No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on Apr 23, 2000


No strings attached, by Lulupower

Legal disclaimer: This story is purely fictionnal, and I'm not implying that any of the celebrities named here are homosexual. This story contains homosexual topics and if you're not eighteen or if you are offended by that, please leave now. BY THE WAY: I have no idea how old JC and Lance's siblings are, so I'm just gonna use fictionnal ages, k?

Author's note: Hi there everyone! Here's part 3, so enjoy! And as always, e-mail me with comments, questions, whatever... A SPECIAL THANX TO DAVID AT NIFTY CUZ HE'S PUTTING UP WITH ME!!! And please go read these, it's really worth it: - Brian and Justin - Brian and me - Studio in the country - Because I love you - Nsync Lance and JC (forgot that one last time sorry) - ...


The guys had just finished laying down the vocals of the last song of the album, and they were now free for a whole month. JC came out of the booth and went directly to the table where his cell phone was resting. He pressed the nuber six on his speed dial and waited for someone to answer. "Hello?" a voice said. "Hey mom...How are you?" he said with a smile. "Hi honey! I'm fine, how are you?" Mrs Chasez said. "I'm fine. Listen, we're done with the album, so we're free for the next four weeks. I'm taking a plane tomorrow morning, so could you pick me up at the airport please?" he asked. "Yes, of course, at what time does your plane land?" his mother asked. "I don't know yet. I'll call you from the plane, k?" JC said. "Ok. See you tomorrow honey." she said. "Yeah, see ya mom. bye!" he said, then he hung up. Lance was sitting at the table, looking at him with a sad face. "What's up Scoop?" JC asked softly, putting his hand on his lover's shoulder. "My parents are on a trip with Stacy and Ford, and they'll come back in two weeks...So I'll be all alone at home." he said sadly. "No you won't. You're coming at my place. It'll be a good time to tell my parents about us, don't you think?" JC asked, sitting on Lance's lap. "Yeah, but do you think they'll be okay with it?" Lance asked. "Yeah, they will." JC said with assurance. They kissed softly, joined the rest of the guys and went back to the hotel to pack up. After a long plane trip the next morning, they were all at the Orlando airport, waiting for their ride home. Chris noticed his girlfriend and his mom in a car, so he hugged all the guys and ran to them. A few minutes later, JC's mom Diane arrived with his sister and brother Heather and Tyler. He ran to them and opened the door. "Is it ok if Lance spends the next two weeks at home? His family is on a trip and he's alone, so I invited him." JC asked his mom. "Yes, it's alright." she answered. He smiled at Lance, then they threw their luggage in the trunk and sat in the back of the car with Heather. Diane looked at them in the mirror. "So, when did you two get together?" she asked with a smile. "What?!?" Both JC and Lance asked simultaneously. "I asked you when did you guy get together? You two are dating aren't you?" she asked. "Ye-yes...we are...How did you know that?" JC asked while his mother pulled out of the parking lot. " was pretty obvious...You've been talking of only him for about three months." she said. JC laughed at himself. "Yeah...we've been together for two weeks and a half now." he said with pride. When they arrived at JC's place, his father hugged him tightly. When he released him, JC looked at his dad and smiled. "Yeah, I know son...You and Lance are together." Ray said. "Yeah...Is there someone here who doesn't know yet?!?" JC laughed. Mrs Chasez came in. "Lansten, give me your bags and sit down. I'll put them in JC's room." she said. "No, it's okay m'am, I'll go myself, my bags are pretty heavy." Lance said with a smile. JC grabbed his bags too and they went to his room. JC unpacked, and Lance just sat on the bed, yawning. "You don't have to stay awake you know..." JC said, putting his suitcase under his bed and sitting beside Lance. "No, it's just jetlag...You don't feel like discussing some 'gay stuff' with your sister? She's only eleven, so she may not understand some things about two guys being together..." Lance said wisely. "You're right. HEATHER, COULD YOU COME HERE FOR A SECOND???" JC yelled. They heard footsteps, and then there was a knock at the door. "Come in." JC said. Heather shyly walked in. "Close the door please. Lance and I would like to talk to you." JC said. She closed the door, and sat on JC's chair. "What do you want to talk about?" she asked. "Do you know what the word 'homosexuality' means?" JC asked. "'s what Lance and you are, right?" she said. "Yes. But do you understand it?" Lance asked. Heather didn't answer. "Well when someone is an homosexual, he likes people of the same sex. Like me and Lance. Usually when a guy falls in love, it's with a girl, but there are some times when it's with another guy. Do you unerstand?" JC asked. "Yes. Are you in love with Lance?" she asked. "Yes, I am. Does it bother you?" JC asked softly. "Nope. You're still the same." she said softly. Lance smiled. "Do you have any questions that you'd like to ask us?" he said. "Well...Do you you like mom and dad do every sundays?" she asked, her cheeks reddening. Lance blushed too. "Yeah...we're a couple so ummm...we do have sex." he said. "Oh. And do you do it? Cause ya takes a pole and a hole...and umm..."she said, getting redder. JC stared at her in awe. "Why don't you ask your mom, me and JC have to discuss something. Ok?" Lance suggested. "Ok. 'Night guys." she said. She walked to JC and gave him a peck on the cheek, then she hugged Lance. "I'm glad that you're my brother's boyfriend." she said in his ear. He smiled. "I'm glad to be his boyfriend too." he whispered back. Heather smiled, and left the room, closing the door behind her. "Now, we have to RUN to the bathroom before my mom gets us for telling my sister those things." JC said, laughing. Lance laughed too, grabbed JC's hand and they ran to the bathroom. They safely locked themselves inside, and stipped. Then JC turned on the shower and they jumped in. Lance stood under the water so he grabbed JC from behind and started to wash his hair. While he was doing that, his semi-hard cock was touching JC's butt, and it was growing harder and harder. But since JC's first time, they hadn't fucked, and he didn't want to pressure him, so without saying a word, he switched position with JC and JC started to wash his hair. They rinsed the shampoo off their hair, and then JC put his arms around Lance. He gently kissed Lance shoulder and he started to roam his hands over Lance's body. "Lance...I know that since you took my virginity we haven't done anything, but I want you now. I really do...I want you inside of me Lansten..." He whispered. Lance looked at him with loving eyes. "Not here, not now. A shower is not the best place to fuck you know." Lance said knowingly. JC closed his eyes and remembered the time he and Lance fucked in the shower. It was very pleasurable during it, but after, Lance couldn't sit properly for almost a week. "Ok. Let's get out of here." JC said. Lance stopped him. "What's the rush? Let's take it slow, ok?" he said, then he kissed JC on the lips. When their lips met, they still felt like the first time, they still had that electricity between them. They kissed for a while, and suddenly JC jumped out of the shower, so Lance was hit by a flow of cold water. He got out of the shower too and stopped it. "Shit, we ran out of hot water." JC said, shivering. Lance wrapped his arms around him to get him warm. They kissed again, and then JC grabbed a towel and dried their bodies. He wrapped the towel around Lance's waist, then he grabbed another one and wrapped it around his own waist. They unlocked the door, and Lance peeked outside. "All clear. Let's go." he whispered, then they ran to JC's room and locked the door. "Now where were we?" Lance asked slyly. "About here..." JC answered, taking off his and Lance's towels and dropping them on the floor, revealing their both rock hard cocks. Lance gently pushed JC on the bed, got on top of him and kissed him. While he was doing that, he roamed his hands all over JC's still moist body. "Hmm, Lance?" JC said in between kisses. "Yeah?" Lance said as he stopped. "You were tested for STD and HIV about a month ago right?" he asked. "Yeah...And I was clean as a new born baby. Why?" Lance asked. "I don't want you to wear a condom. I want YOU inside of me. Oh and a little lube please." JC said with a smile. Lance looked at him seriously. "Are you 100% sure?" he asked. "Positive. I thought about it. I trust you Lance." JC said. Lance smiled. "Thanx, for trusting me like that." Lance said. "Now, I want you to fuck me, NOW!" JC said. "Gladly!" Lance said. "Do you have any lube?" he asked. "Yup, in my nightstand, first drawer." JC said. Lance grabbed the bottle of K-Y and poured some in his hand. He threw the bottle back in the drawer and closed it, then he lubed up his cock and, like the first time, grabbed JC's legs and threw them on his back. "Are you ready?" Lance asked. "Yes." JC said, closing his eyes. Lance positionned himself and gently pushed his cock inside JC's ass. It was still really tight, but it wasn't as much as the first time. When he was all the way in JC's guts, Lance just laid on his lover, waiting for him to get used to the feeling of a cock inside him. Then he started to kiss JC and to slowly withdraw his cock. When only the tip remained in, he slowly pushed his cock inside. He kept a slow pace, and JC seemed to enjoy it much more than the first time. JC was moaning loudly, and he was feeling something he hadn't felt the first time: lust. Everytime Lance's cock rubbed his prostate, he felt like fainting, but in a positive way. JC roamed his hands all over Lance's body, and when he felt that he was close, he softly inserted a finger inside Lance. Lance bit his lower lip, preventing himself from shouting and then he came hard inside of JC, sending him over the edge. Lance grabbed a kleenex and wiped the cum from his chest and abs, threw it in the garbage and then he collapsed on JC. They laid there for a while, then Lance softly kissed JC's chest, erotically licking his left nipple. JC moaned soflty again, and rolled on top of Lance. Surprisingly, his and Lance's cocks were getting hard again. "Hmm, I think that lil'Lance and lil'JC are up for another ride..." JC said, grabbing the bottle of lube. Lance smiled deviously and jacked off JC's cock. JC stopped him, poured some lube on his cock and, Lance getting on all-fours, JC slammed his cock inside of Lance in one quick movement. "Mmmm, I love it when you're rough like that Joshua..." Lance grunted. JC didn't answer, and he started to fuck Lance like it was the end of times. Soon enough, they were both cumming for the second time. "Oh my Gosh JC you wore me out!" Lance said, collapsing on the bed. JC sighed and laid beside Lance, his head on Lance's heart. "Yeah, you wore me out too...I'm DEAD now...I think I'll call it a night." JC said, closing his eyes. "Hold on mister, you forgot something." Lance said sternly. "What did I forget?" JC asked, puzzled. Lance only smiled and kissed him. "That." he said, then he kissed JC again. "Goodnight Scoop." JC whispered, then he rolled on his side, so Lance was spooning him. "Goodnight JC. I love you..." Lance whispered. "Mmmm...Say it again..." JC pleaded softly. "I love you Joshua Scott Chasez." Lance said with a smile. "I love you too James Lansten Bass." JC said.

The next day, Lance woke up at about nine, still wrapped around JC. He smiled, and smelling the breakfast downstairs, his stomach growled. He nuzzled his nose in JC's neck, but JC only stirred in his sleep. Then Lance gently kissed JC's neck, licking his lover's sensitives spots. JC moaned in his sleep, but his eyes remained shut. So Lance untangled himself from JC and rested his head in his hand. He softly caressed JC's back and hummed the melody of 'two beds and a coffee machine' from Savage garden. JC slowly opened his eyes. "Good Morning sleeping beauty." Lance said. "Good morning you too..." JC said with a smile, as he streched lightly. Lance smiled too and laid back in the bed. "I think breakfast is ready. I can smell bacon and eggs." Lance said, then his stomach growled again. JC laughed loudly. "I think I got the message..." he said, then he got up. "I gotta go pee, you can head downstairs, I'll join you in a few." JC said, while Lance got up too. "K." Lance only said, then he wrapped his arms around JC and kissed him. "Ewww, morning breath." he said when they parted. JC playfully slapped him on his bare shoulder and then he grabbed some boxers and threw them at Lance. "Here, don't go downstairs naked, my sister might stole you away from me." JC said, pulling on some boxers too. "Are you sure I can walk around half-naked like that?" Lance asked. "Come on Lance, you've slept here a thousand times and you've waled around half-naked a billion times. What's different this time?" JC asked. "I don't know. your parents might think we've done things yesterday..." Lance said shyly. "Well we DID have sex yesterday, so what if they know? I don't care." JC said, shrugging. Lance nodded and went downstairs. Only Diane was up. When she saw Lance, she smiled. "So, did you and JC sleep well yesterday?" she asked, then she winked. Lance blushed. "Yeah, I slept like a log." he said with a smile. "Yeah. I know." she said. "Want some eggs and bacon?" Mrs Chasez asked. "Yeah, sure." Lance answered. "Is JC up yet?" she asked, putting two eggs and three bacon slices in a plate, along with fruits and an orange juice. "Yes, he's in the bathroom." Lance said. "Not anymore. 'morning mom!" JC said, kissing his mom's cheek. She gave him a plate with the same things than Lance in it. JC sat besides Lance and, while eating, he put his hand on Lance's lap. Then they heard a cough behind them. "No PDA please, I'm still single." Heather said. The four of them laughed, and then she sat and ate some cereals. "So, did you two SLEEP WELL yesterday night?" Heather asked, stressing on the words 'sleep well'. JC and Lance stared at her in awe. She just smiled innocently. Diane came behind the two guys and whispered "Next time, use a pillow..."


There ya go. I know it's only one part, but I was kinda busy...So please e-mail me with comments, questions, whatever...til next time, BYE BYE BYE!! :)

Next: Chapter 3: No Strings Attached 4 5

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