No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on Dec 8, 2000


No strings attached, written by Lulupower

Legal disclaimer: This story is purely fictionnal and it doesn't mean to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the celebrities mentionned below. Also, if you're not 18 or if you're offended by homosexual topics, please leave now.

Author's note: Hey y'all! CHAPTERTWENTYHERE!!! Already!!! Take a little time to go read 'My surprise Romance' by Gabriella Morrisson, it's GREAT, as well as 'In Synchronicity', 'Brian and Justin', 'Brian and me', 'Hole the pickle' and many others here in the Nifty Archive. A special thanks to Sarah cause she helped me A LOT with this chapter, and to Neal, as always, cause he's been a great friend since this all started. Don't forget to e-mail me as soon as you're done reading this chapter, because I didn't get much e-mails for the last two chapters...You should be happy, I mean, I AM posting chapters fast...Anyways, on with the show now!


"Tell me what? What step? What's up Just?" Lance asked, standing in the doorway of Justin's room. "Uh, nothing. Nothing at all." Justin muttered, his face beet red. "Oh, umm...Okay. JC, can I talk to you?" Lance asked, puzzled. "Yeah, sure. Looks like I'm turning into psychologist JC today." JC said, following Lance into their bedroom. "Okay, what's up James?" JC asked as soon as the door was closed behind him. "Well first I want to know what's up with Just, then I'll tell ya what happened with my dad, deal?" Lance asked. "No way, I can't tell you. I promised Justin. It's ummm, really personnal." JC said. He hated to keep things from Lance, but he had to, for Justin's sake. "Jayce, you promised Justin not to tell me, but you promised me to tell me everything. So who are you gonna betray now, your best friend or your boyfriend?" Lance asked. JC sighed. "I can't tell you Lance. I can't. I promised." JC said softly. "Fine. Just fine. Keep it to yourself, I don't even care." Lance said as he stormed out of the room. JC sighed again and plopped down on the bed. "Dammit!" he cursed under his breath, then he got up and went to the living room, only to find nothing, nobody. Everyone was already gone. "Shit! Now Lance's gonna be mad all day and I won't get to see him until after the show. SHIT!" JC said loudly. Lance sat silently in the car, staring outside the window. He and the guys were going to a photo shoot, then they had an interview with Teen Magazine, then it was lunchtime, a quick 15 minutes rest, rehearsals with the new choreographer, Darryl, all afternoon long, diner with the tour crew, warm ups, the show, and then back to the hotel. He sighed. He wouldn't be able to apologize to JC until after the show. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine what it was that Justin had to hide. Then his thoughts drifted off to his dad. He had actually called! He wanted to know how he was doing! He cared enough to ask if everything was alright. He wanted to tell him that he was sorry for everything his mom had put him through. That he was still on his side. That he was still his son. Lance smiled a little at these thoughts. Lance had yet to tell his dad about his engagement to JC. 'If it's still on...' Lance thought. Just then, the car stopped and the guys were hushered inside a big building. There was this dead boring photo shoot, where the photographer kept asking why JC wasn't there, then the interview with Teen Magazine, where the interviewer kept asking about the damn rumor about JC and Lance being together, why was Lance living with JC, why did Lance have some 'issues' with his family, why did he take comfort in JC and thousand of other questions to which Lance didn't want to answer. Then they ate. It was the same boring McDonald's food as everyday - same old cheeseburgers and fries and Dr.Pepper. And Justin was always throwing glances at him, like he had potatoes hanging from his nose or something. The afternoon went by pretty fast, as did dinner and the show. The guys came back from the arena at 10:45, exhausted. Lance hurried into his room, finding JC asleep on the bed, clothes on and a book beside him. Lance sat on the bed and gently shook JC. "Jayce? Jayce...Wake up baby." Lance whispered. JC stirred and slowly opened his eyes. His first idea, seeing Lance, was to smile, but he quickly broke it. "Hey. How was your day?" JC asked with an annoyed tone. "Josh, I'm sorry. I really am. I shouldn't ask you to choose between me and Just. He's your best friend, that doesn't automatically include me in your relationship, it's your private life and all..." Lance said. "He's in love with you." JC announced. "What?" Lance asked, stunned. "Justin. He's in love with you." JC repeated. Lance sat back on the bed and stared at the wall in front of him. "You must be kidding me." Lance said. "No. I'm not." JC said seriously. "Oh my God. I can't believe it." Lance said in disbelief. "Justin can't be in love with me. He's not even gay." he added. "He's coming to terms with it James. He's gay. He hid it pretty well didn't he?" JC said softly. "And what did you say about that?" Lance asked. "Well...I was really taken aback but...What can I do? The guy has fallen in love with you. Big deal. I did the same a few months ago. I can't blame him." JC said. "I know but...what are we gonna do?" Lance asked. "Nothing. At all. I love you, you love me, end of the story. Justin has to get over you." JC said. "It's not that simple Jayce." Lance disagreed. "It is. Trust me. You're mine James, I'm not letting you go." JC said. "Oh really? And what if I told you that it was him all along that I wanted? What if I told you that you were just sex for me because I thought Justin was straight? What if I told you that I've never loved you?" Lance asked. JC stared at him with confusion and pain in his eyes. "Is this really what you want? Cause he loves you. So if you want him and he wants you, just get together with him. But it's not fair cause I had you first" JC said with anger. "You wanna play all possessive with me? Fine. I'm leaving." Lance said, walking out of the room. "Lance wait!" JC called. Lance came back and poked his head inside. "I'm not some kind of object you can call yours JC. I'm your goddamned boyfriend. Well, was. I don't know anymore." Lance said, then slammed the door shut. He ran to Justin's room and knocked. "Just, it's Lance. Can I come in?" he called. "Yeah, sure." Justin said from inside. Lance opened the door and got inside. "Hey." Lance said. "Hey. I heard you and JC arguing. Are you okay?" Justin asked. "I don't know. He um..." "Told you about me?" Justin cut. "Yeah...Well I kinda forced him to tell me but...I'm sorry." Lance said softly. "Oh my God. Now I feel really weird." Justin said, looking at the floor. "Don't." Lance said, moving closer to Justin. He lifted Justin's chin with his finger and placed his lips on Justin's. Justin resisted a little at first, then he started to move his lips with Lance's. They were both so caught up in the kiss that they didn't hear the door opening, and they didn't notice JC watching them with tears in his eyes and leaving, closing the door quietly behind him. As JC closed the door, Justin broke the kiss. "I think this should end here." Justin said. "What? Why?" Lance asked, puzzled. "You're my best friend's boyfriend. I can't do this to him. Even if I love you, JC's and your friendship are way too important to me. Besides, tomorrow you're gonna regret that you kissed me and you'll wish it never happened." Justin said, sighing. Lance looked at the floor and sighed too. "I'm so sorry Just...I don't know why I did that. He just pissed me off but telling me I was HIS and speaking of me like I was an object or something...But I know that's not what he meant. God, what have I done..." Lance said, letting a tear slip on his cheek. "It's okay. I understand. But you'd better go and talk to JC before he freaks out." Justin said, getting up and leading Lance to the door. "I'll do that. Thanks Just." Lance said, placing a soft kiss on Justin's cheek. Justin closed his eyes at Lance's contact and he closed the door as soon as Lance was out of sight. Then he collapsed on the bed and bursted out in tears. "Damn you JC for stealing his heart..." Justin whispered. Lance opened the door of his room and found JC curled up in a ball on the bed, crying. "I'm sorry Jayce." Lance stated simply. "Yeah, I bet you're sorry you ever met me..." JC said, sitting. "You know that's not true." Lance said. JC remained silent. "Listen Josh, I really am sorry. I know you didn't mean it to sound like I was an object or something. I just overreacted." Lance said. "And that's why you ran into Justin's arms and kissed him?" JC asked spitefully. "Yes. What else can I say? I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone to Justin, cause I ended up hurting both of you." Lance said, sitting on the bed. "Dammit James, I just proposed to you and not even 24 hours later you go and tell me you're not my boyfriend anymore, that you never loved me and that you've wanted Justin all along? That was pretty low." JC said. "And you know that I hate keeping secrets from you, but sometimes I have to be 'Best friend JC', not only 'Boyfriend JC'. You know?" JC added. Lance nodded and sighed. "I'm sorry. Trust me Josh, I am." Lance said. JC looked at him in his beautiful eyes and tried to find traces of lies or hypocrisy, but didn't see any. All he saw was love and sadness. "Fine. Apologies accepted." JC gave in. "Oh God thank you!" Lance said with relief, wrapping his arms around JC. "Don't ever do that again, you hear me? NEVER." JC said, letting tears of fear fall on Lance's shoulder. "I won't. I promise."


That's all for today folks. Don't forget to e-mail me! Bye bye bye!

Next: Chapter 17

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