No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on Dec 12, 2000


No Strings Attached, written by lulupower

Legal disclaimer: This story is purely fictionnal and it doesn't mean to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the celebrities mentionned below. Also, if you're not 18 or if you're offended by homosexual topics, please leave now.

Author's note: Hey y'all! I guess my last chapter was really good, I've never receive that much response in my whole life!!! Keep on e-mailing, I LOVE it! A big hello to Neal wave Luvya man! Go read these!! -> My Surprise Romance, Brian and Me, Brian and Justin, In Synchronicity and many others out there on Nifty. Now, on with the show!


After Lance had moved his stuff back to JC's room, everyone called it a night and went to their respective room. Once behind a closed door, Lance sat on the bed and looked at JC while he was brushing his teeth. JC noticed him in the mirror and smiled. "What? Do I have something hanging of my nose or something?" JC asked. Lance smiled and shook his head. "No, I was just thinking about how lucky I am to own your heart...You're such a wonderful man, and still you chose to stick by me when you could have sent me to hell when I told you I wanted you back." Lance said, getting up and joining JC in the bathroom. He sat on the closed toilet and sighed, this huge goofy grin on his face. "You look like a 14 year old girl in love." JC laughed, his mouth full of toothpaste. "I might not be 14 but I am in love..." Lance said. "I'm glad you realised that Justin wasn't the one for you that soon. I think I would have died without you any more longer." JC said, wiping off his face with a towel. Lance hesitated a little and cleared his throat. "Jayce...speaking of the our engagement still on?" Lance asked shyly. JC sighed. "I really don't know James. I guess we could stay engaged, I mean the wedding will be only next summer, and who knows where we're gonna be in a year... I know we'll still be together though." JC said, then he looked at Lance intensely. "Yeah, it's still on. I want us to make this commitment. I love you, you love me, we have to stop shitting with our relationship. I know I started this when I cheated on you, but you did your share with Justin. So we're both guilty here, and we have to move on to a level where we won't have to even think about not being faithful to each other. What do you say? Do you still feel that you wanna marry me next year?" JC asked. "Yes. If I could, I'd marry you tomorrow morning. But I know that we have a long way to go before we get to that point. But I promise you Josh, I'll never be unfaithful to you again, never. I swear that you'll be my only one love from now on 'til the day I die." Lance said, getting up. "Same goes for me. I promise." JC said, and he kissed Lance softly. When they parted, JC remembered something. "Hey, I've got something for you." he said, running to his nightstand and pulling out a small velvet box. "I bought this the day after I proposed to you, while you guys were gone, and I was going to give it to you when you got back but it turned out I didn't..." JC said, handing the box to Lance. Lance's eyes grew wide when he understood what was going to be in the box. He opened it slowly and his eyes became watery. There was indeed a ring inside, a golden ring. It was beautiful. JC took the ring out and grabbed Lance's left hand. He slipped it on Lance's ring finger then he looked at Lance in the eyes. "Promise you'll never take it off. Promise you'll always wear it until I give you the other one at the wedding." JC pleaded. "I promise." Lance said softly. "There's something written inside." JC said. "But I'm not supposed to take it off..." Lance joked. JC laughed. "Okay, just for this time you can, you have my permission." JC said. Lance took off the ring and looked at it closely. 'This I promise you, forever' was engraved. Lance's heart melted. He slipped the ring back on and looked at his hand. His vision became blurred as tears filled his eyes. He looked back at JC and hugged him tightly. "I love you Jayce. I love you so much...And...I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for everything that happened these past few weeks, I wish I could take those days and erase them and go on living like we were before, without worries, without problems...All that mattered was us. I wish it could be like that again." Lance said, letting his tears fall down on his cheeks. "Shhh, James...Everything will be fine." JC said, kissing the top of Lance's head.

And, as a matter of fact, everything WAS fine. The next three months and a half went by pretty smoothly. Lance kept on talking to his dad about half an hour every two weeks, and to his brother and sister everyday or so. He and JC had started to drop hints here and there about their relationship, and rumors were going crazy. Justin started to see a guy from the tour crew, Christopher. Joey's relationship with his now serious girfriend Rachael was progressing at a steady pace, and Joey had asked her to join the tour, which she was going to do after Christmas. Chris was still dating Eve, his longtime girlfriend. As the holidays approached, the guys were more and more looking forward to the month-long vacation that was starting on December 16th. We were December 15th. It was a normal day in an N'syncer's life, except that you had to add the late night flight from Vancouver to Orlando that the five guys were taking. While the guys were performing on stage, JC had taken out everyone's luggage from the bus to a limo, had checked out every corner of the bus to see if someone had forgotten something, and then he had joined the guys on stage for the last song of the show, 'Bye, bye, bye'. The fans had been thrilled, as had been JC, and right after the show, the guys went straight to the airport. "I'm so glad to be going home!" Joey said loudly while they were waiting in a private room to board the plane. "Yeah, me too, I miss Eve." Chris said, yawning. "How can you be yawning man? We're going HOME!" Justin said with a broad smile on his face, grabbing Christopher's hand. Christopher sighed. "Aren't you nervous about introducing me to your mom?" he asked. "No, she's gonna LOVE you. I told her all about you and she likes you already. It'll be great baby, don't worry..." Justin said, lightly kissing his boyfriend's cheek. Seeing that, JC smiled at Lance. "He got over you pretty well..." JC whispered with a smile. "Yeah, I'm glad it went that well. Can you believe that all my family, except my mom, that is, is going to be in Orlando with us for a whole week?" Lance asked with a smile. "Yeah, it's great. Your dad living with us is gonna be weird, but your sister and brother at my parent's house will be just fine. Tyler likes Stacey a lot..." JC said with an evil smile. "We could hook them up!" Lance suggested jokingly. "And break your poor sister's heart when she has to leave for Mississippi? Never in a hundred years." JC said. "All first class passengers for flight 37361-56 leaving for Orlando, Florida, please board now at door 910." The guys gathered their stuff and walked to the door. In the plane, Lance sat with JC, Justin sat with Christopher, and Joey sat with Chris. "Please fasten your seatbelts, we're gonna take off soon." a young woman said in the microphone. The guys complied, and Lance took JC's hand in his own. "Our first Christmas together...It's gonna be so great!" Lance said with a smile. "Yep. And we can try to be together under the mistletoe as often as possible..." JC said with an even bigger smile. Lance laughed. "You know what we should do? Put a HUGE bush of mistletoe over our bed..." Lance said seductively. JC nudged him in the ribs. "Stop it, you're gonna make me all horny!" JC whispered, laughing. "That's the point baby..." Lance said, then he suggestively licked his lips, making JC blush a dark shade of crimson. "You know that the moment my dad arrives, we'll have to restrain ourselves. I don't think I'd feel comfortable making love to you while my dad is sleeping in the room next to ours..." Lance said softly. "You're right. But when he leaves, you better watch out. You'll never know what hit you when I get to you..." JC whispered. Lance laughed. "Hey, no stealing other band's songs!" he said, referring to JC's use of 'I want you', by Savage Garden. JC only laughed and rested his head on Lance's shoulder. "I'm gonna try to get some sleep, cause when we get to Orlando, it'll be 9 in the morning there so I'm gonna be dead tired." JC said, closing his eyes. Then he lifted his head, kissed Lance, and put his head back on Lance's shoulder. "Goodnight Jayce." Lance said, then he kissed the top of JC's head. "I love you." He whispered, then he leaned his head against JC's and closed his eyes. He was soon asleep and didn't wake up either for the movies nor the meal. It was the flight's attendant who shook his shoulder as they were about to land, six hours later. "Excuse me, Mr.Bass...We're about to land in Orlando. You have to fasten you seatbelt and your friendhas to too." she said softly. Lance rubbed his eyes and nodded to the woman. "I'll wake him up. Thank you miss." Lance said kindly, then he yawned. He gently shook JC's shoulder. " wake up...JC...Josh!" Lance said, a little louder. JC opened his eyes and sat up straight. "Did you sleep well?" Lance asked. "Yeah. I guess you make a comfortable pillow... " JC said with a smile. "Are you saying I'm fat?" Lance asked, faking anger. "No! You're perfect as you are." JC said lovingly. "Awww, thank you babe." Lance said with a smile, placing a small kiss on JC's forehead. A few minutes later, the plane landed and they were escorted outside before the other passengers into the awaiting arms of their bodyguards. From there, everyone called a cab. "Okay folks, we'll see y'all the 21st at our place, 4 pm. Okay?" Lance said loudly. He received many different answers as everyone started to say their goodbyes to the security crew. "Have fun guys, see ya in January!" Loonie yelled, then everyone was off. JC and Lance took place in the cab and soon, they were home. They took their luggage, JC paid the cabbie and they slowly climbed the stairs leading to the third floor, carrying their more than heavy suitcases. After what seemed hours and kilometers of stairs, they reached their place and Lance unlocked the door. He and JC put their suitcases in the bedroom and then they plopped down on the couch. "We have to go grocery shopping." JC said. "And we have to do one hell of a laudry load." Lance said. "And we have to buy some Christmas decorations and a tree and our presents." JC added. "I suggest we start right after a shower, what do you say?" Lance asked. "Fine with me, if we shower together." JC said with a smile. "Gladly!" Lance said. The last week and a half had been pretty hectic and every night Lance had come back to the hotel exhausted, way too tired to do anything. JC grabbed his hand and led him to the bathroom. He started the shower, and while the water was getting the right temperature, Lance kissed JC's neck and unbuttonned his shirt. Then JC pulled off his wife beater and Lance's shirt right after. Then their lips met again and Lance unbuckled JC's belt, unzipped his jeans and they fell to the floor. JC stepped out of them and kicked them to a corner of the bathroom. Lance pulled down his own pants and boxers while JC took off his boxers-briefs. Lance stepped in the shower first and pulled on JC's arm. JC entered the shower too, his already semi-erect cock bouncing around. Lance put his arms around JC's waist, then lowered his hands to JC's butt, cupping them with his large hands. JC slid his hand on Lance's abs, then to the small patch of dark hair, and gave Lance's cock a few gentle squeezes, making it grow to it's full lenght. Lance started to play with JC's hole, and JC moaned loudly. Lance slowly inserted a finger inside JC's guts, then a second, then a third, making JC want to scream with plesure. Then he got behind him and replaced his fingers by his cock in JC's ass. "You might wanna add a little soap James..." JC grunted from both pleasure and pain he was feeling. Lance nodded and slowly withdrew his cock, the he soaped it up and rammed it back in. JC put his hand on the wall for support and Lance put his own hand over it, entwining his fingers with JC's. He used his free hand to jerk off JC's cock as he picked up a steady pace. "God Lance this feels so good..." JC moaned loudly. When he felt that he was about to cum, he moved Lance's hand away from his cock and pushed Lance away. "I don't want to cum yet..." he said as he turned around to face Lance. Lance nodded and shifted positions with JC. JC repeated Lance's movements, soaping up his cock, and he inserted it in Lance's awaiting asshole. Lance hissed through his teeth when JC's cock rubbed his prostate. JC started to move his dick in and out, and it wasn't very long before Lance came, making JC cum at the same time. Lance spun on his heels and kissed JC, both of them breathing heavily. When they parted, JC smiled. "It had been a while..." He said softly. "Yeah, I know...I'm sorry babe. These past few weeks have been so crazy..." Lance explained apologetically. "Hey, it's not your fault! It's okay with me, as long as I get to hold you while you sleep." JC said, placing a small kiss on Lance's lips. Lance smiled and, after getting cleaned up, they stepped out of the shower. JC brushed his teeth while Lance shaved, then they switched places, and then they combed their hair, got dressed and were off to the mall in Lance's red 4-Runner. First, they went to buy their Christmas decorations. JC wanted them to be modern, with purple and silver decorations, but Lance wanted them traditionnal, green, red and golden. Lance finally won, telling JC that if their decorations were modern, they couldn't put mistletoe everywhere. JC had just sighed heavily and said 'Fine!'. Then they bought a huge Christmas tree, a real one, not one of those plastic things you can buy at Wal-Mart, and put it in Lance's car. Then they were off to the grocery store. "Lance? Are you planning on cooking on Christmas Eve? Both our families are coming for dinner, then we're supposed to go to the church all together, then go to my parent's and celebrate." JC said as they walked through the alleys. "Umm, yeah, I guess so. I think I'm gonna do something with lots of alchool in it, since we're supposed to tell them we're engaged and planning on going public." Lance joked. JC smiled. "You know, it's not that bad of an idea!" he said. "I'm glad management has been so supportive to us." Lance said, grabbing a can of green peas. "Excuse me?" they heard a small voice ask behind them. Lance looked and saw a small blonde girl, about 7 years old, holding a paper and a pen. Both JC and Lance kneeled in front of her. "Hi! What's your name?" Lance asked. "Anna. Are you Lance and JC for real?" she asked. JC smiled and nodded. "Yeah." Lance replied softly. "Is it true that you are living together and that you love Lance?" Anna asked, looking at JC. JC's eyes grew wide. "Who told you that?" he asked. "My sister. She was very angry at you because she loves JC." Anna said, now looking at Lance. Lance smiled. "You know what? She's right. I am in love with JC." Lance said, keeping his voice low. The little girl looked confused for a moment, then she placed her lips beside Lance's ear. "Isn't he a boy?" she whispered, her eyes wide open. Lance nodded. "Does he know you have a crush on him?" she asked, still whispering. Lance nodded again. "And did you ask him to be your boyfriend?" Anna asked her last question. "Yup. And he said yes." Lance said. Anna smiled broadly, then she handed them her pen and paper. "Can I have your autograph please?" she asked. JC took it and signed it, then Lance signed it too and handed it back to Anna. Then he placed a small kiss on her cheek. "Merry Christmas Anna. It was a pleasure to meet you. Now JC and I have to go because we just got back from tour and we're very tired. Okay?" Lance said. Anna nodded and ran away. "Mom! I told you so! It was them!" they heard her yell. They laughed and got up. "I guess people know a lot more than we think..." Lance said. JC nodded with a smile. "You're very good with kids." JC said softly. "I love kids. I wish I could have tons of them, which is not going to happen." Lance said sadly. "Hey, don't say that...One day we WILL adopt a baby. You'd make a wonderful dad." JC said, gently caressing Lance's back. Lance blushed and smiled. "I really hope we get to have kids." he said in a dreamy voice. "We will." JC said confidently. Theyr finished their grocery shopping, went back home to unload the car, then both took their own cars to buy their Christmas presents.

JC was about to go crazy. He had looked for presents for Lance for over and hour, and the only thing he had found was a pair of midnight blue silk boxers with a matching robe and matching pants. He had found a present for his sister, brother, father and mother, all Lance's family, Chris, Joey and Justin, but it seemed like there was nothing good enough for Lance. Looking in a jewelry store, he found a nice watch, since Lance had broken his while trying to escape some crazy fans. 'Think JC, think!' Perfume? No. Clothes? No. Jewels? No. Then, a thought crossed his mind. JC smiled. He had found the perfect gift.


Okay, boring ending. You're absolutely right. But I did post 6 chapters in 8 days! So bear with me. ;) Don't forget to e-mail me with comments, questions, ideas, death threats, flames, whatever... lol 'Til next chapter, bye bye bye! ;)

Next: Chapter 20

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