No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on Mar 25, 2001


Legal discalimer: This story is purely fictionnal and it doesn't mean to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the celebrities mentionned in it. Also, if you're not 18 or if you're offended by homosexual topics, please leave now and don't ICQ-message me telling me I'm a freak.

Author's note: Hello everyone! Lovely day, isn't it? :) Sorry, I'm feeling happy today. In a sickening way. ;)

Anyways, here's part 31 of NSA. Hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to e-mail me with comments, questions, ideas, anything, at

Go read these:

  • My surprise romance, by Gabriella Morrisson (It's AWE-SOME.) - Brian and me, by DLS (He updated!!!!!) - French kiss me, by Fallen angel - In Synchronicity, by Will - Brian and Justin, by JM - Many others...

Okay, no further ado, here's the story.


"So, Joshua, tell me a bit about James." The psychologist, Mrs Baldwin, asked. It was the first time JC and Lance went there for their therapy. "What do you want to know?" JC asked. "Everything." Mrs Baldwin said. JC felt a little uncomfortable, talking about Lance while he was there. He cleared his throat and scratched his neck, then he began. "Well...He's 21 years old, he comes from Mississippi. He has a brother and a sister, Ford and Stacey. Stacey is living with us, she's dating my brother. He loves to sing, he loves music a lot. He likes Garth Brooks. He likes to look good, so he spends a lot of time in front of the mirror. Uh...He loves to go outside and walk...Uh...He's affraid of bugs. He likes to cook. He's very intelligent. He always thinks about stuff that we usually don't think about, little things that could make me or others happier. He's mature, he's caring, he's very's everything to me. And I love him a lot." JC said, blushing a little. The doctor nodded and looked at Lance. "And you, James, tell me a bit about Joshua." she asked. "Um...He's 25 years old. He's from Washington...He also has a brother and a sister, Tyler and Heather. He's been sick for a while now, about seven months. He had to leave N'sync, and he's not coming back until next summer, after the wedding. He loves to sleep... Music is his life. I don't think he'd live if there was no music. Um...He likes to dance. He likes to cuddle in front of a movie...He's full of energy and passion. He's intelligent, and nice, and sweet...He's also everything to me, and I love him to death." Lance said, smiling. JC smiled too and took Lance's hand in his own. "Okay, you guys obviously love each other very much, and I think it's wonderful." Mrs Baldwin said with a warm smile. "But you two told me that some things happened, and these things made you loose the trust you put into each other. Which one of you cheated on the other?" she asked. "Actually...We both cheated on each other. I started this mess last year, I slept with a guy I had met in a bar. And recently James cheated on me with my best friend Justin. Twice." JC said, a little bitterly. "Didn't you tell me you had forgiven James?" Mrs Baldwin asked, frowning. "Yes, I did. And I did forgive him." JC said. "You obviously haven't. Or if you have, you're still more bitter about it than you let on." Mrs Baldwin said. JC looked at the floor and nodded. Mrs Baldwin wrote something on a sheet, then she looked at Lance. "Why did you feel the need to cheat on Joshua?" she asked. Lance sighed. "The first time I had sex with Justin, I actually thought that I had feelings for him. JC and I were on a break, and it was because I had kissed Justin, and I really thought I had some kind of feelings for him. After a while, Justin made me realise I didn't, and JC and I got back together. And...two days ago, I went at Justin's. He had asked me to tie him to his bed so he could surprise his boyfriend. And...I don't know, once he was tied, his face was only inches from mine and...we kissed. And one thing led to another, we got really caught up in the moment I guess. His boyfriend caught us while I...while I sucked him." Lance said, blushing heavily. "So it was involuntary? Do you regret it?" Mrs Baldwin asked. "Yes. An awful lot." Lance admitted. "I called him about an hour after Christopher caught them, cause he wasn't home yet, and I was worried, and he was crying so hard, I thought he was injured or something...And so I took my car and joined him, and he was...I don't know, he was a wreck. I had never seen him cry so much." JC said softly. "And, Joshua, you told James that you never wanted him to cheat on you again, or it'd be over forever. Right?" Mrs Baldwin asked. "Right." JC said. "How did you react to that James?" she asked. " scared me at first, but then I realised that it wasn't scary, cause I know I never want to cheat on Josh again. We're getting married in four months and I don't even want to think about cheating on him. I love him." Lance said confidently. "That's good. If you two want to stay together, then I don't see why you couldn't do it. It'll be all for today. Tomorrow, same time, same place?" Mrs Baldwin asked. "Yup. Thanks doc." JC said with a smile, shaking her hand. Lance shook her hand too, then they left.

Once outside, Lance took JC's hand in his own. "Josh?" he called, slipping his sunglasses on. "Mmmm?" JC said, looking at Lance. "I think we're gonna be fine." Lance said with a smile. "I don't think so. I know so." JC said, smiling too. Lance looked at his watch. "Up for a coffee? My treat." Lance said, pointing to a small coffee shop near the building they had just left. "Good idea." JC said. So they crossed the street and entered the small shop. It was empty, except for the waiter and two old ladies sitting together, looking as if they had been there all their lives. JC and Lance walked over to the counter and the waiter looked at them with a smile. "Good afternoon gentlemen. What's it gonna be?" the man said with a thick British accent. "I'll have a latte. What about you Jayce?" Lance asked. "Same here." JC said. "Two lattes on their ways. It'll be 5,40$ please." the man said.

A few minutes later, they were sitting at a small table, enjoying their coffees. "Sweetie? Have you really forgiven me?" Lance asked. JC raised an eyebrow. "Sweetie?" he asked. Lance smiled shyly and blushed. "Hey, it's cute. And yes, I've forgiven you." JC said. He reached out and put his hand on Lance's. Lance looked in his eyes and smiled. "You look unbelievably handsome today, sweetie." Lance said. JC blushed. "Thanks." he whispered. Lance's smile grew wider. "And you know what else, sweetie?" Lance asked. "What?" JC asked. "I love you." Lance said softly. JC smiled. "I love you too baby." JC said. "Do you think Stacey's right?" Lance asked, out of the blue. "About what?" JC asked back, taking a sip of his coffee. "She said we weren't ready for marriage." Lance said. "I don't know. I hope not...I really want us to get married this summer. But..." Lance cut him off. "There's a but?" he asked. "Well...I don't know. After all, we've only been together for a year...Maybe we should wait another year, see where it leads us..." JC said. "I don't know. Maybe...Are you saying the wedding's off?" Lance asked. "I didn't say that. Do you want it to be off?" JC asked. "I don't know, do you?" Lance asked. JC laughed a little. "No, I don't want it to be off." he said. "I don't either." Lance said, relieved. "Good." JC said, smiling warmly. "I think we should start looking for stuff." Lance said. "Stuff?" JC asked. "Yeah, stuff. Our tuxes. Music. The cake. The invitations. The church. The reception after the wedding. Flowers. Maids of honor. Who's gonna be your best man?" Lance asked. "I don't know. Probably Tyler. You?" JC asked. "Hmm...Ford is way too young. Justin maybe. Would it be okay?" Lance asked. "Why wouldn't it be okay?" JC asked, surprised. "I don't know. With everything that happened..." Lance said. " would be fine." JC said, giving Lance's hand a squeeze to let him know it was true. Lance smiled. "Who's gonna be the bride?" Lance asked. "What?!" JC asked. "Who's gonna walk down the aisle I mean." Lance said. JC sighed and laughed. "You had me puzzled there for a minute." he said, then he scratched his neck. "I don't know, I don't really mind. I guess you could do it since you're younger." JC said. Lance nodded. "Good. And um...Are you gonna be James Lance Chasez, or am I gonna be Joshua Scott Bass?" JC asked. Lance's eyes grew wide. "I have no idea. What do you think?" Lance asked. "I think Joshua Scott Bass sounds better." JC said with a smile. Lance smiled too. "Joshua Scott Bass. I like it." Lance said. "What about the music? I want classical music in our wedding. I don't want some cheap guitar player singing some old country song that 'means a lot to us'." JC said, making quotation marks with his fingers. "I hate that kind of weddings. I want classical music, with some guy playing organ and a singer singing classical stuff. Is that okay with you?" JC asked. "Yup. Definetly. I'm gonna let you choose the music though, you're way better than I am." Lance said. "I'm gonna make you listen to some CD's I have at home. And we'll choose together." JC said. "Okay." Lance said simply. They remained silent for a few seconds, then Lance looked at JC. "Are you nervous?" he asked softly. JC smiled a little. "Yeah. Of course I am. But it's a good kind of nervousness. I'm nervous about the whole thing. I know I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, that's not what I'm nervous about. You understand?" JC asked. Lance nodded. "What about you? Are you nervous?" JC asked. "Yeah...a little. Mostly, I'm affraid that you'll realise what a jerk I am and you'll decide you don't wanna spend the rest of your life with me." Lance said lowly, looking at the table. JC's eyes grew wide. "Are you serious?" JC asked. Lance nodded with shame. JC frowned. "James, baby, look at me." JC demanded. Lance looked up. "How many times do I have to tell you? I'm madly in love with you. Forever. I love you. And you're not a jerk. Do I look like someone who'd fall in love with a jerk?" JC asked. Lance shook his head no. "Good. Now, do you believe me or do I have to tell you in chinese?" JC asked with a smile. Lance smiled a little. "That's my boy. Now, we could go outside and take a nice little walk, what do you say?" JC suggested. "I say it's a good idea. Let's go." Lance said, getting up and taking JC's hand in his own. "I'm glad we can do that now." JC said as they exited the small shop. "Do what?" Lance asked, once again slipping his sunglasses on. "Walk together hand in hand and be all mushy in public. It's great, isn't it?" JC asked. Lance smiled and squeezed JC's hand a little. "Yup." he said. "So, where are we going?" Lance asked as they walked in no particular direction. "I don't know." JC replied. So they walked, hand in hand, until they were tired of walking.

An hour later, they were back to their place. "Is there anyone home?" JC called when they opened the door. No answer. "They must be out." Lance said. JC smiled deviously. "Oh, are we on our own, Mr Bass?" he asked. "I think we are, Mr Chasez. What are you planning on doing?" Lance asked with a smile. JC just smiled and pressed his lips against Lance's. He pulled him towards their bedroom and opened the door. A girl's voice shrieked. "Get out, now!" they heard a male voice yell. JC shut the door. "Dear God in Heaven. Tyler and Stacey were having sex in our bed." Lance said in disbelief. "You two, get out of there, now." JC said through the door. "We're coming." Stacey said loudly. Lance walked to the couch and plopped down on it. "I can't believe it." JC said, sitting beside Lance. "Neither can I." Lance said simply. A few seconds later, Stacey and Tyler came out of the door, their faces flushed. Tyler was clad in only his boxers and Stacey had Tyler's shirt and jeans on. "Sit down." JC commended. They complied, and looked at the floor. "What in God's name were you two doing in our bed?!" Lance asked. "What do you think it was James? God, he can be so stupid sometimes..." Stacey said, dropping her voice for the last words of the sentence. Lance threw her a dirty look. "I thought you two weren't having sex? That's what you told us." Lance said, raising an eyebrow. Stacey blushed and Tyler found a sudden interrest in his fingernails. "Well we're having sex now. We...we did it for the first time the night we slept in the same room, when you had your fight." Tyler said, his voice barely above a whisper. JC's eyes grew wide. "You two are sleeping together? Oh my God. What are we going to do about that?" JC asked, first looking at Tyler and Stacey, then at Lance. "I don't know... You guys are using protection and all, right? You know how everything works?" Lance asked. "Yeah. But thanks for asking." Stacey said. "Can we leave now? We have unfinished buisness to take care of." Tyler said. "Oh my God. Too much information Ty." JC said. "Wait. It still doesn't explain what you two were doing in our bed." Lance said. Stacey blushed. "I just wanted to borrow a condom. I was going to buy a box and give one back to you later on. We...We just started kissing in your room know..." Stacey said shyly. Lance nodded. The two kids took that as a cue, got up and walked to Stacey's room, closing the door behind them. JC and Lance sat there, dumbfounded. "I can't believe it. He's only seventeen!" JC said. "How old were you when you first had sex?" Lance asked. "Twenty-two. You?" JC asked. "Eighteen." Lance said with a smile. "Okay, so I lost my virginity really late. They've been together for like two weeks." JC said, then he smiled when he saw Lance's face. "I get your point. We weren't even together when we had sex for the first time. At least they've been honest with us." JC said. "Yeah. Now I feel weird." Lance said. "Yup. They're doing it like now." JC said. "Oh God. You know what? That's disgusting. Your brother having sex with my sister? Ugh..." Lance said, shuddering. JC nodded. "You're right." he said, then he smiled. "Now, where were we when we were so rudely interrupted?" he asked, leaning in and pressing his lips on Lance's. Lance smiled through their kiss. "It was somewhere near there, I think." he said when they parted. JC got up and grabbed Lance's hand, pulling him to their room.


There you go guys! Hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to e-mail me with comments, questions, ideas, flames, anything at 'til next time, stay n'sync!

Next: Chapter 28

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