No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on Mar 28, 2001


No strings attached, written by Lulupower

Legal disclaimer: This story is purely fictionnal and it doesn't mean to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the celebrities mentionned in it. Also, if you're not 18 or if you're offended by that, please leave now.

Author's note: Hey everyone! First off, I wanna thank everyone that has taken time to write me for last chapter. I really appreciate it! And to those of you who don't e-mail, SHAME ON YOU! ;) And don't forget to e-mail me for this one...Even those who have written to me once, I really like feedback on every chapters. I WANT MAIL!!!

I'd like to know what you guys like about NSA. I mean, I recieve e-mails telling me 'I love the story so far', but what do you like about it? Why do you like it? I'd really love to know:


Also, a big hello to Gabriella Morrisson, my mentor. You inspire me girl! (And that little JC/Lance smut story ("clock") you wrote last week? I loved it. It inspired me for this chapter. I want more smut...) (...Did I just write that?)

Go read these: - My surprise romance, by Gabriella Morrisson (It's the best story I've ever read, and trust me, I've read a lot!) - Brian and me, by DLS (he updated recently!grin) - French kiss me, by Fallen Angel - In synchronicity, by Will - Brian and Justin, by JM

This chapter is composed of pure and simple SEX only. It's dedicated to those of you who are reading this just to get off. wink

Okay, without further ado, here's part 32 of NSA. Enjoy!


That same night, the three guys and the girl ate together. It was a quiet, akward dinner, and as soon as it was over, everyone was relieved. Tyler and Stacey went to the living room to watch TV and Lance and JC stayed in the kitchen to do the dishes.

"We have to start packing tonight. We won't have much time tomorrow and the day after, and we leave on thursday." Lance said, handing JC a wet plate. "Yeah, I know. We only have two sessions with the therapist left, right?" JC asked, drying the plate. "Yup. A two hours long one tomorrow and a one hour long one on wednesday." Lance said, then he looked at JC. "We really have to bring everything. I think the next time we're coming home is in April." he added, sighing loudly. "I know. But we'll be together, and that's wonderful." JC said, pecking Lance's lips. Lance smiled broadly. "Right. Seriously, it'll be cool. I think the only problem I see so far is Justin and Christopher having to work together." Lance said, going back to the dishes. "Yeah, I know. Christopher is mad as shit." JC said. "And he has every right to be..." Lance said pointedly. "Yeah...But I'm the living proof that one can forgive his unfaithful boyfriend." JC said with a smile. Lance sighed sadly. "Don't even go there Lance. I don't want to hear you apologize again." JC said. Lance nodded. "Fine." he said softly. JC smiled a little and kissed the back of Lance's neck. Lance closed his eyes and dropped everything he was holding. "Do you like that?" JC whispered in a very erotic tone. Lance only nodded. JC went on kissing Lance's neck, and then he started to lick it, tracing some random shapes just below his hair. Then he moved a little further up and started to nibble on Lance's earlobe, making Lance's knees go weak. "How about that?" JC asked, keeping his voice low. Lance nodded again and cleared his throat. "I...I like that a lot." He said, his voice husky from need, his eyes still shut. JC went back to Lance's neck and started to gently suck on that spot of Lance's neck (you know the spot that makes you want to scream everytime one touches it?), soon leaving a small, red-going-on-purple hickey. Lance moaned softly. "Is that good?" JC asked. Lance only moaned in appreciation when JC started to lick his adam apple. Lance's jeans were starting to be too tight for the huge bulge that was forming in his boxers. As if on cue, JC unzipped Lance's pants and slipped his hands inside his boxers, taking Lance's cock in his hand. Lance shuddered at the touch. "Did I hit a sensitive spot?" JC asked teasingly, then he wrapped his fingers around Lance's hard cock and started to stroke it slowly, painfully slowly. Lance unintentionally started to buck his hips, desperatly wanting to feel the friction between his cock and JC's hand, craving for the rythm to be faster. As he felt Lance was about to come, JC withdrew his hand. Lance groaned in frustration. "You tease!" he whispered. "I'm not done..." JC said suggestively, then he yanked Lance's pants down in one quick movement and motionned him to sit on the counter. Lance looked at JC with a little fear in his eyes. "The kids...they're in the living room..." he whispered. JC raised an eyebrow. "You don't want me to suck that big cock of yours?" he asked bluntly, still whispering. Lance was very turned on by JC's suggestive comment and sat on the counter, forgetting about his sister and JC's brother. He parted his legs and JC smiled. He got on his knees and gently licked the underside of Lance's cock. Lance closed his eyes. JC then took the head of Lance's dick in his mouth, gently sucking on it and swirling his tongue around it slowly, making Lance throw his head back in pleasure. Then JC moved his head down, taking all of Lance in his mouth and throat, and he started to bob his head up and down. Soon enough, Lance felt himself getting close again. "Jayce, I'm gonna cum soon..." he whispered. JC looked up briefly to let him know it was okay, then he quickened his pace, sending Lance over the edge. He released volleys of cum in JC's awaiting mouth, his own mouth tightly shut to prevent him from screaming. JC swallowed the whole load, and the licked clean Lance's now softening cock. He got up and kissed Lance deeply.

When they parted, Lance panted. "God...That was...Wow!" Lance said softly, trying to catch his breath. JC smiled sheepishly. Lance got up and put his pants back up, then he noticed the bulge in JC's pants. "Oh, is little JC up?" Lance asked in a sing-song voice. JC nodded and wrapped his arms around Lance's waist. Lance put his arms around JC's neck and smiled. "What are we going to do about that?" Lance asked. JC put his lips near Lance's ear. "I'm gonna fuck your brains out." JC whispered. "Oh really?" Lance asked, his smile growing bigger. JC smiled too. "Yup." he said, then he pulled Lance by the hand towards their room. He closed the door behind them, then he undid his belt and zipper and his pants fell down to his ankles. He stepped out of them, then he took off his shirt and tossed it on the side. Lance smiled seductively. "Like what you see?" JC asked. Lance nodded, and took off his clothes too, so both of them stood face to face, totally naked. JC leaned in and kissed Lance square on the lips, shoving his tongue deep into Lance's mouth. Their tongues dueled for a few seconds, then Lance pushed JC on the bed and crawled on top of him. "Hey." JC said lowly, his face only millimeters away from Lance's. "Hey yourself." Lance said with a small smile, then he kissed JC again, but that time with more passion. He could feel JC's erection rubbing his own forming one. JC rolled on top of him and Lance threw his legs on JC's back. "Fuck me hard Jayce. I want you..." Lance said, his voice hoarse. JC bent down to kiss him, the muscles in his arms straining as he did so. Lance started to caress JC's back and chest, feeling the muscles bundled tightly beneath JC's smooth skin. JC broke the kiss, positionned himself and started to push. Lance hissed through his teeth and JC bent down and kissed him lightly on the lips. "You okay baby?" he asked when he was all the way in. "Yeah. I'm fine." Lance said softly. "You're so feel like the first time..." JC said, then he buried his face in the crook of Lance's neck, giving Lance a little time to adjust. Lance understood the small gesture and smiled. "Thanks sweetie." he said quietly, so quietly that JC wasn't even sure he heard it. JC started to kiss Lance's neck again, slowly licking the small hickey he had left a few minutes ago. Then, slowly, millimeter by millimeter, he started to thrust in and out of Lance. His cock moved smoothly in and out of Lance's ass, a little more with every thrust. Lance was still caressing JC's back, and he moved his hand down to JC's butt. He caressed it for a while, then he traced a path further down, and entered his middle finger in JC's asshole, causing JC to groan.

Suddenly, Lance rolled over JC and managed to get JC's cock out of himself. "Hey...What's wrong?" JC asked, frustration, surprise and worry clearly written on his face. "Shhh..." Lance said, smiling a little. He kissed JC lightly on the lips, then he removed a lock of hair from his face. "I just want you. I want to be inside you." Lance whispered. JC smiled and nodded. Lance positionned himself and pushed his dick inside JC. JC closed his eyes, and Lance pressed his lips against JC's. Once he was all the way in, he broke the kiss, and JC opened his eyes. Lance looked at JC in the eyes and ran his fingers through JC's hair. "I could stare into your eyes forever. I could stay here, like this, forever." Lance said softly. JC reached out and gently brushed his fingers against Lance's cheek. "I love you." JC whispered. "I love you too." Lance whispered back, then he started to withdraw his cock from JC's ass. JC moaned softly and started to move his hips in sync (no pun intended) with Lance. Their bodies were glistening with sweat in the dim lit room. Small drops of sweat were rolling from their foreheads. Lance bent down and placed his lips on JC's neck. He could feel JC was close to cumming, and he was too. "I'm gonna cum soon Jayce...I want you to cum with me." Lance panted. JC nodded. Lance started to thrust in and out of JC like there was no tomorrow. "I'm gonna cum...I'm...cumming..." Lance yelled, and filled JC's insides with his juices, and at the same time he felt JC's sperm hit his chest. "Oh, God, James..." JC panted as his orgasm subsisted. Lance kissed him hard on the lips, then he rested his head on JC's shoulder. They remained there for a long time, not saying a word, trying to catch their breath. "We should get cleaned up, or we're gonna be stuck here forever." JC said softly. "I wouldn't mind that..." Lance said with a smile. JC smiled too. "Me neither. How about a shower?" JC suggested. Lance nodded. "Good idea." Lance replied, but neither of them moved. Lance laughed a little and took his cock out of JC's ass, then he got up. JC laughed when he saw Lance's cum covered chest. "Look at the mess you made!" Lance said, laughing. JC got up and lightly slapped Lance's butt, then he wrapped his arms around Lance's waist. "May I remind you that you were with me when I made this mess, and that you helped me to make it?" JC asked. Lance smiled. "Let's get in the shower." Lance said, pulling JC by the hand. JC opened the door and peeked outside. "All clear! they must be in their room." he said.

Once in the shower, JC once again wrapped his arms around Lance. "Have I ever told you that's you're beautiful?" JC asked. "Umm...No." Lance said with a devious smile. JC smiled too, then he leaned in and kissed Lance. Suddently, he broke the kiss and bursted out laughing. "What?" Lance asked, puzzled. "I can't believe you're all horny again." JC said, pointing to Lance's once again hardening member. Lance blushed. "I can't help it! Primo, you turn me on. You're wet and naked and pressed against me. And secundo, little poofu there seems to have a mind of it's own." Lance said. JC smiled. "I'm glad I turn you on. I like that." JC said softly. Lance smiled. "And do I turn you on?" Lance asked softly, wrapping his fingers around JC's manhood. JC moaned softly. " turn me on..." JC said, his voice barely above a whisper. Lance began to stroke JC's cock quickly. JC couldn't help but buck his hips. "Come on Jayce...I know you want to cum..." Lance said suggestively. JC nodded, then threw his head back in pleasure. "I'm gonna cum James..." JC said. Lance quickened his pace, and squeezed JC's cock a little bit more. JC came again, splattering cum on the shower wall and on Lance's abs. JC felt his knees go weak and leaned on Lance. "God Lance...I think I had never came like that before..." JC said. "Me neither. Three times in one day for you, four for me...God..." Lance said, caressing JC's hair. "You okay sweetie?" Lance asked softly. "Oh yeah. Never been better." JC said with a weak smile. Lance smiled too and kissed JC's forehead. "I love you." he said softly. "I love you too." JC replied. There was a loud banging at the door. "You guys done in there? We'd like to take a shower too..." they heard Stacey say through the door. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." Lance said, laughing. "I guess we have to get out?" JC asked. "Yeah, I guess." Lance said. JC turned the shower off and opened the curtain. "I looooooove yooooouuuuu...yeah yeah, now and forever..." JC started to sing John Lennon's 'Woman' as he grabbed a towel and handed it to Lance. Lance smiled and wrapped the towel around his waist, as JC did the same with another towel, then he opened the door. Stacey and Tyler were standing there, a smirk on their faces. "You two have been going at it for two hours. TWO freaking hours." Stacey said. JC and Lance blushed a dark shade of crimson. "We're going to bed now. Goodnight. And if we have to hear one single sound coming out of here, you're gonna hear about us. Okay?" JC said sternly. "Fine. We're not gonna do anything. We're not like you two horndogs...Goodnight!" Tyler said, hurriedly closing the door behind himself and Stacey. JC looked at Lance and they both rolled their eyes simultaneously. "Let's go to bed." JC said simply. "Yeah." Lance answered and followed JC into their bedroom.


What did you guys think? Liked it? Loved it? Hated it? E-mail me with comments, questions, ideas or anything at

By the way, it's gonna take a little more time for the next chapter to come out. It should be out in about 2 weeks, but then again, don't sue me if it's not done then, okay?

'til next time, stay N'sync!

Next: Chapter 29

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