No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on Dec 19, 2000


No strings attached, written by Lulupower

Legal disclaimer: This story is purely fictionnal and it doesn't mean to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the celebrities mentionned below. Also, if you're not 18 or if you're offended by homosexual topics, please leave now.

Author's note: Hey! This is the last chapter of NSA...for this year. ;) Got you scared there uh? Well I can't see NSA ending pretty soon, so don't worry, you have plenty of chapters coming! Thanks to everyone that has written, I appreciate it! Keep on sending feedbacks, I LOVE it! Go read the same stories as always. ;) On with the show!


"Mom, dad, Jim...I asked Lance to marry me. He said yes." JC said, grabbing Lance's hand under the table. Both JC and Lance's families were sitting in the Bass-Chasez's living room. It was 9:30. Karen gasped and put her hand over her mouth. "Oh my God! My baby is getting married!" She said, her eyes welling up with tears. Tyler just smiled and shouted "Woohoo!" Roy got up with a smile on his face. JC and Lance got up too and Roy hugged them both. "Congratulations you guys. I'm really happy for you." he said. Jim got up too and shook his head in disbelief. "I can't believe it." he said. Lance sighed, thinking his dad was going to yell at him. "I'm so happy for you son!" Jim said, tightly wrapping his arms around Lance, then he went over to JC and hugged him too. Then Stacey jumped into her brother's arms. "Can I be the maid of honor?" she asked with a smile. Lance laughed and looked at JC. "I don't know. Why don't you go and ask my fiancé over there..." Lance said, winking at JC. "Have you guys decided on a date yet?" Heather asked, getting up and kissing both guys on the cheeks. "Nope. We know it's gonna be next summer, though." Lance replied. Ford remained silent. "Ford? What's up bro?" Lance asked, kneeling in front of his brother. "Nothing. I'm just really surprised, that's all." Ford said, then he wrapped his arms around his brother's neck. "I love you. Whatever you do you know I'm 100% behind you." Ford said. Lance smiled. "Thanks." Lance replied. Karen wiped the tears in her eyes and got up too. She hugged her son first and kissed him on the cheek, remaining silent. Then she went over to Lance and hugged him too. "You take care of my son, okay?" she asked. "Don't worry Karen, I will." Lance said. "Hey, let's celebrate!" JC suggested. He went to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of champaign and 9 glasses, put them on a tray and brought it to the living room. He poured a little champaign in 4 of the glasses and handed them one by one to the kids. Then he poured some in the 5 remaining glasses and handed them to his parents, Lance's dad, and Lance, then he took one for himself. "Let's make a toast. To Josh and James, the cutest couple I've ever seen. I hope you guys have a happy marriage. Cheers!" Roy said, holding up his glass. "Cheers!" Everyone shouted happily. "And now the newly engaged couple have to kiss!" Jim said. JC smiled, went over to Lance and pressed his lips against Lance's. Lance blushed but kissed JC back. "Air!" Tyler yelled, making everyone laugh. JC and Lance parted and smiled lovingly at each other.

"How 'bout June 14th?" Lance said out of the blue. JC lifted his head from Lance's chest and looked at him, confused. "What are you talking about?" JC asked. "The wedding. How about June 14th?" Lance asked again. JC thought about it for a second. "I think it's perfect." JC finally said. "Okay, then it's settled. Where is it gonna be? Cause gay people can't get married in Florida." Lance said. "Hmm...How about Hawaï?" JC suggested. "Great idea!" Lance said happily. "That also means we have to rent a plane for everyone." JC said. "Do you think we could borrow the plane management has?" Lance asked. "Yeah...But would everyone fit in it? I think there are like a hundred places." JC said. "Well we said we'd have a private wedding? Like with only family and friends? So let's say we invite 50 people each. What do you say?" Lance suggested. "Sure." JC said, then he yawned. "I'm tired. Can we sleep now, we'll talk about that tomorrow." JC said, closing his eyes. "'kay. Goodnight Josh." Lance said softly. "'Night baby." JC whispered. JC fell asleep pretty quickly, but Lance couldn't sleep. He was thinking about the wedding. He looked at JC who was sound asleep, and got up. He quietly walked to the kitchen and sat at the table with a notepad and a pen. He wrote 'Wedding' at the top of the first page and started thinking. Then he wrote 'When', 'Where', 'Who does what' and 'Who'.

When: June 14th 2001 Where: Hawaï Who does what: James= flowers, church, food, maid of honor, invitations

Josh= tuxedos, cake, honeymoon, flower girls, reception

When Lance reached the 'who' line, he stopped writing. "Who am I going to invite?" he thought. "Dad, Stacey, Ford, Justin, Joey, Chris, Christopher, Eve, Rachael..." he wrote, then he stopped. Was he supposed to invite his mom? And his family?

"Baby? What are you doing up? It's almost midnight!" Lance heard from behind him. He saw JC standing in the doorway. "Sorry, I couldn't sleep. Why aren't YOU sleeping?" Lance asked, getting up. "I was lonely." JC said with a puppy face. Lance smiled and kissed his cheek. JC walked to the table and saw Lance's notepad. He started to read and smiled. "Oh, so I get to prepare the honeymoon?" JC said. Lance blushed. "Well you can do whatever you want, I just wanted to see if we were going to have the same amount of work." Lance said. JC smiled. "It's perfect like that. But we get to choose everything together, right?" JC asked. "Yep." Lance said simply, then he looked at the clock. "Hey, you know what Jayce?" Lance asked softly. "What?" JC asked, sitting. "Merry Christmas." Lance said. JC got up and looked at the clock. It read 12:03. "Merry Christmas baby." JC said, wrapping his arms around Lance. "How about I give you your Christmas present now?" Lance suggested. "Okay. I'll give you yours too." JC said. They went to their rooms and took out a small box each. They went to the living room and sat on the floor in front of the tree. JC handed his box to Lance. "There. You go first." JC said. Lance smiled like a child and unwrapped the box. It was a small black box. He opened it and found a silver necklace with a tiny heart-shaped pendant, and when you opened it you could see a small picture of Lance and JC together on one side, and 'I love you' engraved on the other. Lance gasped and laughed. "What's so funny?" JC asked. Lance shook his head and handed JC his present, remaining silent. JC looked at him as if he was crazy, and opened his own gift. Inside the box was the same exact pendant, with the same exact picture and words inside. JC looked at it, his eyes wide open from the surprise. "We bought the exact same thing! Can you believe it?" Lance said, still laughing. JC smiled. "It was fate." he said. Lance nodded, leaned over and kissed JC. "Thanks baby." Lance whispered. "Thanks to you too." JC whispered too. Lance put the necklace around his neck, while JC did the same. Then Lance leaned over again and kissed JC a second time, laying down on top of him while kissing him. JC smiled through their kiss and wrapped his arms around Lance. JC slid his arms under Lance's boxers and cupped his butt, then he pulled them down and threw them on the couch. JC rolled on top of Lance and Lance took off JC's boxers and sent them flying on the couch too. Lance moved his lips from JC's lips to his neck, sucking gently on it. After a few seconds, he moved to Lance's nipple, exposing the hickey he had just left. Then he moved further down and reached his goal, Lance's cock. Lance moaned as JC took the tip of his cock in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it. Then JC licked the whole lenght, coating it with saliva. Then he kissed Lance and rolled under him. JC wrapped his legs around Lance's waist, giving Lance full access to his ass. Lance pressed his lips against JC's while he pushed his cock inside JC's ass. JC moaned through their kiss. Lance started to slowly move in and out of JC's guts, making JC want to yell. "God James, this is so good..." JC moaned softly. Lance only nodded and accelerated his pace. With every thrust he made inside JC, he wanted to cum right there and then. He went on going faster and faster, and threw his head back in pleasure. With his left hand, he grabbed JC's cock and started to play with it. JC closed his eyes and groaned. "Jayce, I'mm gonna cum soon..." Lance warned. JC nodded. "Cum with me Josh. I want you to cum all over me." Lance whispered in JC's ear. JC hissed through his teeth as he got closer and closer to the edge. "I want you to scream my name while I fill your insides..." Lance whispered. "James, I'm gonna...I'm gonna cum..."JC moaned loudly, then his cock started spewing cum all over Lance's chest. Lance felt JC's ass tighten and he came too. "Oh James...God..." JC yelled and bit Lance's shoulder to prevent himself from screaming more. Lance gasped from the pain and pleasure it gave him. A few seconds later, he withdrew his cock from JC's ass and kissed JC. "God James, it seems like everytime we make love it's better than the time before." JC said, panting. "Yeah, I know." Lance said. "Oh my God! Lance! You're bleeding!" JC yelled and sat up straight. He looked at Lance's shoulder and realised that it was him who made Lance bleed by biting him. "Lance...I did this to you! Hold on, let me get you a band-aid." JC said. Lance sat still while JC went to the bathroom to get what he needed. When he came back, he kneeled in front of Lance and started to clean up the cut. "Jayce...I'm fine. It's only a small cut." Lance said softly. "No you're not fine. You're bleeding. I hurt you. I swore I'd never hurt you again." JC said with sadness. "You didn't hurt me...I liked it." Lance admitted, blushing slightly. JC raised his eyebrows. "You liked it? Really?" JC asked. Lance nodded. "Now I like it a little less cause it hurts, but having you give me some kind of pain while I was cool." Lance said. JC frowned. "But I hurt you anyways." he said. "Jayce, it's fine. It's not like you punched me on the face. You bit me a little while cumming. It's okay. Now smile, you're way too ugly when you frown." Lance joked. JC smiled a little. "Now that's my baby. C'mere." Lance said, standing. JC stood too and Lance pulled him into a hug. "I love you." he whispered in his ear and kissed his neck. Suddenly, he giggled quietly. "What?" JC asked. "I gave you a hickey." Lance said, laughing. "You did what? James, what am I supposed to tell people tomorrow? 'Oh, that? I just fell in the stairs and it left a bruise?' Everyone will know what we've done tonight." JC chastisied Lance. "So what? Let them imagine a little. I'm sure a few of your uncles will get all horny." Lance said, laughing. "Hey!" JC said, playfully slapping Lance's bare ass. Lance smiled and kissed JC's cheek. "I think it's cute." he said softly. JC rolled his eyes. "Really! It's sexy. Besides, just wear a turtleneck tomorrow." Lance said. "Yeah. Good idea. Now let's go to bed, we have a long day ahead of us." JC said, grabbing Lance's hand and leading him to their bedroom.


Okay, that's it for today folks. Happy holidays to everyone! Have fun! -XxXxX-

Next: Chapter 22

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