No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on Apr 28, 2000


No strings attached, by Lulupower

Legal disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and I'm not implying anything about the sexuality of Lance and JC of N'Sync. You must be 18 and over to read this. If you're offended by homosexual topics, please leave now.

Author's note: Hey everyone! (always the same blah blah blah...) As I said last time, I have no idea how old JC and Lance's brothers and sisters are, so in the story, Heather (JC' sister) will be 12, Tyler (JC's brother) will be 17, Stacey (Lance's sister) will be 16 and Ford (Lance's step-brother) will be 14. By the way: I'm sorry, I got all messed up last time -> JC's mom is KAREN (not Diane, Diane is Lance's mom) and JC's dad is ROY, instead of Ray.

If you have some free time, you should go read these: - Brian and Justin (snif...JM's ending it...waaaaaa!) - Brian and me (I haven't read a new chapter in ages...) - Studio in the country - Because I love you - Nsync Lance and JC (is that author still alive?!?) - His sweet smile (new one...GOOD one!) - ...

Now, on with the story!


When they were done with breakfast, JC and Lance went upstairs. "JC, would you mind going at my place, cause I have a lot of laundry to do, and I'd really like to be 'at home' for a little while." Lance asked, getting dressed. JC threw on some pants and smiled. "No, I don't mind. How about you pack up your stuff and we leave in half an hour?" JC suggested. "Thanks." Lance said, giving JC a small peck on the cheek. "No problem man. I understand what it's like not to be able to go home!" JC said, buttonning his blue shirt. "Yeah...But thank anyways." Lance said. They brushed their teeth and shaved, then they put all Lance's bags in JC's mercedes, and were off to Lance's place. When they arrived, it was eleven thirty. Lance threw his bags in his room and went to take his messages on his personnal answering machine. "You have five new messages BEEEEEEP! Hi Lance, it's Scott. I haven't heard of you in a long time...Just wanted to know what you were up to. Call me back when you have a few minutes! BEEEEEEP! Hi ummm...I just wanted to know if it was Lance Bass' real phone number...ummm...If it's him ummm...well hi! BEEEEEEP! Hey there cutie! It's JC. I just wanted you to have a nice surprise when you get home. Have a good day baby. BEEEEEEP! Hey, it's me again. I forgot to tell ya that we're april 28th. Bye! BEEEEEEP! Hey...It's me, again, I forgot one last thing. I LOVE YOU! BEEEEEEEEEEP!" Lance smiled. "Thanx for the messages JC." he said. JC blushed. "I thought I wouldn't be there when I called yesterday...Pretty embarassing" JC said. Lance started to unpack his stuff. "Want some help with that?" JC asked. "No, thanks...But if you really wanna help, you could call the other guys and tell them I'm inviting them for dinner tonight. We're having spaghetti a la Lansten!" Lance said with a smile. "Ok. At what time?" JC asked, dialing Justin's personnal phone number. "About six." Lance answered. "Hello?" A sleepy voice said in the phone. "Just? You were still sleeping?!?" JC said into the phone. "Yeah, well Fatima stayed over last night and...ya know..." Justin said. JC could almost see his smile. "Oh! Our little baby is doing nasty things with his girl?" JC teased him. "Yeah, well they're not as nasty as the things YOU do with Lance, so shut up!" Justin laughed. JC laughed too. "What are you up to tonight?" JC asked. "Nothin', why?" Justin asked back. "Lance is inviting you for dinner, at six." JC said. Lance snapped his fingers and mouthed "Without Fatima." "Can I bring Fatima?" Justin asked. "Uh...No, it's a guy night tonight." JC said. Lance smiled and blew him a kiss. "Hey, no fair, you and Lance get to be together and I don't get to be with my girl..." Justin whined. "Oh, stop whining you baby, we'll have fun. Be there at six SHARP!" JC said, then he hung up. He then dialed Joey's number. "Hello?" the voice said. "Hey Chris! Where's Joey?" JC asked. "In the shower." Chris answered. "What's up?" JC said. "Hmm, nothing much, what about you?" Chris said. "Nothing. What are you and Joey doing tonight?" JC asked. "Nothing. Why?" Chris asked. "Lance is doing some of his famous spaghetti, wanna come?" JC asked. "Yup, definetly. Will Justin bring the slave driver?" he asked. "No, it's a guy night." JC said. "Ok. At what time?" Chris asked. "6pm." JC said. "Ok, we'll be there. 'later." Chris said, hanging up. "They're all coming." JC said. "Now what can I do?" he added. " could cook us a little lunch...I'm a little hungry." Lance said. "Uh, ok. What do you have?" JC asked. "I don't know, I haven't been here for three months...Just look and make what you feel like eating." Lance said, going back to his unpacking. "Ok. I'll be back in a few." JC said, leaving the room and heading upstairs to the kitchen. He started to hum 'trashing the camp', the song N'Sync had done with Phil Collins for the movie Tarzan. He opened the refrigerator and saw some baked chicken breast, along with mayonnaise and lettuce. 'Perfect for a little sandwich' he thought. He grabbed all he needed and made two nice sandwiches. Then he cut some carrots and celery, and poured two glasses of milk. He put all the food on a tray and brought it in Lance's room. "Mr Bass' lunch is ready" he said, opening the door. Lance smiled and grabbed the tray. "Thanks baby." Lance said, kissing JC on the lips. "You're welcome." JC answered. They ate, sitting on Lance's bed, then Lance went upstairs to put the dishes in the dishwasher. When he came back, JC was laying on the bed, whistling 'I'll make love to you', by Boyz II men. "Oh really?" Lance said. "Really what?" JC asked, puzzled. "You'll make love to me?" Lance asked. JC smiled. "You're ALWAYS horny, aren't you?" JC asked. "Yup. It's hard not to be horny when you're around." Lance said mischievously. JC's smile grew larger. "Come here." he said. Lance crawled on JC and they kissed. Lance started to grind his hips with JC's. Lance unbuttonned JC'S shirt and roamed his hands all over JC's abs and chest. He could never get enough of JC. When they were making love, his hands were all over his lover's body, touching, caressing, rubbing. He just loved every part of JC's body. It was the same for his mouth. It was everywhere, kissing, sucking, licking. JC tasted so good... Lance started to kiss and lick his way down JC's chin, then his neck. He could feel JC's growing hard cock, dying to be released. He unbuckled JC's belt and pants, then he took them off, along with the shirt. JC was laying in only his boxers, a huge bulge in it. Lance grabbed the boxers' waistband and took them off too. JC's cock sprung free, and JC moaned. They kissed again, their lips rubbing against each others, and Lance opened his mouth, letting his tongue slide in JC's mouth. Their tongues dueled together for a while, then JC rolled on top of Lance. He yanked off his shirt and unbuttonned his pants, then he took them and his boxers off in one quick movement. JC threw the clothes on the floor, then he started to suck on Lance's neck. When he came up for air, a few seconds later, he had left a small hickey on Lance's neck. He smiled, and kissed Lance again. Their bodies were rubbing against each other, their cocks were rock hard. JC slowly began his kissing down Lance's abs, then he reached the patch of brown hair. He was face to face with Lance's erect cock. There was a small drop of precum on the tip. JC licked it, and Lance shivered at the touch. JC gently licked the whole lenght of Lance's cock. Lance moaned loudly. JC teased him, only licking small spots on his cock, then going down and licking his balls. "JC, stop it man, give it to me..." Lance moaned. JC gladly took Lance's cock in his mouth and started to suck on it. Lance was in pure heaven. When JC felt that Lance was near cumming, he took his mouth off his cock and he offered his own cock to Lance's mouth. Lance sucked on it a few seconds, lubing it up with saliva, then he put his legs on JC's back. JC positionned himself and slowly slid his cock inside Lance. Lance threw his head back in pleasure and closed his eyes. JC built up a slow rythm, and kissed Lance again. "Mmmm, Lance, it had been a long time since I fucked you..." JC moaned. "Yeah...I missed it...oh God JC this is so good..." Lance said in-between moans and groans. They kissed again. Lance erotically licked JC's lips. JC smiled. "I love it when you do that." he said, then his thrusting became faster. He grabbed Lance's cock and started to jerk it off. Lance closed his eyes and moaned loudly. "I'm close Lance..." JC said, his rythm becoming faster and faster. "Oh JC...Yeah...I'm gonna cum too...yessssss JC...." Lance grunted as volleys of cum landed on JC's abs. A few seconds later, JC came hard into Lance. They kissed, then JC collapsed on Lance. "Oh God, that was one hell of a sex session!" JC said as he recovered from his orgasm. "Yeah..." was all Lance could pant. He sighed and closed his eyes. JC held his head up and kissed Lance again. Lance smiled in the kiss. Their tongues dueled for a little while, then JC parted from the kiss. "I love you baby." he said. "I love you too JC...Oh, I have to find a petname for you now that's you're calling me baby...I could call you Joshy..." Lance said with a smile. "If you do that, you're not getting any for two weeks." JC said sternly. "Okay, Joshy. I'm gonna take a shower now, cause I'm all sweaty and sticky." Lance said, his smile growing larger. "I'll take it after you, ok? Because if I don't we might have to take a COLD shower, and I'm not really in the mood for that." JC said. "Ok. If the phone rings here, you can answer, it'll be one of the guys, but if it rings upstairs, don't bother, we have an answering machine." Lance said. "Ok. Bye!" JC said, kissing Lance's forehead. "Bye!" Lance said, getting up. He left the room, totally naked. JC heard him close the door, and then he heard the shower running, and two seconds later, he heard Lance singing. JC listened to him for a little while, then the phone rang. "Hello, this is Lansten's personal phone, how may I help you?" JC answered. "Umm...Hi ummm...Is Lance around?" the voice asked. "Uh, no, he's in the shower. Who's speaking?" JC asked. "This is Scott, I'm a friend of his. Is this his boyfriend?" Scott asked. JC was stunned. "What? How the hell do you know about me?" JC asked. "Whoa, calm down man...I just guessed...I've known Lance for years, and I'm the first person he's ever come out to. So I just figured that if you weren't Ford, you could just be his boyfriend." Scott said. "Oh. Do you know what Lance does for a living?" JC asked. "Yeah, he's a singer...though I've NEVER heard of his so-called group he's always talking about. I only listen to country music, so I don't know all the little boy-bands of the world." Scott said. JC sighed and smiled. "Oh, ok. Do you want me to tell Lance to call you back?" JC asked. "No, it's ok. I'll call him back in two weeks, I'm going to Sweden for Spring break. Thanks anyway." Scott said. "Ok then. Bye!" JC said, then he hung up. He noticed Lance standing on the doorstep, fully dressed. "Hey there!" JC said. "Hey there yourself. Who was that on the phone?" Lance asked, sitting beside JC. "A guy named Scott. He asked me if I was your boyfriend and he said that he had never heard of us!!!" JC said. "Yeah, I know, he's pretty weird. He was my best friend in high school. Now he thinks we're still friends, but our relationship has chenged a lot, cause he told me he had a crush on me..." Lance sighed. "Oh, so I've got competition?" JC said with a smile. "Nope. Look." Lance said, pointing to a picture on his desk. The guy was more than ugly, he had long yellow teeth and a cowboy hat. "Oh God, tell me it's not him..." JC said. "Yeah, it's him. But he was very nice. Just...not my type." Lance said. JC laughed. "I'm gonna take a shower now. Can I borrow some clothes?" JC asked. "Yeah, sure." Lance said. He gave JC some pants, a shirt, and some socks and boxers. JC threw them on the bed and circled Lance's waist with his arms. He buried his nose in Lance's neck. "Hmm, you smell all pretty!" JC said in a high-pitched tone. Lance laughed. "Off me, you dirty little boy. Get in the shower, NOW!" Lance said. JC smiled and slapped Lance's ass. The he grabbed the clothes and left the room.


Lance and JC were making out on the couch, and there was a knock at the door. JC straightened out his clothes and went to poen the door. There stood Justin, Chris and Joey. "Why are you all arriving at the same time?" JC asked. "Because Chris picked me up at home. Fatima borrowed my car..." Justin said. They came in, and Lance greeted them. "Hey guys! Everything's ready, we just have to eat!" Lance said. He and JC had preoared everything, and, a few minutes ago, the spaghetti had been ready. Everyone went to wash their hands, and they sat at the table. They remained silent and waited for Lance to say a quick prayer. "Thank You dear Lord for this food. Please bless it, and bless the ones who have nothing to eat. Bon appetit!" Lance said, smiling. Everyone started to eat. "Great job Lance, it's delicious." Joey said. "Yeah, it's very good!" Justin added. "Like they said..." Chris said with his mouth full of food. Everyone laughed. About an hour later, they were done, and they were sitting in the living room, not saying a word. "So, guys, how are you two doing?" Joey asked to JC and Lance. "We're doing well...Very well!" JC said, smiling at Lance. "Oh! Is Lance pregnant?" Chris asked. They all laughed. Well all except Justin. He looked akward. "Hey, what's going on Justin?" Lance asked. "Well..." he seemed uncomfortable. "You can say it Just." JC said. "Well...It's just that I'm not used to you guys being together. You know, you're two guys, and you're tow of my best buddies...So it's kinda weird..." Justin asked, looking at the floor. "It's okay Just. I understand." JC said. "Yeah...See, it takes you a long time to get used to it. Think about the time JC and Lance had to deal with their being gay...Must have been pretty hard." Joey said, looking at the couple. "Yeah, it was." Lance admitted. "I, for myself, cried myself to sleep many nights, because I couldn't stand the thought of being attracted to other men. Then there was the showers..." JC said. "The showers?" Chris asked. "You're so dumb, I can't believe it!" Joey said, laughing. "Yeah, Chris, the showers! We are five guys, and we often take showers together after rehearsals...Ya know, when I was taking cold showers, there was a reason!" JC said, smiling. Chris looked at him, dumbfounded. "You were sexually exited by us?" he asked plainly. JC blushed. "Yeah well...It was mostly Lance, but...if you were with four gorgeous women in a shower, even if you knew them, would you be aroused?" JC asked. "Hell yeah!" Chris said. They laughed. "I understand you, JC. I'm just joking." Chris said. There was a pause. Justin looked like he wanted to ask a question. "Yes Justin? You have to raise your hand to ask a question!" Lance joked. Justin smiled. "When did you find out you were in love with JC? And same goes to you, JC, when did you find out you were in love with Lance?" he asked. " you probably know, I'm the first one who JC came out to. He knew I was gay, because us gay people have what we call a gaydar, we can recognise a gay guy kilometers away. So he came out to me, and we started to fool around. At first, it was just kissing, then it became more..." he was cut off by Chris. "More? Like what?" he asked with a smile. "I'm not going to tell you that!" JC said. "Anyways, one thing led to another, and we started to have sex. It just felt right. And...well the day you discovered us, I had slept in JC's room, as always, and I had forgotten my cologne on the bathroom counter. So I went back to his room, and he was thinking aloud. I heard him say 'Oh my God, I'm falling in love with him'. I knew it was me...So we talked about it, and...when I heard him say that, I just KNEW. It was like a flash in my head. I already knew I had feelings for him, but then I knew I was in love with him." Lance said with a dreamy voice. Everyone cooed. JC took Lance's hand. "Yeah, same for me. When I was in the bathroom, after what had happened, I just realised it." JC said. "What happened?" Joey asked. "Well...That morning, Lance woke up, and he said that we couldn't go on, fucking around forever. So we decided to end it the next day. But I felt very sad. In fact I was a wreck, and I didn't know why the hell I was feeling that way...So I started to think about how it made me feel to be in his arms when I woke up...what it was to touch him and be touched by him...and I just clicked. I'm in love with Lance!" JC said, blushing a little. Everyone had a smile on their face. "Awww, isn't it cute!" Justin said. But JC and Lance didn't hear it. They were lost in eah other's eyes, a little smile on their faces. They slowly leaned in, and the second their lips met, they heard three other voices yelling "CENSURE!!!" and laughing. They just smiled and parted. "You guys are real pain in the ass ya know?" JC said. The three guys looked at each other and said simultaneously "Us? Noooooooo..." with an angelic face. They talked for a few more hours, and at eleven, Justin got up. "Can somebody please give me a ride home? I'm dead tired..." he said, smiling at Chris. "Well...I think it's my cue to leave...I have to put the son to bed, and I have to take cinderella back home!" Chris said, motionning to Joey. "What? Who are you calling the son?" Justin asked. Everyone laughed, and they got up. "Well, thanks for the supper Lance, it was great!" Justin said, hugging Lance. "Oh, you're welcome!" Lance said. Then Chris noticed their hug. "GROUP HUG!!!" he yelled. Everyone gathered up together, and they hugged for a few seconds. "Everyone, say thanks to Lance for the supper!" Joey said. "THANK YOU LANCE!" everyone, even Lance, said. They all said their goodbyes, and they left, except JC. "Do you want to crash here tonight?" Lance asked JC. "Sure!" JC said. They smiled at each other. They knew it was going to be another 'one of thoses nights'...


Ok, so I didn't write as much as I was supposed to...Sorry!! I'll tryto write more next time. And don't forget to e-mail me witn comments, questions, ideas...til next time, BYE BYE BYE!

Next: Chapter 4

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