No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on Dec 6, 2000


No strings attached, written by Lulupower

Legal Disclaimer: This story is purely fictionnal and I don't mean to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the celebrities mentionned below. Also, if you're not 18 or if you're offended by homosexual topics, please leave now.

Author's note: Again, I'm sorry for the delay...At least once a day I sat at my computer, trying to figure out where the hell I'd lead NSA to, and I still don't know, to be perfectly honest. Oh well, I hope you like this chapter! If not, e-mail me! If you do, e-mail me. If you don't feel anything reading it, e-mail me! If you didn't read it but just read my disclaimer, e-mail me! ...huh? By the way, go read 'My Surprise Romance' if you haven't already. It's a GREAT story (Though the author doesn't update really often. Man, who am I to complain?!?)


"Lance!" JC said excitedly. "Yup, himself. What's up baby?" Lance said with his deep, musical voice. "Nothing much, I'm on my way home." JC answered. "On your way home? How come? I left like three hours ago!" Lance said, puzzled. JC smiled bitterly. "Yeah well you forgot to give me your set of keys when you left. And my wallet was in the car. So I had no money and no keys..." JC said with a sigh. "I'm sorry Josh...I totally forgot..." Lance said apologetically. "It's okay. I called my mom and she went to our place, grabbed my keys, dropped by the airport to give them to me, then she left for work." JC said. "I'm glad she was home..." Lance said. "Yeah, I'll just make sure that next time you leave for a tour, I'm driving." JC said, laughing. "No way. Next time I leave for a tour, you're coming with me. I'm never leaving without you again Jayce, it's driving me insane already." Lance admitted, relaxing in his hotelroom bed. He and the guys had arrived in North Carolina half an hour ago, and he hadn't even taken time to unpack his stuff, jumping on the phone and calling JC. It was the only time he would have to call him in two days. Now, he had the whole morning and afternoon off, but then there was the show, interviews, TV appearances, road, radio interviews and so on. The next fifteen minutes off he'd have was the day after tomorrow. "I know the feeling, trust me." JC said with a sigh. "I feel so depressed and useless and alone when you're not with me babe..." he added. Hearing that, Lance had an idea. "Jayce? Can I call you back in, say, fifteen minutes?" Lance said with a huge smile. "Yeah, sure. Call me at home, I just got there, okay?" JC said, closing the door of Lance's 4-Runner. "Okay. 'Later! I love you..." Lance said, then he hung up. He grabbed his little phone book in his suitcase and called Mrs Anderson. Mrs Anderson was JC's doctor, she was following him closely since JC had stopped touring. Meanwhile, JC pulled in his parking and stopped the engine. He closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat. He sighed heavily and opened the door. This was definetly going to be an horrible month. He slowly climbed the stairs of his appartment, unlocked the door, slammed it behind himself and fell on the couch, more tired than ever. "Hi, may I speak with Mrs Anderson please?...Oh, okay, well my name is James Bass, I'm...You know who I am...Well I wanted to ask you if it was possible for Joshua to come back on tour with us, but without doing any N'sync stuff, like interviews and shows and rehearsals...Why would he want that? To be with his ummmm, significant other...Yeah, that's me, he told you?...Yeah, I understand...He can? Great!...No please, let me tell him...Okay, I will. Thank you Mrs Anderson...Okay, well thank you Tina. Bye!" Lance hung up and smiled broadly. He made another quick phone call to his travelling agency, and the lady assured him that JC would have a plane ticket for that very night, 9 pm. Lance thanked the woman, hung up and smiled again. JC was going to come on tour with him! He decided to keep his mouth shut just for a little while longer and joined the guys in the common room, where everyone was sitting. Justin and Chris were playing Nintendo 64 while Joey was just watching them. He was the first to notice Lance. "Hey Scoop, how's JC?" he asked. "He's fine. I, um, I just talked with Dr. Anderson, you know, Jayce's doctor?" Lance said. Almost immediately, Chris paused the game and he and Justin focused their attention on Lance. "What did she say? Is JC alright?" Justin asked, obviously worried about his best friend. "Yeah, he's doing better and better. I asked him if it was possible for JC to travel with us. You know, just travel, no shows, no interviews, no public appearances. He'd just get to be with us, cause you know he's all alone at home and..." Joey threw him a look. "Hey, no need to include us. We know he just wants to be with his better half!" Joey smiled. Lance blushed. "It's not true, you know he loves you guys, you're all like family to him, and to me too." Lance protested. "Hey, don't blush Lance, we know he loves us, but we also know that he loves you even more. It's true, we all know it. You and Josh are no good without each other." Justin said, which made Lance blush even more. The guys laughed. "It's okay Scoop. I know I was exactly like that when I missed Fatima..." Justin said, returning to his Donkey Kong game. Everyone stopped laughing and looked at him. He paused his game again and looked at the guys with a puzzled look on his face. "What did I say?" he asked. "You just...mentionned her name and...well I thought that..." Joey stumbled over his words. Justin cut him. "It's okay Joe. I'm okay. It's over now." Justin snapped. "Justin, you sure you're alright? I mean, it's only been a few days..." Chris asked, worried. "I'm FINE, could you please just drop it?" Justin said a little harshly. "Just, you know he's just loo..." "Looking out for me? I know. DROP IT I said! Goddammit Lance, when I say drop it, DROP IT." Justin yelled, then he got up and went to his room. The guys looked at each other, perplexed, then they heard Justin's door being slammed. Joey got up to talk to him, but Lance stopped him. "I think we should just leave him alone for a while." he said. Joey just nodded, Chris sighed, and Lance got up, ready to call JC again and tell him his good news. He went to his room, closed the door and called. "Hello?" JC said at the other end of the line. "Hey Jayce, go and pack your stuff NOW." Lance said, smiling. "Uh, why?" JC asked, puzzled. "Because you're coming on tour with us tomorrow morning. You're not doing any N'sync things, but you'll get to be with me AND rest. I talked to Mrs Anderson and she agreed. What do you say?" Lance asked. "Are you serious?" JC asked, stunned. "Yep, dead serious." Lance said. JC remained silent. "Jayce? Is there something wrong?" Lance asked, worried. "Oh my God, no, there's nothing wrong! I'm just...Oh my God, Lance, we'll be together!" JC said excitedly. "Yes! Aren't you glad you have a clever boyfriend who thought of calling your doctor?" Lance asked. "I'd be glad to have you as a boyfriend even if you were ugly, stupid and stinky, which you're not, fortunately..." JC said, running to his bedroom and throwing clothes in a suitcase. Lance laughed. "I'm glad I'm not, cause I don't think I'd last long with you... anyways, you have to go to the travelling agency and grab your ticket. And hurry, because you leave at 9 pm. You'll arrive at about 10 pm in Wilmington and I'll have a car waiting for you, because we'll be doing the show at that time. Just go to the hotel and sleep, cause we'll get in pretty late. Okay?" Lance asked. "Okay. Which room are you in?" JC asked. "We have a suite. It's the whole 10th floor. Loonie will be in the elevator, but I don't think you'll have problems with him..." Lance said, laughing. "Okay, great. I can't wait to see you..." JC said. "Me either. It's unbelievable, isn't it? It's only been a few hours and I'm already going crazy." Lance said with a sigh. "I know, I am too. It must be because we're so used to be together all the time... Anyways, I'm gonna call my mom to tell her, then I'll call Just to tell him." JC said happily. "No need to call him, he already knows...No, on second thoughts, call him, and ASAP because I think he's feeling a little more down than he lets on because of that whole Fatima thing. He yelled at us earlier, because we were worrying about him...I think he needs to talk to you, but he doesn't call cause he doesn't want to bother you." Lance said with a sigh. "I'll let him cool down a little, and I'll talk to him tonight okay?." JC asked. "Yeah, fine. You know him better than I do anyway." Lance said. "Okay. Gotta go now, I have to get my ticket and finish my suitcases and all and I don't think I'll get much done with you on the phone." JC laughed. "True. Well I guess I'll see you tonight?" Lance said with glee. "Yup, definetly. Thanks James. I really appreciate it." JC said. "Don't mention it Josh. It was REALLY egoïstic of me!" Lance said, smiling. "I know. But I'm glad anyway. I love you baby." JC whispered. Lance's smile grew bigger. "I love you more. See ya tonight!" Lance said. "Yeah. Bye!" JC said, then he hung up. He collapsed on the bed and a huge smile spread across his face.

Lance ran off stage and into the mini van that was waiting for them to leave the arena. It had been a good show, even if they were missing a huge part of the band, even if Justin was as angry as he was that afternoon. He was sitting in the back of the van, his discman on, bobbing his head to some rap music Lance couldn't name. Joey was sitting just beside him, fast asleep. Chris had called shotgun and he was eating some chocolate stuff a fan had brought him. And Lance was sitting there, almost unable to get up and run because that damned van wasn't going fast enough. He was so excited about finally being with JC that he had forgotten to stay backstage for the last number, 'Bye bye bye'. A bodyguard had to run after him to get him on stage on time. Lance rested his head on the window and tried to think of something else, but he just couldn't. Images of JC filled his head and a goofy grin was painted on his face. 'Why isn't that driver driving faster?' he thought over and over. Finally, after fifteen minutes that seemed like fifteen days to Lance, they arrived at the hotel. Justin got off the van first, followed by Chris, then Lance had to wake Joey up, then they both ran in, not wanting to be mobbed at that time of the night. Yep, even at 11:30 pm, there werehundreds of fans waiting outside their hotel, screaming their heads off. (How did they make it from the show to the hotel in less time than the guys? I guess only God knows...) Lance rushed inside the elevator and pressed the 10th floor button. The ride was quiet, except for the small sounds coming from Justin's headphones. They got out and Lance had to restrain himself from running to his room. He unlocked the door of the suite, then walked pretty fastly to his room. He opened the door and there was...nothing. "Jayce?" Lance called. He went back to the living room. "Have you guys seen JC?" he asked. "Nope. Maybe his flight was delayed, don't worry." Joey said. "Have you checked the shower?" Chris said. Lance ran to the bathroom and opened the door. Indeed, the shower was running. Lance quickly got out of his clothes and peeked inside the shower. JC stood there in all his glory, his back to him. Lance quietly stepped in and wrapped his arms around JC's waist. JC tensed up a little, the relaxed when he recognised Lance. "Hey scared me." JC said in a sexy voice. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to." Lance said. JC spun around and wrapped his arms around Lance's neck. "Hey." he whispered. "Hey yourself." Lance whispered back. He leaned in and pressed his lips to JC's. Both their erections were rubbing against their wet abs and soon they were kissing passionately, moaning in each other's mouth. JC broke the kiss and looked at Lance. "Do you want this?" he whispered. "I think little Lance here can answer that question..." Lance said softly, looking at his swollen member. "Yeah, but do you want this? You said you weren't ready know..." JC said. "Yeah, I know what I said. But I want you Josh. I need you. Now." Lance said, then he kissed JC again. He grabbed JC's cock and gave it a few strokes. JC moaned loudly and caressed Lance's back, then he trailed his finger down Lance's crack and started to play with his pink hole. Lance's cock grew even bigger and with his free hand, Lance grabbed the soap and soaped up his hand, then he stroke JC's cock again, coating it with soap. "Fuck me Jayce." Lance asked with his deep voice. "Gladly." JC said and went behind Lance. He slowly inserted his soapy cock in Lance's ass. Lance grunted and leaned against the wall. JC took that as a cue and he started to move in and out of Lance's ass. With his right hand, he started to play with Lance's ball, and with his left he grabbed Lance's cock and jerked it in sync (no pun intended) with his fucking. Soon enough, he felt Lance's balls getting stiffer. "I'm gonna cum Josh...cum with me..." Lance pleaded, panting. "Oh yeah baby, I'm cumming soon it cums..." JC said as he released a huge load of semen in Lance's ass. Feeling JC's cum filling his insides, Lancecame too, coating the wall in front of him. JC withdrew his cok from Lance's ass and leaned against him. He kissed his neck and panted. "God, Lance, that was great." he whispered. "I know..." Lance panted, still recovering from his intense orgasm. They heard a loud banging on their room's door. "Are you guys done in there? It's almost midnight and we're trying to sleep!" they heard Joey's voice yell. JC laughed lightly and Lance turned around to face him. "I'm glad to see you Josh." he said, then he kissed him softly. "I'm glad to see you too...Let's get outta here before we get all pruney." JC said, turning off the shower. They got out, dried themselves off and went to bed. Lance rested his head on JC's chest and sighed. "You don't know how happy I am that you're here with me." Lance said. "I'd follow you anywhere in the world. Even if I'm sick, even if it makes me sicker than I already am, I wanna be with you Lance, I never wanna leave your side again." JC said softly. He remained silent for a moment and then he looked at Lance. "Will you marry me James?"


Don't forget to e-mail me with comments, questions, whatever!

Next: Chapter 15

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