No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on May 26, 2000


No strings attached, written by Lulupower

Legal disclaimer: This story deals with homosexuals topics, so if you're not 18 or if you're offended by that, please leave now. Also, this is a work of fiction and I'm not implying anything about the sexuality of any celebrities mentionned below.

Author's note: Hey there everyone. Didn't think I was going to post a new chapter that soon uh? :)

I know I'm repeating myself in every chapter, but right when you finish reading that chapter, PLEASE E-MAIL ME! I'd like to know about how many people are reading this story, and if people don't e-mail me I'll never know.

I'd like to thank Neal, for being such a loyal fan to me, and also all the people that has written to me since the beginning. If you weren't there guys, I wouldn't be writing.

If you haven't already, go read these:

  • Brian and Justin - Brian and me - Studio in the country - Because I love you - N'sync Lance n JC - His sweet smile - My suprise romance

Now, on with the story!


That day, Lance and JC moved Lance's stuff to JC's place. When they were finished, they ate dinner with JC's family, and they were all very happy to have him over until he found himself a place to live. When dinner was over, Lance went straight upstairs in JC's room and laid down on the bed. JC was following him and he sat beside Lance. "What's up Lance?" JC asked, rubbing his lover's back. Lance let out a sigh. "I'm fine...I hope your parents don't mind having me over for a few weeks. They are really nice...And..." Lance stopped himself, overwhelmed with emotion. Tears filled his eyes and he sat up to hug JC. JC put his arms around Lance's mid-section and kissed his shoulder. "Don't worry baby. Whatever happens, I'll always be there for you." JC said softly. "Thanks Josh. I really appreciate it." Lance said. There was a knock at the door. "Come in!" JC said, letting go of Lance. Tyler opened the door and came in. "What's up little bro?" JC said with a smile. "Just wanted to know how you were doing Lance. I'm sure it must be hard for you, and I know we aren't as close as you and my brother are, but if you need to talk sometime, I'll be there, okay?" Tyler said, patting Lance's shoulder. "Thank you Tyler. Same goes to you, if you need to talk, just come over and I'll listen." Lance said. "Okay. Well I'll leave you two alone now." Tyler said, leaving the room. Lance smiled at JC. "Your brother is really nice. I'm glad we had this talk with him last time, because now he understands us a little better." Lance said. "Yeah, he's a cool little brother." JC agreed. "I wish I could know how Ford reacts to this whole stuff..." Lance sighed. "Why don't you call him? Or your sister?" JC suggested. "Not now. I can't. My mother has probably changed the phone number so I can't talk to any of them...But I'm gonna go to Stacey's school tomorrow and give her a cell phone, so she or Ford can call me whenever they need to." Lance said. "Good idea. Just make sure your mom doesn't find out about it, because she may get really mad." JC said. "Yeah, I'll tell them to be careful...I hope Stacey got to talk to my dad before my mom did." Lance said. "I'm sure she did." JC said soothingly. Lance laid back on the bed and sighed again. "Oh, I wish this was just a bad nightmare..." he said, his eyes filling with tears another time. JC laid down beside him and hugged him. "Let it out James. You need to let these emotions out. You can cry safely." JC said softly. Lance closed his eyes and clung to JC like to a lifebuoy. "I'm scared Josh, I don't know what I'm gonna do without my parents." he said, crying. "You'll get through it baby. We'll get through it." JC said. Lance cried for a long time, then finally, exhausted, he fell asleep on JC's chest, fully dressed. JC sighed and untangled himself from Lance. He needed to talk to his mother. He got up carefully so he didn't wake Lance up, then he went downstairs. His parents were watching TV in the living room. "Mom, can I talk to you?" JC asked. "Yeah, sure, let's go to the kitchen." Karen said. They went to the kitchen and Karen got two cups and some herbal tea. "It's about Lance isn't it?" Karen asked her son. "Yes...I don't know what to do mom. His mom just told him that he wasn't her son anymore. He's asleep now, but he has cried in my arms for over an hour. I don't know if I'll be able to do this everyday..." JC said with a sigh. Karen patted his shoulder. "And what am I supposed to tell him? I mean, I can't replace his family!" JC added. "You're right. You can't replace them. But you can be there for him. That's all you can do for him. Take his mind off this for a while. I know that he'll be moping around for a few days, then you have to take him out, do things with him, so he can thing about other stuff. We'll help you JC, don't worry." Karen said, handing him his cup. "Thanks." JC said softly. He thought about it for a moment. "Mom, when did you notice that I was gay?" JC asked. "Hmmm...I think it was back when you were in the Mickey Mouse Club." Karen said. "That early? I didn't even know myself!" JC said, surprised. "Well...You were always talking about the other guys, and you thought that Britney, Christina and Keri weren't attractive. So I just knew." Karen said with a smile. "And did it bother you?" JC asked. "Well, at first it was just a thought, I didn't really know, but when you joined N'sync and started talking about this handsome young blonde that had just joined the group, it was pretty obvious...I don't know, I was just okay with it, it didn't really bother me. It's just another part of you, and since I'm your mom, I love everything about you." Karen said. JC blushed slightly. "Well then, if a mom loves everything about her son, why did Diane throw Lance out?" JC asked sadly. "I don't know honey. But be sure that as long as he needs us, we'll be glad to have him here. And even when he doesn't need us anymore, we'll still be happy to have him." Karen said. "Thanks mom." JC said. "And what about his father? Does he know about him?" Karen asked. "I don't know. He hasn't talked to him yet. I hope he'll be okay with it, because I don't think Lance could bear it...He's pretty depressed right now." JC sighed. Karen sighed. "I hope he gets better soon." Karen said. "Yeah, me too..." JC said, then he yawned. "You better go to bed now. If he wakes up, he'll be happy to have you around." Karen said. "Yeah, it's a good idea. I'm beat. Goodnight mom." JC said. "Goodnight son." Karen said. JC climbed the stairs and entered his room. Lance was still sleeping, curled up in a ball, hugging JC's pillow, a single tear rolling down his cheek. It broke JC's heart to see him like that. "Oh Lance, I wish I could take the pain away from you..." he whispered, then he stripped and got under the sheets. He cuddled against Lance and put his arm around him. "I love you..." he whispered, then he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. The next morning, when JC woke up at about 7, Lance was hugging him tightly. He almost couldn't breathe. JC smiled and tried to untangle himself. Lance stirred and opened his eyes. "Good morning baby!" JC said in a cheerful tone. Lance laughed. "Man, aren't we sickening this morning...But good morning you too." He said, leaning in to kiss JC. "Ewww, morning breath..." JC said with a smiled. Lance playfully slapped him on the shoulder and got up. "Okay then, I'm gonna get showered. And don't even think of coming with me." Lance said. "Why?" JC whined. "Because I need to jack off." Lance said. JC laughed. "You don't need help about that?" JC said with a sly smile. "Nope, because your sister has a room next to the bathroom...Remember what happened last time?" Lance said. JC blushed and nodded. "Okay, well don't take all hot water, I wanna take a shower too." JC said. "Okay, I won't." Lance said, closing the door. JC rolled on his back and stared at the ceiling. He was glad Lance was in a good mood. He closed his eyes and started to picture him in the shower, fully naked. JC mentally rubbed his back, his muscular chest, his shoulders, his round, firm ass and when he opened his eyes, he had a hardon. "Damn." JC said. He tried to make it go away with disgusting thoughts, like a naked girl, or a naked Chris (lol), but there was nothing to do, he was now horny as a dog, and he had to wait for Lance to come out of the shower, which he did a few minutes later. He came in the room with his pants on, but no shirt. JC pulled him to the bed and kissed him hard. Lance laughed. "Hey, what happened, you were picturing me while I was in the shower?" he said. JC blushed heavily, and it made Lance laugh even more. "Well I'm flattered. Come here, horndog." Lance said. He pulled off his pants and boxers and grind his cock with JC's. They were soon fully erect and ther was precum oozing from their tips. They switched to a 69 position. Lance stared at JC's cock and licked the tip, while JC sucked him like a vacuum. Then JC teased Lance by licking the lenght of his cock while Lance sucked him. They switched roles for a while, then Lance came in JC mouth, which made JC cum too. Then JC rolled on his back and Lance crawled on top of him and kissed him. They could still taste each other's cum in their mouths. Then there was a knock at the door. "Hold on a second please!" JC yelled then he grabbed the sheets and covered Lance and himself with it. "Okay, come in!" Lance said. Heather came in shyly. "Hey Heather! Did you sleep well last night?" JC asked casually. "Ummm, yes, thank you. There's someone for you on the phone Lance." the little girl said. "Okay, I'll get it." Lance said, grabbing the phone on the nightstand. "Hello?" he said in his deep voice. "James? It's Stacey." his sister whispered. "Stacey? Where are you? Why are you calling this early?" Lance said, concerned. "I'm at home, in your room. I'm going to school in a few minutes, I just wanted to know if you were okay." Stacey whispered. "Yes, I'm okay. Listen, I'm gonna meet you at your school at lunchtime, and I'll give you two cell phones, one for you and one for Ford. If you want to call me, at any time, wherever in the world I am, well don't be affraid to disturb me. Okay?" Lance said. "Thanks James. It's very nice of you. I talked to Ford, and he said that he was okay with you." Stacey said, keeping her voice low. "I'm glad to hear that. You have to leave now, before mom catches you." Lance said. "Okay. I love you and I miss you. Ford says he loves you too." Stacey said. "Tell him I love him. And I love you too Stacey. I'll catch you at noon, okay?" Lance said. "Okay. Bye!" Stacey said, then she hung up. Lance smiled and hung up too. "What did she say?" JC asked. "Ford is okay with me." Lance said, still smiling. "I'm very happy for you Lance." JC said sincerely. Lance kissed him on the cheek and then he got up. "Why don't you shower, then we can go and shop for two cell phones, what do you think?" Lance asked. "Okay, well while I'm in the shower could you cook us a little breakfast?" JC asked. "Sure!" Lance said happily, then he got dressed and went downstairs. "Hi Karen, hi Tyler. You're not at school?" Lance asked, seeing the younger guy sitting at the table, eating cereals. "I'm late...I got up too late and now I'll miss my first class because dad is out with the car." Tyler complained. "I'll drive you to school." Lance suggested. "You'd do that?" Karen asked. "Yeah, sure, why not. Come on Ty. Could you tell JC that I'll grab something for breakfast on my way back?" Lance asked Karen while he looked for his keys. Once he found them, he got in the car and drove Tyler to his school. "There ya go!" Lance said once they were arrived. "Thanks Lance. It was very nice of you to drive me." Tyler said with a smile. Lance smiled back and waved him goodbye while he closed the door. He waited for Tyler to get in the school before pulling out of the parking lot, and then he headed to a cake shop to buy croissants. After that, he went back to his new home.

About an hour after, both guys were ready to go to the mall. They were wearing caps and sunglasses and some geek clothes so they wouldn't be recognised. They went straight to a Radio Shack. The clerck smiled at them, but didn't really look at them. Lance went to the cell phones sections, but he didn't really know much about cell phones. "Hey, Josh, do you know anything about cell phones?" Lance asked. "Nope, not a thing. The only thing I know is how mine works." JC answered. "Hmm...I'm sorry sir, could you please come here for a second?" Lance asked the guy who was standing near them. "Sure, how may I help you?" the man said kindly. "I have to buy two cell phones, and I need them to have a buzzer mode, and to be very small too. Oh and oversea if possible." Lance said. "Okay, well I'd suggest this phone. It's small, not heavy at all, and there's three ringing modes, as well as a buzzer mode. You can call about everywhere in the world where there's cell phones, and it's not very expensive. You also have six choices of colors." The man said. "Okay, well I'll take two of them!" Lance said with a smile. "Okay, which colors do you want them?" the man asked. "Hmm...What do you think Josh? A blue one for Stacey and a yellow one for Ford?" Lance suggested. "Yeah, I think it would be good." JC said. "Okay, well a blue and a yellow one." Lance said to the man. "Okay. You can pay them right there." the man said, pointing at the girl they first saw when they came in. "Her name is Joe." the man said with a smile, handing Lance tow small boxes. "Thank you." Lance said. He walked to the clerk and handed her his two phones. Then he pulled out his wallet and slapped his forehead. "Josh, do you have any cash?" Lance whispered. "Nope, I only have my...oh damn you only have your credit card too?" JC whispered to Lance. Lance nodded. "No choice man." JC said with a smile. Lance pulled out his credit card and handed it to the young girl. She looked at the name and her eyes blinked open. "Please, don't scream..." Lance whispered with a smile. She nodded, and the guys took off their sunglasses while she waited for the credit card to be validated. Then Lance signed the bill, and asked her for a piece of paper. She gave him a sheet, and both JC and Lance signed it and gave her kisses on the cheeks. "Thank you!" She managed to say, totally starstrucked. "You're welcome Joe. Thanks for not screaming." JC said. "Yeah, thanks. Bye!" Lance said, grabbing JC's arms and dragging him out of the store. When they were out of sight, Lance smiled at JC. "You're welcome Joe." he said, mocking JC. "Hey, I was just being nice!" JC said. "Should I be jealous?" Lance asked. "Oh come on Lansten, she's a GIRL." JC said. Lance smiled. "I know, I'm just kidding." Lance said. They exited the mall and went to Lance's car, which drove them to JC's house, just in time for lunch.


The following days, Stacey and Ford both called everyday, at least once a day. Lance was very happy to have them to talk to, and he still had no news of his dad. Two weeks later, on a friday afternoon at about 4, Stacey called, as she usually did at that time of the day. "Hey James!" she said in the phone. "Hi Stace. How are you today?" Lance asked. He was laying on JC's bed, fully naked. He and JC had just made passionate love. "I'm fine, how about you?" Stacey asked. "I'm more than fine. Today is me and JC's anniversary. We've been together for two months!" Lance said happily. "Great, happy anniversary!" Stacey said. "Thank you sis." Lance said. "Listen James, I have to tell you something." Stacey said. "It sounds serious...What is it?" Lance asked, sitting. "Well...It's about dad. I didn't want to tell you yet, and since you weren't asking...well...he's like mom. He's mad as shit at you for being like that, and he said he didn't ever wanted to talk to you again." Stacey said, holding in her tears. Lance sighed. "Are you mad at me for not telling you sooner?" Stacey asked in a little voice. "No, Stace, I'm not. I'm just very sad." Lance said. Hearing this, JC sat up too and put his arm around Lance's waist and Lance instinctively rested his head on JC's shoulder for comfort. "I am sad too...You probably won't be able to come home for holidays and stuff like that." Stacey said softly. "I know. But don't worry. They can't forbid you to see me you know. I'm gonna get my own place and you will be allowed to come whenever you want, even if I'm not there." Lance said. "Okay. Well mom will be back from work soon, so I bettr hang up." Stacey said. "Okay. Well have a good evening and night, and tell Ford I said hi, because JC and I will be out tonight." Lance said. "Okay. I love you James." Stacey said. "I love you too Stace. Bye!" Lance said, hanging up. Then he laid back on the bed with JC and sighed. "Your dad is mad too isn't he?" JC asked, laying beside Lance, his head on Lance's chest. "Yes, he is." Lance said softly. "How do you feel?" JC asked with concern. "I'm better than I thought...But hurts." Lance said. "I'm here Lansten. I'll always be. And you know the guys are here too, and my mom and my dad and both Heathe and Tyler are there for you too. We'll support you." JC said. "Yeah, but they can't replace my family!" Lance said sadly. "No, but they can do their jobs though." JC said wisely. "Thank you so much Josh...I know it'S hard for you to put up with me, and I know I haven't been a lot of fun these past two weeks, but I'll try to be better, okay?" Lance said. "You don't have to. Take your time." JC said, kissing Lance on the lips. "I love you Joshua Scott Chasez." Lance said. "So do I, James Lansten Bass." JC said with a smile. "Do you mind if we go clubbing with the other guys instead of having a nice romantic dinner?" Lance asked shyly. "I was thinking the same exact thing. I'll call Justin." JC said with a smile. He grabbed the phone and dialed the number he had dialed so many times in his life. Justin answered after a few seconds. "Hello?" he said. "Hi Just, it's JC. How are you?" JC asked. "I'm fine. How are you and Lance doing on this glorious day?" Justin said. JC could see him smiling. "We're doing just fine. Are you and the other guys still going to a club tonight?" JC asked. "Yeah. Why, you guys want to come?" Justin asked. "Yeah, we'd like to." JC said. "Well you're more than welcome. But I warn you, Fatima is coming..." Justin said. "Well..we haven't seen her in a while, so I guess we can put up with her for tonight..." JC said witha smile. "Okay then, well meet us at nine thirty at Fatima's place." Justin said. "Okay. See ya later!" JC said, then he hung up. He looked at Lance, and realised that he was fast asleep. "Well...I guess I'll make dinner while you're sleeping cutie!" JC whispered. He got up and grabbed some boxers and a shirt, then he covered Lance with a light sheet. When he entered the kitchen, he found a small note on the counter.

"JC and Lance,

Roy, the kids and I are out for the evening. We are at Roy's mother's and we probably will sleep there tonight, since it's a three hours drive. We didn't want to interupt whatever you were doing, that's why we didn't invite you along. I'm sure grandma would have loved to meet you Lance though. Anyways, we'll be back tomorrow afternoon.

Have a good evening and night!

Karen xxx"

"Hmmm, I think we'll have an interessant night..." JC thought, then he opened the refrigerator and started cooking dinner.


There ya go folks. Don't forget to e-mail me with comments, ideas, questions, whatever. The next chapter should be out next week...(I said SHOULD) See ya later y'all!!

Next: Chapter 7

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