel said as he watched his brother climb out of the car.

"Ditto." Zack said before closing the door. Daniel watched as his brother went into the school before pulling out of the school parking lot. He looked at himself in the rear view mirror as he drove and checked out his tie.

"What's wrong with this tie?" Daniel asked himself.

Daniel walked into the studio and walked past all the recording booths. He made his way to the third story where his office was set up. As he past his secretary, he flashed her a quick smile before walking into his office. He placed his briefcase down on the desk and looked at the day calendar on his desk. His secretary walked into the office.

"Morning Daniel." She said as she leaned against the doorway with a smirk.

"Good morning Kate. Sorry, I would have been here sooner but Zack was running a little late. Are they here yet?" Daniel asked.

"Yup. They are in the conference room. Do you know who you are talking to?" Kate asked as she smiled wickedly.

"Nope is it someone famous?" Daniel asked unpacking his briefcase. In the midst the picture frame holding a picture of his parents fell over. He picked up the picture frame and looked at his parents sadly. He smiled weakly as he saw how happy his parents were in the picture. He placed it back between the picture of Zack and the picture of his sister's family.

"Yup. `N Sync." Kate said excitedly.

"Cool. Are they mad that I'm late?" Daniel asked as he sifted through the papers in his folio.

"No but Daniel they are soo cute. Wait until you see them." Kate said as she started following him out of the office and to the conference room.

"Thanks Kate but it's okay. I know what they look like Zack has all they're CD's and he's even trying to dress like the blond one." Daniel laughed as he kept whizzing by everyone to get to the conference room.

"Must be Justin. Anyway. Good luck break a leg." Kate said as she stood with him outside the conference room.

"Thanks how do I look?" Daniel asked as he held out his arms so she could look at him.

"You are going to wear that tie?" Kate asked as she scrunched up her face.

"What's wrong with this tie? I love this tie!" Daniel said taking offense.

"Nothing go knock them dead." Kate said as she opened the door for him and pushed him in. Daniel looked at his tie oddly before looking up and seeing five men sitting around the conference room table while talking amongst each other.

"Hello fellows. I'm sorry I'm late. Now that we're all here we can get down to business." Daniel said as he walked to his seat. He placed his folio on the table and took a seat.

"Oh it's no problem. I guess we should introduce ourselves." JC stated.

"No need to. I know you guys. My brother is a big fan. He wants to be just like Justin. Even crooning the girls in his class." Daniel mentioned.

"So you know us all?" Chris asked.

"Well let me give it a try. You're Justin, Joey, JC, Chris, and uhm. . . uh. . .Lance?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah." Lance said with a smile and a nod.

"Good job." Justin stated.

"Thanks. I'm Daniel. And I guess I want to be your advertising manager. I've pretty much impressed the people at your agency but I think they wanted me to impress you. Now here are some samples of some of the CD jackets that I helped design. And as you can see I adopted some of the themes in them for commercials and magazine ads." Daniel stated. Passing out some of his previous works.

"Hey Daniel. We like it all. And you're pretty much guaranteed the job because you impressed our management and all. So we were kind of thinking if you can just chill with us for a while cause we really don't want to head to practice this early." Justin voiced shyly.

"No problem. If you guys don't want to sit in these hard conference room chairs you can crash on the couch in my office." Daniel suggested.

"Fine by me. Lead the way." Chris said sitting up.

Daniel sat at his desk as he filled out some paperwork while Chris and Joey crashed on the black leather couch. Justin sat comfortably in the leather seat in front of the desks for clients occasionally letting out moans of comfort as he shifted from a position into a better one. Daniel laughed every time. Lance looked at the framed advertisements on the wall. JC stood behind the desk where he gazed at everything on the wall. He turned around and looked at the desk. He saw the photo frames on both sides of the desk.

"Who are these people? I'm sorry if you don't mind me asking." JC said once he realized he sounded rude.

"Oh no problem. The picture of the seven year old hugging the dog is my little brother. The older couple is my parents and the other picture is my older sister, her husband, and her two children." Daniel said, pointing at each picture with his pen.

"And what about that side?" JC asked as he pointed to the other side of the desk. Two frames stood there.

"Well that one is me, my best friend Doug, and his girlfriend. And the other is a more recent picture of my niece and nephew." Daniel said.

"Wow you have a beautiful family. Your parents must be proud." JC replied. A twinge of pain rolled over Daniel as he sat in his chair. He nodded and turned away so no one could see him lose the false smile.

"What's wrong?" JC asked, obviously catching the saddened face.

"Nothing. Just my parents aren't alive anymore. They were killed last year." Daniel choked as he opened his desk drawer and pulled out a tissue. He dabbed his eyes before throwing the tissue into the garbage.

"Oh I'm so sorry. I feel like an idiot. I shouldn't have pried like that." JC said. He looked back at the rest of the guys who were now looking onto Daniel with sadness.

"I know you don't know us or anything but do you want to talk about it? Sometimes it helps to tell strangers. There's no fear of being judged. We'll be like your free shrinks!" Joey said, trying to lighten the mood. Daniel let out a small laugh before nodding.

"Okay well I guess so. I never really tried it before. It's worth a shot. Here it goes. Well I guess it all started when I first started this job. It was when I was twenty-four. Just about a year ago. I had worked through college and took so many other classes to get my degree in advertising and all that. Well it was an ordinary day I guess. It was summer and my brother wanted to stay at my house. I lived only like seven blocks from my parents. So he came to visit me. That night someone broke into my house. We later found out he was only their to steals tuff but since my parents woke up he had killed them. Well later on we found the killer and went to trial and all that and I got custody over my brother. He stays with me at my house. My sister and her husband moved further into Orlando a couple of months after the murder. Everything has pretty much died down but only when I think about them a lot, do I really get emotional." Daniel replied as he wiped the tears that were building in his eyes.

"Is your brother okay?" Justin asked softly.

"Yeah he's doing pretty good. He's getting a little more quieter because it's coming close to the day that they had died." Daniel said releasing a sniffle.

"We're so sorry." JC replied as he took Daniel's hand into his. Daniel looked at the warm hands that held his and then back up to JC who had a comforting smile. Daniel flashed a small smile back.

"Excuse me Daniel. But `N Sync has to leave now. I just received a call from their managers." Kate said poking her head in.

"Okay thanks Kate. Well guys I guess this is goodbye. I'll talk to you guys later. You have my card and all. Usually I'll be at the office until three and after wards you can reach me on my cell number that's on the card." Daniel said getting up. His hand was still enfolded in JC's he looked down at the interlocked hands and back up at JC. Both released a nervous laugh before separating.

"Will do Daniel. Hey are you interested in bringing your brother to the concert tonight? You said he was a fan right? Well we'll get you setup with some backstage passes and some seats. How's it sound?" Joey asked, proposing the idea.

"Well I don't know. It is a school night and all." Daniel said, sounding as if pondering.

"Please?" All five of the guys whined, showing there teeth.

"Please?": JC whispered softly. Daniel heard the soft prayer and looked at JC and smiled.

"Okay. Sure. Where do I pick them up?" Daniel pondered.

"Well we'll leave them at the side stage entrance with the guy. We'll leave two, one for you and one for your brother. Sound good?" Justin asked.

"Sounds great. I'll see you guys tonight then. Talk to you later." Daniel said as he walked out from behind his desk. JC followed behind. He walked past Daniel lightly brushing his hand. The two stared at each other as JC walked to the door.

" Oh by the way, I like your tie. Bye." JC said poking his head back into the room.

"Thanks. Bye." Daniel replied, closing the door. JC walked out into the office building and followed his four friends. He smiled to himself as he walked.

"JC has a crush." Justin teased as they walked to the elevator.

"No I don't." JC replied with a small smile.

"Yeah you do. I saw the way you two held hands. You were putting the moves on him." Lance laughed walking into the empty elevator.

"I don't even know if he's gay." JC replied as the door closed before descending.

"He might be. Why don't you ask him? Not going to lose anything. Just go straight up to him and say `I'm JC, I'm the most musically gifted person in the world. Everyone loves my looks, I like you will you go out with me?' If that doesn't work just kiss him and see if anything happens." Chris said, he broke into laughter at his own joke.

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah." JC said as he walked out of the elevator.

Zack raced toward the car as Daniel pulled up to the curb. He got into the car and put on his seatbelt.

"Hey there Kiddo. How was school?" Daniel asked as he started to drive out of the school parking lot.

"It was okay. Today someone brought a frog to school and it slipped out of his hands and started hopping around the room. Mrs. Lee jumped on the table because she was scared." Zack replied as he faced his brother.

"Wow cool. What do you say we go home really quick and grab a bite to eat, like pizza or something and then we'll head over to Teri's house. Then we'll head to the `N Sync concert. Sound good?" Daniel asked as he continued to keep his eyes on the road.

" `N Sync!! Really??" Zack asked as he bounced up and down in the seat.

"Yup. They are my new clients. They gave me tickets for tonight. It's going to be late though. We won't get home until midnight or so. And if you are really tired tomorrow I'll call you in sick and just take you to work with me so you can sleep." Daniel said.

"Okay." Zack replied, still excited about going to the concert. Daniel pulled into the driveway and got out of the car. Zack ran to his side while he jiggled the keys to the door. He opened the door and placed his briefcase down.

"Okay go upstairs and get out whatever you want to wear and I'll call about the pizza okay?" Daniel said as he urged his brother up the stairs. Daniel walked into the kitchen and made the call before going into the living room and taking a seat at the piano. He fiddled with the keys on the piano sending gentle sounds of music through the air. He heard a loud thud run down the stairs. He looked back to see Zack running into the living room with a golden retriever following.

"Can I take Spike for a walk like you always do?" Zack asked.

"No you can't cause if you take him for a walk, he'll end up taking you for a walk. But how about this. Next time I'll take you with me. Once school gets out we'll walk everyday okay?" Daniel said lifting his brother onto the piano bench.

"Okay. Daniel, can you tell me about Mommy and Daddy?" Zack asked as he climbed into Daniel's lap. Daniel held Zack in his lap as he looked down at his brother.

"Well Mom was always happy. She loved you so much. I remember when you were born. Teri came home from school and we would be waiting in the waiting room while Dad walked around nervously. The doctors said that you were a miracle because Mom and Dad were a little old when they had you. They were in their early fifties, but didn't look it at all. Mom was beautiful and optimistic. She loved to dance and would always dance with you when you were a baby. And Dad was hard working but he would always come home and spend time with you when you were little." Daniel said as he lifted his brother. He started to walk up the stairs to his bedroom. He opened the door and walked over to the bed where he placed his brother down.

"Where did they work?" Zack asked.

"Zack you know where they used to work. Dad used to work in that big office while Mom was a doctor. Remember?" Daniel asked as he walked to his closet. He un-did his tie and threw it on a nearby chair. He started to unbutton his shirt as he searched for another suitable one. He took off his shirt and pulled out a blue button down shirt. He slipped that on and started to button it back up. He tucked it into his pants and tightened his belt.

"How do I look?" Daniel asked the kid who was now toying with the picture of Daniel and another man on the nightstand.

"Why don't we see Jonathan anymore?" Zack inquired.

"Because Zack, Jonathan and I aren't seeing each other anymore. Do you understand?" Daniel asked in return.

"Yeah, Is it my fault that we don't see him. Is it because you have to take care of me?" Zack asked as he toyed with the frame while looking at the happy couple that stood in front of a waterfall. Both of them wearing swimming trunks while holding each other as the cold water splashed over them both.

"No not at all. It's just that we had some problems that's all. You didn't do anything at all. You understand that? I would give up anything to take care of you. But me and Jonathan decided that we were better just as friends." Daniel replied.

"Okay." Zack replied.

"Good. Now lets go eat!" Daniel said as he urged his brother to come downstairs.

After eating the two headed to their sister's home which was more into Orlando and closer to the arena at which `N Sync was playing at. Daniel pulled up in front of the car and got out of the car. He took his brother's hand and walked with him to the door. He opened the unlocked door and walked into the house. He locked the door behind him and waked into the hallway.

"Hello?" Daniel called.

"Hey there!" Teri yelled as she came down the stairs. Daniel gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before walking toward the kitchen

"Hey Zacky. How's it been?" Teri asked. as she walked with him to the kitchen.

"It's okay." Zack replied as he climbed onto one of the stools at the kitchen counter. Daniel opened the fridge and looked around before pulling out the jug of Lemonade.

"Freshly squeezed?" Daniel asked.

"Mom's own recipe." Teri replied as she took a seat at the stool next to Zack.

"Cool." Daniel replied, pouring himself a glass as well as one for Zack.

"So what are you two men up to?" Teri asked.

"Well we're heading to the `N Sync concert. They're my new clients." Daniel said as he took a small sip.

"Oooo! Sounds like a blast. Hey you like that JC one huh?" Teri asked with a grin.

"He's cute, but he's probably straight." Daniel said leaning his arms against the counter.

"Where's Jimmy?" Zack asked, looking around for his sister's husband, his brother-in-law.

"He's taking the kids to the park." Teri replied.

"Anyway. We should get going. Just wanted to say hi and seem somewhat kind." Daniel said as he stood up.

"Okay well bye you two. Come visit us soon." Teri said as she stood also.

"Hey this is the last week that Zack has school before summer vacation and that means next Thursday is when it happened. Do you want to meet at my house and we'll head to the cemetery from there?" Daniel asked.

"Sounds good. I'll bring Jimmy and the kids." Teri replied softly.

"Okay we'll see you later bye." Daniel said giving his sister another kiss on the cheek.

"Bye Zack have fun!" Teri said as they walked toward the car. Zack waved before getting into the car.

Daniel walked back stage while carrying Jonathan in his arms. He looked around at the aftermath of the concert and what went on behind the curtains. The band dismantled the stage as started to pack up the instruments. Daniel moved out of the way and watched everything go by.

He pointed out everything to Zack who was fighting between staying a awake and going to sleep.

"Hey Daniel. Come on over." Lance yelled from a door. Daniel turned to the sound of the voice and saw Lance standing by a door and waving him in.

"Hey Lance. Great show." Daniel said as he followed Lance into the dressing room.

"Hey Daniel." All the guys said as he entered the room. Daniel gave them a smile and waved to them.

"Have a seat." Lance said pointing to the couch. Daniel took a seat while the guys changed out of their concert clothes into their own personal comfortable clothes.

"Is that Zack?" Justin asked as he waved to the boy. Zack turned bright red and looked up to Daniel for approval. Daniel smiled as Zack crawled onto his lap in embarrassment.

"He's a shy one." Joey said as he took a seat next to Daniel.

"Yeah he is. But once he gets to know you he'll start acting differently." Daniel said as he adjusted the boy in his lap.

"So what's the deal for tonight. We just finished our last concert on this tour and we have a vacation. A nice looooong vacation. What do we do now? Let's celebrate. Let's crash at someone's house or something." Chris said jumping up and down excitedly.

"Well can't be our house cause Paul and Mom have some anniversary dinner. Something about the time they first met or something." Justin replied.

"Can't be ours. It's getting fumigated. We were actually hoping to crash with you tonight." Lance said looking at Justin.

"So we are all out of a place to stay?" JC asked in surprise.

"Well you could crash at my place. I don't know if you want to or not. Seeing how I just met you guys and you know nothing about me. But if you want you can always crash at my place." Daniel suggested, expecting to be turned down. Why would a group of five pop stars want to spend the night at his house? He could be a murderer or a stalker.

"Got food?" Joey asked.

"If there is food Joey is in." Lance laughed.

"Yeah I have food. If not we can order something. Some restaurants could be open this late. Actually I can drop by my sisters house and raid her fridge." Daniel said pondering.

"Well if you don't mind than I'm up for it." Lance announced.

"I don't mind at all. Actually you guys are coming because you have no where to stay." Daniel laughed.

"Sounds good. And I don't mind if you raid your sisters fridge either!" Joey claimed. They all laughed before getting ready to leave.

Daniel climbed into his Lexus SUV and unlocked all the other car doors. JC took the front seat while the four guys crammed into the back seat. JC held Zack carefully in his lap as the child battled to stay awake. Daniel started the car and drove out of the parking lot which was now pretty much empty.

"So Daniel. You have a girlfriend?" JC asked as he cast a quick look at Daniel.

"Uhm No. I'm gay." Daniel said as he continued to drive. His eyes stayed on the road, not wanting to see JC's look. He missed seeing JC's smile as he turned to look at the window.

"Cool. You have a boyfriend?" JC asked.

"Not really. I used to, but we broke up." Daniel replied.

"What was he like?" Justin asked from the back.

"Do you mind? That's my thigh!" Chris bellowed.

"Well that' my knee." Lance announced.

"Okay who ever us rubbing that spot! Stop it this instant. That's not a place I want a guy to be rubbing. No offense Daniel." Joey claimed.

"None taken." Daniel laughed.

"Anyways go on." Justin said.

"Well he was very talented in music. He was close to my family. They all knew and adored him. He loved Zack to death. He loved my parents. And I guess the only reason we broke up was because after my parents died I had no time for love. He understood that and let me know that when ever I wanted help, he would be a phone call away. I can introduce you guys to him. he works at the office." Daniel said as he continued to drive.

"No kidding. JC loves music too." Justin replied. JC quickly adjusted his seat so that it went smashing into Justin's knees.

"Oww!" Justin yelled as rubbed his knees. Daniel looked over to JC who gave him an innocent smile.

"Okay this is it. Home sweet home. Make your selves comfortable." Daniel said as he carried the sleeping Zack in one arm. Spike came running around the corner and started to jump with excitement at the sound of people in the house. Justin quickly made his way into the living room with Spike following. The rest of the guys followed as Daniel closed the door.

"I'm going to go put Zack to bed. I'll be down in a second. Make yourselves comfy. Food is in the kitchen. Help yourself." Daniel said walking up the stairs. JC looked around the house. He walked up to the mantle of the fireplace where picture frames stood facing the room. JC looked at pictures of Daniel's family. His brother, sister, brother-in-law, niece and nephew, parents. JC stopped when he came to a picture of Daniel with someone. He stared at the picture of the two men holding hands while waving to the camera. It was Daniel who was holding the other man's hand.

"That's Jonathan. He's my ex." Daniel said as he came up behind JC to see the picture.

"You two look good together." JC replied, with a sorrowful heart.

"We did. But that was rare. We were soo busy that we never got to see each other. He met someone that I knew he had feelings for and I thought he would be better for him." Daniel replied as he sat down on the couch. The living room was empty except for them.

"Where'd the guys go?" Daniel asked.

"Kitchen probably." JC snickered. He took a seat on the couch next to Daniel.

"Danny? I heard monsters in my room." Zack said as he walked into the room with his pajamas on. He carried a blanket and a small stuffed bear.

"Zack the monsters are gone already I got rid of them last week." Daniel said.

"No they came back." Zack whimpered as he stood in front of Daniel. Daniel let out a sigh and scooped the child up and placed him in his lap. He brushed the hair out of Zack's face and placed a small kiss on his forehead. He wrapped the blanket around the child and followed by wrapping his arms around him.

"Danny. That's cute." JC smiled as he looked at the two brothers.

"Yeah well he is the only one that calls me that." Daniel said looking down at his sleeping brother. Daniel looked up and saw JC looking back at him with a small smile. Daniel smiled back and before they knew it, they were leaning towards each other. Their lips made contact for a small moment. JC opened his mouth slightly as did Daniel's. They both pulled back slowly and opened their eyes. They exchanged a small smile before kissing again.

"Ha! I told you they'd get together tonight!" Justin yelled as he jumped up and down at the threshold. Daniel and JC backed away and looked at each other before gazing over to Justin.

"You are together right?" Lance asked.

"I guess so." Daniel replied, he gave a small smile to JC before looking at the group again.

"Yeah." JC said.

"Okay well good for you. But I'm really tired." Chris said crankily.

"Okay well I have two spare rooms upstairs. You guys can double up and one person and can either crash with me or they can crash on the couch." Daniel directed.

"Justin and I will take a spare room and Joey and Lance can take the other one. JC can crash with his new lover boy!" Chris cooed. JC gave him a mocking look and then smiled back at Daniel.

"Okay I'm coming up. Let me put this munchkin to sleep again." Daniel said getting to his feet. JC stood and walked behind him. the two walked up the stairs toward Zack's bedroom. Daniel walked into the room and placed the boy into his bed. He tucked him in and tiptoed out. He gently closed the door and started to walk toward his room. He signaled for JC to follow.

"Okay I guess you can take the bed and I'll take the futon." Daniel said , as they entered his room.

"Nonsense. You are going to sleep in your bed and I'll sleep on the futon." JC said as he started to make his way to the futon. Daniel quickly started to run to the futon. The two created a race and tied by both jumping onto the futon. JC laid down first while Daniel laid down on top of him.

"I'm not moving so you'll just have to sleep with me on top of you." Daniel said.

"No problem with me." JC said as he wrapped both arms around Daniel. Daniel smiled and reached up slightly for the light switch. He flipped the light switch off and rested against JC once again. The two smiled at each other and got comfortable. It was within seconds that the two were fast asleep.

****Hey there everyone! Well that was it. Questions and comments are always welcome at And don't forget to check out my other story, Josh and Just if you haven't already done so. Thanks a bunch. Mahalo Aloha!!

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