No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on May 12, 2000


No strings attached, written by lulupower

Legal disclaimer: This story is purely fictionnal, and I'm not implying anything about the sexuality of any of the celebrities mentionned below. Also, this story contains homosexual topics, so if you're not 18 or if you're offended by that, please leave now.

Author's note: First off, I'M SORRY!! I've recieved about 3 thousand e-mails about being late...I know, I know, I WAS SUPPOSED TO POST IT A WEEK AGO! Sorry...My finals started and I was really into the whole studying thing so please try to understand. I know it takes some of your time, but even if you've written to me once to ask questions or say comments, you can do it twice! I really love to have e-mails, and surprisingly, to this time, I've only recieved good comments. So THANK YOU ALL!!! If you haven't already, go read these:

  • Brian and Justin (the serie is over! waaaaaaaa!!) - Brian and me - Studio in the country - Because I love you - N'sync Lance n JC - His sweet smile - Ryan and Lance (Is that author still alive?!?)

Another thing: I've been asked to give Joey something in the story, like a girlfriend, or at least a friend (lol), but I have no idea on what you guys want. So please e-mail me with any ideas you might have, ok? That's about it for now, so ENJOY!


When Lance woke up, his arms tightly wrapped around JC, he didn't open his eyes. He just smiled. He was 21, already. He could feel a little ray of sun on his cheek, so he knew it was going to be a beautiful day. He opened his eyes, his gaze meeting JC's. "Oh, you're awake?" he asked softly. "Yeah. 'morning!" JC said with a smile, kissing his cheek. "'morning. What time is it?" Lance asked, unable to look at the clock. JC raised his head and try to focus his eyes on the red little numbers on the nightstand. "It's nine thirty." JC said, putting his head back on Lance's chest, then changing his mind and getting up. "I'm gonna grab a shower, I stink. Ok?" JC said. "Yeah...Just don't take all the hot water." Lance said. "Well you could come with me..." JC suggested with a sly smile. Lance shook his head no. "I'm pretty worn out from yesterday, so I'm gonna wait here, if you don't mind." he said with a smile. The day before, they had stayed home, snuggled in front of a real 'gay movie', "The object of my affection", then they had made passionate love on the couch. Lance's smile grew larger at the thought, thenhe dropped it, when he realised the JC had, like every other years, forgotten his birthday. He heard footsteps in the stairs, then the door flew open and JC landed on him, a huge smile on his face. "You really thought I was going to forget my boyfriend's birthday?" JC said teasingly. Lance blushed and nodded slowly. "Well I didn't. Happy Birthday baby!" JC said, kissing Lance square on the lips. Lance kissed him back, and then JC reached out for air and grabbed a little box on the nightstand. "Your present." JC said. Lance smiled. "You really didn't have to..." he was cut off by JC. "But I did anyways. So open it." JC said. Lance took the box and looked at it. It was small and black. He slowly opened it. Inside it was a silver ring. Lance gasped. He was stunned. "Don't get me wrong Lance. As much as I love you, I'm not proposing here. We aren't ready for that kind of engagement." JC said softly. Lance sighed and smiled. "Yeah, I know. It's beautiful, JC..." Lance said. Taking a closer look at it, he noticed that there was something written inside it. He took the ring out the box and looked inside it. 'Until the real ring comes...JC' Lance looked up at JC and hugged him. "I love it. Thank you so much!!" he said with tremolos in his voice and tears in his eyes. "Awww, don't cry baby, it's a happy day!" JC said. "You're right." Lance said, wiping his eyes. He got up and hugged JC tightly. "Thank you JC, it's the best present I've ever had!" He said in JC's ear. "Wait til tonight..." JC answered with a sly smile. Lance smiled too and they parted. They went upstairs to take a quick cold shower, then they got dressed and left for Clearwater. That afternoon, JC had invited the other guys and a few friends at his place for a barbecue. There was Justin and Fatima, Joey and his new girlfriend Rachael and Chris and Eve. It was a beautiful and hot day, so they were all outside, by the pool, some swimming, some just chilling outside and talking. JC's parents had left them the house for the afternoon but they were going to join them for dinner. They basically had a blast, just being together for the first time in a week. About two hours after everyone had arrived, Jstin noticed the ring on Lance's middle finger. "Got a new ring Scoop?" he asked him. "Yep! JC gave it to me for my birthday." Lance answered proudly. Justin's eyes blinked open. "What? He proposed to you?" Justin said a little too loud, so it got everyone's attention. "What??? JC and Lance are engaged???" Joey shouted. "NO! We're far from ready to take that step. JC gave me a rin, that's all. It was strictly for my birthday, and it doesn't mean anything. Well it does, but it's none of that kind of meaning." Lance said sternly. "Oh. It would have been soooo cool for you two to get married!" Joey said, apparently very dissapointed. "Uh? We've only been together for a few weeks! You're nuts Joey!" JC said. "No I'm not. When you find the real one, you know it's the one, and it doesn't matter if you've been together for a few days or many years. You just wanna be with them forever." Joey said. JC looked at Lance. "Lance is the one for me. It's just that...we just got into terms with our being gay, so we need time to get used to it, and besides we don't have time to get married right now." JC said. "I'm not pressuring you guys. And I'm not saying that you're not meant to be together either, don't get me wrong...I'm sorry, it didn't come out the way it was supposed to." Joey apologised. Lance smiled at him. "It's okay. We understand. Don't we JC?" Lance said, looking at JC. The end of the afternoon was uneventful, as was the dinner, and after the evening, everyone went back home, except Lance, who stayed over at JC's. At ten, everyone was gone, and JC and Lance were sitting in the living room with JC's brother Tyler. "Hmm, Tyler, we haven't been here for a long time last week and I haven't got the chance to talk to you a lot...Do you understand that me and Lance are together in a more deep way than friendship?" JC asked his younger brother. "Yeah, I'm 16, I've seen gay people in my life..." Tyler said. "But are you okay with it?" Lance asked. "You really wanna know? No I'm not. I have nothing against you guys, I totally understand that a man can be in love with another man, but damn how can you fall in love with one of your bandmates? How can you fuck your best friend at night???" Tyler said, lowering his voice for that last part, so that his mom don't hear him. "Well...You can't control love Ty. Have you ever been in love?" JC asked. "Yeah." Tyler said softly. "With who?" JC asked. "Angel. You remember, she is my best friend's cousin, she came here a few times last summer..." Tyler said. "Oh. So she was one of your friends too? Do you remember why you loved her so much?" JC asked. "Well...she was very attractive, and she was nice and intelligent and fun to be with." Tyler answered. "Okay. And if you hadn't fallen for her, would she have been your friend?" JC asked his last question. "Yeah but...Oh." Tyler said, understanding what his older brother meant. "You see, when you want to date someone and you want it to work, you have to be friends first. Then love comes. Usually, you fall in love with the person gradually. It's what happened between your brother and I. We were nest of friends, then we fell in love." Lance said. "I understand...How did you know that my brother loved you back when you discovered you were in love with him?" Tyler asked Lance. Lance blushed. "Well...let's say that we experimented some 'gay stuff' together..." Lance said. "Oh, you were actually sex pals before you got together?" Tyler said. JC blushed too. "Well...yeah. And one day, Lance had forgotten his cologne in my bathroom, and I was thinking out loud about him when he came to get it back. He opened the door as I was saying 'I think I'm in love with him' and he told me he was feeling the same, and here we are now!" JC said with dreamy eyes. Tyler laughed. "You're so cute it's almost sickening." he said with a smile. Lance smiled too, then he patted JC on the back. "I'm going to bed now. Goodnight Tyler. I'm glad we had this talk." Lance said. "Goodnight Lance." Tyler said. JC got up too. "Oh, you don't have to come now you know. I know you guys have so much to tell each other, so I'll leave you two alone. Goodnight babe." Lance said, putting his arms around JC's neck. JC smiled. "Okay. I'll be up soon. Goodnight baby." JC said, then he gently kissed Lance on the lips. When they parted, Tyler was looking at them with a huge smile. Lance smiled too and went upstairs to JC's room. He srtipped to his boxers and went under the sheets, looking at the ceiling. He started to think about what Joey had said. 'JC's the one' he thought. 'I know he's the one. But I don't think I could get married to him tomorrow. It'd be impossible for me to take that step in a so small amount of time...' Lance was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't hear nor see JC come in, strip in front of him. He 'noticed' him when he crawled into bed with him and started to kiss his neck. He gently pushed him away. "What's wrong?" JC asked. "Would you marry me tomorrow?" Lance asked. "What???" JC said, stunned. "If I asked you, would you marry me tomorrow?" Lance asked again. JC understood that Lance was thinking about what Joey had said. "If you asked me to I would steal the moon." JC said seriously. It brought tears to Lance's eyes. "JC, how can you love me so much? I mean, I'm madly in love with you, but I'm not sure that I'd marry you right there and then..." Lance said, then he started to sob. "Shhh, Lance..." JC said as Lance cried softly on his shoulder. "You know, we're NOT getting married tomorrow...I'm sorry I brought this up with the ring. And the fact that you're not ready to do anything for me doesn't mean that you love me any less." JC said. "Yes it does." Lance said stubbornly. "And what if it does? I don't care. As long as we love each other enough to be together, then I won't care." JC said. Lance raised his head and looked in JC's eyes. "That's what I mean. I would care if you said you didn't love me as much as I do!" Lance said. "Lance...Do you love me?" JC asked softly. "Yes, of course I do." Lance said, putting his head back on JC's shoulder. "Do you love me enough for us to be together?" JC asked. "Yeah. I wouldn't let anything break us up." Lance said. "Then why are we arguing?" JC asked with a smile. Lance smiled too. "I have no idea." Lance admitted. "Okay, then I can give your your birthday present?" JC asked. "What? You already gave it to me..." Lance said, puzzled. "Nope. It was only part of it." JC said, nuzzling Lance's neck, then he started to kiss it. Lance closed his eyes. "Tonight is gonna be our night James." JC whispered. Lance smiled. "Oh, it is?" he asked softly. "Yup." JC answered, then he circled Lance's waist with his arms, laid him down on the bed and laid down on him. He started to grind his hips with Lance's then he grabbed the waist of Lance's boxers and pulled them off. Lance's cock was already hard. JC smiled at the sight and grabbed Lance's cock in his hand. He gently licked the tip, making Lance moan. Then he licked the whole lenght, making Lance's cock all wet with saliva. Then he positionned himself and sat on it. HE winced in pain at first, then he stopped for a few seconds during wich he kissed Lance passionately, and then he started to move up and down, riding Lance like one would ride a horse. Lance was moaning and groaning in pleasure, but he wanted it to be as pleasurable for JC, so he satrted to jack him off. "Oh God Lance you feel so good inside me!" JC panted. "Yeah...I like it when you ride me Josh...Faster..." Lance requested. JC did as he asked, and soon they were both cumming. JC withdrew Lance's cock from his ass and collapsed beside him. Lance closed his eyes, but JC kissed him again. "Oh no you're not going to sleep this early. I'm not done with you yet!" he said with a smile. Lance opened his eyes, just as JC was starting to suck his cock again. And surprisingly, Lance could feel himself getting hard again in JC's hot mouth. JC moved to a 69 position, offering his cock to Lance's awaiting mouth. They sucked each other's cock for a while, then JC let go of Lance, turned him on his back and slowly pushed his cock inside Lance's asshole. Lance grunted in pleasure. "Oh JC...yeah, fuck me!" Lance panted. JC stareted to move his cock in and out Lance's love hole, and kissing his shoulderblades at the same time. After a few minutes, Lance came, making his ass muscle tighten aroung JC's cock, causing him to cum too. JC pulled out his cock, and landed on the bed. He rested his head on Lance's chest and sighed, trying to catch his breath. Lance smiled and played with JC's wet hair. "Thanks JC, that was amazing. I didn't know you had that much energy..." Lance said. "Well, it's hard not to when you're around." JC said. Lance's smile grew larger. "Now are you done with me?" Lance asked. "Yep. You're not getting any for a week now." JC said with a laugh. Lance laughed too. "Yeah, like you were going to be able to stay off me for a whole week." Lance said. "You're right. I just can't get enough of you, I can't help it, you are so adorable!" JC cooed. Lance blushed and closed his eyes. JC kissed his chest one last time. "Goodnight Lance. I love you." he said, closing his eyes too. "I love you too JC. Goodnoght." Lance whispered, already half asleep. It didn't atke long for JC to fall alseep too, cuddled against Lance.


All right, I know I was supposed to write two chapters. But hey, one is better than nothing, isn't it? So read it over and over, cuz you're not getting the next one before at least two weeks. Okay? And don't forget to e-mail me with any comments, questions, ideas...til next time, see y'all later!

Next: Chapter 5

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