No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on Jan 29, 2001


No Strings Attached, written by Lulupower

Legal Disclaimer: This story is purely fictionnal and it doesn't mean to imply anything about the celebrities mentionned below. Also, if you're not 18 or if you're offended by homosexual topics, please leave now.

Author's note: Hey, here's part 27 of NSA. As always, e-mail me with comments, questions, ideas, flames... ;) at Neal, if you read this E-MAIL ME! Where are you man?! By the way, lots of people have been asking for my ICQ number, so here it is: 54750542 and my nickname is Lulupower. So if you wanna reach me, just go on ICQ and I'll most likely be there ;)

Go read these: - My Surprise Romance - In Synchronicity - Brian and me - Brian and Justin - Hold the pickle - Any Path

Now, on with the show! (Hit it John!)


It was January 19th, three days after the car accident. The day before, after nearly dying, JC had woken up. Lance had spent the whole night by his side and that morning, when the nurses had found him still in JC's room, he was forced to go back to his room to rest. When Lance opened the door to his room, he saw his mom, sitting in the chair beside the bed, staring into space. "Mom?" Lance called softly, slowly walking to his bed. "James, sweetheart, be careful!" Diane said, hurrying to Lance's side to help him get settled in the bed. She sat back in the chair and, for a minute, Lance and her just looked at each other silently. "Why did you do that to me mom?" Lance asked, a huge lump in his throat. Diane stared at her son, and suddently she bursted out in tears and buried her face in her hands. "I'm so sorry James! You don't know how sorry I am for making you choose between your family and" Lance threw her a glare. "My boyfriend mom. Josh was my boyfriend." Lance said with a disgusted tone. "Was?" Diane asked, dumbfounded. "Yeah, was. We're engaged. He's my fiancee now." Lance said. Diane opened her mouth in shock, unable to say anything. Lance raised an eyebrow. "Dad didn't tell you?" he asked, surprised. "No, he didn't. Until yesterday we didn't talk about you. At all." Diane admitted, looking at the floor. "Oh now that makes me feel better." Lance said bitterly. "James...I meant it when I said I was sorry." Diane said softly. "Sure you are mom. You can' even say that I have a boyfriend without dropping your voice or looking at the floor. You're ashamed of me, just admitit and get it over with for God's sake!" Lance said with anger. "Don't say that! Don't ever say that. You're my son, I can't be ashamed of you. I love you." Diane said. "Oh, really? Did you mean that when you said that I was a...what words did you use again? Ah, yeah, a 'Goddamned faggot'...Did you 'love' me at that moment?" Lance said. Diane sighed. "You hurt me mom. In every possible ways. Do you know how that made me feel inside, having you rejecting me? Having you tell me I wasn't your son anymore just because I was in love with Jayce?" Lance yelled. Diane opened her mouth to say something but Lance stopped her. "I'm not done. You don't know Josh. You never wanted to know him, and the other guys either. If you had taken just half an hour to talk to him, you'd understand. He's wonderful, mom. He's intelligent, he's funny, he's caring he's...He's everything to me. And yes, he happens to be a man. But that doesn't change anything! We're in love. Truly. Forever. And if you could feel only half of what I feel for him you'd know." Lance said. He looked at his mom and saw tears streaming down her face. "I...I saw you yesterday, when Joshua's heart stopped beating. The look on your face...Gosh, I thought if he died you'd die too. I know you're in love with him, James. I know. I don't understant but I know. And of course it's gonna take me some time to accept the fact that you're gonna get married to another man. I'm fourty-seven years old, and during these fourty-seven years I was told that being gay was a sin. So you have to understand that everything I've always believed in is not true anymore. But I know you love him. And I know he loves you too. Love is a wonderful thing. And if it happens between two men, then so be it." Diane said. (a.n. the sentences between the *'s are by Gabriella Morisson, author of My Surprise Romance. Thank you for letting me use it!) Lance's vision became blurry as tears filled his beautiful green eyes. Diane smiled a little, then she reached out and hugged her son tightly. "Thank you mom..." Lance whispered. Diane only nodded, her throat too tight for words to come out. "James? Would you introduce me to your boyfriend?" Diane asked after a few seconds. Lance released his grip on her and smiled. "Yeah. Do you give me a few minutes to talk to him before?" Lance asked. "Sure. Go to Joshua's room and send Mrs Chasez here, we'll have a cup of coffe together, and I'll meet you in Joshua's room in half an hour. Is that okay with you?" Diane asked. "Yes." Lance said, getting up.

"Jayce, may I introduce you to my mom, Diane Bass. Mom, this is Joshua Scott Chasez, my boyfriend." Lance said with a smile. "Yeah, I think we know each other!" JC said, smiling. Diane and him shook hands. "We do know each other but last time we saw each other was not a really pleasant meeting." Diane said. "True. But let's not think about the past, okay?" JC suggested. "Okay." Diane said, relieved. So the three of them talked for over an hour; About the wedding, about Lance and JC's relationship, about their going public as soon as JC got better, then Diane finally left, leaving Lance and JC on their own. JC scooted over, patting the empty spot beside him. Lance, careful not to move anything, laid down beside JC. JC rested his head on Lance's chest and sighed. "It's been a while since I was able to do that." JC said softly. Lance stroke JC's hair and sighed. "It's true. I missed it." he said. He stayed silent for a second, then he inhaled deeply. "You scared me so much yesterday Jayce! I thought...I thought you were going to die. I don't know what I'd do if you died. I...I don't think I'd be able to live..." Lance said, a lump in his throat. "I'm not going anywhere baby. I'm alive, and I'm fine." JC said, kissing Lance's chest. Lance smiled a little. "You should have seen me. The nurses must have freaked out...I was screaming 'Don't die JC, I love you' and stuff..." Lance said softly. JC nodded. "I know, I heard you." He said. Lance frowned. "You heard me?!" he asked, surprised. "Yeah. I remember a lot of what was said while I was still out of it. I remember you crying and saying you were sorry, and something about guys not being able to get pregnant. James...You have nothing to be sorry about." JC said. "Like hell he doesn't!" they heard. Lance looked where the voice came from and saw Chris standing in the doorway, an angered look on his face. "It's your fault entirely Lance. If you had taken a cab or asked one of us to drive you home, JC wouldn't be laying there." Chris said. "Chris, shut up. I told him to drive. Besides, I'm fine." JC said. "And what if you hadn't been fine? What if that accident had killed one of you? What you did was stupid Lance. Really stupid. You messed up big time." Chris said. He shook his head and left. Lance sighed. "Is he ever gonna forgive me?" He asked. "He'll come around, don't worry." JC said, kissing Lance's temple. "Thanks Jayce. Thank you for forgiving me. Thank you for being alive. If you had died..." Lance started to say something but JC silenced him by putting a finger on his lips. "And go to heaven without you? Are you nuts? I'm not going anywhere without you. We'll be together forever." JC said with a smile. Lance smiled too and got up. "I'm gonna go back to my room. I need some rest, and so do you." Lance said. JC pouted. "I wish we could sleep together..." JC said softly. "I do too. But we can't. Don't worry though, you're getting out of here in a few days." Lance said, placing his lips on JC's. They kissed for a few seconds, then they parted. "I love you." Lance said with a smile. "I love you too." JC said. Lance walked out of the room and walked by the waiting room. He peeked in, to see if there was somebody there, and he saw Tyler laying on another body, making out. Lance walked in slowly and silently and realised that the other body was his sister Stacey. "Stacey! Tyler! What the hell are you doing?!" Lance asked, shocked. Tyler hurriedly got off of Stacey and blushed heavily. "We...ummm...We were...umm..." Tyler suttered. "We were making out James. Get off your high horses. You do that too with JC. No big deal." Stacey said. "Yes it's a big deal. Jayce and I are both adults, and we're engaged. And before we were engaged, we were together. As a couple. You two are way too young to be a couple. And besides, Tyler lives here in Orlando while you, Stacey, live in Mississippi. You two can't be dating." Lance stated. Stacey frowned. "Who are you to judge my relationship with Tyler like that? First of all, Tyler told me about you and JC before you two were dating. I know you were fucking before you were together, not to mention the fact that you're having sex before marriage. And about the long-distance relationship thing, you should understand that distance doesn't matter. I...I'm in love with Tyler." Stacey admitted. Lance's eyes grew wide. "Love? What do you know about love? You're only 16!" Lance said. "God James, you act like you were my father. I may be young but I know I'm in love with Tyler. And I know he loves me too. You can't change anything about that, and you can't forbid us to be in love. So why don't you try to happy about it instead of trying to ruin our relationship?" Stacey said with anger. "I'm not trying to ruin your relationship, and I'm not trying to play father with you. I'm just..." "Looking out for me. I know. And I appreciate the concern. But I think I'm old enough to experiment love." Stacey said wisely. Lance looked at Tyler. "I love her James. I do. And I'm gonna go to college in Clinton in September so we can be together more often." Tyler said. Stacey grabbed his hand and squeezed it lightly. Lance saw the small gesture and smiled sadly. "Well good luck you two. I'm really happy for you, but I'm warning you. It's gonna be hard. Really hard. I don't want to scare you, but I want you to see reality as it is. Long-distance relationships don't work really often, and when they do, they bring lots of pain and anger and sadness. So be careful. Okay? And Tyler, take care of my little sis, okay?" Lance said, then he smiled. "I gotta go to bed now. Don't do anything I wouldn't do in here, you might get caught!" Lance said mischievously, then he left. He went straight to bed and slept for the rest of the afternoon. He was awakened at 5:30 by his cell phone ringing. He sat in the bed and grabbed the small phone resting on the nightstand and pressed the 'send' button. "Hello?" He said. "Baby? Were you sleeping?" JC's voice asked. "Jayce, hey. Yeah, I was sleeping but it's okay, it was time for me to get up anyway. What's up?" Lance asked, laying back in the bed. "Uh, well two things. First, did you know my brother and your sister were dating?" JC asked. "Yeah, I actually catched them on my way to my room." Lance said. "It's uh...It's weird. I'm happy for them, really, but it's weird. We could try and set Ford and Heather up, what do you think?" JC asked. Lance could almost see him smiling. "Yeah, right." He laughed. "What was the other thing you had to tell me?" Lance asked. "Well...Could you come over? The nurses moved me into a new room. Number 910." JC said. Lance smiled. "Okay, I'll be right over." Lance said, then he hung up. He walked slowly to JC's new room and knocked on the door. "Come in!" He faintly heard JC's voice yell. He opened the door and saw JC laying in a bed, and beside him was...another bed! "Jayce? Why did they put you in a room with two beds?" Lance asked suspiciously, walking over to JC. JC smiled. "You know that nurse, the small one with brown hair and glasses? She came by a little while ago and asked me if you and I were a couple, so I told her. And she said that it was unfair for us not to be able to room together, so she pulled a few strings and found an empty room with two beds. You can move in whenever you want!" JC said exitedly. "Really? Great!" Lance said with a huge smile. He leaned in and rested his forehead on JC's, looking into JC's amazing blue eyes. "I can't wait to get out of here. So we can finally sleep together in the same bed, your arms wrapped around me so tightly that I can barely breathe...And I can't wait to be able to make love to you over and over and over again...I can't wait to hold your hand in public, and I can't wait to walk out of the church as your husband..." Lance said with a small smile. "I can't wait either, but it's all going to happen soon." JC said, smiling too. "Soon." Lance repeated and pressed his lips against JC's.


Don't forget to e-mail me! See ya later, alligator! :)

Next: Chapter 24

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