No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on Dec 15, 2000


No strings attached, written by Lulupower

Legal Disclaimer: This story is purely fictionnal and it doesn't mean to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the celebrities mentionned below. Also, if you're not 18 or if you're offended by homosexual topics, please leave now.

Author's note: Hey y'all! Here's chapter 24 of No Strings Attached. As always, please e-mail me with comments, questions, ideas, anything at Go read these as soon as you're done here: 'My surprise romance', 'Brian and me', 'Brian and Justin', 'In synchronicity', and 'Hold the pickle', as well as many others out there on Nifty. A shout out to Neal, who's the greatest guy I know ;) luvya man! I'd like to dedicate this story to Eve. Honey, we're on our way to the top and watch out cause we'll be there to stay! KTEPA! ;) I miss ya...

Now, withouth further ado, let's head to the story!


"Jayce! Will you hurry up?" Lance yelled from the living room. It was December 21st, and the guys were about to arrive. JC was still in the bathroom, shaving. "Hey, YOU wanted us to shower together, and YOU wouldn't let me touch you, so now you've got me all horny and you would want me to be fast too?!? What, do you think I'm some kind of machine?" JC complained. "Hey, we'd still be there if you had started to touch me." Lance said. JC popped his head outside the bathroom and flashed Lance a smile. "I know. That's why I'm complaining." JC said. Lance laughed. "Down, you horndog. I don't want you to scare our guests away." Lance said as the doorbell rang. "JC, HURRY! There's already someone here!" Lance said, getting up to answer the door. He opened it, and there stood Justin and Christopher both wearing shirts and ties, as were Lance and JC. "Hey guys!" Lance said, giving Justin a hug, then shaking Christopher's hand. Justin handed Lance a bottle of wine, then he went to the Christmas tree and put 4 boxes under it. "There. I know we're here early but I figured you guys might need some help." Justin said with a smile. "Thanks Just. I'm gonna need some help, cause Jayce is not ready yet." Lance sighed. "I'm the woman in this couple, I already told you Lance." JC shouted from the bathroom. This caused the guys to laugh a little. "Umm, well since it's a little early I guess we could just sit down and enjoy this bottle of wine!" Lance said, getting a bottle opener and four glasses. "Good idea!" JC said walking into the living room, his hair perfectly combed, his face perfectly shaved, his teeth perfectly clean. "Well, look who finally graced us with his presence." Lance said sarcastically. JC stuck his tongue at him. "Stop it or you're not getting any for a week." JC said. Lance opened the bottle of wine and poured it into the four glasses. "That's not what you were saying in the shower earlier..." Lance said slyly, giving each guy a glass. Justin laughed. "Please Lance, I don't need to hear about what you two did in the shower." he said. "Well actually, thanks to Mr.Bass here we did NOTHING." JC said, taking a sip of his wine. Justin looked a little uncomfortable, like he wanted to know something but was too affraid to ask. "Waht is it Just?" JC asked, noticing that his best friend was acting a little weird. "Well...Promise me both that you won't tell the guys about this." Justin said. Christopher blushed, understanding what his boyfriend was going to say. JC and Lance nodded. "Um...Yesterday umm...well Christopher and I about to have sex for the first time. And he wanted me to...well to fuck him. But um...I couldn't um...he was...his ass was..." JC cut him off. "You were gonna fuck him and you tried to push your dick inside but Christopher's hole was too tight and you were affraid you might tear his ass up?" JC asked. Justin blushed heavily and nodded. Lance smiled. "You know, it was the same for me the first time I had sex. But I really wanted it to happen so umm...well the guy just started with one finger and lots of lube, then added a finger and more lube, then he switched to his cock. But you really have to be relaxed cause if you're too nervous your muscles are gonna tighten and trust me when you're tight it's really painful." Lance said. Christopher relaxed a little, while Justin frowned. "You said 'the guy' and not 'JC'. Does that mean you didn't have sex for the first time with JC?" Justin asked. Lance looked at JC, who shrugged, as if saying 'You tell them if you want to'. So Lance took a deep breath. "No, it was with Joey." Lance said. At the same time, the doorbell rang again. JC got up and opened the door. "Hey Joe." he said softly. He came inside, put down a bag full of wrapped presents and waved. "Hey everyone!" he said happily. Justin stared at him in awe. "Just? Are you okay? Did you just see a ghost or something?" Joey asked jokingly. Justin continued to stare at him. Joey looked at Lance with question marks in his eyes. "I umm, told them. About us." Lance admitted. "Us? Oh...US...Oh..." Joey said, sitting down after putting his presents under the tree also. "It's okay. They would have found out one day or another." he added. Lance sighed, relieved, then he got up to grab a glass for Joey. He filled it with wine and handed it to Joey. "Thanks Lance. Uh, Just, you can stop staring at me. So I had sex with Lance. Big deal." Joey said. Justin snapped out of his trance. "Wow. That's weird. Lance, do you realise that there's only one guy in this band that you haven't slept with and it's Chris?" Justin asked. Lance looked at the floor. "It's something I'm not too proud of, sorry." Lance said. The whole group remained silent for a while, then Justin spoke. "You know what Lance? What if you had sex with 3 different guys in your life. It doesn't change a thing. JC doesn't love you any less. And don't be ashamed. I had sex with girls before. How gross is that?" Justin said, emphasing the word 'girls'. Everyone laughed. "How the hell did you guys wind up talking about Lance's sex life anyways?" Joey asked. "Well it's a looong story. It involves lots of naked guys." JC said with a smile. "Okay, I don't wanna hear any word of it." Joey said, taking a sip of his wine. Just then, then doorbell rang again. "That must be Chris and Eve." Lance said, getting up again. Hearing Eve's name, JC looked at Joey. "Joe, why didn't you bring Rachael?" JC asked. "She had some huge party with old high school friends so I told her that you guys wouldn't mind if she didn't come. She was really sad she couldn't come." Joey said, sighing. Chris came in the living room, his arms full of wrapped gifts. He smiled, put his presents under the tree and then waved. "Hey guys!" he said loudly. Following him shyly was Eve, a tall pretty girl with pale brown hair, hazel eyes and a wonderful smile. "Hey Eve! What's up?" JC said, getting up and greeting her with a warm hug. She happily hugged JC back and smiled. "Nothing much. Still working my ass off to get my diploma." the young girl said. "You haven't dropped your med. studies yet?" Justin asked jokingly, hugging her too. "You guys want a glass of wine?" Lance asked while walking to the kitchen. "Uh, sure, yeah." Chris said, sitting beside Justin with Eve on his lap. "Me too Lance. Please." Eve said softly. "Okay!" Lance shouted from the kitchen. "You guys have a really nice place." Eve commented. "Thanks." Lance and JC said at the same time, Lance handing Chris and Eve each a glass full of dark red liquid. "Did you set a date for your wedding?" Christopher asked. JC shook his head. "Nope. Somewhere next summer. I'm guessing June cause we have a two months long break starting in may, so it would leave us time to relax a little, while setting every last details up." JC said. Lance nodded and sat on JC's lap. Eve smiled dejectedly. "How come you two are cuter than we are when we're together? You're two guys for God's sake!" She said jokingly. JC laughed. "Hey, being two guys doesn't matter. JC is unbelievably handsome and so am I. So if Chris was cute, you two would be cute too!" Lance said with a smile. Everyone laughed. "Hey, how about we open our presents?" he suggested. "Before dinner?" JC asked, unsure. "Yeah, why not? I can't wait to see what y'all got me!" Justin said excitedly. "You're so childish Just!" Chris said. Justin stuck his tongue at him, causing everyone to laugh. "Okay, okay, since I'm the oldest I'll start." Chris said, getting up and sitting in front of the tree. He grabbed the first box and handed it to Christopher. "What? Why me?" Christopher asked. "You're part of the family now man. So you get presents from us too!" Chris said. Christopher ripped the paper open and found a red Banana Republic sweater. He smiled and got up to hug Chris. "Thanks man." he said simply. Chris only smiled and grabbed the next box. "Jayce!" he said, handing him the box. JC unwrapped the box and found a black Banana Republic sweater. He smiled and thanked Chris. He hugged him tightly and sat back. "Okay, Justin now." Chris said, giving Justin a box. Justin opened it and found...a blue Banana Republic sweater. Justin laughed and thanked Chris. Chris took another box and handed it to Joey. Joey opened it and saw...a green Banana Republic sweater. Joey thanked Chris and immediatly put the shirt on. Chris then grabbed the last box and handed it to Lance. Lance tore away the paper. "Let me guess. A Banana Republic Sweater?" he said, opening the box. In the box was a yellow Banana Republic sweater. He laughed. "Way to be original Chris!" Lance joked. He got up and hugged Chris. "Thanks man." he said, sitting back. After an hour, everyone had their gifts unwrapped and were sitting at the kitchen table, eating Lance's Chicken 'a la king'. "So, guys, have you thought about how you were gonna tell the world you're in love?" Justin asked. "Well, yeah. Kind of. We thought that next time somebody asks us if we're dating someone, we just spill it. Or if someone asks why Lance has an engagement ring, he'll say that I gave it to him. Something like that." JC explained. "Cool. And have you told your parents about your engagement yet?" Chris asked. "Nope. We'll tell them on Christmas' Eve. Both our families are coming over for dinner so we'll tell them there." Lance said. "Nervous?" Eve asked. "Yup!" JC said, smiling. "Well as long as you know that you love each other and that once you're married you'll stay married, everything will be fine." Joey said. "Yeah, you two are like soulmates or something." Chris said. Lance smiled at JC and placed a soft kiss on his lips. Everyone cooed. They parted and looked in each other's eyes. "I love you." Lance mouthed. "I love you too." JC mouthed back. "You two are soooo corny." Joey said, laughing. "Hey, let them be. They're cute." Eve said. "Yeah, look who that's coming from. The only girl in this room." Chris said. "You" Eve pointed her fork at Chris "Are not getting ANY for a long time." Everyone laughed. "Poor Chris. I understand you totally." JC said. Lance smacked his arm. "Hey! What about yesterday?" Lance asked. "WE DON'T WANT TO KNOW!" Joey yelled. JC smiled evily. "Oh, that was sooo good Lance...That idea of calling Just and Christopher over for a four-some was so brilliant!" JC said. Justin laughed while Joey made gagging noises. "Now I'm gonna be stuck with pictures of you doing some nasty stuff all night long!" he said. "Oh, Joey, you should know it's far from nasty with Lance!" JC said with a smile. "Right, in fact it's rather good!" Justin said. "Rather good? Try unbelievable!" JC continued to tease his boyfriend while Chris looked at them with a frown. "How is Joe supposed to know how good Lance is in bed?" Chris asked. Joey looked at the floor. "We kind of had sex once." Joey admitted. "What? You too? Hey, Lance, forget it, I'm not going to have sex with you!" Chris said. Lance blushed and laughed. "I wasn't planning on it Chris. I'm gonna stick with Jayce here, he's the best I've ever had." Lance said. "Hey what about me?" both Joey and Justin said in unisson. Everyone laughed. "Can we drop that subject please?" Eve asked softly causing everyone to laugh even more.

"It was nice, wasn't it?" Lance asked, resting his head on JC's bare back. "Yep. I had fun, and it looked like the guys did too." JC said, his head buried in the pillow. "Did you mean it when you said I was the best guy you've ever slept with?" JC asked shyly. "Yep." Lance said. "What about Hans and Scott and Joe and Just?" JC asked. Lance blushed. "Well Joey was really good, but it was weird cause it was my first time. And Just...well it was okay I guess." Lance said. "Okay?" JC questionned. "Yeah, well he was really good, don't get me wrong, but the love wasn't there. I don't remember most of my night with Scott cause I was so drunk and Hans...Well Hans was a different story. I thought I loved him at the time, so it was wonderful. But he was really clumsy and kept biting me while he sucked me..." Lance said shyly. JC laughed. "Hey, don't laugh, it was really painful." Lance said, playfully slapping JC's butt. "Sorry baby." JC apologised. Lance smiled. "Have I ever told you I loved you?" Lance asked. "Not recently..." JC said softly. "I love you. More than anything in this world." Lance said softly, kissing JC between his shoulder blades. JC rolled on his back and looked at Lance intensely. "What do you love about me?" JC asked. "What do you mean, what do I love about you? I love everything about you." Lance said, resting his head on JC'S chest. "You must have some favourites features?" JC asked. Lance nodded and rolled on top of JC. "I like your eyes, the way they light up everytime you talk about something you love. I like your smile, it makes me melt. I like your chest, cause it's so comfy, I like your ass...well just because you've got a cute ass. I love your voice, cause it sends shivers down my spine everytime you say my name, I like the way you sing, the way you dance, I like your sense of humour, I love the fact that you're my boyfriend but also my friend. I love the way you make love to me..." Lance said, then he kissed JC. When they parted, Lance smiled. "What about me?" he asked. "Hmm, let's see. I also like your eyes, cause every time I look at them I get lost, I like your shoulders, your hair...I like your lips because you're such a good kisser, I like your smile, it makes me fall in love with you all over again every time I see it. I love your cute little butt, cause it's round and firm...I like your voice too, how you sing so low it amazes me everyday. I like how you smell...There's just something about your neck that smells so good...Makes me want to kiss it..." JC whispered, burying his nose in Lance's neck, kissing it. Lance sighed from the small pleasure JC was giving him. "Jayce?" Lance called softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "Mmmm?" JC replied, his lips moving from Lance's neck to his cheek, then his lips, placing a small kiss on them before rolling on top of Lance, lifting his head and looking in Lance's eyes. "Thanks." Lance said. "What for baby?" JC asked, puzzled. "Just for being that wonderful, caring, beautiful young man I love so much."


Corny. Way too corny. But e-mail me with comments anyway ;)

Next: Chapter 21

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