No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on Dec 7, 2000


No strings attached, written by Lulupower

Legal disclaimer: This story is purely fictionnal and it doesn't mean to imply anything abut the sexuality of any of the celebrities mentionned below. Also, if you're not 18 or if you're offended by homosexual topics, please leave now.

Author's note: Hey y'all! Here's chapter 19 of No strings attached. Hope you like it...Don't forget to e-mail me if you do, or if you don't., as always. If you have some free time, you should go read 'My surprise romance' by Gabriella Morisson, 'Brian and Justin' by JM and 'Brian and me' by DLS. They're great stories guys! There are a lot of other writing geniuses out there on Nifty, they just don't come to my mind right now. A special thank you to Neal, who's been there since the very beginning and who's supported me through my good and boring chapters ;) Now, without any further ado, on to the story!


"Will you marry me James?" JC asked in an almost inaudible voice. Lance repeated the question over and over in his head. He couldn't believe it. He had waited so long...He had wanted to propose for a while, but he just didn't have the guts, and then there was this 'incident' with Jens...His heart was beating a million times faster than it was supposed to be beating, but yet he felt more relaxed than ever. 'This is meant to be' he thought. "James...? What's wrong?" JC whispered, a little worried. "Nothing is wrong Josh. Nothing. I was just a little taken aback by your um...proposal." Lance admitted, smiling. JC relaxed a little, but there was still a frown on his beautiful face. "Well what do you say? Do you want me to let you think for a while?" he asked. "No, I'm fine. I don't need to think, I know what I want." Lance said. JC looked at him with hope in his eyes. "Yes, Josh. I wanna marry you." Lance said with a grin. JC smiled widely. "It's gonna be so great James..." he said, his eyes sparkling. He rolled on top of Lance and kissed him. "God, I love you so much..." JC said, breaking the kiss. "I love you too. But umm..." Lance hesitated. "There's a but?" JC asked, his smile fading. "Yeah. A small one though. I want you to get better before. I want you to be fully recovered when you walk down the aisle. I don't want you to be sick when you say 'I do'." Lance said softly, gently stroking JC's hair. "Anything for you Lance, anything. Anyway, with the tour and all I doubt that we can get married this year. I guess we'll have to wait 'til next summer, what do you say? It leaves me a full year to recover, and it gives us a full year to prepare it all." JC said confidently. "Fine with me." Lance said, shifting position so he was laying next to JC, his head on JC's chest. "I think we should sleep." Lance said. "Yeah, you have a long day tomorrow." JC said. Lance looked up and lightly kissed JC on the lips. "Goodnight Josh." he whispered. "Goodnight my love." JC whispered back. They closed their eyes and soon they drifted to the wonderful world of dreams. The next morning, Lance was awakened by the phone ringing. He grabbed it and answered groggily. "Hello?" he mumbled. "Good morning. It's now 5:30 am. This is the wake up call you requested. Have a good day!" an automatic voice said. Lance hung up the phone and sighed. This lady was way too cheerful at that time of the day. He slowly got up, careful not to wake JC up, and headed for the bathroom. He took a quick shower, brushed his teeth, shaved and did his hair. Then, with only a towel wrapped around his waist, he went back to his room to get dressed. JC was sitting in the bed, waiting for him, a big goofy grin plastered on his face. "Good morning sunshine!" Lance said with an overly cheerful voice. JC laughed. "Good morning to you too." JC said, getting up. He wrapped his arms around Lance's neck and kissed him softly. Then he inhaled deeply and smiled again. "Mmmm, you smell all pretty." JC said with a girly voice. Lance laughed and wrapped his arms around JC's waist. "Go grab a shower and I'll wake the guys up and call downstairs for breakfast, okay?" Lance said, burying his nose in JC's neck, then heading for the door. "Okay. But may I suggest you get dressed first?" JC said teasingly. Lance blushed and laughed a little. "Good idea." he said, opening the closet. JC went into the bathroom and started the shower. A few seconds later, Lance could hear him singing 'I thought she knew' softly. He stood in the doorway and sang with JC for a few measures. JC poked his head outside and stuck his tongue at him. "Hey aren't you supposed to be doing something else than disturbing me while I'm singing?" JC said jokingly. Lance stuck his tongue back at him and laughed. "Okay Mrs. Diva, join us in the living room in fifteen." Lance said, closing the door. JC only laughed and went on shampooing his hair. Lance first knocked at Chris's door. He poked his head inside. "Chris? Time to get up man." he said. Chris yawned and waved at him, showing Lance that he was awake. Lance closed the door quietly and went to knock at Joey's door. "Joe, are you up yet?" he said through the door. "Yeah, I'm shaving. I only need to get dressed." Joey said. Lance smirked. Joey had that bad habit of walking around naked in his hotel room. Then Lance went to the last room, Justin's. He knocked softly. Usually, Justin was still sound asleep and he had to drag him out of bed. Not that time. "Come in Lance, I'm up." Lance heard. He raised his eyebrows in surprise and opened the door. The bed was made, the room was cleaner than his own and Justin was fully dressed, shaved and answering e-mails on his laptop. "Damn Justin, at what time did you get up?" Lance asked. "I didn't get up, I didn't sleep." Justin said, concentrating on his computer. "Just, do you want to talk about it? You know it's no good if you keep it inside." Lance said softly. "I know. I'm fine." Justin said, throwing Lance a glance. Lance dropped it, knowing that a fight in the morning was not the best way to start a day. So he just sighed and went back to the living room to call room service. After a few minutes, one by one, the guys arrived. It was Joey first, then Justin, then Chris, and finally JC. When he entered the room, everyone cheered. "Hey Jayce! Glad you could make it." Joey said, getting up and pulling JC into a hug. "Yeah, me too." Chris said, hugging JC as soon as Joey was done. Justin got up too and hugged JC, but remained in the older man's arms a little longer. "Are you okay Curly?" JC whispered in Justin's ear. "I'm fine. I just" Justin hesitated. "You just needed a little affection?" JC asked. Justin looked at the floor and nodded. JC held him a little tighter and looked at Chris, who got up and wrapped his arms around Justin. Justin spun on his heels and hugged Chris. Then Joey hugged him too. And then Lance. Then Justin ran into JC's arms and cried on his shoulder. The rest of the guys sat back. "God, JC, I miss her so much..." Justin cried. "It's okay Just. I know it's hard at first, but it'll go away, I swear." JC said, stroking Justin's hair and rubbing his back. "Thanks." Justin said, letting go of JC and wiping his eyes. "You know Just, if you need a hug, just ask it, okay?" Chris said. "Yeah. It's not like it was expensive or anything, and it makes us feel good too you know." Joey said. "Thanks guys." Justin said with a sincere smile. Just then, there was a knock at the door. "Oh, food!" Joey said and ran to the door. They guys all laughed and Joey came back a few seconds with a tray full of food. They started eating, and JC and Lance looked at each other, silently asking each other if they should tell the guys about their engagement. Lance nodded and JC silently agreed. Lance cleared his throat. "Hmm, guys? We have something to tell you." he said. "Jayce is pregnant? Congratulations guys!" Chris joked. They all laughed. "No, um, actually..." Lance started. "I asked Lance to marry me yesterday. And he said yes." JC said with a smile. Lance looked at him, smiling too. "Congratulations guys!" Justin said with a huge grin. He got up and started to applause. Soon, Chris and Joey followed and JC and Lance were blushing heavily. "Hey, it's not like it was going to be tomorrow or anything...We're not even engaged yet, I mean...Not officially. We still have to tell our parents and all." JC said with a sigh, looking at Lance, who grabbed his hand for comfort. "It's gonna be hard, not having my parents there at my wedding..." Lance said, his green eyes full of tears. "Hey, who knows, maybe you'll be in good terms with your parents again, then..." JC said. "Yeah, right." Lance said, then buried his face in JC's shoulder. "Group hug!" Chris called. Lance laughed at his friend's attempt to take his mind off of things. They all hugged for a few seconds, then a cell phone rang. "Whose cell is it?" Chris asked. Everyone started running in different directions in search of their cell phones, and after a few rings and a few 'Hello?'s, they found out it was Lance's. "Hello?" Lance said, then he remained silent for a few seconds, mouth and eyes wide open. "I'm doing great dad, how 'bout you?" Lance said, slowly walking towards his room. JC stared at him in disbelief. He looked at Justin, who pointed his room. JC nodded and followed his best friend into his room. "What's up with Lance and his father?" Justin asked. "I don't know...It's the first time he talks to him since he came out." JC said. "Umm, speaking of coming out...Can I ask you something?" Justin asked. "Yeah, sure." JC said. "Well...When you realised you were did it feel like?" Justin asked shyly. "Ummm...Well...You know I dated girls before? The first two or three, it was fine, cause I was too young to have sex with them, or even think about having sex with them. But then when my mouseketeers years ended, I started to date Lucy and...we didn't go really far, but far enough for me to realise that she wasn't what I wanted, what I needed. I even caught myself daydreaming about her brother quite a few times..." JC said, smiling. "Oh. And did Lance date girls before?" Justin asked. "Uh, I don't know...I don't think so, though. Why, what's with all the questions?" JC asked. "Well...I don't know. Being around you and Lance made me think a lot, you know, about a lot of stuff..." he was cut off by JC. "Including the 'Am I gay' thinking phase?" JC asked. Justin hung his head low. "Yeah. I think I am. Even if I dated Fatima, even if I was, well I thought I was, in love with her...I don't know, I've been thinking about guys a lot for a while." Justin admitted. "How do you think about guys? Do you just think they're more attractive than girls, do you think guys are better than girls period, do you think about them sexually...?" JC asked. "Well...If truth to be told...All of the above." Justin said, looking directly in JC's eyes. "Just, is there something you're not telling me?" JC asked. 'Dammit, he knows me so well' Justin thought. "Umm, yeah. I'm in love. At least, I think I am...I have really strong feelings for...a guy. And it freaks me out Jayce! I don't want to be like that, cause I see how much pain it can cause. Just look at Lance and his family..." Justin said sadly. "Well this is the 'dark' side of being gay. There are some good points, trust me. It's not that bad. If you really are gay, well there's nothing you can do about it other than accept it and try to move forward from there." JC said wisely. Justin nodded and sighed. "Do I know him?" JC asked. Justin looked at the floor again and nodded. "How well do I know him?" JC asked, Justin's answer already clear in his mind. " it was your own boyfriend." Justin said, bursting out into tears. "I'm sorry JC, I didn't mean it to happen, I really didn't, but it did, and now I...I'm even more desperate because I won't ever get him cause he loves you and I'd never do that to you either, and I'm gonna loose you too." Justin said, burying his face into his hands. "No, Just, you're not loosing me." JC said, wrapping his arms protectively around Justin's body. "I'm sorry Jayce, I'm so sorry..." Justin cried. "Don't be sorry. I can't be mad at you for doing the exact same thing than I did!" JC said, caressing Justin's soft golden curls. "You're not mad at me?" Justin asked hopefully. "No, I'm not. But I want you to swear that you'll do everything in your power to forget about him as fast as you can. I'm gonna sound so selfish when I'll say that, but he's mine Just. I love him. I know it's gonna be hard, but you have to forget him for your own sake, cause if you don't, you'll end up hurt." JC said sternly. "I know Jayce. I'm not gonna go after him or anything. And you don't sound selfish at all, you sound like a best friend who's protecting his best friend from his boyfriend. Uh...that was confusing. Whatever. I'm glad you're not mad at me." Justin said, wiping his eyes. "I'm not, I could never really mad at you Curly, you're the bestest best friend one could ever get." JC said, releasing Justin. "I'm gonna go see how Lance is doing with his dad, okay? If you need to talk, I'm there okay?" JC said. "Okay. Oh, don't tell Lance, please. I'm not ready to take that step yet." Justin said. "Tell me what? What step? What's up Just?"


Don't forget to e-mail me!!! til then, bye bye bye! ;)

Next: Chapter 16

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