No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on May 30, 2001


No strings attached, written by Lulupower

Legal Disclaimer: Ths story is purely fictionnal and it doesn't mean to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the celebrities mentionned below. Also, if you're not 18 or if you're offended by homosexual topics, please leave now.

Author's note: Hey guys! Thanks to all of you who wrote me on last chapter. It was greatly appreciated. Don't forget to e-mail me on this chapter, too!

Go read these: - My surprise romance, by Gabriella Morrisson (the best story ever!) - Brian and me, by DLS (the serie is over! I can't believe it!!!) - French kiss me, by Fallen Angel (good story...when will we be able to read the next chapter?) - Lance in Shining armour, by ScottyT (it's an old one, but it's goooooood!) - In synchronicity, by Will (Anyone heard of Will? Is he dead?) - Brian and Justin, by JM - Lance's search, by BJ - ...

Okay, on with the show now.


Lance looked at himself in the mirror, trying again to tie his bowtie. He felt a hand on his shoulder. He spun on his heels and saw Justin standing behind him. "Hey Just." he said simply, his voice a little shaky. "Let me." Justin said softly. He tied the bow perfectly. "There you go." he said. Lance smiled a little. "Thanks. My hands are not cooperating today." Lance said. Justin smiled too. "You look very handsome Lance." Justin said, pulling Lance into a hug. Lance held Justin tight, and took a deep breath. "You're shaking." Justin noticed, releasing Lance. "I know. I'm nervous as hell." Lance said. "Hey, you have nothing to be worried about. Everything's gonna be perfect. Trust me." Justin said softly. "Thanks Just. For everything. You still have the ring, right?" Lance asked nervously. "Of course I got it." Justin said, pulling the small box from his pocket. Lance sighed. Justin looked at his watch. "Time to go man. JC's gonna be here in a few minutes." Justin said. Lance nodded and followed Justin into the small chapel. An old man was playing some Bach cantata on the organ. Chris and Joey were sitting in the front row. JC was already there, waiting with Tyler at the back of the chapel. Lance stopped walking when he reached his spot and took a deep breath.

The organist looked at Lance, silently asking him if he was ready. Lance nodded, and the man started to play Mendelsohn's Wedding March. JC and Tyler started to walk slowly towards the front of the chapel. Lance couldn't help but notice how much weight JC had lost. At first, JC was skinny, but now he was rachitic. His face was white and it glowed, but not in a good way. He had dark bags under his eyes. But he was beautiful. His disease could not take that away from him. Lance felt his eyes welling up with tears and his heart melt. JC finally met him at the front of the chapel, and took Lance hand in his. The master of ceremony smiled. "Who gives away this man?" he asked. "I do." Tyler said, blushing a little. He felt a little stupid, giving away his big brother. But JC looked so happy...

(A.N. I'm gonna spare you the long, boring ceremony. Let's say we're half an hour later, and we've gone through all the lectures, speeches and stuff, kay?)

"Now do you Joshua take James to be your husband, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part, say 'I do'." the master of ceremony asked JC. "I do." JC said, looking into Lance's eyes. "And do you James take Joshua to be your husband, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part, say 'I do'." the man repeated. "I do." Lance said with assurance. "By the powers bestowed on me, I now declare you husband and ummm...husband. You may now kiss." the man said, smiling. Lance smiled broadly, too, and so did JC when he started to lean in. When their lips met, everyone (meaning Chris, Justin, Joey and Tyler) started to applause. They parted, and JC took Lance's hand in his own. "It is with great pleasure that I introduce you Misters James Lance Bass!" the master of ceremony said. Everyone cheered and Lance and JC exited the chapel.

"Josh?" Lance said softly when they reached the door. "Yeah?"

"We're married." Lance said. JC smiled broadly. "Yup!" JC said, then he quickly pecked Lance's lips. "I love you Mr. Bass." he said softly. "I love you too, Mr. Bass." Lance said, laughing. He and JC went to their limousine, while the rest of the guys went into a second one.

"I'm so happy, James...You make me so happy..." JC said once the limo was rolling. He took Lance's hand in his own and squeezed it. "You make me happy too, Josh. I'm the happiest man alive..." Lance said, smiling a little. "Who would have thought, when we first met that we'd end up getting married?" JC asked. Lance smiled, and the limo came to a stop. "I think we're there!"

There wasn't much of a party after the wedding, since JC was tired and all, but everyone gathered at JC and Lance's to have dinner, and left right after.

JC went straight to bed. "You okay baby?" Lance asked worriedly. "Yeah, I'm fine." he said, smiling. "Are you sure? You're kinda pale." Lance said, sitting on the bed. "I'm fine, Lance. I just...I didn't want the guys to see I was crying." JC said, looking away. "Why were you crying? Is there something wrong?" Lance asked. "No...I was just...overwhelmed, I guess. C'mere." JC said, opening his arms. Lance laid down beside JC. JC placed his head on Lance's chest and sighed happily. "They were happy tears, I promise." JC said softly. Lance kissed the top of JC's head and smiled.

After a few seconds, JC rolled on top of Lance and kissed his passionately. He started to roam his hands all over Lance's chest and abs, then he moved his lips from Lance's mouth to his neck. Lance moaned a little. "Jayce, what are you doing?" he asked breathlessly.

Since JC had learned he was sick, they hadn't had sex. It had been over a month, and Lance was becoming friends with Mrs Palm and her five sisters. JC had wanted to have sex a few times, but Lance didn't want to, not wanting to risk ruining JC's health by it.

JC stopped suckling on Lance's neck and looked at him in the eyes.

"It's our wedding night, James. We'll only have one. It might be the last time I'm in any shape to have sex. Please..." JC said, making puppy eyes. Lance sighed. "You know I can't resist those eyes. You're evil, Jayce, plain and simple." Lance said, then he raised his head to kiss JC again, silently agreeing. JC happily kissed Lance back, slipping his tongue in Lance's mouth. He roamed his hands all over Lance's body, then stopped them and cupped Lance's butt. Lance moved his lips from JC's mouth to his neck, then he started to nibble on JC's earlobe. "Jayce..." he whispered in JC's ear. "Hmmm...?" JC half-moaned, half-replied. "I love you SO much, I didn't

think it was even possible to love somebody that much. I love you with all my

heart, body and soul, and I'll love you forever." Lance said. JC kissed Lance again, this time with more passion and heat, and most of all, lust. Then, he started to undo Lance's bowtie, and to unbutton Lance's shirt. When he was done, Lance sat down, making it easier for JC to get rid of his shirt. He took advantage of his position and got JC's shirt and wifebeater off. He laid down again, and he unzipped JC's pants and slipped them to his ankles, then JC kicked them off to the floor. Then JC rolled on his back so Lance was laying on top of him, and he did the same thing to Lance. The next thing Lance knew was that both their boxers were gone, and JC's erection was pressed firmly against his inner tigh. JC moved his lips to Lance's neck, then his chest, always getting closer to his goal. Lance closed his eyes as he felt JC's lips kiss the head of his penis. JC laid kisses all

over the head of Lance's dick, acting like the cock was a pair of lips. He

stuck out his tongue and slowly licked the head of Lance's cock. Lance shuddered. JC's tongue licked the head one last time before he slid the whole shaft into his mouth. Lance moaned loudly and ran his fingers through JC's hair. JC deep throated Lance for a too brief moment, then he released him when he felt he was getting close. Lance whined. "Joooosh...Why are you stopping?" Lance said in frustration. "'Cause I don't want you to cum yet...We're just getting started baby." JC said with a thick voice. Lance felt an anticipation shiver run down his spine. "Roll on your back." JC commanded. "Oh, are you getting bossy?" Lance teased. JC playfully stuck his tongue at him. Lance laughed and rolled on his back. JC lowered his head and parted Lance's butt cheeks. He tentatively stuck out his tongue again and licked on Lance's asshole. Lance closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of JC's wet tongue on his ass. JC might not have rimmed anyone before, but damn! he was good at it! And it felt good, too, for JC, to be licking Lance's ass. He had thought he'd be grossed out, but he actually enjoyed it.

When Lance's hole was properly wet, JC inserted a finger in it. Lance gasped and when JC's index hit his prostate, he moaned loudly. When JC felt that Lance's ass had loosened up enough, he inserted another finger in it. Then a third. Lance was in heaven. Then suddenly, he felt the fingers slip out of him, and JC crawl on top of him. He could feel JC's hard cock between his butt cheeks. JC entwined his fingers with Lance's on both sides of Lance's head, then he pressed his lips on Lance's moist neck. Lance bucked his hips upwards, trying to get JC to slide his cock inside him, but JC went on kissing and sucking on his neck. ", give it to me, you're killing me..." Lance pleaded. JC slid a hand under Lance's body and he grabbed Lance's cock, slowly stroking him. Lance moaned again, and JC withdrew his hand. Lance groaned in frustration, but soon stopped when he felt JC's cockhead pressed firmly at his entrance. JC stopped kissing Lance's neck and rested his head on the pillow, facing Lance. Lance opened his eyes. They looked into each other's eyes as JC started to push his cock inside Lance. Lance leaned in and softly kissed JC. They were in an awkward position, but neither of them cared. When JC was all the way in, he stopped moving. They stopped kissing and looked into each other's eyes again. "I love you James." JC whispered. "I love you too." Lance whispered back. JC took that as a cue and he slowly withdrew his cock from Lance's ass. Then he pushed it back in, slowly building a good pace. He kept his rythm for several minutes, then Lance stopped him. "Jayce...stop...I don't wanna cum yet." he said. JC pulled out his dick and laid down beside Lance, who rolled on top of him. "I wanna make love to you too..." Lance said softly. JC smiled. He rolled on top of Lance again, then he quickly moved so he and Lance's cock were face to face. He engulfed all of the manhood in his mouth, using as much saliva as he could, then he moved back and roled under Lance. Lance slowly removed some locks from JC's sweaty forehead, while JC wrapped his legs around Lance's lower back. Lance positionned himself with one hand, and pushed his cock inside JC. JC closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Lance picking up a good rythm. When he felt himself getting close, he opened his eyes and looked at Lance. An expression of pure extasy was painted on his face. "Kiss me James..." JC requested. Lance tilted his head and pressed his lips against JC's, his tongue slipping between their slightly parted lips. A few minutes later, Lance quickened his pace. JC knew Lance was close, and he was close, too. He let himself reach climax and he squeezed his ass muscled, enhancing Lance's pleasure and sending him over the edge. They both released loads of cum; JC on Lance's abs and chest, and Lance inside JC's guts. Lance rolled beside JC and opened his arms. JC buried his face in the crook of Lance's neck, trying to catch his breath. Lance wrapped his arms tightly around JC's frail body and kissed the top of his head.

They fell asleep within minutes.

The next morning, when Lance woke up, JC was curled up in a ball, his back to him. Lance smiled, looking at JC's back, his butt, his arms... He rolled on his side and wrapped his arms around his lover, spooning him. Then he saw it.

The blood. There was blood all over the pillow. It came from JC's mouth. JC's skin was damp and cold. "Jayce! Josh, wake up!" Lance yelled franctically, shaking JC's limp body. He rolled JC's body so he was laying on his back and pressed his ear to JC's chest, tears falling freely from his eyes. His heart was beating. JC was breathing. He was alive. Lance got up and grabbed the phone on the nightstand, dialing 911. "911, how may I help you?" a lady asked calmly. "There's blood on the pillow...everywhere...Josh won't wake up..." Lance said into the phone, talking fast. The lady remained calm. "Calm down sir. Is Josh breathing? Does he have a pulse?" she asked. "Yeah, he's alive...I need an ambulance, now." Lance said, slowly regaining control of himself. He gave the lady the adress, then she told him to cover JC up and wat for the ambulance. Lance thanked her, hung up and threw on some boxers. A few seconds later, there was a banging at the door. Lance ran to answer and took the three men into the bedroom. "What happened?" one of them asked Lance. "I don't know. When I woke up this morning, there was blood on the pillow and he was all cold and sweaty. Is he gonna be okay?" Lance asked worriedly. "We can't know yet. Are you close family?" the same man asked, while the two others took JC out, quickly climbing down the stairs. "Yeah, I'm his husband." Lance said. "Okay, then take some clothes and follow me." the man said. Lance grabbed the first pair of jeans he found, and the first shirt he laid his eyes on.

Later on, in the ambulance, he noticed that the shirt he was wearing was JC's.

A few hours later, Lance was awakened by a hand shaking his shoulder. He opened his eyes and was lost for a second. Then he remembered. He was in a waiting room, in an hospital, waiting for any news of JC. The hand shaking his shoulder belonged to a doctor. "Is he okay?" he asked immediately. "He's alive, if that's what you wanna know. But ummm...He's in a coma right now. We don't know if he'll ever wake up. Do you know if he did something yesterday that might have stressed him, or some rough physical exercises?" the doctor asked. Lance closed his eyes. "We got married yesterday. And yesterday night was our wedding night, and he wanted us to have sex...I didn't want to, at first, but he insisted and he said it might be the last time we'd ever make love...God, I should have said no..." Lance said, a few tears escaping his eyes. The doctor put his hand on Lance's shoulder and squeezed it. "Can I see him?" Lance asked. "Yeah. Follow me." the doctor said. Lance got up.

When they reached the door, the old man opened it and stepped aside. "I'll leave you alone with him. If something's wrong, just ring the nurse." he said. Lance nodded, silently thanking him, and walked inside. JC was laying still in the middle of the bed, paler than ever, skinnier than ever. Lance could barely see him as his vision was blurred by tears. He quickly brushed them away. He had to be strong. He had to be the strong one. He took the chair in the corner of the room and brough it to the side of the bed. He sat in it and took JC's hand in his own, gently caressing the back with his thumb. He stayed there a long time, praying.

Praying a God that hates homosexuals, praying a God that never showed up. Praying any fucking God that would be listening to his pleas. He didn't care. He even silently called Satan, ready to be damned if JC could live.

The sun was starting it's ascension over this half of the world. Lance could see the trees turning into shades of greyish-green, then green, then even greener, and he knew it was morning. He shifted slightly in his seat, and felt JC squeeze his hand very hard, then release it. And the machines started beeping franctically.


Next: Chapter 31

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