No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on Mar 7, 2001


No strings attached, written by Lulupower

Legal Disclaimer: This story is purely fictionnal and it doesn't mean to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the celebrities mentionned below. Also, if you're not 18 or if you're offended by homosexual topics, please leave now.

Author's note: Hey everyone. First of all, I changed my e-mail adress. You can now reach me at

Now, I hope you forgive me for taking so long (again!) to write that chapter. What can I say? I'm lazy. And I'm always checking out other websites and other stories after writing mine and then I realise my story sucks and I write it all over again. It's not my fault. A special thanks to Brenda (you know who you are - take care girl!), who has written to me one of the most wonderful e-mail I've ever read. Thanks also to everyone who has taken time to write me, and to those of you who don't do it but still love NSA.

Go read these as soon as you're done reading this chapter: - My surprise romance, by Gabriella Morrisson (that's the best story I've ever read. It's AWE-SOME. And check out her website, too, it's really funny and it's SO pretty! ) - Brian and me, by DLS (when are we going to read another chapter?!?!?) - French kiss me, by Fallen Angel - In Synchronicity, by Will - Brian and Justin, by JM - ... Okay, on with the show now (I can hear you screaming 'Shut up' at the top of your lungs grin)


"You know the tour has been postponed, right?" Lance said, out of the blue. He and JC were in their hospital room, JC in his bed and Lance holding his hand. "Uh, yeah, I know. We're supposed to start on February 16th or something like that." JC said. "Do you know what that means?" Lance asked, a grin forming on his lips. "" JC said, confused. "We're not gonna be on tour for Valentine's day." Lance said, smiling. "Great!" JC said, smiling too. Lance leaned in and placed his lips on JC's. JC's smiled grew larger. Lance's tongue brushed against JC's lips and JC parted them, giving Lance free access to his awaiting mouth. Just then, they heard someone clearing his throat behind them. Lance sighed and broke their kiss. He looked at the door and saw Joey. "Hey Joe. Wassup?" JC asked. "Uh, you have to see something." Joey said, walking into the room with something in his hands. He dropped it on the bed. On the newspaper were two pictures, one of JC and one of Lance, linked by a heart, and in big red letters was written "Lance Bass from N'sync admits his homosexuality and love for bandmate JC Chasez" Lance's eyes grew wide and he grabbed the newspaper and opened it. He started to read the article aloud. "It was reported by a nurse from the St. Philip's hospital that N'syncer Lance Bass was at his bandmate JC chasez's side while he was in the hospital. Bass confessed his undying love for the older man, and it's been reported that the two are even sharing a room." Lance stopped there. "Who the hell has been mean enough to call the reporters?!" Joey asked. "I don't know. It's not like it's a big deal, we were gonna come out anyway...But I didn't want it to come out like that. Now we're gonna have to schedule a press conference. Joey, could you call the PR and see what we have to do about that?" Lance asked. "Sure. See ya." Joey walked out of the room and closed the door behind himself. JC sighed. "I don't even want to know who did this. I'm happy right now, I don't wanna ruin it." JC said, kissing Lance's cheek. Lance smiled a little. "Whatever..." Lance said, getting up. "Where are you going?" JC asked, pouting. "Not far, don't worry. I'm just gathering my stuff. I'm leaving this afternoon, remember?" Lance said softly. JC pouted even more. "It's not fair. Why do I have to stay here two more days?" he whined. Lance laughed. "You're such a baby! It's only two days." Lance said with a smile. JC stuck his tongue at Lance. "But I won't see you during these two days. You have to do all that stuff for FreeLance. You won't have any free time to see me." JC said sadly. Lance sighed. "I'm sorry Jayce. I'm just trying to do as much stuff as I can during these two days, so when you come home I'm able to spend every second with you." Lance said apologetically. "I know, I understand..." JC said, sighing. Lance walked over to JC and kissed the top of his head. "I love you Jayce." He whispered. "I love you too." JC said softly, smiling a little. Lance leaned in and placed his lips on JC's. "You two are way too mushy. Has anyone ever told you that?" a voice asked from behind them. Lance groaned and looked at JC. "Someone's against us today." he muttered. JC laughed and tilted his head to look past Lance. Chris stood in the doorway of their room. "Well, well, well...Look who's there." Lance said as he noticed Chris. "Hey." Chris said akwardly. Lance sighed and walked over to his side of the room and started rummaging through his stuff. "Lance, I...I'm sorry man. I am. I know it wasn't your fault." Chris said, looking at the floor. "Took you long enough to realise that." Lance said under his breath. "Lance, come on...The guy's sorry." JC said. Lance sighed again and looked at Chris. He didn't see any lies in his eyes. "Fine. You're forgiven..." Lance said. Chris' face lit up. "I am?" he asked. Lance laughed. "You're such a kid. Of course you're forgiven. I have to spend the next four months with you on a tour bus, so we beter be in good terms. C'mere." Lance said, opening his arms. He hugged Chris for a few seconds, then he released him.

A few seconds later, Stacey came running into the arms of her brother, sobbing loudly. Chris rolled his eyes and waved at JC. "I'm going home. See ya later JC. Bye Lance." he said, leaving. "Stace, what's wrong?" Lance asked his little sister. "Mom told us we were leaving tomorrow. Tomorrow!" Stacey said, looking at Lance with extreme sadness in her eyes. "And? You have to go sooner or later..." Lance said. "Yeah but if we leave tomorrow, I won't see Ty for another three months. I was hoping I could stay with you until the tour starts back..." Stacey admitted softly, looking at the floor. Lance laughed. "Would mom be okay with it?" Lance asked. "Why not? If you're okay with it, she'll be okay with it." Stacey said, then she looked at Lance with puppy eyes. "Please?" she asked. Lance rolled his eyes and looked at JC. "What do you think?" he asked. "Hmmm...I don't know...If your sister stays with us, that means Tyler has to stay with us too... Uh, Stace? Go get Tyler and my mom and your parents." JC said. Stacey nodded and ran outside. "James? Do you think we could take them on tour with us? We could get them tutors, so they wouldn't miss school too much...What do you think?" JC asked. Lance smiled. "I think it's a great idea. I just hope our parents will be okay with it..." "Okay with what?" a voice asked. Lance looked at the door and saw his mother, followed by Karen and Roy Chasez, Tyler, Stacey, Ford and Heather. "Uh, JC and I had an idea, but we have to have your approval first. Mom, you remember when N'sync first started, Justin and I had tutors so we could get our degree even if we were on tour?" Lance asked. "Yes...Go on..." Diane requested. "Well...we were wondering if Tyler and Stacey could come with us for this leg of the tour." JC blurted out. Karen's eyes grew wide. "Are you serious?" Roy asked. "Yes...During our interviews and day stuff, they'd be with their tutors, and we'd be with them most afternoons, they could come to rehearsals and shows...It would be cool!" Lance said, looking at his mom. Diane looked at Karen. "What do you think?" she asked. "Hmm...Are you guys sure about that?" Karen asked. "Yup. Definetly." JC said. "Stacey?" Diane asked. "I really wanna go mom...Please..." she was practically down on her knees, begging. "Fine. If Tyler goes, you can go too..." Diane sighed. Stacey jumped in her mother's arms. "Thank you mom!!!" she yelled. "Calm down honey..." Diane said, laughing. Karen Chasez looked at her husband. "I think one little girl will be terribly sad if we say no...I guess it's okay for you to go Tyler. But you have to be really good and listen to what your brother tells you, and he can send you back anytime. Okay?" Karen said seriously. "Great!!! Stace, we're going!" he said, hugging her. Stacey kissed his cheek and Roy raised one eyebrow. "Explanation time..." Roy said. "Uh...Tyler and I are dating. We have to get going! Bye!!!" Stacey said, hurriedly leaving the room with Tyler. Diane laughed. "I guess my kids are meant to be with yours, uh Karen?" Diane said, elbowing Karen Chasez. "Yeah, I guess..." Karen said, laughing too. Lance lovingly looked at JC and smiled. "Yup. We're meant to be together." he whispered. "I love you..." JC mouthed. "Ditto!" Lance mouthed back.

Later that day, at about 5 pm, Lance, Tyler and Stacey left the hospital to go back to Lance and JC's place. "So, James, where are we going to sleep?" Stacey asked innocently. "No, you two aren't sleeping in the same room. Forget it NOW." Lance said with a smile. "That's not what I meant..." Stacey said, blushing. They took their stuff from Lance's 4-runner and took it to the appartment. "Stace, you take the room next to the bathroom, Tyler, you take the one next to ours. There are no real rules in here, since it's always been only Jayce and I, but I want you both to keep your dirty laundry in the basket in your rooms and we'll wash it separately. Also, I want the appartment to stay as clean as possible. No loud music, and no fighting for the remote control. I think that's all." Lance said as the two kids took their luggage to their rooms. "Another thing, no least not while JC and I are home. And not in our beds." Lance said, causing Tyler and Stacey to burst out laughing. "We've been together for a week James." Stacey said, rolling her eyes. "So what? Jayce and I were not even together. You know, once you start to have sex, you can't stop. One minute you're a virgin, and the next you're going at it every second of the day." Lance said, sighing. "Way too much information here, dude." Tyler said. Lance laughed and looked at his watch. "Can I leave you two kids alone here for an hour or so? I'm gonna go back to the hospital and have dinner with JC, okay?" Lance said, grabbing his keys. "Yup, we'll be fine. We could order some pizza or something?" Stacey suggested, looking at Tyler. "Yeah, good idea. We'll be fine Lance." Tyler said. Lance took out his wallet and handed Stacey a 20$ bill. "There. If you wanna order something, you'll have some money. Call me on my cell if there's a problem. See ya!" Lance said, leaving.

He went back to the hospital as fast as he had left it, making only a quick stop, and went directly to JC's room. He softly knocked on the door. "Come in!" JC said loudly. Lance opened the door and smiled. "Hey there!" he said happily. JC's eyes lit up when his eyes fell on his boyfriend. "James! What are you doing here? I thought you were going home?" JC asked, pleasantly surprised. "I wanted to have dinner with you. The kids are old enough to stay alone for an hour...And I thought you're like some edible food for a change." Lance said, taking a McDonald's back out of his jacket. JC smiled. "Great! I haven't eaten any real food in ages!" JC said, motionning Lance to come closer. Lance gladly complied and JC placed a soft kiss on Lance's cheek. "Thanks baby. It was nice of you to think about that." JC said. "It's only McDonald's..." Lance said. "Yeah, but you were nice enough to remember that hospital food isn't what I can call good. I love that about you, always thinking about stuff others don't think about." JC said with a smile. Lance blushed and handed JC the bag. "There. I bought you a Mc-Xtra, I hope it's okay. If it's not, you can take my cheeseburgers." Lance said. "It's perfect baby. Thank you." JC said, digging into his food. "Whoa, somebody's hungry!" Lance laughed. JC only nodded and went on eating. Lance watched JC eat with a look of tenderness on his face. He kept thinking how much he loved him and how miserable he would have been if the accident had been fatal. How life had been hard on JC for the past year. "Jayce? How can you be so strong?" Lance asked softly. JC looked at him with question marks in his eyes. 'He looks so sad...' JC thought. "I don't know Lance, but I know that when I'm sad, I think about you and my world is beautiful again. I know that when I'm tired or angry, I think about you and everything seems right, all the pain goes away and I'm fine. That's why I'm recovering fast from that depression. Because I have you. Everytime I look at you I feel like I'm the king of the world and that no matter what happens, everything will always be fine." JC said with a small smile. Lance smiled too. "Thanks for making me feel better." Lance said, placing a kiss on JC's forehead. "That's what I'm here for!" JC said.

Two days later, JC was released from the hospital, Roy and Karen Chasez were back to Clearwater, Diane and Ford Bass were back to Mississippi and Stacey and Tyler were very well settled into JC and Lance's apartment. 'Everything is fine in the best of the worlds.' JC thought as he watched Lance cooking dinner. He was sitting on the counter, while Tyler and Stacey were watching 'Entertainment Tonight' on TV. "Hey, James, they're talking about you and JC again on TV." Stacey announced. "What are they saying?" Lance asked from the kitchen. "Nothing special. Just that there's a press conference tomorrow." Stacey said. Lance looked at JC with a smile. "Are you ready to come out to the world?" Lance asked. "Yup. I've always been ready in fact. It's gonna be great, not having to worry about our public image." JC said. Lance stirred the tomato sauce with a wooden spoon, then held it in front of JC's face. "Taste this." Lance requested. JC opened his mouth and Lance fed him some. JC closed his mouth and some tomatoes dripped at the corner of his mouth. "It's delicious." JC said softly. Lance leaned in and looked at JC in the eyes. "You have some sauce on the corner of your mouth." he whispered, his face only milimeters away from JC's. "What are we gonna do about that?" JC asked slyly. Lance erotically licked JC's lips, tasting the sauce, then he pressed his lips against JC's, his tongue diving into JC's mouth. "Ewww, guys, come on...We're still here!" Stacey called from the living room. Lance broke their kiss and threw her a look. Then he placed another kiss on JC's lips. "I love you." Lance said. "Love you too." JC said. Lance looked past his shoulder and pointed at Stacey and Ford. They were passionately kissing. "They're cute." JC whispered. "Yeah...It's a little gross to watch them suck faces, but they're cute." Lance said. Stacey flipped him the bird and went on kissing Tyler. "Such vulgarity for a young lady like you Stace!" Lance said, laughing. JC laughed too. "Hey, lovebirds, dinner's ready. Somebody's gotta set the table." Lance announced. Tyler sighed, getting up to do it. JC remained on the counter and rested his head on Lance's shoulder. "You okay?" Lance asked. "Yeah...I'm fine. Just tired I guess." JC said, closing his eyes. Lance slowly caressed his back. JC let out a deep sigh. "Josh, you sure you're okay?" Lance whispered in JC's ear, concerned. JC felt his eyes filling with tears. "I'm sorry, I'm just really down. I don't know what's up with me...I just feel tired and really sad. I feel like a girl pms-ing." JC said, taking a deep breath. Lance frowned. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" Lance asked. "Just take me in your arms and hug me tight." JC requested. Lance gladly complied and wrapped his arms around his lover's waist. JC lazily wrapped his arms around Lance's neck and buried his face in it, breathing in Lance's masculine scent. "Thanks." JC whispered. "No problem." Lance replied. JC let go of Lance and wiped his face. "I'm sorry." he said simply. "Don't be. It's not forbidden to cry. We're gay guys, we're expected to do so." Lance said with a smile. JC laughed. "Bro, what's wrong?" Tyler asked from the kitchen. "Nothing Ty, I'm fine. We're coming." JC said, jumping on his two feet. He grabbed the sauce pan, and Lance brought the noodles, and they ate. "Are you okay JC, you look like you've been crying." Stacey asked softly. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a little tired." JC said. He grabbed Lance's hand in his own, under the table, and squeezed it. "Uh, Stacey, Tyler, have you heard about that new scary movie that just got in the theaters?" JC asked all of the sudden. "Yeah, I heard it's amazing. We really have to go and see it sometime." Tyler said, looking at Stacey. "You could go tonight? It's my treat." JC said, throwing Tyler a look that meant 'you better say yes'. Tyler nodded. "What do you say Stace?" Lance asked, getting JC's idea. "Yeah, great. I'm in." she said, then her lips curved into an evil smile. "I know what you two are gonna do while we're gone!" she said. Tyler laughed, JC blushed and Lance smiled. "Nope, Jayce is way too tired. We just wanna spend some time alone, that's all. You know, going from spending all my time with Josh only to sharing our place with two other people, it gets to you. No offense, I mean we really love to have you guys over, but we just need some time alone. That's all." Lance said with a warm smile. Both Stacey and Tyler nodded.

A few hours later, Lance and JC took Tyler and Stacey to the movie theater. "There, take this. You have enough money for the tickets, popcorn and take a cab home at the end of the night. You could even go and have a cup of coffee after the movie." Lance said, handing them a 50 dollars bill. Tyler's eyes grew wide. "Thanks Lance!" He said. Lance shruged it off with a smile and drove away. On their way home, Lance looked at JC. "Okay, spill." he said. "Spill what?" JC asked. "Why did you want the two brats to leave us alone for the night?" Lance asked. JC blushed. "Stacey was right." he said, looking down at his hands. Lance smiled and remained silent.

As soon as they were back to their appartment, behind closed doors, JC jumped on Lance. He kissed him forcefully and immediately started to unbutton his shirt. "My, aren't we a little eager tonight?" Lance asked breathlessly as they parted. "I want you James. We haven't had sex in a long time and now I want you." JC whispered, his voice husky from desire. Lance replied by pressing his lips against JC's. He tugged at the bottom of JC's shirt and pulled it over his head, revealing JC's upper body. Immediately, Lance's hands began to caress every square inch of JC's torso. JC resumed unbuttonning Lance's shirt and he carelessly threw it on the side. He placed his lips on Lance's neck and began to gently suck on it, while unbuttonning Lance's pants and sliding them down his legs. He took off his own pants and threw them aside, then he kissed Lance again. Without breaking the kiss, Lance started to pull JC towards their room. JC followed, and soon JC pushed Lance on the bed and crawled on top of him. He started to grind his hips with Lance's, feeling his lover's erect cock. Lance moaned lowly. JC moved his lips to Lance ear. "Poofu, poofu where are you? Please come out and play..." he whispered seductively. Lance smiled and slid his hands under JC's boxers, cupping his butt. "We are way overdressed." JC said softly. Lance slid JC's boxers down to JC's ankles, and JC kicked them away. Then Lance rolled on top of JC and got rid of his own boxers. "Better?" Lance asked. JC smiled. "Much." he said, then he placed his mouth on Lance's. Lance threw his legs on JC's back, giving JC full access to his ass. JC opened his eyes, not breaking the kiss, and met Lance's gaze. He positionned himself, still looking in Lance's eyes, and started to push. Once he was all the way in, he stopped, relishing the moment. He moved his lips away from Lance and looked at him intensely. "I love you James." he said. He had never meant it more than at that very moment. "I love you too Joshua." Lance said, his voice hoarse. JC took that as a cue and started to slide his cock out of Lance's ass, then he pushed it back in. What they felt at that moment was more than bliss. It was like they had suddenly realised how deep their love for each other was. It was like they had reached some kind of connection they had never experienced before. After a few minutes, JC fastened his pace and started jerking Lance's cock. "I'm gonna cum soon." he panted. "Me too..." Lance said. JC felt him tense up, then he was hit on the chest with volleys of cum. Lance's ass tightened his grip on JC's cock, sending him over the edge. JC released his load into Lance and he kissed Lance deeply, then he collapsed on Lance. Lance looked at JC lovingly and gently removed a hairlock from his forehead before kissing it softly. JC rested his head on Lance's chest and buried his face in Lance's neck. "Sweet dreams baby." JC whispered. "Goodnight Jayce." Lance replied simply, closing his eyes.


Happy now? ;) Don't forget the usual: e-mail me with comments, questions, ideas, flames, whatever...remember I have a new e-mail adress:

'til next time, stay N'sync!

Next: Chapter 25

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