No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on Jun 4, 2000


No strings attached, written by Lulupower

Legal disclaimer: This story involves homosexual topics, so if you're not 18 or if you're offended by that, please leave now. Also, this is a work of fiction, and I'm not implying anything about the sexuality of any of the celebrities mentionned below.

Author's note: Hi y'all! Here is chapter ten, hope you'll like it. Don't forget to e-mail me right after you read it, okay? :) I noticed that less and less people e-mail me. Is the story getting boring? If so, you HAVE to tell me, so I can change it, or stop... Anyways. I'd like to thank Neal, for being such a loyal fan to me, and also all the people that has e-mailed me since the beginning. If you weren't there guys, I wouldn't be writing.

If you haven't already, go read these:

  • Brian and me - Studio in the country - Brian and Justin - Because I love you - My suprise romance - Fixing the Backstreet boys - Open arms

Now, on with the story!


"Josh? Are you down there?" Lance called out. JC closed the refrigerator and smiled. "Yes, I'm in the kitchen baby." JC yelled. Lance came in, wearing only his boxers. JC stared at him with a smile. "Like what you see?" Lance asked. "Yep, a lot!" JC answered, putting his arms around Lance's waist. Lance's smile grew larger, and he kissed JC's cheek. "Can you believe that we've already been together for two months?" JC asked, resting his forehead on Lance's bare shoulder. "Yeah...It seems like it's been two days..." Lance said, hugging JC tighter, then he released him. "Where's everyone?" he asked. "They are at my grandmother's for the evening and they are sleeping over there. They'll be back tomorrow afternoon. They didn't invite us along cuz we were fucking when they left." JC said. Lance raised his brows. "Your mom said that?" he asked, surprised. "Nope...She wrote us a note, saying that 'they didn't want to interrupt whatever we were doing'. In clear language, we were fucking!" JC laughed. Lance laughed too and then he looked at JC. "Does that mean that we'll finally get to fuck in your parent's bed?" he said with a mischievous grin. JC laughed loudly. "Yeah, right." he said. "Well...It could be interesting..." Lance said, wrapping his arms around JC. "Yeah, but I don't think I'll ever try. The fear of getting caught..." JC explained. "I know, I was just kidding." Lance said, then he softly kissed JC. They parted, and JC smiled. "So, what do you want for dinner?" he asked. "I don't know...Whatever you feel like." Lance said, shrugging. "Well I feel like pizza. What do you think?" JC asked. "Great! If we call at six, it will leave us time to have sex another time before dinner!" Lance joked. "Okay then. Pizza it is. Now, let's get over with the sex part." JC said, grabbing Lance's hand and pulling him to the couch in the living room. "I was joking Josh." Lance said seriously. "Well I'm not. I want you." JC said, then he laid down on the couch. Lance laid on him, and kissed him on the lips. "Why are we always this horny?" Lance asked in-between kisses. "I have no idea." JC said, pulling Lance's boxers down. Then Lance pulled JC's down, and JC got rid of his shirt. Then they kissed again, and JC rolled on top of Lance. He started to kiss his way down Lance's chest, stopping only to erotically lick his nipple. Lance moaned softly, and JC continued his quest to Lance's cock. His lips traveled all over Lance's stomach, then they were on Lance's throbbing cock. JC licked the whole lenght of it, then he gently sucked on the tip Lance shivered, and he started to play with JC's hairs, closing his eyes. Then, all of the sudden, JC stopped. Lance opened his eyes and looked at him. "What's wrong?" Lance asked. "Who did you first have sex with?" JC asked. "Why do you ask that?" Lance asked. "I just want to know." JC said. Lance sighed. "I don't know if I should tell you. You know I trust you and I never wanted to keep anything from you but...You might not like this." Lance said, sitting. "You can tell me." JC said. "Do you remember what happened the day we got 'officially' together, when Joey 'discovered' that we were together?" Lance asked. "Yeah." JC said, a little puzzled. "Well...he already knew. One morning, about two years and a half ago, Joey came to my room and I was crying. He asked me what was up, so I just blurted everything out about my being gay. We became really close. One day, he asked me what it was like to have sex with another guy, and I told him I was still a virgin. Then he asked me if I would like to 'experiment' a little bit with him. So we had sex that night. The second it was over, we knew we shouldn't have done it. So we never told anyone about it, and we never talked about it either. We just were closer friends after it." Lance said. "You had sex with Joey?" JC asked, astonished. "Yeah...I hope you're not mad at me...It was way before you and I.When we started to fool around, I told him, because he was the only one who knew I was attracted to you. And...I think that he probably knew I was in love with you from the start, even if I didn't know it myself." Lance said. JC smiled. "So, how is he like in bed?" JC asked. Lance blushed. "Real good..." he said, looking at the floor. "Was he a virgin?" JC asked. "No, he had had sex with girls before. So he knew that the first time was very painful and he was very gentle with me." Lance said. "Is he gay? Bi?" JC asked. "No, he was just experiensing stuff." Lance said. "Oh." JC said, then he remained silent, looking at the floor. "Are you uncomfortable with this?" Lance asked. "No, it's just...weird." JC said sincerely. "If we have a fight, you're not going to throw it to me in the face, are you?" Lance asked. "No, I won't, I promise." JC said, still looking at the floor. "Okay." Lance said. He put his hand under JC's chin and forced him to look at him. JC looked at him, his blue eyes full of unasked questions and fear. "What's wrong Josh?" Lance asked softly. "Am I doing it the right way with you?" JC asked. "When we have sex?" Lance asked. JC nodded and looked away. "JC look at me." Lance said. JC looked at him. "Have you ever heard me complain?" Lance said with a small smile. "No but..." Lance shut him up with a kiss. "You're the best JC. I couldn't ask for a better sex partner. You're great." Lance said. JC blushed a little. "Thanks." JC said softly. "Any other questions now?" Lance asked. "Well..." JC hesitated. "Shoot." Lance said with a smile. "With how many guys did you have sex in your life?" JC asked. Lance thought about it for a moment. "Four." he said after a few seconds. "Four?" JC said, surprised. "Yeah, four. Joey once, you, Scott once and a guy named Hans. I had met him in Germany and we hit it off. Since we were staying there for a few weeks, we got together, and I had strong feelings for him. The week before we had to leave, we had sex. Then we were like animals, always fucking, more than twice a day. The following weeks, I couldn't sit properly." Lance laughed. JC smiled. "Were you in love with him?" JC asked. "I don't know...I don't think so. I didn't feel for him half of what I feel for you." Lance said. JC rested his head on Lance's shoulder and sighed. "Thanks for telling me this James." JC said. "Well I trust you. And I hate keeping things from you." Lance said, then he looked at the clock. "It's almost five thirty Josh. Should I call the pizza now? I'm kinda hungry." Lance said. "Yeah. I'm gonna get dressed." JC said, then he kissed Lance. "I'm sorry for not finishing my job down there..." JC said, pointing at Lance's now limp cock. "It's okay." Lance said. "I love you, you know." JC said. "I love you too." Lance said, kissing him again. Then JC got up and went upstairs to get dressed, while Lance grabbed the phone and called for a pizza. About an hour later, the box that once held the pizza was now empty and was thrown by JC in the garbage. "At what time do we have to be at Fatima's?" JC asked. "Nine thirty. And right now it's six thirty. So we have plenty of time to do whatever we want to do." Lance said. JC smiled weakly. "I'm sorry James but I'm really not in the mood for sex, if that's what you had in mind." he said softly. "It's okay, I wasn't in the mood either. We could just sit in the living room and listen to some music, what do you think?" Lance suggested. "Good idea." JC said, grabbing Lance's hand and leading him to the living room. Lance went to the huge CD tower and searched for something interesting. He grabbed a soft jazz CD and put it in the CD player, then he sat beside JC on the couch and rested his head on JC's shoulder. JC sighed and put his arm around Lance's shoulder. Lance smiled and put his hand on JC'S lap. "I love you." Lance said. JC kissed his temple and smiled. "I love you too. I'm sorry for earlier, when I asked you all those personal questions. I had no right to ask you these questions. It's your personal life after all." JC apologized. "You had every right to ask me these questions. You're my boyfriend, you have a right to know. Besides, you're involved in my personal life." Lance said. "Yeah, but still...Why should you have to tell me who was your first fuck, and with who you were sleeping with before me?" JC said. "You just wanted to know, no big deal." Lance shrugged. JC didn't answer. "JC, any question that you might have about anything, you can ask me. I'll either try my best to answer you, or I'll tell you the whole truth about it. It can be about me, about other people, about life in general, anything. I trust you Josh, I'll tell you everything about me if you ask." Lance said softly. "Tell me." JC asked. "What?" Lance asked, puzzled. "About you. Tell me everything." JC asked. "What do you want to know? You already know a lot..." Lance said. "What's your biggest fear?" JC asked. "To die alone, totally abandonned by everyone I love." Lance said. "What do you live for? What do you wake up for every morning?" JC asked. "You." Lance said sincerely. JC closed his eyes and tried hard not to cry. He breathed slowly and regained his composure. "What was the hardest thing for you in your dealing with your being gay?" JC asked softly. "The fact that I could probably never have kids of my own." Lance said. "If you had to spend the rest of your life with only one person without seeing anyone else, who would it be?" JC asked. "You." Lance said. "If there was a killer here right now, and he told you that if you weren't his for the rest of your lives, he'd kill me, what would you do?" JC asked. "I'd kill myself. Because either way I'd loose you." Lance said. JC let out a little laugh. "And you were the one saying that you didn't love me as much as I do..." JC said. "Well it doesn't matter now, cause I've thought about it and I came to the conculsion that I love you to death." Lance said softly. JC smiled. "Thanks James. I love you too, to death, and beyond." JC said, then he leaned in and kissed Lance on the lips. They kissed for a few seconds, then the phone rang. JC groaned, and grabbed the phone. "Hello?" JC said, annoyed. "JC? Am I disturbing you?" the voice asked. "Hi mom. No, you're not disturbing us...What's up?" JC asked. "Well, I just wanted to know if everything was alright, you know, if you had my note and all." Karen said. "Yeah, everything's fine. Thanks for the concern." JC said. "Your grandmother was very sad that you couldn't come." Karen said matter-of-factly. "Yeah, I'm sure she is. Did you tell her about me and Lance?" JC asked worriedly. "Yes, I did. And she was very happy for you both, and she can't wait to meet him." Karen said. JC sighed. "Thanks mom. Tell Grandma I love her and I said hi." JC said with a smile. "Okay. We'll be back tomorrow at about one. Bye!" Karen said, then she hung up. JC put the phone on the table and smiled at Lance. "My mom told my grandmother about us and she can't wait to meet you!" JC said cheerfully. Lance smiled. "I'm glad she's happy for us." Lance said. He started to think about his own grandparents. When would he see them again? Will the be mad at him? Lance sighed. "I know what you're thinking. Don't worry, things will work out for the best." JC said soothingly. "I hope so...I still don't understand. Why would my parents punish me for loving someone? It's not like you were a slut or a drug dealer! Damn, I'm in love with a wonderful, caring, nice, intelligent man and all they can do is throw shit at me." Lance said angrily. JC smiled. "You forgot the part about gorgeous and sexy." JC said, trying to make Lance smile. It worked. "I'm not in love with Justin JC. I'm in love with you. Forget the part about gorgeous and sexy." Lance said with a smile. JC threw a pillow at Lance. "You're not getting any for a LONG TIME!" JC said, laughing. "Yeah, right, like you can resist my beautiful body..." Lance said. They both laughed again, then they got up and got prepared for their clubbing with the other guys. They came back from the club at two and fell immediately asleep in JC's bed, fully clothed and slightly drunk. The next morning, after breakfast, Lance and JC started to look for an appartment for Lance. They circled some interresting stuff in a newspaper, then they went to check on them in JC's mercedes. After two hours and three places, they found the perfect place for Lance to live. It had three bedrooms, and one of them was HUGE, a nice kitchen, a dining room, a big living room and an immense bathroom. It was on the third floor in a peaceful neighbourhood, near Stacey's school. "What do you think Josh? Should I sign the bail?" Lance asked. "I think it's the perfect place for you to live. And it's not too far away from me..." JC said with a smile. Lance smiled too, then he went downstairs, where the old landlady was waiting for him. He signed the papers, and told the lady he would move the next monday. Then JC joined him and they went back to JC'S place to pack up Lance's stuff. "Lance?" JC called softly. They were in JC's room, packing Lance's clothes. "Yeah?" "We'll see each other everyday, won't we?" JC asked softly. "Of course we will!" Lance said, wrapping his arms around JC's waist. "You can come over anytime you want, you don't even have to call before. Consider my place as your own." Lance said, releasing JC. "And here, put this on your key-ring." Lance added, handing JC a spare key. JC smiled. "You're giving me a spare key to your appartment?" JC asked. "Yep." Lance said, smiling too. They went on packing up Lance's things, then Lance stopped. "JC? Why don't you come and live with me?"


There ya go folks! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll try to write more this week so I can post a new chapter next week, but I can't promise you anything. My life is more than hectic right now and I don't know if I'll be able to write a lot. I'm not stopping the story, I'm just going to slow my pace down a little, okay? Don't forget to e-mail me!

Next: Chapter 8: No Strings Attached 11 12

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