No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on Dec 10, 2000


No strings attached, written by Lulupower

Legal Disclaimer: This story is purely fictionnal and it doesn't mean to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the celebrities mentionned below. Also, if you're not 18 or if you're offended by homosexual topics, please leave now.

Author's note: Hey, here's chapter 21 of the No strings attached saga. I hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to e-mail me with comments, questions, ideas, whatever -> A special thanks to Neal, for being there since the very beginning. I really appreciate it man! Luvya ;) If haven't done it yet, go and read 'My surprise romance' by Gabriella Morrisson, it's AWE-SOME. And there's 'Brian and me', by DLS, and 'Brian and Justin', 'In synchronicity', 'Hold the pickle', and a buch of others. Now, on with the show!


"I won't, I promise." Lance said, knowing inside of him that it was a lie. "What's happening to us James?" JC asked, his beautiful blue eyes red from crying. Lance sighed. "I don't know. I really don't." Lance said softly. JC looked up. "Maybe we just need some time apart, maybe we just need to see other people for a while..." JC said, tears streaming down his face. "Is that what you want?" Lance asked, looking at the floor. "No. But we have to do it for our own sake. Let's take a break from each other for a week. Then we'll see. We won't kiss, hug, have sex or do anything besides doing what friends do. Okay?" JC asked. "Whatever you want..." Lance said sadly. "That also means we can be with other people, to keep our options opened." JC said, standing. Lance sighed again and nodded. "Let's start in two minutes." Lance suggested. "Why?" JC asked, confused. Lance got up and wrapped his arms around JC. He looked at him in the eyes and leaned in to kiss him. JC moved his face so Lance's lips landed on his cheek. Lance was deeply hurt. JC left the room without anymmore words. Lance ran after him. "Wait, Jayce. Umm, I'm gonna move my stuff to one of the guy's room, so you can have your privacy and rest, you need it." Lance said. "Okay. Thanks. I'm gonna go for a swim downstairs and leave you alone to pack your stuff." JC said, going back to the room to take his shorts. "Fine. Have fun." Lance said. As soon as JC was gone, Lance went to knock at Justin's door. Despite the fact that it was now a little before midnight, he knew that his younger bandmate wasn't sleeping yet. "Come in!" Justin said from inside. Lance got in, and found Justin Sitting on his bed in only his boxer-briefs, about to go to bed. "Hey Just." Lance said. "Hey Lance." Justin whispered, his cheeks reddening. "Umm, Jayce and I...we decided to start seeing other people for a while. JC thought it would be good for our couple." Lance said softly. Justin's eyes grew wide. "Is that because of me?" he asked, standing. "No, of course not." Lance said, walking closer to Justin. "But ummm...That kiss we shared...It was wonderful Just. It made something stir inside of me, something that had never stirred with JC." Lance said, his voice barely above a whisper, placing his hand on Justin's cheek. Justin closed his eyes at Lance's contact and placed his hand on Lance's. "As confused as I am about this whole thing, I know I have feelings for you Curly and...I'd like to try this with you." Lance said. Justin nodded and opened his eyes. "You have beautiful eyes Lansten..." Justin whispered, then he leaned in and placed his full pouty lips on Lance's. They kissed for a while, then Justin broke the kiss. "Do you really want this Lance or are you doing it to shit with JC's heart?" Justin asked. "I really want this Just. I can't tell you what's gonna happen tomorrow when JC finds out I was with out, but I really want this." Lance said truthfully. Justin nodded. "You know what? I don't care about Jayce right now. I want you and I don't give a damn about what's gonna happen next." Justin said, jumping on the bed. "Get in here." He said seductively. "You sure you want to have sex with me?" Lance asked, joining Justin in bed. "Yep. Now kiss me." Justin said. Lance gladly complied, and soon they were both caught up in the heat of the moment. After a while, Justin slipped his hands inside Lance's pants and pulled them down, taking off his boxers with the same movement. Lance then broke their kiss a brief second to take off his own t-shirt, then he placed his lips back on Justin's and pulled down his boxer-briefs. Justin shivered as their cocks grinded against each other. Then Lance moved his lips down Justin's chin, then his neck, then down to his abs, his belly button, then following the light trail of golden hair leading to Justin's erect cock. Justin had his hands in Lance's hair, caressing them feverishly. Lance licked the tip of Justin's dick, tasting the small drop of precum glistening from it. Justin had his teeth clenched shut, preventing him from yelling. Lance then took the whole tip in his mouth and moved into a 69 position. Justin looked at Lance's cock and started to do exactly the same thing that Lance was doing, repeating every movement. Then, Lance moved from Justin's cock to his balls, taking them both at the same time in his mouth, then he moved further down to Justin's asshole. He licked it gently, causing Justin to squirm with pleasure. Justin went on sucking on Lance's cock, which made it a little harder for Lance to stay focused. Lance started to rim Justin's hole, then he took out his cock from Justin's cock, as he felt he was about to cum. Justin looked at him with questions in his eyes, then when Lance grabbed his legs and threw them on his back as he kissed him, Justin understood. Lance grabbed his own saliva coated cock and positionned it at the entrance of Justin's love canal. Lance broke the kiss and looked at Justin, who just nodded. Lance then kissed Justin deeply and started to push his cock inside Justin. Justin groaned in pain in their kiss, but Lance kept on pushing. When he was all the way in, he broke their kiss again. Justin had tears in his eyes. "It really hurts doesn't it?" Lance asked, lovingly caressing Justin's face. Justin only nodded. "It'll go away. I swear. You'll feel the pain go away and it's gonna be replaced by some kind of pleasure you never thought you'd experience. Trust me." Lance said as he started to pull ou slowly. Justin winced in pain. "You alright?" Lance asked with concern. "Yeah, go on, it's starting to feel good." Justin whispered as Lance pushed his cock back in. Justin moaned and Lance picked up a fastening pace. Justin's moans were getting louder and louder, and after a few minutes, he came violently, causing his ass to squeeze Lance's cock, sending him over the edge. Lanced pulled out and collapsed on top of Justin and kissed his neck. "God Lance, that was...God!" Justin panted. Lance only smiled and rolled off Justin, and Justin rested his head on Lance's chest. Soon, they were both drifting off to sleep. The next morning, Lance was awakened by a loud pounding at his door. He untangled himself from Justin's embrace, grabbed his boxers on the floor and opened the door. There stood a stunned JC. "What the hell are you doing in there with only your boxers on James Lansten Bass?" JC asked with anger. "I'm just doing what you told me to do Joshy. I'm seeing other people." Lance answered with a sly smile. "I didn't mean that you had to go and..." "Have sex with your best friend? Why not Jayce? It's better than some random fan you pick up in Germany, isn't it?" Lance said. Hearing them argue, Justin woke up. "Lance, baby, what's going on?" Justin asked groggily, his eyes still closed. "Baby?!? When did you become Justin's baby? God Lance I ask you for a one week break and you go and fuck my best friend on the first night? Dammit who the hell do you think you are?" JC yelled. By that time, Joey and Chris were both standing in their doorways, listening closely. "Hey get off his back JC. You're the asshole here, cause if you didn't have this affair with a fan none of us would be having this talk right now." Justin butted in. "Shut up Justin. And you dare to call yourself my best friend. You're a goddamned asshole, just as you are Lance. We're through." JC said, then he left, went to his room and slammed the door. Lance sighed, threw a disgusted glance at Joey and Chris, and slammed the door too. Then he walked to Justin and wrapped his arms around him. "You know what Curly?" Lance asked softly, as Justin put his arms around his neck. "No, what?" Justin asked. "I don't care about JC. All I know is that when I do this..." he kissed Justin on the lips. "It feels right. You really confused me. You shouldn't have told Jayce that you had feelings for me, it would have spared me a lot of time and energy. But on the other hand, I'm glad you did." Lance said, placing another kiss on Justin's lips. "You are?" Justin asked with hope. "Yeah. I really like you Just." Lance said simply. Truth was, he didn't know. When JC had told him, it had surprised him a lot, but for the first time in his relationship, it had made him question his feelings for JC. That had never happened before, not even when JC had cheated on him. Nothing had ever made him doubt that JC was 'The one'. Until Justin. JC, on his side, was sad and angry and tired. As soon as the fight was over, Joey came into his room. "Hey, Jayce...what's up with you and Lance?" he asked. So JC told him the whole story. "I think I've known all along, deep inside, that Justin was gay. But I never suspected that he could fall in love with Lance. He had to fall for my boyfriend of all people." JC said with sadness. Joey sighed. "So now you two are off?" Joey asked. JC noddded. "God, if I hadn't told him to go and meet other people, he wouldn't have run in Justin's arms..." JC chastisied himself. "Don't do this to yourself Jayce. It is not your fault. He ran off into Justin's arms. You didn't push him, and Justin didn't drag him into bed. He's responsible for his actions." Joey said, patting his friend's back for comfort. "You don't know how hard it was, seeing him half-naked in Justin's room with Justin calling him baby...I love him, Joe! It was like a nightmare coming true." JC said getting up. Joey got up too and hugged JC. "You know what? Everything will be fine. I can sense it. I don't know what's gonna happen Jayce but it'll be fine. Trust me." Joey said. "I hope so...I really hope so." JC whispered.


There ya go people. Don't forget to e-mail me...I haven't been getting as much response as I thought...In fact I recieved like two e-mails. I'm starting to wonder if people are still reading NSA. Pweaaase, write me, just a few words... ;) Anyways, you guys have a good week. Peace and hair grease, as our dearly beloved Justin says ;)

Next: Chapter 18

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