No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on Mar 14, 2001


No Strings attached, written by Lulupower

Legal Disclaimer: This story is purely fictionnal and it doesn't mean to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the celebrities mentionned below. Also, if you're not 18 or if you're offended by homosexual topics, please leave now.

Author's note: Hey everyone! I'm back...fortunately sooner than last time... :) Anyways, don't forget to e-mail me with comments, questions, ideas, flames, etc... at


Go read these as soon as you're done here:

  • My Surprise Romance, by Gabriella Morrisson (and check out her website too! It's great! The URL is )

  • Brian and me, by DLS - French kiss me, by Fallen Angel - Brian and Justin, by JM - In Synchronicity, by Will - ...

By the way, the songs used in this chapter are "Shape of my heart" by the Backstreet boys, and "If ya gettin' down" by 5ive. I don't own these songs. I don't have any permission to use them. Sue me. ;)


It was monday morning. Very, very early. The sun had just started it's run in the sky and it was standing just a little above the trees. The expensive-looking houses were silent, as were the streets, except for the soft chirping of the birds. One appartment was different though. At that early time of the day, it's occupants were already up and ready to face a day that was planned to be very tiring.

"James, have you seen my green shirt?" "Tyler, there's no coffee left, could you go to the store and get some?" "Stace, get the hell out of the shower!"

There was a press conference planned that day. The press conference where the two lovers would confirm to the world that they were in love.

Stacey got out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her thin frame. "There. I'm done. I don't know what you were yelling at me for, dear brother, cause I was in there for exactly fifteen minutes and you still have three hours before you have to be at the hotel. Calm down for God's sake, you're gonna have a heart attack if you don't!" Stacey said, a smile painted on her beautiful face. Lance sighed, walked into the bathroom and locked the door. He got the shower running and took off his clothes, then he jumped in the shower. The warm water cascading on his body succeeded to calm him down a little. As he washed his hair, he started singing. That was the only thing that could make him forget a little about his problems for a while. "Looking back on the things I've done, I was trying to be someone, I played my part, kept you in the dark, now let me show you the shape of my heart..." Lance sang with all the power he had. After a few seconds, he heard a loud banging on the door. "James, sweetie...That's the wrong band...We're N'sync, remember?" JC said through the door, laughing. " mistake!" Lance shouted, laughing too, then he started singing again. "If ya gettin' down, baby, I want it now, baby, come and get it on, baby, I want it now baby..." he sung, then he stopped when he heard JC and Stacey laughing. He resumed his shower and got out. He shaved, did his hair, brushed his teeth, and walked out of the bathroom, just like his younger sister, clad in only a towel. He walked to his bedroom and heard JC whistle. "Cute butt!" JC said from the kitchen. "I know!" Lance said. JC laughed. "I love it when you're so modest baby." he said. Lance laughed, got dressed, then he joined JC, Tyler and Stacey in the kitchen. "'Morning Stace. 'Morning Ty. Thanks for the coffee." Lance said, then he wrapped his arms around JC's waist. "Good morning Josh." Lance said softly, placing his lips on JC's. "Good morning to you too. I made pancakes, want some?" JC asked. "Yup. Definetly." Lance said, letting go of JC. "So, you guys nervous?" Tyler asked. "I think nervous is an understatement. But yes." JC said, handing Lance a plate full of freshly baked pancakes. "Thanks Josh." Lance said, digging into his food. "You and Stacey are coming, right?" Lance asked, his mouth full. "Yeah. Wouldn't miss that for the world." Stacey said, getting up. "I have to get ready now." she announced. "Why? It's only 6:30..." Tyler said, looking at the clock. "Yeah, but it's gonna be really long this morning. What if reporters take pictures of me accidentally? I have to look good!" Stacey said, walking to her room. JC and Lance rolled their eyes. "Girls..." JC said. "Hey, that's my girlfriend you're talking about." Tyler said. "Did you already eat?" Lance asked his boyfriend. "Nah...I'm really not hungry. I'm affraid that if I eat, I'm gonna throw up." JC said, sighing. Lance patted his lap, motionning JC to sit on it. JC gladly complied and Lance wrapped his arms around him. "It's gonna be fine. We'll be just fine." Lance whispered in his ear, then he pressed his lips on JC's neck. JC closed his eyes, enjoying the simple pleasure Lance was giving him. Tyler got up. "I think I hear Stacey calling me." he muttered, leaving. "James? Whatever happens, we'll always be together, right?" JC asked in a little voice. "Right. Nothing will ever tear us apart." Lance replied softly. JC smiled a little. "Good." JC said, then he switched positions so he was facing Lance. "I. Love. You." JC said, ponctuating each word with a kiss. Lance smiled. "I love you too." he said, smiling. "Are you two done in there?" Stacey yelled from her room. JC and Lance laughed. "Yup!"

"So what was written in the newspaper a few days ago was true?" a middle-aged woman asked. The press conference had begun about an hour ago. Lance and JC were sitting at a table, and Chris, Joey and Justin were sitting on their left, listening closely but remaining silent.

"More or less. I didn't tell anyone that JC and I were dating. It's just that Josh was in a very bad shape and let's just say that I was more concerned about him than about our carreers. And one of the nurses must have seen me and called the reporters." Lance said with a smile. "How long have you and Lance been together?" somebody else asked. "Um...almost a year now. Right?" JC said, looking at Lance. "Yeah, it's been ten months." Lance said with a smile. "When are you planning on getting married?" a man asked. "June 14th. But we're not telling you where it's gonna be though. It'll be more of a private wedding." Lance said. "What do you think about sex before marriage?" a young girl asked. Lance blushed and JC laughed. "Look, we're not gonna tell you what happens in our bedroom. I know Lance has been raised in the south as a baptist catholic, and my parents always told me that it was best if you waited, but I'm not saying that it's what you have to do. The only thing I have to say about that is that you have to be careful and always use protection." JC said. The N'Sync PR got up. "Okay, everyone, that's a wrap. Thank you all for coming." he said, and Lance and JC got up. Everyone exited the room, leaving the five N'syncers, Stacey, Tyler, the five N'sync bodyguards and the PR alone. "That was wonderful guys. JC, that answer for the question about sex was just perfect. I have to leave now, I'll se you guys in two weeks. Bye!" he said, walking away. Lance rolled his eyes at him, then he looked at the bodyguards and smiled. "You can leave now, we'll be fine by ourselves." Lance said. "Okay. You guys be careful, okay?" Loonie, a bodyguard, said. They all left silently.

JC wrapped his arms around Lance and hugged him. "God, I'm so happy that the whole hiding thing is over!" he said. Lance smiled. "Yeah, me too." Lance said, then they parted. "Group hug!" Joey called. Everyone gathered up together and hugged. "Congratulations guys! I'm proud of you!" Chris said. "Yeah me too...I can't wait to do that too with Christopher." Justin, somewhat sadly. "Your time's gonna come, Curly, don't worry." JC said, smiling. "Hey, how about we all go to our place and celebrate?" Lance suggested. "Great! We could order a pizza and rent a movie, just like old times..." Joey said. "Cool! Let's meet at JC and Lance's in an hour okay? I'll pick a movie on my way." Chris said. "Uh, guys, if you wanna bring your significant others, it's fine." JC said. "Eve's out of town." Chris said sadly. "And Rachael is at her grandmother's side. She's sick, and the doctors think she might not make it through the month." Joey said even more sadly. "Oh..." Lance said uncomfortably. "Just? Is Christopher gonna come?" Joey asked, trying to lighten the mood. "I guess so. I have to call him." Justin said, grabbing his cell phone. He dialed a number and remained silent for a few seconds. "Um, may I speak to Christopher please?" Justin said shyly. "Hey sweetie...I'm fine, how are you? ... Good! Do you have something planned for tonight?...Do you wanna come at JC and Lance's with us, we're gonna watch a movie and eat pizza...Cool! I'll pick you up in half an hour okay?...Yeah, love you too...Bye!" Justin said, hanging up. His cheeks were an interresting shade of red. "Sweetie?" Joey asked, smiling, making Justin blush even more. "Awww, look, he's blushing, how cute!" JC said, laughing. The teasing went on for a little while as the whole group left the hotel. When they opened the door, they were greeted by thousands of screaming fans, reporters and photographs. "Oh God..." Lance said. "Who said we'd be fine by ourselves again?" Justin asked, looking at Lance. "Shit...How the hell are we going to get out of here?" Joey asked. "Uh...We could use another door? Like the employees door?" Chris suggested. "Okay, let's go." JC said, grabbing Lance's hand and pulling him inside.

Fifteen minutes later, Lance, JC, Tyler and Stacey were back at their place. Stacey and Tyler were in Stacey's room, and Lance and JC were in theirs, laying on their bed. Lance was laying on his back, and JC was laying beside him, his head on Lance's chest. "Josh?" Lance called softly. "Hmmm?" JC said. "Do you remember what I told you that night when we ate outside in the park and made up? That Justin had made me doubt my feelings for you, but that he had made me realise I loved you even more than I thought?" Lance asked. "Yeah. Of course I do." JC said, grabbing Lance's hand and entwining his fingers with Lance's. "Have you ever doubted your feelings for me?" Lance asked in a little voice. JC remained silent for a while. "Yeah." he said simply. "When?" Lance asked. "It was the day before I proposed to you." JC said. Lance raised his eyebrows. "Really?" Lance asked, surprised. "Yeah... It was while I was in the plane. I knew I was gonna propose to you, and I started to ask myself if it was right, if I loved you enough to marry you and all..." JC said softly. "And what were your conclusions?" Lance asked. "That you were the one and only man in my life for the rest of my life and that I loved you like a mad man." JC said. Lance kissed the top of JC's head and smiled. "I love you too you know. I know I say it a lot, but I mean it every time." Lance said softly. JC climbed on top of Lance and kissed him. "Have I ever told you how you're a great kisser James?" JC asked. Lance smiled a little. "Say it again." Lance asked. "Say again what?" JC asked. "My name. It sounds almost musical when you say it." Lance said. "I love you James Lance Bass. How musical was that?" JC asked with a smile. "Thank you. And no, you never told me I was a good kisser." Lance said, smiling too. "I said 'great' kisser. You're an amazing kisser." JC said. Lance blushed. "Hey, don't blush, it's true." JC said. "Do you know who taught me?" Lance asked. "Um, Joey?" JC suggested. "Nope. What, you think I had my first kiss at 17 years old? Come on..." Lance said, laughing. "Nah, it was Emily Morgan. She was my best friend in high school. And one night we were alone at her place and we were watching a movie, and suddenly she stopped it and asked me if I had ever kissed a girl. So I said no, and she said 'Let me teach you!'. So I said yes, and she kissed me." Lance admitted. JC stared at him in disbelief. "It was a girl?" JC asked. "Yup. And you know what the worst was?" Lance asked. "No, what?" JC asked. "I actually liked it at the time." Lance said. "You are so disgusting!" JC said, laughing. "I know." Lance said, laughing too. JC leaned in to kiss Lance again, but he was stopped by a knock on the door. "Guys, Justin and Christopher are here." Stacey said through the door. "Okay!" JC said, then he placed a small kiss on Lance's lips. "I love you." he whispered. "Love you too." Lance whispered back. They got up, straightened up their clothes and opened the door. Justin and Christopher were sitting in the living room, making small talk. "Hey guys!" JC said. "Hey!" Justin and Christopher said in unisson. "Congratulations guys, by the way. It's great that you actually had the courage to come out like that." Christopher said. "Thanks. When are you two going to do it?" Lance asked with a smile. Justin sighed. "I don't know. Not soon. Management said that two guys in N'sync coming out is enough for a year. I'll have to wait at least until next January." Justin said. "Hey, don't worry about that. You know, being in the closet is not that bad. At least you don't have photographers chasing your poor boyfriend. Cause when you admit that you're gay and that Christopher is your boyfriend, reporters are gonna want him, dead or alive." JC said. "I'm ready to face that. I hate the fact that Just is lying to the fans." Christopher said. "Yeah. It was like that for us too." Lance said. They stayed silent for a few seconds, then JC smirked. "So, Just, any more problems you'd like to share with us, like on Christmas' Eve?" he asked. Justin and Christopher turned beet

red. Lance bursted out laughing. "It's not funny! You guys are the only gay couple we can refer to when we have problems." Justin said, pouting. "I know, Justin, I was just playing with you. You know you can always count us to help you with anything." JC said, smiling sincerely. "Thanks." Christopher said. "Lance...Can I talk to you for a second?" Justin asked. "Sure..." Lance said, getting up. He walked to his room, and Justin closed the door behind himself. "So, what is it?" Lance asked. "Sit down." Justin said. Lance sat down on the bed and looked at Justin with confusion in his eyes. "Umm...It's Christopher's birthday in two days. And I want to make it special cause he's gonna turn 21." Justin said. "And you don't know what you should get him?" Lance asked. "Not exactly. I already have his gift. But ummm...I wanted us to...well to make love that night and...Well I want it to be special. You know?" Justin asked. Lance nodded. "What do you have in mind?" he asked. Justin blushed. "Promise you won't laugh." Justin asked. "I promise." Lance said. "I'm gonna send him out to get something, I don't know, milk, whatever, and while he's gone I want to get naked and tie myself to the bed. But umm...I need someone to tie me, I can't do it myself." Justin said shyly, looking at the floor. "So you want me to do it?" Lance asked. Justin nodded. "Okay." Lance said. "You're gonna do it?" Justin asked. "Yeah. Why not? I've already seen you naked anyway." Lance said, smiling. "Great! Thank you!" Justin said.

So, two days later, Justin called Lance, and Lance immediately went at Justin's to do his "job".

knock, knock

Justin opened the door, clad in only his boxers. "Hey Lance. Thanks for coming!" Justin said. "No problem man. It's no big deal anyway..." Lance said with a smile. "Okay, let's do it!" Justin said. He walked to his room, Lance following him closely. Justin sat on the bed and blushed a little. "This is so akward." he said softly. Lance smiled. "Don't worry, it's not like I'm gonna go and tell everyone..." Lance said. "Right." Justin said, then he laid down on the bed, handing Lance a pair of handcuffs. "There." Justin said with a smile. "You have the keys, right?" Lance asked worriedly. "Yup. They're in the nightstand. You can check if they're there, just in case." Justin said. Lance opened the drawer and there were indeed two little gloden keys. "Okay, they're there. Give me your left hand." Lance said, sitting on the bed. Justin's arm was a little too short, so Lance had to sit on Justin's stomach, his legs on both sides of him, to be able to reach the head of the bed. So he handcuffed both Justin's hand and smiled. "There. Now you can't move." Lance said softly, his face only inches from Justin's. He could feel Justin's breath on his face, and his hard-on on his butt. Without thinking, Lance started to lean in, and soon his lips were pressed firmly against Justin's. Lance moved his body so he was laying on top of Justin, then he moved his lips from Justin's mouth to his neck, then his abs, then his nipples, making Justin moan softly. He continued to move further down, until he was face to face with Justin's erect cock. He slipped his hands inside Justin's boxers and pulled them down, then he threw them on the side. There was a small drop of precum on the tip of Justin's cock. Lance gently blew on it, making Justin squirm with delight. Then he licked it slowly, only the tip at first, then the whole lenght. "God, Lance, give it to me...You're killing me..." Justin hissed. Lance engulfed Justin's cock in one quick movement and started to bob his head up and down, sucking on the huge member like there was no tomorrow.

"What the fuck is going on here?" they heard an angry voice yell. Lance looked up, Justin's cock still in his mouth, and saw Christopher standing in the doorway.


There you go guys! Don't forget to e-mail me with comments, ideas, suggestions, questions, flames...whatever. ;)

'til next time, stay N'sync!

Next: Chapter 26

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